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By Prophet P. A. Olowoporoku

Love of Christ Chapel International. We are a Church of Christ with a unique voice under the mandate of the God of Mercy to effect restoration of hope to the hopeless, Led by Prophet P.A. Olowoporoku.
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10th MAY 2024_English

MercymandateMay 10, 2024

2nd MAY 2024_English

2nd MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 02/06/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 107, 150 & 2 CORINTHIANS 5* 1. Lord, I thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your work on earth. 2. Lord, give me the courage to live for what matters most in Jesus’ name. 3. Oh Lord, let joy replace tears assigned for me in Jesus’ name. 4. Spirit of fruitless efforts assigned against me, be wasted in Jesus’ name. 5. Far away helpers, my life is available, locate me now in Jesus’ name. 6. Angel of God, compel my helpers to run towards me now in Jesus’ name. 7. Fake help from wrong people, scatter by fire in Jesus’ name. 8. Every help that will end in sorrow be nullified in Jesus’ name. 9. Any power diverting the steps of my helpers elsewhere be wasted in Jesus’ name. 10. Pray in tongues for 15 minutes.
Jun 02, 202413:15
1st JUNE 2024_English

1st JUNE 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 01/06/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 29, 149 & 1 CORINTHIANS 4* 1. Lord, I thank You for Your still small voice by which You are leading me into Your will for my life. Sing a new song to the Lord. 2. My spiritual ears, receive cleansing in the name of Jesus. 3. The poison I ate while young that is now manifesting as an adult, Blood of Jesus, purge it out of me. 4. Fearful noise from heaven, come down from heaven and begin to pursue those who are pursuing me. 5. You spirit of revelation and wisdom, possess my life in the name of Jesus. 6. Every enemy of our family that is hidden, appear by fire and be wasted in the name of Jesus. 7. Arrow of discouragement on my altar of prayer, catch fire immediately. 8. The evil drumbeat that my destiny is dancing to, tear to pieces by fire. 9. My altar of prayer, receive fresh fire in the name of Jesus. 10. Every arrow of sin in my life, Blood of Jesus consume it. 11. I receive my good news this month. *Happy New Month*
May 31, 202417:24
31st MAY 2024_English

31st MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 31/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 29, 148 & 2 CORINTHIANS 3* 1. Praise God to thank Him because there is no king like Him. Sing to the Lord. 2. Blood of Jesus, cleanse our land from every guilt of blood. 3. Every glory of this country that has gotten lost, Lord restore it to us in the name of Jesus. 4. Everything inside of me that pushes me to err, Blood of Jesus consume it. 5. Everything in my life and in my vicinity, that is contrary to progress, Blood of Jesus swallow it in the name of Jesus. 6. Every wind of darkness blowing contrary to the tree of Joy in my life, be silenced in the name of Jesus. 7. Every storm sent to me from the dream to steal my garment of glory, be silenced in the name of Jesus. 8. The voice of the Lord, open the door that the forces of darkness has shut against me in the name of Jesus. 9. Call the voice of God seven times, open the way for me where the forces of darkness has closed the door against me in the name of Jesus. 10. Anointing of shame and disgrace dry up over me in the name of Jesus. 11. The hidden secrets of the house I am living, be revealed.
May 31, 202417:33
30th MAY 2024_English

30th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 30/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALMS 27, 147 & 2 CORINTHIANS 2* 1. Appreciate God for His love. 2. O Lord, forgive me of every unfaithfulness. 3. I bind and paralyse every spirit of error programmed against me. 4. I receive grace to restitute my past in Jesus' name. 5. I withdraw the name of my children from the book of error in Jesus' name. 6. Strength from above, boost my energy to run the race set before me in Jesus' name. 7. God of Mercy, restore my wasted years. 8. Shout God of Mercy 21 times, convert my past mistake into miracles in Jesus' name. 9. Blood of Jesus, flush out from me every inherited habit resisting my spiritual growth in Jesus' name. 10. Strongman of my ancestors, release my inheritance in Your hand by fire.
May 30, 202417:33
29th MAY 2024_English

29th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 29/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 68, 146 & 2 CORINTHIANS 1* 1. O ye redeemed of the Lord, locate 3 songs and dance to the Lord. 2. Everything I am doing that angers God, expose it by mercy and forgive me in the name of Jesus. 3. O God of Mercy set Your revival fire into the lives of all Your servants both in this country and the world at large. 4. O Lord, arise and use Your power to put to shame every enemy of my progress in the name of Jesus. 5. O voice of vengeance from the Lord, go and visit my enemies and fight for me and my children in the name of Jesus. 6. O God of Mercy, renew a new foundation for my generation in the name of Jesus. 7. Every power of the avengers over my generation, perish in the name of Jesus. 8. O Spirit of patience that wait for the fulfillment of the promises of God, posses me in the name of Jesus. 9. Every fetish securities which my parents have done to protect me when I was small, Blood of Jesus swallow it. 10. (Call the Holy Ghost fire 9 times).You foul spirit that possesses my spirit man, come out by fire in the name of Jesus.
May 29, 202417:20
28th MAY 2024_English

