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Circular Firing Squad

Circular Firing Squad

By The PodTalk Network

Circular Firing Squad is a fast-paced question and answer podcast where everyone is a host, and everyone is a guest. Each person poses a question, sits in the middle of the 'firing squad', and gets answers, one minute each, from the remaining guests. Question vary and answers come fast.
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Plenty of peeves, not enough pets

Circular Firing SquadAug 20, 2022

Counselory enough?

Counselory enough?

In this episode of Circular Firing Squad, some of the questions explored are laws we wish we could break without consequence, gaffes in psychotherapy films, and a new skill you have recently acquired.

Britt - 2:22

What famous “gaffes” in psychotherapy/counseling films crack you up?

Elliott - 10:30

What is a film that changed how you viewed the world and what were some of the changes?

Stephanie - 20:08

What is a new skill you have recently acquired?

Mitch - 26:05

What would it be like if you could break one law without consequence, and why?

Marty - 30:12

What’s the biggest change for you in the last four years?

Final shot question - 36:55

Your plans for summer

May 27, 202440:49
Cedar creek mine ride

Cedar creek mine ride

Marty, Mitch, and Elliott discuss dealing with assignment extension requests, faculty making endorsements on political issues, and your favorite arcade game growing up, which are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Mitch - 1:14

What message was internalized for you, that was challenging to address?

Elliott - 5:07

If your program were an amusement park ride, what would the ride be?

Marty - 8:25

How do you/would you deal with requests for extensions on assignments?

Mitch - 14:45

What was your favorite arcade game growing up?

Elliott - 19:30

How do you feel about professors making endorsements/statements on political issues generally outside their areas of expertise? (I’ve had many requests lately to sign petitions, letters, etc.)

Marty - 26:10

What is the weirdest illegal substance story you have to tell(either one you participated in or heard about from friends)

Final shot question - 33:30

Worst Mother’s Day present

May 13, 202436:19
I can handle “moist"

I can handle “moist"

What surprises us about our counseling students, biggest misconceptions people have about us, and a film that changed how we view the world are some of the questions answered on this episode of Circular Firing Squad. 

Apr 29, 202440:09
I'm the Ketamine guy

I'm the Ketamine guy

This episode of Circular Firing Squad explores the surefire way students get you off-track, how they are handling the higher ed budget crisis, and sports we don’t understand.

Mitch - 1:10

What's your least favorite word or phrase that people have started using?

Britt- 4:53

What is one surefire way students can get you off-topic in class?

Gina - 10:52

What sport do you not understand?

Elliott - 20:18

What are some cost-cutting measures you would recommend for higher education?

Marty - 27:44

There has been much talk about the budget crisis in higher education. How are you handling it?

Final shot - 38:50

Signs of Spring for you

Apr 08, 202442:11
Bothersome water requests

Bothersome water requests

What are negative experiences you’ve been able to restory, a counseling elective you would like to create, and your reoccurring nightmare? These are some questions on this episode of the Circular Firing Squad.

Stephanie - 1:13

What previous “negative” experiences have you been able to re-story as you got older?

Elliott - 11:00

How do you imagine your academic career ending?

Mitch - 16:22

Which counseling elective would you like to create and teach from scratch?

Britt - 27:16

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from your students or clients this past year?

Marty - 36:17

What’s your recurring dream or nightmare?

Final shot - 43:00

Something others drink but you will never try?

Mar 04, 202445:52
Freud at Studio 54

Freud at Studio 54

In this episode of Circular Firing Squad, some of the questions we tackle are what to look for in a counseling internship supervisor, psychological theories that play out in real life, and the most sentimental object you have on your work desk.

Stephanie - 1:10

How have you seen psychological theory play out in real life?

Elliott - 9:19

You are going on a cruise featuring 25 bands playing your favorite genre of music. What is the genre?

Britt - 14:38

What is your most serendipitous or random encounter with a stranger?

Mitch - 25:57

What qualities would you encourage students to look for in a supervisor at a counseling internship?

Marty - 30:42

What’s the most sentimental object you have on your work desk?

Final shot - 37:40

What candy will you never understand? (from Mitch)

Feb 25, 202442:18
I hate this...I'll be back next week

I hate this...I'll be back next week

Movies that every aspiring counselor should watch, qualities you would look for in a counselor for yourself, and that animal that your current or former counseling program would be are some of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Eric - 1:20

What movie or video should every aspiring counselor watch?

