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The Blueprint 2 Success Podcast

The Blueprint 2 Success Podcast

By Michael Mariner

From setbacks to setups, hear how to maneuver through life's challenges and obstacles to obtain the success you desire in your life. Motivational Speaker, Author, & Success Coach Michael Mariner teams up with Co-hosts Alxndr Hall & Boy Wonda, two of the most influential hip hop artist in CHH (Christian Hip Hop), to bring you insightful, motivational and empowering instructions and information to help you live life by design and not by default by living out your life's purpose on purpose by following the blueprint 2 success that has been laid out before you by predecessors within your industry
Currently playing episode

Find Your Fox

The Blueprint 2 Success PodcastMay 15, 2024

It's Graduation Season

It's Graduation Season

It's elevation time! We're in the season of the next level and you should be experiencing it as well. Can you feel it? Many are graduating and getting diplomas, degrees, certifications, etc. all over the world, however, the elevation that we're referring to, you don't have to be physically in school to experience graduation season. You should be graduating and moving on to the next level of your life spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially, mentally, relationally, etc. Tune in this week as the squad talks about what it means to graduate in this season and elevate to your next level.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

May 29, 202401:06:08


There are spaces not being occupied because you're not there! Fear, doubt, disbelief, not feeling good enough, lack of resources, etc. all have a habit of keeping us stuck in places we weren't meant to occupy and keeps us away from spaces we are supposed to occupy. Make this your year to go into doors that scares you, that people said you're bot qualified for, etc. because God didn't give you that gift, idea, thought, etc. for it to lie dormant.Tune in this week as the squad discusses ways to occupy spaces you were meant to be in and why you need to be there, inspite of....

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media:  Facebook:  Instagram:

May 22, 202401:04:00
Find Your Fox

Find Your Fox

Ever heard of the saying, "it's the small foxes that spoil the vine?" Small problems can turn into big problems if not corrected expeditiously. The key component is first being able to acknowledge your fox so that you can know how to handle it. Tune in this week as the squad discusses how and why it's important to know, acknowledge, and correct the foxes in our lives that have the ability to disrupt the freedom and success we desire to experience in our lives.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media:  Facebook:  Instagram:

May 15, 202401:18:56
Training Day

Training Day

Training is a part of the process, however, how we execute the trainings that we've learned determines the level of success we acquire. Every moment of every day we are being trained for something greater and don't realize it. Tune in this week as the squad discusses how to effectively execute the training that you receive in every moment of every day to make sure that you get the very best out of your situation as well as yourself and those around you.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media:  Facebook:  Instagram:

May 08, 202401:28:38
Leading in the Moment

Leading in the Moment

Knowing how to lead and when to lead in the moment can be a deal breaker when it comes to success and failure. We can't allow our egos to get in the way of being productive in our relationships and activities. Great leaders will always do what's best for all parties involved and not just for themselves or certain individuals. Tune in this week as the squad discusses what it means to lead in the moment.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media:  Facebook:  Instagram:

May 01, 202401:16:17
The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

The power of choice is one of the most profound aspects of human existence. It is what allows us to take control of our lives and create our own reality. The choices we make today determines the outcome of tomorrow. 
We must be aware of our own decision making process and what that looks like.Too many find themselves in the same unfavorable situations because they're not able to assess why they make the choices they make. Tune in this week as the squad discusses the importance of understanding the actual process in making every day choices and the impact it has on how we live our lives.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media:  Facebook:  Instagram:

Apr 24, 202401:07:20
The Power of Positioning

The Power of Positioning

Positioning is so vital when it comes to success. No matter if it's in a relationship, partnership, business deal, etc., the position in which you hold in the process must be postured correctly in order to receive the maximum benefit. What is the posture of your heart? Are you positioned for maximum success? Tune in this week as the squad discusses what it means to be positioned for success as well as the importance of the posture of your heart as you go through your process.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media: 



