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Secrets For An Inspirational Life With Mimi Novic

Secrets For An Inspirational Life With Mimi Novic

By Mimi Novic

Welcome to the place where you will be inspired to discover the real purpose of your life.
Come and listen to incredible people from across the globe and from all walks of life, who have the most amazing knowledge, phenomenal life changing stories of hope, success, survival, love and motivation.

Share special moments with me and my guests and hear them share their experiences that will motivate you and elevate your spirit, reminding you to follow your dreams.

Together we will embark upon the quest to lead a more fulfilled, adventurous and meaningful life.

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Everyone We Meet Shapes Our Story With Model & Wellness Advocate Jonathan Niziol

Secrets For An Inspirational Life With Mimi NovicMay 16, 2024

Unleashing Kindness The Story Of Santerpaws Dog Charity With Founder Justine Garratt

Unleashing Kindness The Story Of Santerpaws Dog Charity With Founder Justine Garratt

In today’s episode I talk to Justine Garratt.

Justine is the founder of Santerpaws Bulgarian Dog Rescue.

Justine was brought up in the Cornish countryside surrounded by a variety of animals.
Brought up in the seventies, she enjoyed the life of freedom, and making the most of these times, being out in the evenings and making tree houses, yet as she got older with little prospects of a decent job in Cornwall at that time, she looked at the police force and the prison service, applied for both but chose to pursue a career in the prison service.
Her entire professional life was within the prison service, and in 2013 she took early retirement.
She says she always imagined when she left the prison service that she would leave the UK and start afresh somewhere abroad.

When she finally left her job she departed for Bulgaria, with all her belongings in the back of a horse box, and her three dogs.

After three weeks of working on her new home, she took some rubbish to the local skip and inside found six newborn puppies.
She decided that they couldn’t be left there and brought them home.

After that incident, the locals started to dump puppies on her doorstep, throwing them over her hedge, knowing she would look after them and after a year, while talking to her friend in the UK, she asked her how she would feel about setting up a charity, and so Santerpaws was born.

The establishment has the capacity to house one hundred and fifty dogs, and roughly always has at least fifty animals waiting to come in.
They have homed almost seven thousand dogs in ten years.
Justine talks about some of the terrible conditions that the dogs she rescues arrive in and how she and her team help to find them their forever homes, some of them having been neglected for years
For more information on Santerpaws and their work visit: For more information on Mimi Novic visit:
May 29, 202401:09:41
How To Heal Past Wounds In Order To Move Forward With Nervous System Specialist Faye Lawan

How To Heal Past Wounds In Order To Move Forward With Nervous System Specialist Faye Lawan

May 23, 202401:15:57
Everyone We Meet Shapes Our Story With Model & Wellness Advocate Jonathan Niziol

Everyone We Meet Shapes Our Story With Model & Wellness Advocate Jonathan Niziol

In today’s episode I talk to Jonathan Niziol.

Jonathan is a prominent international model, boasting affiliations with prestigious agencies and collaborations, as well as being a wellness advocate.

He is on a mission, and that mission is to ignite change, foster connections, and promote wellness and positivity.

After an idyllic childhood on a Canadian farm, his world turned upside down when his mother passed away tragically on his 21st birthday. What should have been a flourishing career as a lacrosse player spiralled into years of alcohol addiction, culminating in a near-death experience at the age of twenty five.
This wake-up call prompted him to rebuild his physical and mental health and find ways to cope with his mother's loss.

Motivated by his mother's modeling legacy, Jonathan embarked on a modeling career while battling his own issues.
Perfectionism led him to body dysmorphia and a serious eating disorder.
He also faced a series of traumatic events that led him to the depths of crippling depression and anxiety, that then led to drug addiction as a coping mechanism.
In 2017, he sought therapy, breaking free from his addictions after fifteen years.
Today, Jonathan continues to work as a successful international model working around the world for global brands such as Men's Health Editorial, Hugo Boss and Jockey Underwear. Jonathan talks about the personal struggles he has faced throughout his life with raw honesty. He shares how he was able to beat his inner turmoil with a strong determination to go beyond outside influences and grasp the hand of bravery and make it his ally in overcoming his trials to achieve inner peace in a world that is often chaotic and unpredictable. It shows us the transformative power of belief in oneself and the miraculous transformations that can take place in our lives when the gift of grace touches it. For more information on Jonathan Niziol visit: For more information on Mimi Novic visit:

May 16, 202401:08:51
The Becoming Of Love With Motivational Speaker, Actor & Musician Brian Isom
May 15, 202401:34:13
Roads To Recovery With Addiction & Recovery Coach Jim Savage

Roads To Recovery With Addiction & Recovery Coach Jim Savage

May 13, 202401:24:51
Your Relationship With Others Begins With Yourself With Marriage & Trauma Coach Becky Aste
Mar 27, 202401:13:56
Seize The Moment With Film Director & Playwright La'Chris Robinson Jordan
Feb 28, 202401:12:45
The Gift Of Your Voice With Motivational Speaker & Author Hamed Amiri

The Gift Of Your Voice With Motivational Speaker & Author Hamed Amiri

Feb 23, 202401:03:46
The Kombucha Mystery With Your Kombucha Founder Wayne Magri Xuereb
Feb 23, 202401:05:01
Intersection Of Dreams With Award Winning Actor & Director A.Russell Andrews

Intersection Of Dreams With Award Winning Actor & Director A.Russell Andrews

In today's episode I talk to A.Russell Andrews.

