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Sunshine From Heaven

Sunshine From Heaven

By Melvin Nichols

I feel this walk in the Bible is for every person. Sometimes through a poetic form or a guest speaker and interviews with other believers in Jesus Christ! At other times just my truth to let others know, if God can save me you will be easy!! Honest and open conversations about who God is and where to start your journey! If you have any questions or comments please send them to the podcast via or a direct voice message to the Spotify app. It will be included in the Podcast. Please remember to share your heart, share your love and a little sunshine!
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Who left the gate open?

Sunshine From HeavenMay 15, 2024

Let's not be just another club!

Let's not be just another club!

Let's not continue to see people with our eyes but with our heart. I am so glad that God looks at our heart and not this wicked flesh that craves sin. May God bless you and keep you this day and remember to share a little sunshine!
May 31, 202404:25
Who left the gate open?

Who left the gate open?

Today's episode of the sunshine would like to discuss how important it is to protect what goes in and comes out of you! Your Heart, your ears and your eyes should be guarded for God. May God bless you and keep you this day!
May 15, 202404:28
Don't confirm your Hell Reservation!

Don't confirm your Hell Reservation!

Today's episode will discuss you NOT confirming your reservation for hell but instead confirm Heaven by choosing Jesus! May God bless you and keep you this day!
Apr 26, 202405:05
The devil made his make yours!!

The devil made his make yours!!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss not letting the devil's choice be your choice. The devil only wants to destroy you but Jesus died so that we might have life. I pray that you choose life! Be blessed!
Apr 24, 202404:26
Sorry, their are no substitutes for God's word

Sorry, their are no substitutes for God's word

Today's episode will discuss choosing Jesus and not Jesus options. For Jesus is truly ONE of a kind! Be blessed
Apr 17, 202403:28
We want the gift but we need the GIVER!

We want the gift but we need the GIVER!

Today's episode will discuss how often we overlook the giver of our blessings focused on the gifts. Let us make the giver our priority and not the gifts. Gifts will come and go but God is eternal. Be blessed!
Apr 15, 202404:04
Let's See what God wants is to see!

Let's See what God wants is to see!

Today's episode of the sunshine would like to discuss being able to see the things God wants us to see and to stop limiting God because we lack imagination. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Apr 09, 202406:11
Sour and sweet..... sorry, we ain't sour patch kids!

Sour and sweet..... sorry, we ain't sour patch kids!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss how God is pleased with his children when we do things that pleases him. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Apr 03, 202404:58
The Cross

The Cross

Today's message will be delivered by Pastor Carlos Silva of CCR Ministries of Houston. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Apr 01, 202409:57
Jesus is still the Reason

Jesus is still the Reason

Don't let the lies get you confused. Jesus is still the reason just because it's called something else. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Mar 28, 202405:40
You will have to pay the Piper!

You will have to pay the Piper!

Today's episode of the Sunshine will discuss not getting tired of doing what is right! Short cuts seem short but they only put you behind. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Mar 26, 202404:16
Do you really want God's rest?

Do you really want God's rest?

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss what it is to really get and seek the rest that God wants for his people. I pray that God allows you to find it! Be blessed!
Mar 21, 202404:36
God loves and watches over you!

God loves and watches over you!

Today's episode of the Sunshine will discuss how God loves and watches over us. It's not about if we are good enough, it's about the love that he has for us. Just know you are loves! Be blessed on this day and share a little Sunshine!
Mar 19, 202404:34
God has a plan for us, let's get ready!

God has a plan for us, let's get ready!

Today's episode of the sunshine we'll discuss God's plan for our life. He revealed it in the Old Testament. He completed it in a New Testament and is ready for us to utilize today. If we would just pay attention may God bless you and keep you this day.
Mar 15, 202405:56
Your secret sin, ain't so secret!

Your secret sin, ain't so secret!

Today's episode would like to discuss the many blessings of Jesus and one is that his sacrifice not only saves us from sin but keeps us from looking like our sin. Let's continue to be thankful for his enduring mercy! May God continue to bless you and keep you!
Mar 13, 202404:17
God ain't looking at your words!

God ain't looking at your words!

