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The Mindful Men Podcast

The Mindful Men Podcast

By Simon Rinne

Welcome to the Mindful Men Podcast, where we're all about guiding men towards a more mindful way of living.

I'm your host Simon Rinne, and together with my guests, we unpack how mindfulness can truly impact men's everyday lives.

Join us as we navigate this journey towards a more fulfilling existence. Here, we're not just talking inspiration – we're all about putting mindfulness into action.

So hit that subscribe button and explore the world of mindful living with us!

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106. Starting the new year with clearer focus

The Mindful Men PodcastJan 01, 2024

128. Private practice social work with Tammy Roche

128. Private practice social work with Tammy Roche

Welcome to Episode 128 -  Private practice social work with Tammy Roche


There’s immense freedom that comes with starting a small business, but that freedom comes at a cost. You’re wearing multiple hats from doing the therapy to marketing, to admin, finances, legal, health and safety… and so much more. The time freedom you yearned for coming into private practice is often exchanged for longer hours, fear and the unknown. 


And this might sound daunting (and trust me it is!), but it’s also rewarding. Watching something blossom from nothing but your hard work gives you much more satisfaction than working for big corporations. I’ve been there before, and whilst I am working harder and longer in private practice; I doubt I could ever go back to a standard 9-5. 


Join me as I explore private practice social work with fellow social worker Tammy Roche. Tammy shares her story of coming into private practice and how her entrepreneurial mindset has seen her succeed with businesses in both Australia and Canada. It’s a great episode for those social workers (but anyone in the helping professions) seeking a move into private practice. 


In this episode Tammy shares: 

  • Tammy’s journey into social work
  • Balancing business and social work
  • International practice and logistics
  • The entrepreneurial spirit and working from personal values
  • Insights on supervision in social work
  • Financial mindset in social work
  • Self-care tips


Key quotes


“social work to me is me living and doing life, doing work with my values first, leading the way”


“who is it somebody said that quote, shame disappears when your stories can be heard in safe places”


“how can you strengthen other people's voices if you don't strengthen your own first?”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Jun 03, 202444:23
127. Beat the Sunday blues

127. Beat the Sunday blues

Welcome to Episode 127 - Beat the Sunday blues

Have you ever got to lunchtime on Sunday and then felt this overwhelming sense of dread come over you? Has the thought of the week ahead made you feel anxious, stressed, depressed or just “meh”? And once those thoughts come in, did you find it hard to relax and enjoy the rest of your weekend?


Many of us can answer yes to all these questions – and whilst this is not a clinical diagnosis of anything… you may just have those Sunday Blues!


This week I’m diving into the Sunday Blues, including what they are and 5 tips to beat them back for good! So join me as we reframe our thoughts to enjoy our full weekend… and kickstart our week with some positivity!


Key points


In this episode, I share: 

·       Understanding the Sunday Blues

·       5 tips to beat the Sunday Blues

·       The Sunday Blues are a social construct

·       Looking forward to positive moments

·       Finding the fun in Sunday

·       Being present and mindful

·       Self-Care Sundays


Key quotes


“We can choose what we focus on. If we get to those Sunday blues and we focus on all the negatives, then that's where our brain is naturally going to go”


“When we're doing something fun. It takes our mind off the Sunday blues and the Mondayitis”


“Sunday blues and Mondayitis come along with extra pent up energy. So can you go out for a walk just before dinner or just after dinner”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

May 27, 202421:43
126. Muscular Dystrophy with Rhiannon Anderson

126. Muscular Dystrophy with Rhiannon Anderson

Welcome to Episode 126 - Muscular Dystrophy with Rhiannon Anderson


Imagine your three year old daughter is in hospital, and recovering from surgery. The doctor enters the room and tells you she has been diagnosed with a genetic disorder that has no cure; and she would be lucky to survive until her 19th birthday. 


This is the story of Rhiannon Anderson; a law graduate, life coach and public speaker from Toowoomba in QLD. Rhiannon shares her story of living with Muscular Dystrophy, the physical and mental impacts, and how disability has shaped her life. 


She shares how she was bullied at school due to disability, but found a voice through studying law. Her path ultimately led to her establishing Living Abled – a life coaching business where Rhiannon inspires her clients to “live a life that is unapologetically theirs!”  


Join us as we get mindful about Muscular Dystrophy, disability, and the power in turning personal pain into purpose!


Key points


In this episode Rhiannon shares: 

  • Understanding Muscular Dystrophy
  • How Muscular Dystrophy impacts her
  • How Muscular Dystrophy was diagnosed
  • The mental toll of Muscular Dystrophy
  • Friendships and dating with Muscular Dystrophy


Key quotes


“muscular dystrophy is, is in the name muscle, so it impacts your muscles and dystrophy, basically, weakness”


“there's no treatment and oh, by the way, her prognosis, you're lucky to have it till she's 19, go home, love her, there's nothing you can do”


“The mental toll that it took was quite enormous.”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

May 20, 202457:11
125. Unstoppable Dads with Matt Noonan

125. Unstoppable Dads with Matt Noonan

Welcome to Episode 125 - Unstoppable Dads with Matt Noonan

What does it take to be an unstoppable dad? This is the question that most of us dads ask ourselves in roundabout ways. Are we doing enough? Are we good enough? How can we be better?


The thing is… none of us received a manual on how to be a dad. We’re mostly going off intuition with a bit of support from other parents along the way. And this is good… but how do we be better?


Helping us discover our superhero qualities is Unstoppable Dad Matt Noonan. Matt is a husband, father and coach of mind and body. He’s also a dad on a mission – seeking to inspire dads of all ages to improve their mindset one day at a time. Join us as we chat everything dadding – from our fears and anxieties, to priorities, values and even creating work and life balance. 

In this episode Matt shares: 

  • The Inspiration Behind the Unstoppable Dad Project
  • Navigating Fatherhood
  • Pivoting Perspectives: From Failure to Achievement
  • The Power of Mindset in Overcoming Challenges
  • Values-Based Decision Making for Long-Term Goals
  • Sustainable Health and Fitness Strategies


Key quotes

“what unstoppable dad means is not only just keep going, but keep striving to be better”


“the highest priority for me is to actually spend a good amount of my time and be able to enjoy that time with my kids”


“the hardest part for me to overcome, was that feeling that I had failed”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

May 13, 202458:28
124. Organisational Psychology with Clifford Morgan

124. Organisational Psychology with Clifford Morgan

Welcome to Episode 124 - Organisational Psychology with Clifford Morgan


Have you ever wondered why some workplaces are amazing places to be a part of, whilst others simply… suck? I have, and I’ve experienced both types of workplaces. And what I’ve come to understand is that workplace culture has a big part to play in how well an organisation operates. 


Great workplaces have inspiring leaders, engaged employees, shared values and strong work ethics. They’re adaptable, efficient, and effective; but they don’t forget the human side of doing business. The challenge is how do we arrive at this workplace utopia – and helping us do this are Organisational Psychologists. 


Joining me this week is Clifford Morgan from Lumian Consulting. Clifford served in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) for over 17 years before moving into organisational psychology. Clifford now combines his military discipline and focus with psychology to support workplaces to thrive. He’s also the author of the Coaching Leader, and provides great insight into workplace culture, values, conflict and teamwork. 


Key points


In this episode Clifford shares: 

·       Understanding Organisational Psychology

·       Addressing Workplace Challenges and Leadership Dynamics

·       Exploring Context-Based Leadership

·       The Balance of Flexibility and Responsibility in the Workplace

·       The Role of Organisational Values in Conflict Resolution

·       Leveraging Team Dynamics for Success


Key quotes


“A workplace that doesn't suck is probably where the leader’s expectations are met by the staff and the staff's expectations are met by the leaders.”


“the mechanics are the things that the team does … the dynamics is how they go about it”


“The primary benefit of [team profiling] … is the conversation that it sparks rather than the profile itself.”


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Stay Mindful, Simon

May 06, 202457:52
123. Is this helpful?

123. Is this helpful?

Welcome to Episode 123 - Is this helpful?

Over the last few months, my mental health has been declining. Anxiety, stress and depression have been having a party, and this has had me re-visit my self-care and support systems. 


One of the most crucial supports I’ve had is my business wellness coach. He has helped me to reflect on my thoughts, feelings and behaviours and ask myself “is this helpful?”. The more I ask myself this question, the easier it is for me to switch off my emotional brain, and switch on my rational brain. This switch has improved my problem solving skills during my heightened moments. 


