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Introduction to Recovery From Fragmented Families

Introduction to Recovery From Fragmented Families

By Mariam Ernest

Achieving a state of emotional and psychological balance after going through family estrangement requires inner work in order contextualise what you have have just been through. This podcast will cover all topic relating to family estrangement and how you can build resilience and positive mindset as roadmap to emotional recovery.

Family estrangement is the loss of a previously existing relationship between family members through physical and or emotional distancing, often to the extent that there is no communication between the individuals involved.
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Mini Episode: Healing is a marathon and not a sprint.

Introduction to Recovery From Fragmented Families Feb 04, 2022

Episode #32 - Addiction and Intergenerational family trauma - With UK's most influential mental health advocates and a Coach Josh Connolly.

Episode #32 - Addiction and Intergenerational family trauma - With UK's most influential mental health advocates and a Coach Josh Connolly.

Apr 28, 202256:40
Episode #31 - The Grieving Brain - With a Neuroscientist and Clinical Psychologist Dr Mary-Frances O'Connor

Episode #31 - The Grieving Brain - With a Neuroscientist and Clinical Psychologist Dr Mary-Frances O'Connor

If you have been impacted by grief whether it is due to the death of a loved one or ambiguous loss of family members, then, this episode is for you!

Welcome to today's episode featuring  my amazing guest Dr Mary Frances O'Connor. 

Dr Mary-Frances O'Connor is a renowned grief expert, neuroscientist,  Psychologist and an PhD associate professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, where she directs the Grief, Loss and Social Stress (GLASS) Lab where she investigates the effects of grief on the brain and the body. 

Mary Frances's work has been published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, and Psychological Science. Mary has also been featured in the Newsweek, the New York Times, and, The UK Guardian and The Washington Post.

The Grieving Brain addresses; 

- Why it's so hard to understand that loved one has died and is gone forever

- Why grief causes so many emotions - sadness, anger, blame, guilt and yearning 

- Why grieving takes so long 

- What happens in the brain during grief

- The distinction between grief and complicated grief 

- Why we ruminate so much after we lose a loved one

- How we ago about restoring a meaningful life while grieving.

Grief is something that we're all going to experience at some point in our lives and sadly it is unavoidable. By becoming familiar of what we will actually go through, we can somehow have some mental preparation and also realise that we're not alone in how we feel.

Family estrangement is categorised as an ambiguous loss which also involves the processes of grieving. 

Family estrangement is complicated and I believe the book discussed in this episode and the episode itself will shed some lights as why you're struggling family estrangement.

To purchase - The Grieving Brain - Click on this link -

Connect with Mary-Frances O'Connor




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Mar 14, 202258:24
Episode #30 - Finding self love after adversity - With Coach Victoria Odia Ndala

Episode #30 - Finding self love after adversity - With Coach Victoria Odia Ndala

Hey wonderful souls. 

Welcome to today's episode featuring my wonderful guest Victoria Ndala. 

Although Victoria is an empowerment coach for women, she's simply on this episode to take you on a journey of her personal experiences of being the youngest child of 11 children and how it shaped the person she's today.  

Contrary  to the belief that the youngest child of much older siblings are usually spoiled with abundance of love and care, this was not at all Victoria's experience which eventually lead to her becoming depressed.

Victoria is a Self-Empowerment Coach, a personal development Podcaster and a Transformational Speaker. She specializes in self-love and singleness. 

Victoria believes that singleness is more than just being single. It's a moment where everything starts with you, from the inside out. She coached many people in their singleness season and helped them see their true value by promoting the importance of putting yourself first.

Connect with Victoria 


Victoria's podcast


Victoria's website

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Family estrangement support group 

Family estrangement  private  Facebook group

Forgiveness Journal

Mar 11, 202251:35
Episode #29 - Glimmer of hope after family estrangement

Episode #29 - Glimmer of hope after family estrangement

If you are on a receiving end of no contact, it not unusual to seek comfort in the idea that one day an estranged family member will re-establish contact. In some cases it can happen and other times it doesn't.  So, if you're hanging on hope, it is perfectly normal and remember, hope is different than expectation. 

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Mar 06, 202211:35
Episode #28 - You and your subconscious mind - With a Clinical Hypnotherapist Emma Gosling

Episode #28 - You and your subconscious mind - With a Clinical Hypnotherapist Emma Gosling

Welcome to today's episode with my amazing guest Emma Gosling. 

As we go thorough this journey of life, it is imperative that we develop mental cushions or resilience  that would enable us to pivot when we are faced with life challenges. There are so many modalities that can be implemented that would enable us to develop mental cushions or emotional readiness for when we're faced with challenging times. One of the those modalities is Hypnotherapy and Emma is here to explain how it all works. 

