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Minimalist Tech

Minimalist Tech

By Minimalist Tech News

The minimalist podcast of tech is a place to receive quick straight to the point news of today’s technologies from around the world 🌎. I bring to you straight forward information minus the fluff.

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46 - Lead Cause Is not Just a Rual Area Problem News

Minimalist TechMay 10, 2024

61 - Temu unethical practice

61 - Temu unethical practice

The issue is not so much that it’s coming from overseas. But the major issues are the quality controls and the methods in which they force you to keeping your money once spent. As the economy, Titans, we look for products at a reasonable price if not better than what’s being offered in person. But yet right now this e-commerce conglomerate is taken advantage of buts.
May 31, 202414:06
60 - Apple Watch will not have blood oxygen available

60 - Apple Watch will not have blood oxygen available

Apple is currently being sued and being told by the government that they are not allowed to patent the blood oxygen.
May 30, 202413:26
59 - Rabbit R1 has bigger issues

59 - Rabbit R1 has bigger issues

The tech device the was promised to deliver solutions to nothing was asked for. But the bigger issue in not snake oil but moreover collection of investment funds. We have to ask the questions, what is the company working for? How come it coming out now.
May 29, 202410:36
58 - Microsoft AI “Recall”

58 - Microsoft AI “Recall”

Do you ever wonder what applications are being put on that you never asked for I believe that the item that’s being featured can’t be of the benefit. However the privacy side of things can be a potential problem. in this episode will explore the good the bads and the uglies.
May 28, 202411:54
57 - Dating App with No Results

57 - Dating App with No Results

Looking for love and all the right places. But is finding true love in an application the best way of finding your match. Did you ever think about how many bots are on the platform that make you think that you were engaging with the person and then to only find out that you’ve been ghosted by the bot.
May 27, 202413:38
56 - New surveillance cameras public Roads

56 - New surveillance cameras public Roads

Ever wonder the new cameras that are being set up that points in the direction that you’re traveling in. This system is being utilized to track your whereabouts in your vehicle. However, but in my opinion leads more questions than help solve the bigger problem
May 24, 202416:20
55 - Side Hustle is A must?

55 - Side Hustle is A must?

Why not consider a side hustle in today’s world. However, have you thought of both sides of hustling e-commerce, and physical presents. I’m look at it from the standpoint that in order to survive in today’s world we need to consider all sides of the coin.
May 23, 202414:12
54 - Google Blocks Trumps Ad, but why

54 - Google Blocks Trumps Ad, but why

You ever wonder how much control certain companies have over you. And this particular case this is top level issues, whereas we are entering an era of micro aggression towards individuals. Also, it also shines a light on their political spectrum and their roots of working with political opponents.
May 22, 202417:11
53 - Tesla encroaches on you

53 - Tesla encroaches on you

You ever wonder what capabilities Tesla has until you see it with your own eyes. And this world of data privacy. It is consistently providing data back to the server, even when the car sitting. It gets a lot more interesting specifically when an individual shows up to do tech services and is able to open up the door which just one button. We have to look beyond the possibilities and in this conversation I go through that.
May 21, 202417:28
52 - Change Direction Podcast

52 - Change Direction Podcast

readjusting and change the podcast is a necessary element into progression. Changing how we do things in a manner that makes sense so that it is in line with your values and vision and what comes naturally to me. What I’m looking to do is explain a little bit of the change of gears specifically on this podcast.
May 20, 202412:56
51 - search engines like Google have responsibility for your personal information

51 - search engines like Google have responsibility for your personal information

The issue that we’re having is that information about you is regularly available to individuals like you and I on the engine. The effort to try to discovers peoples personal information has become frictionless. I do believe that the government along with the search and just have a responsibility to remove personal identifiable information.
May 17, 202409:37
50 - Buy Now Pay Later Are You attorneys?

50 - Buy Now Pay Later Are You attorneys?