Russell is an Olivier Award-winning Hollywood actor, director and author with an expansive 30-year theatrical career.
He is the founding member of the acclaimed Los Angeles-based stage company, StageWalkers.

Recognised for his contributions to the stage, he has received numerous awards.

In addition to his theatrical success, he has made a notable impact in commercial and TV acting, appearing in hit series like
Insecure, Better Call Saul, Grey's Anatomy, Harry's Law, CSI: Miami, Boston Legal, to name but a few.

Additionally, he was chosen by Oscar nominated director Dianne Houston for the roles of Attorney Davis in Lifetime Network's Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland and Rev. Clinton Hines in TVOne's critically acclaimed Runaway Island, which earned him Emmy consideration for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie.

Other co-starring roles were in Arun K. Vir's multi-award-winning indie film Reset, The In-Laws (with Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks) and The Punisher (with John Travolta and Tom Jane).

Russell also gives back to his community through his humanitarian work.
He actively engages in social activism, dedicating his time and service to organisation's supporting the homeless community, including the Hollywood Food Coalition and The Giving Spirit.

Russell recently marked his debut as a novelist with the release of his book SHOES.
A remarkable episode where Russell shares his moving stories and we talk about human encounters, the plight of every person to be valued and recognised for who they really are.
Jan 31, 202401:17:32
Pilgrimage Towards The Self With Meditation Teacher & Author Shiv Mathur
Jan 31, 202451:53
Variety Is The Spice Of Life With Philanthropist Lord Martyn Rose

Variety Is The Spice Of Life With Philanthropist Lord Martyn Rose

In today's episode I talk to philanthropist Lord Martyn Rose.

Martyn comes from a prestigious legal background having studied law and has enjoyed notable successes.

He also entered the world of entertainment at the age of 15 which began a long and successful career.

He says he loved his days in the entertainment industry but accepted that he needed a profession, to support his lifestyle and he decided to study law.

He has been asked often where do entertainment and law meet?
And his answer is: " In the courtroom one needs to be a good actor".

He has worked alongside many greats such as Anne Shelton, Ken Dodd, Sylvia Syms, Rosemary Leach, Dany Williams to name but a few.

He has shared the company of many great actors and entertainers, some of the most memorable moments were with Charlton Heston and dining with Margaret Thatcher.
And there are many more fantastic stories to tell in the book that he has started to write called My Life Already.

Martyn dedicates his time and expertise for the benefit of others less privileged, through his many charitable endeavours and events encouraging his high profile celebrity friends and political connections, to contribute to his worthwhile causes.

We talk about his sheer determination and self belief that started from an early age and how this unshakable faith gave him the strength to build a phenomenal career in both show business and law.

A charming and heartwarming episode that gives inspiration to everyone who wants to follow their dreams.

Jan 20, 202456:58
Lifting The Veils Of Connection With Chronic Pain & Ancestral Clearing Practitioner Elizabeth Kipp
Dec 20, 202301:11:28
Our Life Is A Story With Award Winning 
Film-Maker & Author Tony Klinger

Our Life Is A Story With Award Winning Film-Maker & Author Tony Klinger

In today’s episode I talk to the award winning Film Maker Tony Klinger.

Tony is an international film maker of inspiring documentaries, rockumentaries and films.
He is also an acclaimed author, a screenplay writer and a playwright.

He began his career as Assistant Director on The Avengers in the 1960s.

He has made over one hundred films worldwide ranging from documentaries to cinema feature films and TV movies in more than thirty countries.

Tony worked in partnership with his father, the legendary film producer, Michael Klinger, who made such films as Get Carter, Repulsion and Cul-de-Sac as well as other major productions.

He has worked with major stars from the film and music industries such as The Who, Michael Caine, Lee Marvin, Roger Moore, Deep Purple, Peter Ustinov, Jack Nicholson and many other notable figures.

His work has won him many international awards, among which are The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Education, The London Film Festival and the San Sebastian Film Festival.

Tony talks about his fascinating life openly and humbly, from how in early childhood he knew what his vocation was and how his sheer belief in himself gave him the ability to achieve great success. We talk about his life changing Near Death Experience that brought him to the brink and changed his life forever. He is in essence a true story teller that captures his audience with his charming and endearing stories, from working with major film stars to his life's adventures and much more.
For information on Tony Klinger please visit:
Dec 19, 202301:12:52
Have You Discovered Your Reason For Being On Earth? With Martial Arts & Yoga Expert Kevin Silous

Have You Discovered Your Reason For Being On Earth? With Martial Arts & Yoga Expert Kevin Silous

In today's episode I talk to Kevin Silous.

Kevin is a martial arts sensei and well-being expert who has travelled across the globe for over 35 years teaching his unique techniques that include yoga, meditation and breath work and martial arts.
He is a 6th Dan Kickboxing and 2nd Dan Ju-Jitsu.

His own life has been a testing one which led him to embrace a life dedicated to helping others reveal their own true path.

Having enjoyed active careers in dance and semi professional football, he then began training in Iyengar Yoga with Ruth White as well as senior Iyengar practitioners, such as Shandor Remete.

