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Moms in PT School

Moms in PT School

By Dawnette Waters, SPT

Stories of motivation and encouragement by and for moms in physical therapy school and how they balance family, academics and self-care.
Currently playing episode

Ep. 3: Becky Kelly and the Realities of Mom Guilt & Fluidity of Balance

Moms in PT SchoolApr 20, 2020

Ep. 15: Special Edition with Dawnette Waters A&P Studying with Kenhub

Ep. 15: Special Edition with Dawnette Waters A&P Studying with Kenhub

Hey hey!! I’m excited to share this special podcast edition with you all! As I’m approaching my graduation date (116 days at time of this recording) and prepping for the NPTE, I’ve been introduced to a PHENOMENAL A&P (and more) platform to help make studying fun, memorable and digestible. Go on a tour with me as I share my favorite things about @kenhub_official. -Captivating and engaging videos -Infinite store of quizzes (𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚎𝚜) -Articles by experienced medical professionals -Atlas of printable fill in the blank diagrams -Colorblind customizations ....just to name a few. Have you used Kenhub? What do you like about it?
Mar 10, 202128:18
Ep. 14: Jessica Peyton A Delay Is Not A Denial & Leading by Example

Ep. 14: Jessica Peyton A Delay Is Not A Denial & Leading by Example

This next featured mother is quite the enthusiastic powerhouse! Jessica Peyton recently began her 3rd quarter of PT school at South College with the c/o June 2022 cohort. She’s the wrestling mom of a 9 year old son, a gymnastics coach of 10+ years and a former collegiate cheerleader at Virginia Commonwealth University. Her heart lies with munchkins and she found PT as a perfect blend of kids, her love of athletics and healing people through movement. She began her journey back to school as a single mom, when her son was 4 and soon graduated from VCU with with her Health & Exercise Science degree. While in PT school, her support system includes her parents, siblings, ex-husband and her biggest cheerleaders, Jessica’s boyfriend and son. Jessica is aware enough to give herself grace as she navigates motherhood, a 2 year hybrid DPT program, preserving selfcare, effective study methods and resources, while ensuring to make intentional quality time with her son. Don’t miss out on the full episode for details behind Jessica’s approach to leading by example and the experiences that helped shape her current outlook!!
Jan 26, 202144:40
Ep. 13: Abigail Salazar Retail to PT & Managing School & Quality Time with Her Kids

Ep. 13: Abigail Salazar Retail to PT & Managing School & Quality Time with Her Kids

This podcast is much overdue and I’m happy to finally be able to share it with you all! Abigail Salazar is a 2nd year PT student and a mother of a 7th grader and college freshman.

Abigail worked in retail for 13 years, when her growing concerns about job security rekindled her desire to go back to school. After taking classes part time at a community college, she eventually quit her job to become a full time student, ultimately receiving her associates and bachelor’s degree. Initially Abigail’s sights were on pharmacy. However, after some self reflection and research, she was led to physical therapy. She then began PT school at University of Maryland a week after receiving her bachelors degree. All the while, her children have been her #1 supporters of her academic journey.

As a nontraditional student Abigail had to quickly find new ways to study, revamp her time management and reinforce her drive graduate PT school to ensure she stays on track. She also has a dedicated 5am work out regimen which is essential to her mental and physical self-care.

Hearing Abigail’s story makes you want to root her on! Be sure to tune in to hear more details of her study habits, time management, managing a consistent exercise routine, her approach to quality over quantity time with her children and dating as a single mom.
Jan 05, 202149:42
Ep. 12: Sarah Salva’s 20 Year Journey to PT School & Putting Family First

Ep. 12: Sarah Salva’s 20 Year Journey to PT School & Putting Family First

𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤!! ℙ𝕠𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 #𝟙𝟚!!

I’m happy to spotlight another extraordinary mother in PT school! Sarah Salva is a 2nd year PT student at South College. She’s a wife of 10 years, with an adorable 6 year old son.

Sarah has had her sights on becoming a physical therapist since graduating form high school. After starting a family, her pursuit towards PT took a slower trajectory, but she was never off track. Sarah was waitlisted twice and became pregnant the third year. She stayed home with her soon while supporting her husband’s growing career as a musician.

