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Playbook Radio

Playbook Radio

By Martin Williams

A podcast that delves into mindset, visualization, strategic planning, and improving execution in all areas of life.
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Playbook Radio #146: TWA (Thoughts, Words and Actions)

Playbook Radio May 13, 2024

 Playbook Radio #148 - Writing New Mental Programs

Playbook Radio #148 - Writing New Mental Programs

Feeling Stuck? Reprogram Your Mind for Success on Playbook Radio

This episode of Playbook Radio with Martin Williams is all about taking control of your thoughts and achieving your goals.

Martin argues that our minds run on programs, and just like a computer with outdated software, our minds might be holding us back. He emphasizes the importance of  rewriting these programs to achieve the results we desire.

In the episode, you'll learn:

  • Why our mindset plays a crucial role in success
  • How to identify and change limiting beliefs
  • Practical methods for reprogramming your mind, including affirmations and audio tools

Ready to stop spinning your wheels and achieve your full potential? Tune in and learn how to reprogram your mind for success!

Don't forget to subscribe to Playbook Radio!

May 24, 202410:31
Playbook Radio #147 - Daily Mindset Work

Playbook Radio #147 - Daily Mindset Work

Playbook Radio: Daily Mindset Work for Peak Performance

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? On Playbook Radio, host Martin Williams discusses the importance of daily mindset work for achieving your goals and reaching your full potential.

In this episode, Martin dives into:

  • Why mindset work is like brushing your teeth (you gotta do it every day!)
  • How to take control and program your mind for success
  • Powerful techniques for daily mindset work, including writing out goals and affirmations
  • How to avoid the trap of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs

Martin breaks down complex concepts into actionable steps, making Playbook Radio a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their life to the next level.

Ready to finally achieve your goals? Tune in today!

For more information and resources, visit

May 21, 202408:16
Playbook Radio #146: TWA (Thoughts, Words and Actions)

Playbook Radio #146: TWA (Thoughts, Words and Actions)

Playbook Radio #146 : Master Your Reality: How Thoughts, Words, and Actions Shape Your World

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the power of TWA: Thoughts, Words, and Actions. Drawing on personal anecdotes, Martin explains how he used this framework to achieve his goals, from landing a dream job to going back to school.

He compares changing your life to traveling to a new country. Just like you wouldn't speak English in Argentina, you need to adjust your thoughts, words, and actions to align with the reality you desire.

Martin dives into specific strategies:

  • Speak the language of your desired reality: Instead of saying "I wish I had a better job," talk as if you already have it.
  • Take actions that reflect your new reality: Print directions to your dream job or visualize yourself living in your new house.
  • Embrace the energy of your goals: Feel the emotions of what it would be like to achieve your desires.

Martin argues that by consistently applying TWA, you can attract the life you want. So if you're looking to create positive change, this episode is for you!

Don't forget to subscribe to Playbook Radio for more inspiring content!

May 13, 202417:24
Playbook Radio #145 - Don't Say Dumb Stuff
Apr 23, 202407:26
Playbook Radio #144 - Eliminate the Options

Playbook Radio #144 - Eliminate the Options

Welcome to Playback Radio! I'm Martin Williams, and in this episode, we'll be discussing Eliminating Options Playbook Principle Number Four: Make a Decision.

We'll be exploring how making a decision can open up paths and remove obstacles in achieving our goals. We'll also discuss how too many options can hinder decision-making and offer some helpful tips on how to eliminate options and streamline our choices.

Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, and check out our website at for more great content. Thanks for tuning in!

Apr 20, 202407:31
Playbook Radio #143 - Think, Say and Do the Same Thing

Playbook Radio #143 - Think, Say and Do the Same Thing

Do you ever feel like you're all over the place when it comes to achieving your goals?

In this episode of Playbook Radio, we discuss the power of consistency for peak performance. You'll learn the three key principles to develop unwavering belief in yourself and achieve lasting success:

  1. Think the Same Thing: Program your mind for success by consistently visualizing your goals and the positive emotions you'll experience when you achieve them.
  2. Say the Same Thing: Send powerful messages to your subconscious mind through affirmations to solidify your belief in your desired outcome.
  3. Do the Same Thing: Develop consistent habits and routines that move you closer to your goals every single day, rain or shine.

By implementing these principles, you'll be well on your way to achieving consistent results and building a predictable, successful life.