Kevin spent a year in Australia working for Greenpeace while then continuing his travels through USA, Nepal, Thailand and South East Asia, in pursuit of a deeper understanding of philosophy and the synthesis between Yoga and spirituality.

While completing his studies to became an Anusara Immersions Teacher, a chance meeting with the renowned Buddhist monk Ahbay Tulku Rinpoche was to change his life forever through the deep spiritual friendship that developed.

He describes his work as helping others move into the more deeper aspects of themselves and the world around them.

We talk extensively and deeply about life's major questions that cross everyone's minds at some point, such as why are we here and what is our reason for being. Kevin offers simple and yet practical steps to embrace our uniqueness and step by step find an inner peace that can help us not only in daily living but ultimately enrich our life.
Sep 14, 202301:18:07
When The Spirit of Music Calls Your Name With Songwriter & Musician Phil Reis

When The Spirit of Music Calls Your Name With Songwriter & Musician Phil Reis

In today’s episode I talk to Phil Reis.

Phil is a singer, songwriter and percussionist who has performed with major renowned artists.

He was in the well known band Talk Talk for many years.

Phil has worked with major musicians such Neneh Cherry, Louise Goffin, The Blockheads and Massive Attack, and his music career has taken him across the globe.

Now he was originally taught by a master drummer in Lagos Nigeria as a nine year old.

While in Africa he said it changed his whole world for the rest of his life.

He returned to the UK, and played percussion in local bands before being invited onto John Peels show in the 70’s.
He then moved to London and joined Pauline Black’s band.
At one of her shows the chief road manager of Talk Talk alerted Mark Hollis the lead member of the group who asked him to turn up at rehearsals and that was the beginning to his long and successful career in the music business.

Currently he is working on a new project with a French band, that includes Mel Gaynor who is the ex Simple Minds drummer.
Phil talks about his childhood dreams of becoming a musician to the realisation of his dream by becoming part of a top selling band. Phil also shares his spiritual and healing path and his role as a Reflexologist which has led him to explore another and more deeper side of life.

Jul 14, 202301:20:05
Where Angels Tread With Actor, Filmmaker & Humanitarian Vincent Lyn

Where Angels Tread With Actor, Filmmaker & Humanitarian Vincent Lyn

In today’s episode I talk to Vincent Lyn.

Vincent is a Composer, Author, Actor, Filmmaker, Humanitarian and World Martial Arts Expert.

He has appeared in many well known films, amongst them Tiger Cage and Operation Condor as well as working with high profile film directors, one of them being Yuen Woo Ping. Yuen has been involved in movies such as The Matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Jackie Chan has been quoted as saying that Vincent was one of the best fighters he had ever worked with.

As well as being an actor Vincent is an acclaimed musician who has performed in prestigious establishments with Grammy award winning artists and his most recent concert was in Carnegie Hall.

In 2019 his humanitarian work, led him to be voted in the 'Top 100 Human Rights Defenders’ by the International Human Rights Commission.
He has completed many dangerous missions and of them while he was a bodyguard for a VIP in Ghana, Vincent visited a shelter where 20 children had just been rescued from slavery.

He risks his life to save children around the world.
Whether these children are orphans, refugees, or poverty-stricken, the goal is to protect and provide aid to help them survive.

Vincent’s work is making a life-saving difference by helping save children from slavery, trafficking and starvation.

He has founded a nonprofit organisation called We Can Save Children whose mission is to rescue and recover children in Africa and the Middle East. A humbling conversation that sheds light on some of the extreme journeys that Vincent has taken and the life threats he has encountered by trying to help those less fortunate. Heroic yet highly dangerous work that enables others to lead their lives in safety and without fear. An inspirational encounter with someone who has dedicated their life for the higher good of others.

For more information on Vincent Lyn visit

May 24, 202301:04:59
Our Challenges Shape Our Purpose With Film Producer and Presenter Ricky Baker

Our Challenges Shape Our Purpose With Film Producer and Presenter Ricky Baker

May 04, 202301:40:45
Flavours of Joy With TV Chef & Broadcaster Patti Sloley

Flavours of Joy With TV Chef & Broadcaster Patti Sloley

In today’s episode I talk to Patti Sloley.

Patti is a TV Chef, Food Writer Broadcaster and Speaker.
She appears regularly on TV shows and her work has been featured in well known food magazines and publications.

Patti is a chef on a mission to introduce the world to the glorious and exciting African food that she was taught to cook by her mum growing up in Ghana.

Described by Executive Traveller magazine as Ghana’s best kept secret, Patti is inspiring and
exuberant with a zest for life.
Hers is food from and for the soul.

In a short series for ITV’s Lorraine Show titled ‘Patti’s Taste of Christmas’, she delighted viewers with some of her favourite festive dishes.
She has also featured on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen.

With features in several magazines, Patti is a regular on BBC Three Counties Radio, where she shares food tips and recipes with regular listeners with her passion for food.

As a resident chef at the well known and prestigious
Jean-Christophe Novelli Academy, she runs courses on African fusion called ‘ A Taste of Africa’.