Emma Gosling is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Worthiness & Money Mindset Expert who helps high-achieving & over-giving female founders & executives to stop short-changing themselves & feel good putting their emotional and financial needs first before giving to others.

Connect with Emma:



Mar 05, 202244:11
Episode #27 - You're literally thrown into your existence. So,  what   is next?

Episode #27 - You're literally thrown into your existence. So, what is next?

Hello wonderful souls.

During my one to one coaching session. I discuss the concept of Thrownness as highlighted below.  

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Thrownness is a concept introduced by German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) to describe humans' individual existences as being 'thrown' into the world. This essentially means; things (circumstances) in your life that you didn't choose or pick but you were thrown into them, much of them existed long time before you were born, you had no say or choice in them, but played a huge role in shaping who you're today.

These things include;

  • Your parents
  • Your siblings
  • Your extended Family Members
  • Your genetics
  • Your Gender
  • Your geographical location of your birth
  • Where you grew up
  • Type of neighbourhood
  • Your parents' financial and Social economic status
  • Family generational (unsolved) trauma
  • Parental mental health
  • Your parents class
  • Your race
  • Your religion
  • Political climate
  • Social Norms
  • The era

The list can go on...

On a conscious level, we're intellectually aware that, there are so many factors that contribute to shaping us as an individuals, but we rarely ever take the time to conduct a deep analysis and reflection of what all those factors mean to us.

You were thrown into these circumstances and you have basically been trying to navigate them ever since and you will be be doing so, until the day you're no longer here..

So, what does this mean....?

It means that, many of the things that influence your emotional blue print, your psychology and your personality was not on you. However, as an adult it is up to you to change these experiences and circumstances.

We experienced the world through these things, as they shape the lenses that we view our world from. Through these lenses, we learn how to organise our thoughts and beliefs around them.

Through the 'thrownness' we receive indoctrination of our mental programming and this mental programming is deeply imbedded in our subconscious mind and as previously discussed, much of our everyday actions and behaviours are dictated by our subconscious mind.

Mar 03, 202214:56
Episode #26 - Renew Your Mind with Dr Christianne Ricard

Episode #26 - Renew Your Mind with Dr Christianne Ricard

Hello beautiful people. 

On today's episode, I have an amazing beautiful guest. I honestly enjoyed doing this interview so much. Hope you will like it too.   

Dr. Christianne Ricard is originally from Hammond Louisiana and has received her Bachelor of Art in Psychology and Master’s  of Education in Counseling from Southeastern Louisiana University. She successfully defended her dissertation from Louisiana State University “Village Folk: Exploring the Female Black School Counselor’s Perception of Role Confusion and Burnout in Urban Schools in South Louisiana.” Dr. Ricard is currently residing in Baton Rouge LA with her husband of 11 years and is the mother of 4 children. Former Professional School Counsellor in a Baton Rouge Louisiana school district having received Elementary School Counselor of the Year for the 2018-2019 school year and New School Counselor of the Year for the 2016-2017 school year. 

Dr. Christianne is a Licensed Professional Counselor and owner of Renewed Mind Counselling and Consultation, a private practice located in Baton Rouge, LA. She enjoys serving her community by providing clinical mental health counselling.

Connect with Dr Christianne Ricard 

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Forgiveness Journal: The power of letting go of what you cannot forget - Available on Amazon

Mar 01, 202201:27:16
Episode #25 Moving Beyond Family Struggles with Yasmin Kerkez

Episode #25 Moving Beyond Family Struggles with Yasmin Kerkez

Welcome to today's episode. I have an amazing guest. Her name is Yasmin Kerkez who's the founder of the Family Support Resources. 

Yasmin Kerkez is a life coach and speaker working in the areas of family estrangement

and relationships. Together with her husband, Yasmin Co-founded Family Support

Resources, an organization helping transform the lives of all people living with family

conflict and estrangement, out of a passion to shine a light on family struggles that are

rarely discussed, and uplift and inspire those experiencing these challenges.

From her own journey of family difficulties, Yasmin learned how to embrace

circumstances with loving acceptance, overcome grief, and reclaim life. She is now

committed to helping others heal from the pain of family conflict and start living again.

Driven by her own experiences and an empathy for others, Yasmin has spent the past

fifteen years researching relationships and working on methods of healing and

overcoming all forms of family estrangement. Beyond her research on relationships, life

coaching, and personal journey, she has earned two degrees; A Science Degree

majoring in Microbiology and Human Physiology, and an Art’s Degree majoring in

Philosophy and Politics. Yasmin leverages her knowledge in these fields to better

understand and explain the intersection between our mental health and our physical


Yasmin is devoted to helping people receive the things she believes everyone deserves

in life – love, safety, and joy.

