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The Dream Support Podcast

The Dream Support Podcast

By Micah Foster

Join us on a journey fueled by innovation and dreams. Through candid conversations with executives, non-profit leaders, and fellow entrepreneurs, we'll delve into the secrets of taking dreams from sleep to peak.

Micah is the co-founder of Dream Support, a remote Executive Assistant Agency that helps busy leaders get out of the weeds and back up above the clouds, where dreamers thrive.
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Green Bubble Problems

The Dream Support PodcastMay 15, 2024

Task Stacking

Task Stacking

Transform your productivity game with Task Stacking! 🚀 Here's the scoop: instead of bouncing around tasks like a pinball, focus on grouping similar tasks and tackling them in dedicated blocks of time. Think of it as turbocharging your to-do list! 💪

When you stack like-tasks, you tap into the power of continuity. Your brain stays in one mode, eliminating the mental gymnastics of constant switching. Whether it's handling emails, making calls, or diving into creative work, blocking them together sharpens your focus and amps up efficiency.

But here's the kicker: even with task stacking, your precious time might not always be best spent. That's where delegation swoops in. Imagine handing off these tasks to a skilled remote Executive Assistant, freeing you to focus on the high-impact tasks that truly demand your unique skills and attention.

At Dream Support, our EAs are task stacking virtuosos. 🌟 Some categorize responsibilities into major buckets like Content Marketing, Calendaring, Email Management, Systems and Operations. Then, they deploy calendar time-blocking to ensure deep work in each area, leaving no stone unturned and working with laser-like precision. 🙌 Others prefer an inbox-first approach, cleaning out emails in the morning and afternoon while tackling tasks or projects in between. They prioritize each task, wrapping up the day with a final email check.

Your Remote Executive Assistant is your secret weapon for productivity. 🛡️ They excel at managing stacked tasks efficiently, giving you back your time for strategic thinking, business growth, or well-deserved rest. 😴

Challenge yourself this week to experiment with task stacking. Identify similar tasks, block them on your calendar, and feel the flow. Notice where your time is best spent and consider how a remote Executive Assistant could elevate your productivity game even further.

Cheers to a week filled with focused productivity!

May 29, 202404:14
Jessica's Journey to Working with her EA
May 22, 202423:35
Green Bubble Problems

Green Bubble Problems

If you're an iMessage user, you know the pain of a Green Bubble entering the group chat. It disrupts the natural flow of the conversation by duplicating likes and explaining the obvious.

Before a prospective client signs up with us, they often share two or three possible concerns... these are the perceived Green Bubble Problems in working with a Remote EA.

May 15, 202404:28
The Organic Power of Facebook Mom Groups

The Organic Power of Facebook Mom Groups

Where can you find the most reliable and honest recommendations for any local service provider?

A Facebook Mom Group.

I'm not in them... but my EAs are!

May 08, 202407:23
Cynthia Describes a "Flawless" Onboarding with her EA
May 01, 202420:00
Happy Administrative Professionals Day

Happy Administrative Professionals Day

April 24, 2024 - Administrative Professionals Day

If someone supports you in an administrative role, take some time this week to thank them with the top 3 ways they've helped you in the past 2-3 weeks and if you couple that positive feedback with a personalized gift, it's going to communicate something big... They matter and You care.

Apr 24, 202401:56
How Betsy Uses Her EA as Quality Control for her Foreign VA Content Marketing Team

How Betsy Uses Her EA as Quality Control for her Foreign VA Content Marketing Team

Betsy Mejias is a therapist and the owner of The Abiding CEO, a brand and podcast focused on helping high level leaders take care of themselves so that they can take care of those they lead.

She's been working with one of our EAs for several months and we're exciting to continue to see her growth!

Need help finding your perfect EA?

Apr 17, 202421:43
Ditch Fear, Take Risks & Be Lucky
Apr 10, 202405:10
From Bottleneck to Leading with Mike Henry Sr.

From Bottleneck to Leading with Mike Henry Sr.

Mike Henry Sr., Founder of ⁠Follower of One⁠, was the bottleneck of his organization. Now he's empowering his EA, and others, to do the busy administrative work that was holding him back from truly leading.