28th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 28/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 115, 145, 1 CORINTHIANS 16 & ZECH 4:7* 1. My father, I praise You for Your unfailing grace which You are using to cover me and my children. 2. Father, I thank You for taking me out of the voice of judgment. 3. Father, forgive me for leaning on my own understanding rather than looking up to You for divine direction in the name of Jesus. 4. Grace to pray, come upon my life in the name of Jesus. 5. Burden of poverty gifted to me in the dream, leave my life now in the name of Jesus. 6. Evil oppressors oppressing me in the dream, catch fire in the name of Jesus. 7. Voice of grace, open the doors which the evil one has closed against me in the name of Jesus. 8. Anointing of grace for conqueror, baptize me in the name of Jesus. 9. The secrets of darkness in my place of work be revealed in the name of Jesus. 10. I will not die until I fulfill my destiny in the name of Jesus
May 28, 202415:29
27th MAY 2024_English

27th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 27/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 144, 1 CORINTHIANS 15 Gen 47:26, Isaiah 49*

1. Sing 3 different worship songs to thank God.

2. Father, I thank You for Your powerful words that
created all things.

3. From the midst of the voices which my father's
children are struggling to be delivered, I come out by the voice of the Lord in the name of Jesus.

4. Holy Ghost fire fill my life in the name of Jesus.

5. Every power that snatches my blessings when I am asleep, be wasted by fire in the name of Jesus.

6. Every power ambushing my old age soi that it can use my children to afflict me, Holy Ghost fire burn them
to ashes in the name of Jesus.

7. The room of destiny where my life has been sold, Holy Ghost take me away from there.

8. My father and my God cover my life with your glory in the name of Jesus.

9. The law of don't go far in my foundation, Blood of Jesus swallow it in the name of Jesus.

10. The law enforcer of my father's house loose your grip over me in the name of Jesus.

11. I will not bury my children in the name of Jesus.

12. My children shall be greater than me in the name of Jesus.
May 27, 202420:28
26th MAY 2024_English

26th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 26/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 23, 143 & 1 CORINTHIANS 14* 1 ) Lord, I celebrate You because You are a covenant keeping God. 2 ) Anyone that is holding on to my entitlement shall be visited by the plague from God in Jesus' name. 3) My position shall not be held in captivity in Jesus' name. 4) Every power sitting on my seat of honor, be unseated by fire. 5) Every gateway of affliction into my life, be closed by fire in Jesus' name. 6 ) My hand shall not be weakened in the day of battle in Jesus' name. 7 ) O Lord, covert my past mistakes into miracles in Jesus' name. 8 ) Evil voice from my past speaking against my future, I silence you in the name of Jesus. 9) Powers that stopped my parent, you will not stop me in Jesus' name. 10) I prophesy, evil agreement over my children be scattered by fire.
May 27, 202417:00
25th MAY 2024_English

25th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 25/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 22, 142 & 1 CORINTHIANS 13* 1. Jesus, I thank You for working alongside me as I grow in my relationship with You. 2. Thank You Jesus. You are bigger than any giant in my life. 3. Lord, baptize me with the anointing of ease in Jesus’ Name. 4. My Father, my Father, in these perilous times, hide me under the shadow of Your wings. 5. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to the hidden things in the kingdom. 6. Father, help me to be worthy of the ultimate reward for profitable stewardship in Jesus’ name. 7. Jesus, draw me close to You like never before. 8. Lord, cancel all appointment with death in my life. 9. Lord, show me how to achieve help and attract helpers. 10. Demonic dreams assigned to chase helpers from me cease! In the name of Jesus.
May 26, 202419:00
24th MAY 2024_English

24th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 24/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 27, 141, LEV 25:9-10 & 1 CORINTHIANS 12* 1. I thank God for the voice of great celebration and festivity in my house. Sing a song to the Lord. 2. Anointing to finish well, fall on me now in the name of Jesus. 3. Rain of Mercy without measure, shower on my life in the name of Jesus. 4. God of Mercy, satisfy me with good things this year. 5. All those who held me captive will become captive in the name of Jesus. 6. God of Mercy, cause me to be alive to eat the fruit of my labour in the name of Jesus. 7. God of Mercy, turn my shame to glory. 8. God of Mercy, turn my mourning to dancing. 9. I withdraw my name and those of my children from the list of those who will die premature death in the name of Jesus. 10. God of Mercy, pour the oil of long life on my head
May 24, 202416:36
23rd MAY 2024_English