Click on the link below to join the Beyond Family Struggle summit: 


Connect with Yasmin 




Feb 28, 202236:44
Mini Episode #24 - Controlled no more.

Mini Episode #24 - Controlled no more.

Hello beautiful people.

On today's mini episode I discuss why some people choose to go no contact with their family of origin for the purpose of seeking their freedom an autonomy even though, they deeply care about them. Before going no contact, they would have tried to establish boundaries and their own autonomy, but those choices were not respected.  

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Forgiveness Journal: The power of letting go of what you cannot forget - Available on Amazon

Feb 25, 202206:49
Episode 23- The campaign to demonise you.

Episode 23- The campaign to demonise you.

Hello wonderful people. 

I'm sure we can all relate.  You're being excluded and ostracised because of hear say, you scratch your head wondering why? and what the hell would others  believe them, can they not see they are being manipulated? These types of dynamics  are not unusual in family estrangement. 

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Feb 24, 202204:45
Episode #22 - Family Estrangement in Tandem with other areas of your life

Episode #22 - Family Estrangement in Tandem with other areas of your life

Family estrangement is not always the big elephant in the room for some people who have experienced it.

Family estrangement does however happen in tandem with other areas of your life.

Sometimes, I think the degree to which family estrangement affects our mental health well-being depends on other variables that are taking place in tandem in our lives.
The more we experience multiple adversities in our lives, the more pronounced the estrangement will be. Moreover, estrangement can lay the foundation for a ricochet affect as well.

On top of family estrangement, you can also be dealing with
-Financial Crisis
- Relationship and marriage difficulties
-Treated unfairly
- Career Pressure
- confusion
- Friendship issues

The list is endless and the combination is vast. All these things will have a compound interest of tress in your life. The good thing is that, as long as you're willing and able and with constancy you can change some of these things to alleviate much of the stress and other emotional things that keep you awake at night

Recovery from Fragmented families has 5 pillers of Recovery model.

The five pillers are:

#familylife #recoveryispossible
#taboosubject #hiddenpandemic #familyestrangment and #stigma #timeforchange
Feb 15, 202211:41
Mini Episode - #21 - Believe in bigger
Feb 13, 202210:52
Episode #20 - Estrangement by the In-Laws

Episode #20 - Estrangement by the In-Laws

Joshua Coleman's Book -

As previously noted, there are many path to estrangement. Not all family estrangement is caused by dysfunctional  family dynamics. Some are caused as a result of some new being introduced to the family.

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Feb 12, 202221:18
Mini Episode #Episode 19 - Emotional Pain and Family Estrangement

Mini Episode #Episode 19 - Emotional Pain and Family Estrangement

Welcome to today's mini episode. 

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Pain is like a hot potato on our hands and our reaction is usually to get rid of it as quickly as possible - for a fast pain relief - which by the way, is the most human reaction ever! Our brains do not like pain, physical or emotional and it does everything in its power to free us from it.

But sometimes, it is necessary to sit with our pain and discomfort, as we go through life, pain in inevitable. Going through family estrangement is painful for many, whether you initiated the estrangement or it was forced upon you.

Physical pain is one thing, but emotional pain is sometimes on a scale of its own. It can be torture, and sometimes it is us who are doing our own internal mental torturing by constantly reminding ourselves of things that bring us shame, guilt, sadness and other disempowering things that literally keep us in mental loop of self - torture.

My emphasis here is that Pain is inevitable, but your relationships with that stimulus whatever it may be that brings you pain is where you need to shine the touch on.

Think about the a time in your life where you learnt something new that has been beneficial since. Was it a game changer for for you? Now, have you though about learning something new about emotional pain caused by rejection or being ostracised. We usually just walk around with these mental scars because they are invisible to everyone else.

There are abundance of studies that have shown that When people feel emotional pain, the same areas of the brain get activated as when people feel physical pain. Yet, we are quick to treat physical pain with medicines and all sorts of things, but our emotional pains often go unattended to. We sometimes also self medicate with alcohol, drugs, food and other behavioural addiction such as sex addiction / pornography just to numb the pain.

Feb 11, 202216:49
Mini Episode - #Episode 18 - You then realised, you were cut off!

Mini Episode - #Episode 18 - You then realised, you were cut off!

On today's mini episode, I'm shedding the light on the estrangement caused by no communication or silent treatment. 

