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The Never Settle Podcast

The Never Settle Podcast

By Mel Clarke

This podcast is an interviewed journey with amazing ordinary people who woke up one day and realised they no longer wanted to settle for second best.

Most people settle at some point in their life whether its romantic relationships, career, family and friend relationships, or simply putting up with other peoples unsatisfactory behaviour.

This podcast is an inspirational uplift to allow YOU to know that you no longer need to settle, and you CAN have the life you desire.
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Currently playing episode

Giving Yourself Choices and No Regrets with Alan Lazaros

The Never Settle PodcastFeb 21, 2022

Five Strategies to Self Love and Live Singing with Mel Clarke
May 10, 202411:55
How To Live a Life of Purpose with True Love and Passion
May 03, 202445:58
Give Yourself What You Deserve with Mel Clarke
Nov 06, 202313:14
Never Compare Yourself to Anyone with LinkedIn Expert Sam Rathling

Never Compare Yourself to Anyone with LinkedIn Expert Sam Rathling

Sam Rathling is the UK's leading LinkedIn expert, single mum to three children and an incredibly busy business owner, entrepreneur, best selling author and international speaker.

Inspired by her dad, Sam always wanted to run her own business before the age of 30, and did it at the age of 28.

She and her dad started a recruitment firm in Ireland, knowing no one, and managed to bag a large Amazon contract against a lot of competition.

Later she went onto have Network Marketing success with her husband, who was able to retire, but soon dried up when the company went bust and soon after her marriage ended.

Sam started again, got backing from an investor, but unfortunately he turned out to be a shady customer and took her money.

In walks Nick Jones a multi millionaire and Pipeline 44, her current company, was born.

A mission led company helping small businesses to succeed.

Sam helps sales teams and business owners to build sales pipeline, and generate opportunities.

As Chief Revenue Officer of the Pipeline 44 Group, she is responsible for revenue growth, whilst helping clients small and large to do the same.

Sam was named by Yahoo! Finance as a top 10 global LinkedIn expert to follow. And she is author of best-selling books 📚, 'Linked Inbound' and 'Linked Outbound'.

I don't think we have seen the end of Sams ventures, so watch this space!

If you want to connect with Sam you can find her at :




Book call

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Practitioner helping women come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their blissful purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Oct 24, 202359:16
Listen to Your Dreams with Megan Mary
Oct 11, 202348:09
Creating Women Leaders with Beth Hocking

Creating Women Leaders with Beth Hocking

Oct 06, 202342:24
From Guilt to Purposeful Freedom with Mel Clarke

From Guilt to Purposeful Freedom with Mel Clarke

Todays episode is talking about my coaching program and sprinkle of empowerments 'From Guilt to Purposeful Freedom'.

So many women live their life in guilt for not showing up well enough for their kids, their partner, their family and friends, expended family and the list goes on.

Why do we do this?

Usually because our self love and worth is low or on the floor, and so we put other peoples needs before our own.

A common reality for many, but something that is not necessary.

Life is there to be enjoyed, fulfilled, grabbed with both hands. Not settling in jobs and relationships that are not aligned to our values, do not light us up, and quite frankly keep us playing small.

It is possible to move through this perpetual state of guilt to purposeful freedom with the right guidance, the right people, the right mentors and more importantly the will to want to change your life.

On the 4th October at 3pm BST / 10am EST / 12am Sudney I am running a live sprinkle of empowerment called From Guilt to Purposeful Freedom which focus's on all of this and more.

If you want to know how you can change your life, with the right support and start living a happier more authentic life then register here and I would love to see you there.

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Practitioner helping women come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Sep 27, 202320:45
Follow Your Intuition with Ania Halama

Follow Your Intuition with Ania Halama

Ania Halama is a world traveler who has helped thousands of heart-centred entrepreneurs align with their ideal clients to attract wealth, health, love, mental health, and spiritual wealth.

Ania started out working a corporate job that left her living paycheck to paycheck. Exhausted and worn out, she was limited to her dreams of a better life. Ania longed for the freedom to live life on her terms and time to enjoy life to the fullest. 

One day she decided to take a leap of faith, quit her job, and begin a journey of self-discovery. This initially took her from her hometown of Chicago to Thailand. She knew nothing about Thailand but just knew it was far away from the family she wanted to leave behind. The journey has taken Ania all over the world and helped her create businesses learning new skills and sharing them along the way.

Ania is a Millennial Manifestor, Spiritual Mentor & Integration Coach, Plant Medicine Facilitator & Intuitive Digital Artist. She is also an intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, Angel Healer, EFT Certified Practicioner, Ho’oponopono Master, Akashic Records reader, Angel Card Intuitive and Law of Attraction master.

Entrepreneur Magazine listed Ania as a Top Millennial Powerhouse and US Reporter has listed Ania as one of the top 10 entrepreneurs to follow.

She has spoken on national stages like the Napolean Hill Foundation and the Women Gone Wild Summit. Her expertise has been featured in media outlets, including Brainz Magazine, Yahoo News, Entrepreneur Magazine, LA Weekly, US Reporter, New York Weekly Times, So Influential, and others. Most recently her work was featured on a New York Times Square billboard.

Ania is a two-time best-selling author of the book ‘Rebel’s Guide to Spirituality’ and ‘Women Gone Wild the Wealth Edition’. She is the host of Spirituality for Badass Babes Podcast, and is the founder of Xpansion Alchemy.

Her passion is to use her eye for beauty, knowledge for business, and love for self-discovery and healing to impact as many lives as possible!

And at time of recording she was about to head off to the jungle and be initiated into a Shaministic family who facilitate Ayahuasca and plant medicine ceremonies.

You can find Ania at her :





If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Practitioner helping women come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Sep 21, 202334:02
Listen to Your Soul with Florentina Gionea

Listen to Your Soul with Florentina Gionea

Florentina Gionea hasn't had the easiest childhood or upbringing and became responsible for all of her family from a young age. Her tenancity and entrepreneurial spirit has lead to on many different paths including owning her own beauty salon, sales and TV work.

Losing the business and ending up in debt saw Florentina having to do a big pivot and divine orchestration set her on a different pathway.

She is now a Spiritual Mentor for Leaders, to help them create a blissful life, make a bigger impact, and build thriving communities.

She specialise's in guiding leaders to discover their personal mission and highest potential. And will help them unlock their spiritual, energetic, mental, and material blocks so that they can easily attract people, situations, and experiences that are beneficial.

Florentina has many accolades and strings to her bow. Here are just a few:

- Specialised in over 30 spiritual techniques, 

- I have been featured as an expert on FOX TV, TEDx, Medium, and Thrive Global

- Over 15,000 hours of spiritual practice, working with top leaders worldwide

- Possess spiritual abilities to see, transform, and alchemize energy

- Testimonials from leaders, all over the world, I've helped evolve and discover their potential

Her mission is to help as many leaders as possible discover their potential and create thriving communities. She will help with:

- Blocked energetically or creatively

- Attracting unpleasant experiences or toxic relationships

- Unable to set boundaries or prioritize self-care

- Unsatisfied with your professional or personal life

- Not achieving the financial success you desire

- Lacking energy or motivation to make a change

- Facing an important decision and not sure which path to take

If you would like to connect with Florentina you can find her at her:



60 Second Quiz

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Practitioner helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Sep 14, 202301:12:43
You Have to Have Purpose in Life with Holocaust Author Michael Ruskin

You Have to Have Purpose in Life with Holocaust Author Michael Ruskin

Michael Ruskin is an author/researcher and has written a very compelling and informative book about World War II and the Holocaust as seen through the eyes of his late parents, David and Dora Ruskin, Holocaust survivors from Lithuania.