This episode is for you if:

  • You struggle with inconsistent motivation and follow-through.
  • You want to learn how to develop unwavering belief in yourself.
  • You're looking for practical strategies to achieve your goals.
Apr 07, 202422:10
Playbook Radio #142 - Quitting Too Soon

Playbook Radio #142 - Quitting Too Soon

Welcome to Playbook Radio, where we cover everything from entrepreneurship to sports and everything in between. In this episode, Martin Williams talks about the importance of not quitting too soon. He shares his experience of recording a podcast and losing the first part of it, emphasizing the importance of persistence and long-term outlook. Martin also discusses the Sprint to Freedom community he created for people who are looking to start their own business while working full-time. He highlights the power of habit and muscle memory and how they can help entrepreneurs to stay focused and keep executing, even when nothing seems to be happening. Martin draws a parallel between football and entrepreneurship and emphasizes the need for consistent, almost daily practice for 10 years to get a shot at making it to the top of the field. Join us for this inspiring and insightful episode of Playbook Radio, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to this podcast on Apple, podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. All links to this podcast can be found at

Mar 27, 202409:37
Playbook Radio #141 - The Five Guys Philosophy
Mar 14, 202414:23
Playbook Radio #140 - The 90 Day Rule

Playbook Radio #140 - The 90 Day Rule

Most corporations had a 90-day policy where you didn't get your benefits unless you were on the job for 90 days. If you're starting in business, the temptation is to quit when you're not seeing results. What if you instituted a 90-day rule not to try anything else until 3 months have passed? I talk about it in today's podcast.

Mar 13, 202412:47
Playbook Radio #139: Develop a Daily Routine for Your Side Business
Mar 11, 202410:40
Playbook Radio #138 - You have enough time to start building a second income
Feb 29, 202405:28
Playbook Radio #137 - Start Moving toward Your Dream

Playbook Radio #137 - Start Moving toward Your Dream

I went old school with no intro, just some thoughts on chasing your passion

Feb 28, 202411:26
Playbook Radio #136 - Overconfidence is better than Underconfidence
Feb 26, 202404:54
Playbook Radio #135 - Mental Skills to Overcome Stuckness

Playbook Radio #135 - Mental Skills to Overcome Stuckness

Welcome to the Playbook Strategies podcast, hosted by Martin Williams. In this weekly training series, Martin shares his insights and expertise on how to overcome feeling stuck in various aspects of life, including finances, career, relationships, and health. By reframing what it means to be stuck and creating a framework for moving forward, Martin helps listeners achieve their goals and avoid getting stuck again in the future. Join Martin as he shares practical tips and strategies for personal and professional growth. Visit for more information.

Feb 11, 202436:11
Playbook Radio #134 - AFC Championship Review as a Mindset Coach

Playbook Radio #134 - AFC Championship Review as a Mindset Coach

I recently watched the AFC Championship Game and had some interesting observations as it relates to mental skills and minsdet

Jan 31, 202406:11
Playbook Radio #133 - How Overthinking can Wreck your Life

Playbook Radio #133 - How Overthinking can Wreck your Life

I've struggled with overthinking for years, but I've figured out some things and would love to share them with you.

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube

Jan 24, 202413:39
Playbook Radio #132 - Start Game-Planning

Playbook Radio #132 - Start Game-Planning

Welcome to Playbook Radio with your host, Martin Williams. In this episode, Martin delves into the crucial concept of game planning, drawing parallels between the meticulous planning of NFL coaches and how it can be applied to our daily lives.

Jan 11, 202405:15
Playbook Radio #131: Visualize Exactly What You Want
Jan 10, 202408:15
Playbook Radio #130 - Make This The Year

Playbook Radio #130 - Make This The Year

Feeling stuck in the same old rut? Year after year, same goals, same struggles? Join Martin Williams, your host on Playbook Radio, as he throws out the rulebook for 2024! This year, we're ditching the stale routines and chasing breakthroughs.

Whether it's starting your dream business, landing that career leap, or finally crushing your fitness goals, this is your year to make it happen. Martin shares his personal journey and three key pillars to propel you forward:

  1. Shake Up the Approach: Ditch the dead-end routines and embrace new strategies. Think out of the box, tweak your methods, and watch your results ignite!

  2. Get Tough, Get Gritty: Self-love is awesome, but accountability is key. Push beyond comfort zones, hire a coach, set higher standards – whatever it takes to light a fire under your butt.

  3. Never Stop Climbing: Good days, bad days, no days off. Keep pushing, keep grinding, keep going. Remember Kobe's words: "Rest at the end, not the middle." Reach your ultimate goal, no matter what!

This is your invitation to break through in 2024. Subscribe now, smash that like button, and share the Playbook Radio revolution! And don't forget, for even more personal development fuel, check out Playbook Strategies' "Mental Recoding" audios. It's time to reprogram your mind and unlock your full potential!