Most people who have experienced estrangement, will know why it happened or at least have some ideas and inclinations. 

Respectively, in some occasions and as rare as it might be, there are people who simply don't know what they did.  They usually find out that they are being shunned or cut off by being ignored, literally.  Calls go answered, text messages -  no replies, blocked on social media etc. 

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If you have experienced estrangement, please join the private Facebook group using the link below.  - Connect with others who have gone through family estrangement.

Product to purchase on Amazon

Forgiveness Journal: The power of letting go of what you cannot forget

Use this Journal to evict people and circumstances that are living in your mind rent free.

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Feb 10, 202209:39
Episode 17 - Food and Mental Health with Jasmine Westbrooks

Episode 17 - Food and Mental Health with Jasmine Westbrooks

Welcome to this week's episode with my amazing guest Jasmine Westbrooks. 

When we go through life challenges , we can often forget other things that can contribute to our overall good mental health. This episode with the beautiful Jasmine is here to remind you of the food and brain connection. 

Jasmine is currently working as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist residing in Raleigh , North Carolina.  She believes in a realistic approach to improving nutritional habits for a better quality of life. Her interest in nutrition blossomed from health problems dominating herself and family's life but could have been corrected through preventive diet measures. She earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Nutrition Dietetics from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and her Master’s Degree in Clinical Nutrition from Rosalind Franklin University at Chicago.

Jasmine is the Co-founder of EatWell Exchange Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the primary goal of bridging the gap in health outcomes by guiding communities in making positive life long changes while respectfully maintaining their culture.

Jasmine has a consulting company, Nourish Through Nutrition, teaching about diabetes, mindful eating and making behavioural changes.

Connect with Jasmine:




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Forgiveness Journal now available on Amazon - Get your self a copy.

Feb 05, 202201:02:40
Mini Episode: Healing is a marathon and not a sprint.

Mini Episode: Healing is a marathon and not a sprint.

Welcome to this week's mini episode on the journey of healing. 

It is super amazing when we decide to take charge on our journey of healing, but often along the way, we loose hope because we are not seeing the results or the manifestation of our hard work. 

You're not alone on this. What if I tell you that in your pursue of making meaningful changes that would benefit you and those around you, your brain can interpret the new venture as dangerous. Why? because the brain likes what is familiar and predictable. When new things are introduced, your brain will find ways to deter you, because it is simply too dangerous to venture into the land  of unknown.

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Recovery From Fragmented Families Instagram Page;

If you have experienced estrangement, please join the private Facebook group using the link below.  - Connect with others who have gone through family estrangement.

Product to purchase on Amazon

Forgiveness Journal: The power of letting go of what you cannot forget

Use this Journal to evict people and circumstances that are living in your mind rent free.

Follow Recovery From Recovery Fragmented families Facebook page

Feb 04, 202208:03
Mini Episode- Miscellaneous aspects of Family Estrangement

Mini Episode- Miscellaneous aspects of Family Estrangement

Welcome to this week's mini episode. 

This episode was recorded back in the summer (August 2021), but was not uploaded.  Family estrangement has many sides with different levels of emotions and complexities. What complexities are you faced with?  

Dec 08, 202106:30
Episode 16 - Family Estrangement : Priscilla's Story

Episode 16 - Family Estrangement : Priscilla's Story

On today's episode, I feel honoured to bring you Priscilla Conaway .

Priscilla Conaway: Mom of 3. Lives in Pennsylvania. Newly podcast creator. 

Priscilla Coordinate mental health therapy groups and she's very candid about her struggle with chronic & mental illness for over 20yrs.

Priscilla's featured on this episode as she's simply sharing her story of estrangement. Priscilla  will take you on a journey from where it all started to where she's now in the present moment.   Priscilla's living experience of estrangement initially began with a fragmented relationship with her father in her formative years and respectively her half sister later, and now their relationship is completely estranged. Priscilla will take on the journey of how her fragmented  relationship with her father impacted on her mental health and laid the foundation of how  she navigated future personal and intimate relationships. 

Priscilla initiated a complete estrangement as she could no longer deal with the rejection and confusing dynamics that encapsulated her relationship with her father and half- sister. What I love the most about Priscilla's story,  is where she's now. Priscilla's determine to heal the wounds of past trauma and to cultivate future and relationships that she would like to experience going forward. 

Priscilla's very mindful in how she interact with her children to make sure she does not bring them emotional harm or repeat the cycle of what she went through. Priscilla's simply trying to live with estrangement the best way she knows how.

If you have gone through family estrangement, it is likely that you will identify with some elements of Priscilla's story.

