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A Better Mousetrap

A Better Mousetrap

By A Better Mouse Trap

A Better Mousetrap podcast finds the founders and leaders in New York City's startup and tech community. The host, Marcos Dinnerstein, brings out their insights, industry knowledge and their stories. The highs, lows, and in-betweens that shape us and make us who we are.
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Bob Bennett, A Smart City Leader Helping Cities Better Serve

A Better MousetrapMay 15, 2019

Learning to Live With Ourselves and Our Partners - Therapist Mary J. Giuffra, Ph.D.
Mar 29, 202128:10
David Ryan Polgar: A Champion For Responsible Tech

David Ryan Polgar: A Champion For Responsible Tech

This interview was done in the Fall of last year. For various reasons including a global pandemic and pure laziness, this has been gathering digital dust on my digital shelf. But David Ryan Polgar and the team at All Tech Is Human are doing important work so late or not, this is a good introduction to their world.

Since this interview, David Ryan Polar and All Tech Is Human have been doing significant work to advance the movement of Responsible Tech. They’ve created a job board for Responsible Tech, issued an extensive report, Improving Social Media: The People, Organizations and Ideas for a Better Tech Future, launched a Slack channel, and are building a University Responsible Tech Pathways Program. 

If I were to sit down again with David, which I hope to do again in the future, I’d want to get his thoughts on 

  • Google’s firing of two leaders of their AI ethics team 
  • The January 6 insurgency and the role that social media played its planning and implementation 
  • Law enforcement’s use of cell phone location tracking 

and so much more that has happened since this interview. That will have to wait until the next time we can talk.

To learn more about David Ryan Polgar go to And for All Tech Is Human, go to


Mar 11, 202136:42
Privacy-By-Design in a Contact Tracing App: A Conversation with Micha Benoliel, Co-Founder of Coalition App

Privacy-By-Design in a Contact Tracing App: A Conversation with Micha Benoliel, Co-Founder of Coalition App

Nothing like a good pandemic to rapidly teach us new phrases. “flatten the curve”, “shelter in place”, “social distancing”, “asymptomatic”, “herd immunity” are just of few of the many terms we’re all getting to know and use. has compiled a hefty list of coronavirus terms. Now you too can you can learn more of them or confirm you know them all. (don’t feel smug about that!)

Contact tracing is a term that will be increasingly important as we search for ways to safely resume social activities. I recently had a chance to speak with Micha Benoliel who co-founded the non-profit Coalition Network. Benoliel and his team have been working on decentralized, bluetooth-based networks for 10 years and in 2014 produced a mesh network phone messaging app, FireChat. This messaging app lets users communicate without an internet connection by connecting phone to phone. (that’s the decentralized part of it). Originally launched for Burning Man, it was quickly adopted by the protest movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

This same team, now working under the non-profit company, Coalition Network, quickly developed a ‘privacy-first’ contact tracing app, Coaltion. Listen to how Micha Benoliel explains how a privacy-by-design or privacy-first app works. We all need to understand contact tracing and how the inherent risks to privacy can be mitigated.

May 08, 202019:09
DigDec InfraTech Teaser
Apr 30, 202002:18
DigDec FinTech Teaser

DigDec FinTech Teaser

How is FinTech being used in developing markets? Are the trends pointing towards incumbent players adopting digital strategies or are startups entering the consumer and business markets with services that will supplant the existing players?

And as these newer technologies are adopted, what mix of regulatory forces and market forces will determine the companies that end up on top? These and other questions are posed in this brief intro on FinTech in emerging markets.

Apr 30, 202001:56
DigDec Conversations: InfraTech

DigDec Conversations: InfraTech

InfraTech is a shortening or mashup of Infrastructure Technology. It covers physical infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels, energy tech, and airports. It also encompasses education, healthcare, and transportation. In this episode, David Halpert, founder of Prince Street Capital Management discusses what’s going on in emerging markets with respect to infrastructure in all its forms. Join us for insights on a world of business that many of us need to know more about.

Mar 22, 202011:10
DigDec Conversations: Financial Inclusion

DigDec Conversations: Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion. What do people mean when they use that term? Is it a social movement or is it a business opportunity to address the needs of a vast market of people who have no bank accounts, credit, or access to eCommerce? The simple answer would be yes to being both a social movement and a business opportunity. Financial inclusion has been a hot topic in recent years, and social and technological forces are converging to make it a significant part of economies in emerging markets.