23rd MAY 2024_English


1. Lord, I thank You for the voice of justification that is sent to my life. Sing a song of praise to the Lord.

2. Blood of Jesus, visit my life and cleanse me from all covenant of condemnation.

3. Fire of the Holy Ghost, continue to burn in my vicinity.

4. The generational debt that is blocking my progress, Blood of Jesus, swallow it.

5. Fire of Holy Ghost, brood over me in the name of Jesus.

6. Angel of the Lord, start Your ministry in my life and my children in the name of Jesus.

7. Every evil spirit that is accusing me in the spirit, Blood of Jesus, silence them in the name of Jesus.

8. Any kind of voice in my vicinity and in my life delaying my problems, Blood of Jesus, swallow it.

9. Any law of destruction over my firstborn, Blood of Jesus, swallow it.
May 23, 202416:47
22nd MAY 2024_English

22nd MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 22/05/24 PRAY WITH GENESIS 27:18-23, PSALM 33, 138 & 1 CORINTHIANS 10* 1. Every sin, unrighteousness and deception, cleanse me with your Blood and forgive me in the name of Jesus. 2. I break every authority and the control of satan over my children in the name of Jesus. 3. Every power of selfishness in my life be wasted in the name of Jesus. 4. Every hidden problem in my body that is hurting me, come out by fire. 5. Lord, deliver our land from destruction and judgment in the name of Jesus. 6. Every strange king setup from the pit of hell over the throne of my village, I dethrone you in the name of Jesus. 7. Father, I thank You for Your voice that swallowed the voice of the enemy in the name of Jesus. 8. Every power of avenger of wickedness working against my family, be scattered in the name of Jesus. 9. Every strange beast in my generation, be wasted in the name of Jesus. 10. Statements of deception over my children, be silent in the name of Jesus
May 22, 202414:46
21st MAY 2024_English

21st MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 21/05/24 PRAY WITH JOHN 10:5, PSALM 17, 137 & 1 CORINTHIANS9* 1. I thank You for Your voice that covers the voice of stranger. Sing a great song to the King of kings. 2. Blood of Jesus, cleanse my heart and mind in the name of Jesus. 3. Every arrow of sin in my life, come out by fire. 4. Anything in my life and surroundings that detest holiness, catch fire and explode in the name of Jesus. 5. The voice of the stranger controlling the affair of my children, be silenced in the name of Jesus. 6. Every cloud of the spirit in my eyes, disappear in Jesus' name. 7. The strange voice upon the actions of my children, be wasted in the name of Jesus. 8. The door of breakthrough that the voice of stranger has shut against me, be opened by fire. 9. Every loopholes at the wall that will expose the activities of the enemy over my first born, be revealed in the name of Jesus.
May 21, 202415:09
20th MAY 2024_English

20th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 20/05/24 PRAY WITH GENESIS 3 & PSALM 72, 136 & 1 CORINTHIANS 8* 1. Father, I thank You for Your voice that brings liberation to those whose life are in bondage. 2. Father Lord, remember our land and redeem our land. 3. Every power that is killing the joy of the Lord in my family be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 4. You spirit of weakness and prayerlessness go out by fire from my body in the name of Jesus. 5. You spirit of loss of memory on our highways, enter into captivity and be wasted in the name of Jesus. 6. Every agent of darkness in my surroundings, be wasted in the name of Jesus. 7. Every spy that turn himself to the friends of my children, fire of God separate all of them in the name of Jesus. 8. Every power that says I should end up like my parents be wasted in the name of Jesus.
May 20, 202416:14
19th MAY 2024_English

19th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 19/05/24 PRAY WITH EXODUS 15:9-10, PSALM 135 & 1 CORINTHIANS 7* 1. Locate a worship song to exalt the Lord. 2. I refuse to be a blind Christian in the name of Jesus. 3. Anywhere my name or picture is mentioned for evil, fire and thunder of the Lord consume them in the name of Jesus. 4. Every secret that I need to know about activities of the enemies in my life, be revealed now in the name of Jesus. 5. Call the name of Jesus 21 times and pray that every strange thing that the strange voice of the enemy has planted into my life catch fire and explode in the name of Jesus. 6. Every power sent to throw my life into spiritual darkness be wasted in the name of Jesus. 7. The voice of the enemy that has turned to flesh following me about get behind me by fire in the name of Jesus. 8. Everything that has been killed in my life by the voice of darkness resurrect again in the name of Jesus. 9. The voice of the Lord swallow the voice of darkness in my life in the name of Jesus.
May 19, 202417:27
18th MAY 2024_English

18th MAY 2024_English


1. My good news bearer locate me speedily

2. O Lord, appear to me by Mercy this month

3. My good news, I am available come to me now

4. O Lord, favour my life to fulfill your mandate effortlessly

5. I come against bad news and their agents this month in Jesus name.
May 18, 202417:09
17th MAY 2024_English

17th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 17/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 27, 133 & 1 CORINTHIANS 5* 1. I thank You for being my sustainer. Sing a song to the Lord. 2. Where my destiny has fallen, by mercy raise me up again. 3) Every labour of the enemy over me and my children, be wasted 4. Every power that wants me to Pray in vain, be wasted in Jesus' name. 5. Every satanic ambush against my children, be frustrated in Jesus' name. 6. Every satanic chain tying me to any sinful habit, break and release me by fire. 7. Covenant of Mercy, blow away every rain of shame over me in Jesus' name. 8. Every callous mother attacking my firstborn, fire of vengeance waste her in Jesus' name. 9. The voice that changed the life of Paul, speak to my children in Jesus' name. 10. You spirit of time wasters, your mission is over, be wasted in Jesus' name. 11. Everything in me that is pushing me to error, Blood of Jesus flush it out. 12. Angel of revelation, visit my dream life in Jesus' name.
May 17, 202417:11
16th MAY 2024_English