Priscilla's Podcast:  Confessions of a mama brain:

Priscilla's website: 

Priscilla's Facebook page: 

Priscilla's Instagram:

Please follow me on:

Recovery From Fragmented Families Instagram Page;

If you have experienced estrangement, please join the private Facebook group using the link below.  - Connect with others who have gone through family estrangement.

Product to purchase on Amazon

Forgiveness Journal: The power of letting go of what you cannot forget

Use this Journal to evict people and circumstances that are living in your mind rent free.

Nov 15, 202101:21:03
Episode 15 - Clarity will give you the courage to act - With Jateya Jones

Episode 15 - Clarity will give you the courage to act - With Jateya Jones

In this journey called 'life', we all at some point arrive at place where we're completely unclear in what we must do in order to move forward. Moreover, if we have experience some form of trauma, making decisions in how to move forward can be difficult. Going through family estrangement is traumatic and thus; can create a fog around your life's journey, leaving you in an emotional state of unclarity in many areas of life.  

When you master mental clarity, your mind wouldn't be pre-occupied with indecisiveness, what-ifs, overwhelm and worries and it is for this reason,  I have this week's amazing Guest: Ms Jateya Jones   

Jateya is fondly known as "Your Favourite Business Coach’s Secret Weapon" and Founder of Jateya Jones Consulting.  

She is a visionary with the ability to facilitate clarity and dream transformation.  She currently serves as the CEO of Jateya Jones Consulting, a boutique consulting firm where she empowers  visionaries with clarity; allowing them to holistically close gaps within traditional industries, but in a none traditional way.  

Jateya does not limit her counsel to corporations. As Founder and Executive Director of Fore Teens, Inc., she helps disconnected youth realize their career aspirations; ensuring an equal opportunity for success. Using behavioral change theories and Holistic Networking, Jateya develops educational programs and materials that provide evidence-based solutions. Since its launch, Fore Teens has provided nontraditional career training and mentorship to dozens of teens.   The truth is, clarity is power and once you have it, you’ll find success within your life and business.   

 Be sure to check out her podcast Confident and Courageous Clarity on your favorite platform 

To connect and learn more, Jateya can be found at or on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn @JateyaJones and Facebook @JateyaJonesConsulting.


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Recovery From Fragmented families private Facebook page

Forgiveness Journal now available on Amazon - Get your self a copy.

Oct 24, 202152:28
 Episode 14 - Navigating the world of fatherlessness with a Relationship Strategist Bernadette Jackson

Episode 14 - Navigating the world of fatherlessness with a Relationship Strategist Bernadette Jackson

Welcome to this week's episode with my amazing guest Bernadette Jackson.

If you have been estranged from your father, then this episode is for you. 

Bernadette provides the much needed light for women who consider themselves fatherless, but I wholeheartedly  believe that  her message will equally resonate with men. 

Bernadette Jackson is a woman of faith, a mom, a fatherless daughter and a transparent truth teller. As a Relationship Engagement Strategist and your favourite Fear Investigator, she creates safe spaces for fatherless daughters to learn, grow and heal. Her safe spaces include the Bernadette Jackson Podcast where she is redefining how the world views women with daddy issues; H.E.R Coalition, her private FB community and H.E.R Way Relationship Intensive, her private coaching program. 

In that program, Bernadette teaches clients everything she wished she knew about attracting and maintaining amazing relationships as a fatherless daughter. This program is near and dear to Bernadette's heart as she openly shares how her own fear of abandonment cycle kept her in undesirable relationships for more than a decade. 

To learn more about Bernadette's story and how she can help, visit her website:


or follow her on IG @bernadettenjackson.

Recovery From Fragmented Families Instagram Page

Recovery From Fragmented families private Facebook page

Forgiveness Journal now available on Amazon - Get your self a copy.

Oct 14, 202140:51
Change The Narrative! With Christina Kyriakidou

Change The Narrative! With Christina Kyriakidou

Welcome to this week's episode with my amazing guest  Christina Kyriakidou. 

Christina's message is simple. Change your narrative to change your life. 

Christina is no stranger to abuse. A few years back, Christina had hit rock bottom after a very painful break up. She had been in a toxic and abusive relationship for many years that left her feeling unlovable, unworthy and insecure. She had completely lost herself. The whole experience was so traumatic that her body literally collapsed and she had to have emergency spinal surgery.

After waking up in hospital the next day, she realised that in order to rebuild her life she had to heal the broken relationship with herself first, and start falling in love with herself, love and life again.