By now and pay later has become the staple for people that want to have things now with the ability to make increment payments towards the loan. There is something alarming about the privacy and the way they handle your bank account within these applications. Which they blatantly tell you that they’re taking your banking information and providing it to a third-party.
May 16, 202413:42
49 - US Car won’t sell in China

49 - US Car won’t sell in China

I wonder why this is? We could always guess on what the issue is. But I think it’s more a symptom than it is anything else?
May 15, 202412:16
48 - Teacher’s Burnout

48 - Teacher’s Burnout

we talk about how teachers are being laid off, but yet we forget that schools are understaffed which leaves 30 students to one teacher. Leading to the teacher’s burned out and exhausted. and this discussion I talk about various things that go on in the school system that can provide you with a little bit of insight with a little bit of my opinion about the current situation regarding the layoffs. Not all layoffs are bad, which gives the teacher a break to do something different with their career That is a lot more satisfying
May 14, 202416:40
47 - IoT is data collection agency

47 - IoT is data collection agency

Recently had problems with my Vizio smart TV. Customer service over the phone was able to remotely reboot my TV with only two pieces of information which was the serial number and the mac address. this is very alarming specifically because there is a lot of Internet of things being connected in our homes today. In which a lot of these devices are consistently collecting pieces of information of who you are. Drawn the connection between AI and also you as a person in your own home about the Internet devices that you are using. I want for individuals to be we form and to reconsider the ways that we’re doing in order to make life easy. Just because the Internet of things are free doesn’t mean that, you are safe and your information is private. Remember if it’s free then some along the lines your information is being provided as data points to be sold.
May 13, 202416:47
46 - Lead Cause Is not Just a Rual Area Problem News

46 - Lead Cause Is not Just a Rual Area Problem News

ABC published an article on behalf of the CDC, pointing out the role America has serious problems with health. That there’s a higher percentage of individuals with health issues linked to living out in the royal area. The number one issue that I have is the misleading percentages and nitpicking in a small population versus looking at it as a whole population issue. It’s not false information but misleading information.
May 10, 202412:08
45 - Amazon clinic had a potential HIPAA violation

45 - Amazon clinic had a potential HIPAA violation

With the ever-changing and evolving technology, it’s no surprise that services like health over the Internet exist. However, when it comes to a giant conglomerate such as Amazon offering clinical services. I can not help but wonder how much information they’re looking to collect. This is no different from other companies collecting on information as you do with Amazon. There are other health services that are out there that are offering similar services, but we also have to ask the question in general how much is that information is being sold to the highest better. Essentially all I’m saying is are you giving up your privacy for convenience?
May 09, 202412:35
44 - digital sanity and a complicated world

44 - digital sanity and a complicated world

Opps episode 44😁 we’re always connected digitally, but have you ever given any thought on rating yourself from your technology to enjoy life as a whole. I encourage people to take your shoes off and walk the grass and fuel the grass in between your toes and if you’re the type of person like I am that is always connected 11 hours a day. It is time to reconsider and take our time as we should.
May 08, 202410:55
43 - Setting the expectation with the team and boss in a digital environment

43 - Setting the expectation with the team and boss in a digital environment

Ever felt the pressure to churn out reports in record time, only to have that expectation set permanently? In this episode, we're diving into the digital vs. human side of work expectations. Sometimes, supervisors and teammates can be out of sync with the real workload behind quick digital tasks. We'll talk about navigating varied projects, differing expectations, and shifting deadlines, shedding light on how speed in digital tasks doesn't always align with human capacity
May 07, 202410:45
Open Invite to the Podcast

Open Invite to the Podcast

I’m asking for a huge favor for those who are listening to this podcast leave me alike and a follow on the platform that you’re listening on. In addition, this is an open invitation for anybody who wants to join in on the conversation of tech.
May 06, 202401:40
42 - A1C Teixeira Discorded the Discord with Documents

