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The Midlife Movement

The Midlife Movement

By Mary Boyer

Become a Paid Subscriber: When bad things happen, some women drown in their self-pity, torture their bodies, and destroy their self worth until what's left is an empty shell of the woman they once were. Let's learn a new way to navigate all of this. Liberate yourself from societies definition of "aging". This is NOT your mama's midlife anymore!
Currently playing episode

March 19, 2022

The Midlife Movement Mar 19, 2022

Aging with Grace, Grit & Humor!

Aging with Grace, Grit & Humor!

"Welcome to 'The Meno Memoirs' - a refreshing podcast series diving into Coach Mary's hilarious anecdotes and insightful journey through perimenopause to postmenopausal life. Join her as she blends humor with science and holistic approaches, exploring Coach Mary's experiences, backed by expert advice, to navigate this transformative phase with laughter and wisdom."
Mar 07, 202409:18
Mary Moment!

Mary Moment!

Have you ever been hanging out in the freezer section of your local grocery store trying to figure out what pint of nondairy ice cream you need and receive an unexpected compliment? I have!! Listen in to another Mary moment -> brought to you by women supporting women like a good pint of ice cream!
Mar 05, 202407:23
Unmasking procrastination: Step 1 Understanding your triggers

Unmasking procrastination: Step 1 Understanding your triggers

Join coach Mary as she dives deep into the fascinating topic of procrastination. It’s a hurdle we all face at some point in our fitness/lifestyle journey. Get your journal out and let’s identify the triggers, solve the procrastination puzzle, work on creating a supportive environment, and master a Healthy Mindset.
Aug 24, 202316:58
How to hack procrastination

How to hack procrastination

Welcome to another exciting episode, “How to hack, procrastination! “ Coach Mary will embark on this journey to unlock one of the biggest roadblocks on the path of success – procrastination. We’ve all danced with the sneaky Devil at some point in our lives. You know, that feeling when you’d rather hit the snooze button one more time, then get up and head to the gym. Yeah, we’ve all been there. But today, we’re going to dive deep into the art of procrastination hacking. Coach Mary will lay out 7 simple ways to break this habit. whether you’re looking to crush your fitness goals, conquer the art of meal prepping and planning or simply Leading a more productive and healthy life. This episode is your guide to hacking procrastination and unlocking your full potential. Tune in, and let’s hack procrastination together! 💥🚀
Aug 18, 202319:42
Fat focused VS muscle dominant

Fat focused VS muscle dominant

I’m on a mission to help women (all ages) get out of “weight loss” mindset. It isn’t serving us, as a matter of fact it’s creating bigger issues mentally and physically. Take a listen, let me know your thoughts.
Jul 02, 202320:22
Mary Moment! 3/20/23

Mary Moment! 3/20/23

“Let me see if I can fit this into my schedule?” Listen in….
Mar 21, 202307:59
Eat Eat Eat for the love of God!

Eat Eat Eat for the love of God!

Our culture thrives on losing weight/fat, being in caloric deficit, and leaning towards high impact and/or cardiovascular training. If this worked, we would not be the most obese, out of shape, over fat, addicted country in the world. Listen in as Mary explains why none of our cultures fads are sustainable.
Feb 27, 202342:19
You can’t sacrifice your health and expect to get ahead in life.

You can’t sacrifice your health and expect to get ahead in life.

In this episode, my goal is to help shift the mindset our culture has on sacrificing exercise & self care in the midst of chaos, personal and professional demands.

Jan 21, 202327:25
Chasing Hormones Pt 2

Chasing Hormones Pt 2

Pop in as I continue to help you change the ugly narrative on “aging” & menopause! Ladies, Western med, limiting beliefs & lack of education will keep you from taking control of your health & hormones. I’m here to help!
Oct 10, 202225:44
Mary Moment

Mary Moment

How many times has someone complimented you or approached you with a proposition?
What was your response?
Listen to my Target proposal.
What if some of those "moments" turned into an amazing relationship, perhaps?
Stop and take in the moment, be kind, be present and own who you are, it's more than physical.
Jun 26, 202210:20
Life Line!

Life Line!

I firmly believe people are put in front of us for a reason and if we pay close attention, there's a lesson to be learned. 

Join in as I take you through a monumental Mary moment with Jack. 

The meaning of life is right in front of us, though too often we're so busy not paying attention to the details until it's too late

May 03, 202219:56
Chasing Hormones!

Chasing Hormones!

In the 1st official episode Mary confronts the #1 hot topic "HORMONES"!

If we forgo societies narrative of menopause, and realize WE have the ability to control the hot mess brewing in our aging bodies by taking responsibility for the "things" we ingest we'll be in a much better state, tune in!! 


Apr 25, 202242:42
Mary Moments!

Mary Moments!

Little snippets of “Mary Moments” that are relatable, informative & for damn sure entertaining! Pop in for a quick story!
Apr 02, 202210:46
Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who am I?
The hardest and most painful question to answer. Most, will answer this through the lens of others or let their past determine who they are. Listen in as I help you rewrite the "about me page" with a few key steps to reinventing YOU!
Mar 25, 202219:60
Something about Mary!

Something about Mary!

A conversation with my sister to give you a little sneak peek into what I am planning for this podcast. Together - let's move through this midlife with courage, grace and a powerful mindset! 

Mar 19, 202236:30
March 19, 2022

March 19, 2022

Mar 19, 202200:24