All this took a lot of time, energy, money, faith and resilience. Now Christina understands that trusting yourself and love again is possible, she's committed to helping other women to activate the greatness within themselves so they can overcome the doubts that are holding them back from living a life of true joy and love, boldness and freedom.

You can find Christina on. 




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Recovery From Fragmented families private Facebook page

Forgiveness Journal now available on Amazon - Get your self a copy.

Sep 30, 202146:42
Bonus Mini Episode - Paint Pallet Analogy - Sharing my thinking

Bonus Mini Episode - Paint Pallet Analogy - Sharing my thinking

Life happens! The good, the not so good and the ugly. When you have gone through family estrangement, you will be familiar with all three.

The reality is, for most of us, no matter what our circumstances are or where we find ourselves, the thing that we want is happiness and fulfilment what ever that might be.

We that said, we often wait for something to happen or for someone to give us something to for that ‘thing’ that will bring us happiness and fulfilment and forget that, the power is in us to paint the pictures of the ‘things’ that we want to see.

#familyestrangement #familyestrangementsupport #mindset #mindsetmatters #paintyourlife #whenyouknowbetteryoudobetter #beyourownhero

Sep 20, 202106:47
Episode 12- Break The Cycle! With Coach Roberta Axson

Episode 12- Break The Cycle! With Coach Roberta Axson

I'm a firm believer that in sharing our stories, we allow others to identify with us and most importantly know that, they are not alone during certain life lessons, challenges and obstacles.

 I had the absolute pleasure of recording this podcast episode with my wonderful sister in spirit Roberta Axson. I love Roberta's wisdom and her outlook in life.  She's an incredible person who has so much love for people and the people that she serves.    

In this episode Roberta shares her story wonderfully . Some of the life  challenges and adversities that Roberta faced over the years, would make most of us  want to hide away, but instead Roberta has used her life's adversities not only to uplift her self, but to also uplift others. Roberta's message is: YOU CAN BREAK THE CYCLE, it can start with you.    

Roberta has a private Facebook group.

Recovery From Fragmented Families Instagram Page 

Recovery From Fragmented families private Facebook page

Forgiveness Journal now available on Amazon - Get your self a copy.



Sep 09, 202150:49
Episode 13 - Family Estrangement: Rachel's story

Episode 13 - Family Estrangement: Rachel's story

On today's episode, I feel honoured to bring you Rachel. 

Rachel is featured on this episode as she's simply sharing her story of estrangement. Rachel will take you on a journey from where it all started to where she's now in the present moment.   Rachels shares the downside to estrangement and how it impacted her negatively even from the position where she initiated the estrangement. Similarly, Rachel also shares the perspective of being estranged by a family member and the pain that brought into her life.  What I love the most about Rachel's story is where she's now. Rachel is determine to heal the wounds of past trauma and to cultivate the future and relationships that she would like to experience going forward. Rachel is simply re-discovering Rachel. 

If you have gone through family estrangement, it is likely that you will identify with some elements of Rachel's story.  

You can follow Rachel on Instagram


Rachel's Podcast

Recovery From Fragmented Families Instagram Page; 

If you have experienced estrangement, please join the private Facebook group using the link below.  - Connect with others who have gone through family estrangement.  

Product to purchase on Amazon

 Forgiveness Journal: The power of letting go of what you cannot forget 

Use this Journal to evict people and circumstances that are living in your mind rent free. 

Sep 09, 202101:29:08
Episode 11 - Ostracism and Family Estrangement - A Professor of Social Psychology's perspective

Episode 11 - Ostracism and Family Estrangement - A Professor of Social Psychology's perspective

Another amazing episode is released this week featuring an amazing guest.  Dr Kip D Williams.  Dr Kip Williams is a Professor of Social Psychology and he's currently teaching at Purdue University, Indiana. Kip's interests lie broadly in group processes and social influence. His specific research topics include ostracism, social loafing and social compensation, stealing thunder, Internet research, and psychology and law. OSTRACISM:  Kip primarily researches ostracism--being ignored and excluded--and how it affects individuals and groups. His studies have indicated that the initial reaction to ostracism is pain, which is similarly felt by all individuals regardless of personality or social/situational factors. Ostracism then instigates actions aimed at recovering thwarted needs of belonging, self-esteem, control, and meaningful existence.  Kip is also an author of: Ostracism: The power of silence. NY: Guilford Press. You can purchase this on Kip has also been featured in a film tilted: 'REJECT'  you can watch the film on;  Kip can be contacted on E-mail: Website CV: Kip Williams.pdf If you have experienced estrangement, please join the private Facebook group using the link below.
Aug 06, 202101:00:05
Re-uploaded. Episode 10. Family Estrangement and Financial Planning with Tsitsi Mutiti

Re-uploaded. Episode 10. Family Estrangement and Financial Planning with Tsitsi Mutiti

Going through family estrangement can leave you feeling emotionally stuck and sometimes this could mean neglecting other important areas in your life such as financial planning and investing. And it is for this reason, that for this week is podcast episode,  I have my amazing guest, TSITSI MUTITI, she's literary a beautiful soul who is blessed with a wealth of knowledge in areas of financial planning.