16th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 16/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 27, 132 & 1 CORINTHIANS 4.* 1. Lord, I thank You for grace to have a good job. 2. Great doors of opportunity open to me in great places this week in Jesus' Name. 3. My desired dream job, appear speedily in Jesus' Name. 4. Everywhere my credentials is presented, let the power of favour speak for me in Jesus' Name. 5. Every power of excuses that the devil is using to turn me down, lose your grip over my life in Jesus' Name. 6. Every evil mark upon my life making me to be rejected, be cancelled by the Blood of Jesus. 7. Everywhere my credentials has been dumped, by the power of God let them begin to call for me in Jesus' Name. 8. Wherever I've been forgotten, Covenant of Remembrance begin to speak for me there in Jesus' Name 9. I turn every rejection in my life to acceptance by the Blood of Jesus.
May 16, 202415:27
15th MAY 2024_English

15th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 15/05/2024 PRAY WITH PSALM 2, 131 & I CORINTHIANS 3* 1. I thank You Lord for You are the only one that answers prayer. 2. Every messenger of death assigned to defraud me of my inheritance, begin to kill yourself in Jesus' Name 3. Zeal of the Lord, consume me to be able to identify with Jesus openly. 4. Lord by mercy, release my inheritance to me in Jesus' Name. 5. Flood my heart with the light of heaven. 6. Lord by mercy, turn my curses to blessing. 7. Rage of blood drinkers of the night, drink your own blood in Jesus' Name. 8. Every power organized to embarrass me, be scattered by fire in Jesus' Name.
May 15, 202420:08
14th MAY 2024_English

14th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 14/05/2024 PRAY WITH PSALM 78, 130 & 1 CORINTHIANS 2* 1. Lord I thank You for Your mercy over my life. 2. I overcome the evil trap set for me and my family in Jesus' Name. 3. I receive the grace to lead the people with a truthful heart. 4. Fresh fire, possess my environment in Jesus' Name. 5. I prophesy, every evil agreement upon my children be scattered by fire in Jesus' Name. 6. Anointing of intercession, come upon me in Jesus' Name. 7. I set myself free from every inherited bondage in Jesus' Name. 8. You spirit of idol worshipping, I stop you with the Blood of Jesus, never come into our midst in Jesus' Name.
May 14, 202416:40
13th MAY 2024_English

13th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 13/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 129, ISAIAH 6 & 1 CORINTHIANS 1* 1. Oh Lord, I thank You for the dream You gave me. 2. Every dream killer, stop your operation in my life in Jesus' name. 3. Every power set up to render my dreams useless be wasted in the name of Jesus. 4 . Holy Spirit, give me control over my tongue so that I will not tell my enemy about my dream. 5 . Every dream killer that disguise as friend, be exposed in Jesus' name. 6 . Every good things that witches have stopped in my life be restored by fire. 7. Every dream killer that stopped my predecessors will not kill my dream in Jesus' name.
May 13, 202417:06
12th MAY 2024_English

12th MAY 2024_English

PRAYER POINTS FOR 12/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 119: 1-50, 128 & ROMAN 16 1. Oh LORD, I thank You for sound health and mind. 2. Every suicidal spirit tormenting me to commit suicide, get out of my life in Jesus' name. 3 . I disconnect myself from evil company in Jesus' name. 4 . I reject every trace of genetically induced insanity in Jesus' name. 5 . Blood of Jesus, purify me and free me from all forms of illnesses that can lead to insanity. 6. Every agent of the devil sent to frustrate me, I destroy you by the fire of God. 7. Every mystery of unexplainable mental illness traces in my attitude, I destroy you by the power of God. 8. I regain my sanity back in the name of Jesus. 9. I receive the good and friendly character of Jesus. 10. I cast out every spirit of legion in my life in Jesus' name 11. You Spirit of sickness and sudden death you are not my portion in Jesus name. 12. I receive the leading of the almighty God in the name of Jesus.
May 12, 202415:36
11th MAY 2024_English

11th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 11/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 127, (ISAIAH 45) & ROMAN 15* 1) O Lord, I thank You for the Mystery of mercy. 2) Sing a high praise unto King of kings. 3) Lord, forgive me of all my sins and give me a new heart. 4) Oh Lord, reveal Your divine plan for my life in Jesus' name. 5 ) I break every circle of failure upon my life in Jesus' name. 6 ) Every mark of rejection against my life, be wiped out in my life in Jesus' name. 7 ) Anointing of excellence, possess me in Jesus' name. 8) Oh Lord, purge my tongue by fire. 9) Oh Lord, make me a proof producer. 10) Every arrow of demotion fired against my destiny, backfire in Jesus' name.
May 11, 202416:20
10th MAY 2024_English