Stephanie - 9:10

How do you go about getting rid of an earworm? (Music that you hear that you can’t get rid of)

Elliott - 16:10

If your current (or former) counseling program were an animal, what would it be?

Jenn - 23:10

Are bargain airlines worth the savings?

Mitch - 32:20

What do you think is the most underrated counseling theory?

Gina - 40:10

Do you set goals for yourself? And do you accomplish them?

Marty - 51:47

What qualities would you look for in a counselor for yourself?

Final shot - 1:03:45

The type of driving that gives you road rage

Feb 18, 202401:08:15
I am not going to eat, pray, love

I am not going to eat, pray, love

What's your department theme song, the book you never wrote, and something you would like to experience again for the first time, are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Jenn - 1:02 - How’s your wellness currently?

Gina - 10:15 - What’s your department’s theme song?

Mitch - 17:50 - What have you done, felt, or seen that you wish you could experience again for the first time?

Elliott - 27:45 - What might the ghost of Frank Parsons say about the state of today's Counselor Education?

Marty - 33:42 - What is a book you have the skills to write, but on further reflection, what’s the point of doing it?

Final Shot - 40:50 - Movies that you liked that no one else seemed to

Feb 06, 202446:15
Black ice and amnesia

Black ice and amnesia

How to manage life when it gets too overwhelming, the best ways to teach statistics, and our tips for jet lag are some questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Eric - 1:22

What are the best ways you know to teach statistics and psychometrics?

Stephanie - 12:36

If you could use an emulator to play retro games, what game would you play?

Jenn - 26:21

What do you do to avoid jet lag?

Mitch - 34:20

What is part of the role of a counselor that is challenging to prepare students for in the classroom?

Marty - 44:39

How do you manage it mentally when work/life gets too overwhelming?

Final Shot question 55:45

What do you think is the essential element of a Hallmark Christmas movie?

Jan 29, 202458:39
Group gnocchi

Group gnocchi

How would you overhaul a career counseling class, addressing grading burnout and counselor education as a musical? These are some questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Jan 08, 202456:26
There may have been melted butter

There may have been melted butter

What was your experience at your first professional conference, what is your favorite historical psychology story to tell, and what is a daily routine you can’t live without? These are some of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad. 

Mitch - 1:00

What was your experience at your first professional conference?

Jenn - 8:26

What's one thing you've been successful at getting "unstuck?" It could be with anything--professional or personal.

Gina - 17:20

What is a daily routine that you couldn’t live without?

Marty - 22:38 

What is the best historical story about psychology/counseling you love to tell?

Final shot - 31:30

Your favorite pizza topping(s)

Nov 06, 202334:18
Bagel church

Bagel church

What is counselor education missing, your best strategy for increasing student participation, and the first board game you remember playing are some questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Eric 00:55

What is Counselor Education missing that we need to see reflected in MH treatment?

Jenn 08:35

What’s the first board game you remember playing?

Mitch 14:05

What is your best strategy for increasing student participation in class?

Elliott 25:42

How do you teach counseling theories?

Marty 40:05

What is something that started as a whim but has turned into a ‘tradition’?

Final shot question 48:10

What is your go-to excuse for not showing up?

Oct 08, 202349:38
Then he just walks out of town

Then he just walks out of town

In this episode, the squad talks about the hardest part of your job, the current state of book publishing, and the favorite part of your day are some of the questions we tackle.

Elliott 00:54

What do you feel about the current state of book publishing?

Jenn 9:40

What is your opinion about the four-day workweek?

Mitch 15:05

If you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be, and what would you hope to gain from the experience?

Gina 21:00

What is your favorite part of the day?

Marty 26:55

What is the hardest part of your job as a student, counselor, or counselor educator?

Final Shot 32:09

Ruin a class in four words

Oct 04, 202333:40
I’m over the navel-gazing

I’m over the navel-gazing

In this episode, the squad talks about what counseling research we would like to see more of, what growing-up experiences led you to become a counselor, and your favorite childhood comedian as some of the questions we tackle.

Eric 00:13

What topics do you want to see more of in Counseling research?

Stephanie 10:17

Were you into any comedians as a child? What did you like about those specific acts?

Elliott 19:20

What are some of your favorite "Edutainment" techniques?

Mitch 29:05

If you woke up and found yourself in a different period, which era would you live in?

Marty 36:55

What aspects of your growing up led you to the profession of counseling?