She has written two cookbooks - ‘A Plate in the Sun’ and ‘Date with Plantain’.
Patti talks about her passion for cooking and how we are able to enjoy a much more varied and exciting love of food when we are open to variety and a willingness to explore something different. Her take on life is fun loving and inspiring and she gives people the inspiration, whatever their budget, to enjoy a new way eating through exploration of food and worldwide adventurous menus.
For more information on Patti Sloley please visit
Apr 21, 202301:18:27
What Does It Mean To Connect With Yourself With Therapist Jeffery Davis
Apr 19, 202301:16:22
Outshining Trauma With Counsellor & Wellness Expert Chana Studley
Mar 23, 202301:20:18
How Words Change People’s Lives With Speaker & Coach Scott Harvey
Mar 08, 202301:07:14
Standing On The Threshold Of Life With NDE Survivor Jonathan Van Valin

Standing On The Threshold Of Life With NDE Survivor Jonathan Van Valin

In today’s episode I talk to Jonathan Van Valin. Jonathan is a NDE Survivor, Spiritual Teacher & Writer. While recovering at home from major surgery, Jonathan spent 36 hours experiencing what it was like to die, during which he came to recognise the nature of his deepest self, the secret to overcoming suffering, and what it was like to merge with the Divine. Jonathan now travels, writes, creates media, and meets with people to share what he received during his life changing experience. He talks about the huge decision that he faced when being confronted with the choice between living and dying and how ultimately love brought him back to life and gave him a new chance to live differently and with a new purpose.
Mar 02, 202301:20:10
When The Universe Dances With You With Psychotherapist Sherine Lovegrove
Feb 08, 202301:11:02
Every Day Is A Miracle With Counsellor & Podcast Host Maurice F Martin
Feb 02, 202301:17:19
Every Struggle Shapes Our Life With Mindset Coach Yuki Yoshii
Dec 23, 202201:14:37
Be In The Now With Composer, Singer & Artist Marco Missinato
Nov 09, 202201:26:07
Change Your Thoughts & Your Life Changes 
With Actor & Writer Eddie Webber

Change Your Thoughts & Your Life Changes With Actor & Writer Eddie Webber

In today’s episode I talk to the well known British actor and writer Eddie Webber.

Eddie’s childhood began on the working-class streets of south east London in the 60s and 70s.

His journey wasn’t an easy one with many twists and turns throughout.
One event that changed him forever, was being wrongly accused of a series of serious crimes, something that haunted him for a long time.

His past has been colourful and interesting.
From going to live in a kibbutz in Israel, to enrolling in drama school to becoming a born-again Christian and battling substance abuse on and off for years, before getting his big break in Nick Love’s The Business.

Since then Eddie has graced the red carpet for films such as The Firm and Rise of the Footsoldier, the ever popular TV series Eastenders and other popular series and films of modern times.
He has worked with some of the most well known film directors and actors throughout his career.

He has written two books one being his autobiography called Hi Diddle Dee Dee and a book on meditation.
He is a passionate advocate of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s teachings and it’s this way of a contemplative life that has led him to embrace a life of spiritual awareness and gain peace.

Eddie talks with deep rawness and refreshing honesty about the intricacy of the human soul and his turmoil, enlightenment and rise to be a huge success, despite the battles in attaining equilibrium. An incredible story that is revealing and yet touching in many ways, showing how courage and strength elevates even the most difficult of destines.
Oct 04, 202201:43:42
Your Body Is A Masterpiece With Scar Integration Specialist Dr James Palmer

Your Body Is A Masterpiece With Scar Integration Specialist Dr James Palmer

In today’s episode I talk to Dr James Palmer.
James is a Scar Integration specialist.
His work includes neurostructural bodywork for pain management, wellbeing and performance.

Scar Integration creates space, movement and flow in the body by working directly with scars, other issues created by the trauma that originally caused the scars.

It was the onset of serious back pain when he was 13, and then Chronic Fatigue Syndrome when he was 20 that led James to rethink his entire life.
By going through a period of illness himself which limited how he could engage with the world, he found a way of moving on and have an active lifestyle which has inspired him to help others.

He has also trained widely in Western and Asian styles of movement and manual therapy, including the Anatomy in Motion approach to biomechanics,and nearly two decades in depth training in Chinese martial and energy arts, as well as shiatsu, qigong and tuina. We talk about the deep effects of scars on all levels from physical to emotional, how through healing many long term issues can be resolved. Not all scars of the human spirit are visible and are often hidden through complex experiences we live through, yet there is hope that with a true understanding of ourselves and acceptance of our condition there is hope for a new beginning.
Sep 29, 202201:31:00
Releasing The Past With Psychic Karen Bashford

Releasing The Past With Psychic Karen Bashford

In today’s episode I talk to Karen Bashford.

Karen is known as The Manifesting Lady due to her work in helping to empower women after abuse and trauma.

Ironically it was due to the lack of success in manifesting which led Karen on the path to discovering what was preventing her success after losing her home, suffering several life-threatening illnesses and experiencing two abusive relationships.

Whilst training as a Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner, Karen realised she could sense when past life, ancestral or generational connections were causing ill health, financial or relationship issues.

Karen was born a psychic and works with clients far and wide.

But it was not until she was working clients that she was introduced by her guides to the Inner Child process which she now uses as part of her D.R.E.A.M System™ to heal the past and manifest the future.

Karen shares her knowledge and how she changed her life, in her book, How To Be Imperfectly Perfect – A Practical Spiritual Guide To Becoming You!

