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Manifest Miracles

Manifest Miracles

By Meghan Sylvester

Living a spiritual life isn't just for yogis in caves - it's for all of us! Through entertaining and enlightening conversations, host Meg Sylvester connects with guests who are walking their spiritual path in these modern times. Gain deep insight and inspiration from stories about manifestation, meditation, awakenings, and more. Manifest Miracles brings you deep esoteric principles in a relatable, down to earth way. Learn how people, just like you, shed their limiting beliefs to live a life that feels divinely guided and on-purpose. Are you ready to manifest more miracles in your life?
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#029 Meg & Bryna Haynes: Insider Tips On Becoming A Published Author

Manifest MiraclesJul 29, 2021

#44 Lucid Dreaming and Shadow Integration with Charlie Morley

#44 Lucid Dreaming and Shadow Integration with Charlie Morley

Charlie is a world-renowned teacher and best selling author on lucid dreaming, shadow integration and Mindfuness of Dream & Sleep. He is a sought-after speaker and has helped thousands of people deepen their spiritual practice through the art of lucid dreaming and shadow integration... you don’t want to miss this one!

This episode is full of light-hearted, practical and wise guidance on how to begin or bring more depth to your experience within the dream world. In this podcast, we explore how the subconscious mind is more easily accessible to interact with and understand while dreaming, and how you can cocreate deep healing of your shadow in this space.

Within the shadow of the human psyche lies the parts of ourselves that we have chosen - consciously or subconsciously - to hide, deny, or disown as a means of seeking connection and avoiding rejection from ourselves or others. The golden shadow that Charlie refers to in this episode comes from Carl Jung “the shadow is 90% pure gold.” This is an invitation to begin accepting and embracing shadow work as the space by which deep healing and transformation can occur. Shadow work and integration invites you to face the fears, traits, desires or impulses you have hid, denied, or disowned about yourself; inviting a new depth of healing to your mind, body and soul. The work Charlie introduces is a way for you to intentionally interact with and heal the shadow parts of your psyche.

This work is accessible to you in waking or dream states, and serves as a means to fully embrace and accept all aspects of yourself, leading to a more authentic embodiment of your full being. Shadow work is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself in this life, and Charlie gives us the insights and practical tools to do this work when we have access to the subconscious mind during sleep.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A simple definition of lucid dreaming
  • How to respond when you are experiencing nightmares or anxious dreams
  • A deeper dive into what Charlie means by the concept of “the golden shadow”
  • How to support your children through nightmares
  • How you can use the interplay between dream and waking life as therapy for yourself
  • How you can intentionally meet your shadow in lucid and non-lucid dreams
  • How to become your own dream dictionary, and why googling dreams may not be the best way to interpret your dreams
  • A deeper look at the 4 D’s of lucid dreaming: dream recall, dream diary, dream signs, dream planning
  • Who “The Dreamer” that Charlie refers to is
  • One of Meg’s recurring dreams, and the collaborative interpretation of this dream with Charlie

“Compassion to all beings is the greatest miracle of all” - Charlie Morley

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Charlie Morley

Dreaming Through Darkness

TEDxSanDiego 2011 - Lucid Dreaming, Embracing Nightmares

Charlie Morley on Twitter

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Nov 11, 202144:47
#43 Sacred Sexuality with Bianca Marzouk

#43 Sacred Sexuality with Bianca Marzouk

This week’s episode of the Manifest Miracles Podcast is with Bianca Marzouk, a certified sex, love, and relationship coach who has partnered with women around the world to support them in igniting their divine sexuality, cultivating their unique powers, and expressing their authentic selves. 

Sexual energy is one of the most potent ways we carry energy as human beings. Tapping into your sacred sexuality and expressing yourself through embodiment of this magnificent energy goes beyond sex - it can bring vibrancy and new levels of creativity to every facet of your life! Aligning with your unique sensual essence is a potent way to fuel your authentic expression, and this episode gives you wise insights and tools to begin or deepen your journey in this realm.

Our understanding of sexuality is directly impacted by the way our families, cultures and society at large portray the image of sexual nature. In this episode Bianca unpacks many common limiting beliefs that occur as a byproduct of deep sexual shame and guilt, and invites us to unlearn and unchoose those narratives so we can begin to embody the nature of our own sacred sexuality. 