So let me share this tool with you, so you too can regain control of negative thoughts, feelings or behaviours. 


Key points


In this episode I share: 

  • How the stressors of business and moving house have impacted my mental health 
  • My work with my business wellness coach
  • Is this helpful? 
  • How to use this powerful mental health tool
  • Grounding myself in the moment


Key quotes


“Simon, is this helpful?”


“this is a powerful phrase that we can use to challenge these negative mindsets, or these feelings that we're having, or the behaviours that we're having, that are no longer serving us”


“We're switching on the rational brain. And so we can start problem solving here”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Apr 29, 202433:21
122. NDIS Support Coordination with Hannah Redford

122. NDIS Support Coordination with Hannah Redford

Welcome to Episode 122 - NDIS Support Coordination with Hannah Redford


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a complex system for people living with disability to navigate. It’s not just about getting funding for disability supports. It’s also about finding and connecting with the right providers; and dealing with review processes that are stressful and often re-traumatising. 


The role of a NDIS Support Coordinators is to help with this process; and joining me this week is Hannah Redford from Tulip Coordination. Hannah helps us to understand the NDIS, whilst sharing some of the lived experience of disability that enables her to thrive in this role. 


Key points


In this episode Hannah shares: 

·       Her background and lived experience of disability 

·       The role of a support coordinator

·       What is Choice and Control?

·       The importance of personalising support

·       Budgeting in the NDIS

·       The NDIS review process


Key quotes


“Not everyone who is on the NDIS gets a support coordinator. It's really only those who have a few more complexities”


“you taught me that I have choice and control”


“I also work with the LGBTIQ+ community and in particular, transgender participants, because although I am cis, I do understand a lot more about it than most support coordinators”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Apr 22, 202453:01
121. I Survived A Hate Crime with David Keck

121. I Survived A Hate Crime with David Keck

Trigger Warning: Assault, Abuse, Rape, Mental Health, Trauma

Welcome to Episode 121 - I Survived A Hate Crime with David Keck


One of the few things in life that doesn’t discriminate is trauma. And this week’s episode explores trauma and recovery with David Keck. 


David is the host of the Surviving Podcast, and he bravely shares how he survived a violent gay hate crime. He describes the events of the night that changed his life forever, including the abuse he received, the memory loss, the court case, media, and the impacts off all of this on his mental and physical health. 


David’s story is raw, vulnerable and powerful. It explores notions of masculinity and sexuality; and despite the profound impact this event has had on David’s life, he shares how he regained control with hope and healing (and just a little bit of therapy!). 


Key points


In this episode David shares: 

  • How his parents helped him come out as gay
  • The interplay between masculinity and sexuality
  • The support he had from his family and friends regarding his sexuality
  • The night he was physically and sexually abused
  • What it was like to have a rape test
  • Discovering he was the victim of a gay hate crime
  • The court case and media attention
  • The impacts on his physical and mental health
  • How therapy saved his life
  • Regaining control from trauma
  • Grounding himself under his favourite tree


Key quotes


“David, if hell is filled with people like you, it can't be that bad of a place”


“A hate crime is if someone picks you out, points you out, targets you based on religion, gender, sexual orientation”


“I'm here right now and running my mouth right now because I refuse to let him win”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Apr 15, 202455:07
120. Running for mental health with Lachy Cameron

120. Running for mental health with Lachy Cameron

Trigger warning: Mental Health, Suicide, Drugs and Alcohol


Welcome to Episode 120. Running for mental health with Lachy Cameron


Our mental health journey often starts long before we recognise it. This is why therapists ask you about your childhood. It helps set the scene for how you’re thinking, feeling and behaving as an adult. And this week’s guest shares how his childhood impacted his mental health right into adulthood. 


Lachy Cameron is a man on a mission. He shares his story of feeling abandoned by his father, and how alcohol and drugs helped mask the pain. He also shares how his house of cards fell down, and how this prompted him to make positive changes in his life… including learning to run long distances!


In May 2024, Lachy is running over 1000km from Brisbane to Sydney for mental health. He’s doing it to promote awareness of mental health, and raise money for charity Heart On My Sleeve. Join us as we explore how running has helped Lachy turn a rock bottom moment into inspiration for all of us.


Key points


In this episode Lachy shares: 

  • The feeling of being let down by his father
  • How alcohol and drugs helped him cope
  • How he developed a belief that he wasn't good enough
  • The moment he came close to taking his own life
  • How running helped him improve his mental health
  • The experience of doing his first ultra-marathon
  • How his running has evolved
  • The Brisbane to Sydney run he is planning to complete
  • The charity Heart On My Sleeve


Key quotes


"All I ever wanted to be was someone else. I never wanted to be myself because I didn't think I was good enough.”


"I went through my life and I always believed I was destined for greatness. And I think I lent on that to assume something was just going to happen in my life.”


"For so long, vulnerability has been disguised as weakness when it's really a strength."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon


Apr 08, 202454:47
119. Community and Mindful Men

119. Community and Mindful Men

Welcome to Episode 119. Community and Mindful Men

This week we’re getting mindful about community – and in particular – the benefits that can come from creating your own community to grow and thrive in! We’re building something special here at Mindful Men, and I’m excited for you to join me.

This episode also marks 7 months of sobriety, and to celebrate this – and this wonderful community of Mindful Men – I will share some amazing feedback I have been receiving through this podcast, or podcasts where I have made a guest appearance.

If you’re loving the show, and would like to provide some feedback about how it is helping you to grow mindfully, send me an email

Key Points

In the full episode, I share:

How engaging with community can have positive impacts on connection, happiness, and personal growth.
How creating your own community can be empowering and fulfilling.
Feedback from listeners
Come and join our Facebook Community
Come and join Blokes, Boards and Brews

Key quotes

"I think for a long time I've expected community to come to me”

“Sometimes, particularly if we’ve moved around and we’re fro the place where we grew up. It’s very hard to get in on some of these cliques that already exist in your new location."

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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Stay Mindful, Simon
Apr 01, 202439:19
118. Somatic psychology and archetypes with Dr Brian Tierney

118. Somatic psychology and archetypes with Dr Brian Tierney

Trigger warning: Mental Health


Welcome to Episode 118. Somatic psychology and archetypes with Dr Brian Tierney


Imagine trying to do some inner work. You close your eyes and all you can see is greyscale. There are no other colours, just grey. You can sense that pain and suffering is there, but you have no words to recognise or express it. According to Dr Brian Tierney – this is the impact of toxic masculinity. We’re not taught emotional intelligence; but we should be taught it so we can recognise our pain and express it in healthy ways.


Dr Brian Tierney is a somatic psychologist in private practice and a professor of neuroscience and psychological assessment. He has been a facilitator of men's groups for many years, is a dancer, a trauma resolution expert, a drama therapist, a clown trainer, and a father of two. Brian sits down with me to discuss how somatic psychology and archetypes can be used to support men to recognise and release their trauma. It’s a fascinating discussion that includes his work with men’s groups; and the transformation men experience when they go deep with other men. 


Key points


In the full episode Brian shares: 

  • The benefits of clown training
  • How Somatic Psychology can help release trauma
  • What archetypes are
  • How our archetypes change over time
  • Why social constructions of masculinity are toxic
  • The transformations he sees in the men’s groups he facilitates


Key quotes


"When we don't receive something, you can’t really give it.”


“The social construction of masculinity is toxic.”


“You come to see a somatic psychologist and they are like a plumber."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Mar 25, 202450:54
117. Compassion Focussed Therapy with Dr Stan Steindl

117. Compassion Focussed Therapy with Dr Stan Steindl

Trigger warning: Mental Health


Welcome to Episode 117. Compassion Focussed Therapy with Dr Stan Steindl


When we think of compassion, most of us could probably say that we have compassion for others. We’re able to recognise the suffering in others, and take steps to help alleviate that suffering. 


But when it comes to self-compassion, we can sometimes let ourselves down. We can be self-critical, and get stuck in a loop of negative thought cycles that never seem to end. And for men… the thought of being self-compassionate can seem unnatural. But there is strength and courage and self-compassion; and this can be learned through Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT). 


Dr Stan Steindl joins me this week to explore CFT and how it can support men to become the best version of themselves. Stan is a Clinical psychologist in private practice at Psychology Consultants Pty Ltd, and an adjunct professor at the university of Queensland School of Psychology. He is also a TedX speaker, and host of Compassion in a T-Shirt.