In the book, The Vow: A Love Story and the Holocaust, Michael describes how two extraordinary people transcended one of the darkest periods of World War II; the Nazi occupation of Lithuania (1941-1945) where the lives of nearly 97% of the country's Jewish population perished at the hands of the Nazis and their collaborators. (This horrific statistic reflects the highest percentage of Jewish deaths by country in Europe during World War II.)

Considering the odds of their survival, one can only conclude it was only through their unwavering love for each other, their faith in God and their unshakeable courage which made the difference between life and death.

They were truly a "miracle couple" who deserve to be honoured and their legacy preserved.  And they left a message for all of us!

This has also been picked up by some influential people in the film industry and may well get turned into a mini series or film at some point.

Michael has self published and is self promoting such is his love for this story being told in the right way with integrity.

You can find Michael at :




If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Practitioner helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Sep 06, 202343:04
A Magical Hollywood Journey and Truth Seeking with Michael Mandaville - Part 2
Aug 30, 202301:00:47
A Magical Hollywood Journey and Truth Seeking with Michael Mandaville - Part 1

A Magical Hollywood Journey and Truth Seeking with Michael Mandaville - Part 1

Michael Mandaville first and foremost has become a friend of mine over the last few months, and is a fellow truth seeker in this crazy world we find ourselves living in.

Michael was inspired to work in the film industry by his aunt Molly Mandaville, who worked as script consultant and special assistant for legendary film mogul Darryl Zanuck's for 35 years and has worked for 25 years in Hollywood as a Producer, line producer and UPM.  He is also an internet entrepreneur workingin the streaming, social media environments. The films he has worked on include “Taken”, “Taken 2" and “Taken 3” written and produced by Luc Besson, “Above Suspicion” starring Emilia Clarke directed by Philip Noyce and “Havoc” with Anne Hathaway.

As a serial entrepreneur, he is currently pursuing media, blockchain and project financing through international finance. He acquired citizenship in Luxembourg to expand opportunities in these areas and recently scouted those countries and Morocco for media projects working with International and US distribution companies.  He is currently finishing up a sequel to his “Stealing Thunder” series set in Morocco, a play set in post-WW2 Europe and the first episode of his “The High Guys” online magazine. 

He recently directed “Into the Flames” which was sold at Cannes and accepted into the Silcon Beach Film Festival.  “Conviction: Murder in Four Parts” won the Culver City Film Festival for Best Screenplay.  He also produced, directed  and wrote “Beer  Pong Coach” a webseries. He does presentations for his FilmmakingWithACalculator approach – how to reconcile the Creative with the Financial – for Stage 32, the American Film Market, Motion Picture Institute and more.

His other films on are “The Kiss” with Terence Stamp, "American History X" with Edward Norton and Edward Furlong, "Blood and Wine" with Jack Nicholson and Director: Bob Rafelson, "Millenium's Child" with William Windom and Karen Black, "Sensation" with Eric Roberts and Ron Perlman. "Hail Caesar" with Anthony Michael Hall, Robert Downey, Jr. and Judd Nelson. "Pumpkin Head II".

Michael also produced “The Almighty Fred”, an independent film. He has directed a recent feature, commercials, shorts, a documentary and industrial films.  He worked on “Manahi” in Cairo, an Arabic language comedy -  the first film shown in Saudi Arabia in 35 years.   As an executive with Queens Cross Productions, he worked on "Keys to Freedom" with Jane Seymour and Omar Sharif, "The Tunnel"  with Jane Seymour and Peter Weller and "Tapeheads" with Tim Robbins and John Cusack.

Michael worked on TV pilots including "Chunks of Life", "Criminal Obsession” with Telly Savalas and "Wet" with Arliss Howard, Cynda Williams.  "The Double O-Kid" with Corey Haim, Brigitte Nielsen. "Girlfriend from Hell"and "Spirit of the Eagle" with Dan Haggerty and Bill Smith.  Michael worked on a CD-ROM Project, "Monty Python's Holy Grail CD-ROM" with Eric Idle and Terry Gilliam. 

Michael is a bondable line producer with Film Finance. He also worked as a Risk Manager at the Motion Picture Bond Company.  Through Transcom Productions, Michael has done Scheduling and Budgeting for clients including Relativity, Intl. Sales Organization, Paramount Pictures, Viacom, Bob Rafelson, Kushner-Locke Company, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Mark Damon Worldwide, Europacorp among many others.   

He has written fifteen scripts for option or for hire.   Michael published a Trilogy of technothriller novels under the  “Stealing Thunder” series which won the Thrillspy Award for best novel. He also published a mystery novel, “A Cold Death" and noirish 30’s thriller “A Cold Knife in a Warm Back”.    

He has three more novels and several plays in process which usually keeps him out of trouble. 

Michael received a Master's Degree from USC in their prestigious Professional Writing Program. 

You can find Michael at:





You can find Mel on her





Aug 23, 202341:44
Nothing is Impossible with Mary Kurek

Nothing is Impossible with Mary Kurek

Mary Kurek began working life as the youngest member of the NC Governor's Staff at 19 and was awarded the Governor’s Long Leaf Pine Award for her work.

From there, she worked with international dignitaries through a US government program and an international visitor's exchange program designed to improve multicultural relationships.

She then worked for eight years as the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce next to the world's largest Marine Corps Air Station and graduated from the US Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organisation Management. She was awarded a Commendation from the Commanding General of MCAS, Cherry Point for her impact.

In 2007, Mary wrote a networking book that was endorsed by the American Business Women's Association and moved her business model toward social entrepreneurship.

Today, Frontrunners Development, Inc. houses a business development agency aimed at nurturing partnership opportunities that expand impact by matching solution providers with country leaders and decision-makers. The agency, which supports the United Nations SDGs (and centres its work on SDG #17- Partnerships for all goals), has facilitated connections and relationships in more than 75 countries.

Mary currently represents the presiding monarchy of the country of Madagascar as an appointed Counsellor for Trade & Investment.

The agency operates a curated community of innovators and publishes the first business networking media platform aimed at impact. Mary has also conducted 500+ international interviews with the platform receiving views from 160 countries annually.

Frontrunners Development enjoys partnerships with several worldwide organisations, like the Sub-Saharan Open University (Nigeria) Yorghas Foundation (Poland), and Living Learning & Working, Inc. (US). The agency provides advisory and media support for events produced by World Youth Summit and the Centre for Peace Advocacy and Sustainable Development-Africa.

Mary is the co-founder of two nonprofits and sits on the boards of several international organisations that work on education, youth development, entrepreneurship, and trade.