Apr 17, 202401:22:49
Damage Control

Damage Control

Ever been in a situatuion where you had to do damage control? You didn't cause the situation but the outcome of the situation impacts you. No matter who caused the situation or how the situation came about, you still have to deal with the ramifications of the situation and determine how to make the best out of it to get the desired outcome that you need. Tune in this week as the squad dissects what it takes to survive in a storm of chaos you didn't cause.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?  To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media: 

Facebook:  Instagram:

Apr 10, 202401:11:22
Disdained Leadership

Disdained Leadership

Tune in this week as the squad have a discussion about a situation that happend with a disdained leader. Tune in to see what characteristics make up a disdained leader to ensure that you don't become one. The greatest leaders are servant leaders! Tune in and gain tips on how to become the best leader you can be, not just for your occupation but for your family and to those who rely on your leadership.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit: 

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? 

To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. 

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! 

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: 

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator 

Facebook: Michael Mariner 

Instagram: @MichaelMariner 

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner 

Connect with Boy Wonda: 

Official Site: 

Social Media: 

Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : : 

Spotify : 

Connect with Alxndr Hall: 

Social Media: 



Apr 03, 202401:22:07


It's time to start celebrating the small wins. It's time to revisit those "Archives" and look back on all of your accomplishments up to this point now. Too many times we focus on the big picture or the destination and disregard the journey it takes to get there. We're at the end of the third quarter and maybe you haven't reached all the goals you wanted but let's take the time and focus on the small wins regardless of where you are now. This week the squad takes the time out talk about the small wins that lead to big victories.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:

Grab a copy of the B2S Book

Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?

To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner

Instagram: @MichaelMariner

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner

Connect with Boy Wonda:

Official Site:

Social Media:

Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : :

Spotify :

Connect with Alxndr Hall:

Social Media:



Mar 27, 202401:10:44
Unspoken Silence

Unspoken Silence

This week the squad dives deeper with this episode as they discuss the intricacies of being silenced from past or current issues that has had or currently are having an impact on how you move. Being able to be given a safe space to express yourself and hash out previous traumas or issues should be given both to men and women because they both have issues that are handled differently but deserve the same treatment to have that safe space to feel comfortable to share their feelings. Both love and grace play a very important rollin how we handle the little boy/girl inside that felt like they never had a voice. Tune in as the squad deep dive into how to mange the emotions behind the traumas/issues on your way to being free from them.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

Mar 20, 202401:21:26
Repeat Offender

Repeat Offender

One of the greatest things about living is we have the opportunity to become a better version of ourselves everyday, however we don't always take advantage of the opportunity to do so and therefore we repeat the same offenses that keep us bound from walking in our full potential, in every area of life. Tune in this week to get the tools on what it takes to not become a "Repeat Offender" and walk out tour full potential. 

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

Mar 13, 202401:06:46
The Correct Formula pt.2

The Correct Formula pt.2

There is no secret to success, only a blueprint. The key to succeeding in anything is following the Blueprint, however, in order to follow the Blueprint you must receive, know, and implement the right formula. That's why it's important to have the right person teaching you the right formula so that you can rightfully apply it to the proper situation. There's an art to learning mathematical equations and so much so as to there's an art to learning how to select the right teacher/mentor. Tune in to this week's episode as the squad dives into part 2 of "The Complete Formula" as they discuss the importance of getting the right teacher/mentor and what to look for in selecting the right teacher/mentor. This is very vital because getting the wrong info from the wrong person could just be the reason your life, business, relationships, etc. are not flourishing in the right direction. Tune in!

