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By Selwyn Basil

A podcast for the male of any age dealing with all downs and ups of life. So let's just talk about it.

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Interview:The Scott Men

MandatedSep 29, 2020

Hernia Update: Post Surgery

Hernia Update: Post Surgery

Today I speak on the journey of my surgery and key items to take into account when preparing for your own.
Feb 11, 202329:54
Inguinal Hernia: update #3

Inguinal Hernia: update #3

Very important, guys. Know if your doctor is in-network or out-of-network. Also, make sure to utilize the benefits of insurance fully, such as HSA, HRA, FSA cards. They can be useful in many ways.
Jan 13, 202314:26
Promiscuity: Spilling the seed

Promiscuity: Spilling the seed

One aspect of growing up as a young man was that we weren't taught about the importance of our seed. Without that knowledge, we give ourselves away, many times over. The dna inside has more value than we can ever imagine. Young men, don't spill the best of you, which hasn't been discovered yet. Genesis 38:8-10
Jan 11, 202311:59
Family Time: Grandpa

Family Time: Grandpa

Today I'm just sharing what really blessed my heart over the Christmas holiday. Hope that every father or grandfather uses their time wisely when spending time with their children of all ages. For me, I dream of seeing all of our children and grandchildren at one table during a family meal. This past week, God showed me a glimpse of that very seed coming to fruition. 

Just as God told Abram(Abraham) that he will be a father of many nations, my wisdom and experience will also help to build nations within our family tree.

Have a blessed day everyone!

Dec 28, 202214:41
Men's Encounter North w/Bett Harvey
Dec 22, 202229:21
Men's Health: Talk it out

Men's Health: Talk it out

Please call 988 for assistance in preventing suicide. There is value in you. Found myself in conversation with a coworker sharing experiences he endured while helping a buddy of his. Situations, time and immediacy play duel, but not competing roles in the attempt of suicide. Guys, ladies, many times we can avoid life changing results by simply talking. Don't discount your presence and influence in the lives of others. Your very joy can give someone hope.
Dec 20, 202213:58
Mental Health: Suicide

Mental Health: Suicide

Please dial 988 if you are battling thoughts of suicide.
Dec 16, 202218:51
Men's Health: Inquinal Hernias pt2

Men's Health: Inquinal Hernias pt2

Had the opportunity to share my IH journey with a few men on tonight's bible study. Fellas, don't discount your experience to just be your story alone.  Other men need to to know what you experience as a path for what they will. In that, it may relieve anxiety that may be present. 

Time to open up.

Dec 14, 202212:34
Men's Health: Inguinal Hernias
Dec 07, 202217:29
Faith as the center of tomorrow

Faith as the center of tomorrow

Faith is a beautiful way of life. Being so focused on the things of God is always a great place to be. However, often times we are so focused that we tend to forget how we are actually functioning. Have you taken time to stop and focus on where faith plays its role in everything.

Romans 10:17 "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith and not by sight."

Dec 03, 202211:55
It's In You!

It's In You!

Have you ever been at a point of going to the next level, but lacked the wisdom, didn't know how to do it, or had fear of moving forward? This is the day to "cross over". The children of Israel were about to cross over to their land of promise, but needed an ancestor, Joshua, to lead them (Joshua 3:1-4). There is someone in your life that has been there before, who can help guide your next steps.
Nov 30, 202209:36
Fire & Smoke: Finding Purpose

Fire & Smoke: Finding Purpose

Yesterday at service Anthony Walker spoke about Resurrected HOPE and not forgetting the promises of God, which are yes and amen. A thought came to me that fire and smoke can represent where we are not only in promise, but purpose. Are you smoke or fire. Either way, get up, get out and go after it.
Nov 28, 202213:59
My First Vote

My First Vote

Just a quick insight to my first vote on November 4, 2022 as a United States Citizen!
Definitely can't wait to vote again.

Nov 14, 202218:23
Room Making

Room Making

Prov 18:16
"A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men."

