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Marketing Meanders with Sally and Sam

Marketing Meanders with Sally and Sam

By Sam Birkett and Sally Green

Welcome to Marketing Meanders with Sally and Sam, over 50 years of marketing experience squashed into a podcast.

After years of talking about marketing matters in delightful conversations, we've decided to share some of them with you. If you've ever fancied hearing what marketing looks like on the ground, the pitfalls, politics and prices, then we hope we have a podcast for you. If you're a marketer, you'll recognise some of the stories we tell, and if a small business owner hopefully we'll answer a question or two.

We'd love to hear from you, and if you like the pod please tell others!
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8. Mini Meander 4 - To do it yourself, or not do it yourself?

Marketing Meanders with Sally and SamOct 06, 2020

44. Automation with Dave Heywood - Part One

44. Automation with Dave Heywood - Part One

In this special meander we talk all things automation with Dave Heywood, a digital marketing specialist at Bovill, and owner of OX7.

We had a glorious two-part conversation about what marketing automation is, when you may or may not need it, how to prepare for its  implementation. How do you know if it's working, and assessing whether an unhealthy culture has emerged around it.

Let us know if this has raised any questions for you on automation, tweet us @meanderspod or email

Feb 02, 202132:42
43. Are you the only marketer in the company?
Feb 01, 202102:34
42. The challenges of being the only marketer in the company - Part Two

42. The challenges of being the only marketer in the company - Part Two

We pick up where we left off in part one. In this episode we address building relationships, gaining resources, justifying what you do, taking on board suggestions about marketing from others, whilst delivering on your agenda, and the fine art of saying no!

If you are a lone marketer, let us know if any of our solutions resonate with you, and if you've been in this position previously, why not let us know what worked for you...Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Jan 28, 202126:53
41. The challenges of being the only marketer in the company - Part One
Jan 26, 202129:22
40. The politics of marketing - Part Two
Jan 21, 202130:59
39. The politics of marketing - Part One
Jan 19, 202128:03
38. Budgets, budgets, budgets - Part Two
Jan 14, 202127:07
37. Budgets, budgets, budgets - Part One

37. Budgets, budgets, budgets - Part One

We need to find some savings in the budget...this is something most of us have heard before, but how do we deal with it? Why is marketing budgeting so important? How do you budget effectively? Who should you be communicating with to produce your budget? What are some of the ways to defend your budget, especially through difficult times? What opportunities can you find when having to be  more stringent on your marketing spend? 

Jan 12, 202141:08
36. Happy New Year and Outsourcing
Jan 08, 202142:14
35. PR with Toby Roe - Part Two
Jan 05, 202125:01
Dec 31, 202046:38
33. PR with Toby Roe - Part One

33. PR with Toby Roe - Part One

Join us for a two part episode exploring PR with Toby Roe, who is co-founder of Roe Communications with his wife Victoria. Their PR company specialises in PR for Executive Education providers including business schools and leading academics, and they've picked up a host of fascinating insights on PR, organisations and the work between PR and marketing. In part one we look at:

What is PR? How do you plan an effective PR strategy? How does PR differ from marketing, where is the interface, and how do you get marketing and PR to work together? How can PR work most effectively, and why is it so important for organisations to be aligned? 

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Dec 22, 202035:53
32. Christmas Compilation Trailer...

32. Christmas Compilation Trailer...

Hello All, We'd love you to listen to this one, but also, if you like the podcast, to share it. We've refined down the best of the advice from our guest experts into this special compilation. We'll be releasing it over the Christmas period for you to savour after a festive meal, or perhaps whilst going for a wintry walk. Enjoy,  and please do share the podcast with your friends! 

Dec 21, 202001:31
31. Networking with Stefan Thomas - Part Two

31. Networking with Stefan Thomas - Part Two

We pick up the conversation with Stefan Thomas, best selling author of 'Business Networking for Dummies', 'Instant Networking' and 'Win the Room'.

I this instalment we covered How do you get started with networking? When and how can networking pay off? How do you make the most of networking with people right in front of you, even if they don't seem to be your ideal target market?

If you missed part one, you can listen here.

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Dec 18, 202032:26
30. Networking with Stefan Thomas - Part One

30. Networking with Stefan Thomas - Part One

We were privileged to have a two part conversation about networking with Stefan Thomas, best selling author of 

'Business Networking for Dummies', 'Instant Networking' and 'Win the Room'.

We had delightful discussion around what the real meaning, and practice, of networking is. Why building trust and maintaining relationships is so important. The joy of getting to know people. Why you should identify the networking you are already doing in your life. Making the most out of virtual networking, how do you need to prepare differently to in-person events, what's the same and what are the opportunities? Plus Stefan gives you one simple exercise you can do today to help improve your networking opportunities.

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Dec 15, 202036:53
29. All about websites, and much more with James Holden - Part Two

29. All about websites, and much more with James Holden - Part Two

We pick up part two of our conversation with James Holden, founder of Wolf Productions. This time we consider questions such as is your website working for you? What are you measuring the success of your website against? How should you maintain your website? Why is it important to invest adequately in the web presence you own?

Listen to Part One here if you missed it.

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Dec 10, 202040:24
28. All about websites, and much more with James Holden - Part One

28. All about websites, and much more with James Holden - Part One

Why do you need a website in the first place? What is your website there to do, and how do you know if it's doing it? When are chat bots a good idea, and why should you be different to get noticed in your marketing? 

We discuss these questions and much, much more with James Holden, founder of Wolf Productions, the bespoke  website design company, which he started in 2001.

Listen to part one of our absorbing meander with James. If you're interested in how to make the most of your website, you'll find this useful!

