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SOUL Coach Makay Tautu

SOUL Coach Makay Tautu

By Makay Tautu SOUL Coach

Join SOUL Coach Makay Tautu in conversations that give insight on exactly how to live a SOUL synced life. With a niché in generational healing, Makay tackles cleansing your past, enriching your present and relaunching your future as you create your Generational Legacy!
Currently playing episode

#6 Becoming the Wise Woman

SOUL Coach Makay TautuNov 30, 2021

#19 Parenting Resilient Kids After Trauma with Kateri Reyes

#19 Parenting Resilient Kids After Trauma with Kateri Reyes

Holistic Health & Transformation Coach, Kateri Reyes shares her very tender story. From overcoming abuse to allowing a legacy of joy to be born from the loss of her precious 6 year old, Avery, Kateri developed specific skillsets of strength and grew triumph from tragedy. You will be blown away by the mindset she embraced and the things she did to claim safety for her children and imprint a courage to take life head on and IN JOY! Get ready to be inspired!
Feb 02, 202348:59
#18 3 Parenting Concerns for Millennial Parents with Anne Marie Lamers

#18 3 Parenting Concerns for Millennial Parents with Anne Marie Lamers

Hang out with me and Pediatric ICU Nurse, Anne Marie Lamers as we discuss some of the most sensitive realities facing Millennial parents today. Anne Marie has done massive amounts of research, and she’s got great advise on how to come to your own intuitive decisions about medical needs, emotional support and exemplifying to your kids how to stay grounded in their identity amongst the confusing messages they face in todays world.
Jan 27, 202349:07
#17 Goal Setting With God

#17 Goal Setting With God

There are times when we feel that no matter what we do, things just don’t work out as planned. We’ve prayed and tried….and didn’t hit the mark. What if to hit that goal, you went about including God a little differently? What if you had a little more skin in the game? This episode gives a pretty neat way to enrich the way you set goals. And p.s.….I made it in college too!;)
Jan 06, 202315:37
#16 Things I Wish My Younger Self Knew with Bestie Julie Haslem

#16 Things I Wish My Younger Self Knew with Bestie Julie Haslem

Join me and my bestie, Julie Haslem, as we tell you all the things that we wish we would have known when we were younger! Buckle up, because we get raw and real my friends!
Dec 30, 202235:00
#15 POWER To Be Me In 2023

#15 POWER To Be Me In 2023

How has 2020-2022 impacted your DNA? How can you heal the past 3 years and reclaim your personal POWER going into 2023? I’ve got you! Let’s do this thang!!!
Dec 17, 202218:19
#14 Picture Yourself

#14 Picture Yourself

One of my 50 new things I’m doing this year was having my very first “branding shoot”. Little did I know that it would give me a huge shift in self reflection. I will never be critical of myself again! What a beautiful lesson I’d love to share with each of you!
Oct 25, 202212:20
#13 God’s Will vs. My Will

#13 God’s Will vs. My Will

When your blocks are showing up or you feel stuck in your progress or goals, understanding God’s will verses your will can be the paradigm shift you’ve been looking for.
May 13, 202214:25
#12. Overcoming Adversity with Ann Rodman

#12. Overcoming Adversity with Ann Rodman

Ann Rodman refused to accept a life path that she knew was not meant to be hers. Listen to her journey of determination, mindset transformation and faith! It’s not even about doing “hard things”. It’s about refusing to give in to what is not yours to bare. Ann shares exactly how to power THROUGH the storm and literally create the Legacy. SOUL Truth babes!
Feb 24, 202240:19
#11 Rapid Emotional Reset

#11 Rapid Emotional Reset

What you want in your life is not “time” away from you….it’s just a frequency away! Especially when you are working on clearing old unwanted generational stories, there will be the blocks!….Distractions, self sabotage, feeling paralyzed or completely overwhelmed. It’s NORMAL! It’s to be expected! Girl….claim that frequency right back! Here is a great little exercise to help you feel recentered. Re-aligned. SOUL Synced.
Feb 06, 202214:11
#10 “The Power of I Am”

#10 “The Power of I Am”

One of the most impactful books I ever read was “The Power of I Am” by Joel Olsteen. I LOVE HIM! (And I recommend listening to it as you read along so you can hear his super cute accent!) I had always been sensitive to the power and vibration of words, but it was then that my understanding became deep and eternal. In this podcast we will claim our Divine power together as we set a powerful vibration for today!
Feb 04, 202213:28
#9 Consecrating Goals with God