We wonder about our gift making room for us. But keep in mind, the room is only as big as how much you have developed the gift. Wreck the silo of what is in your hand. Meaning, focus on the one, specific talent/gift that has your attention.

You can do this. Wreck it!

Oct 26, 202214:21
Leadership Level
Sep 22, 202214:54
Men Are Necessary
Sep 19, 202223:60
Leading the conversation:

Leading the conversation:

Recently I came across a short clip of professor Jordan Peterson being interviewed for a Dutch documentary. Within the interview a statement was made that men that follow him feel Mr. Petersen says that "it's okay to be a man". His reply, "it's not okay, it's necessary." That is where I begin today's short conversation.

The importance of how we begin conversations, determines the trajectory and the possibility of success. Any conversation about men that begin with "toxic" automatically leads to the negativity of men. However, if we change the narrative to begin with the "state of men", there is more of a likely-hood males will have a better outlook for their lives and those attached to them.

Jordan Peterson interview:
Scripture: I Corinthians 16:13 "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."

Aug 15, 202210:24
My Prayer for you

My Prayer for you

Simply wanted to share a prayer for you.
Aug 08, 202203:17
Motivated to be a Motivation

Motivated to be a Motivation

It's great to listen to inspiring men and women, looking to empower other men and women to their best self. Today's age has revealed to us that there is more within that we can use to create and build. However, there comes a time when you have to look internally, be quickened (brought alive) to what has strengthened you.
Become the motivation.
1 Samuel 30:6
Aug 08, 202212:09
Operating in Freedom

Operating in Freedom

The Place of Now & the Place of Tomorrow. Are you frustrated with the transition of moving into what you have been called to be?
Today I discuss my recent frustration over the last week, which showed me that I wasn't Operating in my Freedom. Not being free means
that we are bond or tied down.

Don't discount yourself or where you are now. Use it as a launch to what awaits. 

Philippians 4:13 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Aug 08, 202215:29
Wimoweh Day

Wimoweh Day

Guys, just an encouraging word to recognize the time in front of you. As every day is busy in routine of getting up, getting ready for work, going to work (on time) and dealing with the hustle of day, time is very important.

And sometimes we just need to slow down and see time for what it is, an opportunity to poor into those closest to you.

On this episode I share how my day began in the Robins household.

Aug 08, 202210:38
Recalled to be Released

Recalled to be Released

Last week I realized that for over seven years I've been hiding in a cave. From my divorce in 2014 to 2022, I've been hiding from the enemy, yet dwelling with God. I found a pillow to lay my head down for rest but had gotten too comfortable. This became relevant as I read the story of Elijah (1 Kings 18).

Are you still hiding in a cave from the past and present?

Listen in to find out how to escape your cave! Get out and move!

May 30, 202216:10
Role of Men pt2: Affirmation
Jan 10, 202237:25
Role of Men in the Family

Role of Men in the Family

Welcome to 2022!

Jan 03, 202219:32
Jonah: Fasting Time

Jonah: Fasting Time

Jonah 3

Do you remember a second chance in life? Do you remember the first? After hearing the word of God a second time, Jonah makes his journey to Nineveh and proclaims Gods word. As a result, the people repent and fast. Just the same, the king casts aside his robe (authority, duties and responsibilities) to consecrate himself as well.

It's one thing for the people of the land to fast. It's another when designated and/or appointed leaders and the word is proclaimed.

Isaiah 58:6-8

Dec 13, 202126:58
Jonah: Getting out of Hell(Sheol)

Jonah: Getting out of Hell(Sheol)

Jonah 2

Often times when we rebel the results tend to never work out for our good. Jonah's nonchalant attitude and stubbornness leads him
to become a man overboard, to settle in a dark place.

Ministry, at it's heart, is not about the messenger, but about those who will receive the message. Jonahs 'great fish' reflects how it takes someone or something bigger than us to move us. His 'belly' experience represents not only a place of darkness, but a time of prayer and birthing into a new life.