Once again, I had a chance to speak with David Halpert, founder of Prince Street Capital Management, to get his perspective on the meaning of financial inclusion. What it means to these economies, to people who are either, ‘unbanked’ or ‘under-banked’, and how these trends present an investment opportunity. And he contextualizes these trends as part of the larger DigDec, i.e. Digital Decolonization, trend being espoused by Prince Street Capital Management. This is another don’t-miss episode.

Mar 22, 202025:16
DigDec Conversations: HealthTech in Emerging Markets

DigDec Conversations: HealthTech in Emerging Markets

We continue our conversation with Prince Street Capital Management's founder, David Halpert. In this episode, we talk about trends in HealthTech in emerging markets where there are both significant opportunities as well as challenges. Where there is no firmly established system in place both new technologies and entire healthcare systems can take root and provide services at lower cost and with better outcomes. How do various developing countries meet their own countries' healthcare needs? Plug in and listen to this engrossing conversation to find out.

Mar 17, 202028:53
DigDec HealthTech Teaser
Mar 16, 202002:23
DigDec Teaser

DigDec Teaser


More and more of the world economy is going digital. Whether it's buying plane tickets or applying for credit card loans or looking up healthcare prescriptions, the world is shifting toward a more data-driven and more digital economy.

Today, US & Chinese companies account for 90% of tech market cap. But there remains a huge question – will the rollout of digital services across the developing world be a “colonial” economy run by global multinationals from the US and China, or will it be more local?

We think it is likely to be increasingly less centralized and more distributed. Though we still believe that US and Chinese technology companies will benefit from the digitization of emerging and frontier markets, we think local companies will benefit too.

In daily headlines, we see momentum building for “digital economic nationalism” where local entrepreneurs and governments want greater control over their digital assets.

We define this concept as Digital Decolonization, or DigDec – a process by which entrepreneurs, companies, governments and consumers in developing markets reclaim their digital economies and ecosystems from global multinationals, and develop indigenous solutions for local problems.

We believe this is a global movement with ramifications for technology, for e-commerce, for financial services, for healthcare, for electric power, for infrastructure and for so many other sectors.

Homegrown champions, with help from regulators and political leaders, are helping to build value and wealth in their societies. Homegrown champions are improving local customer experience by creating products and services that appeal to local tastes and customs. And homegrown champions are leapfrogging multinationals by adapting and improving on business models pioneered in the developed world.

We believe DigDec is one of the most important developments in globalization at this point in history. Find out more by listening to David Halpert, the founder of Prince Street Capital Management and a champion of the DigDec thesis, on A Better Mousetrap podcast on Spotify.

Mar 14, 202002:21
Prince Street Capital Management: A talk with David Halpert on Digital Decolonization

Prince Street Capital Management: A talk with David Halpert on Digital Decolonization

Digital Decolonization is a term that will reshape how we think of businesses in, and investing in, emerging markets such as in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. And this is not a matter of semantics - of po-tay-to / po-tah-to.

How an idea is framed is important when it comes to gaining wider acceptance. ‘Pro-choice vs. Pro-life’ or ‘freedom fighters vs. revolutionaries’. These are linguistic framings. And they represent conscious efforts to define a worldview.

Join me in my talk with David Halpert, for an in-depth look at his investment company, Prince Street Capital Management. This is very much about Digital Decolonization and how it will affect people in a world that is now dominated by FAANG-BAT, i.e. Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. David knows this world intimately and offers insights gleaned from years of investing in emerging markets. This is a good one. Have a listen.

Feb 22, 202036:50
Wonchang Terry Choi: The Start of a Career in Alternative Assets

Wonchang Terry Choi: The Start of a Career in Alternative Assets

A Russian, a Columbian, and a Korean walked into a bar. No, this isn't the latest joke that seeks to elevate one group at the expense of others. This is a story of three immigrants elevating the U.S. They do this by joining forces to apply skills, ambition, and grit to create an investment company that will, in turn, elevate the companies they invest in. This investment company is the newly formed 13Ventures, the brainchild of Katya Dorozhkina, and Diego Berrio. I leave it to you, the astute reader, to guess who is Russian and who is Columbian. 

