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The Reprogram Podcast

The Reprogram Podcast

By Mike Darnell

God’s gift to man was a system to dominate the earth called the Kingdom.

The Reprogramming Podcast is designed to elevate your life by giving you THE secret and principles on how to apply the Kingdom to live in the Kingdom Of God effectively. God’s gift to man was a system to dominate the earth called the Kingdom.

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How to Let Your Words Work for You | Trigger Words Pt 8

The Reprogram Podcast May 12, 2024

Trigger Words Pt 10

Trigger Words Pt 10

Many people have heard of the concepts of believing and receiving but have never had a Kingdom understanding of what it truly means or how it works. For you to effectively use your mouth as a gateway for the Kingdom of Heaven you must correct your beliefs and drop carnal thinking to take territory and multiply as God has intended. You can’t live God’s life without the Kingdom.
In Trigger Words Part 10, Pastor Mike Darnell teaches us how to reprogram our minds to work on believing so that we can receive, without regarding our five senses for physical evidence of what we believe for. That’s why it is imperative to have the right type of mindset and the right type of faith. The faith that God gives to utilize Kingdom technology. Listen to Trigger Words Part 10 now. 

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

May 26, 202401:03:01
You Believe but Have You Received The Holy Spirit? | Trigger Words Pt 9

You Believe but Have You Received The Holy Spirit? | Trigger Words Pt 9

Throughout the trigger words series, we have been learning that our mouths are the trigger to release Heaven on the earth. We’ve learned key principles of order and structure to God’s perfect system. In Trigger Words Part 9, Pastor Mike Darnell answers the question, “Why is my trigger not working?” There is one secret and an irreplaceable key component to being an effective trigger and operating in your office. You need the Holy Spirit. Many believers have believed but never received the Holy Spirit. There is a difference between a believer who has repented and a believer who has received the Holy Spirit. You were crowned, and given a dominion, but you must be submitted and under authority to demonstrate the Kingdom. You cannot skip the placement of authority. Listen to or Watch Trigger Words Part 9 now. 

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

May 20, 202401:02:23
How to Let Your Words Work for You | Trigger Words Pt 8

How to Let Your Words Work for You | Trigger Words Pt 8

Do you know the difference between religion and the Kingdom? To see change in your life or release the abundance God has already given you, you must learn how to depend on another government, not a government of the earth, but the Kingdom of Heaven. 

You have to learn how to get aligned with or under that authority to access all of the resources of that authority. When you do that you can direct the resources using your mouth to trigger it. You can ‘say it’ and direct the resources. By faith, you can bank on the word of God and bank with it. Understand that when you believe and say, you permit! When you believe and say you are giving the resources of the Kingdom of God permission to be released and set into motion in your life and in any situation you are in. In Trigger Words Part 8, Pastor Mike Darnell explains how the world has trained you to depend on it, contrary to how God designed it. We are not supposed to function in an earth-to-earth system, the proper way is from Heaven to Earth. 

It is vital to understand that a cure or exemption only comes from Heaven. It’s time to stop basing your life on your efforts or physical resources and base it on what you can do in the spirit. This means not even considering what you see but believing what God said. Learn how to let your words do the work.

Delve into Trigger Words Part 8 now to explore how dependency, submission, faith, and what you say are pivotal to effectively manifesting Heaven on Earth and releasing the unseen into the seen.

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

May 12, 202401:01:28
Learn How to Access Heaven's Abundance | Trigger Words Pt 7

Learn How to Access Heaven's Abundance | Trigger Words Pt 7

The Earth is not designed to be run by the ideas of man. You have to get it straight from God how His Kingdom works and let him show you how to do it or you won’t get the results and learn how to effectively release Kingdom power. The fundamental principle of triggering the Kingdom is speaking, it’s a different technology.

Jesus furnished the education for us to understand the power and authority that God gave us. Every time you describe Jesus, you’re describing yourself. You are fully loaded, but you need to learn how to release it so that instead of waiting for the world to fix you, you can fix it as you were sent. You have inherited God’s power; now you get to release it. God knows what is in his potential. He knows what is in his Kingdom. That is why Jesus promised that if you seek first the Kingdom of God, all things will be added. So, seek what is in God‘s potential and seek how the Kingdom operates. The Kingdom is an extraction point for you; it is a system that works for you. You don’t carry the burden of making something happen; you carry the authority of making it happen. Learn the principles now; listen to Trigger Words part 7.

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

May 05, 202401:01:59
How To Go From Problem to Promise | Dr. Dave Burrows

How To Go From Problem to Promise | Dr. Dave Burrows

Everything in life begins with problems.