As Jonah, we too need to look again towards God's holy temple.

Dec 06, 202128:59
Jonah: Man Overboard

Jonah: Man Overboard

Jonah 1:10-16

We go deeper into the character of Jonah at a time where he is needed most. Many times we realize our lives would be better staying in our silos. Not having to deal with anyone or the world. However, when God has spoken his will over us, it's time to move.

Unknowingly, Jonah is the key to the salvation of the ships mariners headed to Tarsus. Because of their urgency of life they cry out to the Lord after their 'gods' could not provide safety. Without thinking, actions of the 'called church', us, you, me can indirectly lead someone to Jesus. 

We have been asked to be a light that cannot be hid. So let our light shine for those that need direction.

Being uncomfortable is necessary.

Nov 28, 202121:01
Jonah: Stop Sleeping on your Gifting

Jonah: Stop Sleeping on your Gifting

Jonah 1:4-9

It's time to arise, go and use the God-given gifting in you. His word in there for a purpose greater than we know. But in order to see it, we have to move in it. This is not the time to be selfish, but obedient.

Stay committed to the process.

Nov 17, 202120:43
Committed to the Process

Committed to the Process

This past weekend has been a great highlight over my 48 years. Over a two year period of being engaged in discipleship with other men, I am now Commissioned to Minister to Men.

Listen in as I talk about my experience.

Nov 08, 202118:32
November 8, 2021

November 8, 2021

Nov 08, 202100:31
Jonah: Running from God

Jonah: Running from God

Guys, how many times have you seen yourself running from a certain responsibility? From a young age there was always something we were very reluctant to do. For instance, taking out the trash, washing dishes, taking care of the yard and HOMEWORK!

What were the results?

Jonah 1:1-3 helps us to identify that in our own calling, we too, tend to run from God.

Listen in as we begin to unfold his story of the next few weeks.

Sep 20, 202128:18
Vulnerability: "I Don't Know"

Vulnerability: "I Don't Know"

When a parent asks a child what's wrong and their reply is "I don't know", they are speaking honestly that they don't know. When it comes to manhood its the same, to a degree because we have been in the world long enough to know most of our emotions. And then on the other hand, we are that same little boy trying to discover his feelings in life.

Vulnerability forces us to say "I don't know" which we can't afford to not know the answer. Its about understanding our emotions and having the courage to express them.

Vulnerability: vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty


noun: vulnerability; plural noun: vulnerabilities

  1. the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
Aug 30, 202125:41
Being Vulnerable!

Being Vulnerable!

Coming off a great event at Kingdom Ekklesia Church with Pastor Jason Johnson, Apotles Dettrick and Azeez this past weekend. So much word that we took in that allowed us all to be transparent, with the hope of helping men grow. One word that stuck with me is one that should go into the vocabulary for men. That word is 'vulnerable', coupled with trauma.

This episode was created specifically to help address how men do not allow themselves to be open, but rather stay closed in various areas of our life. What filters do we have in place that strengthens us? What filters do we have in place that keeps out all the bad stuff?

Let's find those answers together.

Aug 16, 202135:13
Let's Talk About It: Sexual Assault with Emiliano Diaz de Leon
Aug 03, 202101:00:19
Let's Talk About It: Comparison in Masculinity #2

Let's Talk About It: Comparison in Masculinity #2

How many times do we compare ourselves to other people? Today's world of engagement through social media gives room for anyone to compare based off the life of others.

Comparison makes us compromise who we are in order to be someone else. 

As Les Brown says, "the greatness in you".

Jul 29, 202116:54
Let's Talk About It: Comparison in Masculinity

Let's Talk About It: Comparison in Masculinity

How many times have you compared to yourself to others? Too many times right? Well let today be the day it stops.
For a long time I looked at and up to others, not believing that I have ability within myself to accomplish great things.

