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Maybe Swearing Helps

Maybe Swearing Helps

By AmandaJean (AJ)

Hey friends! Welcome to the Maybe Swearing Helps Podcast where we talk about hard things. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it’s just plain shitty and hard. The shitty times build our character and remind us that we can get through anything life throws our way. I’ve gone through a lot of shit so you don’t have too and I’m willing to tell the stories. Even the dark ones, the ugly ones, followed by the “you’ll pee your pants” funny ones. So come on now pull up a comfy chair, pour yourself a glass and tune in to your new Minnesota BFF.
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S5 Episode 7: Make a home there in your skin

Maybe Swearing HelpsAug 19, 2022

S5 Episode 10: Purposefully Busy

S5 Episode 10: Purposefully Busy

Hyper-independence and being purposefully busy were my coping mechanisms and never allowed me the space to process the trauma I had walked through.
Nov 20, 202219:43
S5 Episode 9: Walk By Faith

S5 Episode 9: Walk By Faith

Sometimes in life we cling to what we see and what we know. It’s hard to walk blindly and boldly into the unknown. Yet when we walk by faith we walk by a light that is brighter than we can imagine. When we walk by faith, we never walk alone.
Nov 03, 202211:59
S5 Episode 8: Mirror

S5 Episode 8: Mirror

Weight loss is hard, it’s even harder when it comes with a side of body dysmorphia. When I look in the mirror I do not see what others see, I don’t see the 36 pound weight loss and the struggle with clothing is harder than one could ever realize. This is me not struggling alone and looking to struggle in perfect company.
Oct 14, 202211:32
S5 Episode 7: Make a home there in your skin

S5 Episode 7: Make a home there in your skin

The journey to self acceptance is not an easy one. Even the most confident queen in your circle has self doubts that riddle her dreams. Come along with me as I discuss how I learned to build a home in my own skin.
Aug 19, 202214:40
S5 Episode 6: Existing or Living

S5 Episode 6: Existing or Living

Seeking help can be scary. Seeking help means admitting to yourself that you cannot do this alone, and that is perfectly ok. None of us are meant to do this alone and it’s ok to get a little help. We all deserve a safe space where we can put our burdens down and bare our soul. We deserve to live and not exist.
So ask yourself friend “Am I existing or am I living?”
Aug 06, 202219:21
S5 Episode 5: Beautifully Broken

S5 Episode 5: Beautifully Broken

Every moment we walk through is part of God’s plan. From the moments that bring us joy to the moments that break us. The light, it always finds a way to shines through the cracks of the broken. You are more than simply broken, you are beautifully broken. Come along with me as I discuss the moment I felt a boldness stir in me and came into the gift of faith. A faith that has carried me through on my darkest days.
Jul 16, 202215:37
S5 Episode 4: Misfit Hero

S5 Episode 4: Misfit Hero

Can you relate to chicken little? Are you tired of buying into the lie that is social media? Are you striving for perfection all while wondering, why? Well then my friend take a seat and listen in, for it’s the misfits who get the crown.
Jun 30, 202216:54
S5 Episode 3: When Miracles Bloom

S5 Episode 3: When Miracles Bloom

When we truly believe the seeds of faith are planted in our hearts and from those very seeds, miracles bloom.
Jun 25, 202209:13
S5 Episode 2: A Bed That Isn’t Mine

S5 Episode 2: A Bed That Isn’t Mine

Do you have a big “D” in your column? Me too! Did you ignore the red flags and go through with the wedding? Yeah, I did that too and I have the divorce papers to prove it. Come along with me as I dish on my first marriage and the journey to getting myself back.
Jun 15, 202216:07
S5 Episode 1: Doodle

S5 Episode 1: Doodle

My worst nightmare happened, Covid, it came home and it tried to take my Father with it. Covid stretched my faith in more ways that I can ever begin to explain. Watching my Father go from his death bed to his resurrection bed, sealed my belief that miracles are real.
Jun 11, 202215:25
S4 Episode 9: Hope Addict