You can find Mary at her




If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Aug 17, 202339:24
Why Knowing Your Core Values is So Important - Part 2
Aug 08, 202356:11
Why Knowing Your Core Values is So Important - Part 1
Aug 03, 202338:59
Revisiting How The Never Settle Podcast Came About with Mel Clarke

Revisiting How The Never Settle Podcast Came About with Mel Clarke

In today's episode of the The 'Never Settle' Podcast, you get to hear from me, Mel Clarke, about never settling for second best. 

I always knew I was different from friends and other people from a young age, and I guess a large part of my younger life was trying to fit in and dim my light.

From wanting to be a psychologist at Uni to falling into a career in sales for over 20 years, to now pursuing a coaching career and more creativity, I have always been trying to find my purpose. 

Watching my parents struggle and argue over money, made me determined not to be broke, and drove me to be ambitious. But ambition can be soul destroying when you end up doing a job that does not fulfill you just to pay the bills and have some nice holidays. 

Along my journey of trying lots of ways of earning money to be able to quit the day job, including property investment, I was also on a journey of spiritual enlightenment. 

Losing my dad in 2006 really accelerated this, and over the years having married and then divorced, and almost going bankrupt I have begun to understand what happiness really means, and it sure doesn't come from the expensive car on the drive.

In 2010 a chance encounter brought me to a wonderful lady called Clair who had just qualified as an acupuncturist, to improve my skin. The end of the fifth session lead her to telling me I was deeply unhappy, and although I resisted at first, it wasnt long before a tsunami of tears fell to confirm her words. This really was the beginning of me seriously not settling in relationships, which in turn has lead to a search for fulfilment in all areas of life.

I have never been one to join the masses, I believe we are all source energy and have the power to create the life of our dreams if we could just get out of our own way. Life is there to be enjoyed, people are there to love, we are here to self love and evolve consciously so we can all have an enriching impact on the world, in a small or huge way. 

Have I got it all figured out? Hell no, but I sure intend to live from my souls purpose in everything, and be the best version of myself I can be.

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Jul 27, 202342:01
Don't Let Anyone Else Determine Your Success with Super Julie Braun

Don't Let Anyone Else Determine Your Success with Super Julie Braun

Jul 19, 202349:20
Living The Life 'You Should' Sucks!

Living The Life 'You Should' Sucks!

Are you racing around people pleasing, attending events you don't want to, doing a job you don't really like & being in a relationship thats draining you dry.

And juggling multiple roles, relationships and responsibilities, whilst feeling unhappy, overwhelmed and completely frustrated along the way?
Its bloody exhausting!

Firstly, if that is you, please acknowledge yourself. Recognise that feeling overwhelmed is a natural response to the demands and pressures you face. It's perfectly okay to experience these emotions, so remove any judgment you have towards them.

Secondly you can begin to explore the root causes of your overwhelm.

Often, it stems from a misalignment between your true self and the life you're currently living.

Society bombards us with unrealistic expectations, leading us to strive for perfection and feeling inadequate when we fall short.

And the best kept secret out there...... drum roll please ............
is you are already enough, just as you are.

Embrace your imperfections and release the need for external validation.
Connect with your inner self, your true essence, and allow it to guide your choices and actions.
To embrace your authenticity is to break free from your chains of overwhelm.
And to transform stress into empowerment, it's crucial to prioritise self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and spirit.
Carve out some time for activities that replenish your energy and bring you joy.
Engage in mindful practices like meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature.
Nurture your body with nourishing foods and regular exercise. Remember, self-care is an act of self-love that strengthens your foundation.
Frustration often arises when you feel stuck or stagnant in your life, unable to pursue your true desires and passions. It's a sign that your authentic self is being suppressed.
So reignite that spark within you!
Explore your passions, follow your curiosities, and make time for activities that bring you a sense of fulfilment.
Give yourself permission to dream big and pursue goals that align with your values and aspirations.
Break free from the limitations you've imposed on yourself and step into your true potential.
And remember that this transformation won't happen overnight. It's a gradual process that requires patience, self-compassion, and perseverance.
Celebrate each small step you take towards living an empowered life. Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you.
Remember that your overwhelm, stress, and frustration do not define you.
Life happens for you and not to you.... don't take things so seriously.... smile and the world will smile with you 😄
Over and out, peace and love 🕊 💕

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Jul 13, 202319:19
How to Break Out of Your Self Imposed Prison

How to Break Out of Your Self Imposed Prison

Living in a self imposed prison is something millions of human beings do every day of their lives. And the sad reality is they don't even realise they are.

Mel Clarke was one of those humans until she heard the words :

"You are deeply unhappy"

Those are the immortal words her acupuncturist said to her after her 5th session in 2010. The repeated words felt like a sledgehammer being cracked over her head. A waterfall of tears streamed down her face, as she realised the sheer weight of truth in those few short words.
That moment changed her life forever.
She realised she had been settling in a relationship where the love for her husband had faded, and she was drowning in a sea of guilt. Guilt for lying to herself and everyone, and guilt for not being present enough with her son whilst working full time.
🔳 She had panic attacks in the middle of the night that left her feeling like she was dying without breath.
🔳 The sheer weight she carried was debilitating, knowing she was lying to herself, her husband and everyone around her.
🔳 Upsetting her family and her now extended in-law family felt like torture.
🔳 The unbearable thought of breaking up a marriage and upsetting her son's secure reality was unbearable.
🔳 And what would the wedding guests think after they had kindly given us expensive gifts?
She cried solidly for the next 2 years (well...thats what it felt like) whilst she tried to make sense of the mess and self imposed prison she had created.
But, as difficult as it was she got there.......with support, coaching and a healthy dollop of honesty.
She was able to navigate the chaos and completely change her life for the better.
She put her feelings first, and pursued what she really wanted to do in life instead of settling to pay the bills and have a couple of holidays a year.
That time in her life is the reason she does what she does today.
It is why she is so passionate about helping women to break out of their own self imposed prisons.
Millions of women (and men) stay in relationships that are less than fulfilling, and don't know how to change it.
They continue in a career that leaves them lukewarm at best.
Continually feel responsible for everyone and feel guilty that their best isn't good enough.
Berate themselves for not spending enough time with the kids, and for feeling constantly tired.
Mel is here to tell doesn't need to be that way.
If she can change her life, anyone can.
Life is about joy.......not struggle or misplaced loyalty.
So what decision can you make today..... to change all of your tomorrows?

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Jul 06, 202324:49
Healing Trauma and Toxic Relationships with Kylie Hanna

Healing Trauma and Toxic Relationships with Kylie Hanna

Kylie Hanna is a single mum of two girls and helps women heal from the past, transform painful and toxic relationships patterns, and step into the wholeness of who they truly are”

Her super power is alchemising stagnant energies in the body that block alignment & heart-opening ✨ and reprogramming subconscious beliefs that lead to people-pleasing, poor boundaries and attracting and tolerating toxic relationships… using a range of modalities including ThetaHealing, breath work, meditation, and energy healing, combined with professional codependency counselling and coaching expertise.  