Final Shot 46:12

What are you watching now?

Aug 27, 202350:04
If it could cook I’d put a ring on it

If it could cook I’d put a ring on it

What would you say to a student about seeing their first client, health care techniques or services that seem to be snake oil, and what makes for a good textbook are some questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Mitch  0:52

What would you say to a student about to see their first client?

Jenn  8:12

What do you think makes for a good textbook?

Stephanie  15:42  

Have you ever used any health care techniques or services that seem to be snake oil but actually worked?

Marty  25:24

How do you deal with death in the workplace?

Final Shot:  35:50

Would you rather be called ‘clever’ or ‘driven’?

Jul 26, 202339:15
I never got a chance to play sax

I never got a chance to play sax

Your end-of-the-semester decompression process, your choice of a new course for your program, and a hobby that will have to wait for retirement are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Elliott - 00:52

With humanity's attention span changing, are we instructing potential counselors with a curriculum that is the equivalent of a buggy whip?

Gina - 10:22

What’s a hobby that you don’t have time for now, but could see yourself doing once you retire?

Mitch - 17:50

If you could create one new counseling class for your counseling graduate or doctoral programs, what would it be about?

Marty - 27:55

What’s your end-of-the-semester decompression process?

Final Shot: - 34:24

What would you choose as your superpower?

May 29, 202336:31
CFS Live Show - 50th Episode - Nothing is embarrassing anymore

CFS Live Show - 50th Episode - Nothing is embarrassing anymore

Circular Firing Squad’s 50th episode invited the audience to join us with questions, including how counseling students can assist their program to get better, one thing you would change in our profession, and what fifty episodes mean to you.

3:00 - Gina

What’s your favorite podcast (besides CFS)

6:55 - Mitch

How can counseling students assist their program in becoming better?

14:30 - P. Martin

What was the last game you played?

18:50 - Gina

What is your favorite bug, and why?

24:20 - Hannah

What do you do at the end of a workday to unwind?

29:32 - Mykka

How would you describe your sense of fashion?

35:40 - Elliott

What films from 15-20 years ago could use a sequel?

38:35 - Jessi

If you had the power to change one thing in our profession, what would it be?

46:00 - Luci

What is the most embarrassing thing that happened while teaching or at work?

53:50 - Grant

Who was your favorite member of The Beatles?

57:33 - Phil

What was the moment you knew you would go into your profession?

1:05:10 - Avery, Logan & Carter

What topic do you know a lot about that you think everyone should know a lot about?

1:11:19 - Marty

50th Episode. What does it mean to you?

1:19:00 - Final Shot Question

Monopoly or Life?

May 15, 202301:21:29
I’m just going to go 100 . . .It’s good

I’m just going to go 100 . . .It’s good

The most accurate source for labor statistics for counselors, advice for first-time academics, and things you eat while traveling are some of the topics in this episode of the Circular Firing Squad.

Elliott - 1:01

What is the most accurate source for labor statistics for counselors? 

Jenn - 7:25

What foods do you eat when traveling that you're unlikely to eat at any other time?

Stephanie - 13:30

What’s your take on Microsoft Outlook?

Marty 22:18

What would be your advice for first-time academics?

Gina - 32:25

What are some of the first signs of Spring where you live? 

Eric - 40:38

What behavior pisses you off, and how do you handle it?

Final Shot - 49:05

If a crayon color was flavored, what color crayon would you want to eat?

Apr 26, 202351:44
Toto song litmus test

Toto song litmus test

How many times a day do you respond to emails, how do you set boundaries with an unreasonable student, and what would you do with unlimited resources for retirement, are some of the questions on this episode of circular firing squad.

Eric 1:55

What would you do when you retire, given unlimited resources?

Jenn 8:08

How many times a day do you respond to work emails?

Elliott 17:13

How do you set boundaries with unreasonable students?

Marty 25:47

What quality are you looking for in job applicants?

Final Shot 34:42

Who does Barney really love and why?

Mar 27, 202336:34
I’m too old to be canceled

I’m too old to be canceled

The squad takes on ChatGPT, an ad campaign for counseling, and your preference for fall or spring terms. These are some of the questions on this episode of the circular firing squad.
Marty - 4:08
What is your take on ChatGPT?

Stephanie - 15:12
How connected are you to major entertainment events (Super Bowl, Oscars, etc.)? Has this changed throughout your life?