Jan 03, 202405:02
Playbook Radio #129: Order Your Thoughts

Playbook Radio #129: Order Your Thoughts

Order Your Thoughts 

Maintain Your Cool During the Holidays: Order Your Thoughts for Peace and Harmony

Key Takeaways:

  • The power of ordered thoughts: During chaotic holidays, your mind can mirror the external environment, leading to setbacks in your progress. Take control by pre-planning your actions and responses.

  • Prepare for potential challenges: Anticipate situations that might trigger unhealthy behaviors, like holiday feasts for those on a diet or family gatherings for recovering individuals. Develop coping mechanisms beforehand.

  • Create a game plan: Decide what you will eat, drink, and how you will handle difficult interactions before heading home. Write down your plan for better accountability.

  • Focus on your goals: Remember your ultimate intention - a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. Don't be swayed by temptations or drawn into unnecessary drama.

  • Control your own mind: You cannot control others, but you can control your own reactions and mental space.Choose to think the way you want and avoid negativity.

  • Order your thoughts - not just for holidays: This skill is valuable year-round, helping you stay focused and proactive amidst everyday distractions.

Like, comment, subscribe, and share this episode with anyone who could benefit from a calmer and more mindful holiday season.

Dec 20, 202309:18
Playbook Radio #128 -How to Increase Focus

Playbook Radio #128 -How to Increase Focus

Playbook Radio: Increase Your Focus and Boost Productivity

In this episode of Playbook Radio, host Martin Williams tackles the ever-present challenge of focus. He dives deep into actionable strategies to help you sharpen your concentration and get things done:

Key Takeaways:

  • Shorten your mental menu. Eliminate distractions and clutter, both physically (clear your desk) and mentally (avoid multitasking).

  • Limit external distractions. Use tools like "Do Not Disturb" mode and put your phone in another room with music playing.

  • Train your mind to focus. Give yourself instructions like "no daydreaming while working" and repeat them as needed.

  • Visualize yourself as highly focused. Imagine yourself accomplishing tasks with laser-sharp concentration.

  • Start small and gradually increase focus time. Reduce daydreaming time incrementally, aiming for complete focus eventually.

  • Explore Mental Recoding by Playbook Strategies. These short audios help reprogram your thoughts for success in various areas of life.

Take control of your attention and achieve your goals with Playbook Radio's practical tips. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes and visit the links below for additional resources.


  • Mental Recoding products

  • Playbook Radio on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube

  • Martin Williams on Instagram and TikTok

Enjoy the episode and start focusing your way to success!

Dec 12, 202312:31
Playbook Radio #127 - Why You Need to Visualize Daily

Playbook Radio #127 - Why You Need to Visualize Daily

Welcome to Playbook Radio, where we explore strategies and tools to help you achieve your full potential. In this episode, host Martin Williams dives deep into the powerful practice of visualization. 

You'll learn:

Whether you're seeking to overcome a personal challenge, reach a financial milestone, or simply live a more fulfilling life, learn how the power of visualization can be your key to success.

Don't forget to subscribe to Playbook Radio on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube for more episodes.

Dec 12, 202306:21
Playbook Radio #126 - Think Big, Finish Small

Playbook Radio #126 - Think Big, Finish Small


This episode of Playbook Radio discusses the importance of finishing things you start, even if they seem overwhelming.The host, Martin Williams, shares the principle of "think big, but finish small," encouraging listeners to break down large goals into smaller, achievable tasks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Always be closing and finishing: This means consistently completing tasks and projects, regardless of their size.
  • Think big, but finish small: Break down large goals into smaller, actionable steps.
  • Focus on progress, not perfection: Don't be discouraged by setbacks. Celebrate every step you take towards your goal.
  • Start small and build momentum: It's easier to keep going once you've started and made some progress.
  • Don't be afraid to adjust your goals: As you learn and grow, it's okay to adjust your original goals.

Dec 07, 202314:58
Playbook Radio #125 - Mental Patterns

Playbook Radio #125 - Mental Patterns

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the importance of mental patterns in controlling every aspect of our lives. He argues that if we want to improve our lives, we need to first identify and change our broken mental patterns.

Here are some key takeaways from the episode:

  • Mental patterns are the way we think and act.
  • Our mental patterns are created through habits and beliefs.
  • Our mental patterns can be changed by setting goals and rewiring our thought patterns.
  • No one can change our mental patterns for us. It is up to us to make the changes.

If you are looking to improve your life, I encourage you to listen to this episode and learn more about the power of mental patterns.