Although we may not want or desire problems, it is key to your success on the Earth. In this special message from Dr. Dave Burrows, you learn how to get from problems to promise. Problems and pain are not something that you should fear or become weary about. Learn now how to identify the purpose in the problem. God doesn’t speak problem; He speaks potential. That is why we must change our thought process regarding problems. God has given you everything you need already. He has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness. That includes everything that you need to live successfully on the Earth. He has given you eternal life and promises prosperity, but He never said you would not have problems. The promises are there. It’s already done; you just need to get started. You cannot get to the finish line unless you get started so, listen to From Problem to Promise by Dr. Burrows right now.

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Apr 28, 202401:03:06
How to use the Keys of the Kingdom | Trigger Words Pt 6

How to use the Keys of the Kingdom | Trigger Words Pt 6

You have to understand the Kingdom of God is not a religion; it is the opposite of religion. Why? Because the responsibility is not on God; it’s on you. You activate the Kingdom power. We have been taught to ask for things that we already have rather than triggering what we already have. The mouth produces and births everything from the unseen realm into the seen. That is why you should never look at physical things and think they can change anything. You have access to the full potential and the full estate of Heaven.
In Trigger Words Part 6, Pastor Mike Darnell explains that you don’t have a power or supply issue; the issue is wrong or limited knowledge. God gives you everything in the Kingdom through knowledge, and whatever is sown in your heart, you will reap that. There is no physical requirement for you to get something from God; you get it by faith, and understanding what it means to receive. It’s time to take responsibility for releasing Heaven into the earth. Don’t outsource your decision-making ability to God; He has already decided, so it’s time for you to decide and release Heaven on Earth. Learn how to use the keys of the Kingdom. Listen to Trigger Words Part 6 now.

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Apr 21, 202401:08:14
It's Already Yours: The Keys to Wealth, Power, and Health | Trigger Words Pt 5

It's Already Yours: The Keys to Wealth, Power, and Health | Trigger Words Pt 5

You have been taught wrong. God is not deciding who gets blessed, who has power, and who gets delivered. That’s why you need to understand spiritual dynamics. You have to understand your authority, which means understanding delegated authority. You cannot keep begging God, attempting to get him to do what He’s already done. You have to know that you have already been given keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Learn how to operate them. In Trigger Words Part 5, Pastor Mike Darnell teaches the importance of using the authority God has given you so that you can reflect the Kingdom of Heaven. Listen to the Reprogram Podcast now.

More Kingdom Resources From Pastor Mike Darnell:

Apr 15, 202401:07:45
How to Release Kingdom Power | Trigger Words Pt4

How to Release Kingdom Power | Trigger Words Pt4

The system that Jesus is showing you when you read the scriptures is a system that is out of this world. It is beyond natural senses and natural processes. He demonstrated the Kingdom of Heaven. He could not use the world’s system or religious modalities because they will come to nothing. They have no substance or source. 

It’s always important to remember that God will not move through man-made systems, which is why you must get off of that system as well. You must fully assimilate and function in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth right now just as Jesus did. Learn to live and operate by faith and become the trigger to release what’s in the unseen into the seen. In Trigger Words Part Four Pastor Mike Darnell explains in a ground-breaking way how to trigger change and trigger Heaven‘s reality into your life right now. That is the reality of perfect health, abundance, clear vision, and limitless living. There’s a process to everything, but it should not be the world's natural processes led by your natural senses or earthly information. Learn how the Kingdom works and watch your life transform. Listen to Trigger Words Part Four right now.

More Kingdom Resources From Pastor Mike Darnell:

Apr 08, 202453:38
Return to Rulership | Resurrection Sunday 2024

Return to Rulership | Resurrection Sunday 2024

There are things that God puts in place for a reason. The mind of a nation has to be submitted to God. In this special Resurrection Sunday message, Pastor Mike Darnell gives a teaching necessary to get back on track.

There’s nothing else that can get you what God has for you except the work of Jesus on the cross. People are very committed to their own knowledge and ways but it’s necessary to renew our minds to the Kingdom. Jesus crucified and the knowledge of Him is your access to the Kingdom. 

Jesus never preached religion He only came with one message. He came to replace all the rituals and religious modalities with one system of faith because there is only one Kingdom. It’s time to fully understand that you’re God’s vessel in the earth to demonstrate the Kingdom, take time to listen to the message again today. 

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Mar 31, 202452:21
How to Release Heaven on Earth | Trigger Words Pt 3

How to Release Heaven on Earth | Trigger Words Pt 3

Words are the primary and most important triggers of the Kingdom of God. Understanding your delegated authority is critical to grasp the magnitude of your words. Everything you need is already in the Kingdom, it’s your responsibility to trigger what you already have. 

