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RV Medical

RV Medical

By Michael Morris MD

RV travel involves leaving home in the comfort of doctors dentists and pharmacies you know heading out into places unknown. This podcast will guide You through travel with anticipating and planning for any medical problems that could develop. Having the appropriate medication on board an understanding of how to treat both minor and significant illnesses while traveling. How to avoid illnesses while traveling how to stay healthy while driving so much or more limited in activities.
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Fall 2021 RV medical

RV MedicalOct 17, 2021

Longevity Science, what is the real science behind longevity?

Longevity Science, what is the real science behind longevity?

There is much more available discussion in podcasts on longevity today. Unfortunately most of that discussion is not based on science but based on select studies that facilitate the podcasts discussion. Recognize that any treatment with medications or pills is driven by experience with laboratory animals particularly mice. Mice have a much shorter lifespan and are inbred. How does this apply to humans? Very few studies on longevity with drug treatment have been done in humans. There is no prescription drug for longevity currently. You would be very surprised that the primary contribution to reduce longevity in this country is a reduction in what's called healthspan, Or what's considered morbidity. Today there is a rising prevalence of diabetes and obesity, hypertension cancer and arthritis. So much of this is attributable to Genetics diet and lifestyle. Something you have to be working on every day. Let's look at the science.

Nov 05, 202112:06
Fall 2021 RV medical

Fall 2021 RV medical

Updating ideas and thoughts on traveling by RV and attending to medical needs that may occur while traveling. When you're out and about traveling around the United States by RV you're more vulnerable to different conditions in different areas and in this episode some attention needs to be paid to how Covid is more concentrated in different states such as Florida and the variant is more communicable. Listen to your body.

Oct 17, 202106:00
Vertigo or lightheadedness what to look for what can cause it and how to remedy it and when to be more concerned by seeking emergency medical care.

Vertigo or lightheadedness what to look for what can cause it and how to remedy it and when to be more concerned by seeking emergency medical care.

Something to recognize, Vertigo is a symptom that describes the condition of movement in the absence of movement. This can be very disruptive if it happens at all especially while traveling. It's a condition that's disabling and impactful. In this podcast I've talked about some  underlying causes of vertigo and what can be done while traveling and when you should seek medical care. Depending on your age and whether or not you have any cardiovascular disease versus if you're healthy without any problems could distinguish what's causing the vertigo. As part of your medical kit you may want to keep some meclizine or Valium to control a benign condition of vertigo that may occur.

Nov 06, 202007:23
Anticipating managing fall winter illness while traveling in RV and vans

Anticipating managing fall winter illness while traveling in RV and vans

During fall and winter respiratory illness becomes more common. How to manage and reduce these infections  while traveling either alone or with others. How to remain healthy while experiencing weather and change during travel.

Oct 23, 202008:34
Week 3 wrap up, acknowledging psychological, emotional aspects of travel either with partner or alone.

Week 3 wrap up, acknowledging psychological, emotional aspects of travel either with partner or alone.

This week I reviewed aspects of coronavirus impacting Van and RV travel. I also reviewed the Army survival manual which I think is necessary reading if you travel in boondocks and hike especially to understand which plants are poisonous and which plants could be helpful and how to manage things when you're out hiking around and something happens it's good to have in your backpack it's good to have in your RV. I also touched on the psychological emotional aspects of traveling with a partner or even alone. Best ways to negotiate with a partner about travel by listening acknowledging reflective listening and empathy. Traveling alone has its own set of challenges and requires a certain amount of skill. When traveling alone it's important to check in with your family to let them know where you are and what you are doing and stay connected if that's necessary for you. Some people may feel a certain amount of independence not require that. Have a good weekend.

Oct 03, 202013:05
Army Survival Manual, a review of a book everyone should take when traveling. It has great pictures of edible and poisonous plants.

Army Survival Manual, a review of a book everyone should take when traveling. It has great pictures of edible and poisonous plants.

The Army survival manual is a great book to have when traveling. It has great suggestions a good overview of using your wits and opportunities that you have to improvise when something happens especially any injuries that happen also something as as crossing a stream or a small river and the idea that you can learn more about what to look for before crossing a body of water things like that are in measurable terms of help when you're out in the middle of nowhere in my suggestion would be if you get a copy of this to take it with you when you hike around she can identify edible and poisonous plants that don't want to come in contact with and again what to do when you get a insect bite or some other poisonous bite and how you can manage that without access to medical care which can be difficult when you're in a boondocks situation.

Oct 01, 202013:43
Coronavirus is always a risk when traveling different ways of protecting yourself and reducing your risk of complications with a viral infection are discussed

Coronavirus is always a risk when traveling different ways of protecting yourself and reducing your risk of complications with a viral infection are discussed

It is possible to reduce risk of getting Covid 19 and be more successful recovering from infection. 