Before her life fell apart she was the stereotypical corporate hustler - deep in her hyper-independent masculine energies, and trusting no-one and nothing. .

And 𝘦𝘹𝘩𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 as a result 😵‍💫

Wounds from childhood domestic violence, narcissistic, emotional and verbal abuse - and from losing her boyfriend of 8 years to suicide at 26 - came back to haunt her perfectly-planned post-marriage fairytale.

Cue, a long and painful breakdown of what came to be a very toxic situation - sending her into a spiral, young babies in tow. She managed to attract/recreate the violent, abusive, narcissistic/codependent and anxious/avoidant relationship dynamics that she had witnessed during childhood - despite PROMISING herself her marriage would be different.

But her unravelling was a catalyst for healing & finding her whole self. And from this journey, 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘄𝗶𝗿𝗲🌹programme was born.

The RSLR is an immersive journey of self-exploration, healing the past and early life attachment wounds, and rewiring faulty subconscious beliefs, to transform unhealthy patterns and change women’s point of attraction. Enabling them to become more embodied in the wholeness of who they came here to be.

To enjoy Kylies free e-Book "Signs Your Relationships Is Toxic; & Steps To Take To Never Fall For Toxic Again" you can download here:


And join her Facebook group - "The Self-Love Sanctuary; Heal Your Relationship Blueprint" - to be in a community of incredible women in sisterhood, who are reclaiming their power, transforming their relationship patterns and growing into self-love abundance

Join FB Group

Or if you would like to reach out to Kylie you can find her at :




If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





Jun 28, 202348:36
STOP Settling with Mel Clarke
Jun 22, 202323:44
Embrace ALL of your emotions with Mel Clarke
Jun 07, 202313:02
Sacred Sisterhood, Kambo, Prophecies and More with Stephanie Cornelisse
May 31, 202353:46
Changing How People See You and Improving Relationships with Mel Clarke

Changing How People See You and Improving Relationships with Mel Clarke

For human beings that decide to take themselves on and embark on a personal and/or spiritual growth journey it can be a trying time for lots of reasons.

Very often in life we get pissed off with the people in our life when they continue to treat us as we were, perhaps even as a teenager, without them noticing the changes that have taken place within us.

However its not their fault. Most likely we have expected those people to just 'get it' 'get us' without taking the time to properly enrol them into who the new us is, and what the new us are wanting to achieve.

If we take the time to have those conversations it will pay off with dividends.

Another great way to improve your relationships is showing up with integrity and taking 100% responsibility.

We all tend to view relationships as 50/50, and if someone does or says something to upset us, we expect them to make the first move and apologise. When this doesn't happen we feel indignant, and the need to be right and justified often leads to strained relationships and uncomfortable conversations.

If we can take 100% responsibility (as long as we are protecting ourselves and don't have porous boundaries) and show up in conversations with the people in our life explaining why we have 'been an asshole' we can lower their defences and create a captive audience to the conversation.

You might think this sounds weird and counter intuitive especially if someone has upset us. However people usually upset us because they are upset about something themselves, and the merry go round continues where nobody talks, potentially for years.

If you can have that conversation taking 100% responsibility and showing up with integrity, the other very often will reciprocate and show up in the same way. Can you imagine the vulnerable space you just created which allowed for a completely different conversation, and a completely different result?

Life changing, and relationships getting back to where you want them, in a much more positive place.

Being happy has got to be worth more to you than being right.

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




May 24, 202319:58
There's a World Beneath The World That We Know with Guy & Ilan Ferdman

There's a World Beneath The World That We Know with Guy & Ilan Ferdman

Guy and Ilan Ferdman are brothers originally born in Israel and emigrated to America as young boys.

They discovered personal growth from a young age in a bid to be the best versions of themselves. Guys journey started with depression whereas Ilan hated feeling like a loser. Always ambitious Ilan started his own financial mortgage business in his 20's with Guy though went bankrupt after the economic crisis of 2008.

Guy and Ilan went in different directions until 2011 when Guy found an online route to earn money through affiliate marketing and Ilan joined him. This business went onto generate 6 figures and through an event that Guy attended allowed destiny to play its part for their future. This event sowed the seeds for their own coaching business.

They hit the reset button and started all over again. Challenges aside they built their brand and business successfully.

Having spent $1 Million collectively on their own personal growth they had to acknowledge they still kept repeating old mistakes. It was through this awareness they realised there was a missing piece.

This awareness was spurred on when Guy went through severe heartbreak in 2017 and met his now wife. Their personal coach at the time introduced them to femininity as they were very masculine and the 'wife to be' introduced Guy to an energy worker who completely changed his life. This man introduced a level of healing to Guy that he had never experienced before.

Fast forward to 'pandemic time' the brothers decided to take a sabbatical for a month to rest and feel into any intuition or creativity that came up in terms of where they wanted the business wanted to grow. This is where their latest energy healing coaching vision and business was born.

So now the focus is on energy work (still with foundations of mindset work) to allow for the deep healing that humanity desperately needs. Traditional methods of therapy and mindset work simply allows the trauma and patterns to keep coming up and playing out time and time again.

They began to realise there is a world beneath the world that we know of with 5 senses. It's multi dimensional and the human body has a multitude of energy centres and body systems.

After they both went through their own energy healing and transformation they can now track and read energy in peoples systems. This allows them to feel whats happening in other peoples energetic bodies and nervous system's aswell as their own all the while promoting healing through co-regulation of each others nervous systems.

We all have this ability through awareness and practice and allows each individual to become aware of their own stuck and stagnant energy. This awareness within your body allows the body to naturally metabolise the stuck energy so the body can naturally and without effort release energy thats been stuck there for a lifetime or even past lifetimes.

In terms of mindset, the work tends to focus on why did mind respond in that way? And the stories that we all have around things that happened in our past. Our natural mind response might be to shut down or get angry. What we never think about is that this thing that happened when you were four, that you created a story around, is still dictating your life today as an adult. You are still responding from the child's perspective.

The mind is a protector and not a healer. The body heals and can self regulate but our mind stops that. Allowing those protectors to be there and thanking them for all they do, then frees the body to get on and do what it is naturally great at.

If you would like to reach out to Guy and Ilan you can find them at :


Old Souls & Seekers FB Group


If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




May 17, 202301:16:50
Recognising a Lack of Self Worth with Mel Clarke

Recognising a Lack of Self Worth with Mel Clarke

Todays episode has been a tough decision for me record as its a very vulnerable share and involves another human being.

Ultimately as a coach I know my story and share will not only help my own healing but will also help others who have been in similar situations, so here it is.

Having done a lot of personal development and healing and faced tough decisions that have allowed me to grow, becoming a victim of domestic abuse at the ripe old age of 48 was not in my roadmap. Especially when the person that created the abuse was a friend and musical partner of 25 years.

Aside from the deep hurt, betrayal, depression. grief and sadness I felt, it highlighted to me the personal healing I still needed to do for myself. It was clear my self love and worth is still not where it needs to be. If it was I wouldn't have put up with horrible behaviour and verbal abuse for so long.