42 - A1C Teixeira Discorded the Discord with Documents

this is an opinion piece and I do not represent at the capacity of the Air Force. This is something that needs to be talked about, especially when technology meets today’s world specifically in the world of constant access to the Internet and want to be famous just for the wrong reasons.
May 06, 202411:28
41 - Effective Communication Through Technology

41 - Effective Communication Through Technology

this episode talks about the importance of communication in remote work and team dynamics. With so many roles going remote, good communication is key. We talk about how to keep things positive and collaborative, avoiding toxic vibes and focusing on teamwork. Join us as we share tips on handling communication challenges, dealing with tricky behaviors, and understanding what we might miss sometimes.
May 03, 202413:01
Bonus - Rabbit R1 has a big privacy troubles

Bonus - Rabbit R1 has a big privacy troubles

it is no secret that AI is here to help individuals do things faster than what they normally would. However, this little device that is being offered to the masses at $200 is also transmitting to a foreign company. And on top of that the information is not protected. Also means that the information is regularly accessible to whomever has access to the API.
May 02, 202411:06
40 - Germany’s AI verification at self check out

40 - Germany’s AI verification at self check out

In today’s world, we are looking to reduce the amount of effort that it takes. This is no different from major corporations, and down to smaller companies. As such some companies are looking to implement AI as a method to cut down costs and labor shortages. Germany is in the process of implementing AI age validation as part of their checkout services. There is some good in this and reducing staff or having to have reduced staff. But I could also see the shortfalls of this technology.
May 02, 202410:15
Not All Tesla Layoffs Are Bad

Not All Tesla Layoffs Are Bad

Please reconsider the narrative around the Tesla Layoffs as a bad thing. A lot of the issues are stemmed from the economy. Most individuals cannot afford a regular vehicle as it is. Now that the whole Tesla debacle has everything to do with the fact that somebody was not performing at the rate that they should have taken the job seriously. This is all speculative. however, it’s not something that we can just go off the bat and say that Elon is the corporate for making these layoffs happen easily made.
May 01, 202411:48
Good Morning - You are the best Human

Good Morning - You are the best Human

this is your daily affirmation. I’m becoming a better human. I talk about taking your time with speaking with people because you always see yourself. Think positive because you owe it to yourself. Not everything deserves a reaction.
Apr 30, 202404:46
39 - TikTok loves your Data: The Battle Over Digital Freedom

39 - TikTok loves your Data: The Battle Over Digital Freedom

Undering the ongoing issue with TikTok. From its 2020 potential ban in the U.S. to recent debates over digital privacy and national security, TikTok stands at the forefront of global digital policy discussions. Join us as we dive into how these developments affect your digital freedoms and the future of international tech operations. Tune in to understand the crucial balance between securing our digital lives and maintaining global digital liberties.
Apr 29, 202420:44
Mastodon and Meta Threads Turns Fediverse into Dumpster

Mastodon and Meta Threads Turns Fediverse into Dumpster

Mastodon and Meta Threads can turn Fediverse into Dumpster fire if they use the platform of decouple from owning conversation Such as moderating content instead putting the responsibly on the content creator to manage. This approach will help separate themselves from shaping or manipulating algorithms. The connection will be difficult to make on the source then the product.

Apr 28, 202406:34
38 - Unmasked: The Subscription Deception

38 - Unmasked: The Subscription Deception

We unveil the deceptive tactics and price pitfalls lurking within the realm of subscription services. Join us as we shine a light on the relentless price hikes, the overwhelming number of services draining our wallets, and the deliberate strategies designed to make us forget we're even subscribed. From hidden fees to clever marketing ploys, we dissect the true cost of convenience and the pains of subscription fatigue. Tune in for eye-opening discussions and actionable insights to reclaim control over your subscriptions and finances.