In the full episode Stan shares: 

  • What compassion is and why it is important
  • How he defines trauma and suffering 
  • Why men avoid self-compassion
  • What Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT) is 
  • Supporting men to increase their self-compassion
  • 4 little steps to start practicing self-compassion


Key quotes


"Compassion is a sensitivity to suffering in self and others with a commitment to try and alleviate and prevent it”


"Often self-compassion is the tougher choice in the service of health and wellbeing”


“Often men can baulk at the idea of self-compassion because they think its self-pity"


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Mar 18, 202445:56
116. Bio-hacking and Epigenetics with Chris Barnes

116. Bio-hacking and Epigenetics with Chris Barnes

Welcome to Episode 116 - Bio-hacking and Epigenetics with Chris Barnes


Do you struggle with low energy, weight gain (or loss), brain fog, pain, stress, bad sleep or even mental health challenges? Maybe you’ve tried clean and healthy living, strict dieting, daily exercise, more sleep, less alcohol and drugs – but you don’t seem to be feeling better? And like me… do you feel older than you really are, but you want to feel younger? 


If you answered YES to some of these, then the answer may lie in epigenetics and bio-hacking. This week I sit down with holistic epigenetic coach Chris Barnes from Chris Barnes Wellness. Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into men’s health, having lived and breathed the industry for over 15 years. He’ll talk us through what epigenetics and bio-hacking is – and how it can benefit us to improve our health and wellbeing and turn back the aging clock. 


Key points


In this episode Chris shares: 

-       Life as a father and the importance of nature for our health

-       How the loss of his father prompted him to take control of his health and wellbeing

-       Chronological age vs biological or epigenetic age

-       What exactly epigenetics and bio-hacking is

-       Why its important for men to improve their health and wellbeing

-       How to model and educate our kids on eating and treating our body well 

-       How he specifically helps people explore epigenetics and bio-hacking




"We have the potential to thrive right up until our last days.”


"It's so easy to get trapped into sitting on the couch and vegging out and missing out on everything that’s out there.”


“Your genes are definitely not your destiny.”


"If you're aging for every chronological year more biologically, it's a big risk factor for a lot of chronic disease."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Mar 11, 202401:07:16
115. Turning negative thoughts into positive ones

115. Turning negative thoughts into positive ones

Welcome to Episode 115 - Turning negative thoughts into positive ones


When we’re struggling with what life is throwing at us, it is easy to succumb to negative thought cycles. Once a negative thought enters our minds, it can be difficult to let it go like a leaf drifting along a stream. So this week I’m sharing a simple therapy tool that I use to help reframe those negative thoughts into positive ones. This is a simple tool that you can use to overcome mental barriers whilst finding inspiration to push forward. 


So… grab the pen and paper or make a mental note. This episode is full of one-liners that will help you turn those negative thoughts into positive ones!


Key points


In this episode, I share: 

  • How negative self talk can impact us
  • The therapy tool I use to catch negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones
  • Common examples of negative self-talk and positive ones
  • What you can do right now to work on negative thoughts 
  • How to disempower negative thoughts with humour




“When we’re in the negative loop cycle we feel like we’re out of control” 


“How many times do we say “I can’t do it” to ourselves? An easy way to reframe that is I can do it"


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Mar 04, 202423:53
114. ADHD as a superpower with Dr James Stewart

114. ADHD as a superpower with Dr James Stewart

Trigger warning: Mental Health, Addiction


Welcome to Episode 114 - ADHD as a superpower with Dr James Stewart


Sometimes a mental health or disability diagnoses can cause us to dwell in the “label”. We can embody the condition, and struggle to separate it from our identity. But what if you could harness the uniqueness of your condition – and start thriving instead of simply surviving?


This week’s guest turned his ADHD into his superpower. Dr. James Stewart is Australia’s most decorated Cannabis clinician and three-time Australian Doctor of the Year at the National Cannabis Industry Awards. He shares his struggle with anxiety and addiction, and his journey from DJ to Doctor… using ADHD to supercharge his focus to support his clients thrive in life. 


Key points


In this episode James shares: 

-       What being a father means to him

-       The impact anxiety and addiction had on his life

-       Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult

-       How hyper-fixation helped him to study medicine

-       Life as a lived experience GP

-       How pharmaceuticals have prevented the expansion of medicinal cannabis in western medicine

-       The benefits of medicinal cannabis

-       His advice and tips for those struggling with ADHD




“If you're in a job where it's hindering your ADHD, you're gonna have to change it.”


"The faults I'm finding in myself and where they are from, I want to make sure my little fella doesn't get it.”


"The more open and honest I've been about my struggles, the better people have responded. And the more people accept it and relate to me."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Feb 26, 202458:07
113. Challenges That Change Us with Ali Flynn

113. Challenges That Change Us with Ali Flynn

Trigger warning: Mental Health, Stroke


Welcome to Episode 113 - Challenges That Change Us with Ali Flynn


Life is full of challenges that we face. For the most part, we’re pretty good at overcoming these challenges, celebrating for a moment, then moving on with life. But what if that challenge fundamentally changes everything we do in life from that moment forward?


This is what happened to Ali Flynn. At 30 she was getting ready for her day when a stroke stopped her in her tracks. What started as a headache and pins and needles, resulted in hospitalisation, vision loss, memory loss, seizures and more. Ali shares how this challenge changed her life forever… and the lives of her husband, children, family and friends. Join us as we dive into life after a stroke. We’ll talk symptoms, diagnoses, recovery, family, work and so much more!


Key points


In this episode Ali shares: 

-       Her story of having a stroke

-       The physical, mental and emotional impacts of stroke

-       How her stroke impacted her family life

-       The systems she had to put in place to manage her day

-       Sharing her story on the Challenges That Change Us Podcast




"In my experience, there's more learnings when I get it wrong or when I'm up against challenges”


"I don't have a lot of memory of that time but I remember fighting through every day.”


"I wasn't the person that he married. I was homeless in my body, I was homeless in my mind."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Feb 19, 202453:03
112. Stress and breathwork with Thomas Beresford

112. Stress and breathwork with Thomas Beresford

Trigger warning: Mental Health, Suicide


Welcome to Episode 112. Stress and breathwork with Thomas Beresford


Stress is inevitable in life. It comes and goes with different situations, and is actually a useful body response that enables us to evolve and thrive. But when we don’t release the stress through healthy outlets, it can grow and grow until we reach burnout. So how do we healthily release stress? Let’s find out with this week’s guest!


Thomas Beresford is recovering Chartered Accountant, husband, father and breath work instructor. Thomas shares his insights into the impacts of stress and burnout on his life, including how it impacted his sense of self, his drive and his friendships. Thomas also shares how breath work can help us to release stress, and why this is an important tool that can support men to improve their health and wellbeing.  


Key points


In this episode Thomas’ shares: 

-       What being a dad means to him

-       How stress has shown up in his life

-       What led him to discover breath work

-       How breath work changed his life

-       How he turned breath work into a business

-       Different breathing techniques 

-       What a breath work session looks like with him

-       How breath work can support men




"You start getting these little nudges from the universe and if you don't listen one day it hits you with a big stick.”


"For the first time, you don’t know you're burning out until someone points it out to you."


“that space where you can get everyone together, and that shared experience. It's something quite powerful.”


Connect with Thomas



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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Feb 12, 202456:37
111. The Positive Impact From Sharing Our Stories

111. The Positive Impact From Sharing Our Stories

Trigger warning: Mental Health


Welcome to Episode 111. The Positive Impact From Sharing Our Stories


Sharing stories has become an integral part of my life. From first sharing my story with a GP and Psychologist in 2012, to sharing my story with the world after burning out in 2020. I share stories in a lot of podcasts, and also welcome stories into my therapy practice Mindful Men.


This episode highlights the importance of us sharing our story, but also the positive impact that sharing stories has. Stories are a source of inspiration, and by sharing your story you might just inspire someone else to share theirs. 


To help inspire more men across the world to embrace storytelling – I also NEED YOUR HELP! Please give this show a 5 star rating on your podcast platform. The more 5 stars we have – the higher up the podcast rankings ladder we go. And once this happens, millions of men will start to see all the amazing stories that we bring each week on The Mindful Men Podcast


Key points

In this episode I share: 

·       How good it feels to share stories

·       Challenges we experience sharing stories

·       Life as a podcaster

·       The positive impacts of sharing stories

·       A plea for help – Give this podcast a 5 star rating!

·       Some ideas for you to start sharing your story



"The more and more I shared my story, the easier things became.”


