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ESG Matters - What Does Responsible Investing Start With?

ESG Matters - What Does Responsible Investing Start With?

By MoneySmart

MoneySmart podcast host, Elias, talks responsible investing with special guest El Lynn Yeoh, Head of ESG, Prudential Singapore. In a world where investors of all sizes look to make sure that their values and environmental concerns are incorporated into their choices and investment decisions, find out more about what Prudential has been doing to drive forth its ESG promise and how ESG fits into its business strategy. We also talk ESG misconceptions, investment trends among the younger people, and challenges of flowing and implementing ESG practices throughout a large, global company.
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ESG Matters - What Does Responsible Investing Start With?

ESG Matters - What Does Responsible Investing Start With?Apr 25, 2022

ESG Matters - Moving Towards an ESG-Focused Future as a Company

ESG Matters - Moving Towards an ESG-Focused Future as a Company

MoneySmart podcast host, Elias, talks about moving towards an ESG-focused future as a company with portfolio advisor Jeremy Butterworth from Wellington Management Singapore. Wellington Management Singapore has been an early adopter of ESG factors from as early as 1933. To date, Wellington has $1 trillion in assets under management. In this podcast, we look at the extent of how fund houses such as Wellington incorporate ESG into its extensive research process, with a standalone team just dedicated to ESG alone. We also discuss concerns such as risk and opportunities, Wellington’s deep-rooted ESG strategy, the positive impact that ESG investing has on the world, and how investors can choose the right ESG investments while avoiding the pitfalls of “greenwashing”.

Apr 29, 202230:55
ESG Matters - What Does Responsible Investing Start With?

ESG Matters - What Does Responsible Investing Start With?

MoneySmart podcast host, Elias, talks responsible investing with special guest El Lynn Yeoh, Head of ESG, Prudential Singapore. In a world where investors of all sizes look to make sure that their values and environmental concerns are incorporated into their choices and investment decisions, find out more about what Prudential has been doing to drive forth its ESG promise and how ESG fits into its business strategy. We also talk ESG misconceptions, investment trends among the younger people, and challenges of flowing and implementing ESG practices throughout a large, global company.

Apr 25, 202229:59