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

Mar 06, 202401:06:55
The Correct Formula pt. 1

The Correct Formula pt. 1

There is no secret to success, only a blueprint. The key to succeeding in anything is following the Blueprint, however, in order to follow the Blueprint you must receive, know, and implement the right formula. The formula for success requires systems, processes, hardwork, dedication, and commitment. The disruption of any of the previous traits dismantles the entire process and if success is eluded it's not a result of the Blueprint but the non-implementation of the correct formula. Tune in this week as the squad discusses the correct formula for success in pt 1 of "The Correct Formula"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

Feb 28, 202401:15:12
Survival Mode

Survival Mode

Feeling like you're in survival mode? Tune in as the squad discusses what it means to be in survival mode and how it effects our decisions that we make on a daily basis. Learn the AAA method of survival and go from surviving to thriving in every area of your life.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

Feb 21, 202401:12:09
Success Has Scars

Success Has Scars

Scars are a sign that you been through something and based upon the look of the scar, one can possibly determine the level of healing received based upon the healing of the scar. Success is similar, some of your most successful people have went through a lot of trials and setbacks to receive the level of success that they've gained and can use the healing process they learned from the scars of their struggle to help others heal from their scars while on the pathway to success. Tune in this week as the squad discusses the importance of having scars, being healed from them, and using the experience to help others. The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram:

Feb 14, 202401:07:16
Civilian Mindset

Civilian Mindset

You don't have to be in the military to understand the difference between a civilian mindset and a military mindset. This philosophy comes from a place to where someone operating outside of the mindset, skillset, and willset of the military can not fully comprehend what it takes to operate from a military mindset but tries to implode their thoughts, ideologies, and perceptions into a space they know nothing about. This year in 2024, don't allow people that have no clue on what it takes to be you and to do what you do to cause you to discredit yourself in your space. Own your space and live your truth. Don't allow others to put you in a space where you doubt your gift, your dream and your destiny. Tune in as the squad discusses what it means to operate from a civilian mindset and how to avoid the pitfalls of falling into the trap of operating from a "Civilian Mindset"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:

Grab a copy of the B2S Book

Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect?

To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner

Instagram: @MichaelMariner

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner

Connect with Boy Wonda:

Official Site:

Social Media:

Facebook :

Instagram :

Twitter :

Youtube :

Spotify :

Connect with Alxndr Hall:

Social Media:



Feb 02, 202401:22:34
Value, Freedom, & Revenue

Value, Freedom, & Revenue

Revenue is about income, money; however, revenue could also be considered intangible outside of money. Revenue is generated based upon factors that generate income, ever consider that your life's revenue is generated by certain factors that we produce that generate certain outcomes? We receive revenue (certain outcomes) based upon the activities that we perform. Revenue creates freedom that's produced from a certain type of value that's created. Tune in this week as the squad breaks down what it means to determine value, freedom, & revenue in an unconventional way that can lead you down the pathway of total life fulfillment.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify : Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:    Facebook:    Instagram:

Jan 24, 202401:15:07
Organized Gifts

Organized Gifts

Many of us are very gifted and talented , so much so that we have so many gifts and talents that it can be confusing when to apply and operate in a particular gift or gifts. One of the worse things that we can do is operate in a certain gift at the wrong time. Tune in as the squad talks about the importance of organizing your gifts for greater impact. The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :    Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:    Facebook:    Instagram:

Jan 17, 202401:10:11
Drop the Rope

Drop the Rope

Your ceiling should be the platform of those coming behind you. Legacy goes beyond and family. What imprint will be left on the world because you were there and left the blueprint for success in whatever world God gave you access to. Tune in this week as the squad discuss what it means to "Drop the Rope"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Jan 10, 202401:22:50
Reckless Abandonment

Reckless Abandonment

There are times we feel as if we were mishandled or mistreated and dealing with the aftermath of feeling such a way can be difficult. Tune in this week as the squad deals with "Reckless Abandonment" and how to overcome the feeling of feeling abandoned in the process.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Jan 03, 202401:21:59
Foreign Exchange

Foreign Exchange

We understand the concept of foreign exchange when it comes to currency to where you trade your current dollars for dollars that transfer into the currency of the country you're traveling too. However, have you ever considered that same concept for your personal life? Meaning, are you willing to trade off something that's familiar to you for something that may not be familiar to you. many times we don't reach the next level for fear of the unknown. As we prepare for a new year, don't let this be the reason you don't experience life on your terms. Tune in this week as the squad talks about what it means to bring the concept of the foreign exchange into your life and make it work.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Dec 27, 202301:24:00
Moving in the Midst of Adversity