"You're never gonna know what someone is gonna say to your story, if you don't share your story in the first place"


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Feb 05, 202420:52
110. Veteran and First Responder Wellbeing with Shane Dimech

110. Veteran and First Responder Wellbeing with Shane Dimech

Trigger warning: Mental Health, Suicide


Welcome to Episode 110 – Veteran and First Responder Wellbeing with Shane Dimech


Imagine you’re in a mental health facility, standing in line and waiting for your meds. You’re hoping to heal, but get stuck in a cycle of meds, sleep, meds, sleep. For some that works. But for others like Shane Dimech, it wasn’t a pathway he wanted to tread. So he made the decision to seek natural alternatives to mental health treatment, and turned towards meditation, mindfulness and yoga. 


Shane bravely shares his story of hitting rock bottom after his military career, to transforming lives through natural therapies. We chat about his journey including military life, PTSD, alcoholism, suicide and family; and learn about the different types of yoga that can help improve the wellbeing of veterans and first responders. 


Key points


In this episode Shane shares: 

-        His military career

-        His mental health following his military career

-        The wake up call he needed to have 

-        Hitting rock bottom and being hospitalised for mental health treatment

-        The impact of mental health on his family

-        Alcoholism and getting sober

-        How he discovered yoga and how it changed his life 

-        How he became a yoga teacher

-        His mentoring through Buddy Up Australia




"If the people you've been surrounding yourself with up until now aren't leading you along the right path, then maybe it's time to step away from them a little bit.”


"I worked out that if I want to get better, it's up to me.”


"All I could focus on was myself, and I had no realisation what was happening in the world around me."


Connect with Shane:

Buddy Up Australia:


Front Line Yoga:


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Jan 29, 202442:10
109. Adapting to disability with Nathan Stapleton

109. Adapting to disability with Nathan Stapleton

Trigger warning: Spinal Cord Injury


Welcome to Episode 109 – Adapting to disability with Nathan Stapleton


Nathan Stapleton grew up playing the game he loved, rugby league. He went on to play National Rugby League (NRL) for the Cronulla Sharks, before heading over to the UK to play for the London Broncos. Rugby opened up the world to Nathan and his family, but it also took everything away from him. In 2022 he sustained a spinal cord injury playing country footy, acquiring quadriplegia. He was pronounced dead for 16 minutes, and was lucky there was a registered nurse at the game who saved his life. 


Nathan shares his story of adapting to life with disability. From being a footy star, to needing 24/7 disability support to survive, he bravely shares how disability has taken almost everything away from him. Nathan draws strength from being a loving father or two, and highlights the importance of getting back to work; but also the support of his family, friends and footy community. 


Key points


In this episode Nathan shares: 

  • His career in Rugby League
  • How a spinal cord injury playing country footy changed his life 
  • Life after footy, including his wife giving birth shortly after his injury
  • How his children reacted to his injury
  • What he used as his motivation to get better
  • The steps he took to recovery post injury 
  • The impact his injury and recovery had on his family
  • His experience with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • The importance of mateship for his recovery
  • His advice for those going through something similar 




"It was grim mate. Not gonna lie, it was the worst day of my life.”


"You don't ever want your kid to look at you like "what's wrong?”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Jan 22, 202429:48
108. Mentoring Men with Simon Jarvis

108. Mentoring Men with Simon Jarvis

Trigger warning: Mental Health, Suicide


Welcome to Episode 108 – Mentoring Men with Simon Jarvis


Australia is in a mental health and crisis, and men are struggling big time. But unlike women and children, men have limited options available to them; The health system is female-orientated, and wait lists for mental health support are extending to 6-9 months in some cases. Unfortuantely this pushes many men over the edge, with high rates of reported family and domestic violence and suicide.


If we’re to change the stats, we need to change our approach. And this is what Mentoring Men is doing – providing a free mentoring service for men Australia wide. It’s not about replacing therapists, but about complementing them with boots on the ground support to overcome life’s challenges. 


And joining me to share the Mentoring Men story is CEO Simon Jarvis. Simon shares his journey into Mentoring Men, and the valuable work their mentors do for men in need. He also leaves us with some wonderful insights into his own fatherhood journey, including his love for everyone’s favourite TV show, Bluey. 


In this episode, Simon shares:

  • His journey into the mental health field
  • His realisation that men need more support
  • The services Mentoring Men provide
  • How we need to evolve support provided to men
  • A Mentoring Men success story
  • The mentor/mentoree process

Key Quotes:


"It is hard to open up. And it is hard to even just go to a GP or go to a doctor and ask.”


"Providing that opportunity to use language men resonate with really gives us a better insight into what’s going on.”


"Our mentors get out of it as much as our mentees."


Connect with Simon:



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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Jan 15, 202438:26
107. Stories of Hope with Kerrie Atherton

107. Stories of Hope with Kerrie Atherton

Trigger warning: Addiction, Childhood Abuse, Trauma, Suicide


Welcome to Episode 107 – Stories of Hope with Kerrie Atherton


Losing hope can have us feeling like we’ve got nothing left to give the world. We can feel as though we’re broken, unwanted, unlovable and unworthy of being alive. Our lives can spiral out of control; impacting our mental health, relationships, careers and more. 


But amidst the chaos, it’s important to know that we can regain our hope. Life has a way of presenting lightbulb moments that can guide is in new directions. And this week’s episode offers that through Stories of Hope. 


Kerrie Atherton is the Founder of Stories of Hope Australia/Worldwide, and Empower Life Solutions. She is also an author and Trauma and Addictions Recovery Counsellor – providing much needed support for those struggling and without hope. Kerrie bravely shares her story of childhood trauma, mental health, suicide and addiction with the hope that it inspires you to face your fears and reach out for support if you need it.  


In this episode, Kerrie shares:

  • Her experiences of childhood trauma
  • The emotional, spiritual and physical impacts of trauma
  • Her relationship with alcohol
  • Attending Alcoholics Anonymous at 16 years of age
  • Her experience of suicide at 18 years of age
  • How Alcoholics Anonymous saved her
  • The impact of trauma on her relationships 
  • How she broke the pattern of abuse and started healing
  • How 'Stories of Hope' came about
  • Why she started her clinic and the therapy she now does

Key Quotes: 

"For a recovering alcoholic or addict life is like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle. One that you cannot put the pieces back together again. But you can make a new puzzle.”


"For many people that feel like they're so hopeless that they want to end their life, they don't actually want to die, they just don't know how to live anymore.”


“My dad taught me to fear everything, so I was born into fear."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Jan 08, 202454:05
106. Starting the new year with clearer focus

106. Starting the new year with clearer focus

Welcome to Episode 106 – Starting the new year with clearer focus 


So you’ve woken up after new years and you’ve had a lightbulb moment. You want to get sober, or lose weight, or kick big goals in 2024. You start a list of new year’s resolutions… but deep down inside you know that you’ll probably give up by the end of January.


But what if I told you that you could make that resolution actually stick? 


Join me this week as I talk you through how to start your year with clearer focus. We’ll combine your end of year reflections with your core values and SMART goals to kickstart 2024 and achieve great things.


But before you hit play – make sure you listen to 104 and 105 because they give you some background to this episode. 


In this episode, I share:

  • How setting new years resolutions can have a negative effect on us
  • Why smart goals are a good mindfulness tool for the new year
  • What SMART goals are
  • Examples of what SMART goals can be for you 
  • How linking SMART goals with your values can make it stick 
  • Other steps to use to help you achieve SMART goals


Key Quotes:


“We’ve all been there and gone I want to lose 10 kilos in the first month and losing 10 kg of weight is really hard.”


“SMART goals are specific, they're measurable, they're achievable, they're relevant, and they're time based”


“The reason we set goals is because we want to move forward. We want to achieve something”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Jan 01, 202420:22
105. Using values as a life compass

105. Using values as a life compass

Welcome to Episode 105 – Using values as a life compass

The Christmas and New Years period often brings up a bunch of “what am I doing with my life?” style questions. You’ve been through a year of hell, or a year of the same old, same old… and you’re yearning for change. But where do you start?

This week I give you an insight into a powerful mindfulness tool called – values. Values serve to connect us with our true and authentic selves. They can also be used to make difficult decisions, such as changing career, entering into a new relationship or even tackling your finances once and for all.

This week I’ll go through some core values and how they can be applied to your daily life. I’ll also guide you through how you can discover your own core values, and leave you inspired to turn off the auto-pilot, and switch on conscious living!