It happened multiple times. I made excuses, I made allowances for the traumas he had suffered as a child and teenager. I had such a desire to be the person that could guide him to a place of more peace, that I overrode my own emotional needs to the detriment of his. I thought he wanted to heal, however it turns out he cannot or will not take responsibility for his actions and continues to play the victim and blame everyone else.

Putting others needs before my own is a pattern I run and was developed from a very young child when my own needs were not met. And we all have our own patterns. We all had times when our parents or care givers were not just not able to meet us energetically and emotionally. Its not their fault, they did the best they could with the knowledge and tools they had. I too would have not met my own sons needs when he was small, not on purpose, simply I did not know any better. Most humans do not know any better. We have never been taught and told the fundamentals of human beings really caring for each other and society constructs quite simply do not allow for it either.

If this episode helps just one person remove themselves from a negative or verbally abusive relationship then its worth recording and sharing.

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




May 10, 202322:16
From BBC Sports Broadcaster to Positive Masculinity with Daniel Glyde

From BBC Sports Broadcaster to Positive Masculinity with Daniel Glyde

Daniel Glyde runs his own coaching company called Positive Masculinity where he is passionate about helping men in mid life reclaim their lives, reduce stress and anxiety and live with more purpose.

Daniel wasn't always a coach and until fairly recently worked for the BBC in a 20 year career as a sports broadcaster, a job he really loved and was envied for, but no longer served him.

Like so many people 2020 was a year of change for Daniel, a year where he had time and space to reflect on his life. He realised he had been suffering with chronic anxiety for at least 10 years and had been masking it with drink, drugs and over working. So this needed to stop and with the help of some coaches and counselling Daniel realised his privileged job with the BBC was no longer serving his highest good.

Once Daniel was able to work on himself with mindfulness he made the choice to take voluntary redundancy, and with the help of a coach was able to release himself from the 20 year identity of being a BBC journalist. This was so freeing for him and then came a choice to live more sustainably off grid with a lot of land in a more peaceful and calm existence.

Daniel is now passionate about helping men who are suffering burnout, stress, anxiety and without purpose find their best selves. Over the last 20 years or so white straight men have felt vilified in society as a multi diverse society has been created. This has lead to much higher suicide rates and Daniel is on a mission to show how positive masculinity is a benefit to society as a whole.

If you would like to learn more about Daniel and want to connect with him you can find him at




If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life, as well as living guilt free lives.

You can find Mel on her




Apr 26, 202332:45
A World Without Money with Nigel Tinsdale
Apr 19, 202340:15
Choice or Decision with Mel Clarke

Choice or Decision with Mel Clarke

Mar 24, 202317:28
Change Your Words and Change Your Life with Mel Clarke

Change Your Words and Change Your Life with Mel Clarke

Language is a funny old thing. Used in the right way it can be very uplifting and empowering, and used in the wrong way can be negative, stressful and disempowering.

In this episode I talk around changing certain phrases to something more positive and less aggressive, to change your own mindset, relationships and life in general.

1. The first one is 'I should....'Where are you saying 'I should...'  the most?

Eg. I should be further in my career, or I should have a husband by now, or I should have kids by now and it goes on.

How about replacing 'I should....' with 'I get to...' I

2 - Try replacing the word 'but' with 'and'

A classic example of this is 'I love you, but.... ' Using that one word completely negates the bit of the sentence that came before it and puts the other person on the defense. 

3 - And stop saying 'I have to...' and start saying 'I get too...'

Eg. Replace 'I have to go to work so I can pay the bills!' with 'I get to go to work so I can easily pay my bills!'

This immediately makes all the things we get to do, feel more positive and like we have a choice, rather than overwhelmed and having no time.

Have fun with this and try and watch yourself as if you are watching a character in a movie....when you catch yourself you can be aware of it and change it the next time

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life, as well as living guilt free lives.

You can find Mel on her




Mar 15, 202315:36
Be Kind To Yourself & Be Kind To Each Other with Mel Clarke
Dec 20, 202214:12
There Is Beauty In The Madness with My Son Jake Crook

There Is Beauty In The Madness with My Son Jake Crook

Jake is wise beyond his 23 years and in this episode talks about his journey so far.

Jake decided to not go the usual University route, due to some disappointments,  and instead went into an online marketing full time job after college.

Always an avid interest in TV, film and music this has influenced his journey to a point. And then applying for an apprecticeship with Google, which he'd forgotten about, saw him secure 1 of 17 places against 4500 other applicants. 

As amazing as this opportunity was for him, Lockdown played a detriment in both not being able to complete living in London, and suffering like millions of others in terms of working from home and suffering with anxiety. 

However he was offered a permanent job at Google, again another rarity from the apprenticeship stance, and moved into sales rather than marketing which ultimately did not suit his skills and passions. 

He left Google after 3 years with no other job lined up, because he needed to for his own sanity. After a few months of chilling and enjoying himself he asked me about completing the Ultimate Contribution Uncovered (UCU) pathway, because he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.

I am an accredited UCU facilitator and this pathway is fantastic for people who have lost where they are in life, or have come out of chaos which has altered their direction, and they want to live their life with a sense of purpose and have a clear vision for their life that resonates for them and their heart. 

So Jake completed the pathway and loved it. In the middle of doing this a friend of Jakes from Google asked him to help out with some work he had taken on, which has since turned into a partnership and is producing an amazing opportunity for them both. He cannot comment anymore about it at this time as its too new. 

This conversation highlights how Jake see's and continues to learn about the world, and he highlights the power of allowing things to flow with inspired action, to make the right things happen in life.

If you want to connect with Jake you can find him at

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle   podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping   people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in  life.

You can find Mel on her




Dec 13, 202201:01:33
Hell On Earth Is Meeting The Person You Could Have Been with Stephen Doran

Hell On Earth Is Meeting The Person You Could Have Been with Stephen Doran

Stephen Doran is an entrepreneur, #1 Amazon  best-seller, and a highly successful life coach.  For over a  decade, Stephen has perfected, and shared his tools and techniques with  countless people around the world, through magazines, books, television  and live events.

Former firefighter Stephen Doran has proven his  physical and mental fortitude as one of ‘UK’s fittest 30 men and women’  on BBC 2’s ‘Special Forces: Ultimate Hell Week’, by completing the most  brutal aspects of Special Force’s selection processes, including that of  British SAS, Russian Spetsnaz, Australian SAS, US Navy Seals, Israeli  Counter-Terrorism and Filipino Naval Special Operations Group. Being  both an athlete and expert, Stephen has achieved the highest level of  industry recognition possible by qualifying in Level 4 Strength and  Conditioning, putting him in the top tier of fitness professionals.

A coach to many high achievers, his career has  seen him touring Europe with Akon as his DJ’s peak performance coach and  as a coach to other successful artists, actors, and mega-successful  entrepreneurs. Stephen specialises in helping coachees achieve not only  ‘success’ as the world sees it but facilitating their personal growth  and guiding them on their journey to fulfillment, because as he says,  ‘victory in the absence of satisfaction is defeat.’