Need help finding your perfect EA? #ExecutiveAssistant #RemoteExecutiveAssistant #DreamSupport

Apr 03, 202422:29
High Ticket = More Personal

High Ticket = More Personal

I recently took my son to his first orthodontist appointment.

You're not supposed to like going to the orthodontist, but this place goes ALL OUT.

And you know it's going to be a big ticket item, if you buy, but they are so personal, it makes you want to buy.

I think there's a transferrable principle here... the higher your price, the more personal you need to be.

Mar 28, 202402:46
Client Interview with Chris & Nicole, Owners of Mohican Media

Client Interview with Chris & Nicole, Owners of Mohican Media

Chris & Nicole own Mohican Media in Ohio.

They had been working with their assistant, Ashley, for about six months or so at the point of this interview. Need

help finding your perfect EA?

Mar 20, 202428:05
Be a Proactive Problem Solver

Be a Proactive Problem Solver

Here’s a quick game-changing perspective that will make you indispensable to those you serve!

Thinking about bringing up a problem to a direct report, boss, or client? 🤔B4U🗣️

A problem presented without a solution is two problemsyou and the problem.

A problem presented with a solution is a business miracle... a proactive problem solver on the rise!

At Dream Support, we believe in the power of proactive problem-solving and solution-oriented thinking. It's not just about identifying issues; it's about presenting well-thought-out solutions that demonstrate your commitment to efficiency and excellence.

By embracing the "🤔B4U🗣️" mindset—Think Before You Speak—you position yourself as a strategic partner, a resourceful team member, and a business miracle in the minds of those you serve. It's about more than just identifying problems; it's about actively contributing to the solutions that drive the collective success.

So, the next time you encounter a challenge, pause and think about the solution before bringing it forward. 

Your ability to be a proactive problem solver sets you apart, not just as an Executive Assistant but as a key player in the success of those you serve.

Remember, you have the potential to be the business miracle that transforms challenges into opportunities and elevates the engagement and trust to new heights. 

Need help finding your proactive problem solver, your perfectly matched remote Executive Assistant? Let me help you.

Mar 13, 202403:53
5 Ways to Fill Your Client Prospect Pipeline

5 Ways to Fill Your Client Prospect Pipeline

Here are the five ways I fill up my prospect pipeline in order of what has been most effective for me: 👇

  1. Referrals

  2. Networking

  3. Content Marketing

  4. Targeted Outreach

  5. Cold Outreach

Let me break those down…

🏁 Referrals are the FIRST and BEST way I get great clients. There is high trust and they come in educated on what we do.In other words, they know what we do, and how we do it and they're ready for it.

🎥 I utilize virtual Networking apps like LunchClub and I’ve joined some private Slack groups to connect with like-minded people who might connect me to someone I can help.

📨 For Content Marketing I use social, landing pages and MailChimp to gather interested people. Creating and sharing high quality content that will help others who are interested in maximizing their investment in a Remote Executive Assistant.

🎯 Targeted Outreach is a new part of my strategy. I’m looking into small office complexes that have small businesses with a small staff in specific geographic locations. I have my EA establish a connection that turns into a call or zoom with me and we go from there.

❄️ The Coldest of Outreach! I’m using a tool called Apollo to search out specific people and then I craft a message for them to become aware and educated about our remote Executive Assistant solutions, with the hope that they need the help I offer or will connect me with someone else who needs us.

How do you fill your prospect pipeline?

-Micah Need help finding your perfect EA?

Mar 06, 202403:19
Christa Wiens on 15 Minute Meetings with her EA

Christa Wiens on 15 Minute Meetings with her EA

Christa is the Executive Director of the Central Valley Justice Coalition in Fresno, CA.

Central Valley Justice Coalition is a faith-based community benefit organization made up of passionate individuals who are responding to an urgent need to prevent human trafficking in California’s Central Valley.

One of the first things she gave her EA was control over an email account that had 8,000 emails in the inbox. Task 1... inbox zero. https://DreamSupport.Club

Feb 28, 202416:43
Destructive Power vs. Constructive Leadership

Destructive Power vs. Constructive Leadership

The pursuit of power is not the ultimate pursuit.