Dec 04, 202308:06
Sprint to Freedom Day 5 - November 2023 Cohort

Sprint to Freedom Day 5 - November 2023 Cohort

Welcome to Day Five of the Sprint to Freedom. Today, we're diving into two crucial topics: faith and your assignments. When it comes to building your business mindset, having faith is key. Shifting from an employee mindset to that of an employer is a faith journey. You've got to believe you can achieve what you're setting out to do. Building your business isn't just about the practical work, it's also about nurturing your faith during the hours you're not actively working on your business.

It's easy for our minds to lead us astray, making us believe we're not cut out for something before we even attempt it. Sometimes, we disqualify ourselves before giving the situation a fair chance, fearing failure or rejection. 

But in this 30-day journey, the mantra is clear: stay in the fight, don't disqualify yourself, and don't quit when things aren't moving as fast as you expect. Building faith is crucial because it gives you the strength to persevere when you feel like giving up.

Faith, as mentioned in the Bible, is the evidence of things not seen. It's what you hold onto before clients, customers, and success manifest in your business. It's a process—holding onto that unwavering belief before seeing the tangible results. 

Your words and thoughts play a significant role in building this faith. Speaking success, growth, and abundance rather than focusing on lack or failure helps shape your reality.

Yes, it might seem odd or mystical, but consider how we accept things as truth simply because we've heard them repeatedly. Apply the same principle to your business: speak success into existence. 

Change your self-talk, consume positive business content, and take action. Faith without action is fruitless. Engage in the daily challenges, work on your sales funnel, and keep moving forward.

By Day 15, aim to have your lead magnet and offer ready, two-thirds of your sales funnel. Remember, this journey requires persistence, positive self-talk, action, and the unwavering belief that success is on the horizon. It might seem strange initially, but as you persist, watch how your reality begins to align with your affirmations.

Thank you for joining me today. I'm Martin Williams, and I'll catch up with you soon. Keep speaking your business success into existence and taking those crucial steps toward your goals.

Nov 16, 202317:04
Sprint to Freedom November 2023 Cohort - Day 3

Sprint to Freedom November 2023 Cohort - Day 3

Sprint to Freedom Day 3: Making Your Offer

In this episode, Martin Williams discusses the importance of making a valuable offer that solves a real problem for your target audience. He explains why it's important to start with a broad market and then niche down later, and shares tips on how to earn trust by solving general problems.

Here are some key takeaways from the episode:

  • Solve a current and relevant problem. Your offer should address a problem that people are actually facing, not just an inconvenience.
  • Target a broad market initially. This will give you more opportunities to build social proof and revenue.
  • Niche down later, once you're established. This will allow you to focus on the specific needs of your ideal customers.
  • Solve general problems to earn trust. This will help people get to know you and see that you're an expert in your field.

If you're ready to make a valuable offer and attract customers, tune in to this episode of Sprint to Freedom!

Nov 09, 202319:14
Sprint to Freedom November 2023 Cohort - Day 2

Sprint to Freedom November 2023 Cohort - Day 2

Day 2 Overview of the Sprint to Freedom is here, below is a summary of what was discussed

  • Daily content creation for entrepreneurs. 0:05

    • Martin Williams welcomes the "League of Content Creators" and encourages them to create daily content to build an audience and achieve their goals.

  • Content creation platforms and strategies. 1:39

    • Martin suggests picking one platform (writing, video, or podcasting) and sticking with it daily, while periodically exploring the other two for maximum reach.

    • He also advises choosing content based on personal comfort level and audience demographics, rather than trying to cater to all three platforms simultaneously.

  • Solving problems in various industries. 4:38

    • Mental health professional discusses common problems faced by clients, such as PTSD and depression.

  • Content creation for businesses. 7:10

    • Martin emphasizes importance of addressing problems and providing solutions to build trust and generate business.

    • He also suggests 70% problem-solving content, 20% personal life, and 10% sales.

  • Content creation for business growth. 11:23

    • Focus on short-form content (IG reels, TikTok, YouTube shorts) for daily engagement, while also posting longer content (videos, articles, podcasts) less frequently.

  • Martin Williams emphasizes the importance of producing content to stay in business

    Ready to start your journey to making money in your own business?

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Nov 08, 202315:25
Playbook Radio #124 - Scarcity vs Abundance
Nov 03, 202310:29
Playbook Radio #123 - Watch Your Thoughts

Playbook Radio #123 - Watch Your Thoughts

Martin Williams discusses the importance of watching your thoughts at work. He points out that our thoughts create our reality, and that if we're not careful about the way we think, we'll end up with more of what we don't want.