You can expect to explore the following themes in this podcast:

  • What sacred sexuality is, and how Bianca serves to help women reclaim this essence
  • The distinction between sex and sacred sexuality
  • How couples can shift their sexual experiences from goal-oriented to energetically experiential
  • Common limiting beliefs around sex, and how to navigate them to empowerment
  • The Wild Woman archetype, and how each of us can recognize and embody this inherent nature within ourselves
  • How to embark on a journey of sacred sexuality, and how life changes as a result
  • Some common warning signs that you are misaligned with your sexual energy


“Something that I find so beautiful about sacred sexuality is that it's really a way to practice our connection with the divine, in union with another person.” — Bianca Marzouk [0:04:07]

“There's that very deep one that is ‘not worthy', which is a wound that I've encountered with every single person I've worked with, men, women, couples. There’s this deep sense of, “Somehow I'm not worthy of love. And when I'm not worthy of love, I'm not worthy of pleasure.”” — Bianca Marzouk [0:14:43]

“The way that she defines orgasm is that it's a buildup of sexual energy. And then a movement of that energy through the body, and then shift in our mind where we surrender to that energy.” — Bianca Marzouk [0:17:55]

“Miracles are these moments when the Divine is saying like, “Hey, I'm here.” You know, “I'm with you. And you are marvelous. And you are a beautiful creation of this existence.”” — Bianca Marzouk [0:42:33]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Bianca Marzouk

Bianca Marzouk on Instagram

Bianca Marzouk Integrative Love & Sexuality Coaching on Facebook

Women's Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure

#Yonisinnature on Instagram

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Nov 04, 202145:54
#42 Spirit Mamas "The Magic of Motherhood”

#42 Spirit Mamas "The Magic of Motherhood”

Have you ever felt like pregnancy, birth, and motherhood aren’t often enough recognized for the deeply magical and spiritual nature that is inherent throughout this journey? Perhaps you have experienced feeling your intuitive and spiritual gifts soar during these times, but have felt alone in celebrating them. Perhaps you don’t have children of your own yet, but know deep within your being that motherhood is an initiation into the next evolution of your soul and the spiritual path.

In this episode of the Manifest Miracles Podcast, we meet Tiff and Victoria from Spirit Mamas and journey into a conversation about how every phase of motherhood acts as a portal for your soul’s evolution. Spirit Mamas was born as a haven for spiritually conscious mamas to birth a new version of themselves. In this podcast, listeners can discover some fascinating gems including:

  • How giving birth is a portal and activation for mamas to step into a higher frequency
  • The magnitude of creative energy that is created during pregnancy, and how to direct it
  • Mama intuition
  • Using energy healing on children
  • How to find and harness the magic of the postpartum time

Tiff and Victoria were both initiated onto a path of deep self-discovery upon their maiden-mother voyage. From this space, they decided that they wanted to share with other women the tools, mystical methods, and practical rituals they have learned that assist them to follow their inner truth and flow with the Universe.


“By this time, Victoria was an Akashic Records Reader, I was a full-blown Reiki Healer, and we were trying to figure out, how could we build this community for mamas to be their best selves, but tap into that spiritual realm when doing it.” — @mamas_spirit [0:05:02]

“Birthing this new version of yourself while you are taking care of a little one, is so freaking hard. If you don’t make the time for yourself, you’re never going to have time.” — @mamas_spirit [0:06:45]

“Women are so freaking powerful when they come together and it is amazing the amount of healing that we have done personally and that we have helped women through just by bringing them together in a sacred container.” — @mamas_spirit [0:07:10]

“You have so much energy that you have created through creating this little human inside of you for nine months, and I don’t think I realized until I gave birth that, that energy needs to go somewhere, and you get to choose where that energy goes.” — @mamas_spirit [0:10:03]

“Everyone has gifts. I promise you. Even if you think you don’t, you 100% do, and you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t stop to figure out what that is and what you can offer the world.” — @mamas_spirit [0:11:42]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Spirit Mamas

Spirit Mamas on Instagram

Spirit Mamas on Twitter

Spirit Mamas on Facebook

The Body Positivity Journal

Meg Sylvester on Instagram

The Lotus Collective - Join Meg's Kundalini Membership Today!

Oct 28, 202139:36
#41 All Things Abundance with Daniel Mangena

#41 All Things Abundance with Daniel Mangena

Today we talk to motivational speaker, author, and coach, Daniel Mangena, about manifesting your abundance. From humble beginnings building computers in his garage to a life-changing diagnosis at the age of 27, Daniel walks us through how he manifested abundance in his own life. We delve into the science of life force energy, and how manifesting the right frequency can help you live your best life. As Daniel discusses, abundance is not merely having your needs met – it is overflow. We break down how your financial habits can change your money DNA, and how to understand money from a place of abundance. Tune in to receive guided and grounded advice in manifesting money, wealth, abundance, and joy. Discover the importance of manifesting a holistic viewpoint of abundance in your life, and how having a purpose and vision will help you with the ability to manifest. Find out how even the busiest of us can begin micro-shifting to achieve our goals, and how simple visualization isn’t enough to manifest. Don’t miss out on this inspirational episode filled with helpful advice from someone who has manifested financial freedom and who truly lives a life of abundance.