Today's podcast shines a spotlight on Wonchang Terry Choi, who, as a teen, came from Korea to the U.S. to study. With limited English skills and a strong desire to be special, he excelled in High School and is a recent graduate of Fordham's Gabelli School of Business. And now he works as a Junior Partner, Investment Principal at 13Ventures. This is the beginning of his professional journey so his story has just begun. But his intelligence, curiosity, drive, and love of finance will make anyone want to spend time listening to his story so far. Pull up a chair. Click play.

For the best in founder opportunities, tech events, and news, subscribe to A Better Mousetrap newsletter.

Jan 19, 202031:34
Linhaus: Lisa Linhardt Creates Unique Jewelry

Linhaus: Lisa Linhardt Creates Unique Jewelry

Can you make artisanal, one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry and also scale the production of those works? Does that sound like a contradiction?

That's the question confronting Lisa Linhardt and her team at Linhaus, a tech-enabled operation for jewelry, design, and craft. The melding of old and new technology will forge an alloy perhaps never before seen in the world of high-end jewelry.  Speaking with Lisa, I'm reminded of the work of Nathan Myhrvold in the world of cooking. 

CAD, RHINO, laser cutting, 3D printing are all part of the toolset used at Linhaus. Listen to how this will all work to create unique pieces that employ and honor traditional craft with expanding what's possible with new technology. Listen now. Then visit the new store at 156 First Avenue in New York City.

Dec 15, 201927:59
FD Global Connections Brings FinTech Co's to NYC - Fall 2019

FD Global Connections Brings FinTech Co's to NYC - Fall 2019

Last year I interviewed the companies that were visiting the US as part of FD Global Connections program and this year I was lucky enough to connect with the latest batch of companies. They don’t disappoint. Based in either the UK or Australia, each is exploring entering the US market to expand its customer base, forge new partnerships and grow their company. See below for more.

Starts: 0:40

Trena Blair, Founder & CEO of FD Global Connections, a Sydney, Australia based consultancy that prepares and launches Australian and UK companies into the US market and US companies into the Australian market.

Starts: 5:13

Pascale Helyar-Moray and Emily Hollingum, Super-Rewards: Australia 

Super Rewards offers a unique customer experience whereby customers shop online, earn cash rewards, which are paid into their pension account. This Fintech targets women and solving the problem of insufficient funds for retirement. They've recently launched in Australia and with organizations such as Apple, ETSY, Emirates already signed as partners, they are now entering the USA market. Their focus will be on Retailers, Retirement Fund Managers and affiliate organizations and introductions to investors for a 2020 fundraise. 

Starts: 14:35

Roger Manu, Cloudcase: Australia

Cloudcase Software Solutions (CSS) is a software and services company using contemporary design to automate simple and highly complex business processes for virtually any product and industry sector. Cloudcase does this across any channel and can be configured, launched and maintained by customers or third parties. They started to scale into the USA in early 2019 and are initially targeting banks, insurance companies, card processing companies.

Starts: 23:37

Derek Stewart, PAYSME: UK, 

Paysme delivers increased mobile engagement by championing small business owners in their local communities. Their suite of financial services will help shape the future of mobile payments, commerce & enterprise.

Starts: 33:05

Oliver Calma, BCRemit: UK

BCRemit is a disruptive online money transfer platform that provides the lowest transfer fees in the market. Their first market has been migrant workers in Europe. New to the US market and BCRemit will focus on the Asian migration population in the USA, at first in New York, California, Florida, and Illinois.

Nov 24, 201941:28
Kevin Siskar, Co-Founder of EquityToken, A Blockchain-based Cap Table
Sep 15, 201927:19
Ismael El-Qudsi, of SocialPubli, Talks Micro-Influencers and Maximum Returns

Ismael El-Qudsi, of SocialPubli, Talks Micro-Influencers and Maximum Returns

Do you know what a micro-influencer is? Regardless of what you think you know, you'll learn much more when you listen to Ismael El-Qudsi talk about the immense return of investment (ROI) that using micro-influencers can bring and how SocialPubli lets advertisers scale this potent tool in one market or across multiple markets in different countries. Listen now.

Aug 25, 201922:41
Daniel Meth, SitParker

Daniel Meth, SitParker

Join me in this thoroughly enjoyable conversation with Dan Meth, Founder of SitParker, a platform for restaurants, bars, and other venues to manage events more easily and realize more profit per event. About halfway into the interview Dan tells a great story about pitching his first investor.  This one made me laugh out loud a couple of times. Don’t miss that.

One more thing. I left in a post show moment of panic that you might enjoy. 