Today's episode of the sunshine wants to share with you the importance of what is in your heart versus what your words may say! Let's choose Jesus today!
Mar 08, 202404:45
Zero Side Effects

Zero Side Effects

Today's episode of the sunshine I pray will bless you and give you the truth of God's word. 1 Thess 5:1-6 NLT. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Mar 06, 202404:57
Let's work for God, Like we worked for sin!

Let's work for God, Like we worked for sin!

Today's episode will discuss how we are willing to work hard for so many things but not willing to work as hard to please God! I pray that God will open your heart and mind to see that he will be with you all the way! May God bless you this day!
Mar 01, 202404:27
Be that Sacrifice

Be that Sacrifice

God knows you inside and out. He made you for a specific purpose. Don't let anyone but God lead you to that purpose. Be blessed!!
Feb 28, 202403:15
Stop Preparing for the wrong things!

Stop Preparing for the wrong things!

Today's episode will discuss how often we prepare for the wrong things. Let's start making Jesus a priority in our lives. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Feb 27, 202403:31
Salvation is a gift!

Salvation is a gift!

Act like you are a Christian even when no one is looking
Feb 22, 202404:29
Let's Stop Betraying Jesus!

Let's Stop Betraying Jesus!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss how easy we betray Jesus with each sin. Let us stop choosing Hell and sin and start choosing Jesus! May God bless you and keep you this day and remember to share a little Sunshine!
Feb 22, 202403:31
Behind the Closed door!

Behind the Closed door!

Today's episode of the Sunshine would like to discuss all the trash we try to hide that God sees. Let's stop hiding and do what God has called us to do. He truly only wants the best for us and to love us. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Feb 20, 202404:20
You Better Tag God In!

You Better Tag God In!

Today's episode of the Sunshine will discuss 1 Peter and the cares of this world that we carry but we have been instructed to cast our cares upon God for he truly cares for us! May God bless you and keep you this day!
Feb 14, 202404:26
The Best Love Story Ever!!!

The Best Love Story Ever!!!

Today's episode of the sunshine would like to discuss how we often overlook the best Love story ever told. I pray that God opens your heart and mind to see the part you play in this awesome love story! Be blessed and remember to share a little Sunshine!
Feb 09, 202404:25
A Need versus a want.... one of these is just a wish.

A Need versus a want.... one of these is just a wish.

Today's episode of the sunshine would like to discuss a need versus a want. I'm so glad that God gives me what I need and not what I want but unfortunately we chase the once more than we do the needs. I pray that God opens your heart in your mind to see Your need for him your on this earth may God bless you and keep you to stay and remember share a little sunshine!
Feb 07, 202406:35
Sin, will only cause you pain!

Sin, will only cause you pain!

Sin has no love for you. Sin's only friend is death. Give in to love and live! May God bless you and keep you this day!!
Feb 02, 202405:42
Did you not know or did you not want to know?

Did you not know or did you not want to know?

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss not knowing and not wanting to know! I pray that God gives you a hunger to want to know who he is! Be blessed!
Jan 30, 202403:56
The Great Civil War

The Great Civil War

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss the battle between our spirit and our flesh. I pray that God opened your heart mine to choose your spirit because your flesh will let you down again again and again, and remember share a little sunshine.
Jan 26, 202403:58
Prayer, it's just what the doctor ordered!

Prayer, it's just what the doctor ordered!

Today's episode will discuss prayer how much we need it and how underutilized it is! Have you prayed today in its simplest forms prayer is just talking to God! has God heard from you? Have you heard from God, take time to make prayer a priority in your life! May God bless you and keep you this day, and remember share a little sunshine.
Jan 23, 202405:06
Who wants a bad deal?

Who wants a bad deal?

Today's episode of the sunshine will ask the question who wants a bad deal? No one wants a bad deal right but why are so many people taking a bad deal out of fear , outdated information or plain ignorance! I pray that God opens your heart and mind to take the best deal out there and that is Jesus be blessed!
Jan 19, 202404:49
Stop talking to the wrong people!

Stop talking to the wrong people!

Today's episode of the Sunshine will discuss making mistakes versus making bad decisions! There is a huge difference. I pray that God allows you to know the difference between the two! Be blessed!!!
Jan 16, 202406:39
Are you listening for God?

Are you listening for God?

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss if you know God's voice furthermore, are you even listening for his voice? The world is filled with so many distractions. I pray that you make time for God for you are his priority. May God bless you and keep you this day.
Jan 15, 202404:34
The Strength of Family!

