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Men's Alliance

Men's Alliance

By David Mills

Men's Alliance is Tribes of men across the nation that meet weekly for rugged, outdoor workouts and real-world devotions around a fire. We're bringing men out of isolation, out of their comfort zones, and into something Tribal, Rugged, and Real. Join the Tribe at
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Ep 176: 13 Hours Benghazi & Leadership w/ Kris 'Tanto' Paronto

Men's AllianceMay 09, 2024

Leadership Lesson 5: Serving with Heroes

Leadership Lesson 5: Serving with Heroes

Carey ‘Nollie’ Howard joins the podcast to finish out our series, on leadership lessons from Band of Brothers. The important thing is that leaders are always training their replacements. Nollie also discusses his experience launching a Men’s Alliance tribe, and turning it over to the next leader.

Learn More:

Band of Brothers series  trailer -


Hawkins Health and Fitness

Nick 'Coach' Hawkins


May 30, 202401:22:26
Mission Briefing 25: Graduation

Mission Briefing 25: Graduation

Don’t set your graduates up for disappointment with Bible verses that are taken out of context.  All that’s certain is in this world is that we will have struggles, but we know the ending since Christ has overcome the world.

May 27, 202407:46
Leadership Lesson 4: Risk & Reward
May 23, 202448:45
Mission Briefing 24: Upside Down Church
May 20, 202408:34
Ep 177: Comfort is Reserved for the Dying
May 16, 202401:09:30
Mission Briefing 23: Israel & Palestine

Mission Briefing 23: Israel & Palestine

Should Christians be pro-Israel? Is the Israel of today the Israel of the Bible? What does it mean “From the River to the Sea?” All that and more in this don’t-miss episode!
May 13, 202416:07
Ep 176: 13 Hours Benghazi & Leadership w/ Kris 'Tanto' Paronto

Ep 176: 13 Hours Benghazi & Leadership w/ Kris 'Tanto' Paronto

Kris “Tanto” Paronto former Army Ranger and security contractor, describes his experience during the attacks of the American compound in Benghazi. Kris discusses the great acts of leadership he witnessed and where leaders didn’t perform. Kris shares how his faith in God allowed him to be prepared and push himself throughout the events that occurred.

Learn more about Kris:

13 Hours: The inside account of what really happened inside Benghazi - Book and Movie

The Ranger Way - Book

The Patriots Creed - Book

Book mentioned:

God’s Promises for you - Max Lucado


Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage

Phone: 804-439-3206

⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

May 09, 202401:47:20
Ep 174: America a Christian Nation w/ Alex Mcfarland

Ep 174: America a Christian Nation w/ Alex Mcfarland

America was founded by Christian men with Christian values and we need men like that today just as much as we did then. Don’t miss this incredible conversation with Alex McFarland about God, America, and Chuck Norris jokes. Learn more about Alex: 100 Bible Questions and Answers for families - Book 21 Toughest Questions your children will get about Christianity - Book The assault on America - Book Other Books Mentioned: Christian Ethics - Norman Geisler


Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage Phone: 804-439-3206 ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

May 08, 202401:07:16
Mission Briefing 22: Never Retire!

Mission Briefing 22: Never Retire!

Don’t plan to stop working; plan for your next mission and make it impactful! God gave you specific time and talents to use for Him!

Poem by Marianne Williamson:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
May 06, 202415:04
Ep 175: How Great Men Grieve

Ep 175: How Great Men Grieve

Johanna Stamps, a licensed grief counselor, talks about how we have to acknowledge grief and mourn in order to continue to move towards God’s vision for our life.  Many items can be lost such as a job, pets, friendships, and marriages.  As men, we need to take time and space to let our brain catch up to the event that has happened. Johanna shares her 7 steps included below and talks about the power of writing a closure letter on the grief you are going through.