Tsitsi is the 'Founder of The Wealth Conversation' and she has a simple message;  "Overcome financial fear and redesign your

financial future."

Tsitsi has over 13-years’ experience in the wealth management industry and today she is known as a Wealth Coach, award winning Investment

Manager and Insuring Women’s Futures Ambassador. Tsitsi speaks with compassion and shares her personal journey of overcoming financial fear and redesigning her financial future. Her lived experience is the basis of The C.H.O.I.C.E.S Blueprint™ which she designed to guide high achieving women to confidently and unapologetically make the choices that will create the opportunities and generational wealth they desire. Tsitsi is a sought after speaker, panellist, podcaster and podcast guest. She has contributed to money and wealth articles in several national newspapers.

She is also a proud mother, wife, aunt and entrepreneur.

You can find Tsitsi on



Facebook - The Wealth Conversation

Jul 31, 202145:09
Episode 9 - Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness after Family Estrangement

Episode 9 - Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness after Family Estrangement

For this week's podcast Episode, I have my wonderful guest Denise Taylor. It is a must listen! 

Denise is a woman with a Passion for Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

Denise devotes her passion for life into investing in the bright talented professionals that desire more.  Professionally, Denise is a talented executive with strong experience that covers many business industries and operational contexts. Denise thrives on making things happen and driving strong results. She is well known as an effective change agent with a passion for bringing order to chaos.

Personally, Denise is indeed living her BEST life - and it is BLESSED. The early years were tough.  She had to fight to overcome the scars of childhood trauma that resulted in low self-esteem.  She was street smart, 'hood wise & rough around the edges. By embracing God's love, her mindset shifted and her confidence stabilized. Now, she has self-assurance that arises from the appreciation of her OWN abilities, worthiness and qualities. 

Denise values relationships. Of course, her 25+ year marriage to the love of her life, Chuck Taylor, and her beautiful daughters, Chanise & Ciera, are the center of her joy.  But Denise is often amazed how long lasting many of her professional & personal  relationships have been with many still saying that she was the BEST boss, co-worker, or friend. She believes it was her willingness to grow personally that has helped her soar relationally.

Denise’s 25+ year professional career includes leadership roles at Eli Lilly & Company, Caterpillar, Harnischfeger Corporation, Kohls Department Stores, Belk Department Stores and BMC - Building Materials Company.  Currently, Denise works full time as the Senior Director of Enterprise Digital Engagement at American Tire Distributors. In additional to her professional success, Denise has held countless leadership roles with non-profit organizations and churches/ministries as well. 

Denise is also an Entrepreneur. In addition to being the Success Strategist and Career, Lifestyle, & Relationship Coach, Denise is a Transformational Speaker, empowering professional women.  She manages & oversees Next Level Business Consulting, Founder of the “First Wives Club”, licensed by the John Maxwell Team, owns Travel with The Taylors with her husband and is an Independent Consultant with Pampered Chef (because it’s fun!).  

Denise released her first book, "I'm the Good Thing" in April 2020. Available at

Denise earned her Bachelor of Applied Science from Miami University in Oxford, OH and her Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from University of Wisconsin - Madison in Madison, WI.

Denise's website;

Denise's Podcast on Apple

Denise's Podcast on Spotify :

Denise's You Tube;

Also don't forget to join the Recovery From Fragmented Families private Facebook Group.

Jun 28, 202146:23
Episode 8: The Domino Affect of Family Estrangement

Episode 8: The Domino Affect of Family Estrangement

On this week's solo episode I delve into the Topic of the Domino Affect and Family Estrangement

What is a domino affect?

A domino affect is the accumulation of effects that have been produced as a result of one event which then sets off a chain of similar events.

Many people who have gone through Family estrangement have certainly experienced the domino affect or the chain reaction that came as result of family estrangement.

Although this might seem obvious, if an adult child becomes estranged from his or her parents and there are grandchildren involved, it will mean that the grandparents will not get to see their grandchildren and similarly, the children the children will not get to see their grandparents.