S4 Episode 9: Hope Addict

Are you a hope addict? Do you refuse to give up when all the odds are stacked against you? Do you believe in a better day while clinging to a tiny shred of hope?
Mar 23, 202207:50
S4 Episode 8: Ice Happens

S4 Episode 8: Ice Happens

Winter is all fun and games, until you slip on the ice…..
Mar 09, 202209:32
S4 Episode 7: Unfinished Business

S4 Episode 7: Unfinished Business

When we leave this world no matter our age, we leave a stack of unfinished business in our wake. It could be a partially finished project, words that were unsaid, or a love that ended far to soon. Charlie left this world ten years ago and my life to my surprise moved on. His lessons and love will always be apart of my story.
Feb 13, 202209:16
S4 Episode 6: Last Sunday

S4 Episode 6: Last Sunday

Hey Friends, this week we are going to talk about the hard stuff and I don't mean booze. Not all engagements lead to a marriage, some end in breakups and others sadly end with a funeral. Grab some tissues and come along with me as I remember my last Sunday with Charlie.
Feb 07, 202207:09
S4 Episode 5: Twenty Years

S4 Episode 5: Twenty Years

Because of my father I am alive today. Because he lived, his heart saved mine. Because of his heart and the research they are conducting my future looks fucking bright. I’ve followed in my father’s footsteps, he was 50 when his heart gave out, I was 34 when I was diagnosed with stage one congestive Heart Failure and I am not afraid to tread down his path. For I know having high levels of C-reactive protein is no longer a death sentence, it allows us to go boldly into the night and wakeup to a beautiful painted sunrise.
Feb 04, 202209:04
S4 Episode 4: We Wear Red

S4 Episode 4: We Wear Red

Every February we wear RED to raise awareness for women's heart health. In 2009 I became the very survivor that I was advocating for. Surviving is the easy part, living is where it gets messy.
Jan 24, 202209:10
S4 Episode 3: Yellowstone

S4 Episode 3: Yellowstone

If you have a dad don’t take your time with him for granted, for he is not immune to growing old. Take the time today to start making memories. It doesn’t have to be some grand trip, it could be lunch or even just a walk in the park. Memorize his every word so that one day when he is gone you can pass his stories on. Even the highly inappropriate stories. Even the ones that make you cringe a little. When he is gone from this world his words will matter and you will be thankful that you have them to keep you company.
Jan 18, 202207:06
S4 Episode 2: God Moments

S4 Episode 2: God Moments

God Moments can be big or small. God Moments can be extraordinary or simple. God Moments can be life changing or life saving. Those moments serve as reminders that we are not in control of our timeline.
Jan 11, 202209:01
S4 Episode 1: What I Eat

S4 Episode 1: What I Eat

Hey Girl Hey! I am not one for Tiktok trends... but this recent trend has me all hot and bothered and reaching for the sour gummy candy like its going out of style. If you are a plus size woman or man you owe this world nothing. Especially when it comes to what you eat in a day and your desire to not loose weight. Just do you, because know one else in this world can do you like you can!
Jan 03, 202208:52
S3 Episode 10: Three Ships

S3 Episode 10: Three Ships

It has been 10 years since I’ve spent Christmas with Charlie. Ten very long years, yet his spirit is alive and well in our home. Oh how I’d give anything to hear his out of tune voice signing three ships as he watched a Charlie Brown Christmas. Christmas is just a little bit different in our home.
Dec 05, 202108:21
S3 Episode 9: Coffee Cup

S3 Episode 9: Coffee Cup

We all have that one sacred coffee cup in our collection of cups that no one is allowed to use. Sometimes we break that cup and it crushes our soul so we seek out a replacement cup. Sometimes coffee cups are more than cups, they are portals into long lost memories.
Nov 28, 202105:54
S3 Episode 8: A Not So Happy Thanksgiving

S3 Episode 8: A Not So Happy Thanksgiving

These days Thanksgiving is so over commercialized that folks forget about how the “pilgrims sat down with the Indians for a meal.” Instead we skip the story and go straight to the buffalo plaid table scapes with a perfectly roasted instagramable turkey that is surrounded by a smiling family. We get so wrapped up in the meal that we forget that Thanksgiving was the beginning of the end of Indigenous life on this continent.
Nov 21, 202108:09
S3 Episode 7: Solo Travel

