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Owning It with Meg Roundell Greene

Owning It with Meg Roundell Greene

By Meg Roundell Greene

Want to learn how to make business more enjoyable - and also sell more? This is for you. I'm a mentor and coach for entrepreneurs, and I LOVE selling and marketing. I help you simplify it all down, so you can actually do it.
I share it all - what works, what doesn't, my ups and downs and more importantly the process that has grown my and my clients' businesses - without the fancy frou frou. Just effective stuff, done over and over. I share mindset strategies, simple marketing plans, sales expertise and wellbeing for founders. Share with a friend, and let's make more money
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Episode 16 - Keeping your energy levels up in high stress times

Owning It with Meg Roundell GreeneJun 01, 2020

Funnel-fixing - where you might be losing sales and how to solve it today

Funnel-fixing - where you might be losing sales and how to solve it today

Are you having a slower year than you expected?

Might be that you need to take a moment and reevaluate your front-end - how customers are finding you and what they get when they first engage with your marketing.

This episode is a littlle how-to of checking what's happening in your marketing so you can pinpoint what to do - and how to engage and create customers from your cold list.

1 - What value are you offering and giving to your prospects when they first join your world?

2 - What are you doing to add to the relationship early on so you can connect with your prospects?

3 - How quickly should you offer that next state (and how should it look?)

4 - Getting clear on what value will help your client most - and what form it should take (eg. lead magnets, free resources, links to blogs etc)

We can get so caught up in 'marketing' as a general term that we forget to break it down into its simple parts. How you're communicating your offer, your solution and your value to your target audience.

Learn the difference between what you need to say to your cold prospects vs those warm, qualified leads.

And - how you can use this framework as of today to figure out why you don't have the sales results or the number of people taking you up on your offers that you're expecting.

If you enjoy this episode please share it out to any business owner friends! And please rate and review this - it means the world to me and will help other business owners get this free resource to help them grow

For more of this, follow me on LinkedIn here

And on Instagram

Fore more support, book a free consultation here. I'll help you map out a plan to book more clients more quickly and give you simple strategies to create more income in your business

May 16, 202424:21
Make sales - even if you've got a 'small' audience

Make sales - even if you've got a 'small' audience

Start here if you need to make more money - but you're stressed about not having a 'big enough' audience.

Or - you've been taught that you need a list of hundreds of thousands of people and you don't. And you don't even know where to start. Because there are about a million different ways you can grow an audience.


You can still make money - and really good money - from a 'small' audience. At least one that isn't boasting thousands and thousands of people.

Here's what to do - and how I help my clients who have smaller audiences to make money faster. You need to do these three things to make more money - and it doesn't involve doing a bunch of extra things, or keeping on social media 14 hours a day.

1 - Be specific in who you're helping - and how - and ask your customers what they would like.

2 - Show up a lot. Tell people a lot, and make an invitation for them to learn more and get the help they'd like

3 - Be focused on what your clients would like - and give it to them.

To grab the free 3 day training where I outline exactly how to do this in your business and make more sales

Jan 30, 202420:23
Episode 38 - Designing guilt-free mum life with Ange Thompson
May 11, 202133:54
Create Unstoppable action with Brooke Allison!

Create Unstoppable action with Brooke Allison!

I'm so excited to introduce Brooke Allison here on the podcast! Brooke is a mindset mentor, performance and success coach and business strategist for ambitious women. I've been following Brooke's journey for a while now and she's truly a force of nature! 

Brooke's got an incredible journey and story to share - so I'll let you dive in and take a listen to our conversation! You'll love her energy and her drive to help other women to be the best possible versions of themselves - no apologies. 

Brooke has an amazing take on what to think about to create the success you want in your life - working on your mindset, your awareness of thoughts and how to consciously create your day to day reality - her training in NLP, hypnotherapy and life coaching plus her years working with clients has given her an incredible way in to help people really figure out what's holding them back - in life and in business. 

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did recording it! As ever, leave your reviews, ratings and messages here so we can share this podcast far and wide with women doing incredible work in the world! 

To go follow Brooke and become part of her amazing community, check her out free FB community at

Her website is at and you can follow her on Instagram at

She has an amazing gift for you all here, her 10 strategies to make $500k! -

May 11, 202141:00
How to create amazing content - without the stress
Apr 02, 202121:38
Creating money magic in your life with Aria Leighty

Creating money magic in your life with Aria Leighty

Mar 04, 202130:40
Dream clients. Let's cut the BS

Dream clients. Let's cut the BS

There's so much jargon flying around, and I really want to cut the BS around ALL of this.