The Strength of Family!

Today's Freestyle Friday talks with Retired Air Force Major Ryan Nichols Sr. he talks about what family means to him and how he has found strength in family! Please listen and share and I pray that God blesses each of you on today!
Jan 12, 202420:20
It takes more than Love!

It takes more than Love!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss the wheat and the weed! They can grow together, even look similar but in the end they will be separated! Are you the wheat or the weed? May God bless you today to understand the difference!
Jan 10, 202404:42
His righteousness should be our Goal!

His righteousness should be our Goal!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss our righteousness is only through Jesus Christ! There is no deed, no gold, or no silver that can count us righteous no none but the blood of Jesus Christ!
Jan 08, 202405:39
Trust His Name!!!!

Trust His Name!!!!

Today's episode of the sunshine would like to discuss blessings. They hidden blessing is still a blessing! When God wants to bless you, even if it seems like the world is in your way nothing can stop God from blessing you.
Jan 05, 202404:16
Marvel Not, you must be born again!

Marvel Not, you must be born again!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss being born again! Yes, it's true. Many people were born the way they are, but we tend to change out of convenience, rather than necessity, but in order to see heaven, you must be born again. May God open your heart and your mind to receive, and understand this message. Be blessed.
Dec 29, 202306:31
Why aren't values valuable ?

Why aren't values valuable ?

Today's episode of the sunshine we'll talk about why morals and values aren't valued anymore. Simple things like respect and common courtesy have been thrown out of the window. It is a sad, sad world all we're living in right now.
Dec 01, 202306:23
Mic'd Up Monday with Angie On Venice Beach

Mic'd Up Monday with Angie On Venice Beach

Today's episode of the Sunshine will talk about Faith and the ability to trust God in any situation! Please listen and share this episode to anyone you feel needs to hear a miracle!

Nov 27, 202323:21
Let's give God our Time!

Let's give God our Time!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss given God our time! We give our phone, TV, even people we don't like more time then we give God. Let's get addicted to God and make this world a better place and remember share a little sunshine
Nov 21, 202304:49
Don't let sin push you around!

Don't let sin push you around!

Today's episode of the Sunshine will discuss why sin will not win in your life. Once you choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which will help you to see that victory is already yours! May God bless you and keep you this day!

Nov 10, 202304:23
Worry does NOT look good on you!

Worry does NOT look good on you!

Today's episode of the Sunshine is a fashion episode.....LOL not really but I am here to tell you that worry doesn't not look good on you. So why pick an outfit that is not going to lift you up. God is only about getting you to your best even if he has to add heat or even beat you because as the potter he truly knows what is best for you! Be blessed!

Nov 02, 202304:41
Don't you want your new body?

Don't you want your new body?

The 5th chapter of 2nd Corinthians talks about us getting our new bodies but we will be responsible for the things we do in this body if we don't accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Oct 27, 202306:26
Being in, don't put you on!

Being in, don't put you on!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss the confusion of some people feeling like just because they're in means they're on take a listen to the latest episode and get clarity. May God bless you and keep you this day!
Oct 17, 202307:12
Be Thinkful so we can be more Thankful!

Be Thinkful so we can be more Thankful!

Today's episode will discuss us being Thinkful so we can learn to be more Thankful! May God continue to bless you to be a blessing and remember to share your Sunshine!

Oct 06, 202304:26
Deep things are only scary to shallow people!

Deep things are only scary to shallow people!

Today's episode of the sunshine will discuss God's deep love for his people! May God continue to bless you all!
Oct 03, 202303:56
I don't want to be!

I don't want to be!

Episode 12 is another Poetic episode taking you on a journey that life has taken me on. May God continue to bless you and keep you and remember to share a little Sunshine!!!
Sep 29, 202303:25
Don't let sin keep you from your assignment!

Don't let sin keep you from your assignment!

Jesus died to set you free from sin so you could be reconnected to the Father. Don't let sin keep you from him!
Sep 29, 202304:27
Jesus will expose your true Heart!

Jesus will expose your true Heart!

1 Corinthians 4:1-5 tells us to stay on task and do what has been asked of you. Jesus will return to expose all darkness!
Sep 29, 202304:57