#9 Consecrating Goals with God

The definition of “consecrate” is to dedicate for a sacred purpose. Shouldn’t our goals be sacred? As we attempt to change for the better and up level specific parts of our life, partnering with God invites miracles! In this episode, I share how I have learned to consecrate my goals and activate the powers of heaven in creating success in my life!
Dec 30, 202119:13
#8 Epigenetics &Nutrition with Lauren Busch

#8 Epigenetics &Nutrition with Lauren Busch

I am honored to welcome the brilliant Lauren Busch to the Podcast! After listening, so much will make sense to you! You’ll have a better understanding of how we have come to where we are today in mental, emotional and physical health. Most importantly, you’ll know how to start correcting it! After all, at least 3 generations are actively impacting your every day life. Lauren is a nurse, a mother of 9…yes NINE, a successful business woman, a coach and one of my dearest friends. Tune in for powerful knowledge, for resources, for hope and for solutions!
Dec 10, 202145:29
#7 Becoming SOUL Synced

#7 Becoming SOUL Synced

Our SOUL is the body and spirit together! They each have a role to play in insuring we live the life we were meant to live. When you are not soul synced, you’ll feel disconnected, confused or even hopeless…Out of sync. This episode teaches the difference between your Body and your Spirit and how to keep them aligned.
Dec 07, 202114:35
#6 Becoming the Wise Woman

#6 Becoming the Wise Woman

Much thanks to my friend Lorena who taught me this glorious perspective! The learnings in this Podcast could both heal past generations and free our generation! Each experience we have in our life is an ingredient for “Wisdom”. True learning. True understanding. Emotional depth. Spiritual maturity. Mental toughness. Character sharpening. A “Becoming”. Becoming the Wise Woman.
Nov 30, 202119:42
#5 SOUL to SOUL with Keeli Martinez

#5 SOUL to SOUL with Keeli Martinez

How often do you get to be raw and real about generational healing with an international biz woman who leads thousands of entrepreneurs in creating massive success? Keeli Martinez shares her personal journey and the key elements that have allowed her to recognize, end and heal generational patterns. You’ll love how she openly shares her partnership with God, how she processes the hard times and her determination to leave her mark for good in this world! When this episode is over, you’ll feel empowered in that “your mess really can become your message”. Thanks Keeli girl. Love your guts!
Nov 16, 202142:34
#4 The Story of Lot

#4 The Story of Lot

The Story of Lot
One of my favorite instructions from the Bible!!! Who knew that this story could be key in your generational healing journey? Join me and look a little deeper into your adventure on the mountain. And, the release of your Sodom and Gomorrah.
Nov 10, 202111:33
#3 “The Rose”

#3 “The Rose”

“The Rose” 🌹 is one of my very favorite tools for Legacy creation! The relationship with our next generation is EVERYTHING! Here is a way to solidify bonding, communication and friendship with our kiddos. Yes, friendship! It’s possible to be both the parent-with a stewardship of respect and protection and a friend-who is a trusted confidant and coach. The Rose is a beautiful recipe to create both.

I’m the type of gal who likes to take it a bit deeper. I felt impressed to share a new way I’ve learned to use this precious tool. In this episode I’ll share how The Rose has brought me, as a daughter of God, closer to my Father in Heaven.
Nov 08, 202114:21
Episode #2 What Is Generational Healing?

Episode #2 What Is Generational Healing?

Let's talk Generational Junk vs. Generational Legacy! We will get raw and real with simple daily skillsets that release unwanted heavy emotions and old patterns which will attract success in all aspects of your life. Healing your junk results in creating a family rooted in strength, a success synced business and a life legacy! But first….WHAT IS GENERATIONAL HEALING? In this episode, I’ll explain what generational healing is and why I’m obsessed with it! We are a generation of generational healers! We were born for this!
Oct 16, 202117:29
Episode #1 Get to Know Your SOUL Coach, Makay Tautu!

Episode #1 Get to Know Your SOUL Coach, Makay Tautu!

Join SOUL Coach Makay Tautu in conversations that give insight on exactly how to live a SOUL synced life. With a niché in generational healing, Makay tackles cleansing your past, enriching your present and relaunching your future as you create your Generational Legacy! In this podcast, get to know your new SOUL Coach!
Oct 16, 202113:00