  • Watch your thoughts at work, and avoid filling up the "I hate my job" box.
  • Start thinking on purpose about what you truly want in your life.
  • Fill up the box of "I'm doing what I want to be doing."
  • Your thoughts are taking you somewhere, so make sure they're taking you to the place you want to go.

Additional Thoughts

Williams' advice is applicable to all areas of life, not just work. By paying attention to our thoughts and deliberately choosing to think about what we want, we can create the lives we desire.

Oct 24, 202304:26
Playbook Radio #122 - Next Play Mentality

Playbook Radio #122 - Next Play Mentality

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the importance of having a next play mentality. This means that when you make a mistake, you don't dwell on it. You learn from it and move on.

Martin explains that everyone makes mistakes, even the best athletes in the world. But what sets them apart is that they don't let their mistakes define them. They have a next play mentality.

Martin gives some tips for developing a next play mentality:

  • Learn from your mistakes. Don't just brush them off. Take some time to reflect on what went wrong and what you can do to avoid making the same mistake in the future.
  • Don't dwell on your mistakes. Once you've learned from them, let them go. Don't beat yourself up over them.
  • Focus on the next play. Whatever you're working on, focus on the next step you need to take. Don't worry about the big picture or the finish line. Just focus on the next play.

Martin also discusses the importance of having a positive mindset. He explains that when you believe in yourself and your ability to succeed, you're more likely to achieve your goals.


  • Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Don't let your mistakes define you.
  • Learn from your mistakes and move on.
  • Focus on the next play.
  • Have a positive mindset.

By following these tips, you can develop a next play mentality and achieve your goals.

Oct 16, 202306:13
Playbook Radio #121 - Deleting Corrupt Files from your Mind

Playbook Radio #121 - Deleting Corrupt Files from your Mind

n this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the importance of mental programming. He explains that our minds are like computers, and that we are constantly executing the files that are in our minds. If we want to achieve different results, we need to change the files that we are executing.

Martin gives the example of someone who is feeling angry or resentful. This type of negative thinking will lead to negative results. If you want to achieve positive results, you need to focus on positive thoughts.

Martin also discusses the importance of being vigilant with our thoughts. He explains that if we don't get rid of negative thoughts, they will grow and grow until they take over our lives.


  • Our minds are like computers, and we are constantly executing the files that are in our minds.
  • If we want to achieve different results, we need to change the files that we are executing.
  • It is important to be vigilant with our thoughts and to get rid of negative thoughts.

Here are some tips for changing your mental programming:

  • Identify your negative thoughts. What are the things that you are constantly saying to yourself?
  • Challenge your negative thoughts. Are these thoughts really true? Are there any other ways to look at the situation?
  • Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. What would you like to be thinking instead?
  • Repeat your positive thoughts until they become your new mental programming.

It takes time and effort to change your mental programming, but it is worth it. When you change your thoughts, you change your results.

Oct 15, 202307:34
Playbook Radio #120 - One Percent Better

Playbook Radio #120 - One Percent Better

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams talks about the importance of focusing on getting 1% better every day when starting a side business or side hustle.

He explains that people often focus on the external variables, such as money, followers, and subscribers, but that these things are out of your control. Instead, he recommends focusing on the one thing that is in your control: getting better.

When you focus on getting 1% better every day, you will eventually reach the point where you start having people follow you, subscribe to you, and pay you.

Martin also talks about the importance of shipping. He says that the first part of the sprint to freedom is to ship content or products out to people, even if you're not sure if they're what people want. By shipping, you will start to get feedback from the marketplace, which you can use to improve your products and services.

So, if you're serious about starting a successful side business or side hustle, focus on getting 1% better every day and ship your products and services out to the world.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the episode:

  • Focus on getting 1% better every day, not on money, followers, or subscribers.
  • Ship your products and services out to the world, even if you're not sure if they're what people want.
  • Pay attention to the feedback you get from the marketplace and use it to improve your products and services.

If you're looking for a podcast that will help you start and grow a successful side business or side hustle, then Playbook Radio is the perfect podcast for you.

Oct 14, 202307:59
Playbook Radio #119 - Indecision

Playbook Radio #119 - Indecision

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the dangers of indecision and how it can lead to failure. He argues that indecision is a mental program that can be overcome by making quick and decisive choices, even if they are imperfect.


