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Messian[T]ics Podcast

Messian[T]ics Podcast

By Messian[T]ics Podcast

This is a show where four MJ rabbis converge to share their hearts, thoughts, and opinions on all issues relating to Messianic Judaism. It is multigenerational, Jew and non-Jew, sarcastic and fun, but also unafraid of tackling some of the biggest issues our Movement faces today.
Currently playing episode

May 17: S2E32 - Convo on Crazy MJ Social Media Antics

Messian[T]ics PodcastMay 17, 2024

May 31: S2E34 - Q&A with our Rabbis #1

May 31: S2E34 - Q&A with our Rabbis #1

This episode kicks off a series we are doing where we respond to questions submitted by our listeners. In this first episode in the Q&A sessions we respond to a question about whether MJ rabbis have to be bi-vocational and/or should they be? And a question on MJ congregational finances and could we glean from the church in this area.

May 31, 202454:29
May 24: S2E33 - Convo on MJ & the Church: Unity w/out Rejection

May 24: S2E33 - Convo on MJ & the Church: Unity w/out Rejection

Messianic Judaism tends to do things a little different than the rest of the Body of Messiah, but nonetheless we are all a part of the same Body, working toward the same Kingdom (Yeshua's, not ours). Listen to our rabbi discuss how we can foster and support greater unity in the Body of Messiah between MJ and the Church without insulting and rejecting each other, recognizing each has strengths and benefit to bring to the table.

May 24, 202447:01
May 17: S2E32 - Convo on Crazy MJ Social Media Antics

May 17: S2E32 - Convo on Crazy MJ Social Media Antics

With a name like MessianTics Podcast you know we're going to wrestle with all the crazy antics that float around the MJ Movement. In this episode our rabbis discuss some of the crazy social media antics that we see from MJ individuals, the weird fights, the unnecessary arguments, and the damage that can be done to the witness of MJ due to all of the above. Listen to this fresh episode and share your thoughts with us.

May 17, 202443:31
May 10: S2E31 - What is Our Take on MJ Outreach?

May 10: S2E31 - What is Our Take on MJ Outreach?

Messianic Jewish outreach has changed a lot over the years, both in the missional side of MJ as well as the congregational side. What does MJ outreach look like today? What has it looked like in the past? How should it look moving forward? Listen to our rabbis dig into this discussion and share their thoughts and experience on the subject.

May 10, 202455:17
May 3: S2E30 - Pro-Hamas Protests on University Campuses

May 3: S2E30 - Pro-Hamas Protests on University Campuses

The world has obviously gone mad... College and university campuses across the U.S. are being overrun by protests/riots in support of Hamas, a terrorist organizations, and are proving to be petri dishes for antisemitism... Our rabbis discuss these issues and more as they wrestle with finding ourselves in a world in which it is becoming ever-increasingly more and more dangerous to be a Jewish person (and let's be honest, those that hate Jews could care less that we're Messianic, so that won't keep us safe either...).

May 03, 202450:20
Apr 26: S2E29 - Israel Conflict & Iranian Attack...

Apr 26: S2E29 - Israel Conflict & Iranian Attack...

Rabbi David and Rabbi Eric were suppose to be in Israel last week to try to minister into the lives of friends and ministry connections who live and serve there and have been facing this unprecedented war. However, the plans changed with the Iranian attack... Listen to Rabbi David, Rabbi Eric, and Rabbi Toby share some of their thoughts and hearts on the current conflict in Israel on this week's episode of MessianTics Podcast.

Apr 26, 202447:35
Apr 19: S2E28 - Convo on Messianic Jewish Worship

Apr 19: S2E28 - Convo on Messianic Jewish Worship

What exactly is MJ worship? Is it just Christian music with the word Yeshua replacing Jesus? Is there a place for Christian music in the MJ congregation? How do we define MJ worship music? Should we only use identifiably MJ music in services? Where should our focus in worship be? Listen to our MessianTics rabbis dig into these questions and so much more on today's new episode.

