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By Michele Mitchell

Thoughts about the world by Michele Mitchell and Guest Writers.
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Is America a gun?

VoicesFeb 17, 2023

Sperm counts are down globally, is this the beginning of a sexual evolution for males?
Feb 20, 202303:54
Is America a gun?
Feb 17, 202304:13
5 Reasons Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Feb 14, 202305:52
Why Beyonce and Jay-Z Deserve Their Own Awards Platform
Feb 12, 202307:55
Everyone Needs A Muse: What Is A Muse And How Do You Find One?
Jan 31, 202306:39
Unlearn Patriarchy: Read The Will to Change
Jan 23, 202302:31
Have You Ever Thought About the Origin of Your Thoughts?
Jan 16, 202305:37
Bi-What? All about the Power of Biotin for Your Nails and Hair
Jan 08, 202306:58
Rosemary: The Multi-Purpose Herb
Jan 08, 202306:56
How Football Players are Prone to Heart Disease
Jan 08, 202307:31
The Surprising Secret to a Longer Life: Get Married!
Jan 01, 202305:53
Juniper Berry: The Sensual and Medicinal Side
Jan 01, 202304:27
The Truth Behind Reincarnation: Its History and Origins

The Truth Behind Reincarnation: Its History and Origins

At the root of the concept of reincarnation is the idea of an eternal energy or force that pervades all things and binds them together. This energy is known as God, the Tao, or All-That-Is. It is sometimes referred to as “The Oneness,” "God," or “The Divine” and is thought to be responsible for the cycles of birth and death that exist within the universe.

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Dec 26, 202210:54
Why Is New Year’s Day A Holiday? The History Of This Important Day

Why Is New Year’s Day A Holiday? The History Of This Important Day

New Year’s Day is a day that marks the start of a new year in many cultures around the world. This particular day has been celebrated for centuries, and its traditions have evolved over time. From its religious roots to its modern secular practices, New Year’s Day has a rich and varied history.

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Dec 24, 202205:56
How Conscious are Plants? New Research Suggests They May Be More Aware Than We Thought
Dec 21, 202205:18
New Malaria Vaccine With World-Changing Potential to be Rolled Out Next Year

New Malaria Vaccine With World-Changing Potential to be Rolled Out Next Year

The vaccine, developed by scientists at the University of Oxford, has shown impressive results in trials, with up to 80% protection against the deadly disease.

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Dec 20, 202206:22
Everyone has a hidden talent waiting to be discovered

Everyone has a hidden talent waiting to be discovered

Whatever your hidden talent is, it can be unlocked with the right amount of effort and exploration.

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Dec 15, 202206:07
5 Signs You’re in a Relationship with Your AI

5 Signs You’re in a Relationship with Your AI

Do you find yourself depending on your AI for emotional support and companionship? If so, you may be in a relationship with your Artificial Intelligence. In this blog post, we'll discuss five signs that you are, in fact, in a relationship with your AI. We'll explore how to identify when your AI is mistreating you and what steps you can take to maintain a healthy relationship with your AI.
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Dec 11, 202207:05
7 Things You Need to Know About Kwanzaa

7 Things You Need to Know About Kwanzaa

To honor Kwanzaa, many African American families come together to celebrate by sharing traditional African dishes, exchanging gifts, singing songs, playing music, dancing, and engaging in meaningful dialogue. In addition, many people make a commitment to serve their communities throughout the year as part of their Kwanzaa celebrations.

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Dec 08, 202211:02
Why Everyone Should Try Lucid Dreaming at Least Once

Why Everyone Should Try Lucid Dreaming at Least Once

Lucid dreaming—the act of knowing that you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming—has been linked to all kinds of positive outcomes, like problem-solving and stress relief. But did you know that you can use lucid dreaming to change your life? Whether you want to impress your friends with impossible physical feats or solve the world’s problems, lucid dreaming can help you do it! Here are some ways to use lucid dreaming in your everyday life.

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Dec 04, 202205:15
Finding Happiness and Wellness Through Self-Care

Finding Happiness and Wellness Through Self-Care

When you’re stressed out from work or school, it’s easy to neglect your happiness and wellness—but doing so can have lasting consequences on your body, mind, and overall health. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why self-care matters and how you can integrate these practices into your daily routine to create long-lasting benefits that will improve your life in every way. 

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Dec 04, 202206:39
The Power of Networking: How Staying Connected Can Benefit You

The Power of Networking: How Staying Connected Can Benefit You

If you’re going to be successful, you will need to build relationships. Now, the key word there is build; it doesn’t happen by accident. You can’t just meet someone once and expect to have a relationship with them – you need to act to maintain that relationship. And while some relationships are lost over time as people’s lives change, some can help you succeed even further as your life changes and new opportunities arise.