S3 Episode 7: Solo Travel

YOLO! Nah we are not talking about YOLO, although it is a good motto to live by! We my friends will be talking SOLO this week and I don’t mean the red cup kind of Solo! Settle in as we discuss why I love SOLO Travel so much and why the north shore is my healing place
Nov 14, 202108:33
S3 Episode 6: One Spark

S3 Episode 6: One Spark

All it takes is one tiny spark to light the whole damn fire……..
Oct 25, 202106:12
S3 Episode 5: One Ring

S3 Episode 5: One Ring

All it took was one ring and I do not mean the ring of my telephone. As in one perfectly round plastic ring laced with hormones that you insert into your downstairs kitty cat every three weeks, ring. In the blink of an eye the Nuvaring changed my life for the better.
Oct 18, 202115:30
S3 Episode 4: Survivorhood

S3 Episode 4: Survivorhood

Hi friends, I have experienced 12 borrowed years on this earth and do not take any drop of Survivorhood for granted. Surviving is the easy part, living in the aftermath is where it gets messy. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink, and listen in as I tell you all of the down and dirty details of Survivorhood.
Oct 11, 202118:19
S3 Episode 3: Survivor’s Guilt

S3 Episode 3: Survivor’s Guilt

Hi friends, surviving your worst day possible is the easy part, living in the aftermath is where it gets hard. I’ve been to more funerals than I have weddings. I have watched numerous friends die from the very thing I survived. I have held back tears as I hear others tell how their strokes took their abilities away, knowing that I walked away unscathed. Survivor’s Guilt is something I deal with on the daily as I try my best to not question Fate. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a beverage and listen in as I unpack the ugly side of survivorhood.
Oct 04, 202116:50
S3 Episode 2: Oh F*CK Endo

S3 Episode 2: Oh F*CK Endo

Endometriosis was the enemy I didn’t know I had. In October 2020 I had excision surgery to remove the endometriosis from my body, turns out I had stage IV Endo and I didn’t even know it. This is my journey to diagnosis and it’s aftermath infertility.
Oct 01, 202114:35
S3 Episode 1: Pumpkin NOPE!?

S3 Episode 1: Pumpkin NOPE!?

I am firm in my belief that pumpkins are for carving, not eating! Plus come along and find out what I do to set the record straight at hooby looby!
Oct 01, 202109:10
S2: Podcast Update

S2: Podcast Update

Hi friends, I am soaking in every last drop of summer and will be back with new content in October 2021.
Aug 27, 202101:35
S2 Episode 14: County Fair

S2 Episode 14: County Fair

Friends August is knocking on our door and you know what that means…… It’s County Fair time! I can hear the sizzle of the deep fryers, the laughter from the carnival, and the cheers from the grand stand. Are you a tractor pull fan? Maybe the derby is more your speed or do you like to stroll through the home arts building? And for the love of everything holy, hot dish, and target….Don’t for get to take a moment to pet a chicken! Pull up a seat, pour yourself a beverage, and settle in as I share which county fairs are my favorite.
Jul 22, 202121:34
S2: Episode 12: Half Baked Summer

S2: Episode 12: Half Baked Summer

Hey friends! Can you believe we are already half way through the month of July? Where the heck did the first half of summer 2021 go!? If you blink fall will be knocking on our door before we know it. I finally found the swimsuit that dreams are made of. Got brave and bought a SUP, hit a Boulder with my Prius, harnessed my inner Blanch at cardio bay, and why yes, our cabin project is still going strong! I’ve been having a blast and I am not ready for hot girl summer to be over. So pour yourself a glass, pull up a comfy chair and listen in to my hot girl summer antics.
Jul 14, 202121:42
S2 Episode 11: Wisconsin Dells

