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Deep Within with Marina Yanay-Triner

Deep Within with Marina Yanay-Triner

By Marina Yanay-Triner

The body holds so much wisdom for us. We dive deep into nervous system regulation, trauma healing and emotional expression to root us back into our inherent wholeness.
Marina Yanay-Triner is The Compassionate Somatic Coach - so you know this podcast will be full of compassionate, gentle truths.
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Safety, Boundaries and Conflict in Relationships with Jordan Dann

Deep Within with Marina Yanay-TrinerMar 10, 2024

Running a Trauma Informed Coaching Business with Patrick Murphy

Running a Trauma Informed Coaching Business with Patrick Murphy

In this episode, we are joined by Patrick Murphy, an entrepreneur, storyteller, comedy-lover, and somatic coach who believes the bravest thing anyone can do is ask for help when they feel like they should "have it all together." Patrick shares his journey from battling complex PTSD and feelings of brokenness to becoming a successful coach, empowering leaders and high achievers to break free from feeling stuck and achieve their Big Visions. He discusses his experiences working for companies like The Wall Street Journal, founding a mental health startup, and discovering Somatic Experiencing, which transformed his understanding of himself and revealed his perceived brokenness as his nervous system stuck in loops of past trauma and shame.

Patrick offers insights on creating a trauma-informed coaching practice, including best practices, necessary industry changes, and trauma-informed marketing and client interactions. He also shares strategies for client acquisition, balancing boundaries, and his relationship with money. Join us for an enlightening conversation that will help you build a more empathetic and effective coaching practice.

For part 2 of this conversation where we dive into incorporating safety into your work, please check out this live we did: Website:


7 Day Anxiety Reset that provides folks with tools and more insight into their anxiety:

❥❥❥ FREE RESOURCE: a step by step process of working with your triggers


This powerful step by step process will walk you through how to somatically move through a trigger, ground yourself, allow the emotions to come up and experience massive growth in your life

Download here: 


HeartSpace: An online monthly membership community for open hearted, nervous system attuned living. 


ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

May 27, 202456:21
Emotions, Coping Behaviors/Mechanisms, and Stuck in Loops

Emotions, Coping Behaviors/Mechanisms, and Stuck in Loops

Coping mechanisms, like drinking, procrastination, overeating and the like - have a deep root, and the way we usually talk to ourselves and treat ourselves around them is harming us. 

In this episode, you’re going to learn a new way to relate to and process coping behaviors and mechanisms, and we will dive into: 

  • What are coping mechanisms

  • Self criticism and coping mechanisms

  • Emotions and coping mechanisms

  • What does self compassion actually look like around these behaviors 

  • The 1 sentence I say when I notice my coping/numbing mechanisms 

  • How to engage in our coping mechanisms mindfully 

  • Best ways to navigate our coping mechanisms to not get stuck in a loop with them 

  • The role of nervous system regulation and emotional healing in breaking out of the loop 

❥❥❥ FREE RESOURCE: a step by step process of working with your triggers


This powerful step by step process will walk you through how to somatically move through a trigger, ground yourself, allow the emotions to come up and experience massive growth in your life

Download here: 


HeartSpace: An online monthly membership community for open hearted, nervous system attuned living. 


ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

May 19, 202421:60
The Future of Somatics and Collective Trauma Healing with Dr. Scott Lyons

The Future of Somatics and Collective Trauma Healing with Dr. Scott Lyons

In this episode, I caught up with my previous mentor, Dr. Scott Lyons, a licensed psychologist, educator, and bestselling author, to explore the depths of healing and transformation. Dr. Scott Lyons shares insights into his pioneering work in somatic stress release through The Embody Lab and Omala. We delve into the concept of being "addicted to drama" and its impact on relationships, with Dr. Lyons providing compassionate guidance on understanding and healing from this pattern. We also talked about the future of the somatic field, coming from the difficulties of the founders of somatics in being seen as legitimate in the field of trauma healing and now exploring how somatics can be applied on a systemic level. Tune in to embark on a journey toward greater self-awareness, resilience, and gentle restoration with Dr. Scott Lyons.

Dr. Scott Lyons is a licensed psychologist, educator and author of the best-selling book Addicted to Drama: Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others Scott is also the host of The Gently Used Human Podcast, a delightfully depthful exploration of what it is to be human, to have lived life, and come out gently used.

As a renowned body-based trauma expert and Mind-Body Medicine specialist, Scott also helps people to break free from cycles of pain, limited beliefs, and trauma. Scott is an innovator in transformative wellness and trauma therapy, teaching over half a million people internationally over the past twenty years how to relieve stress and restore vitality.

✨Connect with Dr Scott Lyons:

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Apr 28, 202456:13
Nervous System Regulation Misconceptions

Nervous System Regulation Misconceptions

Since being in the somatic healing world and doing this work with myself and 1-1 clients for the past 5 years, I’ve learned a few lessons that are so crucial to share with you:

  • The amount of time and experience it takes to actually feel safe

  • Why regulation practices aren’t working for you and the actual goal of regulation

  • The pathways of regulation, and how we are obsessively choosing to focus on a single one

  • Why we actually need fight/flight/freeze/fawn 

  • And more!

I am excited for you to walk away with many insights from this episode and to have more tools for deeper healing.

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


HeartSpace: An online monthly membership community for open hearted, nervous system attuned living. 


ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Apr 21, 202430:19
Somatics and Consciousness Expansion with Dr. Don St. John

Somatics and Consciousness Expansion with Dr. Don St. John

WOW, this conversation with Dr. Don St. John was so powerful, expansive and insightful. He is almost 81, a brilliant practitioner and a man who does his own work after a very traumatic childhood. We talked about so much, including:

  • Don’s traumatic childhood, addiction and how he finally started seeking help

  • Ayahuasca and his involvement in the Christian Ayahuasca church

  • What does it mean to expand consciousness

  • How can we reduce tension in our body

  • The meaning of intimacy and relationships, and how we can cultivate this after trauma 

  • The impact of culture and context on our healing and consciousness 

  • Graceful aging

  • The connection between the body, somatics and spirituality

  • And so much more!

I believe this episode will be incredibly profound for you! Enjoy. 

❥❥❥ Connect with Dr. Don St. John


❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Apr 14, 202456:37
The Fawn Trauma Response/People Pleasing Masterclass

The Fawn Trauma Response/People Pleasing Masterclass

The fawn response is a complex nervous system survival and adaptive response that helps you stay safe by placating others - or, more commonly known as people pleasing.

In this episode, I go into:

  • The fawn response inside the nervous system - what does it feel like?

  • The purpose of the fawn response

  • People pleasing and shame

  • My long journey with people pleasing and why it’s one of the last things to actually shift 

  • What I actually worked through to be able to speak my needs!

  • Examples of how I speak my needs today

  • Practices to support you in shifting the fawn response - working with fear, processing traumatic memories in which you had to fawn, tracking your bitterness

  • Creating safe relationships and how I’ve had to let go of relationships where I was made to feel like I am too much 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Apr 07, 202433:58
I lost 150 lbs, and felt the most unseen in my whole life with Lisa Schlosberg

I lost 150 lbs, and felt the most unseen in my whole life with Lisa Schlosberg

The meaning of life is to be seen for your deepest layers, your soul. To be seen by YOU and OTHERS who truly see you.

In your deepest pain, it’s time to reveal your tears to those people who you know can help you to bring back that sense of safety in your body so that your pain can turn into expansion.

This conversation with Lisa Schlosberg was so moving and beautiful! Please reach out to us both if you have any questions or shares. 


✨Connect with Lisa:


Application to work with Lisa:



❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Mar 31, 202438:20
On Death and Life with Maayan Inon

On Death and Life with Maayan Inon

In this episode, I interviewed Maayan, Maoz's sister, who gave us an incredibly powerful interview a few weeks ago about letting go of revenge. With Maayan, we will be discussing death, as her parents were one of the first to lose their lives in the Israel/Palestine conflict. 

We talk about:

  • Her powerful drowning story 

  • What is death?

  • The relationship between life and death

  • How can we deal better with death and connect to people who have passed

  • How she has been dealing with her parents’ passing 

About Maayan:

Born in 1973, and raised in Kibbutz Nir-Am near the Gaza Strip.

On 7/10, Maayan lost her parents who were burned in their home in Moshav Netiv Haasara.

Mother of 2 daughters and a dog, Physiotherapist, practiced Chinese medicine, reflexology, healing, and family constellations. For up to 30 years, she has researched and engaged in consciousness work, and practices listening and creating healthy relationships within herself and with the environment.

In her work she specialized in accompanying transitions - birth, life and death. She has developed programs for training mind-body therapists, and deals with trauma and post-trauma healing, dealing with bereavement and loss.


✨Connect with Maayan

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Mar 26, 202452:33
Deep Money Healing 101 with Nadine Zumot

Deep Money Healing 101 with Nadine Zumot

Money is one of my greatest triggers, and I have chosen the perfect person to teach us all about the in-depth ways to heal our money wounds! In this episode, we talk about:

  • What is money and what is money trauma? 

  • Why money is one of the best ways to gain embodied awareness about your relationship with yourself 

  • How to know if you’re triggered around money

  • What safety in your body actually feels like

  • Why knowing all the money stuff, like budgeting, is not enough

  • Nadine’s fascinating 10 year money healing journey, and how she’s do it now (much faster) if she had to start over

  • The money archetypes and how they can help you determine your healing pathway 

And so much more! I am so, so excited for you to listen to this one! Please share with us what you learned and are walking away with, and tag us on instagram.


Creator of The Money Healing Podcast, Nadine Zumot is a Somatic Practitioner and a Holistic Money Coach who empowers her communities to heal their relationship with money using her 3-Step Money Healing Blueprint, so they can create and embody the most joyful expression of their lives and experience fulfilling abundance.

You can find Nadine here:

Money Archetypes Quiz:

Money Healing Session with Nadine: 

The Money Healing Podcast: 

Nadine’s Instagram: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

Mar 17, 202453:12
Safety, Boundaries and Conflict in Relationships with Jordan Dann

Safety, Boundaries and Conflict in Relationships with Jordan Dann

This is a conversation about what embodiment in relationships feels like: safety, boundaries, conflict and more. How can we maintain vulnerability and a soft heart in relationships? How can we heal our individual wounds to find safety? And it’s also a conversation about where creativity comes from and how it can be expressed.

A beautiful quote born out of our conversation:

You’re keeping yourself safe, you don’t need him to keep you safe 

Jordan is a licensed psychoanalyst and relationship coach specializing in somatic therapy and couples therapy. Jordan works with both individuals and couples in NYC and throughout the world. 