Sep 27, 202006:47
Week 2 wrap up odds and ends

Week 2 wrap up odds and ends

I hope everyone had a good week, tonight's podcast reviews the week and odds and ends on health while traveling.

Sep 26, 202009:33
Importance of keeping your RV or van indoor environment clean and free from mold and other contaminants that can affect health

Importance of keeping your RV or van indoor environment clean and free from mold and other contaminants that can affect health

RV or Van indoor environment  Must be kept clean and learn where to find possible mold intrusion. How to test for mold inside RV or VAN. How  to keep your indoor environment not only neat but also free of contaminants affecting health.

Sep 24, 202009:16
Get organized before you leave

Get organized before you leave

Trip planning to stay healthy start before you leave home. In this podcast review things to do before you leave while driving when you arrive and when you engage in activities while traveling. How to categorize things in your own head for getting activities planned and materials organized to take with you in order to stay healthy. Eventually I'll have show notes for these different podcasts on website that you can review and download and keep with you when organizing a trip.
Sep 22, 202008:22
Prepare for sickness when traveling

Prepare for sickness when traveling

Stories from the Internet of people who got sick while traveling by RV. This also affects people who travel by Van to campgrounds in remote locations. According to data apparently 35% of those who travel are likely to get sick at some point during travel. Discussing how you can best manage your medical conditions your injuries different events that occur that are unpredictable while traveling are so important. This will be the first of other episodes discuss specific problems and what you can do to best manage those problems even before you leave home. If you can will find a way to stay healthy while traveling and reduce the amount of time you're sick it would be so wonderful in terms of enjoying the trip you're on. You must spend time before you leave to gather things that are necessary for the trip and when you arrive at a campground or remote location document the name address and telephone number of the campground you're in that night when you arrive or of that remote location when you arrive in case something were to happen you have to call 911 in the middle the night when somebody falls in the bathroom.
Sep 21, 202010:35
Week one wrap up

Week one wrap up

After starting the podcast this week and discussing an overview of problems that may develop while traveling along with ideas and thoughts on how to prepare for those problems by planning on taking medications and other treatments with you while traveling and understanding other things that you can do prior to departure to ensure you have a healthy RV experience. Also included were ideas about staying healthy on the trip by increasing your level of activity while driving long distances by taking breaks and reducing carbohydrate intake to reduce weight gain and other metabolic problems that can occur while continuing on an RV vacation particularly if it's months or even a year long. No reason why you should be healthier after that period of time and refreshed from your trip. Have a great weekend
Sep 18, 202002:18
Ideas Before and during your trip to stay healthy

Ideas Before and during your trip to stay healthy

Staying healthy while traveling requires planning as part of your trip. Before you go you need to get certain medications by prescription from your family physician in case something would happen while traveling. Recommendations include epi-pens broad-spectrum antibiotics prednisone medications for nausea and vomiting eye infections federal yeast infections with antibiotics.
Also a critical factor before leaving on a trip is getting a dental exam and dental cleaning. Particularly if you're to be gone for extended length of time such as months or years. Dental problems are difficult to treat in the field infections of the teeth can become very dangerous and spread to other parts of the body.
Diet and exercise also addressed in terms of things you can do while traveling to balance the need to drive long distances and be inactive while driving.
Sep 18, 202013:30
Medical supplies and materials to consider taking with you in your RV

Medical supplies and materials to consider taking with you in your RV

When planning your trip by RV spend enough time to consider your medical needs when traveling. Depending on your length of travel get enough prescription medication to cover you during the time of travel and for a month or two after in case your plans change. When considering prescription medications think about other prescriptions you will need in case you have a condition developed while traveling this podcast will discuss some of those medications such as antibiotics and opioid pain medications if needed. In this podcast will start discussing some of the medications and supplies necessary in future content will include using these medications and supplies in different circumstances and examples.
Sep 17, 202018:36
RV Medical

RV Medical

Different medical problems can develop while traveling. This podcast will help you prepare for and anticipate those medical problems and try to limit their effect on your traveling experiences. Especially during a time of Corona virus understandingIn planning to use social distancing and masks when traveling is important. The more people you come in contact with the greater the chance of exposure and mitigating that exposure is important especially when traveling. Knowing how to look for and access medical care while traveling will be discussed. Things to bring along as far as prescription and over-the-counter drugs and different manuals and guides that can help you through medical problems when they occur. No matter whether you're young or old medical problems can develop. Hopefully this information will help you and relieve some of your fears of developing medical conditions while traveling
Sep 15, 202010:41