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Dec 08, 202036:58
27. Mini Meander 8 - The sales process an example
Dec 03, 202013:16
 26. Marketing analytics with Hugo Pickering - Part Two

26. Marketing analytics with Hugo Pickering - Part Two

We pick up the fascinating conversation with Hugo Pickering into the world of analytics in this episode.

Walk with us down the riverbank meanders of marketing and explore all these questions...What should you be looking for from analytics consultancies you commission? Can you decipher their reports, are they too long, too short, too unfocussed, too clinical? How can you decipher changes to make based on what the analytics are telling you? Are them some examples of organisations that understand and measure their customer journeys well?

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Dec 01, 202035:11
25. Online overload in Q1 2021
Nov 26, 202058:55
24. Marketing analytics with Hugo Pickering - Part One
Nov 24, 202035:05
23. Mini Meander 7 - Project Management Systems, and six ways they will help you
Nov 19, 202009:07
22. LinkedIn with Emma Wyatt - Part Two
Nov 17, 202036:17
21. Marketing at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels - Part Two
Nov 12, 202040:18
20. LinkedIn with Emma Wyatt - Part One

20. LinkedIn with Emma Wyatt - Part One

How do the most effective users of LinkedIn operate? What should your profile look like? When should you post, what should you post? What does a connection strategy look like? Our guest Emma Wyatt has answers to these questions and more, in this special episode.

Listen to Part One today, with Part Two following hotly on its heels. Once you've listened, why not let us know what you think, and take a deeper look at the LinkedIn strategy and coaching work Emma helps her clients with, you can find her, on LinkedIn!

Feel free to get in touch with your thoughts: Tweet us @meanderspod or email

Nov 10, 202033:24
19. Marketing at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels - Part One
Nov 05, 202030:30
18. Mini Meander 6 - The One Page Marketing Plan
Nov 04, 202005:33
17. Sales Conferences with Barry Clark - Part Two
Nov 02, 202035:34
16. Customer Journeys Part Two - This time it's personal!
Oct 22, 202034:33
15. Sales Conferences with Barry Clark - Part One
Oct 20, 202028:48
14. Customer Journeys - touchpoints, tills and tiaras (well not tiaras!)

14. Customer Journeys - touchpoints, tills and tiaras (well not tiaras!)

Do you truly understand your customers' journeys? 

If we were to compare your customer touchpoints to a shop, have you thought about the conversations that are taking place outside the shop window, who meets the customer at the door? Are you hassling customers too much as they browse, or not checking in with them enough? Can your customers find the items on the shelves clearly marked, and do they know where the till is What's your follow up with people after they've left the shop, will they recommend your products, and how will you get them to return?

This and much more in our latest Meander!

Oct 16, 202033:22
13. Market Research with Amanda Claesens - Part Two
Oct 14, 202045:33
12. Mini Meander 5 - How much of your job is spent doing you job?
Oct 11, 202006:13
11. Market Research with Amanda Claesens - Part One
Oct 09, 202038:00
10. Market Research Meander with Amanda Claesens Trailer
Oct 08, 202001:40
9. Has your marketing budget been slashed? - A call for your advice
Oct 06, 202003:34
8. Mini Meander 4 - To do it yourself, or not do it yourself?
Oct 06, 202004:28
7. Audiences - Part Two - The meander continues...
Oct 02, 202026:04
6. Extra Mini Meander - Are you boggled by marketing innovations?
Oct 01, 202003:42
5. Audiences - Part One - Who, what, where, how?

5. Audiences - Part One - Who, what, where, how?

What do handbags, ravenous hyenas and Percy Pigs have in common? Our latest Marketing Meander about audiences of course. We've split this one in two digestible chunks, as there is so much to explore, and questions to ask, questions like:

Who are my audience? 

What do they look like?

What motivates my audience, and what do they need from me?

Where do I find them?

How do I communicate with them, and inspire them?

What do I do with them once I've got their attention?

Any many, many more, just sit back, relax and have a listen to see how many of these areas we've meandered through, enjoy!

Sep 29, 202035:19
4. Mini Meander 3 - Once upon a time...

4. Mini Meander 3 - Once upon a time...

How can you harness the power of storytelling? Where do you start? Is it time to revisit the 'about us' part of your website, does it say why you do what you do? Does it tell your story? How do stories in your marketing really make a difference? 

Sep 25, 202014:31
3. Mini Meander - Anxiety, hope and purchasing a product.

3. Mini Meander - Anxiety, hope and purchasing a product.

According to a new study from Imperial College London, anxiety makes people more likely to buy a product. This doesn't mean we should frighten our prospect customers into buying our products, or increase their anxiety, but we should be clear, helpful and hopeful. I've tried to make sense of this from my point of view, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. Send me any ideas @meanderspod. 

Sep 24, 202007:35
2. A Mini Meander - Machines and humans

2. A Mini Meander - Machines and humans

This is a quick meander about machines, data and the human being. Where should marketing focus, or be led? Do we sometimes forget about the human being consuming our campaigns, and our own humanity when making decisions on a strategy to pursue? Have a listen an let us know what you think.

Sep 22, 202011:42
1. What's this campaign thing anyway? Marketing Meanders - Episode 1

1. What's this campaign thing anyway? Marketing Meanders - Episode 1

Hooray, it's the first episode of Marketing Meanders with Sally and Sam, a foray into marketing at the coalface. In this episode we're discussing what a marketing campaign is. We will ask all the questions you'll want to ask yourself and your team before, during and after running one.

Questions like: What sort of campaign(s) do we need? Who are we targeting? How do we create something to fit our budget? How do we launch our campaign, and where does it live? How should we monitor it, manage it, and mitigate failures? How does it come to an end?

Remember, it's a meander, filled with personal examples and pondering. Have a listen and let us know what you think.l. Enjoy!

Sep 21, 202057:33