Author of #1  Amazon bestselling book, Burn the Bullshit, Stephen has empowered  thousands to remove their limiting beliefs and helped them towards the  life they deserve. He has trained countless delegates in the science of  Neuro-Linguistic Programming, since becoming a trainer 5 years ago,  providing training in both corporate settings and live training events.  Stephen has written many published articles in the field of psychology  and is an official blogger for Huffington Post and Key Person of  Influence.

Having  amassed his own, privately owned, multimillion-pound property  portfolio, Stephen is a key investor on Dave channel’s investment show  ‘The Money Pit’, a Dragon’s Den-style investment show. This allows him the opportunity to help others grow and uses his coaching and mentoring  skills to support others to reach their potential in business.

Stephen  sits on the board for several not-for-profit organisations, Young  Enterprise, World’s End Under Fives Centre and as Vice President of both  National Association of Personal Trainers and National Fitness awards  and regularly donates to charities such as Action Aid, Tearfund and Born  Free.

You can find Stevie on:



If  you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle  podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping  people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




Dec 06, 202256:49
Improve How You Are Showing Up In Your Relationship Through Self Healing with Lair Torrent

Improve How You Are Showing Up In Your Relationship Through Self Healing with Lair Torrent

Born into abject poverty to a  15-year-old mother Lair Torrent never saw true love and connection that stood  the test of time. Now in his personal life as well as in the lives of  the couples he works with Lair has created the thing he never knew  growing up.

Bar tending forever in New York to pay his way Lair originally started off his professional life as an actor, and it was his spirit that allowed him to see this was not authentically who he was. 

Bar tending did allow him to meet his future wife, and he just knew the moment he saw her, even though he was already in a relationship.

Lair is a leading Marriage and Family Therapist taking on couples therapy when most other therapists hated working with couples and is the author of the book “The Practice of Love. He is a psychotherapist, executive consultant, and speaker.

Blending  Eastern-based mindfulness practices and Western clinical models, Lair  has created a powerful approach to healing. He helps clients take  control of their lives.

Lair has been resourced/interviewed by NPR, the New York Times, and Rolling Stone for his expertise. He is in private practice and works remotely with clients worldwide

You can find out more about Lair as below:



If  you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle  podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping  people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




Nov 29, 202252:06
Maximising Retirement With Heart and Without Boredom with Sharon Rolph

Maximising Retirement With Heart and Without Boredom with Sharon Rolph

Sharon is an exhuberant individual and certainly does not want to settle in her retirement.

She candidly refers to her childhood where sexual abuse happened, and she was glad that her father kept his hands of her.

This lead to her trying to stay invisible for lots of her childhood and as her younger adult self, although she refers to experiences where she certainly came out of herself and was the complete opposite to that. 

When Sharon retired from Boeing in 2016, she soon started bouncing off the walls trying to figure out how to be productive. So she began putting the skills she’d used as a Behavioral Scientist at Boeing and developed a personal Essence Statement. 

This Essence Statement enabled her to fully live each day from her inner spark with a sense of purpose.

Without purpose in retirement it can lead to depression, suicide, alcoholism and boredom.

Sharon then went on to create podcasts, workshops, speaking engagements, and coaching programs that empower retirees to discover their unique spark and potential to live a more engaged, fulfilling, and joy-filled life.

Sharon has also written a book called Fresh Courage in Retirement and wants to offer to senior people the opportunities to leave a legacy and use their untapped potential rather than just playing golf every day. 

Each person’s uniqueness is precious to Sharon, and as an inspirational guide, she loves helping retirees awaken their courage, explore options, and ignite their greatness.

Having a talent and not sharing it is a life lead unfulfilled.

You can check out Sharon on:

Youtube or

Book a Call 

If you want to have a casual conversation with Mel, you can book a time in here and she would love to hear your story BOOK HERE

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




Nov 22, 202239:59
Achieving Your Ultimate Vision Through Daily Consistency with Kevin Palmieri

Achieving Your Ultimate Vision Through Daily Consistency with Kevin Palmieri

Kevin is the CFO, Founder & Co-Host  of Next Level University, a Global Top 100 Self-Improvement Podcast  with more than 1,100 episodes and 650K+ listens in over 125 countries.

Kevin says 'some people find rock bottom... he found out that rock bottom had a basement'.

In his mid 20's... after lots of job hopping he had it all, a beautiful girlfriend, a high paying job, sports car,  dream body... but still ended up sitting on the edge of a bed debating suicide.

After his rock bottom moment he went all in on holistic self-improvement and was determined to overcome anxiety, depression and finally live the life he'd always dreamed of.

Now he co-hosts a podcast with former Never Settle Podcast guest Alan Lazarous, called the Next level University that impacts hundreds of thousands of people in countries all over the world. He's helped turned the podcast into a multi six-figure business, and has recorded well over 1,000 episodes.

You can check aout Alans episode HERE

He credits the amazing partnership he has with Alan Lazarous with shared values, beliefs and vision. Its their shared desire to live from purpose that has given them the success they have, and allows them to keep impacting people all over the world.

He's also given hundreds of speeches, trainings and coaching calls with people globally.

And the main thing that changed in all of that was HIM.

He loves talking about Consistency, Commitment, Habits, Mindset,  Confidence, Fear, Relationships, Limiting Beliefs and everything in  between.

He believes in a heart-driven but NO BS approach to  holistic self improvement, and looks forward to teaching even more  people about what it really takes to get to the next level!

If you want to reach out to Kevin you can find him at the places below:





If you want to have a casual conversation with Mel, you can book a time in here and she would love to hear your story BOOK HERE

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never  Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer   helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction  in life.

You can find Mel on her




Nov 15, 202245:18
Your Voice is a Magical Tool and Portal for Transformation with Jordano Frankel

Your Voice is a Magical Tool and Portal for Transformation with Jordano Frankel

Jordana Frankel is a Love  and Confidence coach who helps people heal from heartbreak by tapping into  the magic of archetypes to attract the love they deserve.

Jordana is a wonderful person who loves using singing and humming to heal and help with channeling. 

In this conversation she talks about her heartbreak, polyamourous relationships, and he upcoming wedding to her twin flame. 

Jordana guides her  soul-aligned clients through the shadow work needed to discover the  patterns and root fears that stand in the way of their ability to  receive epic love.

Her unique approach of integrating Jungian  archetypes allows clients to not only develop an awareness of their  projections, but also to embody their new, empowered identity by  teaching them to align with the perfect, whole aspect of those  archetypes.

Some of these archetypes include the Inner Child  & the Magical Child, the Warrior, Mother Earth, the Mother, the  Father, and the Creator.

Jordana blends Jungian depth psychology  with IFS-style part work to create a more spiritual approach to healing  the heart. She also uses vocal and sound healing to support her clients.

You can find out more about Jordana below:


If you want to have a casual conversation with Mel, you can book a time in here and she would love to hear your story BOOK HERE

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




Nov 08, 202201:00:19
The Experience of Life is How We THINK About What Happens to Us Not WHAT Happens To Us with Rob Dubin

The Experience of Life is How We THINK About What Happens to Us Not WHAT Happens To Us with Rob Dubin

Rob Dubin is a real inspiration, and the epitomy of being positve, happy and manifesting an amazing life. 