How to connect with Johanna:
804 944 5158

Men’s Alliance | How Great Men Grieve

“If you loved it, and lost it, then grieve it” Grief is like an epic hike through a desolate land. 7 Steps of the Journey: 1. TRAILHEAD: AT THE BEGINNING OF THE JOURNEY a. Set the intention to heal, to integrate b. Look for a sign you are grieving: Cognitive, Affective, Physical, Spiritual c. You ONLY work where grief is coming up, that’s the beginning d. Feel the pain (No pain, No gain)... It brings healing 2. LOOK AT THE MAP (Pssst... it’s a magical map) a. The magical map only appears as you walk forward in your grief b. It’s completely unique to you (circumstance, personality, etc.) c. Dispel misconceptions (don’t look for stages) 3. BEGIN WALKING a. Small doses as it comes up b. One thing at a time c. We cannot grieve all at one time. We wouldn’t be able to take it! d. Be creative... example: recognizing important dates (or your body will tell you) 4. GATHER WITH OTHERS - DON’T GRIEVE IN ISOLATION a. Grieving is internal - Mourning is your external or public experience of grief b. ESSENTIAL - speak about the experience of the loss, memories, etc. c. Moves from the head to the heart (READ THIS AGAIN!!!) d. Look for the 1⁄3 who are good with grief (most likely someone who has dealt with their own grief) 5. STOP FOR REST a. Sustenance for your epic journey b. Maybe learn to rest for the first time 6. EXERCISE JOY AND PAIN MUSCLE a. Like any normal ruck or hike there is joy with the pain b. Practice this often when you are grieving 7. GET TO THE LOOKOUT a. Reflect on how far you have come (when you look at the loss with less pain) b. See parts of yourself that are becoming whole again - integrating the loss c. This is OFTEN understanding who you are (e.g. identity) Sponsor: Tom 'Doc' Love CFP®, CRPC®, CRPS® Craig Heah. ⁠⁠⁠⁠

May 02, 202401:21:36
Mission Briefing 21: Title IX Disaster

Mission Briefing 21: Title IX Disaster

This past week new updates were made to Title IX which will affect all public schools. Listen to what changes are taking place and how the changes matter to us as husbands and fathers. As leaders of our household we need to be aware of what is going on and advocate for our families.
Apr 29, 202412:33
Mission Briefing 20: Fuel Additive

Mission Briefing 20: Fuel Additive

Men’s Alliance is the fuel additive to your church’s gas tank. MA gets men off the sidelines and deployed in their church by training men in leadership & discipleship! Request a custom built MA weekend at your church:
Apr 22, 202403:32
Ep 173: Nutrition, Fitness, & Testosterone

Ep 173: Nutrition, Fitness, & Testosterone

Your body is a temple, so glorify God in your body. This week Nick ‘Coach’ Hawkins helps share knowledge about nutrition, sleep, metabolism, and testosterone. Coach also shares about the struggles of his fitness journey and becoming a personal coach.
Book Mentioned:

Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us - Michael Moss
Connect with Coach:
Hawkins Health and Fitness
Nick 'Coach' Hawkins

Apr 18, 202401:23:02
Mission Briefing 19: Bad Medicine

Mission Briefing 19: Bad Medicine

When things get hard what do you reach for? What we reach for when things get hard and uncomfortable, may become the next challenge that we need to overcome. The right medicine is setting your eyes and focus on God in all situations.

Apr 15, 202406:22
Ep 172: Get Off the X w/ Jason Redman

Ep 172: Get Off the X w/ Jason Redman

Jason Redman, former Navy SEAL who was shot eight times in an ambush, talks about overcoming adversity. Jason shares what to do when we go through hard times and how to get off the X (the point of ambush/attack where you are under fire). Don’t miss this incredible story of getting back up every time, and how it’s never too late to take action. Learn More about Jason: - website Books by Jason: The Trident: The Forging and ReForging of a Navy Seal Leader Overcome The Point Man Planner Invincible Marriage - Coming February 2025 - Purchase Here

Sign up for Start The Fire:

Sponsor: Tom 'Doc' Love CFP®, CRPC®, CRPS® Craig Heah. ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Apr 11, 202401:07:18
Mission Briefing 18: Will or Skill
Apr 08, 202412:20
Ep 171: Strong Daughters w/ Patti Garibay
Apr 04, 202452:45
Mission Briefing 17: A Quality Cigar

Mission Briefing 17: A Quality Cigar

Men we need to seek quality over quantity. Whether that is food, experiences, or a cigar. In our life we need to focus on the quality of going a mile deep instead of spreading ourselves too thin and going a mile wide. Focus on deepening relationships instead of adding more acquaintances. Support MA:

Apr 01, 202407:27
Ep 170: Near Death w/John Burke

Ep 170: Near Death w/John Burke

God communicates to us in a variety of ways. This week John Burke joins the podcast to discuss his years of interviewing people who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs). 1 in 15 Americans have had a near death experience, happening to both believers and non believers. Before you doubt the experiences listen to how most follow a similar pattern, and how they lead us to know more about Heaven and the glory that awaits us. Books by John: Imagine Heaven Imagine the God of Heaven

Sponsor: Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage Phone: 804-439-3206 ⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠Support MA's Mission⁠ -

Mar 28, 202401:21:22
Mission Briefing 16: Go Far, Go Together
Mar 25, 202410:51
Ep 169: Underground w/Matt Osborne
Mar 21, 202451:25
Ep 168: Church Hurt w/ Stephen Mansfield

Ep 168: Church Hurt w/ Stephen Mansfield

Have you been hurt by fellow church members? Most Christians have. Don’t miss this incredible discussion w/ Stephen Mansfield about the snare of resentment and other big issues affecting men!