If you're finding it hard to get engagement, sales and qualified prospects reaching out to you, there's something going on. I want to demystify the whole thing and really break it down so you can figure out what you should be saying and how so you can easily get into your clients' vibe and get them reaching out!
Nov 26, 202023:32
Igniting your womb energy for radical joy with Shri Steep
Nov 16, 202035:19
Episode 34 - How body confidence can transform your life - with Yasmin Igne
Oct 29, 202038:31
Episode 33 - How to get out of inaction and into action

Episode 33 - How to get out of inaction and into action

I see a lot of my clients have this problem - they're stuck in the planning phase, gathering more and more information and thinking that just knowing more will help solve the fundamental problems in their business.
Here's a straight talking guide to how to get out of information overload, choosing the strategies you actually need for the stage you're at. Subscribe, rate and review and head on over to Instagram @mrg_coaching
Oct 07, 202016:08
Episode 32 - Conserving your energy as an entrepreneur

Episode 32 - Conserving your energy as an entrepreneur

This episode is an absolute favourite - my amazing guest and friend Madeline Eddi has scaled her online business and health coaching business to great success whilst maintaining her energy, keeping super fit and healthy. Tune in for great practical tips on how to conserve and maximise your energy whilst growing your business, what to look for when you're choosing a business coach and so much more!
Go and follow Madeline on Instagram @madeline_eddi,
Facebook: Madeline Eddi
LinkedIn: Madeline Eddi
Sep 23, 202031:06
Episode 31 - Attracting Dream clients doesn't have to be hard!

Episode 31 - Attracting Dream clients doesn't have to be hard!

If you're an online business owner, coach or service provider this is the real deal - how to attract your dream clients is going to be the most important thing you figure out in your business.

Without sales, you got no business! And without perfect clients you'll be spending a lot of time servicing people that you don't vibe with, that you can't get great results for and who drain your energy and time.
This is exactly how I create content that attracts my dream clients, without endless posting.
Sep 22, 202024:10
Episode 30: Schedule your weeks like a boss

Episode 30: Schedule your weeks like a boss

We are all busy mums and business owners and sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day!

Well listen up, I'm here to give you some no nonsense advice on how to organise your diary so you prioritise the right things and have enough time to get them done, and yes by the right things I am including bi-weekly manicures, time with family and hobbies you love!
Planning in your personal priorities first is one of my tips, listen to the full episode for some genius hacks.
Aug 09, 202017:49
How to create a strong mindset
Aug 02, 202023:40
Episode 27 - Creating content to grow your audience

Episode 27 - Creating content to grow your audience

Creating content can be a huge headache, so many platforms, so many strategies so much to do. It's enough to make your head spin.

I've simplified the process down into easy steps that you can do right now to make sure that what you're creating actually works to either grow your audience, attract leads or convert your followers to customers.
Follow me on Instagram @mrg_branding for more strategies on how to make your online business a success! Rate, review and subscribe I'd love to hear from you.
Jul 24, 202024:10
Episode 26 - Creating the right intentions to get result
Jul 16, 202016:51
Create offers - not products

Create offers - not products

Your products don't sell themselves. So much time is put into creating them that it's only natural to want to sit back and just let those sales roll in... until they don't.

Sure, you need great messaging, the right audience and to market in the right places, but more importantly, you need a compelling offer. In this episode I lay out exactly what you need in your offers, how to build them, how to sell them and how to get them in front of people.
Jul 14, 202021:48
Episode 24 - Building unshakeable confidence

Episode 24 - Building unshakeable confidence

It's tough to believe in yourself. We all have those days, weeks or even months when you feel like you're not good enough and that you don't have what it takes to succeed on your terms.

Well in this episode I dig into how you can start to build up your confidence even by taking tiny steps, and how to create confidence that has solid foundations - not based on external things that might change and leave you feeling stranded.
Jul 04, 202018:48
Episode 23 - Free days

Episode 23 - Free days

It's really important to be motivated, productive and focussed when working on your business, and you can't do that without quality time off. In this episode I talk you through the importance of 'free days' and how I look at taking time off from my business to spend doing things I love. The more quality time you take off, the better ideas you'll have and the more energised you'll be on your return. Try it, you'll see a huge difference in productivity and results.
Jun 29, 202013:53
Episode 22- Don't build a website before you do this!
Jun 29, 202017:07
Episode 21 - Being Visible in your business

Episode 21 - Being Visible in your business

This episode is for you if you know you have so much to offer but something is holding you back from going all in on your dream. If you know you've got amazing value to give, you need to get out there, get visible and be seen.

So many things hold us back but I made the decision not to be scared anymore.. or to feel the fear and do it anyway! The benefits way outweigh the anxiety. Follow me on Instagram @mrg_branding for more goodness, rate, review and subscribe!
Jun 16, 202017:49
Episode 20 - Looking after ourselves in lockdown
Jun 12, 202015:51
Episode 19 - Getting over fear of rejection
Jun 09, 202019:21
Episode 18 - How to set goals you'll actually want to achieve!

Episode 18 - How to set goals you'll actually want to achieve!

This episode goes deep on how to set goals that you will actually want to hit, and how to help you get there.

I'd love to hear from you - what you liked, what you would like to hear more of! You can follow me on Insta @mrg_branding and on FB MRG Branding. xoxo
Jun 06, 202020:08
Episode 17 - Get Visible

Episode 17 - Get Visible

This episode is about something I've struggled with, both in my personal and professional lives.