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Mar 10, 202449:16
This is NOT the purpose of regulating your nervous system

This is NOT the purpose of regulating your nervous system

Nervous system regulation is such a massive buzzword these days, but so many people get it wrong, thinking that the goal is to get calm and get rid of any “negative” feelings. In this episode, I break down: 

  • What is nervous system regulation?

  • What many people think is the goal of it

  • What is actually the purpose and why knowing this matters 

  • Nervous system regulation and the window of tolerance 


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Mar 03, 202423:03
Choosing Forgiveness and Peace Over Revenge with Maoz Inon

Choosing Forgiveness and Peace Over Revenge with Maoz Inon

In this powerful episode, I speak with Maoz Inon, who lost his parents and so many people in the first days of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. We speak deeply in this podcast about Maoz’s very real and emotional journey, how he found forgiveness and peace over revenge, and how we can all work together to create a more peaceful society. 

This is truly one of the most profound and touching conversations I have had on this podcast, and probably ever. Maoz is not just about words - the actions he takes and the man he embodies is undeniably powerful, and I am so excited to hear how you feel in your body after witnessing this conversation. 


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Feb 25, 202459:47
How to move forward in your biz when you’re totally frozen & stuck

How to move forward in your biz when you’re totally frozen & stuck

The inner somatic work in your business is going to transform not only your business, but your whole entire life. In this episode, I share the exact process to follow when you’re feeling stuck - anxious, overwhelmed, or shut down, and how this embodiment work can help you transform all areas of your life. 

In this episode: 

  • The importance of inner work and why it matters more than the strategy i your business

  • Having multiple coaches who I worked with on multiple levels - and my story with starting out being so heady and moving toward inner work

  • How to work with your emotions when triggers arise in business 

  • The steps to take when you’re feeling stuck

  • What stuckness actually means and what it’s inviting you to do 

I want to invite you into a brand new program I’ve created where I will walk you through a business journey that is not just about making money. It’s about enjoying your life and business too! 

Business Bliss: Impact, Creativity and Ease

In Business Bliss, you’ll get the strategic tools and deeply transformative somatic practices to live a life + business of flow and ease.

Business Bliss is an intimate, 6 participant, 3 month life and business transformation program to create an impactful business you love, alchemize intense emotions and triggers into creativity, and live your life with more ease and flow. You’ll learn the inner work and business strategy you need to elevate the power of your life & business.

Check out all the details here: 

If you have any questions about Business Bliss, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We can chat about whether this program is right for you at this time.


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Feb 15, 202431:50
The surprising thing that can support you at rock bottom

The surprising thing that can support you at rock bottom

Sometimes, even the profound somatic work can feel not enough when we are at rock bottom.

When your money has run out. When it feels like you need to shut down your business. When you feel extremely lonely or unsafe.

In this podcast, I talk about that beautiful thing that can support you in those moments, that can help you keep going.

Here is a bit more of what I cover:

  • How metaphors can be our greatest resource, when they are embodied and grounded. 

  • My spiritual practice and setting intentions. 

  • We don’t make change by knowing. We make change by being and becoming. We can do that through metaphors, signs and symbols. 

  • Metaphors open windows to a new reality, to which we don’t have access in our thinking mind, based on past experiences and traumas. For example, making more money than your ancestors ever did. 

  • Symbols and metaphors allow us to access a feeling of the divine, in a grounded way.

  • The CRAZY COOL affirmative experience that happened to me around this!

I want to invite you into a brand new program I’ve created where I will walk you through a business journey that is not just about making money. It’s about enjoying your life and business too! 

Business Bliss: Impact, Creativity and Ease

In Business Bliss, you’ll get the strategic tools and deeply transformative somatic practices to live a life + business of flow and ease.

Business Bliss is an intimate, 6 participant, 3 month life and business transformation program to create an impactful business you love, alchemize intense emotions and triggers into creativity, and live your life with more ease and flow. You’ll learn the inner work and business strategy you need to elevate the power of your life & business.

Check out all the details here: 

If you have any questions about Business Bliss, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We can chat about whether this program is right for you at this time.


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

Feb 11, 202441:09
I went from negative to $200K in my biz

I went from negative to $200K in my biz

This is not the typical business coaching episode you are used to hearing.

I am not going to glorify money, I am not going to glorify hustling, I am not going to glorify pushing myself and moving forward despite obstacles (aka - emotional numbness).

Instead, I am going to share with you about my business journey for real. I’ve been an entrepreneur for the last 8 years, and the last two have been particularly challenging. 

I am proud and elated that I was able to make such a financial jump, especially given my insane money trauma and the many triggers I had to overcome. I celebrate myself and my business deeply.

I remember the moment when I wrote in my journal, “I am the leading expert in my field”. And I remember the moment when I felt that statement was true.

And… I also want to share with you what burnout has felt like. And how I put all these expectations on money to make me feel safe and successful, and how it actually amplified how unsafe and unsuccessful I can feel.

This is a real behind the scenes of my biz, so come along!

Here is the post that inspired me to share this: shoutout to the amazing Simone Seol.

I want to invite you into a brand new program I’ve created where I will walk you through a business journey that is not just about making money. It’s about enjoying your life and business too! 

Business Bliss: Impact, Creativity and Ease

In Business Bliss, you’ll get the strategic tools and deeply transformative somatic practices to live a life + business of flow and ease.

Business Bliss is an intimate, 6 participant, 3 month life and business transformation program to create an impactful business you love, alchemize intense emotions and triggers into creativity, and live your life with more ease and flow. You’ll learn the inner work and business strategy you need to elevate the power of your life & business.