Need Remote Executive Assistant Help?

Feb 21, 202403:13
What Rev. Stephen Lohoefer Wishes He Started Sooner

What Rev. Stephen Lohoefer Wishes He Started Sooner

Rev. Stephen Lohoefer had been working with his remote Executive Assistant for about 6 months at the time of this interview. He shares some of the simple ways his EA is helping him find freedom. Dream Support LLC supports busy leaders of all kinds in their pursuit of greater productivity and focus.

Rev. Stephen Lohoefer, The Grove Church in Dallas, TX. If you are pastor in need of some fractional help, for as little as 5 hours a week, we should definitely talk: For business leaders: https://DreamSupport.Club

Feb 14, 202409:58
How Pastor Andy VomSteeg Works with his remote Executive Assistant

How Pastor Andy VomSteeg Works with his remote Executive Assistant

Andy has been working with us for over a year now.

In this quick interview, Pastor Andy VomSteeg, of Malibu Pacific Church, shares some of the simple ways his EA is helping him find freedom.

Dream Support LLC supports busy leaders of all kinds in their pursuit of greater productivity and focus.

If you are pastor in need of some fractional help, for as little as 5 hours a week, we should definitely talk:

For business leaders:


Feb 07, 202406:16
One Willing Connector

One Willing Connector

All you need is One Willing Connector!

Need Remote Executive Assistant Help?

Jan 31, 202404:49
Delegating When You Don't Have Documentation or SOPs to Start From

Delegating When You Don't Have Documentation or SOPs to Start From

This is an interview with William Hemphill, a Dream Support client and Licensed Therapist in Decatur, GA.

For more information on how we help therapists, visit

For information about Faith and Faith Empowerment, visit


#executiveassistant #VirtualWork #DreamSupport

Jan 24, 202415:11
JD's EA Relieves an "Elephant-Like" Burden

JD's EA Relieves an "Elephant-Like" Burden

JD Pearring is the Executive Director of the Excel Leadership Network, an organization that spots high level leaders and supports them in church planting work. JD has worked with us on three different occasions, getting high level administrative help for anything from helping him obtain his PhD to handling intake tasks for a church planter's assessment. https://DreamSupport.Club

Jan 17, 202420:24
The Unscalable Heart

The Unscalable Heart

Why is it so hard to scale and keep the heart of your business or ministry?

Need Remote Executive Assistant Help?

Jan 10, 202410:60
How Pastor Jame Price works with his EA

How Pastor Jame Price works with his EA

Pastor Jame Price, Northbridge Church (Pittsburgh), shares shares some of the simple ways his EA is helping him find freedom.

Dream Support LLC supports busy leaders of all kinds in their pursuit of greater productivity and focus.

If you are pastor in need of some fractional help, for as little as 5 hours a week, we should definitely talk:

For business leaders:


Jan 03, 202410:42
Dead Week FOMO

Dead Week FOMO

Business Leaders, take some time to rest this week... it'll be okay.

Non Profit Leaders, take some time to appreciate a few donors and volunteers this week and close out the year end strong.

Does the expression of your gratitude match the magnitude of your gratitude? 

Need Remote Executive Assistant Help?

Dec 27, 202302:29
The Thinking Partner You Didn't Know You Needed, an EA

The Thinking Partner You Didn't Know You Needed, an EA

Get ready to discover the thinking partner you didn't know you needed!

🤝💼 As entrepreneurs and busy leaders, our minds are constantly buzzing with new ideas, innovative strategies, and creative solutions. But in the hustle and bustle of daily tasks, it's easy to feel like you're navigating the maze of thoughts alone. That's where your remote EA comes in, ready to be your trusted thinking partner and support system.

🌟💭 Here's how your EA can act as the perfect thinking partner:

1️⃣ Thoughtful Feedback: Your EA is your "idea ally," providing thoughtful feedback and insights on your ideas. Whether it's a new business strategy or a marketing campaign, they'll help you see the bigger picture and fine-tune your concepts.

2️⃣ Brave Sounding Board: Think of your EA as your fearless sounding board. They're not afraid to challenge your ideas or play devil's advocate when needed. This open exchange of ideas can lead to even more innovative solutions.