Moving in the Midst of Adversity

Adversity will cause some people to remain stagnant while others will quit all together. The key is to not stop in the midst of adversity but to keep moving, even if you have to slow down. Success is all about moving towards the end result. Slow movement is better than no movement. Tune in this week as the squad shares tips on how to keep moving in the amidst of adversity.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Dec 20, 202301:12:37
Repackage Your Resilience

Repackage Your Resilience

Adversity prepares you for the adverse situation that's coming, not the one you're in. When you've overcome once, that's proof that you have the ability to overcome again. Tune in this week as the squad discusses what it means to "Repackage Your Resilience"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Dec 13, 202301:24:17
Climate Change

Climate Change

When the leaves begin to fall, we understand that is an indication that change is here, we have now entered into the fall season of life. The climate begins to change, which brings about a different atmosphere in the earth and we have to adjust to the new climate and atmosphere. The same way seasons change in the earth is the same way seasons change in our lives, however, many times we are not prepared for the change and don't adjust to the new climate and atmosphere. This week the squad discusses the importance of being aware of the seasons in your life as well as the climate changes of life so that we can prepare for success in the midst of the changes we experience. We must be like the ant and prepare for the season ahead. Tune in for "Climate Change"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Dec 06, 202301:20:52
Table Manners

Table Manners

Only eat at tables prepared for you! Things should be done in a manner that is conducive to your growth and development towards your success! Too many times we try to sit at tables we weren't meant to eat from or no longer serves our appetite. Sometimes you have to excuse yourself from the table and eat from the place that is feeding you the nutrients needed to grow! Tune in as the squad discuss "Table Manners" 

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Nov 29, 202301:22:14
Live your Highlight

Live your Highlight

Too many times we feel like we haven't done enough while looking at other's highlight reels of their successes. It's time to value the strides that you've made up to this point and learn to celebrate the small wins because it's the small wins that leads to great victories. Live your moment, live the highlights that you experience every day and be grateful of each experience and the things you learn and appreciate them along the way on your journey to success. Tune in as the squad discusses how to live your highlight in every moment.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Youtube : Spotify :

Nov 22, 202301:10:10
The Highlight is in the Trenches

The Highlight is in the Trenches

Strength, growth, development, tenacity, etc. is all built in the trenches; those are the roughest and toughest places in your life. The key is to not run from the tranches but to stay in them for development. Tune in this week as the sqaud discusses the importance of staying in the trenches and developing the tools for true success and not portrayed success.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platformsFor more information about the B2S Project visit: Grab a copy of the B2S Book Also available online where books are sold Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner Instagram: @MichaelMariner LinkedIn: Michael Mariner Connect with Boy Wonda: Official Site: Social Media: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : : Spotify :

Nov 15, 202301:18:05
Borrowed Time...Invest it Wisely

Borrowed Time...Invest it Wisely

Time itself is a commodity and how you use it will have a major impact on your progression in life. Gifts, time & purpose all play a major role in your success and one must choose to develop one's gift at the appropriate time to maximize purpose. Tune in as the squad discusses the elements of time and the benefits of being not only active but productive within the time space you are given.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :   

Nov 08, 202301:12:26
Insufficient Funds

Insufficient Funds

We can spend so much time in one area that we neglect the other areas in our lives that need attention. In order to level up to the life you desire, make sure you don't bankrupt the area of your life that is necessary to make everything that's connected to you run properly. Tune in this week as the squad discusses how to make sure you replenish the areas of your life that needs a deposit so when it's time to withdraw you won't have insufficient funds.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :   

Nov 01, 202301:16:58
Next Level Access

Next Level Access

There's a process to your next level. It's all about positioning. Are you positioning yourself so that when your next level comes, you're ready?! Tune in as the squad talks about what it takes to gain access to your next level!