In this episode, I share:

Why values are important – particularly during the holiday season
The benefits of values-based work
How I used values to stop drinking alcohol
3 big values – trust, honesty and respect
Some values you probably haven’t thought about before
How to discover your core values
3 things to remember about values
How to use your values as a life compass

Key Quotes:

“It's about using our values to guide and direct us to make better decisions, to do the things that we want, to be that authentic self and to essentially reach for the stars”

“And if you want to be free, you kind of need to take responsibility. And so values based work helps us do this”

“do something small every day. That's how you use them as your life compass”

Buy the values cards here:

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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Stay Mindful, Simon
Dec 25, 202324:48
104. Mindful about Christmas and New Years

104. Mindful about Christmas and New Years

Welcome to Episode 104 – Mindful about Christmas and New Years


It’s the holiday season and a time of reflection. Whether it’s about how we’re going right now, or how we’ve gone over the past year, we can experience good, bad and ugly emotions during the Christmas and New Years period.


This week I sit down to give you some tips on navigating Christmas and New Years. From reflecting on the year, and recognising our growth – to identifying and connecting in with the supports we need to be well this holiday season. 


I’m also inviting you to join the Mindful Men Community group on Facebook. It’s free and can help you to connect with mindful men from all over the world.  


In this episode, I share:

  • How to identify and acknowledge the emotions that arise during the holiday period.
  • How to more effectively reflect on the entire year. 
  • How to recognize personal growth and resilience.
  • The importance of connecting with others.
  • Why rest and self-care is important.
  • One thing to try if you can’t navigate Christmas and New Years alone.
  • Join the Mindful Men Facebook Community (link below)


Key Quotes:


"If nothing positive has happened but you're still here, you're still trying... that’s called resilience”


“this year I'm being very mindful and I'm not going to be drinking because previous years I would overdo it”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Dec 18, 202318:53
103. Freedom from life in a cult/sect/family with Rosie Rasmussen

103. Freedom from life in a cult/sect/family with Rosie Rasmussen

Trigger warning: Divorce, religious cult or sect


Welcome to Episode 103 – Freedom from life in a cult/sect/family with Rosie Rasmussen


For millions around the world, religion provides a connection with the spiritual self. It brings communities together, and teaches ways to navigate life through shared principles and values. 


And whilst millions find freedom through religion, others have that freedom taken away. 


This week I sit down Rosie Rasmussen, a Mindfulness Mentor who in 2010 turned her back on the church with no name. As an outsider now, she sees it as a cult or sect, whilst acknowledging that those still within the church see it more as a family. And this is where we focus our discussion – the family – and how patriarchy showed within the church and took away her freedom.  


In this episode, Rosie shares:

  • Her life in a cult/sect/family
  • Some of the main differences between mainstream religions and her cult/sect/family
  • The expectations and beliefs that were put on her
  • The moment she realised there was a life outside the church 
  • How she navigated family and relationships after leaving the church
  • The impacts of patriarchy on her life
  • Her process of healing and growing
  • Her mentoring through Awake Aware Mindful

Key Quotes:


"We weren't encouraged to be part of the world”


“Doing all these things to be the good woman but there is resentment underneath it, that just discounts all of it."


Where am I? Here. What am I doing? This. What time is it? Now.”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Dec 11, 202354:55
102. Grey Area Drinking with Sarah Rusbatch

102. Grey Area Drinking with Sarah Rusbatch

Trigger warning: alcoholism, addiction


Welcome to Episode 102 – Grey Area Drinking with Sarah Rusbatch 


So many of us struggle with alcohol, but we refrain from admitting it through fear of being labelled an alcoholic. We don’t fit the image of a stereotypical “alcoholic” – the guy who has lost everything to his drinking, needs to drink to function, and is sitting on a park bench taking a swig from a bottle in a brown paper bag. 


This was the case for me; I didn’t fit the stereotype. But when I did drink, I didn’t have a STOP button. And drinking went from fun to self-medication.


But throughout 2023, I’ve found courage in hearing more and more people embrace a sober life. And then I heard of Grey Area Drinking: the grey area between being able to have the occasional drink and full blown alcoholism. It’s the spectrum between being ok with a couple of drinks, to creating rules to justify our drinking, to getting drunk way too often. 


Helping us unpack this topic is Grey Area Drinking coach Sarah Rusbatch. Sarah is an ex-Grey Area Drinker, and shares her story to inspire others out there to quit the booze and live their best life.


In this episode, Sarah shares:

  • What grey area drinking is
  • Social pressures to drink and how this impacts getting sober
  • Why a lot of people resist the term alcoholic and how that influences their drinking decisions
  • Her story of grey area drinking and how it became a problem for her
  • The rules she put in place to justify her drinking
  • The process she went through to redesign her social circles
  • What her husband did when she stopped drinking
  • Her opinion on replacing alcohol with other options
  • The difference between grey area drinking coaching and alcoholics anonymous
  • The strategies and tools she offers her clients

Key Quotes:


"Did I think I had a problem with alcohol? No I had a problem and alcohol was my solution.”


"Alcohol is the only drug we have to justify not taking.”


"It's so hard in an alcohol centric society to take a break from alcohol”


"If we are taking alcohol out, what are we putting in?"


Connect with Sarah:





Gray Area Drinking – Jolene Park

Ted Talk:


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Dec 04, 202345:02
101. Red Nose Dads with Chris Wood

101. Red Nose Dads with Chris Wood

Trigger warning: Infant death, Bereaved parents


Welcome to Episode 101 – Red Nose Dads with Chris Wood


As a family man, my wife and kids are my everything. I simply can’t imagine a world without them.


And this is why my chat with Chris Wood was particularly eye-opening. Chris is a loving husband and bereaved father to Liam who passed away a 1 day old due to complications in utero. Chris bravely shares his story of losing Liam, to help encourage more fathers to access support through agencies like Red Nose Australia.


Red Nose’s aim is to break the stigma around bereavement and loss, and provide support to those in grief through their free 24/7 Grief and Loss Support Line. Sadly, 3,000 little lives are lost suddenly and unexpectedly each year; and it is believed 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. 


But according to Red Nose, only 1 in 4 who access their Grief and Loss Support line are male. Our hope at Mindful Men is that Chris’ story inspires more men to reach out for support after hearing his family’s story. 


The Red Nose Grief and Loss Support Line is available 24/7 for anyone affected by miscarriage, stillbirth, baby or child death on 1300 308 307.


In this episode, Chris shares:

  • The devastating story of his and his wife's fertility and miscarriage journey
  • How he nearly lost his son and wife during childbirth.
  • His memories of Liam’s first day
  • What happened immediately after his Liam’s death
  • The gap between support for mums and dads
  • How he started the touch footy team and how it's helped him cope
  • His petition to increase the government’s payments to bereaved parents

Key Quotes:


"Pregnancy is fucking hard for a lot of people”


“Probably one of the equal hardest  things we ever done was had to leave him there after he died.”


"For me I was back at work doing 6 days a week after 3 weeks and I fucking hated it."


Connect with Chris:

Liam's Legacy:

Red Nose Dads:


Connect with Red Nose Australia:

Red Nose:

Fathers of Loss:


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Nov 27, 202334:54
100. What it means to be a mindful man

100. What it means to be a mindful man

Welcome to Episode 100 – What it means to be a mindful man


I first discovered mindfulness in my recovery from burnout in 2020. At first I thought it was a bit woo woo… a bit hippy… and certainly not manly!


But the more I dived into mindfulness, the more I discovered that it goes beyond meditation, gratitude and journaling. 


In this special 100th episode, I reflect on the various definitions of what it means to be a mindful man. This episode is inspired by the men who are part of the Mindful Men Community on Facebook. If you’re interested in joining this growing community, you can find the link below. 


Key Quotes:


“[mindfulness is] paying attention with openness, curiosity, flexibility and kindness” (Dr Russ Harris)


“[mindfulness is] The art of conscious living” (Jon Kabat-Zinn)


"Values can direct us when we’re lost, but they can also keep us on track when we’re good.”


“Recognise that our way of being and feeling isn’t the only way of being and feeling in the world."


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Nov 20, 202323:38
99. Average Joes with Wayne Taylor

99. Average Joes with Wayne Taylor

Welcome to Episode 99 – Average Joes with Wayne Taylor


A plumber and a real estate agent walked into a bar… 


It has all the makings of the start of a great joke, but what happened is anything but. In 2018, mates Wayne and Eliot put the call out to men of the Sunshine Coast to join them for a beer, chicken wings and chat. And it didn’t take long before blokes started rocking up – and Average Joes was born. 