S2 Episode 11: Wisconsin Dells

Hey friends! Hope you all had a good weekend! I spent my weekend in the beautiful Wisconsin Dells and I have some tips for your next vacation. Yes, the Dells is considered the tourist trap of Wisconsin, but if you have a little intel you can avoid the gimmicks and put towards the good stuff. Mount Olympus is evil, mom & pop motels are still my favorite and yes we have to talk about cheese, along with my favorite WI Dell restaurants. So pull up a comfy chair, pour yourself a beverage and listen in.
Jul 07, 202126:27
S2 Episode 6: Splitsville

S2 Episode 6: Splitsville

Some duos are not meant to last forever. A friendship should be a safe space where one can share their hopes, dreams, feelings, and mundane parts of life. We have to realize that not everyone’s life is the same. There will be good times and there will be bad times. We ride out the ruts with our friends because we know happier times are ahead. We cheer them on during their highs and bring over a bottle of wine during the lows. Some of us can handle all sides of our friends. Others only want the good side. I want it all, bring me your mess and I’ll help you sort it out. That’s what friendship is, it’s surviving the mess together.
Jul 02, 202123:08
S2 Episode 10: Self Love

S2 Episode 10: Self Love

Hey Friends! We all have our hang ups. Some of us love the wrinkles under our eyes while others buy every eye cream they can get their hands on. Some of us look in the mirror and see our curves as strength instead of a weakness. For me it was hiding behind my fake blonde locks, hiding so I could blend in to society’s beauty standards. After 11 years living under the disguise of a blonde I chose to go back to my natural hair color. It wasn’t an easy choice, but I am glad that I made it. So pull up a seat, pour yourself a beverage and let’s discuss my journey to self love and being a role model for blue eyed native girls.
Jul 01, 202119:06
S2 Episode 9: Indentured Servant

S2 Episode 9: Indentured Servant

Hey friend! Let’s jump in my time machine aka The Prius and head back to a time where 35W didn’t exist and the best way to travel was by rail. We will be heading on down to Owatonna to learn about the Minnesota State School Indentured Servant program. Yes, children were entered into labor contacts in exchange for minimal room & board? Appalled by this, yup me too!
Jun 28, 202118:14
S2 Episode 8: Cabin Culture

S2 Episode 8: Cabin Culture

Here in Minnesota we have something I like to call “cabin culture.” When the temps rise people load up their families and head north to the cabin. In my case we head southeast to our cabin in western Wisconsin. (that threw you for a loop didn’t it!?) While others spend hours in Cabin traffic I am sitting by the fire popping a cold one listening to the frogs sing as dusk rolls in. Come grab a seat by the fire and listen in as I tell you about our day camp restoration project.
Jun 23, 202122:36
S2 Episode 7: Meet Your MN BFF

S2 Episode 7: Meet Your MN BFF

Hey friend! I realized that I haven’t properly introduced myself yet.... that was so impolite of me! Hi I’m AmandaJean, but you can call me AJ. I hail from the land of 10,000 lakes, have a weird obsession with dinosaurs, sour gummy candy, and PYREX. I’ve been through a lot of shit and sharing my stories the good and the bad ones helps me heal. So get out of the heat, pull up a chair, poor a beverage and listen in to the story of me.
Jun 10, 202127:30
S2 Episode 5: Fifty

S2 Episode 5: Fifty

This week we are going to talk about the down right hard parts of life. Charlie will be forever forty, today would have been his fiftieth birthday. I cannot believe he’s been gone almost ten years and that he would be fifty today. That’s the thing about death, it creeps in when we least expect it and freezes us in time. In three years I will have outlived Charlie, in all time going forward I will love longer than he ever did. His life was cut short, forty is to young. One thing I do know is, he died loving me until his last breath and because of that he will always be apart of me. Love is stronger than death, for it keeps memories alive and allows us to look back at what was with a smile. I miss him dearly, but I know he is proud of me and this little life of mine. I’ll celebrate his birthday with a slice of cake and a quiet smile.
Jun 04, 202117:57
S2 Episode 4: 215