  • Indecision is a decision to fail.
  • Good decisions get better with time, while bad decisions get worse.
  • Make the best decision with the knowledge that you have right now.
  • Don't be afraid to pivot when you have to

Go to to learn more

Oct 11, 202306:16
Playbook Radio #118 - Planning is the mastery of confusion

Playbook Radio #118 - Planning is the mastery of confusion

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the importance of planning and why it is the mastery of confusion. He shares his own experiences of getting into trouble because he didn't have a plan, and explains how a plan can act as a brain and stabilize you in difficult situations. He also looks at the origin of the word "plan" and how it relates to the idea of leveling out the ground so you can execute more effectively.

Key takeaways:

  • A plan is a decision about what you are going to do.
  • Planning is the mastery of confusion.
  • A plan acts like a brain and stabilizes you in difficult situations.
  • A plan allows you to execute at a higher level.
  • The more you plan, the less surprises pop up.
  • You should have a plan for recurring things that come around over and over again.
  • A plan keeps you on track and pulls you back on course, even when life gets crazy.

Check out the Playbook course when it comes out to learn more about how to plan effectively and achieve your goals.

Oct 04, 202312:17
Playbook Radio #117 - You can only do at the level you are

Playbook Radio #117 - You can only do at the level you are

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams talks about the importance of becoming the type of person you want to be in order to achieve your goals. He explains that you can only do at the level that you are, and that means that you need to raise your level if you want to achieve bigger and better things.

Martin shares a personal story about how he raised his level in college by hanging around with better performing students. He also talks about the importance of having high aspirations and being willing to do the work to achieve them.

If you're ready to take your personal development to the next level, be sure to listen to this episode of Playbook Radio. You'll learn how to become the type of person who can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Key takeaways:

  • You can only do at the level that you are.
  • To achieve bigger and better things, you need to raise your level.
  • Hang around with people who are at the level you want to be at.
  • Have high aspirations and be willing to do the work.

If you enjoyed this episode, please like, comment, subscribe, and share it with your friends.

Oct 01, 202309:16
Playbook Radio #116: You must be before you can do

Playbook Radio #116: You must be before you can do

Welcome to Playbook Radio, where we talk about personal development and how to live your best life. I'm your host, Martin Williams.

Today, we're going to be talking about a powerful concept called "you must be before you can do." This means that in order to achieve the results you want in life, you first need to become the type of person who can achieve those results.

For example, if you want to make more money, you need to become the type of person who makes more money. If you want to lose weight, you need to become the type of person who is at a healthy weight. And if you want to be in a happy relationship, you need to become the type of person who is capable of being in a happy relationship.

So how do you become the type of person you want to be? It starts with changing your mindset. You need to believe that you are worthy of achieving your goals and that you are capable of creating the life you desire.

Once you have the right mindset, you can start to take action to become the type of person you want to be. This may involve changing your habits, your beliefs, and even your environment.

But it's important to remember that change doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and effort to become the type of person who can achieve your goals. But if you're willing to put in the work, it is possible.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What it means to "be before you can do"
  • How to change your mindset to achieve your goals
  • Practical steps you can take to become the type of person you want to be

If you're ready to take your personal development to the next level, be sure to listen to this episode of Playbook Radio.

Sep 30, 202306:23
Playbook Radio #115 - What Happens Around You is What's Happening in Your Mind

Playbook Radio #115 - What Happens Around You is What's Happening in Your Mind

Welcome to Playbook Radio, your guide to mastering your mindset and mental performance. In each episode, host Martin Williams shares insights and nuggets from the books that have shaped his understanding of mindset, and teaches you how to apply these insights to your own life.

In this episode, Martin discusses the powerful concept that the world without reflects the circumstances and conditions of the consciousness within. In other words, what you see happening around you is a reflection of what's going on in your mind.

Martin explains that while we can't control every single thing that happens to us, we can control our response. And by continually thinking about what we do want in our lives, we can create the reality that we desire.

So if you're looking to improve your life, start by working on your mindset. Think in line with what you want to see happen, and over time, your mind will start working to create that reality for you.

Subscribe to Playbook Radio today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube for more insights and tips on mastering your mindset and mental performance.

Sep 27, 202306:33
Playbook Radio #114 - The Mind is Only Creative

Playbook Radio #114 - The Mind is Only Creative

In this episode, Martin Williams discusses the importance of mindset and how the mind is only creative. He explains that successful people think differently than unsuccessful people, and that you can reverse engineer success by thinking the way that successful people think. He encourages listeners to think about their goals all the way through to the end and to maintain their mindset until they achieve success.

Key takeaways:

  • Your mindset determines your success.
  • Successful people think differently than unsuccessful people.
  • You can reverse engineer success by thinking the way that successful people think.
  • Think about your goals all the way through to the end and maintain your mindset until you achieve success.

Subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends!