Average Joes is a movement that inspires men to step above average. Through weekly meet-ups, men can engage in meaningful discussions about topics that matter to them. Not only does it provide a sense of community for men, but it also helps them to find their voice, learn and grow. 


In this episode, Wayne shares:

  • The 3 types of father: inactive, reactive and proactive
  • How Average Joes started
  • What an Average Joes meet-up looks like
  • What it takes to be a host for Average Joes
  • A moment that helped Wayne realise he was doing something special
  • The future for Average Joes

Key Quotes:


“If you choose to be the inactive father, trust me the media will step in and father your child.”


“I didn’t realise that as a whole men were lonely.”


“I wanna be a men’s movement that raises a generation of men that wanna be givers.”


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Nov 13, 202348:09
98. From prison to purpose with Sonny Von Cleveland

98. From prison to purpose with Sonny Von Cleveland

Trigger warning: Child Sexual Abuse, Graphic Violence


Welcome to Episode 98 – From prison to purpose with Sonny Von Cleveland


The thought of going to prison would horrify most people. But for some who have been in the prison system, it can provide safety, belonging and the time and space to heal. At least this was the situation for Sonny Von Cleveland. 


Sonny was sexually abused as a child, and his traumatic upbringing lead to a young life of crime. Repeat detentions in the juvenile system ultimately saw him enter the adult prison system as a 16 year old. It wasn’t long before the unprocessed trauma became too much and Sonny snapped; stabbing another inmate in the face, and from here fell in with a brotherhood of gang members. 


Later on, Sonny ended up in the hole – and it’s here that he discovered a way of healing the anger that was festering inside. Join us as Sonny take us through his transformational journey, and shares how he uses his pain to inspire change in others. 


In this episode, Sonny shares:

  • The impact of being sexually assaulted as a child
  • His 18 years in prison, including life as a gang member
  • How prison bought out his unresolved anger
  • The man in prison who helped him heal and discover his purpose
  • His connection with Viking faith
  • His techniques for moving thoughts out of his mind and calming himself 
  • The back story of his book and why he wrote it

Key Quotes:

  • "When you speak about your trauma it gets easier and easier. It's like lifting weights at a gym.”
  • “When you puff your chest up and refuse to be vulnerable no one believes it.”
  • "In my young mind, when I would get arrested, all the men that were abusing me went away."

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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Nov 06, 202301:02:12
97. Thriving after a liver transplant with John Weiman

97. Thriving after a liver transplant with John Weiman

Trigger warning: Alcohol abuse


Welcome to Episode 97 – Thriving after a liver transplant with John Weiman


Have you ever wondered what happens when you have “too much of a good thing?”. Alcohol can make us feel we’re on a good thing, but the long term impacts can have devastating consequences. This includes impacts on our mental and physical health, our identity, finances, relationships, careers and so much more. 


This week we’re exploring all of this through the lived experience of John Weiman. After years of alcohol abuse, John was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver and required a liver transplant to survive. He talks about what led to the diagnosis, and the hurdles he had to jump over just to get the doctor’s approval to do the transplant. This is a story of triumph over tragedy, and an episode you won’t want to miss. 


In this episode, John shares:

  • The incredibly young age that alcohol came into his life
  • The way alcohol made him stop feeling alone during his marriage
  • The process to get diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver (liver failure)
  • Why he didn’t go to rehab and how he managed without it
  • The family issues that lead up to his stroke
  • How his health got so bad during his wait for transplant that he even forgot his own name
  • The impact his drinking and Cirrhosis had on his children and family
  • His experience in the transplant world
  • How he now uses his learned experience to help others


Key Quotes:

“Because of the chaos in the household, I developed a family out side of the household and that was friends who drank.”

“Alcohol abuse is something that whether your drinking or not, lasts with you the rest of your life.”

“I never thought of myself as an alcoholic, I was a people-holic”

Interested in Organ Donation?


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***


Stay Mindful, Simon

Oct 30, 202351:02
96. Why I’m going alcohol free for the rest of 2023 (Solo)

96. Why I’m going alcohol free for the rest of 2023 (Solo)

Trigger warning: Addiction

Welcome to Episode 95 – Why I’m going alcohol free for the rest of 2023
For the past couple of months I have been undertaking a change in my diet and lifestyle that has been a long time coming.
Alcohol has been a part of my life for a very long time and the ways it has influenced my life have changed over the years. But at the age of 40 I have decided to make a change and try cutting it out of my life.
There are several reasons for doing this and in this episode I want to dive deep into my experience with alcohol and explain how I’ve been going with this recent change.

In this episode, I share:
- The realisation I had about alcohol on my 40th birthday
- The scary association my kids were making with my beer consumption
- Just how difficult it was not drink on AFL Grand Final Day
- Where my relationship with alcohol started
- The way people told me alcohol made me funny and the impact that had on me
- How I used alcohol to cope with my mental illness
- The problems my drinking caused when I entered the workforce
- The things I'm doing now instead of drinking
- My advice and tips for what to do to make a similar change for yourself

Key quotes:
“So every time we would go drinking I would make an effort to get pretty drunk with the hope that people would see me and say yeah Simon you’re so funny.”

“Drinking alcohol puts a band aid on my pain.”

“Switching beer for Cacao. Half time would normally come and I’d be pretty plastered but this year I cooked up Cacao.”

Help services for addiction
If you are struggling with alcohol and would like some help you can find some information through Alcoholics Anonymous:

If you are struggling with anything you can always start with Lifeline by calling 13 11 14 and they may be able to direct you to a specific service to help as well.

For more from Mindful Men
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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***
Cheers, Simon
Oct 23, 202323:54
95. Ending Men's Violence Against Women and Children with Allan Ball

95. Ending Men's Violence Against Women and Children with Allan Ball

Trigger warning: Domestic Violence
Welcome to Episode 95 – Ending Men's Violence Against Women and Children with Allan Ball

Domestic Violence is a major issue in Australia that can present in many different ways. This includes physical, emotional, spiritual,
online and financial forms of violence and abuse.
And the statistics show that 95% of all victims of violence, whether women or men, experience violence from a male perpetrator. So why is this case? And what can we do to turn things around?
In this episode I will be talking specifically about domestic violence perpetrated by men against women and how it results in a tragically high loss of life every year.
Helping me delve into this and discuss how we as men can be part of the solution to address violence against women and children is fellow social worker and National Director at White Ribbon Australia, Allan Ball.

Over the last 15 years, Allan has led social movements, frontline
service delivery and international community engagement projects to assist women and children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
He has previously worked for Local Government, State Government, Federal Government and the Corporate Sector; and is now the National Director of Australia’s largest social movement encouraging men to intervene in, and advocate for, an end to men’s violence against women and children.

In this episode, Allan shares:
- What exactly is a ‘change agent’ and what do they do?
- Just how bad the domestic violence problem is in Australia.
- How his father was a trailblazer in raising children
- The ways we can include men in the discussion to help prevent domestic violence.
- The reasons Australia is struggling so much with domestic violence.
- The double standard of committing violence against female partners but not others.
- How an unregulated digital space influences the toxic traits that can grow domestic violence.
- What men can do now to help make the change.

Key quotes:
“Men do choose violence because they feel like they can get away with it.”

“Collectively we’ve shaken the finger at men and said hey you're just the problem. Instead of indicting men we need to invite them into the conversation.”

“What we know is in these online communities, is that once
you’re in there, is it becomes your world and when you’re only seeing a certain perspective that becomes your norm .”

More about Allan and White Ribbon

Find out more about what White Ribbon does here:
You can also follow White Ribbon on social media.

The barbershop resource Allan mentioned can be found here:

You can follow Allan personally on linkedin:

For more from Mindful Men
Check out the website at

Join the Mindful Men Community:

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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***
Cheers, Simon
Oct 15, 202332:05
94. That Eco Warrior with Mandy Spooner

94. That Eco Warrior with Mandy Spooner

Welcome to Episode 94 – That Eco Warrior with Mandy Spooner

When it comes to being mindful and aware, caring for our environment is something a lot of us are still learning about.
There’s so many tricky ways to recycle, or be more eco conscious when using products in the pantry or the kitchen, but how do you even start? And how do you help your family start as well?
To help answer those questions in this episode I’m talking to Mandy Spooner, That Eco Warrior.
Mandy's eco-conscious journey began in 2017 when she discovered the environmental toll of single-use plastics, motivating her to make eco-friendly swaps and inspire others through social media.
Since then she has released multiple eco friendly and recycling e-books, built a thriving social media presence and helps others change their recycling habits online

In this episode, Mandy shares:

- How she got the nickname That Eco Warrior
- How she became an eco warrior
- The early misconceptions she had about recycling
- The mistakes she made convincing her family to being eco friendly
- How she has gone about raising her two boys to be eco friendly
- Her tips for building habits that will help with recycling
- Some of the surprising things that may be able to go in your curb side recycling bins
- How she can help you personally sort out your home to be eco friendly

Key quotes:

“I just couldn’t wrap my head around why people would litter.”