Gina - 21:33
Do you prefer the fall or spring school terms (quarters/semesters), and why?

Elliott - 28:20
What sort of ad campaign would you design for counseling?

Final Shot - 35:20
Summer plans?

Mar 06, 202336:50
I feel as deep as a parking lot

I feel as deep as a parking lot

What are you cynical about in higher education, are students more eager to criticize, and what job benefit would let you know your employer is serious about keeping you? These are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Marty - 1:18
What are you cynical about concerning higher education?

Jenn - 11:37
Outside of the typical benefits academic institutions tend to offer, what is a benefit they could offer that would cause you to say, “okay, now we’re talking!”, “they really know what their employees need!”

Elliott - 21:20
Do you find students more eager to criticize new ideas before they really understand them?

Stephanie - 31:05
What’s something that you feel strongly about that you realize most people don’t care about, but that doesn’t stop you from sharing your knowledge with others?

Eric - 43:00
How do you draw the line when it’s time to fight (argue) and walk away?

Final Shot - 52:00
What is the dream of your perfect death scenario?

Feb 21, 202355:15
It’s a Lunchable for Adults - CFS Live show

It’s a Lunchable for Adults - CFS Live show

An audience joins the Circular Firing Squad to answer, is “trauma-informed” overused, what is a misunderstood counseling theory, and what is your favorite Halloween costume?

Marty - 2:45
Are there “Sunday Drivers”?

Marty - 5:22
Is trauma-informed an overused term?

Halis - 11:00
What do you do to create cognitive dissonance in your students?

Mykka - 19:36
Does constructivist teaching affect licensure test scores?

Stephanie - 24:15
Do you like horror movies?

Peter - 31:10
What is your favorite Halloween costume?

Elliott - 34:40
Do you think it requires a conservation personality to have a successful career as a university administrator?

Mykka - 37:07
What foods are over-rated?

Marty - 42:30
What are you not looking forward to at Thanksgiving?

Mykka -49:05
What is a misunderstood counseling theory?

Final Shot Question - 59:14
Would you rather attend a party or host a party?

Nov 23, 202201:01:32
Call me Dr. Bozo

Call me Dr. Bozo

Do counselors need to be politically aware, how do you address professional email etiquette, and what scents do you find comforting are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad
Jenn 1:28
Do counselors need to be politically aware?
Eric 11:16
What smells/scents remind you of something comforting?
Gina 20:50
How do you address professional email etiquette with students?
Stephanie 31:08
Was there ever a time you wanted something so much, and you finally had an opportunity to get it, but you punted?
Marty 43:00
What is your take on certification exams? Good, bad, indifferent, or irrelevant.
Final shot 49:05
A country outside of North America you would like to travel to.

Nov 19, 202250:47
Stuffin' Puddin'

Stuffin' Puddin'

What do you look for when admitting new students, how do you deal with organizational change, and when does the holiday season start are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Jenn - 1:55
When does the holiday season start?

Gina - 10:45
What do you look for when admitting new students?

Stephanie - 20:08
Have you noticed songs that defined your youth being used in commercials?

Marty - 26:13
How do you deal with organizational change?

Final shot - 34:05
Your favorite Thanksgiving side

Nov 12, 202236:46
Boggle hate space

Boggle hate space

Is scholarship moving forward or a hostage to fads, when did you start feeling welcomed in the profession, and an activity or hobby you would win a gold medal are some of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Stephanie - 1:24
When did you start feeling welcomed by the profession (feeling you belonged), at least somewhat?

Marty - 12:01
It's conference season!!! What was the worst display of a conference presenter/presentation behavior you've witnessed?  

Eric - 21:22
What activity, hobby, or skill would win you a gold medal if it were an Olympic sport?

Elliott - 30:15
Do you think our scholarship is moving forward and discovering anything, or is it hostage to fads?

Gina - 38:06
What is your "why?" Why do you keep teaching/researching?

Final shot - 45:10
Something it seems everyone else will eat, but you won’t.

Nov 06, 202247:32
Do I sound abrasive?

Do I sound abrasive?

How honest are you with students in the classroom, how long will you wait for late, and the good and bad of coming back from COVID teaching are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Jenn 1:55
“When life gives you lemons…”

Gina 5:21
How honest are you with students in the classroom?

Stephanie 11:42
How long is it acceptable for somebody to be late?

Marty 17:41
What are the good and bad of coming back from COVID teaching?