“You can have a lot of money in the bank, and not be abundant, because, for me, abundance is not a one-dimensional thing, it's multidimensional.” — @dreamerCEO [0:14:43]

“There are no part-time gigs with abundance.” — Meghan Sylvester [0:14:43]

"Money is a really tangible, measurable way to exercise the capacity to manifest abundance" — @dreamerCEO [0:06:47]

“A little shift, if maintained, will produce big results.” — @dreamerCEO [0:10:00]

“We’re not just sound frequency. We're not just thought-form. And we're not just physical matter moving through time and space. We're all of these things." — @dreamerCEO [0:14:03]

“Nobody’s broken, something’s just missing.” — @dreamerCEO [0:15:53]

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Introduction to Daniel Mangena.
  • How manifesting a $2 bill changed Daniel’s life.
  • The ups and downs of Daniel’s road to financial success.
  • How abundance is more than just money in the bank.
  • Understanding money from a place of abundance.
  • Why having everything doesn’t mean you are abundant.
  • How micro-shifting can help you manifest the changes you want to see.
  • Money DNA: how you can change your financial code.
  • Why you have to embrace abundance on all levels to truly manifest.
  • Setting habits behaviors and practices that allow you to maintain abundance.
  • A brief interlude into body positivity.
  • Learn how prana is not autonomous.
  • Discover why visualization is not as important as feeling.
  • Where to find more resources on manifesting abundance.
  • What the word “miracle” means to Daniel.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Daniel’s website

Daniel’s Instagram

Oct 21, 202130:18
#40 Astrocartography and Astromapping with Danielle Mercurio

#40 Astrocartography and Astromapping with Danielle Mercurio

Ever wonder why certain cities, states, or countries feel so good and expansive for you, while others may feel icky and challenging? Did you know that there is a branch of astrology called Astrocartography that can explain those feelings through a cosmic lens? In this episode of the Manifest Miracles Podcast, join us for an informative, fun, and expansive episode as we dive into this grounded approach to astrology that can help us understand why we feel different ways in different places!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A brief introduction to the idea of astromapping and Danielle's work.
  • Unpacking some of the popular and most useful astro lines from the framework.
  • The strengths and support of the Sun and Moon lines; when to gravitate towards these.
  • What the Mercury and Venus lines bring into our lives and how to balance these.
  • Lines for specific goals: writing a book, going on a retreat, and more!
  • Getting to grips with the energy of Mars; what to embrace and what to avoid.
  • The power and characteristics of Saturn and Uranus; difficulties living on these lines.
  • The theme of water and the relation this has to a deeper part of ourselves and our past lives.
  • Influences on the planet's own energy; understanding the core and chakra of Earth.
  • How to learn more about astromapping, and some useful recommendations from Danielle.
  • Overwhelming energy centers and how to deal with coming into contact with these.
  • Danielle's perception of miracles: faith in action, and surrendering to them.


“We are seeing astrology trending more and more. People are using it as a resoruce, they are realizing 'I am more than just my sun sign.'” — @daniellemercuri [0:03:29]

“If we are looking up at that zodiac wheel, when we put the Earth into that sphere, where do the planets actually relate to the geography of our Earth? And that's essentially what we are looking at. ” — @daniellemercuri [0:04:46]

“Neptune is a great line to either go on a retreat or lead a retreat. It is a great place when you are looking to escape or you are looking for higher learning. Neptune line is great place to receive healing.” — @daniellemercuri [0:14:41]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Danielle Mercurio

Danielle Mercurio on Twitter

Dnaielle Mercurio on Instagram

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Meg Sylvester

Oct 14, 202135:35
#39 Tuning Into Your Intuition with Jess Bubbico

#39 Tuning Into Your Intuition with Jess Bubbico

Many of us believe that intuition is some mystical energy source, but this is far from the truth. At the basic level, intuition is your inner knowing, and every one of us possesses this. Jessica Bubbico is the Founder of Love Your Woo, a collective that looks to take the ‘weird’ out of woo. Jessica is also an intuitive development teacher and helps people learn how to take inspired action by connecting to their intuition. In this episode, we hear about the layers of intuition and how this can show up differently in our lives. We talk about why it is important to have a practice of observation and witnessing. Our minds and egos will always be there, and it is not our mission to get rid of them. Instead, we have to learn how to integrate them into our lives. Our conversation also touches on the fascinating topic of human design and how we can connect this with our inner knowing, times when Meg has turned away from her intuition, and so much more. Tune in to hear it all!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Get to know today’s guest, Jessica Bubbico.
  • When Jessica started her spiritual work and tuning into her intuition.
  • The stigma that the word ‘woo’ has come to have.
  • An example of how Meg was detached from her intuition.
  • There are different layers of intuition.
  • Some of the misconceptions around intuition; we are actually all connected to ourselves.
  • What it looks like when you are not connected to your intuition.
  • The power of cultivating a practice of knowing and observing.
  • You will never eradicate the mind and ego, so learn how to integrate them.
  • A story of a time when Meg tuned into her intuition.
  • Insights into human design and how it allows us to understand ourselves better.
  • We don’t have to have the answers; we need to know the questions to ask.
  • An overview of what human design is and the five archetypes.
  • Understanding human design can help you turn your weaknesses into strengths.
  • What the Gene Keys can teach us about ourselves.
  • Hear about what the word miracle means to Jessica.
  • How you can get in touch with Jessica to find out about her offerings.


