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Japanese Grammar Module Lesson 1

Japanese Grammar Module Lesson 1

By Mari

This video is part of a series ("Basic Japanese") designed for people who want to learn Japanese from the basics. Acquiring a new language takes time, and sometimes you may feel unmotivated or stuck in your learning. This series will help you through those times. By simply listening and talking along with me, you can gradually build up a foundation of Japanese. If someone has trouble recognizing hiragana and katakana, just look at them, even if it's just for 5 minutes a day, repeat it!
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Japanese language Module Lesson 1

Japanese Grammar Module Lesson 1Nov 20, 2022

Japanese Grammar Module Lesson 2

Japanese Grammar Module Lesson 2

This video is part of a series ("Basic Japanese") designed for people who want to learn Japanese from the basics. Acquiring a new language takes time, and sometimes you may feel unmotivated or stuck in your learning. This series will help you through those times. By simply listening and talking along with me, you can gradually build up a foundation of Japanese. If someone has trouble recognizing hiragana and katakana, just look at them, even if it's just for 5 minutes a day, repeat it!  I am trying to support Japanese language learners by making these videos. I will get your feedback and make improvements. Thank you, Mari         

Nov 20, 202210:28
Japanese language Module Lesson 1

Japanese language Module Lesson 1

This video is part of a series ("Basic Japanese") designed for people who want to learn Japanese from the basics. Acquiring a new language takes time, and sometimes you may feel unmotivated or stuck in your learning. This series will help you through those times. By simply listening and talking along with me, you can gradually build up a foundation of Japanese. If someone has trouble recognizing hiragana and katakana, just look at them, even if it's just for 5 minutes a day, repeat it!  I am trying to support Japanese language learners by making these videos. I will get your feedback and make improvements. Thank you, Mari         

Nov 20, 202206:53