Aug 07, 201922:04
Elusio Zafar Alcalde, Founder of TaxMap

Elusio Zafar Alcalde, Founder of TaxMap

Benjamin Franklin said something like, "There are only two things certain in life, death and taxes" While perhaps a bit fatalistic, it has a ring of truth to it.

My recent conversation with TaxMap founder, F. Elusio Zafar Alcalde, tells me that cryptocurrencies are growing up and accepting at least one of life's certainties, taxes. What might seem like a dry topic is anything but when handled by Elusio. Join me in digging into this topic that all real businesses, and people not living off the grid, must contend with. An unexpected gem: Elusio's enthusiasm for creating a business in the U.S. and specifically in New York City. Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes to appreciate what's all around you. Here's a bit of what our import from the U.K., Elusio, had to say, 

"NYC - the energy of the city - the serendipity of the city as well is amazing. There’s nothing like it anywhere else around the world. You can meet anybody and share an idea, and build something… "

And from the looks and sound of things, Elusio Zafar Alcalde is doing just that.

Jul 27, 201925:30
Josh Goldenberg of Clarifai Talks Computer Vision
Jun 29, 201920:42
RoninAI, A Place to Trade Cryptocurrencies
Jun 09, 201940:43
Livekick Delivers Certified Trainers for Personalized Sessions

Livekick Delivers Certified Trainers for Personalized Sessions

Shayna Schmidt, Co-Founder (left) and Michele Ross,  (right) Head of Business Development talk about Livekick, their online fitness and wellness company, Livekick enables one-on-one, interactive fitness training and yoga sessions. They make the case that what they are doing delivers a better experience than the current online fitness businesses that are non-interactive broadcasts. Hear the full story.

Stay on top of tech events and founder opportunities. Subscribe to A Better Mousetrap newsletter.

May 26, 201919:46
Bob Bennett, A Smart City Leader Helping Cities Better Serve

Bob Bennett, A Smart City Leader Helping Cities Better Serve

When people hear the title Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) they typically think of someone employing the latest cutting edge tech to solve a big problem. Bob Bennett, is more creative than that. This former CIO of Kansas City, MO, founder of B Squared Civic Solutions and Chair of the Cities Today Institute solves problems with whatever tools fit the job. To borrow a metaphor he used, 'not every problem is a nail.'

The specifics: Bob oversaw a wildly creative solution to the problem of deer going onto airport runways - cattle. Yep. Moo-cows. How does that work? Apparently deer hate cows and won’t go anywhere near them so by leasing the land, surrounding the runways, to cattle farmers the city was both able to earn income while solving a serious safety issue at their airport. 

Hear the many remarkable things achieved during Bob Bennett's tenure as Chief Innovation Officer and hear about the one that got away. This is going to be one of my favorite interviews for a long time. I know you'll enjoy it.

May 15, 201917:44
Noel Hidalgo: BetaNYC Helps NYC Better Serve the Public

Noel Hidalgo: BetaNYC Helps NYC Better Serve the Public

Noel Hidalgo, Executive Director of BetaNYC has been a driving force in good government in New York City for over 10 years. The work that BetaNYC does includes education, empowering NYC's public to use technology and specifically open data, and advocating for safe, fair, technology that benefits the greatest number of people. He's got a great life story that he offers in this interview. Come enter this world.

If you'd like to keep up on what's going on in the startup and tech world in NYC then subscribe to the weekly newsletter, A Better Mousetrap

May 04, 201938:00
Chris Gillespie, Subspace: Swarm Building Software

Chris Gillespie, Subspace: Swarm Building Software

It’s tempting and facile to say that Subspace is trying to “…boldly go where no one has gone before” but in this case it’s true. They are building a platform on which developers can ‘swarm build’ software. The developers review each other’s code in real-time, vote it up or down, and make suggestions, all toward the goal of advancing a software build. All of these forms of contributing to a project are compensated. Not only writing code is valued on this platform. We’ve found them early so listen to my talk with Chris Gillespie at the birth of this new celestial object. 

Apr 27, 201920:26
John Mullin, Founder of Chrgr, Ads You Want to Hold On To
Apr 21, 201927:42
John Liu, Fusion - A Blockchain-based Finance Platform

John Liu, Fusion - A Blockchain-based Finance Platform

This informative conversation with John Liu, Chief Product Officer of Fusion was great. The crypto-anarchist future where nation states are a thing of the past and we anonymously control every facet of our digital lives is probably at least a few more weeks away. In the meantime Fusion, a financial blockchain platform, is tackling issues relating to making all manner of transactions, cheaper, more transparent and faster. The scope and ambition of Fusion’s work is impressive. I invite you to partake and learn, as I did.