“Change one thing at a time. Pick one thing, change it, feel like a legend and then pick something else.”

“When the boys were younger, their room is full of plastic toys, it’s insane.”

More about Mandy

You can follow her on Instagram: @mandy_spooner
You can follow her on facebook and join her community here:
You can also follow her on youtube:
To find out more about her services, check out her website:
You can find the link to her ebook here:

To find out about what your local council will let you recycle you can check out the link we mentioned here:

For more from Mindful Men
Check out the website at

Join the Mindful Men Community:

You can also follow us on social media

***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***
Cheers, Simon
Oct 09, 202343:37
93. Man Up with Gareth Shanthikumar

93. Man Up with Gareth Shanthikumar

Welcome to Episode 93 – Man Up with Gareth Shanthikumar
It's becoming widely understood that one way to encourage men to be more open about their mental health is to initiate and normalise conversations in childhood.
What we are still figuring out is how, exactly, to have those conversations with young men in a way that is comfortable and impactful.
The term ‘Man Up’ has traditionally been used to tell men to stop crying and hide their emotions. However, the 'Man Up' initiative, led by co-founder Gareth Shanthikumar, involves volunteers taking their program into schools to empower young men to embrace vulnerability and redefine masculinity.
With a mission like that, I had to get Gareth on the podcast to find out more about Man Up and his reasons for starting the initiative.

In this episode, Gareth shares:
- His early years growing up and how his mental health got out of control in dangerous ways
- The moment he attempted self harm and had his girlfriend leave him
- His family’s response to him admitting his mental health journey and how culture shaped this
- What happened when his behaviour was noticed by his friends and they tried to help
- How Man Up was started
- What exactly Man Up does in its programs in schools and what they discuss with young men
- Why he thinks professional help is hard for young men to seek out, and why he pushes young men to seek it
- His own advice for self care and why it is important
- What we can expect from Man Up next

Key quotes:
“I am constantly unlearning a lot of my masculine behaviours, to adapt a healthy way to be.”
“Sometimes you get groups where it’s the boys who appear the
toughest, the most rowdy., all of a sudden this one kid is telling us about the darkest thing that’s happened.”

“Healthy masculinity looks like a balance. It’s the ability to navigate a spectrum of emotions. To be assertive but also to be nurturing.”

More about Gareth and Man Up
If you’re interested in hearing more about Man Up, or even
helping sponsor them, you can reach out via email at
You can also head to their website:
Or you can follow them on social media,


For more from Mindful Men
Check out the website at

Join the Mindful Men Community:

You can also follow us on social media

***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***
Cheers, Simon
Oct 02, 202348:21
92. Finding Joy through the Inner Child (Solo Episode)

92. Finding Joy through the Inner Child (Solo Episode)

Welcome to Episode 92 - Finding Joy through the Inner Child (Solo episode)

In a world that often seems to prioritise seriousness and adult responsibilities, we often forget the advantages and joy that came with our childhood.

After a recent men’s retreat, I had an eye-opening experience that helped to reawaken my connection with my inner child. So in today’s episode I’ll be exploring just what that involved, the benefits of doing so and how you can do it as well.
In this episode I cover:
- The seriousness of adulthood and the loneliness we can all encounter
- My own recent journey to rediscovering fun at a men’s retreat
- The powerful exercise we undertook to connect with our inner child
- An exercise you can join me in to reconnect with your inner child
- Some things we can do going forward to continue to reconnect with our inner child and rediscover fun
Key quotes:

“What I started to realise, after I let my guard down, was that this was fun, this was the kind of stuff I used to do as a kid.”

“I’m so serious these days. I really do struggle to let my guard down and have genuine fun.”

“Kids are a great way to show you how to have fun, that pure fun, that pure joy from when we were younger.”

For more from Mindful Men
Check out the website at

Join the Mindful Men Community:

You can also follow us on social media

***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***
Cheers, Simon
Sep 25, 202329:36
91. Strong Men Struggle with Gary Fahey

91. Strong Men Struggle with Gary Fahey

Trigger warning: Gambling addiction, suicide


Welcome to Episode 91 – Strong Men Struggle with Gary Fahey

Men who identify as Alpha males can often feel trapped when dealing with their internal struggles. The expectation to be strong, dependable and unwavering amidst chaos can clash with an internal voice that’s reaching our for help. But there is a way to balance the two, and this week’s guest is a prime example of this. Gary Fahey is a mental strength and performance specialist, mental health and addiction counsellor, highly sought-after speaker and bestselling author who embodies the mantra of “Lived it, Learned it, Earned it.”

Gary spent 18 years with the Australian Federal Police, leading the Australian Prime Minister’s Personal Protection Team, directing the strategic and operational responsibilities of the Office of Commissioner as the AFP's Executive Officer, and managing international operations.

And he did this while fighting a deep, dark and destructive battle with mental health and gambling addiction which cost him $2 million, his career, his reputation and saw him question the value of his own life.


In this episode Gary shares:


-      Where he started and what life was growing up in a low socio economic area

-      How he got into the Australian Federal Police and came to work with Kevin Rudd’s security

-      The way his career took a toll on his personal life

-      How things outside the AFP were unconsciously happening and it took him a while to realise what was falling to the side of his high pressure career

-      How gambling was the place where the noise wouldswitch off in his head

-      The moment he lost his job due to his gambling addiction

-      His rock bottom/scary moment in his life where he researched taking his own life

-      The reason his earlier attempts to stop his addiction were not successful

-      The work he's doing today to help and inspire others going through similar challenges

-      The frameworks and techniques he draw on to help his clients

-      The reason he doesn’t conduct sessions in offices

-      The importance of lived experience especially for helping men


Key quotes:


"I found it very difficult to acknowledge to myself that I was struggling.”


"I wasn’t very conscious about building the man outside of the AFP, I was more focused on climbing the ladder.”


"I thought I had a gambling issue and tried to fix a gambling issue and didn’t realise the depression was underpinning that.”


"I needed to build skills when I was in rational thinking so that when I was irrational I might have had a chance to do the right thing."


More about Gary

You can find out more about Gary and his services via his website: 

And follow Gary on social media:




Gary also mentioned Physiological Sighing, which you can find information about here:


For more from Mindful Men

Check out the website at


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Cheers, Simon

Sep 18, 202349:16
90. Open Arms with Ken Otter

90. Open Arms with Ken Otter

Trigger warning: Depression, PTSD, suicide


Welcome to Episode 90 - Open Arms with Ken Otter


Making any kind of life change can have a big impact on our mental health, but there are probably very few shifts you can make as big as returning to civilian life after serving in the military.

The trauma that veterans experience can have long lasting effects, not just on them, but on the friends and family around them as well.

That’s why the organisation Open Arms was founded to provide mental health support for Australian veterans and their families.

In this episode I speak with Ken Otter a social worker with Open Arms who has seen the many different ways trauma can have an impact on our veterans mental health and understands the unique approaches required to help them and their families.


In this episode Ken shares:


-      What first drew him to social work

-      His experiences working in the mental health space in the Northern Territory

-      What exactly Open Arms is and how it helps veterans and their families

-      Therapy approaches used in Open Arms

-      The unique ways he pitches mindfulness to veterans

-      The power of having someone with lived experience to help

-      Why the young age that people join the military has a significant impact on their mental health

-      Why many veterans struggle with having their high level skills dismissed in the civilian world.

-      The many forms of trauma and ways it can be experienced

-      Some of the things to look out for, for those who might be experiencing a trauma related mental illness

-      Why people need to consider their journey to be their journey and not compare it to anyone else’s.


Key quotes:


“Because you’re in the military and you’ve got this higher order purpose, it’s very hard to come back and stand around a BBQ and talk about what colour your commodore is.”


“Trauma comes in many forms.”


“Mindfulness is very individual. One person’s mindfulness is another person’s irritation.”