Get the early bird discount with code earlybirdbliss: 


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Feb 04, 202432:38
How doing less will transform your business

How doing less will transform your business

In our world, we are given the message that we need to do more to be successful, but I don’t believe that this is the case at all.

In this episode:

  • Discernment as more important than knowledge in today’s world

  • Ancestral trauma leads to feeling not enoughness 

  • The evolved human trusts herself and does less, not more

  • Addiction to success and fear of failure leads to my burnout

  • The vulnerability of being seen in your embodied fullness and why that stops us from doing less 

  • Hiding behind the protection of knowledge and information

I hope this episode leaves you with the feeling that trusting in who you are and your greatness matters so much more than gaining more information, more certifications, and doing more! 

This is what has inspired my incredible masterclass, where we won’t just be learning, we will be transforming: 

Unleash: Somatic Practices for Impact, Creativity and Flow

In this 90 minute masterclass, I will walk you through my process of alchemizing triggers into creative flow that feels amazing - creativity without burnout, creativity out of flow and attunement to self. This profound somatic process will support you anytime you feel triggered around money, clients, rejection, being seen or anything else within your business.

Grab your spot: 


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Jan 28, 202430:29
Unleashing Creativity and Flow in Your Business

Unleashing Creativity and Flow in Your Business

When we are in survival mode, we create from a place of stress and fear. While this creativity CAN bring us income and impact, it does not feel good and it is not sustainable. Survival mode eventually turns into burnout, a dorsal vagal nervous system that is shutdown and immobile - and creativity definitely does not flow from here! 

I am sharing my authentic survival mode/burnout story and the practices I do to move through triggers and unleash incredible creativity. 

I will be walking you through this full practice inside of my next masterclass: 

Unleash: Somatic Practices for Impact, Creativity and Flow

In this 90 minute masterclass, I will walk you through my process of alchemizing triggers into flow so that you can create embodied offerings in your business through a fun and easeful process. 

This profound somatic process will support you anytime you feel triggered around sales, feeling seen, rejection and more - use it again and again to support yourself back into your power and shift from survival mode into creativity.

Grab your spot: 


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Jan 22, 202426:48
You’re actually a rebel underneath that empath, people pleaser persona

You’re actually a rebel underneath that empath, people pleaser persona

How can you feel a sense of belonging without losing your sense of self?

I’ve always seen myself as the “good girl”, an empath who follows the rules, but I’ve recently realised that we people-pleaser empaths are actually badass warriors who follow our hearts, create history, and actually change the rules and the world!Just because you live through your heart and you want to do good does not mean you’re a rule follower. I believe we are all rule breakers and new rule creators. 

If you have struggled to feel a sense of belonging or have felt like you are losing yourself on your journey to try to belong to a community, a people or a country, this heartfelt episode is for you.


HeartSpace is a space to learn how to live with an open heart. Those of us with huge hearts need profound tools of navigating our nervous system and emotions in order to keep up the ability to open our hearts.

I am going to teach you this AND MORE, plus beautiful connections with fellow lion hearts!

HeartSpace is only $33/month.

Join here: ⁠⁠ 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online courses can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Jan 17, 202435:33
Sex, Control and Doing the Work: Relationships with Natalie Kennedy

Sex, Control and Doing the Work: Relationships with Natalie Kennedy

In this episode, we dive into a range of topics, spanning from navigating relationship anxiety to addressing intimate aspects and fulfilling your sexual needs within relationships. Drawing from my personal experiences working alongside Natalie, I'll offer insights into my own journey through various stages of relationships.

Natalie is a relationship anxiety coach and meditation teacher specializing in mindfulness in partnership. Having spent years in both extremes of the Western (pharmaceutical) and Eastern (yogic and Taoist) philosophies in medicine, spirituality, and nutrition, Natalie takes a heavily nuanced approach to healing and has brought her tools to the table in her 12-year partnership with her now-husband, Preston. She is thrilled to have revived her partnership from being one-foot-out-the-door for 5 long years to the reverent, passionate marriage of her dreams today, and is honored to tell her story.

✨Connect with Natalie:



Both Feet In: 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Jan 07, 202452:34
Your Relationship with Food & Trauma with Lisa Schlosberg

Your Relationship with Food & Trauma with Lisa Schlosberg

In this episode, we will examine your relationship with food. We cover everything from emotional eating and getting to the indepth reasons as to why people emotionally eat. Find out about Lisa’s journey with food and trauma.

Lisa combines her comprehensive expertise as a Social Worker (LMSW), Certified Personal Trainer, Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Public Speaker to help emotional eaters & chronic dieters around the world achieve mind-body-soul health and wholeness. She is passionate about empowering her clients to use their struggles with food/body image as a path to rebuilding the mind-body connection, accessing deeper authenticity, exercising personal power, and embodying a life of freedom. Holistic healing techniques and education helped Lisa understand how her own lifelong “morbid obesity,” “disordered eating,” and Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) were all physical symptoms of psychological stress, unexpressed emotion, and unprocessed trauma. Having lost and maintained 150 pounds for more than a decade by healing her relationship with food (through emotional healing, somatic experiencing, mindset shifts, and more), Lisa founded Out of the Cave, LLC., to help people around the world overcome similar struggles by supporting them through the process of healing so they can feel safe to live a fulfilling life they love in a healthy body they are worthy of embodying.