Apr 22, 202425:46
37 - Tech Company Net Zero Direction Carbon Emission

37 - Tech Company Net Zero Direction Carbon Emission

Two Companies are postivitly Net Zero Emission goal

Sep 27, 202328:02
36 - Bill Gates Effort to Curve Climate Change

36 - Bill Gates Effort to Curve Climate Change

Bill Gate trying to lead the effort in Climate change.

Sep 25, 202337:39
35 - Microsoft Xbox New Rules and Ban on Hate speech

35 - Microsoft Xbox New Rules and Ban on Hate speech

In this episode, I talk about Xbox, implementing methods to curve speech. However, YouTuber had mentioned that Microsoft is going to be implementing similar to their Microsoft products.
Sep 22, 202322:40
34 - re-introduction to AI (artificial intelligence)

34 - re-introduction to AI (artificial intelligence)

This is a read introduction to the podcast. I wanted to inform you of AI and the direction that we’re heading in. I do believe that he has a special place for all of us, enhancing our abilities to do more and freeing up our time to do bigger, and better things. Yeah, it doesn’t mean destruction for more over and enhance ability to our human element like chat GPT.
Sep 01, 202328:39
33 -changing gears cryptocurrency

33 -changing gears cryptocurrency

In this episode I explain the change of heart in regards to the minimalist podcast. The love of tech is still there but I believe that there is more to cryptocurrency that I’m willing to share with the world.
May 20, 202114:39
Ep32 - Google's privacy features

Ep32 - Google's privacy features

Google has been working on privacy features. They recently rolled out new features stating "Keeping privacy and security simple, for you"

I'll read them off to you first and then I'll go line-by-line on what these are:

Incognito mode arrives in Maps
Expanding Auto-delete to YouTube
Control your privacy with your voice in the Assistant
Strengthening your password security
Oct 04, 201907:57
Ep 31 - 2019 Microsoft Keynote and best Surface devices to have 👀 (MKBHD - Techtober)

Ep 31 - 2019 Microsoft Keynote and best Surface devices to have 👀 (MKBHD - Techtober)

Microsoft unveiled several products and the vices to have. I go to all of them and also ones that are not listed on Microsoft website
Oct 03, 201915:46
 Ep 30 - Mark Zuckerberg's leaked audio says a lot about his leadership

 Ep 30 - Mark Zuckerberg's leaked audio says a lot about his leadership 📢

Before I start this I definitely want to give you a fair warning that a little bit of my passion will show. And Some abruptness may occur in the making. As part of this episode provide a brief history of Facebook and making. The leak audio was supposed to be a private conversation among his employees. In July timeframe they were two scheduled conferences with his employees. During his Q&A there were certain questions that were asked relating to certain topics. Mark Zuckerberg on his Facebook account stated
Oct 02, 201917:38
Ep 29 - Future of HealthCare has Smartwatches ⌚
Oct 01, 201907:04
Ep28 - Facebook New Policy to Tackle the upcoming Presidential election. (Fake New and Deep fakesvid
Sep 30, 201907:34
Ep27 - DoorDash beyond Data Breach, (UConn, Capitalone, Flipboad, Instagram & More)

Ep27 - DoorDash beyond Data Breach, (UConn, Capitalone, Flipboad, Instagram & More)

In this episode I want to highlight all the companies that have been data breach in 2019. From my Discovery there has been 50 companies that has some sort of data breach. Doordash is the latest company which wise data breach as of May 4th 2019. The issue had occurred that a unauthorized third-party had access to individual's information.
Sep 27, 201910:31
Ep26 - Amazon unveiled New Device (🕶Echo Frames w/ Bose and earbuds 🎧, Echo Loop)

Ep26 - Amazon unveiled New Device (🕶Echo Frames w/ Bose and earbuds 🎧, Echo Loop)

Today Amazon announced a flux of new devices. Brand new devices that will make anyone excited. I go through devices that I think is worth having. Such as the new Echo frames, and the new earbuds ($129) and futuristic Echo ring named Echo Loop. IG: Minimalist_T3
Sep 26, 201913:05
Ep25 - FACEBOOK neural bracelet and interface 
(CTRL-Lab) 🤖