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :   

Oct 25, 202301:14:10
Growth Addict

Growth Addict

Now is not the time to settle. It is a must to surround yourself with people who will not accept anything less than your best as well as give you their best. You must surround yourself with people who are addicted to their personal growth and development just as much as you are. Stop allowing people to bankrupt you emotionally, always withdrawing but never depositing. Tune in for this week's episode "Growth Addict"

Oct 18, 202301:26:28
Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

If we were to look back on our lives, we all can probably say we've experienced some kind of divine intervention. An intervention of some sort that kept us away from something or led us into something. The benefit of an intervention can be priceless when adhered to. Have you ever experienced an intervention? Maybe you're experiencing one now. Tune in as the squad discusses divine encounters that not only empowered movements but saved lives.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :   

Oct 11, 202301:16:47
Disturbed Tranquility

Disturbed Tranquility

No matter where you are in life, your peace of mind is your most valuable asset! Don't allow anyone or anything put you in a space that keeps that peace in a disturbed place. Don't allow your peace to be disturbed, guard it at all cost. Tune in to this week's episode "Disturbed Tranquility"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :    Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:    Facebook:    Instagram:

Oct 04, 202301:31:22
Next Level Readiness

Next Level Readiness

Albert Einstein said, "you can't solve a problem with the same mindset that created it" the next level version of yourself is different than the now version of yourself. Change is necessary for growth. Don't miss out on your next level because of the famous quote "I ain't changing for nobody"...your next level requires change, don't get stuck! Tune in as the squad goes in on "Next Level Readiness"

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms For more information about the B2S Project visit:    Grab a copy of the B2S Book    Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.  Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!    Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:    Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner    Instagram: @MichaelMariner    LinkedIn: Michael Mariner    Connect with Boy Wonda:    Official Site:    Social Media:    Facebook :   Instagram :    Twitter : Youtube :    Spotify :    Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:    Facebook:    Instagram:

Sep 27, 202301:24:01
Set the Table

Set the Table

You must become what you envision to happen in your life! You have to set the table for what you're preparing for! No one eats before the table is prepared and life is no different!  If you're not eating, could it be you haven't prepared for it?! Tune in as the squad discusses how to prepare for what you want to attract into your life.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:   

Grab a copy of the B2S Book


Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. 

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! 


Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:   

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator 

Facebook: Michael Mariner   

Instagram: @MichaelMariner   

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner   

Connect with Boy Wonda:   

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Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

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Sep 20, 202301:11:25
When They Not Checking 4 You, Can You Still Deliver...

When They Not Checking 4 You, Can You Still Deliver...

A lot of times when we don't get the attention we seek or the success we desire; service, excellence, and attention to detail commonly gets reduced or cut. Can you serve in the process when people aren't checking for you, when the sales aren't coming, and the phone isn't ringing? Can you give your all, even when eyes aren't on you? this is a very important part of success, being able to serve in the process and still give your audience the best you have to offer even when no one's checking for you. Tune in as we discuss the importance of delivering on a high level even when you feel like you shouldn't.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:   

Grab a copy of the B2S Book


Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. 

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! 


Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:   

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator 

Facebook: Michael Mariner   

Instagram: @MichaelMariner   

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner   

Connect with Boy Wonda:   

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Spotify :   

Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:   



Sep 13, 202301:19:14
When They Not Checking 4 You, Can You Still Deliver....

When They Not Checking 4 You, Can You Still Deliver....

A lot of times when we don't get the attention we seek or the success we desire; service, excellence, and attention to detail commonly gets reduced or cut. Can you serve in the process when people aren't checking for you, when the sales aren't coming, and the phone isn't ringing? Can you give your all, even when eyes aren't on you? this is a very important part of success, being able to serve in the process and still give your audience the best you have to offer even when no one's checking for you. Tune in as we discuss the importance of delivering on a high level even when you feel like you shouldn't.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:   

Grab a copy of the B2S Book


Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. 