Apr 19, 202450:36
Apr 12: S2E27 - Conversation on Luke 9:49-50

Apr 12: S2E27 - Conversation on Luke 9:49-50

Why does it seem like within Messianic Judaism, and really the Body of Messiah as a whole, we are always at each others' throats? What happened to the idea that if someone isn't against us then maybe they're for us? This seems to be the point Yeshua was making to His Talmidim in Luke 9:49-50. Listen to our MessianTics Rabbis dive into this conversation on today's episode.

Apr 12, 202447:55
Apr 5: S2E26 - Convo on Our Take on Easter/Passover Issue

Apr 5: S2E26 - Convo on Our Take on Easter/Passover Issue

Every year the MJ community is riddled with discussion and arguments over Easter and Passover... This year is no different, except that the majority of the Church celebrated Easter almost a month before Passover, so the discussions have been all over the place and often rather divisive. In this episode of the MessianTics Podcast our rabbis dive head first into this conversation and share their thoughts on the subject, especially with regards to producing unity rather than further division.

Apr 05, 202454:16
Mar 29: S2E25 - What about Paul's beef with Peter in Galatians 2?

Mar 29: S2E25 - What about Paul's beef with Peter in Galatians 2?

What's the deal with Paul's beef with Peter in Galatians 2? What was it really about? And what implications does it have for the Body of Messiah and especially Messianic Judaism today? Listen to the MessianTics rabbis dive into this important topic on today's episode.

Mar 29, 202441:28
Mar 22: S2E24 - Convo on Reverence for Jewish Customs and Practice

Mar 22: S2E24 - Convo on Reverence for Jewish Customs and Practice

One of the biggest realities in a local MJ congregation is that a significant portion of the congregation comes in with little to know connection to Jewish customs and practice. As such, does one jump in head over heels with their zeal for this new-found experience? Or should there be a period of time in which one respectfully learns reverence for the culture, the customs, and the practices starting with observation and working toward participation in a healthy and productive manner? If so, what should that look like? Our MessianTics rabbis dive into this conversation full-throttle in this episode.

Mar 22, 202457:30
Mar 15: S2E23 - Convo on Messianic Jewish Conversion

Mar 15: S2E23 - Convo on Messianic Jewish Conversion

There has been complicated and prolonged discussions, arguments, and battles since the First Century over whether or not Gentiles should or can convert to Judaism as believers in the Promised Jewish Messiah. In this episode our MessianTics rabbis discuss this very issue and share their thoughts on the issue and whether or not this conversation was settled in the Brit Chadashah. As always, give it a listen and share your thoughts with us.

Mar 15, 202451:40
Mar 8: S2E22 - Convo on Having Difficult Discussions

Mar 8: S2E22 - Convo on Having Difficult Discussions

So many issues we discuss with other people (especially other believers) draws out so many different opinions/positions and often are rather contentious because of it--such as the current Israel/Arab War, Russia and Ukraine, Jew and Gentile, etc... How do we have discussions on difficult matters with others and still be edifying, and more so still shine the Light of Messiah? The MessianTics rabbis dig into this conversation in this week's episode. Give it a listen and share your thoughts with us.

Mar 08, 202452:12
Mar 1: S2E21 - Succession Plans vs. Contingency Plans

Mar 1: S2E21 - Succession Plans vs. Contingency Plans

The MJ Movement is facing an intriguing crisis in the coming years as more and more of our pioneering rabbis are getting older and within the next 10-15 years an overwhelming number of MJ congregations may be without a rabbi due to a current lack of up and coming rabbis. As the old addage goes, "failure to plan is planning to fail..." It is time for intentionality in raising up a new generation of MJ rabbis and for developing successful succession plans instead of holding tight to what are likely contingency plans at best... LIsten to our MessianTics rabbis share their thoughts and toss around some ideas on how we can right the ship before it's too late.