We must release Heaven’s activities in the earth. Your words are the trigger/switch that releases the power. Understanding the Kingdom gives you authority over the works of His hand. You’re in the Kingdom now, but still operating and thinking like a foreigner. Learn how to become the trigger to release Heaven on Earth, listen to Trigger Words Part 3 now. 

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Mar 24, 202456:07
Understanding Your Authority | Trigger Words Pt2

Understanding Your Authority | Trigger Words Pt2

You have to understand who you are in the Kingdom of God. That means being clear on your position, authority, and the power of your words. Your authority comes from your connection and submission to God; in other words, you have delegated authority. It is up to you to use your delegated authority to trigger what you want to see. You only know what you are trained to know, so you must retrain your mind to think Kingdom, so you can easily operate it. In Trigger Words Part Two, Pastor Mike Darnell teaches what delegated authority means concerning unleashing your Kingdom power. It is vital that you understand the authority that you are connected to. The higher you go in Kingdom education, the less physical work you do. You have soldiers under you; learn and study what that means by listening to Trigger Words Part Two now. 

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Mar 17, 202448:54
Trigger Words Pt1

Trigger Words Pt1

The only thing that stands in the way of you and what God has for you is your mouth. In the new message series, Trigger Words, Pastor Mike Darnell teaches you how to release your Kingdom power. You do not have a deficit problem, you don’t have a power problem- you do not have a health problem, you do not have a money problem, you don’t have a resources problem. It’s a legal issue! The real issue is your mouth and your words. Your life is following your words. Words can initiate actions and trigger things in you to start functioning. Your words cause things to move. You must start analyzing your words and understanding your position in the Kingdom. The knowledge of original truth educates and arms you to trigger the effects of the Kingdom of Heaven. Listen to Trigger Words Part One!

More Kingdom Resources Pastor Mike Darnell:

Mar 10, 202454:19
The Power of Proper Order In The Kingdom | High Value Men and Women Pt3

The Power of Proper Order In The Kingdom | High Value Men and Women Pt3

We need to move beyond simply searching the word of God for our breakthrough and study the word to develop culture. It's crucial to comprehend our identity and responsibilities so that God can flow. God flows when there is proper order. Everything must align according to God’s design for Him to fill the earth with His glory. Order brings victory and reveals the Kingdom on Earth. In the final part of the High-Value Men & Women series, Pastor Mike Darnell dives deeper into the roles of both men and women and emphasizes the importance of maintaining order. Without proper order, value is lost. Listen to High-Value Men and Women Part 3 now!

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Mar 03, 202458:52
Going All the Way with God | Homecoming 2024

Going All the Way with God | Homecoming 2024

Each of us has a mission for our lives. The key to fulfilling that mission is to understand that God is with us here, right now! The Kingdom of God is here and it's crucial to align our actions with His purpose. This episode from Homecoming 2024 at Excel Church emphasizes that no substitute can replace assembling within God's body. In other words, nothing can replace the church! Likewise, Pastor Mike Darnell emphasizes the importance of making decisions in congruence with God's will. Listen now and decide that you are going to go all the way with God!

More Kingdom resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Feb 26, 202454:55
The Impact of Being High Value | High Value Men & Woman Pt 2

The Impact of Being High Value | High Value Men & Woman Pt 2

Being high-value may be a trending topic, but the world has a different idea of what that means than God. What the world calls high value is typically superficial and materialistic. High values in the Kingdom are the values from on High. It’s about what God values. High values in the Kingdom are characteristics and guiding ideas that allow us to build effectively. Remember, anything built in the values of God is strong. God created man, both male and female. Both have different values and both are designed to thrive and function in a specific way to be effective.

In High Value Men & Women you learn the impact of being high value. Pastor Mike Darnell goes deeper into how you were created and why you must know your role in the Kingdom. To develop your God-given potential you must understand your value is in you already, then you can deliver your value into the earth. It’s time to take up your royal office and your God-given authority! Learn more by listening to High-Value Part Two now. 

More resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Feb 18, 202401:03:19
Becoming High Value Men and Women | High Value Men & Women Pt 1
Feb 11, 202401:02:47
Vision Not Included Pt4

Vision Not Included Pt4

Have you ever wondered what Is true success? In the Kingdom, success transcends material wealth or attaining a specific level of recognition; it's about aligning with Heaven in its entirety. Simply put, true success is achieved when we are a complete match with Heaven.

In the finale of the Vision Not Included series, Pastor Mike Darnell not only unveils the true meaning of success but also dispels some prevalent theological misconceptions. We must grasp our identity in the Kingdom and operate as spiritual beings with a clear vision, bringing the unseen into the seen realm.

To fulfill this, we must be compatible with God, becoming a suitable vessel to manifest His vision on Earth. Take a step towards reprogramming your mind to the Kingdom by listening to Vision Not Included Part Four. Listen now and embark on the journey to understanding and embodying true success.