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! 


Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:   

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator 

Facebook: Michael Mariner   

Instagram: @MichaelMariner   

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner   

Connect with Boy Wonda:   

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Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:   



Sep 13, 202301:13
Don't O.D. on Potential

Don't O.D. on Potential

Too many times we stay in the realm of potential and never manifest the potential that we're holding on to. What we desire to experience in our lives are mainly glimpses of potential that needs permission to operate. Your experience is just a moment away. Are you willing to unleash the full potential you have to manifest the life you desire? Don't stay stuck in potential but allow your potential to manifest what you desire to experience your life. Tune in as we discuss what it takes to operate in your potential in the negative impact it can have when you don't.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:   

Grab a copy of the B2S Book  

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. 

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:   

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator 

Facebook: Michael Mariner   

Instagram: @MichaelMariner   

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner   

Connect with Boy Wonda:   

Official Site:   

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Twitter :  Youtube :   

Spotify :   

Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:   



Sep 06, 202301:21:16


As the world is constantly progressing and moving forward, so should you. We should always strive to become a better version of ourselves every day we awaken. Don't let past hurts, fear, uncertainty, or frustrations keep you from becoming the person you were destined to be.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media.

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner  

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  

Connect with Boy Wonda:  

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Twitter :  Youtube :  

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Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:  

Facebook:   Instagram:

Aug 30, 202301:28:60
Don't Sleep On Your Gifts

Don't Sleep On Your Gifts

Sometimes it takes someone else to realize that what you may not consider a gift actually is a gift and it's time you realize it and put it to use for the betterment of mankind. Let's face it, your gift is for others not for yourself. The late great Zig Zigler said it best, "if you help enough people get what they want in life you'll have everything in life that you want" Don't sleep on your gifts. Tune in as the squad dives into the importance of you not sleeping on yourself.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms  For more information about the B2S Project visit:   Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!   Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:   Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner   Instagram: @MichaelMariner   LinkedIn: Michael Mariner   Connect with Boy Wonda:   Official Site:   Social Media:   Facebook :   Instagram :   Twitter :  Youtube :   Spotify :   Connect with Alxndr Hall:   Social Media:   Facebook:   Instagram:

Aug 23, 202301:36:57


Character traits play a big part in who you are and who you become. Some traits are inherited and some are developed. Either way sometimes a trade-off of certain traits need to be made because of the vision for the assignment. Tune in as the squad discuss this week on why the "Trade-Off" is necessary.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms 

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner  

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  

Connect with Boy Wonda:  

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Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

Social Media:  



Aug 16, 202301:17:06
Change the Narrative

Change the Narrative

Exposure creates experiences. A lot of what we experience in life is a result of what we've been exposed to. So, if we are experiencing something that we don't want to experience, whether it be in our jobs, business, relationships, finances, etc., then we have the ability to change the narrative of the outcome. Tune in as the squad discusses the importance of creating what you desire to experience in your life.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms 

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner  

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  

Connect with Boy Wonda:  

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Spotify :  

Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

Social Media:  



Aug 09, 202301:24:06
Valued Gifts

Valued Gifts

It is said that one should go where you are celebrated and not tolerated. The right soil with the proper nutrients produces the best products. The caveat is one must know their own value in order to plant themselves in the proper situation. Tune in this week as the squad discusses the importance of knowing your value, finding your value and placing your valuable gifts in the proper environments for them to flourish.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms 

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner  

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  

Connect with Boy Wonda:  

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Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

Social Media:  



Aug 02, 202301:30:46
Baggage Claim

Baggage Claim

There's an old saying that says, " you can't conquer what you don't confront and you can't confront what you don't identify" Too many times we don't heal from the trauma we've experienced because we don't own the issues that we have. Tune in as the squad talks about the importance of claiming your baggage in order for true healing to take place.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms 

