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Matt and Kevin Talk Church

Matt and Kevin Talk Church

By Matt & Kevin

Two pastors, two old friends, in two different denominations, on two different coasts. Matt and Kevin talk about church life from a pastor's viewpoint, sharing thoughts on faith, culture, the Bible, and the ins and outs of church ministry.

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Matt and Kevin Talk Sports!

Matt and Kevin Talk ChurchApr 20, 2023

What is Church Discipline?

What is Church Discipline?

Matt and Kevin talk about discipline--what it is and what it isn't. What is the purpose of discipline? How should we go about it? How should we respond when we hear about a church discipline case in our church?

May 25, 202328:42
The Church and Missions

The Church and Missions

Matt and Kevin talk about the importance of a church's involvement in missions, both locally and globally. How to go about it? Of what pitfalls do we need to be aware? They end with an exhortation about the Great Commission. They also introduce a new segment to the show: Kevin's 5-Year-Old Interrupts.

May 11, 202336:38
Tales From An Uber Driver

Tales From An Uber Driver

Matt and Kevin talk about Kevin's new gig as an Uber driver. Well, mostly just Kevin, to be honest, talks about the kinds of people he drives around--from Amish to college-aged partiers--and lessons and observations he's had from the driver's seat.

May 04, 202331:37
If We Could Do 2020 Over Again

If We Could Do 2020 Over Again

Matt and Kevin talk about the things they would do differently if they had to do 2020 over again. Hop into the DeLorean as Matt and Kevin talk to their younger selves about lessons learned.

Apr 24, 202343:02
Matt and Kevin Talk Sports!

Matt and Kevin Talk Sports!

Matt and Kevin talk about sports--March Madness, the NBA and NHL playoffs, and why Matt doesn't follow lacrosse.

Apr 20, 202311:06
The Psychology of Morality

The Psychology of Morality

Matt and Kevin talk about Jonathan Haidt's seminal book, "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics and Religion." They discuss the secular moral psychologist's understanding of where morality comes from, and how much intuition, emotions, and rationality factor. How does this help us understand our neighbors and our cultural moment? What can we learn, as Christians, from Haidt's work, and in what ways does it square with the biblical account?

Mar 23, 202349:16
"The Road Trip That Changed the World"

"The Road Trip That Changed the World"

Matt and Kevin talk about Mark Sayers' book, "The Road Trip That Changed the World," and discuss the cultural virtues of 'the road,' freedom, happiness, quest, and self-indulgence, and how they contrast to the biblical values of home, place, community, holiness, and self-sacrifice. Also, the pastors may inadvertently start a movement against microwaves.

Mar 16, 202330:40
How Do Law and Grace Work Together in the Gospel?

How Do Law and Grace Work Together in the Gospel?

Matt and Kevin talk about Sinclair Ferguson's book "The Whole Christ" and discuss how the gospel corrects both legalism (over-reliance on the Law) and antinomianism (over-reliance on Grace). How do we understand God and the nature of sin? Why do we strive for obedience, or disregard it altogether. Kevin also reveals which of his kids is an antinomian and which is a legalist.

Mar 09, 202326:20
Should I Send My Kids to Christian School?

Should I Send My Kids to Christian School?

Matt and Kevin talk through the different options of schooling--private, public, Christian, home. What are the pros and cons? What are the factors that weigh in to a decision?

Feb 23, 202326:28
On Spy Balloons and the Super Bowl Halftime Show

On Spy Balloons and the Super Bowl Halftime Show

Matt and Kevin discuss the pressing questions of our day--should we watch the Super Bowl halftime show and should we be afraid of Chinese spy balloons? How do we engage the culture through the lens of common grace, what do we do with our fear, how do we keep from letting our fear or discontent identify us?

Feb 16, 202332:21
Why To Read the Bible

Why To Read the Bible

Matt and Kevin discuss the importance of Bible reading and why it is crucial for the people of God to read the Word of God.

Feb 02, 202338:14
Why Should I Go To Church EVERY Week?

Why Should I Go To Church EVERY Week?

Matt and Kevin talk about the reasons and benefits for the weekly gathering of God's people to worship (aka "going to church"). Why is it important? How does Scripture speak to it? What are some less obvious reasons?

Jan 26, 202333:30
Family and Holidays

Family and Holidays

Matt and Kevin talk about their family holidays, including a big announcement in Matt's family and two trips to the ER for Kevin's family.

Jan 25, 202321:52
Cobra Kai, Season 5

Cobra Kai, Season 5

In this bonus episode, Matt and Kevin talk about the most recent season of Cobra Kai, why it was Matt's favorite season, and what they suspect may be coming in season 6.