She is determined to help women who unconsciously carry trauma, which affects every area of life, especially health and wealth.

Karen talks openly about her psychic abilities and the gift of being able to communicate with the spiritual realms. She also lays bare her own traumatic events that led her to find her true vocation and pursuing a life of helping others.

Aug 02, 202201:21:35
How to Break the Cycle of Unhappiness With EFT Practitioner Sam Neffendorf

How to Break the Cycle of Unhappiness With EFT Practitioner Sam Neffendorf

In today’s episode I talk to Sam Neffendorf.

Sam is an EFT Trainer and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

His job is to break people out of the life-long behaviour patterns and beliefs that are keeping them sick and stuck.

He inspires people to stand up for themselves, reach new levels of health and realise their potential to have an amazing life.
Tapping and Energy Psychology techniques enabled him to escape from corporate life into doing something he loves and most importantly to become a dad naturally (twice), after being told that this would be very difficult by his GP.
Sam specialises in guiding people with chronic physical and mental conditions to understand the precise root cause of their illness and then learn how to heal themselves.

Sam now spends much of the year living in a Spain with his family and hosting retreats, as well as working online with people worldwide, both individually and in groups.

We talk about the intricate layers of the human mind and soul and how the peeling away of lifelong layers to reveal our true being in order to achieve our full potential.
Jul 09, 202201:14:55
From Rock Bottom to Wild Adventure With Vet Dr Eleonore Op De Beeck

From Rock Bottom to Wild Adventure With Vet Dr Eleonore Op De Beeck

In today’s episode I talk to Dr Eleonore Op De Beeck.

Dr Eleonore is a vet, conservationist, plant based chef, world traveller and author.

She has travelled the world to collaborate and take part in various conservation projects from curing wounded zebras, swimming along side whale sharks in the Maldives to collect data for their conservation to gliding under water with manta rays and sea-lions in the Galapagos.
Dr Eleonore has performed surgery on capuchin monkeys at an animal sanctuary in Costa Rica and helped rehabilitate sea turtles.
She then went on an adventure by being a chef on a sailboat while crossing the Pacific Ocean.

Her life and work is vast and varied.

Her latest book called The Year I went Wild,
tells the story of how she went from being a vet surgeon stuck in her practice, to surviving a chapter of deep depression and sadly wanting to end her life to bravely surviving and becoming passionate about life and living the dream by travelling and helping people and animals along the way.

Dr Eleonore talks openly and frankly about the road of self awakening and the sacrifices she made in order to be able to achieve her life long dream and gain freedom to live the way that brought her peace and joy.
Jul 03, 202201:22:27
We Are All Stardust With Personal Development Mentor Imran Ahmed

We Are All Stardust With Personal Development Mentor Imran Ahmed

In today’s episode I talk to Imran Ahmed who is the founder of Success Psychology and is an expert in personal development.

Imran has delivered transformational work for almost two decades all over the world.
His seminars and one-on-one interventions encourage people to shift their focus, rediscover their strengths and capabilities, and live a meaningful life that really matters.

Today, Imran is a success but it wasn't always this way.
He was dealt a difficult destiny in the early stages of his life.
Imran grew up in uncertainty, being abandoned at the age of three.
His childhood was spent in the care system and was a long-term victim of racial violence. He became a familiar face in police cells having been arrested multiple times for stealing and hustling to survive and provide for his siblings.

When he was thirteen years old he realised that something had to change.
Determined to find a way for a better life, Imran channelled himself through weight lifting and boxing.

He found that reading stories about inspirational people gave me hope and ultimately faith in humanity again.
He began to realise that his life circumstances did not define him.

Imran's work now includes motivating high profile clients, as well as those tasked with public speaking by transforming their skills into success.

Imran talks with courage about his traumatic past, yet his magnificent energy emits a subtle yet formidable strength. A story about the triumphant success of someone with incredible childhood adversity conquering the mountains of trauma through an unshakeable faith within, which ultimately saves his life.
Apr 30, 202201:40:10
Every Answer You Seek Is Inside Of You With Memory Release Practitioner Savannah Hanson
Apr 24, 202201:14:28
Hidden Laws of Nature With Author Nicholas Storey

Hidden Laws of Nature With Author Nicholas Storey

In today’s episode I talk to Nicholas Storey.

Nicholas previously had a career in law as a lawyer in London; both in the Government Legal Service and in private practice before he moved to Brazil in 2006.

It is here he wrote features, on a range of subjects; from loving cups, to the Aston Martin connection to James Bond, to Beau Brummell's fall from grace, and Britannia as a national icon and for The Field and History Today, as well as publishing several books on men's wear, and British adventurers.

We talk about the hidden mysteries of life and we touch upon the the mysticism behind all things that exist around us and the subtle secrets within us.
Mar 26, 202201:06:38
It’s Time To Think About What You Really Want With Traveller & Chef Paul Kennedy

It’s Time To Think About What You Really Want With Traveller & Chef Paul Kennedy

In today’s episode I talk to Paul Kennedy who is a traveller, author and chef.

Paul grew up in Northern Virginia where he studied hospitality management.

After his education he departed to New York where he continued to establish himself in the restaurant world, while also pursuing his love of writing and photography.

In 2018, with a backpack and some inspiration, Paul decided to change his life completely and took off to see the world.