3️⃣ Perspective Shifter: Your EA brings a fresh perspective to the table, helping you look at challenges from different angles. Their diverse experiences and skills can spark creative approaches you might not have considered.

4️⃣ Idea Implementation: Beyond brainstorming, your EA is also an expert in turning ideas into action plans. They'll help you break down big ideas into manageable steps, keeping you on track to bring them to life.

5️⃣ Confidential Support: With your remote EA, you have a safe space to share your ideas and aspirations. They'll maintain confidentiality and provide a supportive environment for you to explore your thoughts freely. Having a thinking partner like your remote EA is a game-changer in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship and leadership. Together, you can transform ideas into reality, overcome challenges, and ignite the spark of innovation.

🚀🔥 If you haven't tapped into the power of a thinking partner yet, now's the time to explore how your remote EA can be the perfect collaborator in your journey to success. Wishing you a week filled with inspired ideas and the joy of having a trusted thinking partner by your side!

For more information on HOW TO GET STARTED, visit

Dec 20, 202305:17
No Fight = No Purpose

No Fight = No Purpose

Why are people so angry around the Holidays?

I think they've lost their purpose.

Need Remote Executive Assistant Help?

Dec 13, 202302:24
Utilizing Your EA for Business and Personal Support

Utilizing Your EA for Business and Personal Support

Just a 💭...

☂️ Imagine someone who has been empowered to reach out to prospects on your behalf, using templates based on your previous communications. They are your right hand in your business.

🗓️ But they also have the code for your gated community and when you invite guests over for dinner, they’ll send out a calendar invite with the time, location and gate code embedded in the invite. They’re also your right hand in your personal life.

Is that an appropriate use of a remote Executive Assistant?

With Dream Support it is!

Our assistants understand that we are serving the individual and whatever is beneficial for the individual client is best for the overall organization or business that foots the bill. We also understand that your 🪣🪣🪣 of responsibility aren’t limited to work and home. Maybe you have a short-term rental or another side-project coming up.

These are all great things to tune your EA into so that you can maximize your investment with them. Of course there are boundaries or limits:

  • It must be legal and ethical.
  • It must be something that can be done or managed remotely.

So yes, they can schedule that appointment for your husky to get groomed AND they are your right hand person in your business, making sure your priorities are on the calendar and the details are handled.



Dec 06, 202303:19
How Jamal Jones is Utilizing His Remote EA

How Jamal Jones is Utilizing His Remote EA

In this quick interview, Jamal Jones shares about the relief he's gained by utilizing a Dream Support remote EA.

For more information on how we help therapists, visit

For information about Jamal's services, visit


Nov 30, 202310:45
The Magnitude of Your Gratitude

The Magnitude of Your Gratitude

Does the expression of your gratitude match the magnitude of your gratitude?

Need Remote Executive Assistant Help?

Nov 22, 202303:46
How Stephanie Got Rid of Mental Ping-Pong

How Stephanie Got Rid of Mental Ping-Pong

For more information on how our remote Executive Assistants help therapists, visit

For more information on how we help other busy leaders, visit

For information about Zimmerman Therapy Group, visit


Nov 15, 202315:30
The 5 Levels of Effectively Working with Your Remote Executive Assistant

The 5 Levels of Effectively Working with Your Remote Executive Assistant

Here are the 5 Levels of Effectively Working with Your Remote EA:

Level 1: Clear the Overwhelm

Level 2: SOP Generating Machine

Level 3: Don’t DIY

Level 4: Multiply and Clarify Your Thinking

Level 5: Reallocate your Energy

For more information on How to Get Started, visit:

Nov 08, 202309:13
Jermaine Edwards on the Customer Centric Journey

Jermaine Edwards on the Customer Centric Journey

Entrepreneur and business owner, Jermaine Edwards ( shares about his philosophy of building a Customer Centric business, how he's utilizing his remote Executive Assistant, his heart for fathering and more.

Dream Support LLC supports busy leaders of all kinds in their pursuit of greater productivity and focus.

If you're curious and want to explore how a Dream Support Remote EA can benefit your business, visit

Nov 02, 202332:59
The Dream Support Podcast Trailer
Oct 27, 202302:22