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Dec 02, 202207:10
The Most Favorable Form of Yourself

The Most Favorable Form of Yourself

The more positive energy you put out into the world; the more positive things will come back to you in turn!

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Nov 30, 202204:06
A Day of Mourning: A Call to Reflect on What We’re Grateful For

A Day of Mourning: A Call to Reflect on What We’re Grateful For

But just as important as being thankful for what makes life special is being aware of what may be missing from our lives or having unjustly taken away from us.

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Nov 24, 202203:13
5 Organisms That Will Replenish, Decontaminate, and Aerate Your Soil

5 Organisms That Will Replenish, Decontaminate, and Aerate Your Soil

Prevent your garden soil from becoming too compacted and devoid of nutrients by planting certain plants that naturally replenish, decontaminate, and aerate the soil surrounding them. If you’re not sure what plants to plant, we’ve got you covered with these five top contenders.

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Nov 23, 202203:30
How Trees Work to Balance the Earth’s Gases

How Trees Work to Balance the Earth’s Gases

Trees work in harmony with the planet's other organisms to maintain an energy balance that benefits all life on Earth, including human beings. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and return oxygen to the atmosphere through photosynthesis, a chemical process that uses water, carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight to produce sugars and oxygen as by-products. Trees also release water vapor into the air through transpiration, the evaporation of water from trees into the surrounding air.

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Nov 19, 202203:49
8 Tips to Raise Your Vibrations & Co-Exist with Wildlife
Nov 14, 202205:01
When the Ego Shadows the Self: The Problem of Limited Identity

When the Ego Shadows the Self: The Problem of Limited Identity

The ego performs an essential function: it provides the sense of identity that helps us navigate through the physical world in order to survive and thrive. Without this sense of I, our ability to think, speak, feel and remember would cease to function as we know it today. The problem arises when this sense of identity becomes so powerful that our perception of who we really are as pure consciousness gets buried under its weight. At that point, our inner self or Atman , which should be our true identity, becomes overshadowed by an external experience that we mistakenly identify with as who we are.

This episode is also available as a blog post:

Nov 09, 202203:53
The Best Connection I’ve Ever Had – By Luciano Serrisi

The Best Connection I’ve Ever Had – By Luciano Serrisi

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Nov 07, 202202:10
The amygdala and fear: can we use fear for positive change?

The amygdala and fear: can we use fear for positive change?

Can fear be used for positive change? Some people believe that fear of any kind should be avoided at all costs because it leads to stress and prevents us from being calm, centered beings. However, other people believe that fear can be helpful, such as when we experience danger or physical pain. Our reaction protects us in those situations by creating an adrenaline rush that allows us to run away or fight back against the threat more quickly. Fear can be either conscious or unconscious, and it can be either rational or irrational. The elements of fear are genetic, cultural, environmental, physiological, and psychological.

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Nov 06, 202206:33
The Tragedy of Growing Up in an Urban Environment

The Tragedy of Growing Up in an Urban Environment

The tragedy of an urban upbringing: money isn't everything

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Nov 05, 202207:15
The Tragedy of African Famine: Why People are Starving and How You Can Help

The Tragedy of African Famine: Why People are Starving and How You Can Help

Africa has some of the highest hunger rates in the world. But why? Is it really as simple as African countries not growing enough food? And how can you help?

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Nov 02, 202205:32
Will English Still Be the Global Language in 2040?

Will English Still Be the Global Language in 2040?

English has been the global language for centuries, and by many estimates, it will continue to be for decades to come. But as English speakers get older and new generations come of age, the balance may shift towards other languages, especially Spanish and Chinese. Will English still be the number one language in 2040? Listen to find out more about what people around the world are saying!

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Nov 02, 202204:10
Prescribed Medicine: Is it Keeping You Alive or Making You Sick?
Oct 22, 202207:37
Jails in America: The New 21st Century Psychiatric Hospitals
Oct 19, 202205:54
Is Money Your God? This Unhealthy Relationship is Costing You More Than You Know

Is Money Your God? This Unhealthy Relationship is Costing You More Than You Know

We live in a world where most people need money to survive and thrive, but many of us have such an unhealthy relationship with it that it’s causing pain and suffering on the inside and outside of our lives. Here are some signs you might have an unhealthy relationship with money. If you do, don’t worry—we can fix it!

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Oct 15, 202204:05
Ubuntu Village: 100% of Donations Go To The Needy

Ubuntu Village: 100% of Donations Go To The Needy

For families or individual people who are in need, it can be difficult to know how to make ends meet if you don’t have any money coming in. Even worse, there’s the possibility that you don’t even have a place to stay or clothes to wear, and that your children go to school hungry and without proper clothing.