10th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 10/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 126, ISAIAH 53 & ROMAN14* 1) Lord, I thank You for You are the provider of goodthings. 2 ) Every door opened to spiritual robbers in my life, let it be shut by mercy in Jesus' name. 3 ) Any evil consequences of my father's house appearing as spiritual robber in my life, be swallowed by the Blood of Jesus. 4) Any power that has swallowed my inheritance, vomit it by fire in Jesus' name. 5) My children shall not walk into destruction. 6) Every evil wind assigned to be blowing my blessings away from me, be diverted in Jesus' name. 7) Every ancient gate shutting my portion away from me, crash into pieces in Jesus' name. 8 ) Good opportunities that have ever passed my life and ministry, reappear by mercy. 9 ) Spirit of boldness, possess me to recover my portion in Jesus' name. 10) Strongman of my ancestors, release my inheritance in your hand by fire.
May 10, 202415:29
9th MAY 2024_English

9th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 09/05/2024, PRAY PSALM 103, 125 & ROMAN 13* 1. Lord I thank you for another grace to be among the living today. 2. Lord forgive me of all unrighteousness and cleanse me from every guilt in your blood today. 3. O Lord, open my eyes to the things that are hindering my relationship with you in Jesus' Name. 4. Every altar of blood that is speaking against my life, Blood of Jesus silence them. 5. Every generational problem that is affecting my life today, Fire of Holy Ghost release to me the solutions. 6. Every poison from my childhood that is hidden in my destiny, Blood of Jesus flush them out in the Name Jesus. 7. You the arrow of slavery, jump out of my life by fire in the Name of Jesus. 8. Every unseen covenant that tied me to the dead ones in my family, fire of Holy Ghost cut it off in Jesus' Name. 9. Every secret I need to know about my deliverance, O Lord reveal it to me in Jesus' Name.
May 09, 202417:35
8th MAY 2024_English

8th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 08/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 5, 124 & ROMAN 12* 1. Lord , I thank You for new oil of prayer. 2. Sing a song of praise to God. 3. Father, forgive me for disobedience to Your guideline in Jesus' name. 4. The secret I need to know about my life, be revealed in Jesus name. 5. Every power struggling my time of prayer with me catch fire in Jesus name. 6. Every evil key and poison that is quenching the fire of prayer in my blood, get out by fire in Jesus name. 7. Blood of Jesus, mix with my blood in the name of Jesus.
May 08, 202417:29
7th MAY 2024_English

7th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 07/05/2024, PRAY PSALM 23; 123 & ROMAN 11* 1. Lord, I thank You for the grace of accomplishments You have released for my divine mandate. 2. Strange voice giving negative advice on my divine mandate, Holy Ghost fire silence you in Jesus' Name 3. My God's given vision, begin to speak in the Name of Jesus. 4. Strongman of obscurity, your mission is over on my mandate, be wasted in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 5. Evil gates shut against the provisions of God for my divine visions, break open by fire in Jesus' Name. 6. Power of fulfillment, possess my divine visions in Jesus' Name. 7. Every satanic embargo on my divine mandate, break by fire in Jesus' Name. 8. Evil powers keeping away divine helpers from my divine visions, be destroyed by fire in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 9. Favour and Mercy of God continually accompany my visions in Jesus' Name.
May 07, 202415:30
6th MAY 2024_English

6th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 06/05/2024, PRAY WITH JOB 29; PSALM 57, 122 & ROMAN 10* 1. Lord I bless Your Holy Name today for restorations. 2. Every good things that my parents' sins and my sins has taken away from me, Jesus restore back to me by Mercy. 3. Destiny helpers that my ancestors' sins and mistakes has chased away, God of Mercy restore them back to me in Jesus' Name. 4. Every opportunity I had lost into evil dreams, Blood of Jesus restore back to me. 5. Evil powers that is tying my glory into dreams be destroyed by fire in Jesus' Name 6. Every evil dreams that appears at the edge of breakthroughs to waste my success, be wasted by fire in Jesus' Name. 7. Every invisible fetters that tie me to foundational altars, Holy Ghost fire destroy them in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 8. Oil of favour pour upon me and my children for restorations in Jesus' Name.
May 06, 202415:13
5th MAY 2024_English

5th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 05/05/2024, PRAY WITH PSALM 23, 34:7, 121 & ROMAN 9* 1. I celebrate the Lord that gives me victory at all times. Sing a song of praise to the KING of Kings. 2. You arrow of helplessness in my destiny, jump out by fire. 3. Angels of the Lord, surround me for deliverance, from every power of oppressor in Jesus name. 4. Evil poison that I had been injected in my dream, Blood of Jesus flush it out. 5. Mercy of God, fall upon me for unbelievable help this month in Jesus' Name. 6. That person that I cannot satisfy that is in possession of my promotion, Holy Spirit, retrieve it for me by fire in Jesus name. 7. The judgment pursuing great people away from me, be nullified Blood of Jesus. 8. Evil elders that are denying me of good things, Ancient of Days swallow them in Jesus name.
May 05, 202414:58
4th MAY 2024_English

4th MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 04/05/2024, PRAY WITH PSALM 120, 127:3-5; ISAIAH 54:13, ROMAN 8*