Oct 20, 202229:58
Carl Trueman's "Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self"

Carl Trueman's "Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self"

Matt and Kevin talk about Carl Trueman's latest two books--"Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self" and "Strange New World," its companion work. They give a synopsis of Trueman's main argument and discuss some implications for followers of Jesus who are trying to navigate our cultural moment.

Oct 13, 202249:31
What We're Writing This Summer

What We're Writing This Summer

Deleted from the last episode, this is Matt and Kevin's discussion about Kevin's writing projects and how creative writing is similar/dissimilar to writing sermons.

Sep 24, 202210:42
Matt and Kevin's Summer Watch and Read Lists

Matt and Kevin's Summer Watch and Read Lists

Matt and Kevin catch up on what they watched and read this summer and wind up talking about Mark Sayers and James Smith.

Sep 22, 202242:18
Matt and Kevin's Summer Vacation

Matt and Kevin's Summer Vacation

Matt and Kevin are back! After a three-month hiatus, the pastors are back, talking about what they did this summer, dodging wildfires and debating the merits of youth sports.

Sep 19, 202239:11
How Much Freedom Should I Give My Kids?

How Much Freedom Should I Give My Kids?

Matt and Kevin talk about the age-old question of how much oversight and freedom to give our kids. They discuss building relational capital and the value of letting kids build resiliency.

Jun 16, 202226:32
Should I Listen to Music With Bad Words?

Should I Listen to Music With Bad Words?

Matt and Kevin answer a teenager's question about music and wind up talking about all forms of media, how they affect us, and how wisdom should direct our decisions. In the second half, Kevin's 7-year-old offers his analysis of Encanto and Matt tries to boycott his own podcast. (In other words, we were up too late.)

Jun 09, 202239:38
Lamenting Uvalde and the SBC

Lamenting Uvalde and the SBC

Matt and Kevin lament the recent shootings in Buffalo and Texas, as well as the investigative report about the SBC sexual misconduct. The pastors try to find words for heavy hearts.

May 26, 202240:41
The View From Instagram

The View From Instagram

Kevin and Matt talk more about Kevin's decision to drop Facebook and Instagram, as well as Ray Ortlund's decision to leave Twitter.

May 19, 202235:09
Kevin vs. Facebook, Roe vs. Wade

Kevin vs. Facebook, Roe vs. Wade

Matt and Kevin talk about several different things--what social media does (and doesn't do) for us and why Kevin is taking a break from Facebook, Roe vs. Wade and abortion and how we hope the Christian community responds to it.

May 12, 202229:33
Cobra Kai Season 4

Cobra Kai Season 4

Matt and Kevin are back to talk Cobra Kai. This time they reflect on season 4 and look ahead to season 5.

May 10, 202221:01
Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai

Matt and Kevin talk about the show Cobra Kai and how it does their Gen-X hearts good.

Apr 29, 202215:06
Obey Your Leaders

Obey Your Leaders

Matt and Kevin answer a listener email and talk about everyone's favorite topics--obedience and submission. Using Hebrews 13 as a starting point, Matt and Kevin try to answer what the relationship between leaders and members looks like in the church. Also, Kevin has an on-air senior moment.

Apr 28, 202242:25
Kids in the Studio!

Kids in the Studio!

Matt and Kevin were answering kids' questions from listener emails when three kids entered the studio (a.k.a. Kevin's desk)! Enjoy a cute moment while Matt and Kevin answer "Where does sin come from?" and "Why is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit unforgivable?--just your simple everyday questions from kids.

Apr 07, 202229:04
Matt and Kevin Talk Money... in the church

Matt and Kevin Talk Money... in the church

Matt and Kevin answer a listener question about how to handle finances in the church. What are some principles for budgeting? How transparent should you be?

Mar 31, 202237:03
Church or Country Club?

Church or Country Club?

Matt and Kevin talk about signs that may indicate a wrong and entitled attitude toward church participation. Also, Matt goes AWOL in the middle of the episode.

Mar 03, 202237:35
Matt and Kevin Talk Ukraine

Matt and Kevin Talk Ukraine

On a bonus episode, Matt and Kevin discuss the events in Ukraine, some of the historical background, some possible outcomes, and what we can be doing in the meanwhile.

Mar 01, 202224:30
Do I Really Have To Go To Church?

Do I Really Have To Go To Church?

Matt and Kevin discuss the importance of presence, how Christian relationships can't function without face-to-face interaction, and why the church desperately needs to be together to fulfill its mission.

Feb 17, 202233:14
The NFL Playoffs and Baseball Hall of Fame

The NFL Playoffs and Baseball Hall of Fame

In this bonus episode, Matt and Kevin talk about football and then Matt rants about the Baseball Hall of Fame for awhile.