The inspiration clearly worked because he never returned.
His journey of uncertainty found it’s purpose of exploring what the world has to offer.

Paul is currently working on a cookbook about Vietnam’s food and culture that will be available in 2022.
Besides authentic Vietnamese recipes, he hopes to do his part in peaking the readers’ interest in understanding the world and helping them have courage to change and explore new beginnings.
Mar 19, 202201:21:38
From Hopeless to Grateful With Investigative Journalist Jack W Gregory

From Hopeless to Grateful With Investigative Journalist Jack W Gregory

In today’s episode I talk to Jack W Gregory.

Jack is an investigative journalist and film consultant. His life has been a rollercoaster from an early age where he had to fight for his survival. His unpredictable start led him to lead a life of crime, and finally he became a homeless addict. Yet he managed to turn his life around using his creative talents that he had hidden due to his long struggle with mental illness. Jack finally got clean from drugs in 2014 and began to change his life.
In 2015 he became seriously ill, where he died for 4 minutes and developed brain damage through hypoxia.
The trauma caused Jack to have a breakdown and this event changed him forever.

Jack is also known as The Accidental Journalist and has a popular live webcast via Zoom and Facebook live in which he has interviewed people from all walks of life.

He shares his story across the world in the hope to bring a positive change in people’s lives that have suffered and need lifting.

Jack speaks frankly about his darkest moments and how eventually the power of faith and grace saved his very existence.
Mar 19, 202201:25:51
It’s Never Too Late For A New Adventure With Journalist & Broadcaster Siobhan Daniels

It’s Never Too Late For A New Adventure With Journalist & Broadcaster Siobhan Daniels

In today’s episode I talk to Siobhan Daniels who is a Journalist, Broadcaster & Pro-Age Campaigner. After suffering huge losses and living through a challenging dark chapter whilst in her 50’s, Siobhan decided to follow her dreams and made the decision to swap her every day existence for an adventurous nomadic life on the road. Siobhan retired from the BBC two years ago, after a 30 year career working as a Reporter, Presenter and Producer. During that time she overcame many challenges including working full time as a single mother. At nearly fifty, when her daughter went to university, Siobhan took a gap year from work and backpacked solo around the world. This trip changed her forever, and she began to develop her plan to one day travel the UK in a motorhome. By her mid-fifties she felt burnt out, whilst battling with menopause symptoms, she was also facing ageism and bullying at work, Siobhan knew she needed to find her escape plan. In 2019, aged sixty, she took early retirement, sold her belongings, bought a motorhome and embarked on her solo trip around Great Britain. For more info on Siobhan visit:
Feb 06, 202251:39
How To Heal With Music & Sound With Music Therapist Ruth Humming Ford

How To Heal With Music & Sound With Music Therapist Ruth Humming Ford

In today’s episode I welcome Ruth Humming Ford. Ruth is the founder of Soundhoppers as well as being a sound & music therapist and practitioner. She found that working with the voice and encouraging others to explore their creative sides and overcoming fear around self expression one the most important aspects of her work. Her life is immersed in music and she uses a number of healing modalities in multiple ways. She offers opportunities for people to explore themselves in various ways such as singing groups, dance explorations, shamanic trance and sound journeys. Ruth has many years of experience in group work for all ages and abilities and this has led to a deeper knowledge and trust in the power of vibration, to find the places where we may be stuck and release emotions, past stories and fear. Particularly through her continued work with the voice, Ruth has a way of encouraging even the most shy and reluctant singers to find their own path, to enjoy their own unique tones and share them without the pain and difficulty of old self-judgement patterns. We talk about the mystical, the beautiful and the secret of music and it’s ability to heal us on many levels.
Jan 29, 202201:22:23
Say Yes To Life With Author & Consultant Ian Watson
Jan 25, 202201:18:60
The Sword Of Focus With Martial Arts Expert Matt Stait

The Sword Of Focus With Martial Arts Expert Matt Stait

In today’s episode I welcome Martial Arts Expert & Author Matt Stait. Matt is a well known figure in the personal and private security and self-defence world as well as being a leading author in this industry having published several books. He is a multiple blackbelt, world champion gold medallist that has taught in all the main shows in the UK. His life really reads like a book. Matt was the victim of abuse and bullying and dropped out of school. He lost his father to suicide and was diagnosed with PTSD as a teenager, through his exposure to violence. Yet he has managed to reach superb highs and gone on to achieve many notable successes such as being a world champion martial artist, a bodyguard, a best-selling author and social media specialist. Matt’s journey towards his goals and success, has been a difficult one to endure, whether that be professionally or in his personal life. He talks frankly about the treacherous and often dark paths that led to his ultimate self realisation and to a place within that he finally found peace with. A man of many stories which show that no matter what your childhood and past scars are, with courage and discipline you can turn your life around.
Jan 09, 202201:18:04
Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility & Health With Dr Ashish Paul

Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility & Health With Dr Ashish Paul