✨Connect with Lisa:


Application to work with Lisa:




Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Dec 31, 202355:40
 Coexisting with Trauma: How Does Life ACTUALLY Look Like with Trauma? With Lexy Florentina

Coexisting with Trauma: How Does Life ACTUALLY Look Like with Trauma? With Lexy Florentina

In this episode, I’m joined by Lexy Florentina, a trauma-trained somatic practitioner, to chat about: 

  • How does trauma impact our daily life?

  • Can we finally live trauma-free?

  • How does a daily life impacted by trauma actually look like?

  • How do we expand our capacity for life’s ups and downs? 

Lexy is a Trauma Trained Somatic Practitioner helping people release stored stress, elevate their relationships and reconnect with their body. She has completed over 500 hours of client work and training in Trauma Informed Coaching, PolyVagal Theory, Attachment Theory, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Experiencing and Holistic Health. But with the professional work aside, She is, first and foremost, a human who has experienced complex trauma, childhood trauma and chronic health challenges. As a practitioner and space-holder, she comes with empathy for and understanding of what it’s like to feel stuck, in pain, and living in a cycle that can’t seem to be escaped.

In the midst of her own journey, she discovered just how possible it is to experience change and to cultivate a new relationship with our bodies and the world around us. Through learning the language of her body and how symptoms are messages, small changes began to show up. It was through the consistent practice of being more IN her body rather than DOING things to FIX her body that transformation slowly began to unravel.

Over the years, what she has come to know is that our bodies are brilliant and capable, and no matter where you are on your path, you make sense.

✨Connect with Lexy:


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Dec 26, 202346:47
Nervous System Attunement in Business: Day in the life of a healing practitioner

Nervous System Attunement in Business: Day in the life of a healing practitioner

Since starting my entrepreneurial journey, I slowly walked into the kind of grind and hustle culture that totally messed with my nervous system. I’ve been able to notice this and outline a whole new plan of being a healing practitioner that is actually in attunement with my nervous system, and I want to share that with you!

In this episode:

  • The inner and outer practices for a nervous system attuned business

  • The inner healing work to help your nervous system operate in peace as a biz owner

  • The importance of self care for healers

  • What my day looks like now vs when I was in the grind!

Join the Body Sense Program: 

Become a Certified Functional Somatics Practitioner!

Body-Sense certificate program for practitioners offers a transformative experience for you to create a collaborative and creative community that fosters personal growth and healing.

We provide a framework that teaches somatic, nervous system, and trauma-informed methods, equipping you with the tools to work through triggers, trauma, anxiety, and stress.

Our program helps you develop networks with peers, allowing you to be playful and open-minded while working through your own triggers and cementing your big vision.

The life and career path of service-based practitioners are filled with obstacles that may derail you from taking further action on your dreams. 

Our approach is designed to empower you to transform your life, both personally and professionally, by providing you with powerful tools and support to work through challenges so that you can continue on the path towards your goals.

By participating in our program, you can expect to experience radical transformation and personal growth, unlocking your true potential and creating a life of purpose and fulfilment.


Resources I mentioned:

Pranamat Massage Mat:


Yoga nidra: and 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Dec 17, 202340:59
Challenges and Triumphs of a Somatic Practitioner with Anna Papaioannou

Challenges and Triumphs of a Somatic Practitioner with Anna Papaioannou

In this podcast, Anna will be sharing all about the tools she has used in her personal journey after a roller coaster accident, and tools to work with anxiety, stress and trauma. Join us for this super fun conversation and learn all about our Body Sense program.

Anna is a qualified counselor, coach and integrative nervous system therapist. She passionately supports individuals to come home to themselves through harnessing the healing power of their unique physiology, body and nervous system. Anna integrates her background in psychology and counseling with somatics, breathwork, Polyvagal Theory and holistic practices to create a functional, effective and practical therapeutic approach to anxiety, stress and trauma.

Join the Body Sense Program: 

✨Connect with Anna:




Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Dec 10, 202347:50
On Attachment with Stephanie Riggs

On Attachment with Stephanie Riggs

In this podcast, we cover everything you need to know about Attachment Theory in the most simple and clear way! Steph is a brilliant speaker on attachment, and I am so excited for you to discover how your relationships can completely transform after understanding it the way she explains it.

Stephanie is a certified relationship coach, teacher and host of the On Attachment podcast. Her work focuses on cultivating an understanding of our attachment & other self-protective patterns, in order to create safety, security and wellbeing in our lives and relationships.

✨Connect with Stephanie:

Podcast: /


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!

ALL of my online can be found here: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.


Dec 03, 202347:58
The Window of Tolerance and the Meaning of Personal Growth

The Window of Tolerance and the Meaning of Personal Growth

How do you grow as a person without overwhelm and anxiety? It’s by respecting and honoring your window of tolerance! In this podcast: 

  • What is the window of tolerance, Dr. Dan Siegel’s brilliant concept 

  • Why pushing leads to burnout

  • How to actually grow inside the window of tolerance and actionable steps to do so 

  • How my online courses help you do this in a way that honors and respects your nervous system! 

ALL of my online courses are currently 20% OFF with the code ILOVEYOU for the month of November: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.

Check out the link to all my courses and don’t forget to use your 20% OFF discount code, ILOVEYOU. Because I love and adore you all! 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE resources for nervous system regulation and emotional healing: 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Nov 26, 202327:30
Desperate? This is for you.

Desperate? This is for you.

Desperation energy is a real thing! Have you ever REALLY wanted something, and kept not getting it? This is the vicious cycle of desperation.