“Everybody has a connection to energy; it’s just what’s the way they connect with it, what’s the way they use to speak about that phenomenon?” — Jessica Bubbico [0:05:31]

“A lot of the times, our intuition speaks once and sometimes it’s glaring.” — Jessica Bubbico [0:22:06]

“Rejection is redirection.” — Jessica Bubbico [0:36:40]

“A miracle is a blessing beyond what the mind can comprehend.” — Jessica Bubbico [0:46:18]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Jess Bubbico

Love Your Woo

Gene Keys

Meg Sylvester

Oct 07, 202149:48
#38 Sacred Rebellion with Hannah McKenna

#38 Sacred Rebellion with Hannah McKenna

Today's amazing conversation is all about stepping into your most authentic self and how embodying the energy of the sacred rebel is one of the truest forms of self-love that we can access. Hannah McKenna is based in Seacoast, New Hampshire, and it is from here that she helps her clients access the radical self-love that we all deserve and need. She is a wife, sister, and sacred rebel, and her life's mission is to help women reclaim their power! In our chat with Hannah, we get to hear a little about the winding journey she has been on, and the search that brought her to her current work. Hannah spent years delving into different forms of spirituality but it was not until she started to look inwards, and listened to the quiet wisdom she found within, that she truly came into her power. For Hannah, this meant forgoing the quest to fit into other people's versions of spirituality, and the embodiment of her spiritual rebellion brought untold freedom and unshakeable joy to her life! So to hear about how you can access the love, magic, and freedom that is available to us all, tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Hannah's depiction of the sacred rebel and her lifelong connection to the term.
  • The different boxes we place ourselves in; getting away from external dogmas that do not serve us.
  • Finding community while standing in your truth and individuality.
  • The layers of our identity and going beyond our profession and career.
  • Common missteps that Hannah has observed around manifestation and the supposed rules.
  • Answering the shadow voice of our doubts with the energy of the sacred rebel.
  • The audacity to own who you are and release the shackles that hold us back.
  • Creating sacred rituals; finding the balance between individual authenticity and empowerment.
  • Differentiating between types of resistance we might experience and when to push through discomfort.
  • The simplicity of sacred rituals and maintaining focus on the most important elements.
  • Hannah's definition and understanding of miracles: the constant miracle of life, and its invitation.
  • How and where to connect with Hannah online, and the coaching she currently offers!


“In these spiritual circles, I often ended up feeling like I didn't quite fit in.” — Hannah McKenna [0:03:31]

“I'm a sacred rebel, I am not meant to be in one thing. I am not meant to take someone else's teachings and put my life into it entirely.” — Hannah McKenna [0:04:15]

“You can't commit yourself to the tool, rather than your spirit.” — Hannah McKenna [0:08:24]

“I think the biggest rebellion that you can have is owning that you are worthy.” — Hannah McKenna [0:16:17]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Hannah McKenna

Hannah McKenna on Instagram

The Body Positivity Journal

Lotus Collective Waitlist

Sep 29, 202137:27
#37 The Message Within: What ‘Intense Sensations’ Have to Teach Us with Laurana Kuhlman

#37 The Message Within: What ‘Intense Sensations’ Have to Teach Us with Laurana Kuhlman