More about Ken and Open Arms


You can find out more about Open Arms here:

And follow them on social media:




You can also ring the Open Arms 24/7 number on 1800 011 046.

You can also follow Ken on linkedin:

Ken also mentioned the Netflix mini series called “True Colours” that he believes portrays the cultural differences in the Northern Territory quite well.


For more from Mindful Men

Check out the website at


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Cheers, Simon

Sep 11, 202354:10
89. AFL, bulimia and psychedelics with Brock McLean

89. AFL, bulimia and psychedelics with Brock McLean

Trigger warning: depression, bulimia and eating disorders

Welcome to Episode 89 - AFL and psychedelics with Brock McLean


The world of elite sports can be damaging for both the physical and mental health of the athletes who participate in it.

The pressure, risk of losing your spot and constant competitive nature can lead to some drastic effects.

That’s why I’m very excited to be talking to Brock McLean for this episode. As a former football player for both the Melbourne Football Club and Carlton in the AFL, he will be giving us a behind the scenes picture of the journey to, during and after a career in elite sports.


In this episode Brock shares:

-      His experience with early fatherhood

-      What he did to help out his wife in the early stages of parenthood

-      His early life in a blue collar family and what his journey into football looked like

-      How a coach’s request made him obsessed with food and started weighing everything and purging food at night.

-      The way he handled/recognised his bulimia

-      What the mental health support system is like in football clubs

-      The reason it is so important players take a break for their mental health to normalise the process for others

-      His belief that psychiatric facilities and the people who go through them are horribly misunderstood and stigmatised

-      How being delisted influenced his mental health and how he handled it.

-      The difference between self-esteem and self-worth

-      His experience with researching using psychedelics to help improve mental health.


Key quotes:


“Anyone who’s been in that situation (unhappiness) knows that no matter how many times you change your environment, that unhappiness follows you.”


“It’s not the emotions, it’s not the feelings that’s the issue… it’s what we do to try and avoid those emotions or suppress those emotions.”


“Some of the most amazing people and unfortunately troubled people I’ve ever met in my life have been in psychiatric clinics.”


More about Brock


You can follow Brock on linkedin:

For more from Mindful Men

Check out the website at


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***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Cheers, Simon

Sep 04, 202354:05
88. Quadriplegia and Medicine with Dinesh Palipana OAM

88. Quadriplegia and Medicine with Dinesh Palipana OAM

Trigger warning: depression, agoraphobia, panic disorder and spinal cord injury


Welcome to Episode 88 - Quadriplegia and Medicine with Dinesh Palipana OAM


What kind of mindset and process does it take to live through a catastrophic car accident that leaves you with a cervical spinal cord injury?

That’s exactly what we’re finding out this week with our guest Dinesh Palipana OAM.

Having experienced depression and agoraphobia in his early 20’s, Dinesh is familiar with the how low our minds can take us.

Combine that with the experience of becoming a quadriplegic right when he was training to be a doctor and you can imagine the adversity he has had to overcome.

Since then he has risen above it to become a doctor, lawyer, author, Gold Coast Titans STAR Ambassador and 2021 Queensland Australian of the Year.

In this episode Dinesh shares:


-      His definition of disability and what it means to him

-      What happened when he experienced a dark period of depression and agoraphobia

-      What drew him to a career in medicine, even before his accident

-      The moment a catastrophic car accident left him with a cervical spinal cord injury.

-      The hit and miss experiences he had with doctors hearing and supporting him

-      What made him keep studying to be a doctor after his injury

-      Why he would sometimes have his wheelchair taken away and not be told when it was returning

-      How life changing accessible housing has been for him

-      The mixed opinions he received on trying to be a doctor with a disability

-      The response he has had from patients to his disability

-      How he handled working as a doctor during covid

-      How he became the doctor of gold coast titans physical disability rugby league team

-      What he would tell his younger self about life after the car accident

Key quotes:


“It (depression) was actually more paralysing than the spinal cord injury was.”


“I didn’t know I was depressed, I didn’t know what it was, I didn’t know what I was going through. I had no idea.”


“I don’t think we do the right thing by medical professionals…these people give their heart and soul for our community and I don’t think we look after them as well as we should.”


More about Dinesh


Dinesh LinkedIn: 

Dinesh Instagram:


If you’d like to read Dinesh’s book you can find it here:


For more from Mindful Men

Check out the website at


You can also follow us on social media






***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Cheers, Simon

Aug 28, 202346:28
87. Men Feel Lonely Too (Solo episode)

87. Men Feel Lonely Too (Solo episode)

Welcome to Episode 87- Men Feel Lonely Too (Solo episode)

In this episode of The Mindful Men Podcast, I dive deep into the often-overlooked subject of men's loneliness, aiming to spark an open conversation about this pressing issue.

Drawing parallels between the struggle to discuss loneliness and the broader challenge of addressing men's mental health, I shed light on the barriers preventing candid conversations.

Shifting the perspective on loneliness, I emphasize the significance of connection quality over quantity, stressing the transformative power of even a single meaningful relationship.

Exploring the implications of social isolation in today's world and the factors exacerbating men's loneliness, I uncover its potential health repercussions. I offer actionable strategies, urging listeners to confront and embrace loneliness, redefine their social circles, and engage in group activities.

Additionally, I introduce the Mindful Men Facebook community, a platform for mutual support and connection. Ultimately, I empower men to take charge of their emotional well-being, encouraging them to combat loneliness and forge a path toward a more connected and fulfilling life.

If you're keen to check out the links mentioned in this episode, here they are:



Mindful Men Community Facebook Group:

For more from Mindful Men, check out the website at

***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Cheers, Simon

Aug 21, 202323:50
86. Men of Gold with Dayne Weston

86. Men of Gold with Dayne Weston

Welcome to Episode 86- Men of Gold with Dayne Weston

This week, I’m joined by former rugby league player Dayne Weston who shares his footy and personal life challenges.

Dayne bravely opens up about the impact of childhood trauma, performance-based love, and his struggles during a difficult divorce. Through his own experiences, he emphasizes the need for open dialogue and understanding surrounding mental health issues, both in sports and society.

Throughout the interview, Dayne reflects on the evolving approach to mental health within rugby league clubs. He highlights the positive influence of well-being teams and empathetic coaches, stressing the importance of creating a supportive environment for players to discuss their mental well-being.

Dayne passionately advocates for year-round mental health awareness and dispels the stigma associated with seeking help; including what he is doing to support men through Men of Gold.

Join us for an inspiring and honest conversation as Dayne sheds light on the significance of vulnerability, mental health support, and fostering a culture of compassion in sports. This episode challenges the status quo and encourages listeners to prioritize mental health conversations and create a more inclusive and supportive community.

If you're keen to check out the links mentioned in this episode, here they are:

For more from Mindful Men, check out the website at

***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***

Cheers, Simon

Aug 14, 202350:39
85. The Dad’s Community with Stephen Hirst
Aug 07, 202332:31
84. Overcoming Trauma with Mindfulness with Mark Sidney

84. Overcoming Trauma with Mindfulness with Mark Sidney

Welcome to Episode 84 - Overcoming trauma with mindfulness with Mark Sidney
Are you curious about how mindfulness can help heal trauma? Then join me as I chat with Mark Sidney, the director of Mindful Therapies and the Director of Operations at Mindful Impact
Mark brings a wealth of lived and learned experience to the mindfulness-space, and is passionate about sharing how mindfulness can heal trauma and foster personal growth.
Mark also shows how he uses mindfulness in the business world to make workplaces more balanced and harmonious. He encourages businesses and employees to adopt mindfulness, unlocking its potential for improved focus, creativity, and reduced stress.
Tune in to unlock the power of mindfulness with Mark Sidney, and embark on a journey towards self-discovery, acceptance, and empowerment.
If you're keen to check out the links mentioned in this episode, here they are:





Linked In:

Dr Russ Harris

Mindfulness with Attitude: A practical guide to living a mindful life:

Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness:

Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World:

For more from Mindful Men, check out the website at
***If anything triggers you from today's episode, please reach out to your support networks or seek professional help***
Cheers, Simon
Jul 31, 202353:02
83. How compliments improve connection (Solo Episode)
Jul 24, 202318:54
82. Gluten Free and Coeliac disease with Ben Hampton
Jul 17, 202347:29
81. Overcoming Gambling Addiction with Kate Seselja
Jul 10, 202301:02:07
80. Homelessness and Mental Health with Cameron Thayer
Jul 03, 202349:27
79. Mindful about Imposter Syndrome
Jun 26, 202316:52