In this episode, I really break this down for you:

  • Why mindset work around desperation doesn’t work

  • Why the spiritual idea of non attachment is SO TRUE, with a nervous system explanation

  • Why you can’t get that guy/girl, why you’re stuck with that sales call, etc.

  • What happens in your nervous system when you’re desperate

  • What to do about desperation energy and get your goals…

ALL of my online courses are currently 20% OFF with the code ILOVEYOU for the month of November: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.

Check out the link to all my courses and don’t forget to use your 20% OFF discount code, ILOVEYOU. Because I love and adore you all! 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on Instagram:

Nov 19, 202325:15
Getting Unstuck: Somatics for Business

Getting Unstuck: Somatics for Business

I’ve been scared of talking about this both because of the fear of being seen and the fear of rejection, so that’s exactly why I’ve decided to FINALLY really dive into somatics and business! I’m challenging myself AND I’m sharing super helpful tips with you!

In this episode, I am breaking down 3 major trauma responses in business, how they hold you back in your success, and how you can work through them:

  • The fear of being seen

  • The fear of rejection

  • The fear of money 

In each of these areas, we can fear having too much or too little of each, and we can learn how to live in the every revolving balance of holding both polarities of these.

I’ve created an incredible new FREEBIE for you to support you in moving through trauma responses in your business. MOVE includes a PDF and a guided audio somatic practice to help you move through these business fears, make decisions with confidence, and get unstuck through the fear of rejection, money and being seen. I’m so excited for you to access these powerful somatic tools to create healing on a personal and professional level - it’s all one! Access here: 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Nov 13, 202334:21
The Triggers Masterclass

The Triggers Masterclass

We are about to dive into literally one of the most powerful topics that has changed my life, in a super in depth way.

Discovering what triggers are has made me a resilient, conscious, and powerful human being, and I am so excited to share these tools with you!

In this episode, we will go into:

  • What are triggers?

  • How do we recognize them?

  • The nervous system and triggers 

  • Why is it important to work with our triggers? What shifts happen when we learn to own our triggers

  • Triggers in relationships - oh yes, this is a sticky one!

  • How to actually work with our triggers 

ALL of my online courses are currently 20% OFF with the code ILOVEYOU for the month of November: 

These courses support you in using the deepest layer of transformation - your body - to get to the root cause of why you may feel stuck or triggered, and make profound shifts in your relationships and your work.

I love these courses so much because they go so deep - to the root, rather than just giving you surface level communication or action tips.

Nearly 1,000 students 😲 have enrolled in my programs, and have used them to live profoundly deepened, loving lives

These courses are for you if you love learning at your own pace, but also love practical tools and practices that go to the heart and root of transformation.

Check out the link to all my courses and don’t forget to use your 20% OFF discount code, ILOVEYOU. Because I love and adore you all! 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:


Nov 12, 202338:55
Working Through and With Dissociation
Oct 29, 202327:43
The Courage to Live with an Open Heart

The Courage to Live with an Open Heart

Oct 25, 202335:10
The Trauma of Immigration, Our Family Story
Oct 22, 202333:15
How to Deal with Toxic People
Oct 15, 202335:16
Can I let go of control?
Oct 09, 202334:38
 Somatic Shadow Work
Oct 03, 202334:20
We’re Getting Confidence All Wrong
Aug 15, 202329:13
The Hidden Trauma: Healing Generational Trauma

The Hidden Trauma: Healing Generational Trauma

I’ve been so exhausted lately, and it has felt SO stuck, like I keep creating this exhaustion in my life and cannot stop. Trying all the somatic approaches and all the things has not worked, until uncovering THIS…

In this episode, I cover:

  • The impact of the Irish potato famine on the digestive tracts in descendants GENERATIONS later

  • Generational trauma and how we adapt to it 

  • The story of my grandma and how her life story has impacted mine: the Holocaust, starvation, trouble with having fun, loneliness, digestive issues, food, money, workaholism and more 

  • How to recognize whether you carry generational trauma 

  • Working with my workaholism and burnout and how understanding generational trauma has supported this 

  • The powerful somatic ritual/ceremony that has helped me begin to move out of this survival/workaholic mode  

Check out my powerful program: Claim Yourself Boldly, a 10 week embodied experience of self recognition, owning all parts of you and celebrating your power: 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Aug 11, 202329:06
Working Through My Greatest Trigger: Holding My Power Around Money

Working Through My Greatest Trigger: Holding My Power Around Money

For many years, I had a massive stuckness and trigger around money that I just couldn’t shake.

Lately, a major shift has happened, and in this episode, I share with you:

  • How I shifted my relationship with money lately

  • What you can do around your own biggest triggers

  • What holding your power really means, independent of the circumstances 

  • A real behind-the-scenes walkthrough of my business

I’d love to work with you 1-1 on your biggest triggers and stuck points for a sense of aliveness and holding your truth and power. Apply here: 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on Instagram:

FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

money mindset, triggers, relationship with money, personal growth, self-improvement, business insights, behind the scenes, stuck points, personal development, empowerment, self-awareness, transformation, coaching, self-discovery, self-empowerment, aliveness, truth, power, overcoming obstacles, mindset shift, abundance, financial mindset, self-transformation, personal empowerment, business walkthrough, self-reflection, mindset coaching, self-limiting beliefs, personal finance, self-growth, entrepreneurship, somatic coach, healing

May 28, 202330:36
Our Co-dependent Relationship and Not Being Seen

Our Co-dependent Relationship and Not Being Seen

I recently uncovered and embodied a transformation of deeply codependent patterns within my nearly 13 year relationship with my partner, and I wanted to share the lessons, the story and the transformation.