Ep25 - FACEBOOK neural bracelet and interface  (CTRL-Lab) 🤖

As mentioned in episode 23, companies always in a state of innovation. Which is an understatement especially when it comes to Big tech companies such as Facebook. Innovation comes in different form-factors. Investment in smaller companies on a particular item, program or device. IR&D Fund research. Inquiring smaller companies that are inline with their future projects. Basically, jumping ahead of the curve.  As mentioned Facebook is he's actively searching investing in different areas. The current projects Libra ( cryptocurrency ) Neural headband (think to text) which lead by Mark Checillet Rumor AR partnership with Rayban Neural wristband 
Sep 25, 201906:27
Ep24: Youtube Creators Mass Phishing attack directed at 23 Million major channels.
Sep 24, 201907:54
Ep23 - artificial intelligence in retail ( Amazon, Walmart and Trigo Vision)

Ep23 - artificial intelligence in retail ( Amazon, Walmart and Trigo Vision)

In the world of innovation companies are always looking to have the edge. However artificial intelligence is also another method to helping consumers along with workers be more efficient with their time. I think the artificial intelligence will strike a good balance between consumers and workers and companies. I wonder what people's thoughts are on a artificial intelligence. If you have any thoughts please consider giving me a a shout or an email. Follow me IG : Minimalist_T3
Sep 23, 201908:52
Bonus #2: Apple arcade, perks🕹

Bonus #2: Apple arcade, perks🕹

In this bonus story I briefly go over the perks of having Apple Arcade.
Sep 21, 201904:39
Ep22 - Amazon goal to zero emissions by 2030

Ep22 - Amazon goal to zero emissions by 2030

The Paris agreement has been around since 2015. The United States has implemented their strategic goal to reducing admissions. The fact is that Amazon is joining on reducing their carbon footprint is a good PR for them. The things that we Americans free at is at Amazon has not paid on taxes and instead they're deferring their taxes and writing a lost on their company. There's a lot of things that are happening all together but I just can't pin point it. IG Minimalist_T3
Sep 20, 201911:45
Ep21 - Comcast makes Xfinity Flex available to Internet only customers for free 🤔
Sep 19, 201911:18
Ep20 - Facebook Ray-Bay augmented reality and the world of AR / VR ◇ Neuralink w/ Elon

Ep20 - Facebook Ray-Bay augmented reality and the world of AR / VR ◇ Neuralink w/ Elon

I like to always speculate what we have stored in our future. I believe AR and BR has a great place for all humankind. This is going to take care of short-term memory and long-term memory. Along with making us walking encyclopedias. As Elon Musk had eluded and one of his podcast he says we are cyborgs. We can take it a step further by having neural link the attached or some type of device being hooked on to our brains to be able to do this.
Sep 18, 201913:56
Ep19 - LastPass vulnerability fix and iPhone lightning cable wifi hack

Ep19 - LastPass vulnerability fix and iPhone lightning cable wifi hack

We all like to think that our devices are free and clear from Bugs. However the developers don't always catch all Brewing abilities until it is mention by the community or a researcher. In a form of a bouncy. LastPass has fixed the issue and had also published a few statement for the users. As far as the lightning cable hack it is very interesting how things quickly ask escalate. Such as making a USB lightning cable behave in a manner of his USB thumb drive.
Sep 17, 201914:44
Ep18 - lyft Level 5 Self-Driving Data Competition Now Open

Ep18 - lyft Level 5 Self-Driving Data Competition Now Open

Lyft level 5 self-driving data competition is now open to the public. There's going to be a registration for all individuals who have a model 2 present two Lyft. From The Outsider looking in it definitely seems enticing however looking into it even further there's more questions that I have relating to the Integrity of left. The issue that I have with Lyft is out there looking to entice individuals with rewards where is the return and investment is a lot larger.
Sep 13, 201911:21