Mar 01, 202456:07
Feb 23: S2E20 - Unique Call of Messianic Jews & Gentiles

Feb 23: S2E20 - Unique Call of Messianic Jews & Gentiles

On this episode of the MessianTics Podcast our rabbis dig into a dynamic conversation on the unique calling of Messianic Jews and Gentiles, on how they enhance each other, and should work in unity to advance the Kingdom of Messiah rather than working against one another or excluding one another without either feeling less than or as second class citizens. This is a very important conversation and we pray it is a blessing to you and that you'll share it with others.

In this episode we also mention Rabbi David's newest book which deal with this very issue in depth. If you'd like to get a copy of it, you can do so on Amazon via this link:

Feb 23, 202454:06
Jan 26: S2E19 - Conversation on True MJ Validation

Jan 26: S2E19 - Conversation on True MJ Validation

Does Messianic Judaism seek its validation in the Jewish world? Or in Messiah? What exactly is our validation? And would seeking validation in the traditional Jewish world help or hurt our shining the Light of Messiah? These and many more related issues are heavily discussed in this episode of the MessianTics Podcast. Listen to our rabbis dig into this important conversation.

Jan 26, 202451:10
Jan 19: S2E18 - Conversation on Relational Unity

Jan 19: S2E18 - Conversation on Relational Unity

Messianic Judaism is a such a beautiful and powerful reality, it is an end-time prophetic restoration movement, but while we work toward the restoration of the relationship of the Jewish people and the Jewish Messiah and the Body of Messiah with the Jewishness of the Messiah, why can we not work toward relational unity within our own community? In this episode of the MessianTics Podcast listen to our rabbis dig into the very pertinent topic of relational unity and what we can do to foster more of it.

Jan 19, 202440:22
Jan 12: S2E17 - Convo Based on a Quote from "Wicked"

Jan 12: S2E17 - Convo Based on a Quote from "Wicked"

In this episode of the MessianTics Podcast our rabbis dig into a very important conversation, albeit launched from a very unexpected inspiration. This discussion is based off of an epiphany had when coming across a powerful quote from the book "Wicked: Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West". This quote struck a nerve with our rabbis as it can also be said for our beloved Messianic Jewish Movement, a reality for which we need to drastically right the ship.

The quote says: "Elphie glanced sideways at [her elderly father], and for the first time she saw him as feckless... Constantly pawing at the edge of events, reacting instead of acting, mourning the past and praying for the future instead of stirring up the present."

Jan 12, 202401:01:18
Jan 5: S2E16 - Conversation on Restoration

Jan 5: S2E16 - Conversation on Restoration

What does restoration look like? Are there limitations to restoration? How do we extend or seek restoration with others? In this episode of the MessianTics Podcast our rabbis dive into this difficult (and often left to the back burner) conversation and share some of our thoughts and experiences on the matter.

Church of the Highlands Resources:

Jan 05, 202455:50
Dec 30: S2E15 - Convo on Unity in MJ Post Oct 7

Dec 30: S2E15 - Convo on Unity in MJ Post Oct 7

This week's episode is a introspective look at the urgent need for unity in the Messianic Jewish Movement in light of the events of Oct 7th and the war that has transpired since. Nearly the entire Jewish world has come together in unity, so why is the MJ Movement not leading the way? Listen to our MessianTics rabbis discuss this issue and the various tangents it takes them down and share with us your thoughts.

Dec 30, 202301:00:22
Dec 22: S2E14 - What about assimilation?

Dec 22: S2E14 - What about assimilation?

This episode should have ran two weeks ago in preparation for Hanukkah, however, as happenstance would have it, it is a very fitting episode for this week too. This discussion is a springboard off of the discussion of where Hanukkah comes from and why and connected with the many various ways the Body of Messiah and Judaism tends to give into assimilation today. Listen to our MessianTics rabbis discuss this important issue on today's episode of the MessianTics Podcast.

Dec 22, 202301:05:18
Dec 8: S2E13 - Politics and the Pulpit?