If you are the owner of a human body, then this episode is for you; especially if you are someone who suffers from chronic pain or, as today’s guest puts it, if you are someone who experiences ‘intense sensations’ in your body. In this episode, skilled reiki master, healer, yogini, and mentor, Laurana Kuhlman, explains how our bodies and the sensations that we experience are messengers. Laurana works with those seeking to expand their knowledge of self and believes deeply that self-care is for everyone. Operating under the philosophy that there are many paths to healing, she serves her clients at the mind, body, and spirit levels. She gives those who experience chronic pain new language to support their experience of healing. We also delve into specifics during the course of our conversation and explore what certain sensations in certain parts of the body might mean. For example, what does a painful sensation in your right knee have to tell you on an energetic, spiritual, and emotional level? Laurana leaves us with the words: be kind, keep going, Om shanti. Tune in today to expand your thinking about the sensations you experience and how certain emotions can manifest in your body.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Laurana shares her personal experience with chronic pain and her journey toward healing.
  • The difference between embodying your chronic pain and experiencing intense sensations.
  • The commonalities of pain that Laurana has identified and how she blends Western medicine with Eastern wisdom and philosophies.
  • Specific sensations and what they might mean; pairing chakra systems with the 12 meridians.
  • What pain in your right knee might signify, such as inflexibility in a masculine relationship.
  • Discover how Laurana works through intense sensations and their deeper meanings.
  • First steps for addressing chronic pain and cultivating a relationship with that sensation.
  • Laurana highlights the importance of journaling; how to make lists until you see the pattern.
  • Learn about the various benefits of propping your legs up against the wall daily.
  • Find out why Laurana believes that pain always has a message; learn how to listen.
  • How you don’t need to experience pain for your body to communicate with you.
  • The importance of pausing and connecting with your inherent wisdom.
  • The role that unaddressed emotions play and how they can manifest physically.
  • What the word miracle means to Laurana; the magic of having a body and inhabiting it.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Laurana Kuhlman

Laurana Kuhlman on Instagram

Laurana Kuhlman on Facebook

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Sep 23, 202144:08
#36 Letting Go of Judgement and Stepping into Your Authenticity with Sarah Larson

#36 Letting Go of Judgement and Stepping into Your Authenticity with Sarah Larson

Do you keep yourself small for fear of what others will think of you? Do you believe that there must be more to this life? Perhaps you have beautiful gifts to share, but you’re afraid of what people will say? If you are grappling with any of these ego-based fears that are keeping you stagnant and preventing you from pursuing your passions, this is the episode for you! Today’s guest is an energetic healer who loves helping others connect with their purpose. With a background in physical therapy, Sarah Larson is able to unify the mind, body, and soul, bringing a beautiful healing experience to each and every one of her clients. Sarah is real, raw, and unapologetically herself and, in today’s episode, she shares her wisdom with listeners as we discuss the importance of speaking your truth, letting go of judgement, and stepping into your authenticity, regardless of what is expected of you. We also touch on the power of recognizing fear as a liar, upholding autonomy for others, and leaning on your soul sisters as you step into the unknown, plus a whole lot more! Tune in today for an enlightening discussion about trusting your intuition and sharing your gifts.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Sarah describes the desire to get more out of life that led her to become a physical therapist.
  • How Sarah overcame the ego-based fear of judgement by actively speaking her truth.
  • Find out where the tendency to dim your light in order to fit in comes from.
  • Sarah reflects on the pressure she has felt in the spiritual community to look a certain way.
  • The various different masks we wear to conform and the freedom that comes with stepping into your authenticity.
  • The importance of feeling your feelings and opening yourself to opportunities for growth.
  • Why one of the greatest realizations you can have is that fear is a liar; it only holds you back!
  • The value of upholding autonomy rather than pointing fingers at others.
  • Why Sarah says she doesn’t ‘fit the part’ of the typical energy healer and light worker.
  • How to tune into your purpose and follow your path, regardless of where you start from.
  • Sarah shares how she discovered that reiki was a gift that she could share with others.
  • The value of leaning into the people who support you as you step into the unknown.
  • Why Sarah says her business is the coolest thing she has ever manifested for herself.
  • The role that deep inner work and trusting your intuition plays in revealing your purpose.
  • What the word miracle means to her: from waking in the morning to manifesting great things.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Sarah Larson

Sarah Larson on Instagram

Sarah Larson on Facebook

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Sep 16, 202145:58
#35 Debunking Misconceptions about the Magic of Home Birth with Laurie Fremgen