Guys, believe in yourself! God gave you special gifts and abilities to operate in your Circle of Influence. That COI is what
makes you, you.

Jul 11, 202125:15
Let's Talk About It: Jason Johnson (The Umbrella of Masculinity, Healthy & Toxic)
Jun 22, 202150:33
Let's Talk About It: Healthy & Toxic Masculinity - What's Your Umbrella?

Let's Talk About It: Healthy & Toxic Masculinity - What's Your Umbrella?

Today I talk about building an umbrella of what your healthy and toxic masculinity looks like. Instead of lending a slant towards one side of the topic, let's try to balance it out by introducing a healthy viewpoint.

Help me out guys, what are some of the things that you feel are healthy and toxic in today's world of masculinity? Are we becoming better at reducing the negative consequences, or making it worse? 

What are some of the areas that have aided us in becoming healthy or toxic? How can we combat the negative stereotypes? Proverbs 18:21 says, "death and life are in the power of the tongue." That's are start. Speaking words of affirmations that go against the true ideals of what manhood should be.

Jun 14, 202128:16
Let's Talk About It: Toxic Masculinity

Let's Talk About It: Toxic Masculinity

Defined: An upbringing that positions a young man/man to live and act in a way to promote manhood, but actually emasculates it. Yup, hits you right in the gut. Such a hot topic not just for today, but every day. Guys, how can we begin to change the culture of toxicity the world sees? For me, it always starts and ends with Jesus.

Imagine going as fast as you want, where ever you want, doing what ever you want. Then coming across a speed limit sign that says you need to slow down and change direction because danger is up ahead. However we ignore the warning signs and crash. The presence of that sign is awareness of our behavior. It's up to us to not only see the dangers of our actions and character, but also to know how that reflects on those young men, girls and women that watch us.

May 20, 202128:47
Interview: Freddie Sandifer - Man of many hats
May 11, 202149:35
Let's Deal with it: Pornogragphy
Mar 31, 202122:30
Interview: Tony Rorie - Founder of Men & Ladies of Honor
Feb 26, 202144:50
Race: My First Encounter
Feb 11, 202130:23
Welcome to 2021: Recap & What's Coming

Welcome to 2021: Recap & What's Coming

Hey guys, welcome to another year, two weeks removed. Today is January 11, 2021 and I'm joyous to know you are here with me as well. Our show today touches on issues of 2020 along with a quick overview of our guests.

Look forward to speaking to you once again and soon!

Feb 11, 202131:53
Lanes: Minding Family & Business

Lanes: Minding Family & Business

I never knew how much life (my life) is traversed in lanes. Listen in as I discuss how we navigate lanes to success.

Jan 23, 202120:40
Interview: CharlesRays Coffe & Roasters
Dec 25, 202048:24
Interview: Nakia Douglas, Exec. Director of TRIO & Pre-Collegiate Programs at UNT Dallas

Interview: Nakia Douglas, Exec. Director of TRIO & Pre-Collegiate Programs at UNT Dallas

Alright gentlemen. Great time connecting with Nakia Douglas, Exec. Director of Trio & Pre-Collegiate Programs at UNT Dallas. With education being such a vital part of how we are navigating through 2020, Mr. Douglas speaks to us today on various topics centered on it as a foundation. As an educator he's influenced young women and men to become the best possible version of themselves. Along the way his own journey has been inspired by his mothers sacrifice and leaders that have given wisdom throughout his personal growth.

Quote: “When you passion and purpose are aligned, you have found your true calling.”

Current Read:
Uncommon by Tony Dungy
The Grave Robber by Mark Batterson
The Servant Leader by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges

Social Media link(s):
@Nakiadouglas75 / Instagram/Twitter/LinkedIn

Dec 18, 202042:45
Interview: Enterpreneurship w/Christopher Harold
Nov 27, 202051:52
The Mask Men Wear
Nov 03, 202027:59
Interview:The Scott Men
Sep 29, 202031:60