Learn More: - website
Men on Fire - Book
Building Your Band of Brothers - Book
Mansfield's Book of Manly Men - Book
The Search for God and Guinness - Book
Healing Your Church Hurt - Book

Register for Start the Fire:

Tom 'Doc' Love CFP®, CRPC®, CRPS®
Craig Heah. ⁠⁠⁠⁠
Mar 14, 202401:05:54
Mission Briefing 15: Real. World.
Mar 11, 202411:43
War Stories 11: Second Chances

War Stories 11: Second Chances

Men’s Alliance Founder Dave 'Goose' Mills talks about his past failures, and while Satan wants to use our past sins to keep us quiet, we need to get back up and get back in the game.

Podcasts Referenced:Ep 2: One degree off

Ep 32: High Terrain

49: Be More Offensive

Support the MA mission:

Mar 07, 202451:39
Mission Briefing 14: Hide the Bible
Mar 04, 202413:26
War Stories 10: Spirtual Warfare

War Stories 10: Spirtual Warfare

Berek ‘Next’ Dostie shares about his warfare with intrusive thoughts and his decision to share this struggle openly with his tribe. When we are doing kingdom work we will be attacked, but in Men’s Alliance we do not struggle alone.

Learn More:
National Suicide Hotline: 988
Use the ACE method:
Ask - Ask questions to determine how they are doing
Care - Demonstrate that you care about their situation
Escort - Stay with the person until they get help

Hawkins Health and Fitness
Nick 'Coach' Hawkins
Find out more: 804-638-1386
Feb 29, 202438:55
Mission Briefing 13: Start the Fire

Mission Briefing 13: Start the Fire

Registering for Start the Fire might just be the decision that changes your life. We will train you in leadership, discipleship, and will equip you for what’s next. Register for Start the Fire April 19th &20th:
Feb 26, 202413:04
Leadership Lesson 3: Lead by Example
Feb 22, 202448:29
Mission Briefing 12: Unpromotable

Mission Briefing 12: Unpromotable

In the military, the steps to become promotable require sacrifice and discipline, but they are clearly laid out for us. And if we want to be used by God to accomplish great things, we have to make sure we’ve done the basics that He clearly defines for us as well.
Feb 19, 202412:17
Leadership Lesson 2: Major Dick Winters
Feb 15, 202401:09:03
Mission Briefing 11: Groundhog Day

Mission Briefing 11: Groundhog Day

Don't focus on winning the girl. Focus on being becoming a better man.

Feb 12, 202412:52
Leadership Lesson 1: Band of Brothers
Feb 08, 202401:14:56
Mission Briefing 10: Jesus vs the Church

Mission Briefing 10: Jesus vs the Church

Men don't want to be invited into a relationship, they want to be challenged with a difficult adventure. And that’s exactly what Jesus offered everyone he spoke with. Are you up for the challenge?
Feb 05, 202413:12
War Stories 09: Incarceration and Islam
Feb 01, 202459:29
Mission Briefing 09: Don't Need Your Wife

Mission Briefing 09: Don't Need Your Wife

When a man depends on his wife to do his cooking and cleaning, he unwittingly creates a dependent, mother-child dynamic that kills sexual intimacy. So do your own laundry and stop playing the role of child.
Jan 29, 202408:39
Ep 167: Semper Fidelis w/ Oliver North
Jan 25, 202435:24
Mission Briefing 08: Win Your Wife

Mission Briefing 08: Win Your Wife

If we aren’t having daily conversations with our wife about things other than kids, bills, and scheduling then we are drifting apart. Period. Stop saying you don’t have time and make it a priority today!
Jan 22, 202417:04
Ep 166: Becoming a Man w/ Don Ross

Ep 166: Becoming a Man w/ Don Ross

Many cultures use a rite of passage to mark the passing from boyhood to manhood. Don Ross explains why it is crucial for a young man to know when this passage has occurred. Men, it is never too early to start teaching your son what it means to be a man.