Sep 25, 202307:58
Playbook Radio #113 - Your thoughts are like a hook

Playbook Radio #113 - Your thoughts are like a hook

In this episode, Martin Williams discusses the importance of never thinking about what you don't want. He compares your thoughts to a hook, and explains that when you focus on the negative, you're more likely to attract those things into your life. Instead, he encourages listeners to focus on the positive and the things they do want to achieve.

Key takeaways:

  • Your thoughts are like a hook. When you think about what you don't want, you're more likely to attract those things into your life.
  • Focus on the positive and the things you do want to achieve.
  • You can create whatever life you want to create if you learn how to think correctly.

Like, comment, subscribe, and share the podcast!

Sep 24, 202307:23
Playbook Radio #112 - What happens when you don't have a daily schedule

Playbook Radio #112 - What happens when you don't have a daily schedule

In this episode. I talk about why you should consider making a daily schedule and what happens when you don't have one.

Sep 22, 202308:38
September 4th Weekly Training - Becoming Emotionless to Win

September 4th Weekly Training - Becoming Emotionless to Win

In this special episode, I talk about the importance of removing emotions in order to maximize performance.

Sep 11, 202324:38
Playbook Radio #111- Act in the Movie

Playbook Radio #111- Act in the Movie

In this episode of Playbook Radio, Martin Williams discusses the power of acting as if to achieve your goals. He shares his personal story of how he used this technique to land a better job, and he provides practical tips on how you can do the same.

Martin explains that acting as if means pretending that you already have what you want. This can be difficult at first, but it's important to be persistent and to keep believing in yourself. When you act as if, you start to change your mindset and your behavior, which eventually leads to you achieving your goals.

Martin also talks about the importance of gratitude. He believes that when we're grateful for what we have, we're more likely to attract even more good things into our lives. So if you want to achieve your goals, start by being grateful for where you are right now.

If you're ready to take your life to the next level, listen to this episode of Playbook Radio and learn how to use the power of acting as if to achieve your goals.

Sep 06, 202314:44
Playbook Radio #110- Create the Movie

Playbook Radio #110- Create the Movie

Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality? Join us on this journey as we dive into the art of manifesting your goals and ambitions. In today's episode, we're thrilled to introduce Playbook Principle #10: "Creating the Movie."

Imagine crafting the script of your life just like a Hollywood blockbuster. Our host discusses the power of writing out your dreams in vivid detail, visualizing them daily, and unleashing the immense potential of your subconscious mind. You'll discover how to add depth to your goals, whether it's landing your dream job, fostering meaningful relationships, or achieving your heart's desires.

No need for expensive courses—our host shares the timeless secret of harnessing the imagination you had as a child to supercharge your goals. Learn how to transform your dreams into tangible outcomes and set yourself on the path to success.

Join us on this exciting journey, and get ready to unlock the playbook to your best life. The Playbook course, releasing on September 29, promises to be a life-changing experience. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make your dreams a reality. Tune in, take notes, and let's embark on this transformative adventure together! 🚀

Sep 01, 202308:26
Playbook Radio #109 - Create the Picture

Playbook Radio #109 - Create the Picture

Welcome to today's podcast episode where we dive into the ninth principle from the upcoming Playbook Course, set to launch on September 29th. This principle is aptly named 'Creating the Picture'. In this course, we explore four key aspects: mindset, vision, planning, and strategy execution. Vision plays a pivotal role, as having a clear vision is essential for achieving any significant goal.

Join me as I emphasize the power of intentional visualization. While we all naturally visualize, I challenge you to harness its potential purposefully. Imagine envisioning your dreams and desires, rather than brushing them aside. We often doubt our ability to achieve what seems just out of reach. This principle invites you to visualize the seemingly unattainable, with a focus on a specific goal. Visualize yourself achieving it - whether it's financial freedom, a dream home, or personal accomplishments.

Through deliberate visualization, your subconscious starts to shape this image within you, setting a course for manifestation. Consider utilizing a vision board, a tool endorsed by sports coaches and psychologists. Despite skepticism, this method has yielded results in various aspects of life.

For a tangible start, take a seemingly small goal, like securing a parking space or a crowded bus seat. Visualize it repeatedly until you feel a sense of tranquility. Trust the process, as your subconscious works its magic. As these small wins accumulate, your confidence in this technique will grow.