Long term consequences could potentially manifest as 'family cut-off' can become the family pattern and thus; becoming an intergenerational pattern.
We know family patterns can become difficult to break, with that said, sometimes, all it takes is one person to change this trajectory. Often, learning some of the mechanism behind family estrangement can potentially stop this cycle.

How can you use the Domino affect to your advantage after family estrangement. Can you create a chain of positive reactions in your life?

Our behaviours are usually tied to one another. In other word, our behaviours are interconnected, so when an individual goes through family estrangement, it can set off a chain of reactions, causing a shift in behaviours and personal beliefs about yourself and others.

Imagine for a minute that you’re able to capitalise on positive domino affect by merging it together with the behaviours of commitment and consistency - In other word make a commitment to heal from this trauma of estrangement and learn about the mechanisms behind it, also learn and invest in you (emotionally, psychologically and spiritually) . When we feel wholesome, we see wholesome in others. We see love and possibly, instead of limitations and our hearts become open.
I wholeheartedly believe it is your birth right to feel this way. 💛

Please join the Recovery from Fragmented Families private Facebook Group

Jun 18, 202114:12
Episode 7 - Therapist's Perspective on Family Estrangement.
Jun 04, 202101:06:38
Episode 6 - Mindset is Everything

Episode 6 - Mindset is Everything

For this week's podcast episode, I have my wonderful guest  Chinitha Johnson. She helps people to find belief in themselves. 

Chinitha Johnson helps women struggling with low self-esteem and confidence as a result of childhood abuse, to kickstart going from inferior to empowered, by giving them the K.E.Y.S to open the door that begins the healing of "little me." She is host of the Influence Yourself 1st podcast, a show downloaded in over 20 countries dedicated to helping people break mental barriers and founder of True Bold Beauty LLC, a personal development firm offering tools to help curate confidence. Chinitha understands the power of a changed mind and through her work, she is committed to helping others discover the same power to transform their life and legacy.

Going through family estrangement is form of a life adversity. Like with all other life adversities that can come upon us through out our life-course, our mindset can determine the outcomes of those tricky  life lessons wrapped in cactus or sandpaper. Thus; Mindset is everything. 

Chinitha's Podcast :

Chinitha's Book :

May 20, 202127:36
Episode 5 - Why do I use the word Estrangement and Fragmented interchangeably?

Episode 5 - Why do I use the word Estrangement and Fragmented interchangeably?

For this week's episode, I'm discussing why I use Family Estrangement and Fragmented Families interchangeably. 

Some of our close relationships can become fragmented due to family member's life style, for example; a family member suffering from  severe  addiction to substance  that would ultimately impact on the relationship in ways that the relationship becomes distant  but not necessary complete estrangement. 

If you share a similar experience to me, I would like to hear from you. Please email me on

Instagram; Recovery From Fragmented Families 

May 14, 202116:44
What is forgiveness and why it matters
May 06, 202146:21
Family Estrangement and Rebuilding You

Family Estrangement and Rebuilding You

Going through family estrangement is a form of an adversity and like all other adversities in life at first it can feel like parts of ourselves can become fragmented, but this is my take of life adversities: Adversities are not meant to steal things from you, but rather adversities have the ability to make you look inside of yourself to find your inner giant (I call mine resilient giant).

Apr 20, 202136:13
Episode 1.1 Family Estrangement

Episode 1.1 Family Estrangement

There are so many sides to family estrangement, moreover, causes to family estrangement  are multifaceted, but this is what I know for sure. Whether you're the one who initiated the estrangement or was initiated by your family, the hurt and sense of betrayal  is real. 

I also know that with the right tools and various modalities of mindset strategies emotional recovery is possible. 

Apr 09, 202115:05
Introduction to Recovery From Fragmented Families

Introduction to Recovery From Fragmented Families

Achieving a state of emotional and psychological balance after going through family estrangement, requires inner work in order contextualise what you have have just been through. This podcast will cover all topic relating to family estrangement and how you can build resilience and positive mindset as roadmap to emotional recovery.      

Family estrangement is the loss of a  previously existing relationship between family members through physical and /or emotional distancing, often to the extent that there is negligible or no communication  between the individuals involved for  pre-longed period of time. 

There is strong emphasis in keeping family ties, after all, the warm and loving company of uncles, cousins, aunties, brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents are packaged with shared memories and hands on emotional and practical support and sense of unity and belonging. 

With that said, if you have been through family estrangement, the above might not have been your reality. In fact your shared memories are enshrined in family toxic dynamics that perhaps have left you in a state of constant stress - Fight or flight.

Tune in to our weekly episodes for stories of resilience and building positive mindset that would enable you to pivot from emotional pain to emotional recovery.  

Mar 13, 202101:35