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Feb 05, 202401:11:07
The Forever Future Revealed | Vision Day | Mike Darnell

The Forever Future Revealed | Vision Day | Mike Darnell

In order to go to the next level, we must have a unified vision. In this episode of The Reprogram Podcast, Pastor Mike Darnell reveals the forever future for Excel Church. It is vital to understand that churches are established to educate and equip people through the gospel of the Kingdom and to go into the world and make disciples.

Remember, you need a big vision for your life and when you’re a part of a church, you become a part of God‘s big vision. Listen now to this special message from Vision Day at Excel and get ready for Kingdom expansion on an entirely new level.

More resources:

Jan 29, 202455:08
Discovering Your Role In God's Vision | Vision Not Included Pt3

Discovering Your Role In God's Vision | Vision Not Included Pt3

.Have you gotten God’s vision for you?

Vision is revelation of the Kingdom. Revelation and information are different. You can get really good information that is not from God. Vision is not your opinion or desire. Vision only comes from God. It originates in the unseen. The Kingdom is the unseen reality of all truth.

In Vision Not Included Part 3, Pastor Mike Darnell explains that people don’t come to the earth with vision, it’s not included. People come to catch vision. Your vision should be imported from Heaven but instead, the world programs you to believe you must have your own. The truth is that the moment you surrender your vision, you get the proper vision,  and you become powerful. You become what God intended and you become vision. Learn more about the significance of being a role player in God’s big vision and be empowered to fulfill your God-given assignment. Listen now.

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jan 21, 202401:07:44
Getting Your Vision from the Source | Vision Not Included Pt2

Getting Your Vision from the Source | Vision Not Included Pt2

Vision is seeing the Kingdom. When you understand the Kingdom, you have dominion and can direct your life according to God’s big vision for the world. 

In Vision Not Included Part Two, Pastor Mike Darnell poses the questions, Who are you thinking with and where is your vision coming from? Vision must come from the source, from the Kingdom. God doesn’t want you to think with the world. You were never designed to have a dualistic mindset. That’s why you have to address your subconscious programming to ensure you are not operating from a worldly vision. The world suffers where there is no open revelation of the Kingdom so, it’s time to stop wavering between two probabilities and understand there is only one reality. Seek the Kingdom, allow the truth to eradicate errored thinking, and renew your mind so you can receive the Kingdom fully and express it on earth. Listen to Vision Not Included Part Two now. 

More resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jan 14, 202401:03:02
Vision Not Included Pt 1

Vision Not Included Pt 1

Revelation is different from other types of information. It’s something that comes from a different dimension, it’s already there but beyond your natural sight and senses. It’s the truth. It is what creates the seen world if it is received accurately it reflects the Kingdom, revelation incorrectly received, produces an incorrect physical world. Vision drives everything. The reality is the physical world does not arrive in bad shape we put it in that condition when we receive and are deceived by wrong information. We manifest and produce a world that is out of harmony with God‘s vision. Consequently, it creates a false reality that does not match what God actually created and it’s not an expression of truth. The entire universe was only designed to function by God’s truth. Likewise, you were made to be governed by the Kingdom of God.

In Vision Not Included Part One, Pastor Mike Darnell explains the truth and importance of vision, not simply self-vision, but the bigger, richer vision, that God gives. Pastor Mike also gives you two levels to how vision is manifested, so you understand how to get clear on what the truth is to produce Kingdom results. Vision will direct your life, it’s time to understand vision according to the Kingdom. If you catch the big vision of the Kingdom, you discover there is a place for you in it. Listen now to Vision Not Included Part One.

More resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jan 07, 202452:05
Light It Up

Light It Up

Clarity precedes everything in the world. Until something is clear there is no progress. Without clarity, there is no prosperity, healing, or stability, and the world idles in a state of confusion. There is a lot of confusion and mixture in the world today, which is why we must be clear on the Kingdom of God and the order and structure He put in place. 

We have to clear up our lives and clear out world thought processes and then the power is going to flow. We have to clear it up and represent God clearly. What are God's standards? What is God’s order? What is God's vision for your life? How does God want you to handle finances? There are a lot of opinions on it then there’s there is the truth only found in the Kingdom and there is only one spiritual authority on earth that God has put in place, and that is the church! Listen now to Light It Up it’s time to get clarity on the Kingdom and represent the Kingdom clearly. 

