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Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

By Monica Philo

Hello! Am I Audible?
Hope I will be..
You may be happy, sad, embarrassed and even tired of everything, here is your weekly dose of magical words, incredible thoughts, masterly ideas, ingenious strategies and definitely everything you need right now.
Stay Tuned:)

Your comments please:)

Currently playing episode

#15 Say it Loud & Make it Happen | Power of Affirmations | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil PodcastMar 06, 2022

#20 My manamketta mind at times|Negative self talk|Moodswings| Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#20 My manamketta mind at times|Negative self talk|Moodswings| Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

If you had a friend who followed you around 24/7 telling you, you're ugly, you're hopeless, you can't do this, you're just going to fail.. You would probably tell that friend to move off right?
So why are you allowing your OWN negative thoughts get in the way of your success?
To know the best ways to be mindful of your self talk, listen to this full episode! Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Mar 31, 202207:17
#19 Why luck suck? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#19 Why luck suck? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

"Nothing depends on luck everything depends on work because even luck has to work" says Lord Krishna in Bhagavat gita. In that case,what is that one thing which causes continous setbacks,failures and distresses. Which is the place we lag to get up? To know which,how and why listen to the full episode.Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Mar 29, 202208:05
#18 When you don't know something, DON'T ASK ANYONE! | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#18 When you don't know something, DON'T ASK ANYONE! | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

Oh no it's a typo in the title. Haha! Do you think that's just the typo in the title? No, it's the big typo in our hearts and minds. "Until we can receive with an open heart, we're never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help." says Brené Brown. Know the importance of asking help and questions by listening to the full episode.Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Mar 28, 202206:51
#17 Is being a Perfectionist Strength or Weakness? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#17 Is being a Perfectionist Strength or Weakness? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

"In order to go on living one must try to escape the death involved in perfectionism" says Hannah. What? Is perfectionism that horrible? Exactly but know why by listening to this full episode.Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Mar 26, 202208:05
#16 Personality vs Attitude | Hello! Am I Audible - Tamil Podcast

#16 Personality vs Attitude | Hello! Am I Audible - Tamil Podcast

"Don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am, and my attitude depends on who you are." This is one of the famous quote used as captions in most of the posts. But still we are not sure of this difference between attitude and personality. To know and understand the real value of those,listen to the full episode! Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Mar 15, 202207:16
#15 Say it Loud & Make it Happen | Power of Affirmations | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#15 Say it Loud & Make it Happen | Power of Affirmations | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

"Every time you speak, you are either building up yourself for the better or you are limiting yourself for the worse" Seems different where sucha small word can make a great switch over in life. To know how,listen to the full episode.
Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Mar 06, 202208:30
#14 Ennam Pol Vazhkai | You become what you think | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#14 Ennam Pol Vazhkai | You become what you think | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” once said Napolean Hill. “The mind is everything. What you think, you become,” Buddha taught. Do you know how this happens? Then listen to the full episode.Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Feb 27, 202209:48
#13 Everything never happen only for a reason!? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#13 Everything never happen only for a reason!? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

“Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.”— Albert Schweitzer. Exactly dear friend it happens but not only for one reason. To know whatelse other than that listen to the full episode.
Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Feb 20, 202207:34
#12 You're Worthu Dudey! | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#12 You're Worthu Dudey! | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. So quite that voice of doubt inside you:) Listen to the episode to know how and why..Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Jan 09, 202206:54
#11 Hurry up! Listen immediately before 2021 ends:) | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#11 Hurry up! Listen immediately before 2021 ends:) | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

New year never change our life unless and untill we change in the new year. Yes, the New year stands before us like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written... Listen to the full episode of the best and important things to be done before getting into new year'22. Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Dec 30, 202106:07
#10 Self Love - The Exquisite Magic | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#10 Self Love - The Exquisite Magic | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

Once buddha said "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." and he is absolutely right.Listen to this episode to know Why you should love yourself & How you should love yourself. Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Dec 20, 202107:47
#9 Ponaal Pogatum Poda:) Let it Go:) | Hello! Am I Audible?-Tamil Podcast

#9 Ponaal Pogatum Poda:) Let it Go:) | Hello! Am I Audible?-Tamil Podcast

If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot,you will have a lot of peace. Yes, my dear friend its time to let it go and ofcourse let it all go. Know how by hearing to this full episode.Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Dec 12, 202107:46
#8 Danger - If you control/bottle your emotions!? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#8 Danger - If you control/bottle your emotions!? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

You know what truly pains? Having so much inside you and not knowing how to pour it out. Here is something which can help you from bottling up and clearing out the old emotional ashes! Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Dec 05, 202107:11
#7 Peace vs Happiness | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#7 Peace vs Happiness | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

Choose your thoughts carefully. Keep what brings you peace, release what brings you sufferings. And know that happiness is just a thought away:) Listen to the full episode and set your hearts to something eternal...Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Nov 27, 202108:41
#6 Why not to expect others to be like us? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#6 Why not to expect others to be like us? | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

You'll end up really disappointed if you expect people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you:) Listen to this episode to know why not expect and how to avoid it.. Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Nov 19, 202106:45
#5 The Golden Rule | Hello! Am I Audible?- Tamil Podcast

#5 The Golden Rule | Hello! Am I Audible?- Tamil Podcast

"Every time you mistreat someone, you reveal the part of you that lacks love and needs to heal" and yes THE GOLDEN RULE depicts it. Listen to the full episode about the rule with alot of stories:)Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Nov 12, 202107:11
#4 How to be happy inspite of problems | Hello! Am I Audible?-Tamil Podcast

#4 How to be happy inspite of problems | Hello! Am I Audible?-Tamil Podcast

Happiness doesn’t have to be chased…it merely has to be chosen.Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.Here are the 6 important points you can choose to be happy and happier despite of the situation,problems,stress and disappointments. Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Nov 05, 202107:35
#3 Dear Fear,Control Yourself! | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#3 Dear Fear,Control Yourself! | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

F.E.A.R - Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours,only yours:) Being scared is a sign of being alive, so here are the cool ways to accept fear and walk through it. Hear and Gear up!! Share your comments/questions on instagram and stay updated by joining the exquisite family @exquisite_black_heart ( MoNiCa PHiLO Writes! )
Oct 29, 202107:22
#2 For everything that stops you from starting and doing | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

#2 For everything that stops you from starting and doing | Hello! Am I Audible? - Tamil Podcast

A blank page is no empty space. It is brimming with potential. It is a masterpiece in wait.. Here are the reasons why you're still thinking and just waiting to start.! Listen till end for the Bonus Karuthu:)
Oct 22, 202106:13
#1 Aarambikalangala!! | Hello! Am I audible?

#1 Aarambikalangala!! | Hello! Am I audible?

The best way to start is to start. "Got an idea to start,thinking to start,making a commitment to start is one aspect of life" says Manoj Arora. The beginning is always NOW and here we go into the 1st ever episode of HELLO AM I AUDIBLE?! Let's get better together:)
Oct 12, 202103:39
Hello! Am I Audible?

Hello! Am I Audible?

Here's the introduction to all we gonna carry in the upcoming weeks.
Sep 28, 202101:09