This time has been extremely difficult and so expansive at the same time, and in this episode, I talk about:

  • What is codependency, and what it has to do with not seeing yourself

  • What seeing yourself actually means

  • The story of our breakup and reunion and the work we are doing

  • How my decision to see myself impacted our new dynamic

  • When your partner “isn’t doing the work”... 


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Claim Yourself Boldly: Depth, Community, Recognition early bird pricing: 

Follow me on Instagram:

FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

codependence, transformation, relationship, lessons, breakup, reunion, dynamic, self-awareness, personal growth, healing, partnership, nervous system regulation, coaching

codependency, relationship advice, personal development, self-discovery, growth mindset, emotional healing, breakup and reconciliation, introspection, self-reflection, relationship dynamics, transformational journey, self-awareness practices, nervous system regulation techniques, life coaching, healing from codependency

May 22, 202338:55
The Trauma of Not Being Seen

The Trauma of Not Being Seen

Why is being seen so important, and how can it change your life if you begin to feel seen by yourself and others? What are the childhood traumas that are holding you back from feeling seen?

In this episode, we will unpack:

  • The tribal and evolutionary importance of the craving to feel seen

  • My own history of not being seen as an old soul with immense wisdom

  • Fear of success and fear of failure and how it relates to being seen

  • How we can navigate feeling seen in our current relationships and attract more relationships where we feel deeply seen and recognized 

  • Why seeing and recognizing ourselves is the crucial foundation to feeling seen in our lives

  • Claim Yourself Boldly is my 7 week live program that will support you in seeing yourself! A 7 week embodied experience of self recognition, owning your depth, and celebrating your extraordinary nature. Your gift to you.


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Claim Yourself Boldly: Depth, Community, Recognition early bird pricing: 

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Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

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self-recognition, feeling seen, childhood traumas, tribal importance, evolutionary importance, fear of success, fear of failure, navigating relationships, attracting deep relationships, recognizing ourselves, foundation of feeling seen, Claim Yourself Boldly, 7-week live program, self-recognition experience, owning your depth, celebrating your extraordinary nature, somatic coaching, trauma healing

May 19, 202336:60
 How to Feel Your Emotions After Childhood Emotional Neglect

How to Feel Your Emotions After Childhood Emotional Neglect

What are some ways in which emotional neglect can be just as damaging as physical neglect or abuse? And how can individuals cultivate a sense of agency and around their emotions, especially those who have experienced trauma?

In this episode, we will unpack:

  • Emotional neglect and its impact

  • Validity of all emotions

  • Taking responsibility for one's own emotions

  • Processing core emotions

  • Directing grief toward childhood experiences

  • Importance of naming and expressing emotions

  • Cultivating a sense of agency and control over emotions

  • Supporting individuals through coaching services

Join me as I share a personal journey with emotions, shedding light on the impact of emotional neglect and the importance of emotional support and validation. Learn to cultivate agency around your emotions, especially after experiencing trauma. 

❥❥❥ Apply for 1-1 coaching with me:

Resources Mentioned:


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:


Emotional neglect, Emotional abuse, Trauma recovery, Emotional support, Validation, Agency, Core emotions, Childhood experiences, Personal growth, Coaching services, Mental health, Self-improvement, Psychology, Emotional intelligence, somatic healing

May 10, 202332:25
My Favorite Relationship Transformation Tool: Projections

My Favorite Relationship Transformation Tool: Projections

You might have heard this buzz word before: “you are projecting”. But what does it actually mean?

In this episode, we will unpack:

  • What are projections?
  • Why do we project?
  • How does understanding projections actually serve us in relationships?
  • If we are projecting, does it also mean the situation is ‘our fault’?
  • Examples of projections and working through them

This is particularly fascinating, and I am so excited to share this episode with you, as I’ve recently been embodying and navigating an embodied understanding of projections!


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

March Costa Rica retreat info:

Mar 12, 202329:55
Emotional Maturity, Co-Regulation and Loneliness

Emotional Maturity, Co-Regulation and Loneliness

What does it mean to actually be there for someone as an adult? Do we fix them, tell them what to do? How do we support them?

In this episode, I cover:

  • cPTSD and loneliness: how our past trauma has impacted our ability to ask for support and help
  • The battle between: am I just triggered or am I actually upset with another person?
  • Healing solo and the need for community in healing
  • What we actually need as adults from other people when we are going through big emotions
  • Emotional maturity - what it means and how it is expressed


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

March Costa Rica retreat info:

Mar 05, 202334:27
Is Spirituality Helpful to Trauma Healing?

Is Spirituality Helpful to Trauma Healing?

While spirituality has a profoundly beautiful contribution to the healing journey, I believe it’s really important how we approach spirituality as trauma survivors.

This episode is meant to open a collaborative dialogue about this topic, and I would absolutely love to hear your feedback, thoughts and feelings about this on instagram!

In this episode, I share:

  • My personal experience with spirituality and trauma
  • The potential dangers of an ungrounded spirituality
  • The healing benefits of a spiritual approach
  • Why I am currently opening my soul to welcome more spirituality into my life


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

March Costa Rica retreat info:

Feb 26, 202333:40
Can Trauma Be Our Greatest Gift?

Can Trauma Be Our Greatest Gift?

Trauma as a gift is a controversial topic for sure, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts on this.