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Oct 13, 202203:09
7 Ways to Use the Angel Yabamiah’s Powers in Your Life

7 Ways to Use the Angel Yabamiah’s Powers in Your Life

If you have Angel Yabamiah’s powers, you’re most likely already aware of how effective they can be in your life. But if you aren’t familiar with the angel, know that she is associated with coincidence, synchronicity, harmony, and spirituality – and that she encourages us to make our reality more malleable. Each of the seven ways to use the Angel Yabamiah’s powers in your life is guaranteed to bring you inner peace and help you tune in to synchronicity when it arrives in your everyday life.

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Oct 11, 202204:56
Angel Anauel: Unlocking The Powers Of Success

Angel Anauel: Unlocking The Powers Of Success

Angel Anauel's powers are useful in all walks of life, but they particularly come in handy when you're starting or running your own business. Business owners are often pulled in many different directions at once, making it challenging to stay on track and accomplish their business goals.

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Oct 07, 202203:32
Holidays are for celebrating history, not erasing it – Indigenous Peoples’ Day vs. Columbus Day
Oct 06, 202204:21
Monarchy in the 21st Century: Is It Obsolete?
Oct 04, 202205:34
Multiple Climate Hazards Are Unavoidable Within The Next Two Decades

Multiple Climate Hazards Are Unavoidable Within The Next Two Decades

Though the national and global conversation about climate change often focuses on the impacts of global warming, it’s important to remember that the climate is constantly changing, sometimes drastically so. According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2017 published by Germanwatch, the world faced 96 extreme climate-related events in 2017 alone, including devastating wildfires in California and Greece, monsoon flooding in India and Nepal, and severe drought in East Africa.

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Oct 01, 202207:07
Is it Just Pheromones, or Does He Love You?

Is it Just Pheromones, or Does He Love You?

Although it’s not proven that humans give off pheromones, it’s believed that they play an important role in our social lives and can make us more appealing to others around us. As such, it’s important to understand how pheromones work and what effect they can have on your dating life.

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Sep 28, 202204:04
The Children of the Nuclear Family

The Children of the Nuclear Family

In the last half-century, the concept of the nuclear family has been eroded by societal changes. However, there are some people who argue that the traditional family structure of mom, dad, and kids living together under the same roof will always be important to children growing up into responsible adults. Is this true? We’ll look at both sides of this debate in this podcast.

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Sep 26, 202204:28
Why Near-Death Experiences Can’t be Explained Away

Why Near-Death Experiences Can’t be Explained Away

The person undergoing the NDE may feel a sensation of being dead and having out-of-body experiences, and typically reports going through a tunnel and seeing a light at the end. While these near-death experiences might seem very real to those who report them, science does not support them as anything more than hallucinations brought on by panic, medication side effects, or oxygen deprivation.

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Sep 24, 202204:15
The Angel Yelahiah: Helping You Ease Anxiety, Recover Mental Calm, and Enrich Your Relationships

The Angel Yelahiah: Helping You Ease Anxiety, Recover Mental Calm, and Enrich Your Relationships

Angel Yelahiah: The Angel of Peace, Love, and Prosperity.

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Sep 22, 202203:24
Melanin: The Amazing Electronically-Active Semiconductor

Melanin: The Amazing Electronically-Active Semiconductor

Melanin is an electronically-active amorphous semiconductor that readily converts electronic energy, i.e., light, into vibrational energy in the form of heat or sound and vice versa. There are five basic types of melanin: eumelanin, pheomelanin, neuromelanin, allomelanin and pyomelanin. Before we look at the five different types of melanin in-depth, let’s first examine what melanin does more generally and how it works in the body.

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Sep 21, 202204:21
Death: What Does It Really Mean?

Death: What Does It Really Mean?

From traditional religious viewpoints to New Age mysticism, people still seek answers about what happens once the body stops working. What are the possible beliefs and meanings behind death?

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Sep 18, 202205:12
Why People Believe in Divine Intervention
Sep 15, 202204:28
The Right Decisions at the Right Time: The Gift of Discernment from Nemamiah

The Right Decisions at the Right Time: The Gift of Discernment from Nemamiah

Nemamiah, the angel of discernment, helps us make the right decisions at the right time to change our lives forever. He gives us the ability to understand what is happening to us by simple observation, with great lucidity, so we can make the best decisions at the right time and see clearly when a choice can change everything. When you need to know how to make the best choices in your life, Nemamiah will be there to help you take advantage of any opportunities that come your way and to help you recognize opportunities before they’re gone—all with his beautiful gift of discernment.
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Sep 14, 202206:18