S2 Episode 4: 215

What’s happening in Canada is America’s story too. Indian Residential schools were used as a tool to execute ethnic genocide. These schools were not a safe haven, they were over run with abuse and neglect. 215 children went through the school doors and never came out. We must bring all of the children home. Where there is a school their will be bodies, some marked and others left to the sands of time. I am 2 generations removed from this era, my Grandfather was a state schooler. He was taken from the reservation and contracted out as an indentured servant at just 5 years old. The 215 hit a nerve with me because their story is a part of me, that could have easily been my Grandfather. We need to search the former school sites in the US and Canada until we bring them all home.
Jun 02, 202125:04
S2 Episode 3: Gary Johnson

S2 Episode 3: Gary Johnson

Covid hit home this week. It claimed the life of my dear friend and mentor. Gary Johnson was that once in a lifetime human. He was more than a professor whose teachings and mentorship went beyond my college years. I am forever grateful for his mentoring and friendship.
May 21, 202120:04
S2 Episode 2: Hot Girl Summer

S2 Episode 2: Hot Girl Summer

It’s a great time to be alive in Minnesota! The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here! The temperature is rising and those lakes are looking mighty fine. Summer is what makes living in Minnesota year round worth it! So come on now pull up a comfy chair, pour yourself a beverage and tune in to learn more about Minnesota/Wisconsin summer.
May 19, 202114:27
S2 Episode 1: It’s A New Era

S2 Episode 1: It’s A New Era

Hi there! Welcome to a new season of the Maybe Swearing Helps Podcast. AJ is taking the reins of the podcast, come along with her as she shares the good, the bad, and the funny parts of life. Gummy candy is her kryptonite and no topic is off limits for your Minnesota Best Friend.
May 18, 202114:56
May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021

May 18, 202100:60
Episode 8: Shitty Things Happen to Good People

Episode 8: Shitty Things Happen to Good People

Shitty things happen to good people. It’s so easy to get lost in the darkness and have a pity party for yourself until the wine runs out. But what if for just a moment we flip our perspective and say “why not me?” Why not me? You were built to handle whatever life throws at you. You were built to handle the good, the bad, and the ugly curve balls of life.
Apr 07, 202118:04
Episode 7: Making Friends as an Adult

Episode 7: Making Friends as an Adult

Making friends as a kid was easy, you just pulled out your GI Joe doll and your My Little Ponies and called it a day. Making friends as an adult is hard as it’s no longer appropriate to run to the park and pull your latest My Little Pony out of your pocket while screaming HI at the kids on the jungle gym...... well I guess you could still do that, but you might find yourself in the back of a cop car. Save yourself the trouble open that wine and pull up a seat, because the ladies have a few ideas on how to make friends as an adult that don’t involve a cop car.
Mar 31, 202131:31
Episode 6: Calling All My Curvy Ladies

Episode 6: Calling All My Curvy Ladies

Hey friends it’s that time of the week, so crack open a bubbly water, grab a snack, pull up a chair and listen in as the ladies dish about what it’s like being on the curvy side of life. Fat shaming isn’t cool, diet culture is predatory, and thank God for Lizzo! Oh and fashionable plus size clothing, moomoos are so 1976!
Mar 11, 202129:40
Episode 5: The Day We Broke Up

Episode 5: The Day We Broke Up

Have you ever been in a fight with your BFF? You know the kind where you say things you wish you didn’t and then proceed to not speak to them for Maybe years? Did you mourn that friendship? Well pull up a seat and open that bottle of wine, because the ladies have a breakup story to share. A story of self growth, learning to trust one another again, and reconciliation.
Feb 25, 202132:46
Episode 4: Toxic Friendship? We got you!

Episode 4: Toxic Friendship? We got you!

Hey friends! Pull up a seat and break open a bubbly water, because in this episode the ladies discuss what it’s like to be in a toxic friendship. Toxic friendships can impact every area of our lives and not all friends start out toxic, they sneak up on you when you least expect it! Oh and find out why AJ calls herself the “friendship bug light,” her words not ours.
Feb 18, 202123:02
Mini Episode 4: Love After Loss

Mini Episode 4: Love After Loss

Love after loss is a topic AJ knows all to well. She’s experienced a divorce and the death of her fiancé Charlie. Yet, she held out hope that one day she’d find her person. She found Jay.
Feb 18, 202123:12