Dec 8: S2E13 - Politics and the Pulpit?

Our rabbis tackle a very uncomfortable conversation in this week's episode of the MessianTics Podcast. Listen as they dig into the conversation of whether or not politics has a place in our pulpit and to what extent.

Dec 08, 202354:23
Nov 24: S2E11 - Mistakes Made in Our MJ Ministry

Nov 24: S2E11 - Mistakes Made in Our MJ Ministry

I know people often think their rabbis/pastors are on some sort of pedestal, but truth be told, we are only human too... We make mistakes all the time too, sometimes those mistakes are costly, sometimes they hurt people, sometimes they bless people, but looking back over the years, they always end up giving us a cringe worthy laugh. Listen to the MessianTics rabbis share about some of the mistakes they've made over the years in ministry, and be encouraged in our failures and lessons we've learned from them.

Oy! How Did I Get Here? -- by Rabbi Eric Tokajer

Nov 24, 202348:13
Nov 17: S2E11 - Messianic Jewish Conferences

Nov 17: S2E11 - Messianic Jewish Conferences

There are several really important Messianic Jewish congregations coming up this winter, and this is one of our rabbis favorite seasons. Listen to our rabbis share their thoughts and love for these conferences and we hope to see each of you at one of them in the coming months.

Nov 17, 202344:17
Nov 10th: S2E10 - Dual Cong. Leadership, MJ Rabbis, & the Future?

Nov 10th: S2E10 - Dual Cong. Leadership, MJ Rabbis, & the Future?

On this episode of the MessianTics Podcast our rabbis dive into an intriguing conversation dealing with the decline in the pastorate and MJ rabbinate, MJ rabbis leading MJ synagogues and churches, and if this could be a feasible model for solving a growing problem in both MJ and the Church. The truth is, we came out of this episode with far more questions than we walked in with, and we will be further exploring this topic in the months to come. Listen to our MessianTics Team have one of the most interesting conversations for our show to date.

The following link is to the article that started the whole conversation, and it may be behind a paywall:

Nov 10, 202359:44
Nov 3rd: S2E9 - Interview w/Petra and Garry Scott pt. 2

Nov 3rd: S2E9 - Interview w/Petra and Garry Scott pt. 2

This week we have the second episode of a special two part interview with our good friends Petra and Garry Scott from The Road to Jerusalem. Listen to the Scotts share the heart and purpose of The Road to Jerusalem with our MessianTics rabbis.

Nov 03, 202354:31
Oct 27th: S2E8 - Interview w/Petra and Garry Scott pt. 1

Oct 27th: S2E8 - Interview w/Petra and Garry Scott pt. 1

This week we have the first episode of a special two part interview with our good friends Petra and Garry Scott from The Road to Jerusalem. Listen to the Scotts share the heart and purpose of The Road to Jerusalem with our MessianTics rabbis.

Oct 27, 202345:36
Oct 18th: S2E7 - Conversation on the Conflict in Israel
Oct 20, 202301:00:28
Oct 13th: S2E6 - Is Kashrut for Jews and Gentiles?

Oct 13th: S2E6 - Is Kashrut for Jews and Gentiles?

One of the most common questions we hear as Messianic Jewish rabbis is about Kashrut, whether or not Jews and Gentiles HAVE to keep Kosher as followers of Messiah... This is such a common discussion that we decided to hit record and let our conversation on the matter hopefully be a blessing to you. Listen to our MessianTics Team dive into this conversation and let us know your thoughts.

Oct 13, 202347:26
Oct 6th: S2E5 - Antisemitism and MJ Synagogue Safety

Oct 6th: S2E5 - Antisemitism and MJ Synagogue Safety

With antisemitism on the rise and there being no apparent slowing in site, what are some logical steps we should take to make sure our congregations are safe and protected? We'd love to imagine this to not be an issue we'd ever face, yet a number of MJ synagogues have experienced direct antisemitic attacks and/or threats in recent years, and even months. Listen to our MessianTics Team discuss this issue with care, grace, and love, but also with healthy dose of reality.