By his mid 20's Rob was an award winning filmmaker who owned his own  company and was well paid to travel the world camera in hand doing natural world work for numerous Fortune 500 companies. 

Rob has an amazing story of being lost in a winter blizzard in Colorado for 5 days and his wife and him were given up for dead. The search for them had been viral news worldwide so when they did  survive, the first call they received was from the President of the United  States. 

The frostbite Rob's wife incurred led the doctors to announce they would amputate both her feet and most of her fingers. Because Rob and his wife are so positive they refused to sign the papers for the surgery and focused instead on a full  recovery. 

Using many techniques from their studies with Tony Robbins they focused on creating first in their minds a very compelling future. It took a year to heal her feet, defying the doctors predictions. A year after that at age 42 Rob and his wife  turned the compelling future they had in their minds into reality. 

They sold their home, bought a sailboat and spent the next 17 years  sailing around the world studying human happiness and fulfillment. They shared their lives with both billionaires and barefoot villagers in 100  countries. The survival experience was their own personal Covid moment and their response of deciding to seek happiness parallels what so many in  the workplace are experiencing now. 

Today Rob teaches people a recipe for happiness. For individuals this translates to more fulfilling careers  and a happier home life and for corporations it stems resignations and  transforms workplaces resulting in increases in bottom lines.

The Great Resignation is without a doubt the biggest challenge facing leaders and managers today.

Rob's  very unique story grabs attention and thus allows his insights on  retention and employee happiness to create the transformation that makes  employees happy to stay on the job.

You can find out more about Rob below:



The Great Resignation Podcast 

If you want to have a casual conversation with Mel, you can book a time in here and she would love to hear your story BOOK HERE

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




Nov 01, 202201:00:39
You Have to Be WIlling to Adapt and Not Quit with R&B Singer - Alaura Lovelight

You Have to Be WIlling to Adapt and Not Quit with R&B Singer - Alaura Lovelight

Alaura Lovelight is a real force of nature and ambitious recording artist, and after having this conversation I really wonder how she ever gets any sleep. 

An American R&B singer, songwriter and producer based out of New York City she has performed all over the US for over 100,000 people. Her newest music single "EROTICY" has been played over 1 million times on Tik Tok, is currently playing on over 25+ radio stations in the US and internationally including Germany, the U.K and Canada among others. She works alongside Grammy award winning producers and #1 Billboard selling  artists and has been featured as a guest on multiple different podcasts and radio shows.

As a writer she has been published on over 5  major websites including Thrive Global, Addicted2Success and Music  Matters with more than a collective 15 million monthly user reach.

She is also the CEO of Lovelight Sound Music, and creator of 'Unseen to Young Queen', a teen girls course to teach teens how singing songwriting  and performance enhances confidence, influences self love and builds  basic life skills,  as well as the creator of Make Music Make Money, a  course to teach musicians how to make a full or part-time income through  live music with no booking manager, no fancy equipment and no social  media following.

Alaura started playing instruments from a very young age and trained classically on the piano for over 25 years  and studied music composition professionally at The University of  Northwestern. In addition to performing, writing and recording she works  with people of all ages through her courses, private consulting and  coaching to teach others how to use music to build a life they love. In 2018 she founded the You Matter Movement to use music to  empower and inspire the youth and has since worked with hundreds of  youth through after school music empowerment programs, teen empowerment  workshops, and individual music lessons for songwriting and  performance.

Alaura also touches on the darker side of the industry and makes sure she gives this information and confidence to other young girls in the industry.

You can find out more about Alaura on her :



All links 

If you want to have a casual conversation with Mel, you can book a time in here and she would love to hear your story BOOK HERE

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her




Oct 25, 202255:56
You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be And Everything Is Perfect with Mel Clarke

You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be And Everything Is Perfect with Mel Clarke

So in this episode you can actually learn more about the host of The Never Settle Podcast, Mel Clarke.

A previous guest on the show, Dave Gold, reached out and wanted to interview me, which I thought was a great idea.

In this episode I talk about who I am and who I be. Dave loves authenticity and thats why he wanted to go this interview as he see's that in me. 

From a young age I have been an active listener for people, an empath with compassion for all, and a safe space for all to share with no judgement. I even say I would sit and listen to murderers and rapists, as everyone deserves to be heard, and we have no idea what those individuals have suffered in their own lives. 

The conversation focuses on this, and my personal life including how I came to the choice of ending my marriage, almost bankruptcy, why I ended up in a career in sales for over 20 years, the imposter syndrome, entrepreneurship and heartbreak.

In the second part of the interview my recent relationship breakdown is at the heart of the conversation, and how this relates to lots of people. My recent experience has allowed me to be even more compassionate for people and is allowing me to reach and support even more men and women who have suffered great heartbreak and trauma. 

If you yourself know that you are not happy in your relationship, this episode may just help you move forwards in what ever that looks like for you. If you have a deep knowing that it is not right and never will be, the hardest part is making the choice to leave, but trust me everything after that point is relief, freedom and more contentment. 

If you want to have a casual conversation with me, you can book a time in here and I would love to hear your story BOOK HERE

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer  helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her 




Oct 18, 202257:56
As Long as There is Breath in Your Body There is Hope with Marriage Expert Cody Butler
Oct 11, 202201:00:54
Create The Thoughts You Want To Have And Don't Fear Rejection with Fletcher Ellingson

Create The Thoughts You Want To Have And Don't Fear Rejection with Fletcher Ellingson

Personal development became important to Fletcher Ellingson when he was only in 10 years old in elementary school as he remembers a really influential speaker at his school talking about positivity, and had a sticker that he looked at every day 'Start your day with PMA expect something wonderful to happen'. This kick started Fletchers journey into wanting the best life for himself.

Fletcher started his entrepreneurship from a young age with a grass cutting business, as he got older and as he loves magic he busked when he was in college (including his family in the show), which then lead to being asked to do corporate gigs. 

He had a business that crashed and burned early days, which meant he was on food stamps, with a family of 5 and not being able to pay his mortgage. This didn't stop Fletcher though and he and a friend approached a local website firm and were given 3 months work unpaid to improve their business and sell websites on a statewide level. And guess what it worked, with this business still thriving today.

A pivotal moment for Flectcher was when he read Tony Robbins book 'Awaken the Giant Within'. He realised from that moment that we all the power within to change our lives, and thats what he did.

He also talks about The Rejection Experiment, which is basically approaching people or situations for something that you want, in the knowledge that you may well get rejected. This is a real empowerer and strengthens your inner resolve.

Fletcher Ellingson is now a speaker, coach, and founder of Ellingson Enterprises, a coaching and training company. Fletcher helps people  evolve their thinking in order to solve their biggest challenges around  time, money and people allowing them to powerfully fulfill their  mission.

In addition to over 25 years of speaking,  coaching, and performing for audiences across the United States, he and  his wife Amy, host a weekly television show during which they address  topics of health, wealth, and relationships. Having gone through losing a  business to building a multi-million dollar business and having worked  with a wide variety of organizations he is able to help shift a  company’s collective thinking. The result is the ability to expeditiously close operational and visionary gaps allowing new levels  of productivity and culture. 