1. Father Lord, I thank you for the wonderful gift of children you have given me.

2. Lord, Wherever my children are/will be, do not let your mercy, favour, blessing and grace depart from them.

3. In the name of Jesus, I put end to any evil association with my children.

4. BLOOD of Jesus, erase every evil prophecy concerning my children.

5. Arrow of constant mistakes and error fired into my children's life, backfire in Jesus' name.

6. Every evil weapon targeted against the destiny of my children, Holy Ghost fire destroy them in Jesus name.

7. Anybody that is using evil authority on me and my children, be wasted in Jesus’ name.

8. You spirits of ancestors sitting on my children, be unseated by fire.

9. Every power waiting to make me weep in my old age over my children, be wasted by fire.

10. I and my household are covered by the blood of Jesus.
May 04, 202414:46
3rd MAY 2024_English

3rd MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 03/05/2024 PRAY WITH PSALM 23, 119:151-176 & ROMAN 7* 1. Lord, I praise You because You are a covenant keeping God. 2. My position of glory shall not be held in captivity in Jesus' name. 3. Every power sitting on my seat of honor, be unseated by fire. 4. Every gateway of affliction into my life, be closed by fire in Jesus' name. 5. My hand shall not be weakened in the day of battle in Jesus' name. 6. O Lord, convert my past mistakes into miracles in Jesus' name. 7. Evil voice from my past speaking against my future, I silence you in the name of Jesus. 8. Powers that stopped my parent, you will not stop me in Jesus' name.
May 03, 202417:31
2nd MAY 2024_English

2nd MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 02/05/2024, PRAY WITH PSALM 119:91-120, 121 & ROMAN 6* 1. O Lord arise in Your power and save my spiritual life from every evil power afflicting my life. 2. Doors of favour open for me now in Jesus name. 3. Angels of God, arise and pursue my divine helpers to me now from wherever they are in Jesus name. 4. My Father, my Father, surround my life with destiny helpers. 5. Oh Lord withhold my helpers from sleeping and compel them to help me now in Jesus' name. 6. Every opposition against my helpers, scatter in Jesus’ name. 7. Every hinderance to my consistent help be scattered in the name of Jesus. 8. My God arise and cover those who seek my hurt with reproach and dishonor, in Jesus name.
May 02, 202413:15
1st MAY 2024_English

1st MAY 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 01/05/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 51, 119:91-120 & ACTS 5* Lord I thank you for making me to see another month. 1. Spirit of joy, possess me in Jesus' name. 2. O Lord, show me the secret of my enemies. 3. Power assigned to waste my soul, be wasted by fire in the name of Jesu. 4.You spirit of fear of death, depart from me by fire in Jesus' name. 5. Every power set up to pull me down spiritually, be disgraced in Jesus' name. 6. You suicide spirit, I cannot be your victim, depart from me by fire. 7. Every altar assigned to terminate my ministry, scatter by thunder. 8. I shall mount up with wings as eagle in Jesus' name
May 01, 202422:52
30th APRIL 2024_English

30th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 30/04/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 30. 119:61-90 & ACTS 4* 1) O Lord, I thank You for the salvation of my soul. 2) Prayer altar of my ministry, receive fresh fire in Jesus' name. 3 ) Every strange fire upon the altar of my prayer, Blood of Jesus, quench it. 4 ) Silent killer arrow in my blood waiting for my glorious day, come out by fire. 5 ) Evil dream wasting my efforts, Holy spirit swallow it in Jesus' name. 6) I shall not sleep the sleep of death. 7) Oh Heaven of mercy, open over my destiny. 8) Any power calling my head before evil mirror, crash by thunder. 9) Strongman over my family, I bind you be wasted in Jesus' name. 10) Messenger of evil news, my house is not your route, be wasted in Jesus' name.
Apr 30, 202416:33
29th APRIL 2024_English

29th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 29/04/23 PRAY WITH PSALM 51, 119:31-60 & ROMAN 3* 1). Sing a new song to your Restorer of joy. 2). Foundation of discomfort in my life, dry up now in Jesus' name. 3). Every stubborn pursuer of my life, turn back and perish by fire. 4). Strength from above, boost my energy to run the race set before me in Jesus' name. 5). My Father, my Father, feed me with the food of champions in Jesus' name. 6). Lord, inject into me spiritual vitamins that boost my appetite to feed in your Word and sustain me in evil days in Jesus' name. 7). I bind and paralyze every strongman of fear in my life in Jesus' name. 8). I loose myself from the bondage of fear in Jesus' name. 9). Every problem introduced by fear into my life, depart now in Jesus' name. 10). Arrow of distress, jump out of my life in Jesus' name
Apr 29, 202415:57
28th APRIL 2024_English

28th APRIL 2024_English


1. I thank You for teaching my hand to war and my fingers to fight.

2 . Lord, I thank You for I am out of captivity by fire.

3 . Blood of Jesus, purify me now in Jesus' name.

4 . Destiny vandalizers, begin to destroy yourselves in Jesus' name.

5. God of mercy, save my family from the wrath to come in Jesus' name.

6. Lord, visit me and rewrite my story.

7. You spirit of ancestors sitting on my children, be unseated by fire.

8. Every illegal occupants in my business, I reject you by fire.

9 . Grace to study the Word of God, possess me.