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Dec 31, 202301:26:40
The Gift: The Kingdom Concept of Gift Exchange | Christmas Message

The Gift: The Kingdom Concept of Gift Exchange | Christmas Message

The arrival of Jesus was not of this world and His arrival was the arrival of a government. He didn’t bring a religion contrary to what people believe. In this special Christmas message, “The Gift,” Pastor Mike Darnell explains the significance and distinctive nature of the birth of Jesus Christ. Listen now to understand the Kingdom concept of gifts versus sales and the true power of gift exchange. This alone will shift your paradigm to operate in a way that ignites unity and produces Kingdom culture on Earth, as well as reprogram your mind to operate through the Kingdom and not the world’s logic. It’s time we learn to receive and renew our minds to the Kingdom. 

More resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Dec 24, 202301:10:13
Thank Who Pt4

Thank Who Pt4


Dec 18, 202301:12:59
The BIGGEST thing missing in the world today | Thank Who Pt 3

The BIGGEST thing missing in the world today | Thank Who Pt 3

Gratitude is the biggest missing element in society. Today, we more often than not, misplace our gratitude. The cause of ungrateful people is a lack of Kingdom revelation. In Thank Who Part Three Pastor Mike Darnell takes you on a deep dive into the Kingdom concept of gratitude, highlighting your identity, your mindset, the state of the world today, and the remedy for its condition. You have been trained to look at life the way it seems to be in the seen realm, rather than the reality that is only found in the Kingdom of Heaven and the only way to see the Kingdom expand in the world is it must first expand in you. Be mindful and particular about what you give your attention to, because you become who you submit to and what you eat and drink. Listen to Thank Who Part Three now for more context and understanding. This message will change your life. 

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Dec 10, 202357:19
Thank Who Pt2

Thank Who Pt2

Gratitude causes reprogramming as you acknowledge God as your source. It is important to recognize who or what you are giving your gratitude to because you operate from the dimension you give your gratitude to. 

In Thank Who Part Two, Pastor Mike Darnell reveals more of the hidden power of gratitude and why it is imperative to go beyond belief to confession. The Kingdom activates when you confess your belief. You discover and recover what God has for you when you start thanking Him. Listen to Thank Who right now take your understanding of gratitude to new heights and watch how it changes your life. 

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Dec 03, 202301:01:20
Unlocking the Hidden Power of Gratitude | Thank Who Pt1

Unlocking the Hidden Power of Gratitude | Thank Who Pt1

Gratitude is a position that when you are in it you don’t need things from the outside to take away the feelings that you currently have. The feeling of lack or deficiency causes you to always look for better, bigger, and more to fulfill a need or a lack of happiness. You are designed to operate from a place of wholeness and fullness. You are supposed to be a bringer of health and a producer of what is already within you. But the world doesn’t educate you on that because they want you to be a consumer. It’s time to understand what God has already placed within you so that you can go from a consumer to a producer and become a solution to the world. Kingdom ambassadors are bringers of Kingdom results and Kingdom culture. Don’t seek after what God has already given you seek after the Kingdom and understand that everything else is added. Remember, you can only produce what you’ve been educated. Listen to Thank Who Part One now.

More resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Nov 27, 202301:05:51
Fully Loaded Pt6

Fully Loaded Pt6

The world has a belief system. You cannot make Heaven known or represent it until your mind is transformed. Think of it, if you are going to prove what is the good acceptable, perfect will of God, you’re going to have to change the program that you run off of. 

In the final installment of the Fully Loaded Series, Pastor Mike Darnell taught what it means to live from Kingdom consciousness. You currently run on a program that is worldly or as the Bible says beneath, but it is imperative to reprogram your mind back to the Kingdom, which is demonstrated by Jesus. Be diligent in clearing away what is clouding your perception so you can clearly see the truth and reality that is only discovered in the Kingdom. Understand, that you cannot handle Heavenly things until you become Heavenly-minded. Listen to Fully Loaded Part 6 now. 

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Nov 19, 202301:03:03
Dr Paul(Moving From Expectation to Manifestation)

Dr Paul(Moving From Expectation to Manifestation)

Revelation is given to us so that it can raise the level of our expectation. Revelation fuels your expectation and brings the manifestation. We need to develop great expectation for our future with confidence that God will bring the greatness of that manifestation. 

In this special message from Dr. Paul Gaehring, we learn the importance of developing our expectations and elevating our perspective not relying on what we see. Once revelation ignites expectations it must produce manifestation. God never wastes a revelation, He wants to perform His will in your life. Listen to Moving From Expectation to Manifestation now, and reignite your faith for all that God has for you. 

Nov 12, 202356:26
Fully Loaded Pt5

Fully Loaded Pt5

.We often hear and read scriptures yet don’t truly understand what they mean from a Kingdom perspective. In the finale of the Fully Loaded Series, Pastor Mike Darnell not only breaks down what it means to present your body as a living sacrifice, but he also goes back to the very beginning to reveal the original design and function of mankind. What the vast majority of people don’t realize is that they are running a program that suppresses the reality that mankind, the Adamic race was Fully Loaded with the technology and operating system of Heaven. Mankind was preprogrammed to do everything that Jesus was able to do but has been deceived out of it. Fully Loaded Part 5 is loaded with key Kingdom principles, life-changing information about your identity, and a 7-step strategy to strengthen your mind.