Feb 04, 202220:54
From Blessing to Idolatry

From Blessing to Idolatry

Matt and Kevin discuss David French's article "Why Christians Bond With Corrupt Leaders," and talk about appropriate loyalties to those who bless us, while recognizing God's providence and preeminence in all things.

Feb 03, 202238:55
Matt and Kevin Talk... Sports and Books

Matt and Kevin Talk... Sports and Books

Matt and Kevin return from a month hiatus to get caught up on sports for a few minutes, and then ramble on for a long time about what books they're reading.

Jan 27, 202248:14
New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

Matt and Kevin talk about New Years Resolutions, what makes a good resolution, what makes a feasible resolution, and what makes a God-honoring resolution. They also couldn't help but toss in a "Hamilton" reference.

Jan 05, 202245:51
2021 Year in Review

2021 Year in Review

Matt and Kevin talk about how life in the church has changed in the last twelve months, and what they hope for in the next twelve months. Also, Matt tells a cautionary tale about stocking stuffers.

Dec 29, 202133:49
Matt and Kevin Talk Christmas

Matt and Kevin Talk Christmas

Matt reflects on Joseph's part in the Christmas story, how much he sacrificed and how he proved himself righteous. Kevin reflects on his new favorite Christmas hymn and how it speaks to the beauty of Jesus that comes into the dark world.

Dec 22, 202130:35
How Do I Get My Kids To Love Church (without hating me)?

How Do I Get My Kids To Love Church (without hating me)?

Matt and Kevin read a listener email and talk about how to encourage your kids to love church and worship, without making them resent it. They talk about the common fears and pressures that parents face in raising their kids in the church.

Dec 15, 202137:19
Rest and Rhythms

Rest and Rhythms

Matt and Kevin talk about their Thanksgiving vacations and about the importance of rest and rhythms in the Christian life.

Dec 08, 202134:37
Matt and Kevin Talk Cities

Matt and Kevin Talk Cities

On this bonus mini-episode, Matt and Kevin talk (on their "30-second break") for ten minutes about traveling to cities. This was during the intermission of the episode that will air December 8th.

Dec 04, 202108:43
Matt and Kevin Talk Adoption

Matt and Kevin Talk Adoption

Matt tells the story of adopting his two daughters and then Matt and Kevin talk about how earthly adoption is a picture of our spiritual adoption into the family of God.

Dec 01, 202124:47
What Church Isn't

What Church Isn't

Matt and Kevin talk about common reasons people leave or stop coming to church, and what that reveals about a misunderstanding of what church and worship is and isn't.

Nov 24, 202134:11
Matt and Kevin Go To the Movies

Matt and Kevin Go To the Movies

Matt and Kevin talk... movies? Yep, the pastors share their favorite movies and television shows. Kevin asserts there are only two perfect movies ever made while Matt (unfavorably) compares Rudy to John Eldredge.

Nov 17, 202152:38
Resurrection and Identity

Resurrection and Identity

Matt and Kevin talk about what the resurrection will mean for our earthly identity and how much of it will carry over into the new earth.

Nov 10, 202140:30
Pastor Appreciation Month

Pastor Appreciation Month

Matt and Kevin reflect on Pastor Appreciation Month and talk about what they appreciate about their churches. They give some insight as to what pastors really want from (and appreciate about!) their churches.

Oct 27, 202136:46
Multigeneration Christian Living

Multigeneration Christian Living

Matt and Kevin talk about how we need to worship and walk alongside Christians of all ages, how to foster multigenerational Christian and church life, and the worst segue you will ever hear.

Oct 20, 202142:10
Reading Genesis 1

Reading Genesis 1

Matt and Kevin talk about why discussions about Genesis 1 are often unproductive and overheated, how to read the Bible as literature, and how to prevent falling into error.

Oct 13, 202144:42
Matt and Kevin Talk Sports! (a bonus mini-episode)

Matt and Kevin Talk Sports! (a bonus mini-episode)

Matt and Kevin yammer on about the baseball playoffs and Tom Brady's return to New England.

Oct 08, 202122:16
What We're Reading, Who's the Bigger Nerd, and Literary Hot Takes

What We're Reading, Who's the Bigger Nerd, and Literary Hot Takes

Matt and Kevin talk about what they've read recently, what they're reading now, and how their approach how they choose books and authors to read. They also dive into literary hot takes, argue about who's the bigger nerd, and get into a heated argument over the merits of 19th-century British literature.

Oct 06, 202143:36
Earthly Identity, Spiritual Reality

Earthly Identity, Spiritual Reality

Matt and Kevin talk about Jonah, Jacob, and Joseph, how they were tempted to conflate their circumstances with God's favor, and how ultimately we are children of the Promise, not partakers of the world.

Sep 29, 202141:35