Oct 06, 202346:46
Sept 29: S2E4 - Messianic Jewish Identity Crisis

Sept 29: S2E4 - Messianic Jewish Identity Crisis

In this new episode of the MessianTics Podcast, our rabbis discuss some of the biggest issues the Messianic Jewish movement faces--MJ Identity Crisis. This conversation addresses several important situations that must be overcome in order for the MJ Movement to see the future we long for. Listen and share your thoughts on this episode with us.

Sep 29, 202355:36
Sept 22nd: S2E3 - The First Year of the MessianTics Podcast

Sept 22nd: S2E3 - The First Year of the MessianTics Podcast

This is a very special episode for the MessianTics Team as it commemorates the first full year of the podcast. On Sept 1st we officially hit one full year of the podcast and this episode is our reminiscing over the first year and talking about some thoughts and ideas we have for the years that lie ahead of us.

Sep 22, 202350:17
Sept 15th: S2E2 - What Movies/Shows Influenced our Faith?

Sept 15th: S2E2 - What Movies/Shows Influenced our Faith?

As we prepare for the High Holy Day season, we wanted to share a little more of a lighthearted episode with you. In this episode we discuss some of our favorite secular movies or shows that have influenced our faith over the years. And yes, we said secular, because we serve a G-d Who can use anything to get our attention. Listen to this week's show and let us know your thoughts, and what movies/shows have impacted your walk with the L-rd.

Sep 15, 202346:26
Sept 8th: S2E1 - What About the High Holy Days?

Sept 8th: S2E1 - What About the High Holy Days?

On the first episode of our second season we dive into a heartfelt conversation about the High Holy Days and what to expect if you attend these special services at a Messianic Jewish synagogue. Listen to our MessianTics team dig into this beautiful season.

Sep 08, 202350:38
Sept 1st: #50 - What About Hearing the Voice of G-d?

Sept 1st: #50 - What About Hearing the Voice of G-d?

We received a listen submitted question about hearing the Voice of G-d and we wanted to share our thoughts and hearts on the matter. So give this week's episode of the MessianTics Podcast a listen and be sure to take some notes as you go along. We pray it is a blessing.

Sep 01, 202352:25
Aug 25th: #49 - Interview with Aybars Uckun (Pt. 2)
Aug 25, 202349:54
Aug 18th: #48 - Interview with Aybars Uckun (Pt. 1)
Aug 18, 202340:42
Aug 11: #47 - What is a Successful Congregation?

Aug 11: #47 - What is a Successful Congregation?

Our rabbis dive head first into a very important conversation: What is a successful congregation? What metrics, data points, factors, indicators do we use to determine a successful congregation? Is it size? Finances? Depth of staff? Or are there more important factors to consider? Listen to our Messian[T]ics team dive into this valuable discussion on today's episode.

Aug 11, 202352:34
August 4: #46 - Is That Actually What the Bible Says?

August 4: #46 - Is That Actually What the Bible Says?

Today's episode is a bit different as our MessianTics Team dives into an educational, interesting, and hilarious conversation on things that believers love to say about the Bible, but aren't actually in the Bible. Listen to our rabbis rectify a number of odd and out of place biblical misrepresentations as only they could.

Aug 04, 202350:08
July 28: #45 - What About Intermarriage in MJ

July 28: #45 - What About Intermarriage in MJ

The Messian[T]ics Team loves to dig into controversial topics within the Messianic Jewish movement and have deep and honest conversations wrestling with these important issues. In this episode our rabbis dig into the conversation about intermarriage within the Messianic Jewish movement... the good, the bad, and the ugly. You won't want to miss this week's episode.

Jul 28, 202343:34
July 14: #44 - How Do We Do Erev Shabbat in Our Homes?

July 14: #44 - How Do We Do Erev Shabbat in Our Homes?