Don’t be intimidated by the unknown. Discover your native identity and how the Kingdom works to transform your mind, your life, and to expand the Kingdom.

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Nov 05, 202301:19:19
The Secret To Breaking Destructive Patterns | Fully Loaded Pt4 | Mike Darnell

The Secret To Breaking Destructive Patterns | Fully Loaded Pt4 | Mike Darnell

Did you know God’s ways are not the ways of the world? He cannot be predicted. That’s why you must be in the Kingdom and understand how the Kingdom operates. In Fully Loaded Part 4, Pastor Mike Darnell took some of the most quoted and familiar scriptures and gave the true context and meaning of them according to the Kingdom. The fact is, the gospel that people have been preaching is not teaching people correctly. 

You need a mind that sees and understands in a different dimension to have a mind strong enough to endure and fulfill your assignment under pressure; that dimension is the Kingdom of Heaven. 

You must learn to work with God and become a transparent vessel that only projects the Kingdom, meaning you think as he thinks, know what he knows, and surrender to Him. It’s time to reprogram your mind back to the will of God. Listen to Full Loaded Part Four right now.

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Oct 30, 202301:04:04
The Kingdom Is Now | Reprogramming your mind to Heaven's Reality | Fully Loaded Pt3

The Kingdom Is Now | Reprogramming your mind to Heaven's Reality | Fully Loaded Pt3

Most people don’t realize they have a historical program functioning in the members of their flesh that, even though they want to do good, they cannot find a way to do it, because the old programming is warring against them. As you learn about the Kingdom understand you are wrestling against programming that you may not be aware of that is sabotaging what you intend to do. You must change your operational system. Kingdomize your mind.

That happens only when you first deprogram and then reprogram the subconscious government meaning the automatic system you operate on that you don’t think about. That way you can move forward building from a conscious presence with the stability of a program that keeps you founded on God.

More From Pastor Mike Darnell:

Oct 23, 202355:33
Fearlessness & Purpose| Pastor Ghilaine Darnell | Fully Loaded Pt2

Fearlessness & Purpose| Pastor Ghilaine Darnell | Fully Loaded Pt2

God has uniquely designed each of us for a specific assignment. We are chosen and set apart according to His will. However, in order for us to fulfill our Kingdom assignments we must have a strong mind, and no matter what we must be fearless. A strong mind does, however, have one fear. And that is a healthy fear of the Lord. Listen to fully loaded part two to learn what it takes to become fearless.

More Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Oct 15, 202340:24
What are you expecting? | Fully Loaded Pt1

What are you expecting? | Fully Loaded Pt1

It is a necessity to have a strong mind to face your enemies and perplexing times. You must have endurance for the challenges preaching the Kingdom message will bring and not be afraid, or victimized by the shaking that occurs when the Kingdom is expanding. That’s why it’s important to shift your expectations and eliminate the fear that is caused by ignorance of the Kingdom. A strong mind is a mind set on the Kingdom. Whatever you seek first your life shows the impression of. So, seek first the Kingdom, listen to Fully Loaded right now.

Oct 08, 202356:41
How to build Your Future | ReCharged Part 2

How to build Your Future | ReCharged Part 2

Men’s hearts are failing not because of perplexity but because of fear. Fear is rooted in ignorance or darkness. We must deconstruct our fears for it to lose its power. The moment we feel fear, we’ve turned away from the truth of the Kingdom. God makes it clear that it doesn’t matter what is happening on the Earth because we have dominion. That’s why we need to check our expectations. Expectation is the work of constructing something for our future.

In the Kingdom, your future is built by expectation, you must have a strong heart, or in other words, your mind must be rooted in the Kingdom for you to experience all that God has for you on Earth. You build in your mind first. So, what are you building? dive into Recharge Part Two to learn more right now.

More From Pastor Mike Darnell:

Oct 01, 202355:55
ReCharged Pt1

ReCharged Pt1


Sep 24, 202356:52
Hijacked Pt9

Hijacked Pt9


Sep 17, 202301:01:50
Counterfeit or Kingdom... Can you spot a fake? | Hijacked Part 8

Counterfeit or Kingdom... Can you spot a fake? | Hijacked Part 8

Have you been lured away from what is real? Unfortunately, many people have because of distractions. When you are distracted the enemy can slip in counterfeits and believing in the counterfeit poisons your life. Whatever is malfunctioning in your life is a result of distraction. You may not have sown for what you’re dealing with in life but you do have to address it.