Final Shot 29:07
Something you will never turn down

Oct 22, 202230:12
Academic killing jar

Academic killing jar

How attracted are you to the "marginalia" of counseling, the unique professional development you ever were a part of, and summer foods you will miss this winter? These are a few of the questions posed in this episode of the circular firing squad.

Oct 02, 202229:08
Plenty of peeves, not enough pets

Plenty of peeves, not enough pets

How do you go about updating your curriculum, do you confirm students are ready for each class, and your best surprise party are topics on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Aug 20, 202251:23
I spend a lot of time not talking about Marty

I spend a lot of time not talking about Marty

What resources would be most helpful for new graduates, one of the most fun days you’ve had in the classroom, and summing up humanity in three words are some of the questions posed in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Marty - 1:15
How do you handle your work when you have a heavy emotional/medical burden outside of work?

Gina - 11:45
Sum up humanity in three words?

Eric - 16:38
What resources might be most helpful for new graduates or those new to academia?

Stephanie - 25:39
Do you have an on again / off again relationship with an album?

Elliott - 35:01
What is a word or phrase in English that seems nonsensical to you?

Jenn - 43:20
Tell us about one of the most fun days you ever had in the classroom (could be as a student or as a teacher).

Final Shot - 56:55
When walking, podcasts or music?

Jun 02, 202258:21
Let’s say no more about it

Let’s say no more about it

The funniest thing you’ve ever read in a textbook, the most challenging student disposition to remediate, and what your birthday celebration looks like are a few of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Gina - 4:33
What does your birthday celebration/tradition look like? Has it changed over time?

Stephanie - 13:03
What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever read in a textbook?

Elliott - 19:56
What films have you watched and enjoyed that you normally would have passed on?

Jenn - 26:14
What is the most challenging student disposition to remediate?

Marty - 32:15
How do you post-conference? What is your return to work like?

Final Shot - 37:26
What food or drink makes your stomach turn just thinking about it?

May 16, 202241:13
CFS Live Show - Hamster eulogy

CFS Live Show - Hamster eulogy

Our first ‘live’ show with questions from audience members Kevin, Gary, Don, and Lisa, along with the squad regulars. What do you think of the term therapist as it applies to counselors, what titles do you prefer in your role as counselor and counselor educator, and do you have any strange animal fears are some of the questions in this episode.

Marty - 1:30
If you could live forever, would you? and at what age?

Kevin - 6:30
What do you think of the term “therapist” as it applies to counselors?

Elliott - 12:05
Do you think lawyers and mental health professionals should both be called counselors?

Gary - 16:50
What titles do you prefer in your counselor/Ph.D. roles?

Don - 21:10
How do you describe what you do to people you meet?

Stephanie - 27:50
What’s the best cut of meat or vegan products?

Marty - 31:25
As you have been teaching or counseling, what is frustrating you now, that never frustrated you years before?

Lisa - 39:30
What are career options outside of academia for someone with a Ph.D. in counselor education?

Eric - 50:00
Do you have any strange animal fears?

Marty - 57:50
What fashion trend would you like to see return, or stay dead forever?

Apr 02, 202201:01:29
Dance Dance Dissertation

Dance Dance Dissertation

What is your most gratifying part of the dissertation writing process, how do you set boundaries at work, and have you ever returned something to the grocery store are some of the questions for this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Gina - 1:00
What is/was your favorite or most gratifying part of the dissertation writing process? 

Marty - 8:53
Do you treat yourself for a job well done? and how?

Stephanie - 13:50
Have you ever returned anything to the grocery store?

Jenn - 22:20
What is the best strategy you’ve found to set boundaries at work?

Final Shot - 29:30
Where did you hang out most when you were in college?

Mar 15, 202232:13
First to eat the poison berries

First to eat the poison berries

How do you teach students about burnout and vicarious trauma, does the way you grade depend on your mood, and how would you do playing dystopian games are some of the questions for this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Jenn - 1:07
How do you teach students/clients about burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue
Gina - 11:52
Does the way you grade/evaluate depend on your mood? How do you adjust?
Stephanie - 19:30
How do you think you’d do if forced to play in dystopian games?
Marty - 24:07
How do you respond and react to employee satisfaction surveys?
Final Shot - 30:03
The last recital you went to?