Stay tuned by subscribing to this podcast for more insights. The Playbook Course release is just around the corner, on September 29th. I'm thrilled to share this transformative content with you, as it's been a labor of passion and purpose. Together, let's unlock new levels of achievement and success. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Sep 01, 202306:21
Playbook Radio #108 - Stick to Your Vision

Playbook Radio #108 - Stick to Your Vision

Episode #108 - Playbook Radio, where we dive into the powerful world of visions and staying true to them. Join me as we explore the story of Kanye West, the ultimate visionary, and his journey to create his masterpiece album, "Late Registration." In a society often driven by convention and fear of failure, we discuss the importance of embracing your unique vision, no matter how unconventional or audacious it may seem.

Discover the playbook principles that guide us toward manifesting our dreams. Through the analogy of assembling furniture, we learn the art of patience and dedication, refusing to be deterred by the challenges that arise along the way. We emphasize the significance of visualizing the finished product and the role it plays in attracting the means to fulfill your vision.

Tune in to Playbook Radio as we delve into the world of visions, determination, and the unwavering commitment to sticking to your unique path. Remember, the vision is your guide, and the means will follow. Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe, and share. Stay inspired and stay true to your vision.

Aug 14, 202311:43
Playbook Radio #107 - Plan or Fail

Playbook Radio #107 - Plan or Fail

In this episode of the Playbook Radio podcast, host Martin Williams discusses the importance of planning in life. He shares his own personal experiences of not planning and the consequences that it had. He also explains why planning is essential for achieving your goals, and how to create a plan that is effective and achievable.

Martin argues that planning is a skill that everyone should learn, and that it is not just something that is important for big goals. He encourages listeners to start planning in all areas of their lives, from their finances to their health to their relationships.

He also provides some tips for creating a successful plan, such as:

  • Set specific goals with deadlines.

  • Break down your goals into smaller steps.

  • Create a timeline for your goals.

  • Be flexible and adaptable.

  • Track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Martin concludes by saying that planning is not about being rigid or controlling your life. It is about creating a framework for success that will help you achieve your goals and live the life you want.

Listen to this episode to learn more about the importance of planning and how to create a plan that works for you.

Here are some additional points that you can include in your podcast description:

  • Planning can help you avoid making impulsive decisions that you may regret later.

  • Planning can help you stay on track and avoid procrastination.

  • Planning can help you manage your time more effectively.

  • Planning can help you reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Planning can help you achieve your goals more easily.

    Download the One Idea System here

  • Aug 13, 202309:16
    Playbook Radio #106 - The Power of Words
    Jul 31, 202314:60
    Playbook Radio #105 - Faith Works by Love

    Playbook Radio #105 - Faith Works by Love

    Welcome to Playbook Radio, hosted by Martin Williams! Don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube for more inspiring content. You can find all the links at

    In today's episode, we delve into another powerful principle from the playbook: the Faith Principle, number six. We'll explore the significance of faith and its inseparable connection to love. If you've been to church or are familiar with the Bible, you might recognize the verse "faith works by love." But what does that truly mean, and how can it impact our lives?

    While execution demands a level-headed approach, the mindset part of the playbook, which is the foundation of all success, thrives when fueled by active love. In this episode, we'll uncover three ways in which love plays a pivotal role in making our faith effective and ensuring our dreams become reality.

    The first step towards enhancing faith is to let go of bitterness and grudges. Holding onto unresolved feelings towards others can water down our faith and hinder us from achieving our true potential. Discover how forgiveness and releasing negative emotions empower you to move forward fearlessly.

    Next, we'll explore the importance of finding love in your endeavors. Whether it's pursuing a dream career, starting a nonprofit, or launching a business, having a love component is like adding a secret sauce to your journey. When you're fueled by love, even the most challenging obstacles become conquerable, and your journey towards success gains momentum.

    Jul 30, 202315:23
    Playbook Radio #104 - Create the New

    Playbook Radio #104 - Create the New

    In this podcast, Martin Williams discusses the power of thought and how it can be used to create something new in your life. He shares his own experiences with creating change through his thoughts and words, and he offers practical advice on how you can do the same.

    Williams argues that the first step to creating something new is to stop creating the undesired. This means that if you want to change your job, your relationship, or any other aspect of your life, you need to stop thinking about the things you don't want. Instead, you need to start thinking about the things you do want and how you would like your life to be.

    Williams also emphasizes the importance of talking in line with what you want. This means that you need to start speaking about your goals as if they have already been achieved. For example, if you want to start your own business, you should start talking about yourself as a successful entrepreneur.

    Williams's message is simple but powerful: your thoughts and words have the power to create your reality. If you want to create something new in your life, start by changing your thoughts and words.

    Go to for more info

    Jul 15, 202311:27
    Playbook Radio #103 - The Road to Paradise Starts in Hell
    Jun 27, 202316:36