10. I receive grace to restitute my ways in Jesus' name.

11. Those I am leading shall not lead me into sin in Jesus' name.

12. Lord, give me the grace to obey You rather than men in Jesus' name.
Apr 28, 202418:27
27th APRIL 2024_English

27th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 27/04/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 105, 118 & ROMAN 1* 1. Lord, I thank you because you have empowered me more than my enemies. 2. Blood of Jesus cleanse me. 3. The secret I need to know for my destiny to excel manifest in Jesus' name. 4. Every evil doer that has touched my life for evil receive the judgment of death in Jesus' name. 5. The secret of evil elder that is responsible for my challenges scatter by the blood of Jesus. 6. Holy Spirit open my spiritual eyes to see deep things concerning the plans of God for my life in Jesus' name. 7. I receive fresh fire upon my prayer altar.
Apr 27, 202416:29
26th APRIL 2024_English

26th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 26/04/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 92, 117, MARK 11:21 & ACTS 28* 1. Lord, I thank you for being the source of all authority. 2. Lord, forgive me for all my disobedience to all your ordinances. 3. Lord, use my next journey to confuse my enemies in Jesus’ name. 4. Call the Spirit of prayers 9 times, possess me afresh. 5. Anybody that is using evil authority on me and my children, be wasted in Jesus’ name.
Apr 26, 202416:29
25th APRIL 2024_English

25th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 25/04/24, PRAY WITH PSALM 116, 1SAMUEL 12:16 & ACTS 26* 1. Powers that have vowed to cut short my life before my time die by fire 2. Powers that have vowed that I will not see the good of the Land die by fire 3. Powers that have vowed to make my day of celebration a day of mourning die by fire 4. Powers that have a covenant with the grave to swallow me and my destiny die by fire 5. Every evil hands postponing my day of joy wither and be burnt off in Jesus name
Apr 25, 202414:24
24th APRIL 2024_English

24th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 24/04/24, PRAY WITH PSALM 115, ACTS 25, 2TIM 3:1-6* 1 Sam 17

1. Spirits of the endtime, you shall not find your way in me in Jesus namen

2. Demonic bad habits reigning in my life fire of God consume them in Jesus name

3. Strongholds of Addiction break and lose your holds upon my life by fire in Jesus name

4. Every enjoyable sins,secret sins, addictions and habits in my life, become irritating to my heart by the finger of God

5. I cast out my name out of the book of destruction in Hell fire in Jesus name

6. My altar of prayer receive new fire in Jesus name.

7. Angel of mercy connect me to my testimonies in
Jesus' name.

8. All my testimonies hanging in the heavenlies, come forth by fire.

9. I refuse to compromise to have testimonies.

10.My source of testimonies shall not be blocked.
Apr 24, 202415:44
23rd APRIL 2024_English

23rd APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 23/04/24, PRAY WITH PSALM 114, 127:3 & ACTS 24* 1. Father Lord, I thank you for the wonderful gift of children you have given me 2. God, Wherever my Children are/will be going, do not let your mercy, favour, blessing and grace depart from them 3. In the name of Jesus, I come against any evil association with my children 4. BLOOD of Jesus, speak destruction against every evil prophecy concerning my children. 5. You weapon of darkness targeted against the destiny of my children, die by fire in Jesus name. 6. Foundational poverty, loose your grip on me by the Blood of Jesus. 7. My destiny is liberated from unknown foundational covenant by the fire of Holy Ghost. 8. Evil arrow from my foundation, backfire. 9. Foundational satanic time-table and calendar set for me, be roasted by fire. 10. Every invisible chain that tied me to my foundation, break by fire.
Apr 23, 202413:29
22nd APRIL 2024_English

22nd APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 22/04/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 10, 113, ISAIAH 54:17 & ACTS 24* 1. Locate 3 songs of praise to worship the beauty of His Holiness. 2. Lord help me to grow up in your immeasurable grace in the name of Jesus. 3. Lord by your Spirit, transform my prayer life and my praise life in Jesus name. 4. Lord wherever they have used the blood to cage me use the blood of Jesus to set me free in the name of Jesus. 5. Wherever my destiny has fallen, use mercy to raise me up. 6. You weapon of emptiness which the devil is using over me catch fire in the name of Jesus. 7. I deliver myself and the day of joy of my children with the blood of Jesus.
Apr 22, 202416:18
21st APRIL 2024_English

21st APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 21/04/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 112, 133 ISAIAH 54:17 & ACTS 23* 1. Lord I thank you for your mercy over my life. 2. Arrow of confusion shot into my family, backfire 3. Every evil confedracy arraigned against my destiny scatter by fire. 4. I refuse to accept satanic substitute for my destiny in Jesus' name. 5. Every wrong people around me be disconnected by fire. 6. Enemy weapons of confusion programmed against me be wasted.
Apr 21, 202416:18
20th APRIL 2024_English

20th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 20/04/24, PRAY WITH PSALM 41, 111 & ACTS 22* 1. Cloud of darkness around my breakthrough, scatter in the name of Jesus. 2. I pull down every stronghold of satanic delay, in the name of Jesus. 3. Every satanic court, summoned to deliberate on my progress, scatter in the name of Jesus. 4. My wasted years, Holy Spirit restore them to me in the name of Jesus. 5. Household strongman, assigned against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 6. Every strange disease assign to afflict me I bind you in the name of Jesus. 7. My family is covered by the blood of Jesus against any pandemic in the name of Jesus.
Apr 20, 202418:27
19th APRIL 2024_English

