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Leadership Journeys

Leadership Journeys

By Michael Bieder

Leadership Journeys is a podcast about inspiring and intimate stories of personal and professional development and growth. Michael Bieder talks with people from around the globe about their journeys of personal change and transformation. The purpose of this podcast is to inspire, evoke new thoughts and perspectives and to connect us all to our shared human experience in life and at work. The podcast aims at shining a light on the positive impact of going on a path of personal development, and how this changes the way we live, connect and lead.
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#5 Alessandra Bortolussi: From driven high-achiever to grounded action by choice

Leadership JourneysJan 21, 2021

#11 Marianne Hartley: The Beauty of Your Unique Energetic Signature
Jul 09, 202351:26
#10 Mario Grossenbacher: Vom Hamsterrad ins Cockpit - Mein Weg zu mehr Zufriedenheit und Resilienz

#10 Mario Grossenbacher: Vom Hamsterrad ins Cockpit - Mein Weg zu mehr Zufriedenheit und Resilienz

Heute bei mir zu Gast ist Mario Grossenbacher. Mario ist Mitgründer des Resilienz Zentrum Schweiz.

Resilienz, die innere Widerstandskraft oder das Immunsystem der Psyche, ist heute eine wesentliche Schlüsselkompetenz und ein wertvoller Begleiter. Das Resilienz Zentrum Schweiz hat das Ziel, bei Individuen ein resilientes Verhalten im Umgang mit anspruchsvollen Situationen zu fördern sowie Unternehmen und Organisationen beim Aufbau einer resilienten Organisationskultur zu unterstützen.

In dieser Podcast Folge erzählt Mario, wie er vom fremdgesteuerten Manager in der Pharma Branche den Weg zurück in ein sinnerfülltes Leben, zu seinem inneren Kompass und seinen Kernwerten gefunden hat. Er spricht darüber, was Resilienz damit zu tun hat und teilt Tipps für mehr Resilienz und Freude im Leben wie auch im Beruf.


May 10, 202249:32
#9 Liberto Pereda: Transforming Scarcity Logic into seeing an emerging Field of Possibilities

#9 Liberto Pereda: Transforming Scarcity Logic into seeing an emerging Field of Possibilities

Today I will be having a conversation with Liberto Pereda. Liberto lives in Girona in Spain with his wife, he is a grandfather of 4, and he serves as the Vice President for the Leadership Circle in Europe. The Leadership Circle is a leadership development 360 assessment with large global community of practitioners with a shared purpose: 

"We exist to evolve the conscious practice of leadership, to steward the planet and to awaken us all to our inherent unity."

In our conversation, we explore leadership in today’s day and age, what we sense is needed both in terms of a systemic, collective perspective as well as individually as leaders and human beings. Liberto shares his thoughts and contemplations over the past years and especially now as he turned 60 recently, and how he has been evolving both as a human being and as a leader.

Nov 20, 202159:29
#8 Demet Ozdemir: Redefining Success - Transformation from Within

#8 Demet Ozdemir: Redefining Success - Transformation from Within

Demet Ozdemir is a former senior partner at a global consulting firm, and she recently left her corporate job and serves now as board member, senior advisor at different companies, in addition to her angel investments and coaching & mentoring activities.

As a Turkish youth ski champion and high achiever, Demet had adopted beliefs around driving herself excessively hard to win and to achieve success. She says that these beliefs have served her well and she is proud of all her personal and professional achievements. At the same time, these achievements came with a high cost for her personal wellbeing. Demet talks about how some pivotal events in her life have made her reconsider what success means to her personally. She eventually found some more supporting beliefs and started rewriting her own definition of success, with even more positive effects on her personal and professional success and impact, while being more grounded and at ease than ever before.

Apr 16, 202138:11
#7 Andy Lavicka: Leistungstrieb und Burnout: Wie ein Crash mein Leben positiv verändert hat
Mar 24, 202134:50
#6 Zach Reynolds: Awareness, Deconstruction and Surrender: the Path back to Self

#6 Zach Reynolds: Awareness, Deconstruction and Surrender: the Path back to Self

Zach is a lawyer and a senior partner at a London based law firm. Today we will be talking about his journey of becoming the person he is today. He talks about how his drive and working hard to meet an unhealthy definition and identity around success caused him to lose himself along the process, and how he eventually found his way back to the essence of who he is, reconnecting to his sense of purpose. He also talks about an intense process of letting go, deconstructing his old self in order to emerge more connected to what he stands for - more strongly than ever.