Apr 13, 201937:18
Evren Ay, Co-Founder of MotaWord, A New Translation Platform
Apr 09, 201926:34
In Conversation: Brightsky Ventures - Diego Berrio
Apr 09, 201914:29
Disruptivo Looks to Empower Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs

Disruptivo Looks to Empower Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs

Everything about Juan Del Cerro is big. His size, his voice, his warm, enthusiastic manner and most of all his goal of inspiring people, especially young people to start social enterprises. Listen to him talk about the beginnings in Mexico five years ago, how he has grown the business and now will attempt to be successful in the US market. Juan is good company so listen in as we enjoy exploring what Disruptivo does. 

Disruptivo’s social entrepreneurship activities span three areas: teaching, their pre-accelerator program, and the media. They conduct bootcamps, workshops and courses and have been in over 100 colleges and universities. Their pre-accelerator program that has invested in 41 social businesses and their media, including video, podcasting and website has reached over 1 million viewers. 

This week's noteworthy event is:

Thurs., Apr. 4 at 8:00am (Free) Exploring the Successful Growth of FinTech Companies Through Global Expansion

Please join Taylor Wessing, international law firm, and the official promotional agencies of London, Paris Region, Munich, Hong Kong & Tel Aviv along with JETRO the promotional agency for Japan as they share their strengths and the opportunities they provide for doing business, in support of your decision-making for international expansion.

Mar 30, 201933:45
Bonmo founders Stephanie Huong and Gideon Klein

Bonmo founders Stephanie Huong and Gideon Klein

Marketing is a competition for people's attention and humor is a consistently winning way to capture and keep attention. Bonmo has created a platform to connect comedians with marketers so together they can make more effective content. Bonmo's founders believe that humor must be an integral part of a message but not overshadow that message.

In this talk we cover the craft of comedy, solving a client's problems,  and I learn about "benign violation". 

If you like this episode check out the others and if you want to stay up on NYC's tech and startup scene Subscribe to A Better Mousetrap newsletter. 

Mar 23, 201930:44
Qri - with Brendan O'Brien & Rico Gardaphe

Qri - with Brendan O'Brien & Rico Gardaphe

 (L to R) Rico Gardaphe, Operations & Business Development and Brendan O’Brien, Founder & CEO of Qri.

Qri's website reads:

Qri ("query") is a versioned scriptable exportable, collaborative datasets.

That means when using Qri, each new version of your database is time stamped and signed by you. 

In today's podcast we swim a bit in the deep end of the data pool. Come on in the water's more than fine when you spend time with these two. They are committed (sorry/not sorry) to both open data sets and to the open source movement. It's a fascinating world and when they explain it, both fun and digestible.

Mar 11, 201942:07
Raz Choudhury, Founder of SAM AI

Raz Choudhury, Founder of SAM AI

Finding myself at WeWork on W. 57 Street I bumped into Raz Choudhury, founder of SAM AI  who I've known for a few years. Of course that meant catching up had to be memorialized.

SAM AI is a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) platform. Their aim is to simplify CRM so more people can benefit from the advances in big data and artificial intelligence. How? One way is to make an interface that you can query with conversational speech. NLP (Natural Language Processing) makes this possible. The story of how this came to be and where they go from here can be heard in today’s podcast. Good stuff here!

Mar 03, 201921:35
Charlie Oliver, Founder of Served Fresh Media and Tech 2025
Feb 23, 201931:30
A Conversation with Philip Delvecchio
Feb 21, 201933:40
Ash Kaluarachchi, StartEd
Feb 18, 201918:24
David Ryan Polgar, Tech Ethicist - Part II
Feb 09, 201919:15
David Ryan Polgar, Tech Ethicist - Part I
Feb 04, 201919:15
Youssef Kalad, NYCx, in the Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer
Jan 28, 201924:07
A Conversation with Rhonda Binda, Co-Founder of Venture Smarter

A Conversation with Rhonda Binda, Co-Founder of Venture Smarter

In this episode of A Better Mousetrap podcast Rhonda Binda, co-founder of Venture Smarter is our guest. Venture Smarter is technology company focused on smart governance and creating connected, smart infrastructure across the U.S. and soon, globally.