In today’s episode I talk to Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine Expert Dr Ashish Paul. Dr Ashish Paul is an Ayurvedic Physician and a Medical Herbalist. She has been practicing Ayurveda for over 25 years and Herbal Medicine for 17 years. Ashish is a fertility specialist that provides medical treatment at her clinic in London. She specialises in Ayurvedic therapies through which she supports patients' health on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Ashish helps couple’s on their journey of parenthood by improving their fertility with ancient Ayurvedic Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine. She utilises various techniques such as meditation and yoga to achieve the desired outcome for her patients. These therapies work with the natural rhythm of the body, treat the cause of a problem and have less adverse effects. Her aim is to bring awareness to the holistic benefits of Ayurveda and western herbal medicine. Ashish passionately speaks about protecting women’s health before and after having children. She educates people about the preventative methods to reduce the risk of diseases and live a healthy life. Ashish discusses the life force within and how it affects the world around us. We talk about the vibration of the energetic fields that enhance our wellbeing and various fertility hints for couples that are trying to conceive amongst other heathy ideas and wisdom for a more meaningful approach to inner balance.
Jan 05, 202201:10:59
Unity Within Diversity With Singer & Film-Maker Tim Arnold

Unity Within Diversity With Singer & Film-Maker Tim Arnold

In today’s episode I welcome Tim Arnold.

Tim is a Singer songwriter, film-maker, composer, social activist and founder of Save Soho.

Tim began his career as leader of 90’s British art rock band Jocasta.
As a solo artist, he has self-released 23 albums.
He scored music for Iggy Pop’s film, Blood Orange (Iggy noted in NME that Tim’s music reminded him of David Bowie).
Tim has been mentored by Bowie mentor Lindsay Kemp which resulted in their collaborative multimedia project ‘What Love Would Want’.

He is widely recognised as the first songwriter to write and release a concept album about London’s Soho district, 2015’s The Soho Hobo (BBC London Album of The Year).
The project led him to create ‘Save Soho’ – a coalition of performers including Stephen Fry and Benedict Cumberbatch, that campaign for Soho’s historic role as a national platform for the performing arts.

Tim performs and speaks internationally gracing major stages, institutions and festivals and is an ambassador for international mental health organization The Creative Well. Tim shares his life story, from his unusual, yet character building childhood, to his many transformational quests throughout his personal journey. He is someone who stands up for his principles and tries to make the world a better place through his compassion and deep sense of integrity. For more info on Tim Arnold visit his website
Secrets For An Inspirational Life is in the Top 10 UK Inspirational Podcasts:
Dec 22, 202101:39:20
Let Us Stop Being Cruel To Ourselves With Mimi Novic
Dec 12, 202110:13
Seeing The Unseen With Astrologer, Horse Whisperer & Artist Elizabeth De Vries

Seeing The Unseen With Astrologer, Horse Whisperer & Artist Elizabeth De Vries

In today’s episode I talk to Elizabeth De Vries. Elizabeth is an Astrologer, Horse Whisperer & Artist. As a child, Elizabeth spent countless hours in nature. Her deep love of animals, especially horses, and the time she spent alone wandering in forests or near lakes brought forth deep intuitive gifts as an animal communicator and healer. From early childhood, Elizabeth had visionary experiences that brought her into mystical worlds. In her early twenties she packed her bags and moved to the west coast of British Columbia where she backpacked and rode through the glorious mountain terrain. Her passion for horses deepened. Her skills helped many unmanageable horses become champions. Her work as a renowned horse whisperer, and her affinity for nature deepened and expanded. As a healer she became a Dual Master in the Practices of Reiki. In addition she has served as a spiritual counselor, spiritual astrologer, medium and energetic healer to clients world-wide, as well as presenting seminars all over the US. For 18 years Elizabeth wrote the well known Astrology column for Venice Arts at the Entertainment magazine. We talk about the intricacies of the mysterious realms that are contained within all our lives and yet we have forgotten how to enter them. Elizabeth opens the secret doors of the unseen and invites us to discover the mystical.
Dec 06, 202101:24:55
Inner Liberation With Artist & Founder of Ravenous Butterflies Lisa Azarmi

Inner Liberation With Artist & Founder of Ravenous Butterflies Lisa Azarmi

In today’s epode I talk to Lisa Azarmi.

Lisa is an Artist, Journalist and founder of Ravenous Butterflies.
As well as being an influencer and art advisor to Coutts, she is the founding member of the South London Arts Lab and MÜ Magazine.

Lisa was born in Sri Lanka and came to the UK when she was a young girl.

Having always been positive, but with her creativity stifled, and her health suffering, she decided to begin an eventful journey of self-discovery.

It was at this time that the Ravenous butterflies Facebook page was born.
It grew out of the realisation that following one's truth and passion, is the best healing tonic there is.

With a loyal following of over 700,000 people, Ravenous Butterflies has grown, organically into a thriving ecosystem.

Lisa is currently writing a volume of poetry and collaborating on a children's picture book.

Lisa talks about many insightful and poignant episodes in her world that can appear in each of our lives. We talk about the importance of self love and how she discovered herself after battling for years to find peace, love and acceptance. A raw and profound story that touches many areas of the human psyche.
Nov 19, 202101:21:39
Evoking Life’s Mysteries With Renowned Songwriter & Poet Stephen Kalinich

Evoking Life’s Mysteries With Renowned Songwriter & Poet Stephen Kalinich

In today’s episode I welcome Stephen Kalinich.
Stephen is a renowned lyricist, songwriter and poet.
Originally from New York, he found himself in the world of writing and music.