The key is to become spiritually minded and develop your Kingdom sense to be able to spot the real thing. Becoming spiritually minded helps you differentiate the counterfeits from the Kingdom. Counterfeits are not backed by the Kingdom and God cannot back up the materially minded man. Stop accepting counterfeits. Seek the Kingdom, understand it, and develop the discernment to weed out the tares. Then once you implement the tools you can remain focused, overcome the enemy of distraction, and guard against counterfeits. Get the keys now, and listen to Hijacked Part 8.

More resources from Mike Darnell:

Sep 11, 202301:07:13
Kingdom Strategies to Overcoming Distractions | Hijacked Pt7

Kingdom Strategies to Overcoming Distractions | Hijacked Pt7

Distractions are your enemy. Any alternative to the Kingdom of God is a distraction designed to lock you out of the Kingdom and keep you dependent on the world’s system. You are constantly bombarded with information in an attempt to turn you away from what God is saying. Pastor Mike Darnell teaches us effective ways to eliminate distractions in Hijacked Part Seven. You must have strategies and protocols to allow yourself to guard your heart and mind and be able to focus on the Kingdom. It is our responsibility to eliminate distractions and have dominion over our lives. Listen to Hijacked Part Seven now and learn how to increase your awareness of the Kingdom and allow it to take over the way you think and operate. 

Books and Resources from pastor Mike Darnell:

Sep 03, 202301:06:33
Hijacked Part 6

Hijacked Part 6

What you don’t know about the Kingdom is causing issues in your life. The root is often a result of doubt or double-mindedness. You don’t lose it until you start doubting. It is imperative to fully assimilate into the Kingdom of Heaven by abiding in the word and living from that place rather than attempting to live from two different systems. Your Kingdom consciousness must increase to a new dimension to fix what you see in your life and fix what is plaguing the world. Listen to Hijacked Part 6 right now and discover what it takes to overcome the enemy of distraction.

Aug 28, 202357:47
Take Back Control of Your Life | Hijacked Part Five

Take Back Control of Your Life | Hijacked Part Five

Did you know you are meant to govern the Earth? Unfortunately, you’ve been distracted from the truth for far too long. It’s time to get back to the source and back to the original purpose for mankind. How? Well, in Hijacked Part 5, Pastor Mike Darnell begins to break down what it takes to get back control of your life to experience the abundant life God has for you right here on Earth. When everything seems to be off course in your life or things may be going well however your life doesn’t align with the will of God, that means something has been Hijacked, that could be your thoughts, your purposes, relationships, and even your finances… Learn what it means to truly prioritize your life according to Kingdom principles and see the transformation take place in your life! Listen to Hijacked Part 5 right now.

More from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Aug 21, 202301:03:33
Can you see what God sees? | Hijacked Part Four

Can you see what God sees? | Hijacked Part Four

How long will you waver between two opinions? How long will you try to operate two systems? It is impossible to live effectively that way because operating that way is a distraction. Instead, it’s time to get back to the Kingdom of God as our source and develop our Kingdom senses to override our natural senses.

In Hijacked Part 4 Pastor Mike Darnell taught the importance of developing our eyes to see and ears to hear what is happening in Heaven to reveal it on Earth. God needs His people in place to get the Kingdom of Heaven to the world but it is up to us to learn the laws of the Kingdom, understand how it operates, and develop our senses so that we would be able to experience it as God intended. If we want Kingdom results we must be trained and developed in the Kingdom, listen to Hijacked Part 4 now. 

More from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Aug 13, 202301:00:58
Getting Back to the Source: How to Have Godly Success | Hijacked Pt3
Aug 07, 202359:27
The Two Keys to Overcoming Distraction | Hijacked Part 2

The Two Keys to Overcoming Distraction | Hijacked Part 2

Want to make progress toward where God wants you to be in life? Then you must eliminate distractions. In Part Two of Hijacked, Pastor Mike Darnell revealed two powerful yet effective ways to overcome the enemy of distraction. If distraction is your issue, then traction is the cure, what will help you gain traction? Understanding the word of God! In the Kingdom of God, it is not religion or any worldly remedy, it is the word of God, and seeking the Kingdom of God as your source.

When you get your mind focused and understand how the Kingdom works, you won’t fall for distractions. You must be skilled and equipped with what God wants you to have and have a grip on what gives you power. Concentration is the key to not only eliminating distraction; it is the key to provision. You must put things in proper order, place, and priority. When things are in order, they have power! When you concentrate on the specific purpose God has for you, you will operate from God's provision and be able to eliminate worry and anxiety. It’s time to get centered on the truth and to get locked in on who your true source is. Listen to Hijacked Part Two now. 