19th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 19/04/24 PRAY WITH PSALM 69, 110 & ACTS 21* 1. Every garment of reproach in my life, catch fire. 2. Every personality, power or spirit assigned to take me by surprise die in the name of Jesus. 3. O God, arise and turn the reproach of those that despise me upon their own heads in Jesus name. 4. O God, expose and disgrace every witchcraft agent assigned to embarrass me in the name of Jesus. 5. O Lord, waste every evil strongman in charge of me case in the name of Jesus. 6. Every evil bird flying for my sake, net of God pull them down and let them be wasted in the name of Jesus.
Apr 19, 202420:20
18th APRIL 2024_English

18th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 18/04/2024 PRAY WITH PSALM 20, 109, ACTS 20, GAL 6:17*

1. Lord, I thank You for all the victory You gave to me.

2. Every cobwebs attack be swallowed by fire.

3. Witchcraft attack against my destiny, backfire.

4. Every spiritual evil mark on my body be erased with the Blood of Jesus.

5. Every unexplainable delay programmed against me through evil marks, be destroyed.

6. I bear in my body the mark of Jesus, henceforth; let no man trouble me in Jesus' name.

7. Every effect of evil mark over my destiny be reversed by fire.

8. Blood of Jesus, swallow evil marks programmed against Love of Christ Chapel International globally in Jesus name.

9. Evil marks on my children retarding their growth be cancelled by Blood of Jesus.

10. Every covenant linkage to evil marks be broken by fire.

11.I release every organ in my body from the grip of evil mark in Jesus' name.

12. I disconnect myself from every evil mark by fire
Apr 18, 202421:13
17th APRIL 2024_English

17th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 17/04/2024 PRAY WITH PSALM 89, 109 & ACTS 19.* 1) Lord, I thank You for Your good intention and thought You have for my life. Sing a new song to Him. 2) Lord, expose the secret of darkness over my day of joy in Jesus' name. 3) You arrow of killer sickness in my life, come out by fire in Jesus name. 4 ) Every covenant of cobwebs and the spider upon my progress, disappear by fire of the Holy Ghost. 5 ) Grace of covenant of long life, possess me in Jesus' name. 6) Covenant of fruitfulness, possess me. 7) You my womb, receive the power to conceive in Jesus' name. 8) You covenant of spirit husband and spirit wife, your mission is over in my life, release me by fire. 9) Covenant of righteousness in my life, possess me in Jesus' name. 10) Every anti-favor spirit operating in my life, jump out by fire.
Apr 17, 202416:04
16th APRIL 2024_English

16th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 16/04/2024 PRAY WITH PSALM 31, 106, MATTHEW 8:17 & ACTS 18* 1. Lord, I thank You for Your healing package for me and my family. 2. I bind the strongman of infirminty, loose your grip over my life by fire. 3. I turn my infirmity into chaff, consume by fire. 4. Every negative materials circulating in my blood stream, be evacuated by fire. 5. Every spiritual poison I drank, be flushed out by the Blood of Jesus. 6. Every stranger in my body, come out from your hiding place by fire. 7. I command evil plantation in my life, come out by fire. 8. Holy Ghost fire, purge my life, you spirit of infirmity move out of my life by fire. 9. Blood of Jesus, flush out from my system every inherited satanic deposit in Jesus' name. 10. Holy Spirit, pour your healing power on me in Jesus' name. 11. Perform oh Lord creative miracle in every area of my body in Jesus' name. 12. Inherited sickness, loose your grip over my life by fire. 13. Transfuse oh Lord into my Blood system your precious blood. 14. I withdraw my name from the book of oppression in Jesus' name. 15. Shout the name of Jesus 21 times, 'oh Lord change my health status from now'
Apr 16, 202419:22
15th APRIL 2024_English

15th APRIL 2024_English


1. Lord I appreciate you for making yourself a sacrifice for me

2. Lord I declare the death of every evil seed in my life today.

3. I paralyse and cut the head of my Goliath with the blood of Jesus

4. If there's anything in me that is not of God, I don't want it. Depart in the mighty name of Jesus

5. Let the blood of Jesus cross stand between me and any dark power delegated against me

6. I curse every work of the darkness in my life to dry to the roots by the blood of Jesus

7. (Make this confession 7 times) I walk in the light and the blood of Jesus. Cleanse me from all sins.

8. The death of Jesus shall not be in vain in my life.
Apr 15, 202413:25
14th APRIL 2024_English

14th APRIL 2024_English

*PRAYER POINTS FOR 14/04/24, PRAY WITH PSALM 105, ISAIAH 6 & ACTS 16* 1. Every evil king assigned over my life die by fire 2. Every evil strongman assigned to monitor the continuity of evil pattern in my lineage die by fire 3. Every Power standing between me and my encounter with God die by fire 4. My spiritual eyes open now in Jesus name 5. Every evil gate keeper assigned to stop God's blessing to my life die by fire.
Apr 14, 202413:25