Venture Smarter has created a match making platform, Intelliscope, that drives initiatives focused on standards in the Smart Cities and IoT (Internet of Things ( fields. They facilitate matches between governments and businesses, both large and small. We get into what all this means in this idea packed conversation. Plug in. Listen. Get informed.

And if you'd like to keep up with what's going on in the NYC tech and startup community you can subscribe to my weekly newsletter, A Better Mousetrap

Subscribe URL

Jan 19, 201922:37
Yale Fox, Rentlogic: How to fairly assign grades to residential buildings
Jan 11, 201917:23
Victoria Yampolsky, Founder of The Startup Station

Victoria Yampolsky, Founder of The Startup Station

If you are building a business you had better understand finance and how to best position your company to raise money. Victoria Yampolsky has created a school, advisory practice and a growing repository of learning resources to put you on the track to financial competency. Listen as she describes what you'll need to know and what pitfalls to avoid.

Jan 07, 201933:07
Rebecca Lima: The Lieu, Supporting Women's Beauty & Self-Care Needs in the Workplace

Rebecca Lima: The Lieu, Supporting Women's Beauty & Self-Care Needs in the Workplace

Rebecca Lima is a serial founder and someone who I can honestly say has the entrepreneur’s itch. She has that indefinable character trait in the people I recognize as common to many company founders. (I’m not one of them, at least not by birth) 

I first met Rebecca when she was working on her earlier company, Ment, Meant is described as, “… a community based and data backed app that enhances the airport experience for travelers.”

Now Rebecca Lima is building Lieu, a company dedicated to supporting women in the workplace. They partner with corporations and events to provides inclusive beauty and self-care experiences. Listen to how she plans to serve working women in the workplace.

Jan 04, 201914:39
In Conversation with Caitlin Pearce, Exec. Dir. of the Freelancers Union

In Conversation with Caitlin Pearce, Exec. Dir. of the Freelancers Union

Eight years ago Caitlin Pearce left the world of academia to join The Freelancers Union. She worked her way through the ranks and now heads this non-profit organization dedicated to supporting contract workers in the United States. The services they offer including educational, health insurance and policy advocacy. This year their efforts helped in the passage of the country’s first law protecting the rights of freelancers, the Freelance Isn’t Free Act.… As the so-called gig economy continues to grow it’s ever more urgent that this class of worker understands their rights and how to navigate being a freelancer. Listen to Caitlin Pearce describe their work towards these goals.

Stay current on NYC's tech and startup scene. Subscribe to A Better Mousetrap newsletter.…wform?usp=sf_link
Dec 14, 201815:48
Lisa Diaz talks Smart Cities, Resiliency and Dreams of Better Airports

Lisa Diaz talks Smart Cities, Resiliency and Dreams of Better Airports

Lisa Diaz is Managing Partner and Founder of Turf Advisory. Her firm specializes in smart infrastructure, resiliency, and human centered design. As someone actively involved in NYC's urban tech scene she has a unique perspective on how innovation makes more livable cities come into being.
Dec 08, 201827:02
Zack Woods: Reflections on Innovation
Dec 01, 201850:28
A Conversation with Sissel Hansen, Founder of Startup Guide
Nov 26, 201822:08
Magis Industries: Build It Fast. Spend Less

Magis Industries: Build It Fast. Spend Less

In October (2018) at the Ascent Conference 2018 I had a chance to interview Victoria Gregory of Magis Industries. Along with her co-founder, Gabriel Alba-Rivera, their company creates products and brings them to market both faster and at lower cost. Check out this bite-sized podcast!
Nov 26, 201808:12
Josh Weinstein, CannaGather: Building Community Around a Controlled Substance

Josh Weinstein, CannaGather: Building Community Around a Controlled Substance

This week we caught up with Josh Weinstein, founder of CannaGather, New York City's largest monthly cannabis event. The United States in in the midst of a sea change with regards to regulating both the sale and use of Cannabis. Each month CannaGather features the major players in the Cannabis industry who are part of this major societal shift. This episode is jam-packed with info on the rapidly expanding Cannabis industry. Give a listen!

Stay current on NYC's tech and startup scene. Subscribe to A Better Mousetrap newsletter.…wform?usp=sf_link
Sep 03, 201820:58
Prasant Sudhakaran, Aingel July 8, 2018
Jul 08, 201823:32
Max Stein - Balanc3
Apr 30, 201826:12