With her husband’s musical career thriving, she was able to pursue her 20 year dream of becoming a physical therapist. Sarah’s resilience before and during PT school has been fueled by embedding herself in her “why” and her passion for physical therapy. These aspects, along with the support of her husband, son and South Collge faculty, have helped her continue to push through this accelerated DPT program; all while putting the needs of her family first.

Be sure to catch the full episode to hear more of Sarah’s amazing story as a mother, wife and PT student!
Sep 21, 202027:38
Ep. 11: Alexxis Williams PT School with a One Month Old & How She Made it Work

Ep. 11: Alexxis Williams PT School with a One Month Old & How She Made it Work

✨ℕ𝕖𝕨 ℙ𝕠𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕥 ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖!! ✨

I’m so happy to start back the podcasts with this remarkable mom and student! Alexxis Williams is a 2nd year PT Student at South College. She and her boyfriend live in GA with their adorable 1 year old daughter. When Alexxis started PT school, her daughter was one month old! She and her boyfriend, have made several compromises and sacrifices to ensure Alexxis’ success in the program.

While Alexxis’ achievements in PT school are important, quality time with her daughter and investing in her development was not to be neglected. As such, mommy and baby have both thrived over the last year!

Alexxis has been blessed with an amazingly supportive boyfriend and loving family. Their support especially came into play as Alexxis started her first clinical last week. She and her daughter moved a hour away from her boyfriend, in order to be with family, so Alexxis can complete her 8 week clinical.

Don’t miss out on this awesome episode! Alexxis drive to succeed is infectious and she’s been blessed with loved ones that demonstrate the true meaning of support.
Jul 28, 202027:08
Ep. 10: Nicki Bowen Communication, Quality Time & Faith as A PT Student & Mother of 5

Ep. 10: Nicki Bowen Communication, Quality Time & Faith as A PT Student & Mother of 5

Today’s episode is so special. I had the pleasure of talking to future Dr. Nicki Bowen of Louisiana. She will be graduating from University St. Augustine’s Austin, TX Flex program next month! This year she and her husband will celebrating 19 years of marriage. They are blessed to have 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. The ranges are 18, 14, 10, 7 and 5. They also have a few fur babies; a ferret, a few ducks and cats and Great Dane. So, Nicki is used to a busy household, juggling many different schedules, appointments and timelines.

After an unnecessary knee surgery that left her with a DVT, Nicki’s past interest and appreciation for human body and it’s capabilities was reignited. Needing to help bring in more income for the family after her husband was unexpectedly laid off from his offshore job, they agreed she should got back to school and PT therapy school was at the top on Nicki’s list.

Nicki shares how she managed to get in quality time with her children and still stay ahead of course work. We also talk about the lessons learned from the switch in parental load and responsibilities while she was away for labs in Austin and during her month long clinical rotation with Belize International.

Hear about how her 4 year journey in PT school has been one of personal and professional growth. How leaning more into her faith and giving herself grace allowed her to let go and know things would always work out. She shares methods used to help overcome the bouts of loneliness, mom guilt and overwhelm during the program. And how talking to herself the way she would a best friend, helped her to shift her perspective and encourage herself to persevere when negative thoughts and emotions became consuming.

Tune in for the full episode for Nicki’s story of determination and perseverance with the loving support of her entire household.
Jun 22, 202038:21
Ep. 9: Katie Kostelecky on PT School & Sports Residency as a Single Mother

Ep. 9: Katie Kostelecky on PT School & Sports Residency as a Single Mother

I’m excited to introduce this cool mom, Katie Kostelecky! Today’s episode features a 2019 PT graduate from University of Mary. Karie was quite active with APTA student committees. Sh was the former chair of the North Dakota Student SIG (special interest group), where they helped put together the first student conclave. She was also part of the APTA Interprofessional Committee for Student SIG. As a single mother of two, Katie has had the support of her parents, daycare and boyfriend to help succeed in PT school, student involvement and her current Sports Residency at University of ND.

Katie shares how treating PT school like a job has allowed her to organize and prioritize for study time and assignments, as well as, give her the ability to have quality time with her children.