#35 Debunking Misconceptions about the Magic of Home Birth with Laurie Fremgen

Many of the arguments against home birth are based on misinformation. At the end of the day, birth is a very personal event, a miraculous rite of passage, and only you can decide where and how you want it to take place. Today on the Manifest Miracles Podcast, we hear from Austin-based midwife, Laurie Fremgen, who is a passionate advocate for empowering women through the natural birth process. Laurie has been a midwife for 25 years and has been active in advocating for the right to choose midwifery care, currently serving as the Chair of the Midwifes Advisory Board. In this episode, we talk about the differences between midwifery and OB care and some of the most common misconceptions she encounters when it comes to home birth, midwife care, and everything that goes into it. We also touch on the medical industrial complex and how it impacts birth, the presence of systemic racism in the birthing world, and what women of color can do to ensure that they receive culturally competent care, plus a whole lot more. This is an illuminating and informative episode for anyone who feels called to explore working with a midwife and empowering themselves through pregnancy, birth, and even conception, so make sure to tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Birth as a sacred, holy experience that was designed to give women power.
  • Safe home birth, safe mom, safe baby; why Laurie always errs on the side of safety.
  • How the expectations of the care provider can influence outcomes more than anything else.
  • Find out why Laurie says that birth is a spiritual practice and an exercise in presence.
  • The hormonal cocktail that makes natural birth such a profound ‘love event’.
  • Laurie outlines some of the major differences between OB care and holistic midwifery care.
  • The importance of prioritizing mental health throughout pregnancy and birth.
  • How to approach risk assessment when it comes to natural birth and midwifery.
  • Questions to ask and qualifications to look for when finding a midwife to work with.
  • How the patriarchy and the medical industrial complex impacts birth and women’s reproductive rights.
  • Systemic racism in the birthing world and how it results in mortalities for Black women.
  • What women of color can do to ensure that they receive culturally competent care.
  • How to support initiatives that advocate for the rights of BIPOC midwives and mothers.
  • One of the coolest things Laurie has manifested: her children.
  • What the word ‘miracle’ means to her: miracles are mundane, everyday things.
  • Words of wisdom for pregnant women: hire a doula, get support, get quiet, slow down.
  • Why Laurie believes that pregnancy is an important opportunity for ‘emotional housekeeping’.
  • Birth as an opportunity for healing and why we need to dispel the fear of the birthing process.
  • What you can do to ensure your birth is an empowering as possible: trust your uterus!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Laurie Fremgen

Laurie Fremgen on Instagram

Black Home Birth Matters ATX

The Body Positivity Journal

The Lotus Collective

Sep 09, 202146:21
#34 Light Language Activation with Meg

#34 Light Language Activation with Meg

Sep 02, 202116:45
#33 Balancing Your Chakras with Physical Movement with Kathryn Ziegler

#33 Balancing Your Chakras with Physical Movement with Kathryn Ziegler

Movement is about so much more than just the physical. Every physical movement has an energetic and spiritual component, and if we tap into these elements, we can use them to heal. Joining us today is Kathryn Ziegler, creator of the KLZ Method, a movement approach which promotes a connection to our source energy. Kathryn, who worked previously as a stock trader and then a personal trainer, explains the journey that led her to the point she is at now. We also delve into what each of our seven chakras are about, and which physical activities allow us to link to each of them. Our modern lives are full of stressors, and the type of challenges we are experiencing will determine which chakra we need to connect to. For example, anxiety over debt signals a likely root chakra imbalance, and doing deep sacral movements will alleviate some of our distress by grounding us. Spiritual journeys can be daunting, but Kathryn has a wealth of wisdom and valuable advice for all of you listeners, no matter what stage you are in.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The memorable moment when Meghan and Kathryn met.
  • Kathryn shares what her two best manifestations are.
  • How Kathryn ended up trading on a stock floor, and the experience she had there.
  • Energies that are linked to different types of movement.
  • Why Kathryn transitioned from the trading floor to personal training.
  • Motivation behind the development of the KLZ method.
  • The role of root chakra, and the physical movements Kathryn uses to connect to it.
  • Kathryn explains how movement is about much more than the physical.
  • Meghan shares some of the sacral movements she uses to link to her root chakra.
  • What the solar plexus chakra is about.
  • Some of Kathryn’s favorite exercises for the solar plexus chakra.
  • Movements that Kathryn and Meghan recommend for the heart chakra.
  • The importance of listening to our bodies.
  • Elements that the throat chakra embodies.
  • Value that comes from listening to our own voices.
  • Actions which link us to our third eye and crown.
  • Connections that exist between our chakras.
  • Hear about the two retreats that Kathryn is going to be holding in the coming months.
  • Advice from Kathryn for anyone who is just starting on their journey of connecting to their spiritual side.
  • What miracles mean to Kathryn.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The KLZ Method

The KLZ Method on Instagram

Kathryn Ziegler on Instagram

Aug 26, 202146:45
#32 From Stagnancy to Sovereignty, Fireside Chat with Meg Sylvester