Feb 28, 202233:27
It just read "Freudian"

It just read "Freudian"

Do you try new things in the classroom, how many conference sessions do you attend, and your favorite Halloween costume are some of the questions for this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Sorry about my microphone room echo in this show. I missed it when recording. - Marty

Marty - 00:50
If you could teach any course, on any subject, what would you like to teach? (irrespective of if it is in your curricula and your current skill level)

Eric - 7:20
Do you try new things in the classroom or stay pretty steady?

Elliott - 16:50
What is one of your favorite Halloween costumes?

Jenn - 22:48
On average, how many conference sessions do you attend outside of the ones you present?

Final Shot - 29:04
What are you watching now?

Feb 23, 202231:09
Run Class Like a Casino

Run Class Like a Casino

How many hours a week do you typically work, keeping students engaged in longer classes, and what makes a movie "good" are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad

What is your favorite flaw in a favorite person of yours? - 1:05

How do you engage students in a long night class? - 11:15

What makes a movie “good”? - 22:02

If you had the resources to switch fields and pursue a different career, what would it be? - 29:50

How many hours a week do you typically work? Is it too much, too little, or just right for you? -  37:15

How do you select books for courses? - 46:45

Final shot
Bagels or Donuts - 1:01:01

Feb 07, 202201:03:12
Say Goodbye to Mullet Dressing
Dec 21, 202128:18
The Short Stack

The Short Stack

What is your ambition to take on academic leadership roles, your experience working with friends, and the most inappropriate place you’ve fallen asleep are some of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Eric @ 1:08
Do you have any ambitions to take on a leadership role like a Dean in the future?  What would drive you to do this or not?

Stephanie @ 7:55
How have your experiences been working professionally with friends?

Elliott @ 16:48
Should federal laws change allowing work with psychedelics, would this type of counseling interest you? Why or why not?

Marty @ 24:28
The most inappropriate place you’ve fallen asleep

Final Shot @ 32:30
Why did the Howells carry so much luggage on a 3-hour tour?

Oct 03, 202135:08
I do nothing, well

I do nothing, well

What are your return to school traditions or habits, how do you do new course preps, and a movie or show that is your guilty pleasure, are some of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Eric @ 1:36
What are your return to school traditions or habits?

Stephanie @ 8:19
Is there someone in your neighborhood that is just the “_______ person"?

Gina @ 20:27
How do you do new course preps?

Jenn @ 31:42
What impact do you think constant electronic surveillance (e.g., phone/location locators, grade alerts, nanny cams) has on young people?

Elliott @ 44:40
What is a movie or show you enjoy as a "guilty pleasure?"

Marty @ 54:28
What do you think you will do when you retire?

Final Shot Question @ 1:00:35
Would you rather talk to animals or speak all human languages?

Sep 12, 202101:03:03
Nobody Dies from Cognitive Dissonance

Nobody Dies from Cognitive Dissonance

How does your teaching change in the summer, do you ever review counseling theories, and what movie would you like to see remade are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Stephanie at 2:19
As counselor educators, do you ever have to go back and review theories, or do you know them so well by now you don’t have to? How much review of the “basics” do you do, if any?

Elliott at 7:49
Do you play board games? If so, what are some favorites?

Jenn at 16:40
How can we help teach the broader public about how to tolerate ambiguity?

Marty at 23:10
How does, or would, your teaching change in the summer?

Gina at 30:38
What old movie would you like to see remade and who would star in it?

Final Shot at 36:52
What's your favorite sandwich

Sep 06, 202139:06
Theories Have Rainbows

Theories Have Rainbows

Your idea of a 'good student', your experience of career counselors, and what your 15-year old self imagined what you would be doing as an adult are a few of the questions posed on this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Stephanie - 4:00
Has your idea of a “good student” changed since you became a faculty member?

Eric - 12:10
What was the last thing to make you laugh unexpectedly?

Jenn - 21:03
What is the ideal number of students to be enrolled in core counseling courses (excluding prac-internship)?

Marty - 30:00
What did your 15-year-old self imagine you’d be doing right now?

Elliott - 37:30
Are there career counselors who actually do career counseling? (I meet dozens of people who are "passionate" about it but haven't seen a client this century)

Gina - 44:38
What is an experience that was so jarring it shifted how you think of a place? Good or bad?

Final Shot Question - 58:44
What makes you lose track of time?

Jul 25, 202101:01:54
Doppelgänger invasion

Doppelgänger invasion

The show ends Season 1 with the regular squad being replaced with their doppelgängers, who discuss the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given, does being close to a counselor change the way you relate to people, and the TV show you would like to be a part of on this episode the Circular Firing Squad.