Please don’t pass on this amazing episode! You’ll be inspired by Katie’s tenacity to overcome unexpected circumstances and her ability to push forward to fulfill her goals!
Jun 15, 202035:52
Ep. 8: Kim Jamison Being Pregnant in PT School & Giving Herself Grace

Ep. 8: Kim Jamison Being Pregnant in PT School & Giving Herself Grace

Happy Memorial Day!

Today’s episode features a headstrong new mother and resilient 2nd year student, Kim Jamison. Kim attends The Baylor DPT program which is an accelerated, blended hybrid program located in Waco, TX. She is a retired NCAA athlete and coaches as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). She is a military spouse to her husband of 5 years and they are parents to an adorable 5 month old daughter.

While Kim’s journey to motherhood has been a wonderful experience, wasn’t without its hardships. Fortunately, with the support of the faculty at sister DPT program’s Baylor University and South College, Kim has been able to stay on track of her didactic work and graduation date. The same determination and grit that makes her a competitive athlete and great student are the same values that helped her get through pregnancy as a 1st year PT student.

She shares lessons learned as a new mom and along with the utmost appreciation for the unwavering support of the faculty at Baylor and South to ensure her success in the program. Catch the full episode to listen and be motivated by Kim’s full story!
May 25, 202051:29
Ep. 7: Dr. Kenael Segal on Being a New Mom, Nursing & Growing a Family in PT School

Ep. 7: Dr. Kenael Segal on Being a New Mom, Nursing & Growing a Family in PT School

Today’s episode features another phenomenal woman in PT, Dr. Kenael Segal. She has been married for 9 years and she is a mother three of lovely children. She graduated from her DPT program in 2016 and immediately opened her own out of network pelvic health clinic.

Before venturing into physical therapy, Dr. Segal was a middle and high school science teacher. After being laid off, she saw this as an opportunity to venture into a new career that she had interests in; which eventually led her to physical therapy. She began her student PT journey, as mother of a 4 month old son and graduated her program pregnant with her daughter.

She shares great insight into life as student and new mother, managing time in between classes to pump for a year while in the program. The support system of her husband, friends, classmates and faculty helped to offset some of the challenges associated with being a mom in PT school. Be sure to catch the full episode to be inspired by Dr. Segal’s audacity and resiliency as a student and beyond!
May 18, 202040:05
Ep. 6: Dr. Laura Wenger on her PT Residency, Fellowship and Starting A Family

Ep. 6: Dr. Laura Wenger on her PT Residency, Fellowship and Starting A Family

Today’s episode features, Dr. Laura Wenge, a PT of 7 years, wife of 10 years and mother of 2. She will be sharing insight about life after PT school!

Dr. Wenger received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from University of Utah in 2013. She completed her Orthopaedic Physical Therapy residency at University of Utah in 2014, where she gave birth to her son shortly after. In 2019, her second child was born three weeks after graduating from an OMPT fellowship at Berlin College in collaboration with Evidence in Motion.

She shares what factors contributed to her being able to successfully complete her residency and fellowship while being pregnant during both. She also highlights physical therapist’s natural affinity for giving to others before we give to ourselves and it’s effects on our mental health. Be sure to listen and learn about how she viewed her residency and fellowship as part of her self-care.

For anyone concerned about the how’s and when’s of starting a family before, during or after choosing a residency or fellowship, be sure to check into today’s valuable episode!
May 11, 202028:12
Ep. 5: Brandie Freeman From Academic Educator to Student & How to Study Efficiently

Ep. 5: Brandie Freeman From Academic Educator to Student & How to Study Efficiently

Today’s episode features, Brandie Freeman, a lifelong learner and academic. She holds 3 degrees, is a highly accoladed educator of 16 years and a recently certified prenatal and postpartum yoga teacher. Along with this boss resume, she’s supported by her husband of 17 years and two amazing sons.

Brandie recently completed her first semester at Baylor University, an accelerated, 2 year hybrid DPT program and her goal is to work as a pelvic floor specialist once she’s become licensed physical therapist.

Transitioning as an academic educator and now DPT student, Brandie brings a unique set of skills as a student. Her background gives her a certain insight to learning that she was happy to share and expand on. She also shares how she’s able to divide time between studying and spending quality time with her family.