His superb songwriting skills have led him to work very closely with famous singers.
While under contract as an artist signed to the Beach Boys, Stephen co-wrote several songs released by the group including “All I Want to Do,” “Be Still,” “Little Bird,” and “A Time to Live in Dreams” with Dennis Wilson.

Stephen is also the lyricist and co-publisher for Brian Wilson’s duet with Paul McCartney “A Friend Like You.”

He has collaborated with a number of recording artists, performers, musicians, and composers including P.F. Sloan, Art Munson, Randy Crawford, Mary Wilson of the Supremes ,Odyssey and Diana Ross to name a few.

We talk about many deeply insightful subjects that most of us have contemplated throughout our life and touch upon the power of love and forgiveness and how important it is to firstly begin with our own reason for being. Stephen shares interesting details about his tremendous career which have gained a legendary status and yet he remains humble and centred, giving us a gentle reminder that no matter what we do in life, ultimately everything in the universe begins with us.
Nov 03, 202101:16:09
Harmony Within With Osteopath Suzanne Morgan

Harmony Within With Osteopath Suzanne Morgan

I was delighted to welcome my guest Suzanne Morgan in this episode.

Suzanne is an expert in Structural, classical, biodynamic and cranial osteopathy.

Her varied and interesting life has led her to experience varied paths and soul searching journeys along the way.

She first studied engineering and then found herself on a biophysics degree.
She also travelled around the globe, whilst working as a ski instructor, walking guide and counsellor in between.

Until one day she had her moment of epiphany and knew that osteopathy was calling her name.

Osteopathy for her seemed the ideal intertwining for everything she had done.

Her engineering, simple mechanics, love of science, biophysics degree, social work, counselling and spiritual appreciation of who we are all comes together as one.
Suzanne works structurally, cranially and bio dynamically, always feeling how a patient's body responds and changes with treatment as they journey towards health.
We talk about the need for us to be compassionate to ourselves in order to find a meaning to our life and how to read the signs that are sent to us every day that lead us along the right path. Suzanne and I talk about everything from awakening to our real purpose, to the miracle that everything around us resonates in order to help us reach higher states of perception and walk along the road of harmony.
Oct 19, 202101:30:55
Achieving Equilibrium With Actor & Producer Mem Ferda

Achieving Equilibrium With Actor & Producer Mem Ferda

In today’s episode I talk to actor and producer Mem Ferda.

Mem is an Acclaimed and Celebrated British Screen Star and International Award Winning Film Producer.

He studied at the prestigious acting schools LAMDA and RADA which led him to lead an
impressive career as an actor and producer.

His work spans worldwide especially across Europe, Asia and the US.
Mem's versatility and presence on screen has seen him star alongside Hollywood 'A' Lister's.

Equally comfortable as hero or villain, he has worked with Ray Liotta and Jason Statham in Guy Ritchie's Revolver, alongside Idris Elba in Legacy as well as staring in a lead in Nicolas Winding Refn's remake of the cult film Pusher. He later appeared with Drew Barrymore and Toni Collette in Miss You Already.

He has landed lead roles in films of which include, Hard Tide, Smoking Guns and London Heist amongst too many others.

Mem's real life background, is as colourful, as some of the characters he has played.
As a child he witnessed an assassination attempt on his father, as a student he was held at the Serbian border as a suspected drug smuggler, and in Istanbul he was threatened at gunpoint.
During his rebellious teens, he narrowly avoided being the getaway driver in a real life heist.

He is now set for headlining in two exciting thrillers as a leading man, Jailbird, to be directed by Multi-BAFTA winning Director David Blair and the Gunfather Trilogy.

We talk about the real person behind the actor, where Mem, with soul and compassion, shares what is important to him and precious fragments of his own life lessons which he has learned along the way.

A sincere and at times heart rendering talk that reminds us that we should do what we can while life allows it, never leaving for tomorrow what can be done today.
Mem through his own story, gives us the chance to contemplate what is it that really matters and reminds us that we should embrace our life with gratitude and joy in every moment.

For more info on Mem Ferda please check out the links below:
Oct 14, 202101:58:59
Kissed By Kismet With Artist Sequin Kay

Kissed By Kismet With Artist Sequin Kay

In today’s episode I talk to the Artist Sequin Kay.

Sequin is a British contemporary multidisciplinary artist who exhibits internationally and is currently based in Ibiza.

She trained in Fine Art and Painting at Camberwell College of Arts and Goldsmiths University in London, UK.

Her work explores spiritual realities such as Higher Sense Perception, metaphysics and the secrets of the universe.
Passionate about environmental issues Sequin is raising awareness of animal protection by donating and working with The Ibiza Preservation Fund and the Rimou Tiger Charity in Malaysia.
Her most recent collection The 2020 Zodiac Collection is raising funds to directly protect Malaysian Tigers, and their habitat.

She has exhibited extensively in London including; Moniker Art Fair, Clerkenwell Design Week, London Underground, amongst many other galleries.

International exhibitions of her work include showcases around the world in galleries in Costa Rica, Ibiza, Canada, Berlin, Ireland, Spain. We talk extensively and deeply about the art of self love and self acceptance. How in search of the answers to our very existence, we realise that the true freedom of life is to accept the responsibility of our inner power and the only way to tap into that source, is to respect ourselves enough to follow the path that brings us closer to our reality.
Sep 17, 202101:35:46