Learn More:
Manhood Tribes -

Raising a Modern Day Knight - Robert Lewis
The Crossing Rite of Passage- Richard Rupp
If- Rudyard Kipling

Start the Fire-

Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage
Phone: 804-439-3206
⁠⁠⁠ ⁠

⁠Support MA's Mission⁠ -
Jan 18, 202401:09:44
Mission Briefing 07: Start Here
Jan 15, 202411:55
Ep 165: All Things Possible w/ Victor Marx
Jan 11, 202459:28
Mission Briefing 06: Default to Training

Mission Briefing 06: Default to Training

Are you prepared for questions or statements about your beliefs? As men we are the spiritual leaders and we need to engage questions. We default to our training, so if you aren't already, then sign up for Start the Fire or the ultimate training with Carry the Fire which will equip you to explain what you believe and why. Learn more about how to launch a Tribe - ⁠Start the Fire⁠ Strengthen your Leadership & Discipleship (Patch) - ⁠Carry the Fire⁠ Support the growth of Men's Alliance
Jan 08, 202410:17
Ep 164: Tribe Leadership

Ep 164: Tribe Leadership

Jonny 'Torque' Hester and Berek 'Next' Dostie discuss the hardest challenges and the most rewarding aspects of being a Tribe Leader. Men’s Alliance builds leaders and the Tribe Leader is the heartbeat of MA!

Hawkins Health and Fitness
Nick 'Coach' Hawkins
Find out more: 804-638-1386
Jan 04, 202401:01:11
Mission Briefing 05: Take it Back

Mission Briefing 05: Take it Back

Did you lose something last year? Financially? Physically? Spiritually? Relationally? Then take it back in 2024!Find your tribe. Step up your game. Be the man you were designed to be. Learn more about how to launch a Tribe - Start the Fire Strengthen your Leadership & Discipleship - Carry the Fire Support the growth of Men's Alliance - Support MA
Jan 01, 202408:48
Ep 163: Combat and God w/Fernando Arroyo

Ep 163: Combat and God w/Fernando Arroyo

Fernando Arroyo shares his incredible story of multiple combat deployments, coming home, hitting rock bottom, and the moment God reached out to him.
Find out More about Fernando:
⁠The shadow of Death ⁠- Book⁠Step forward academy⁠ - Organization
Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage
Phone: 804-439-3206
⁠⁠⁠ ⁠
⁠Support MA's Mission⁠ - website
Dec 28, 202358:60
Mission Briefing 04: Merry Christmas!

Mission Briefing 04: Merry Christmas!

2023 has been an absolutely incredible year for Men’s Alliance! Merry Christmas! Learn more about how to launch a Tribe - ⁠Start the Fire⁠ Strengthen your Leadership & Discipleship (Patch) - ⁠Carry the Fire⁠ Support the growth of Men's Alliance - ⁠Support
Dec 25, 202307:12
Ep 162: Man Enough to Forgive w/ John Smithbaker

Ep 162: Man Enough to Forgive w/ John Smithbaker

John Smithbaker discusses the vital importance of forgiveness, and every father’s role of being a Pastor, Provider, and Protector. Find out More: Man Enough to Forgive - Book Fathers in the Field - organization Sponsor: Tom 'Doc' Love CFP®, CRPC®, CRPS® Craig Heah. ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Support MA's Mission⁠ - website

Dec 21, 202346:42
Mission Briefing 03: Stop Hinting

Mission Briefing 03: Stop Hinting

Too many pastors are tiptoeing vaguely around the edges of truth. Watch out for what is said and not said by articulate speakers trying not to offend. The gospel is offensive. Be bold and call out sin. This is no time to coward away from biblical truth.
Dec 18, 202312:01
Ep 161: Christianity and Science w/ Rob Webb

Ep 161: Christianity and Science w/ Rob Webb

Robb Webb, aerospace engineer and writer for Answers in Genesis, discusses how science and Christianity are not at odds, and only in an orderly, rationally designed universe is science even possible. Learn more : Answers in Genesis website (Also Creation Museum and Ark Experience) Dissent from Darwinism Sponsor: OnTrak Insurance - Car, Home, Life and Health insurance Robert 'Risk' Kelly 804-931-6646

Dec 14, 202355:36
Ep 160: Wives of MA

Ep 160: Wives of MA

Wives of three Tribesmen share their perspective of what MA means to them and their family. MA is not just about the weekly meetings, but doing life together. This looks like coffee meetups, hikes, cookouts, and other ways that bring MA families together.

Support MA - website
Dec 11, 202358:04
Ep 159: Teens of MA
Dec 07, 202348:55