Feb 12, 202152:24
#5 Alessandra Bortolussi: From driven high-achiever to grounded action by choice

#5 Alessandra Bortolussi: From driven high-achiever to grounded action by choice

Alessandra is based in Northern Italy, and she worked in corporate finance for 22 years as a dedicated people manager and change agent, before starting her own business as an executive and leadership coach.

Today’s conversation is about giving ourselves permission to be what Alessandra calls “a work in progress”: She talks about her experience of moving away from constantly adapting and trying to live up to others’ expectations, from being driven and pushing for high performance, towards allowing herself to live and lead from a place of choice and grounded action.

Jan 21, 202137:17
#4 Luz d'Ans: How cancer reconciled me to myself and made me accept my inner diversity
Jan 05, 202149:37
#3 Mazen Edlibi: Creating a New Reality

#3 Mazen Edlibi: Creating a New Reality

Mazen is Lebanese based in Dubai, he is a leader in the field of learning and development, he’s a professional coach, a husband and a father of a daughter and a son, and so much more. Today we will be talking about his journey of becoming the person he is today. He talks about how awakening his inner voice and creating a new inner reality has shifted his outlook on life, on leadership and on parenting.  These positive changes not only changed his life but also impacted the lives of the people around him.

Dec 15, 202038:02
#2 Sandra Ischi: Mein Weg zum Ikigai (jap. für Lebenssinn)

#2 Sandra Ischi: Mein Weg zum Ikigai (jap. für Lebenssinn)

Sandra Ischi ist Gründerin und Gastgeberin im Nike Coworking in Basel. Sandra hat eine spannende Geschichte zu erzählen, wie sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann zur Unternehmerin wurde, und welche persönlichen Erkenntnisse und Learnings sie aus den Höhen und Tiefen des Unternehmertums wie auch im Privatleben mitgenommen hat.

Heute sagt Sandra, dass sie ihr persönliches Ikigai gefunden hat und lebt. Was das bedeutet? Hör rein und lass dich inspirieren.

Möchtest du mehr zum Thema Ikigai erfahren? Am einfachsten einfach mal in einer Internetsuche abfragen, es gibt viele Quellen dazu. Hier eine kurze Umschreibung aus dem Japanischen (Wikipedia): Ikigai ist frei übersetzt „das, wofür es sich zu leben lohnt“, „die Freude und das Lebensziel“ oder salopp ausgedrückt „das Gefühl, etwas zu haben, für das es sich lohnt, morgens aufzustehen“.

Nov 26, 202051:04
#1 Miquel Castellvi - part 2: Holding a big vision and transforming the need for control

#1 Miquel Castellvi - part 2: Holding a big vision and transforming the need for control

This is the second part of my conversation with Miquel Castellvi. Miquel talks about a big vision he has for his company in terms of the way he and his team engage, collaborate and perform. This fundamental change towards an organization with self-governed teams has invited him to change and transform his perspective on control in a very profound way.

Nov 21, 202034:41
#1 Miquel Castellvi - part 1: The Power of the Present Moment

#1 Miquel Castellvi - part 1: The Power of the Present Moment

Miquel Castellvi is the Managing Director at Deerns, an engineering company in Spain. In this episode, Miquel talks about an intense period in his life where a lot was at stake, both professionally and personally, and how a moment of absolute presence changed everything.

This is part one of two, and the conversation will be continued in the next episode.

Nov 21, 202024:05
Vorstellung Journeys Podcast auf deutsch

Vorstellung Journeys Podcast auf deutsch

In dieser kurzen Vorstellungsepisode spreche ich darüber, warum ich den Journeys Podcast gestartet habe und worum es geht. Journeys ist ein Podcast mit Gesprächen und persönlichen Geschichten rund um das Thema persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung. 

Nov 21, 202002:57
#0 Michael Bieder: my journey towards vulnerability, purpose and passion - interviewer: Deepa Natarajan

#0 Michael Bieder: my journey towards vulnerability, purpose and passion - interviewer: Deepa Natarajan

In this episode, I will be joined by Deepa Natarajan, who will help me unpack my story of becoming, busting the myths I was telling myself about what vulnerability is, connecting with my purpose and passion, and letting go of some unhelpful and limiting beliefs and patterns that were keeping me stuck for a long time.

Nov 16, 202039:03
Introducing the Journeys podcast- with your host Michael Bieder
Nov 16, 202002:31