Nikki Perry (Eric’s wife) 1:24
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Gabriella Vrablik (Gina’s twin sister) 5:10
If you could learn another language overnight, what would it be?

Jim Marder (Stephanie’s dad) 9:38
Do you feel as strong a connection with current popular  music as you did with the popular music that you listened to as a teen and young adult (what might now be called "oldies")?

Brady Ingersoll (Elliot’s son) 22:50
Do the things you look forward to change as you get older?

Drew Teague (Jen’s college friend) 30:35
Does being close with a counselor affect the way you relate to other people?

Hannah Jencius Flower (Marty’s daughter) 39:10
What tv show would you like to be a part of? (current or past)

Final Shot 44:50
If your doppelgänger weren’t a counselor, what job do you think they’d be great at?

May 14, 202151:38
The upside-down universe

The upside-down universe

The biggest mistake academics make in their career, the most challenging feedback for a supervisee, and your go-to, all day, sipping drink are some of the questions for this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Jenn @ 4:20
What is the most challenging feedback to give supervisees during clinical supervision?

Gina @ 12:58
Do you like a specific tea or coffee or something else to sip through out the day?

Stephanie @ 19:10
Are faculty being overloaded right now to a point of diminishing returns all around (faculty, students, university)

Marty @ 30:25
What is the biggest mistake academics make in their career?

Elliott @ 38:48
What posters adorned the walls in the room of your teen-aged self?

Final Shot Question @ 45:15
Are your taxes done?

Apr 18, 202147:56
Gas Station Cake Pop Lady

Gas Station Cake Pop Lady

Your least favorite therapist line or saying, the theory that you experience the most values dissonance, and your go-to self care snack are some of the questions for this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Gina 4:03
What’s your least favorite therapist line or saying?

Elliott 9:10
Do you think our society is collectively losing its “mind?” Why or why not?

Stephanie 16:00
What theory do you experience the most values dissonance with? Does it change how you teach it?

Eric 23:27
What is your go to self-care snack?

Marty 30:05
Do you keep your books?

Final Shot 38:40
Ketchup or Mustard

Mar 27, 202140:50
Explosion in the Oven

Explosion in the Oven

The best question you’ve gotten from a student, lies higher education perpetuates, and what your perfect day would be are some of the questions for this episode of Circular Firing Squad.    

Timeline of questions in this episode

Stephanie - 2:30
What’s the best question you have gotten from a student?

Eric - 12:52
What are your favorite outdoor hobbies?

Elliott - 20:40
What lies do you think higher educational institutions perpetuate?

Gina - 33:06
What is a tradition that you have that has significant meaning?

Jenn - 46:18
What research methodology would you like to use that you haven’t used before?

Marty - 54:00
What would be a “perfect” day for you?

Final shot - 1:01:03
Road trips or plane rides?

Mar 20, 202101:03:38
Death of a Handshake

Death of a Handshake

The biggest challenge the profession is facing, helpful things from hurtful relationships, and what keeps you coming to work every morning are a few of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Mar 13, 202138:54
 I think the term you’re looking for is “jar”

I think the term you’re looking for is “jar”

The least favorite part of your dissertation, why there are no new revolutionary approaches to counseling, and the philosophy you live by are some of the questions on this episode of Circular Firing Squad

Mar 05, 202101:04:47
I have no problem being the pit viper

I have no problem being the pit viper

Handling pushback in the classroom, your favorite experience as an educator, and the TV shows we run in the background are topics on this episode

Feb 21, 202147:12
Oooky, spooky, stuff

Oooky, spooky, stuff

A counseling theory you could abandon, being practical or passionate about the field, and your go-to seasoning are some of the questions in this episode.

Feb 12, 202129:24
Piggy went over the high bar

Piggy went over the high bar

Refocusing in the classroom or counseling room after a distraction, behaviors that tell you you’re stressed, and the worst gift you every got are some of the questions in this episode of Circular Firing Squad.

Feb 06, 202101:07:38
It's a live!

It's a live!

A live-streamed show where the squad and guests take listeners' questions including what you do to have clients trust you, balancing work with relationships, and classic entertainment you haven't experienced yet. Thanks to our guests, Eric Baltrinic, Michael Jones, Gideon Litherland, Steven Sanders, and Ed Neukrug. Watch the video feed at 

Jan 30, 202101:25:15