Being visible, standing out and getting heard. It's scary to put yourself out there but in this episode I go deep on how and why we've become used to hiding our true voices, and what we can do to unleash them on the world.
Jun 03, 202016:18
Episode 16 - Keeping your energy levels up in high stress times

Episode 16 - Keeping your energy levels up in high stress times

As mothers and business owners we also face a different set of challenges. Looking after others before ourselves, not having enough time to spend on the things that we love doing. This episode is all about how to create that time, set those boundaries and to look after ourselves.

Enjoy! Please leave me a review or feedback, I'd love to hear from you. Remember to tag me on Instagram @mrg_branding for a free gift when you rate and review!
Jun 01, 202018:52
Episode 15 - Finding your Dream Clients

Episode 15 - Finding your Dream Clients

Hi, I'm Meg, former corporate girl and now full time business owner, mum of three and a pug. Follow me on my journey as I work out how to grow my business into an online empire! I'll be sharing it all - the highs, the lows, the good the bad and definitely the ugly. Listen along so you can learn from my success, avoid my pitfalls and share the journey. I'm a total marketing and business obsessive so I'll be sharing what I love, what works and what doesn't so you can apply them in your life
May 25, 202020:32
Episode 14 - Three keys to action-taking I wish I'd known years ago!

Episode 14 - Three keys to action-taking I wish I'd known years ago!

Hi I'm Meg! This is my journey from corporate worker bee to owning my own online business. I'm obsessed with helping other mums create their own financial freedom and businesses they adore. Follow me as I learn on the way, learn from my mistakes, avoid my pitfalls and get going on your own vision and dream. No dreams too big here.
May 22, 202017:36
Episode 13 - Mindset, Action, Purpose
May 20, 202014:35
Episode 12. Business struggling? It will be one of 3 things

Episode 12. Business struggling? It will be one of 3 things

In this episode I talk about the 3 things that are the levers for success in your business. 

From my background in marketing, advertising and media, to starting my own venture, these are the three critical parts of your business that you need to focus time on. If you're struggling, or seeing less than great results, it will be down to one of these three things. Work it out, tweak it and see how this transforms your revenue! 

Follow me on Instagram @mrg_branding and on FB - MRG Branding. Get in touch and let me know what you like about the podcast and what you want to see more of! 

May 17, 202011:05
Finding your Perfect Revenue Model
May 15, 202011:49
Episode 10 The Pricing Conundrum
May 10, 202017:01
Episode 9 - Nailing the content strategy

Episode 9 - Nailing the content strategy

In this episode I reveal a top secret (not such a secret, but not nearly enough people know it!) about how you can create content that lasts and lasts, without running around in circles and getting on the 'content hamster wheel' of social media platforms. 

Trust me, this one is worth its weight in gold. Get clear on how to create once and re-use across different platforms to save you a ton of time and effort. 

As always, leave a review, get in touch, let me know what you like and what you need more of! 


May 08, 202011:03
Episode 8 - What is Marketing?

Episode 8 - What is Marketing?

We hear it all the time - sales and marketing, marketing and advertising, yadah yadah yadah.. But have you ever stopped to think, what it actually means to market yourself,  your product or your business?

I'm not talking tactics, platforms, channels or gimmicks here - just the pure concept of what it actually means, and why it's not the same as sales. 

Hope you love this episode, please let me know by messaging me on Instagram @megroundellg, or by leaving a review and sharing this episode with someone who'd love it! 

See you next time, 


May 06, 202015:58
Episode 7 - Working and Schooling from home!

Episode 7 - Working and Schooling from home!

This is all about how to get things done whilst we're in lockdown. Many families are working from home, teaching kids and juggling household chores. It's a lot! 

I share some things that have helped us out, from routine, getting focus and letting things go. 

May 04, 202008:17
Episode 6 - Taking a Step Back

Episode 6 - Taking a Step Back

In this episode I talk about some moments in my past working life where things weren't in alignment, and how it can impact you without you even realising it. 

A great episode for everyone who's thinking of making a change in their career. 

May 04, 202008:24
Episode 5 - Too much information?
Apr 30, 202012:21
Episode 4 - Finding Balance
Apr 28, 202007:57
Episode 3 - Branding

Episode 3 - Branding

In this episode I talk a bit more about what I feel defines a brand, and what makes a really strong one that can make your business money. Spoiler alert - it's not your logo, your website or your font! Listen in to see what I make of branding and how you can help yours go from zero to hero. 

Apr 27, 202009:47
Episode 2 - The One Thing

Episode 2 - The One Thing

In this short episode I dig in a bit about where I was when I started on my business, and some of glaring strategy mistakes I made - aka shiny new object syndrome! 

A dose of business reality from someone who's been there and done it. 


Apr 23, 202005:24
Owning it - My journey to business success as a busy mum

Owning it - My journey to business success as a busy mum

welcome to Owning It - the podcast that follows me on my journey from full-time working mum of three to solo entrepreneur, working out how to grow my business into an online empire! I'll be sharing it all - the highs, the lows, the good the bad and definitely the ugly. Listen along so you can learn from my success, avoid my pitfalls and share the journey.
Apr 22, 202011:57