More from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jul 31, 202301:15:20
Eliminating Distractions to Fulfill Your Destiny | Hijacked Part 1

Eliminating Distractions to Fulfill Your Destiny | Hijacked Part 1

You have to realize when you’re distracted. When you are not fulfilling the assignment that God has given you it’s because you are distracted. Understanding that distraction is the most deployed weapon against your destiny will help you recognize distractions and be able to remain focused on kingdom business. Remember, the enemy doesn’t have to kill you; he just has to distract you. The goal is to keep you preoccupied with the wrong things, wasting resources, ammunition, and energy. If you can eliminate distractions, you’ll have more power than you’ve ever had before. Listen to Hijacked Part One now and get the truth about what hinders you from fulfilling your God-given assignment and how to overcome it.

More from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jul 24, 202301:18:26
Kingdom Winners | Dr. Paul Gaehring

Kingdom Winners | Dr. Paul Gaehring

In this special message from guest Pastor Dr. Paul Gaehring, we learn all about what it means and what it takes to win in the Kingdom of God. Winners fear the Lord, not the enemy. It’s imperative that you follow God and not be afraid to follow God and His perfect love. The fear of the Lord is trusting that God will do something great but respecting who He is in our lives. You should have Godly reverence, respect, and understanding of who He is and what He wants to do on Earth. God has already predestined for you to be blessed and win! But the way you overcome is by the word of God and through Kingdom revelation. Live at the level of the teaching you’re receiving. Kingdom winners prepare today for everything God has for you. Listen in now to the Reprogram Podcast: Kingdom Winners!

Jul 17, 202353:02
The Truth About Abundance: God want to Increase You | Privileged Pt 9

The Truth About Abundance: God want to Increase You | Privileged Pt 9

God is ever increasing and it is His desire and will to expand you. An increase in territory requires you to understand His kingdom because there are laws that govern the Earth. In order to increase your territory, you must increase His territory within you.

You must grasp the truth spiritually before you can possess any of the promises of God physically. In this finale of the Privileged Series, Pastor Mike Darnell teaches how to move beyond the limitations of what you see to experience the abundance God has for you and what hinders you from living a life of dominion as God intended. Listen in now.

More resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jul 10, 202351:31
Why Can't You See It? Why can't you access the life God has for you? | Privileged Part 8

Why Can't You See It? Why can't you access the life God has for you? | Privileged Part 8

In Privileged Part 8, Pastor Mike Darnell delivered a message detailing the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God and truly understanding it so that you are armed to contend for everything God says is yours. Your five senses are constantly warring against God’s truth in attempts to keep you in bondage and slave to the world’s system. However, You were born with privileges and advantages that most cannot see, but the question is, can you see it? God doesn’t just want to give you miracles, He wants to give you a Kingdom lifestyle. Dive into Privileged Part 8 now, and get ready for a major Kingdom paradigm shift.

Jul 03, 202301:06:34
Making the Mental Shift: Learning to Spiritually Access the Promises of God | Privileged Part 7

Making the Mental Shift: Learning to Spiritually Access the Promises of God | Privileged Part 7

The fight for your life is for your dominion. Your life is influenced directly by your understanding of your dominion. God has given you a dominion from the beginning but you must access it spiritually. That is the only way to gain access to your dominion, territory, and inheritance from God. The natural mind does not have access to it. You rule and gain territory by being anointed for it, the Holy Spirit anoints you for God’s work. To increase your territory you must constantly be under Kingdom teaching. In this installment of the Privileged Series Pastor Mike Darnell unlocks what is keeping people from operating in their dominion and how to ascend mentally into understanding and operating into your reality that is only realized spiritually. As you understand how things work, the Kingdom moves you to new levels, dive into Privileged Part 7 now.

More Kingdom Resources from Pastor Mike Darnell:

Jun 26, 202301:00:11
Exploring The Dominion Within: Revealing Your Rights, Benefits, & Privilege in the Kingdom of God | Privileged Part 6

Exploring The Dominion Within: Revealing Your Rights, Benefits, & Privilege in the Kingdom of God | Privileged Part 6

God makes a major investment when He gives you dominion. It’s extremely valuable. Our job is to go in, cultivate it, and bring forth what is in it. Everything you need is already there. The problem is most people have never been taught to explore that. People would rather live by what can be easily perceived or what’s on the surface. Finding and cultivating the knowledge of God’s Kingdom brings benefits to you. In Privileged Part 6, Pastor Mike Darnell goes in-depth on why moving from being a survivalist to being an explorer is necessary. It’s time you explore the inner space rather than the outer. What has God invested in you? As Kingdom citizens, you have rights, benefits, and privileges that come with your office. It’s time to explore that as you fulfill your Kingdom assignment. 

More Kingdom Resources here:

Jun 19, 202352:45