This 2 min. video provides a glimpse into his work. 

If you want to find out more about Fletcher you can go to his :




If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never     Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer     helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven   direction   in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

Oct 04, 202241:49
Your Health & Great Sleep is The Most Important Thing You Have with Riley Jarvis
Sep 27, 202238:43
Life Cannot Give You Anything You are Not Willing To Give Yourself with Dave Gold
Sep 20, 202201:02:52
Take Control of Your Head to Rewire it For Success with Philip Webb

Take Control of Your Head to Rewire it For Success with Philip Webb

Philip was a very shy child and such was an avid reader and strong student of playing chess. A family tradition allowed him to finally win his grandfathers chess set, when he finally beat his dad. 

He started his career working for IBM, becoming a European  technical specialist and then set up his first business in 1990, selling computer hardware,  networks, VoIP and consultancy. This business grew from start to £6.7m  in just four years, and was sold in 1996. Philip then established a  50:50 JV with accountancy firm BDO to delivery consultancy support to SME businesses and  to the UKGOV Small business service.

Philip went on to build and sell a further four companies, floating one on the UK OFEX stock market.

His long and wide experiences of restructuring and growing business now form the backbone of TAM UK which stands for Team Action Management and allows companies where disputes are heavy to resolve their issues from the ground up. Part of this work allows focus on the true Core Values and Vision and Mission for businesses which he knows are fundamental 

Additionally, Philip runs a UK wide charity called Investors in Community, and holds two Non-Executive Director positions which gives a fantastic platform to smaller and local charities to be seen and supported within their locality.

Philip was president of the Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce in 1996, a  Regional CBI Councillor and director of the TEC. He has written and  published three business books, the latest to encompass the work of  Albert Humphrey, (Originator and author of the SWOT analysis) called  Leading Constant Change (FT Publishing)

Philip has a keen interest in motorcycling and runs an international  online group for Directors on Motorbikes. He also follows an interest in  psychology and likes to renovate property.

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never   Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose, Relationship Coach   & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their    purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

Sep 13, 202201:07:24
Having a Great Relationship With Yourself And Life with Morgana Rae

Having a Great Relationship With Yourself And Life with Morgana Rae

Morgana Rae is a 20-time international #1 best selling author and mentor coach, and she is regarded to be the world’s #1 authority on relationship with money. 

Morgana found that her financial results changed for the  better (to the tune of millions of dollars) when she changed her relationship dynamic with money from bad boyfriend (always skipping out  on me, telling me I'm not good enough) to swoon-worthy lover.   

So now she's on a mission to help other people transform their own  relationships with money from a monster of scarcity into a honey who  loves them.   She has now coached thousands of clients since her own shift and their results are  even more dramatic than her own. Her client Gabriela was 6 figures in  debt and from a penniless family in Peru when she hired her. Now she  heads "Latino Wall Street" and is happily married, living on a  beachfront property in Puerto Rico.

In her own personal life, her relationship with money allows her to travel the world, marrying her husband 100 times in 100 countries. (25 down, 75  to go.)

Her fun approach to what can be a scary  topic--money--has had her booked as an expert on The Wall Street Journal,  Yahoo Finance, FOX News, CNN, all the major television networks, Coast  to Coast Radio and hundreds more. 

Morgana’s fans call her the “Money  Goddess” because of the many documented stories of clients manifesting  5, 6, even 7 figures within hours of changing their relationship with  money. A pioneer in personal development for over 27 years, Morgana  writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to empower idealistic  entrepreneurs, artists, healers, and humanitarians to have a big impact  in the world… and to heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money.

You can connect with Morgana as below:



If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never  Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose, Relationship Coach  & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their   purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

Sep 06, 202247:50
The World Is Your Playground with Kelle Sparta

The World Is Your Playground with Kelle Sparta

Kelle was a great and lively guest, and I really enjoyed her energy, wisdom and humour. She has moved 39 times up to this point and calls herself a chameleon because of having to make new friends all the time and fit in as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

She opens up no holds barred about her tribulations growing up, including thinking about suicide. 

Kelle is a great combination of grounded, real-world  concepts balanced with woo woo energetics. If you want a business talk that is different than the standard fare without sounding outrageous,  Kelle is your girl. Think balanced  left and right hemisphere with a totally unique perspective and you've  just about nailed it.

Whether you're looking to do your own inner  work, work on improving your skills with your clients, or take your business to the next level, Kelle can help.

Kelle belongs to a team of highly trained shamans who have a deep knowledge base on a wide variety of topics relevant to those who are coaching and facilitating those on a spiritual path.

Kelle is a daring adventurer and cosmic “YES!” girl

  • Shaman, Healer, Psychic, Channel, Medium, and Empath
  • Life-Long Entrepreneur with many different types of businesses under my belt
  • Hard-core spiritual seeker who has many times over given up everything in pursuit of my spiritual growth
  • Connector, community builder, and networker
  • Master Manifester – using the Law of Attraction to create my reality
  • Singer/songwriter, poet, and writer.

If you want to reach out and find out more you can find Kelle as below:





If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never  Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose, Relationship Coach  & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their   purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

Aug 30, 202201:02:31
You Deserve To Be Happy with Terry McDougall
Aug 23, 202242:47
Living a Life of No Regrets with G.Scott Graham
Aug 16, 202201:04:51
You Cannot Be at War With Your Body and Win with Laura Martin

You Cannot Be at War With Your Body and Win with Laura Martin

Laura Martin is the founder of the Healing to Happy Brand. She is known for her unique approach to gut health and mental wellness..⁣.⁣

After  battling her way through trauma, the loss of her mum and addictions she found herself  with a surplus of health issues such as IBS, hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances, and skin issues. On further investigation she was offered restrictive diets, medications, and a lot of "we  don't know what's wrong with you". This is when she dove into nutrition to begin healing from the inside out in 2016, but that didn't resolve  the IBS issues, so she followed up her studies by specializing in gut  health... which still didn't solve the whole problem, so she found her  way into trauma support specialist.

It was a journey of evolution and growth.

Still,  since the creation of Healing to Happy in 2017, Laura has gone to help  hundreds of women around the globe heal their trauma, resolve their health issues, and RISE into the women they are meant to become. By  understanding that her illnesses were just symptoms and taking the proper steps in the appropriate order at the right time, Laura's shift is a testament to her work and teachings that now serve women all around the globe!⁣

⁣Her revolutionary teachings are taking  the world by storm. With helping women reclaim their bodies and find  their way back to safety, her revitalized approach to the nervous system  world has left many intrigued and magnetized.⁣

She  celebrates her clients who relieve their IBS and find safety to heal anxiety and release trauma after years of struggling. Still, beyond that, she celebrates their lives, their newfound power, their embodiment  and confidence, their womanhood. ⁣

She will make you feel, help you evolve, and inspire you to soar. 

Laura also shares her intuition and messages she received which lead her to the amazing relationship she now has, which is a fascinating insight.

You can find out more on 



If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never  Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose, Relationship Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

Aug 09, 202247:42