We received a question from one of our listeners asking how we observe Erev Shabbat in our own homes, particularly as regards traditional prayers said. So, with this episode, we dive into this very discussion, how do we do Erev Shabbat in our homes? Hopefully this discussion will not only be educational, but will be a blessing for you as we prepare to enter Shabbat this evening.

Jul 14, 202348:03
July 7: #43 - Favorite Moments from MJ Conferences
Jul 07, 202347:32
June 30: #42 - Funny Encounters as a Messianic Rabbi

June 30: #42 - Funny Encounters as a Messianic Rabbi

A lot of times we joke that MJ is the granola of the Body of Messiah, we attract all the fruits, nuts, and flakes... Today's episode of the Messian[T]ics Podcast is dedicated to some of the funny, strange, and antic-worthy encounters that we've had over the years in Messianic Jewish ministry.

Jun 30, 202357:26
June 23: #41 - Validity and Value of Gentiles in MJ Congregations

June 23: #41 - Validity and Value of Gentiles in MJ Congregations

Something that tends to appear as one of the most complicated issues to wrestle with in the Messianic Jewish movement is the place and role of Gentiles in the MJ congregation. Listen to our MessianTics rabbis share their thoughts and hearts on this vitally important issue, and feel free to share your thoughts with us as well.

Jun 23, 202354:03
June 16: #40 - The Sweet Relief of the MJ Summer Break

June 16: #40 - The Sweet Relief of the MJ Summer Break

In the Messianic Jewish congregational life cycle we find ourselves now in the season between the Spring and Fall Moedim and our MJ leadership finds a brief opportunity to catch their breath, relax, reset, and plan for the future. On this week's episode our MessianTics rabbis will talk openly and candidly about the sweet relief of the MJ Summer Break (and you definitely want to listen to the very end, Rabbi David drops a little hard-hitting nugget at the end that we all need to hear). Listen to episode 40 of the MessianTics Podcast and share your thoughts with us.

Jun 16, 202301:00:17
June 8: #39 - What About Unity Within the MJ Spectrum?

June 8: #39 - What About Unity Within the MJ Spectrum?

Our conversation on today's episode is a followup of sorts to last week's conversation on unity within the Body of Messiah... Today we turn our attention to fostering unity within the vast spectrum of Messianic Judaism. Listen to the Messian[T]ics Team's take on this very important issue and share your thoughts with us.

Jun 09, 202350:24
June 2: #38 - What About Unity with the Greater Body?
Jun 02, 202353:33
May 26: #37 - What About Shavuot?

May 26: #37 - What About Shavuot?

As the Jewish world celebrates Shavuot, many of you may be wondering what exactly is it all about? Is it just another holiday? Or is there something vital and prophetic that the Body of Messiah should be aware of connected to Shavuot? Give this episode a listen and hear what our MessianTics team has to say about Shavuot.

May 26, 202358:09
May 12: #36 - Convo: Fellowship or Denomination Part 6

May 12: #36 - Convo: Fellowship or Denomination Part 6

The Messianic Jewish congregational movement tends to operate off of a fellowship model within the various congregational/rabbinic organizations. Is this the best model available for us? Or could the movement benefit from a more structured organization similar to a denominational structure? Listen to our MessianTics rabbis discuss this issue in a multi-part conversation on the issue. We don't have all the answers, but we are willing to discuss the questions and see where it takes us.

May 12, 202358:12
May 5: #35 - Convo: Fellowship or Denomination Part 5

May 5: #35 - Convo: Fellowship or Denomination Part 5

The Messianic Jewish congregational movement tends to operate off of a fellowship model within the various congregational/rabbinic organizations. Is this the best model available for us? Or could the movement benefit from a more structured organization similar to a denominational structure? Listen to our MessianTics rabbis discuss this issue in a multi-part conversation on the issue. We don't have all the answers, but we are willing to discuss the questions and see where it takes us.

May 05, 202354:26