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner  

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  

Connect with Boy Wonda:  

Official Site:  

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Twitter :  Youtube :  

Spotify :  

Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

Social Media:  



Jul 26, 202301:31:36
Transformational Thinking

Transformational Thinking

True success requires transformational thinking. Albert Einstein said "you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it." Transformational thinking requires you to constantly evolve and It's not just about being creative but also being innovative, like doing things that's never been done or recreating something and making it better. Tune in this week as the squad discusses the importance of transformational thinking and what that looks like in your every day life.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms  For more information about the B2S Project visit:  Grab a copy of the B2S Book  Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  Twitter: @Shiftmotivator Facebook: Michael Mariner  Instagram: @MichaelMariner  LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  Connect with Boy Wonda:  Official Site:  Social Media:  Facebook :  Instagram :  Twitter :  Youtube :  Spotify :  Connect with Alxndr Hall:  Social Media:  Facebook:  Instagram:

Jul 19, 202301:15:29
Do or Die

Do or Die

This week's episode hit a little different. Tomorrow is not promised. Many will allow distractions, circumstances, fear, lack, etc. keep them from arriving to their full potential and living a life of purpose on their own terms. That's why it's important to live for today while we prepare for our tomorrow. Tune in as the squad talks about the near death experience that Alxndr had that changed the trajectory of not only his life but ours as well.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms 

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner  

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner  

Connect with Boy Wonda:  

Official Site:  

Social Media:  

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Twitter :  Youtube :  

Spotify :  

Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

Social Media:  



Jul 12, 202301:33:29
Don't Sway

Don't Sway

Things are very exciting in its beginning stages. It's a new thought, idea, vision, etc. that you had and moved upon it and now it's not manifesting the fruit that you thought it would produce. One of the toughest things a visionary has to deal with is wondering if they should throw in the towel. Life happens to us all and remember the vision speaks at the end not the beginning or the middle. Tune in as the squad discusses on what it means to not sway.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms 

For more information about the B2S Project visit: 

Grab a copy of the B2S Book 

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe! 

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media: 

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator

Facebook: Michael Mariner 

Instagram: @MichaelMariner 

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner 

Connect with Boy Wonda: 

Official Site: 

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Twitter :  Youtube : 

Spotify : 

Connect with Alxndr Hall: 

Social Media: 

Facebook:  Instagram:

Jul 06, 202301:21:56
Sabotage or Sacrifice

Sabotage or Sacrifice

We understand that sometimes sacrifices have to be made in order to accomplish what we're trying to accomplish, however we're not always willing to make those sacrifices, so much so to the point that we sabotage our own success. Tune in as the squad discusses things that causes you to sabotage your success and how to prevent yourself from sabotaging your success.

The Blueprint 2 Success Mixtape is available on all streaming platforms  

For more information about the B2S Project visit:  

Grab a copy of the B2S Book:  

Also available online where books are sold  Looking to connect? To learn more about Mike Mariner and how he can serve you visit us on the web and also don't forget to connect with us on social media. 

Visit us at and while you're there, click the Motivated Apparel Icon and grab you some Motivated Apparel...the premier gear for motivation...Like, share and subscribe!  

Follow the Shift Motivator on Social Media:  

Twitter: @Shiftmotivator  Facebook: Michael Mariner  

Instagram: @MichaelMariner 

LinkedIn: Michael Mariner 

Connect with Boy Wonda: 

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Connect with Alxndr Hall:  

Social Media:  




Jun 28, 202301:10:13
Panic or Pivot

Panic or Pivot

There are two things that can happen when uncertainty knocks on your door, you can panic and possibly make a bad decision that can spiral out of control or you can pivot from a thought out action that can lead you to a place of new and unexpected blessings...the pandemic caused a lot of people to panic while others made a decision to pivot and are now living their best life. Tune in to this week's podcast as the squad discusses the benefits of learning to pivot and not panic....

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Jun 27, 202301:28:27