While trauma is extremely harmful and painful - it can provide us with incredible strength and resilience. I come from the perspective that we ALL experience trauma, so we all get to learn from it.

In this episode, I share how I've learned from my own traumatic experiences and how trauma has been a gift for me - along with the moments when it was the most painful experience. And yes, they can coexist.


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

March Costa Rica retreat info:

Feb 19, 202328:45
Change Your Life & Habits Through Your Subconscious

Change Your Life & Habits Through Your Subconscious

When I started my healing journey, I didn't realize I was only addressing my conscious mind through mindset work. This did not go deep enough to change my habits because it didn't address the most important part of us: the unconscious and the subconscious! 

Today, we are going extra deep into how you can actually shift behavioral patterns and your reality.

In this episode, I cover:

  • How to know which behaviors can actually be transformed by the subconscious and unconscious (hint: the ones ruled by these!)
  • The conscious, subconscious and unconscious: what are the differences?
  • How to access the unconscious and subconscious and where they reside
  • How to actually transform stuck behaviors by accessing the subconscious and unconscious
  • How triggers can give us clues into the subconscious and unconscious
  • Some of my favorite practices: breathwork, deep somatic meditation, generational trauma healing


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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FREE nervous system regulation online training:

Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

March Costa Rica retreat info:

Feb 12, 202336:01
Is it your intuition or trauma?

Is it your intuition or trauma?

When we have experienced a lot of trauma and find ourselves in triggering situations, it can be so tricky to discern whether we are facing a trauma-based decision, or perhaps our intuition is speaking to us - for or against something.

In this episode, I cover:

  • Intuition is quiet, anxiety is loud and intense
  • In order to access intuition, we need to learn to connect to our bodies and become regulated
  • We can have both in a situation: anxiety/trauma and intuition
  • Sometimes, our intuition tells us to leave a situation based on previous traumatic experiences but I would recommend not making a decision ever when we are in that state
  • This confusion often happens in situations that are most triggering to you, situations where you’ve been hurt before, so remember that
  • If you feel confused in your mind, it means that you shouldn’t make a decision yet
  • Remember that making decisions is a fluid and ongoing process; let yourself make a mistake, make a decision and then change your mind - it’s ok and it’s not black and white!


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

March Costa Rica retreat info:

Feb 05, 202323:33
The Daily Courageous Acts of Healing

The Daily Courageous Acts of Healing

We are often sold the myth that healing is a destination, rather than a journey.

So, what are the actual practical tools we can use on a daily basis to heal on this journey?

In this episode, I am sharing my favorite tools and also my daily healing routine. As a highly sensitive person, it definitely helps to have one!

My favorite tools:

  • Nervous system regulation practices
  • Breathwork
  • Emotional healing: observing emotions and expressing them, as well as Hilary Jacobs Hendel’s work
  • Working with triggers (regulating sensations and expressing emotions)
  • Sitting with and expressing pleasure and joy


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

Costa Rica retreat info:

HealFlow 5 month group program:

Jan 29, 202329:11
What does it actually mean to regulate your nervous system?

What does it actually mean to regulate your nervous system?

So often, we think that being regulated means always being calm and happy. So I wanted to share another perspective...

In this episode, I cover the nervous system states: ventral vagal, sympathetic, dorsal vagal

Why we need each state for our survival, and why we would never want to get rid of any of them

Safety and perceived threat/trauma and the nervous system

What regulation actually means: aka flexibility, not being constantly in ventral vagal, or present and calm. 

The practices, tools and exercises we need to continue to improve our regulation such as: body connection, somatic awareness, knowing somatic exercises that work for us, and a daily somatic routine


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

Costa Rica retreat info:

HealFlow 5 month group program:

Jan 22, 202325:10
I’m Addicted to Chaos

I’m Addicted to Chaos

When you’re addicted to chaos, you will always function that way in your nervous system

You will choose environments, relationships and activities that are fast paced

You will choose activities that are really intense to calm down - this will only work in the short term, as a numbing strategy, but not in the long term

In this episode, we cover... 

  • How can you shift your attraction to chaotic environments?
  • How can you actually find peace?
  • What are the nervous system regulation techniques and emotional healing tools for this
  • Tracking your stress levels
  • Working in your window of tolerance - and my own experience and examples for this 

Working on my own addiction to chaos and a fast paced life has been one of my biggest challenges, so I am really excited to share my progress and the tools that have been supportive so far!


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


Follow me on instagram:  FREE nervous system regulation online training:  Connect and Ground: 10 Incredible Somatic Practices for Nervous System Regulation:

Costa Rica retreat info:

HealFlow 5 month group program:

Jan 15, 202335:44
Loneliness, Receiving Support & Creating Community

Loneliness, Receiving Support & Creating Community

Feeling lonely has been a trigger for me for most of my life. This New Years I experienced something magical, and I wanted to share it with you as a sign of hope and a message about the importance of community. 

We are not meant to heal and grow alone. We are meant to do so in community!

In this episode, I cover... 

  • My personal struggles with receiving support and the friendships I created as a result
  • My trauma around loneliness: both ancestral and personal
  • How I’ve been creating and cultivating community lately and what has helped me with this
  • How I’ve been working with my blocks around receiving support

If you are feeling lonely, I want you to know and feel that my heart feels your heart. I love you so much.


Thank you so much for being here! I appreciate and love you so much. Please take a moment to rate the show and subscribe - it would mean the world to me!


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HealFlow 5 month group program:

Jan 08, 202337:24