I had the pleasure of meeting Brandie serendipitously while working as a PT Tech almost 2 years ago. She’s continued to inspire ever since and I’m ecstatic to see the impact she’s making as a PT student. I hope you enjoy this episode and find some inspiration and guidance in the experience and advice that Brandie shares! *Orginally recorded 4.4.2020*
May 04, 202030:29
Ep. 4: Jenna Newman on Establishing Structure for Desired Family Time

Ep. 4: Jenna Newman on Establishing Structure for Desired Family Time

Today’s episode features Jenna Newman, dancer extraordinaire, pharmacy tech of 10 years, wife and mother of one. Jenna and I have a casual and candid conversation on family, support systems and putting the needs of our children first when time allows.

She shares aspects of the amazing family dynamic that she and her husband have worked to establish. Family time, such as eating dinner together is an important aspect to her family’s dynamic that she didn’t want to sacrifice while in PT school. Treating the program like a 9 to 5 job is one way that she’s managed to successfully fulfill this desire.

If you’re having trouble keeping focused and energized when studying throughout the day, be sure to catch the full episode to hear about Jenna’s hourly routine that keeps her rejuvenated and invigorated! *originally recorded 4.3.2020*
Apr 27, 202042:22
Ep. 3: Becky Kelly and the Realities of Mom Guilt & Fluidity of Balance

Ep. 3: Becky Kelly and the Realities of Mom Guilt & Fluidity of Balance

Today’s episode features future Dr. Becky Kelly, 1st year South College PT student, physical therapy assistant (PTA) of 19 years, military spouse and mother of 3. She’s shares how she’s been exposed to the world of physical therapy since the age of 9 and the years of support that eventually led her to further her impact on patients by becoming a doctor of physical therapy.

We speak on lessons she hopes her children take away during her tract towards PT school, the looming concerns of mom guilt and the fluidity of balance. We shared some laughs with finding creative ways to keep her kids out while class is in session and hardships of cooking mac n cheese!

Also, listen to learn about“wogging” how Becky uses it as a way to “brain dump” and review material before an exam. *Episode originally recorded 3.24.20*
Apr 20, 202035:02
Ep. 2: Laura West & The Value of Your Mental Health

Ep. 2: Laura West & The Value of Your Mental Health

In this episode, 1st year student, Laura West, mother of a 2 year old daughter, shares on her career switch from a badass combination of jobs into physical therapy. She shares how she implemented her background as a yoga instructor to strengthen her and classmates knowledge in A&P. She opens up about feelings of failing in certain realms as a mom, yet taking things on day at a time is the best mantra. Laura emphasizes the importance of your mental health and enriching it with plenty of sleep. She gives credit to her supportive spouse and how achieving this goal of PT school wouldn’t be possible.
Apr 13, 202018:08
Ep. 1: Jasmine Jones Jackowski & The Importance of Supportive Spouse in PT School

Ep. 1: Jasmine Jones Jackowski & The Importance of Supportive Spouse in PT School

In this episode, SPT Jasmine Jones Jackowski, a first year student at South College and mother to a soon to be 2 year old daughter, shares her professional and personal reasons for wanting to be a PT. She explains how she’s able to work 32-40 hrs/wk in a 2 year accelerated hybrid DPT program and how it all wouldn’t be possible without the support of her husband. Jasmine also discusses how she priorities time with family, friends and PT school and the guilt associated with those decisions. **Episode originally recorded on 3.11.2020**
Apr 06, 202023:04
April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

Apr 01, 202000:45
Introduction Ep: Dawnette Waters and the Mission for This Podcast

Introduction Ep: Dawnette Waters and the Mission for This Podcast

In this introduction episode, Dawnette Waters, creator of the Moms in PT School Podcast, explains her mission and reasons for putting this podcast together. She shares a few of her own personal guilts as a mom of a 6 year old daughter and wife to her husband of 7 years. She talks about relating to her fellow classmates and moms in negative internal dialogue and feelings of inadequacy. Dawnette also shares her ambition to create a community and resource for moms in PT school.
Apr 01, 202009:38