#32 From Stagnancy to Sovereignty, Fireside Chat with Meg Sylvester

The power of kundalini yoga and the journey from stagnancy to sovereignty is different for each of us. In this special solo episode, Meg invites you to join The Lotus Collective, a space for everyone to begin their journey of self-discovery and access the higher realms of the self. If you have ever wanted to unlock the deeper flows and expansiveness of your soul, this is the place to be, for while we each have our own path, we also have so much in common, and we all want to dance with the universe! Kundalini is an amazingly powerful means to enter into the cosmic game and step in your role within it; it enables us to tune into our thoughts and then take control of them, instead of giving them the driver's seat. Through these practices, we are able to create the healthy habits that we deserve, which in turn then create our enriched lives around us! Listeners can expect to hear all about Meg's upcoming course, the cyclical nature of growth, how unlocking your kundalini energy and the power of the divine feminine will change your whole outlook, and what it means to build a bridge between heaven and earth through our minds and bodies!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Dissatisfaction and looking for the perfect fit for your life and dreams.
  • Meg's true discovery of kundalini yoga and her internal wisdom in her late 20s!
  • The transportive qualities of the mantra and accessing a childlike, imaginary space.
  • The power of sticking with difficult practices, through the discomfort and avoidance.
  • Choosing love and bravery over the alternatives that fear guides us toward.
  • The continual challenges and fears that arise, even when in better alignment.
  • Growth is cyclical, not linear; reaching new hurdles as we move through different chapters.
  • The program and classes that Meg has put together, containing the most potent lessons of kundalini.
  • How you can get involved and take advantage of the amazing Lotus classes!
  • The monthly themes that are explored through the course.
  • Combining intuitive movement and meditations for the right kind of mental and physical challenges!
  • Learning to find flow and balance between the different parts of ourselves and calm the monkey mind.
  • Stepping into clarity and abundance and tapping into divine feminine energy!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Meg Sylvester

The Lotus Collective Waitlist

Trackable Link for the Body Positivity Journal by Meghan Sylvester:

The Body Positivity Journal: Inspirational Prompts and Practices to Boost Self-Love and Acceptance

Aug 19, 202126:03
#031 Meg & Chandler Jerrico: Balancing Your Masculine + Feminine Energies for Success

#031 Meg & Chandler Jerrico: Balancing Your Masculine + Feminine Energies for Success

Aug 12, 202142:52
#030 Meg and Petia Kolibova: Transforming Trauma to Authentic Alignment
Aug 05, 202135:22
#029 Meg & Bryna Haynes: Insider Tips On Becoming A Published Author

#029 Meg & Bryna Haynes: Insider Tips On Becoming A Published Author

Jul 29, 202101:05:17
#028 Meg and Justin: Maintaining A Connection With Your Partner Through A Spiritual Awakening
Jul 22, 202150:44
#027 Meg & Bianca Morris: Can Eating More Fruit Change Your Life?

#027 Meg & Bianca Morris: Can Eating More Fruit Change Your Life?

Jul 15, 202101:18:52
#026 Meg & Amy Edwards: Taking The Leap At Any Age Or Phase Of Life

#026 Meg & Amy Edwards: Taking The Leap At Any Age Or Phase Of Life

Are you someone who has a giant dream in your heart but is hesitant to push past the fear and really take the leap into the great unknown? Is age something that has stopped you? Don’t miss out on the chance to finally face that fear!

Tune into today’s episode where Meg and Amy Edwards will support you in this transition.

Amy Edwards is a podcast host on the Amy Edwards Show, a rock musician, radio personality, actress, author, life coach, voice over artist, and momma. Amy’s mission is to help others strengthen their voice, achieve their goals and create habits to make their dreams their reality.

In this episode, Meg and Amy will be going over how you’re never too old to take the leap and how it can actually benefit your children, tools to help you get into vibrational alignment with what you want and what this means and so much more!

Amy even shares the big mindset shifts that she had to make that were once holding her back and how you can too!

Click play to listen now!

Don't forget to download Meg’s FREE guided meditation to connect you to the wisdom of your spirit guides by going to

Here’s how you can connect with Amy:


Podcast: The Amy Edwards Show

Books: Starla and the Boogie Deluxe and The Trouble With Becoming a Witch

Instagram: @realamyedwards


Meg’s In Person Retreat

If you’ve been craving an immersive experience to go deep into many of the modalities talked about on this podcast like Kundalini yoga, meditation, sound healing, divine feminine, sisterhood and more then consider this your official invite to Meg’s retreat in Austin, TX September 23-26th. Learn more and register here!

Jul 08, 202148:13
#025 Meg & Meg Pearson: Bankruptcy to Abundance - How to Turn Challenges into Opportunities

#025 Meg & Meg Pearson: Bankruptcy to Abundance - How to Turn Challenges into Opportunities

Have you ever felt like the odds were stacked against you? Listen to one woman’s fascinating story of overcoming bankruptcy, bulimia and failed relationships to living a life of abundance, deep love, and fulfilling work.

In today’s episode, Meg is interviewing Meg Pearson, a certified yoga guide, and a cheerleader for powerhouse plant medicines such as Ayahuasca, Kambo, and Iboga. Meg Pearson is a Breakthrough Breathwork facilitator, Dance of Liberation Leader, inspirational speaker, retired TV director, author, and eating disorder awareness advocate, with a personal mission to make the world a sweeter place, filled with love.

Together, they will be diving into different challenges of body acceptance and how to overcome them as well as steps to take to begin living a freedom lifestyle. If a freedom lifestyle sounds great but you’re not sure what it is, make sure you tune in because Meg is breaking it all down for you!

Click play to listen now!

Don't forget to download Meg’s FREE guided meditation to connect you to the wisdom of your spirit guides by going to

Here’s how you can connect with Meg Pearson:



Create abundance and freedom lifestyle:

Instagram: @coachMegPearson


Meg’s In Person Retreat

If you’ve been craving an immersive experience to go deep into many of the modalities talked about on this podcast like Kundalini yoga, meditation, sound healing, divine feminine, sisterhood and more then consider this your official invite to Meg’s retreat in Austin, TX September 23-26th. Learn more and register here!

Jul 01, 202142:18
#024 Meg & Emily Pereira: How Finding Your Quest Can Lead To Your Grand Adventure
Jun 24, 202148:21
#023 Meg & Susan Allen: Connecting With Our Pets Who Have Passed On
Jun 17, 202147:32
#022 Meg’s Untold Story Of Becoming A Channel For An Ancient Healing Language

#022 Meg’s Untold Story Of Becoming A Channel For An Ancient Healing Language

Do you ever find yourself doubting whether or not your gifts and abilities are real? You’re not alone and Meg is dedicating this episode to show you why you need to trust yourself.

In today’s episode, you’re going to get to know Meg on a deeper level as she shares her story about tapping into her gifts and abilities as a channeler of an ancient healing language. This is a personal experience that she's never shared before. Tune in to hear how Meg’s experience has unfolded with channeling a beautiful healing language and how she overcame her insecurities about it.

If you’ve been curious about channeling, light languages and how to tap into your own abilities, then this episode is for you.

Make sure to grab your journal because you’re in for a treat! Meg will be going into a healing channeling at the end of this episode to support you in connecting to the essence of your soul.

Click play to listen now!

Remember, you can also get the first three chapters of Emily's book, The Quest, for FREE by going to


If you’ve been craving an immersive experience to go deep into many of the modalities talked about on this podcast like Kundalini yoga, meditation, sound healing, divine feminine, sisterhood and more then consider this your official invite to Meg’s retreat in Austin, TX September 23-26th. Learn more and register here!

Don't forget to download Meg’s FREE guided meditation to connect you to the wisdom of your spirit guides by going to

Jun 10, 202131:53
#021 Meg & Ferny Barcelo: Tools To Overcome Rejection, Anxiety And Body Image
Jun 03, 202157:04
#020 Meg & Mimi Daraa: How To Use Palo Santo To Tap Into Your Highest Self
May 27, 202158:12
#019 Meg & Indy Rishi How To Be A Spiritual Warrior For Humanity
May 20, 202101:10:13
#018 Meg & Rosie Pyor: Spirituality and Creativity for Addiction Recovery
May 13, 202151:06
#017- Meg & Kate Waitzkin: How To Keep A Beginners Mind And Why It’s Important
May 06, 202152:29
#016 Meg & Fonzy Hernandez: Buddhism, Yoga & Community
Apr 22, 202155:50
#015 Meg & Chloe Freytag: How To Take Rejection Like A Ballerina
Apr 15, 202101:02:42
#014 Meg & Carrie Moss: Tips To Healing With Auras And Color
Apr 08, 202101:00:13
#013 Meg & Maji Bashir: Understanding Your Zodiac Sign And How To Use The Moon's Energy
Apr 01, 202149:20
#012 Meg & Haley Cole: All About Chakras and The Divine Feminine
Mar 25, 202152:40
#011 Meg & Heidi Hauer: Advanced Tips For Manifesting Your Fairytale Life
Mar 18, 202144:41
#010 Meg & Vika Bradford: Beginners Guide To Astrology, Birth Charts And Past Energies
Mar 11, 202101:00:56
#009 Meg & Sam Cartina: Overcome Diet Culture- Cravings, Body Positivity & Emotional Eating
Mar 04, 202151:31
#008 Meg & MaryAnn DiMarco: How To Create A Connection With Spirit, Guides and Angels
Feb 25, 202147:04
#007 Meg & Abbi Miller: How To Balance Grace, Productivity And Entrepreneurship
Feb 18, 202101:00:22
#006 Meg & Dr. Sandy Garcia: How To Fuse Science And Spirituality To Manifest Your Dreams
Feb 11, 202101:02:49
#005 Meg & Camila Matos: How To Overcome Toxic Productivity
Feb 04, 202148:47
#004 Meg & Scout Chavers: What Is A Transition Stage And How Can You Embrace It
Jan 28, 202148:02
#003 Meg & Renee Sendelbach: How To Turn Your Chaos Into Your Masterpiece
Jan 21, 202153:10
#002 Meg & Erika Guillory Page: How Being Creative Can Help You Heal
Jan 14, 202151:15
#001 Meg & Alana Woolf: How To Tune Into Divine Downloads
Jan 08, 202154:58
#000 Meg Sylvester: Welcome To The Manifesting Miracles Podcast
Jan 08, 202125:44