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Monsters Behind the Masks

Monsters Behind the Masks

By dario lombardi

Monsters behind the Masks is a Carnevale The Miniature Game fan made podcast. Here you will find reviews, tactics and much more about this incredible miniature game.
Carnevale The Miniature Game and all related IP is property of TTCombat. Any possible use of Carnevale refercences is not a challenge to TTCombat IP.
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A wind of change is blowing on Venice pt1

Monsters Behind the Masks Aug 07, 2021

Venezia à la Carte: La mettiamo nel mucchio dei "Forse" (ITA)

Venezia à la Carte: La mettiamo nel mucchio dei "Forse" (ITA)

Cari amici benvenuti (o bentornati!) su Monsters Behind the Masks, versione VIDEOOOO!!! In questo goloso episodio di Venezia à la Carte i nostri eroici Matteo e Dario non sono riusciti a trovare un titolo adatto alla potenza delle nuove scatole disponibili per Dottori e Rashaar. Inchiniamoci al potere della tecnologia (o di qualche polpo spropositatamente gigantesco!) e lanciamoci nella nostra analisi "a caldo" di queste golosissime novità!Come sempre, chiacchieriamo di hobby e curiosità! Come veloce appunto, domenica 14 aprile a Montegrotto Terme (PD) sarò coi soci di Ultima Alleanza Padova al Santa Chiara Games per fare demo dei giochi più disparati: ci sarà Carnevale ma non solo! link a Serenissima 2 Chiara Games come sempre, gli amici di Gilda dei Giochi per tutti i vostri PRURITI Carnevaleschi Buon divertimento!

Apr 12, 202401:18:18
The Monsters Unmasked

The Monsters Unmasked

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest episode of Monsters behind the Masks! This episode inaugurates the video version of the international podcast, hurrah!!! (international because we also have an Italian dedicated one too) Rens and Dario couldn't pass this great occasion to answer some questions by the Carnevale Facebook community. There are going plenty of news, model reviews, hobby and.... SERENISSIMA VOLUME 2!!! We leave here for you some handy links in case you wish to further investigate some of the topics we faced during the show ;) Enjoy!! Benvenuti a Venezia!!!

Link to Youtube video: The Tippy Cast: Serenissima 2 Lee's Instagram page

Mar 25, 202401:31:04
Venezia à la carte: Signora mia, Strigoi corazzati? Dove andremo a finire?

Venezia à la carte: Signora mia, Strigoi corazzati? Dove andremo a finire?

Eccoci di nuovo insieme su Monsters Behind the Masks, il podcast interamente dedicato a Carnevale, il gioco di miniature di TTCombat. In questa puntata Dario e Matteo commenteranno per voi le ultime uscite per il gioco: Visions of Haven per il Vaticano e Walacchian Warhost per gli Strigoi. Se la prima si rivela essere una (gradita) scatola di rinforzi per le forze dei papisti, la seconda porta una vera ventata di novità per i servi di Vlad! In questo episodio le nostre impressioni a caldo. Non dimenticate che Serenissima 2 è dietro l'angolo! Mancano solo 2 giorni!!Seguite il lancio del crowdfounding su i vostri acquisti di materiale TTCombat, i nostri spingitori di pupazzi sono nientedimenocheeee.... Gilda dei Giochi! dimenticate di mettere un Follow ai nostri ottimi Giulio e Matteo di, l'università degli studi nerdistici! Vi stupiranno con effetti speciali! e ovviamente su instagram. Ultimo ma non ultimo Korhyl Miniatures, il motore di Serenissima 1&2! divertimento!

Mar 12, 202452:04
Venezia à la carte: I Serenissimi Mascareri

Venezia à la carte: I Serenissimi Mascareri

Benvenuti dai Monsters behind the Masks in una nuova puntata di Venezia à la carte, il format che vi lancia direttamente nelle ultime novità dal mondo di Carnevale, il gioco di miniature di TTCombat. Un doppio Benvenuti perché questo è il nostro primo episodio "test" realizzato usando il software Riverside by Spotify, che ci permette di essere anche in VIDEOOOOOO! Siete emozionati? noi sì, e nemmeno poco! In questo episodio Dario e Matteo si lanciano in una presentazione del progetto "Serenissima 2" seguito dall'analisi delle nuova scatola dei Mascareri, modelli Gifted pronti a combattere per chiunque sia disposto a pagare.... Un paio di link utili:

L'episodio video su Youtube: Korhyl Miniatures per il progetto Serenissima 2 Chemo paints su Instagram

Buon divertimento!!!

Feb 29, 202457:54
Edited: werewolf on London? Vampires in Venice

Edited: werewolf on London? Vampires in Venice

Hello! Since the old version of the podcast had issues we worked tirelessly to solve the problems. Please let us know if everything now works fine. Enjoy the show!
Feb 21, 202401:26:46
The Master answers our prayers

The Master answers our prayers

Welcome to the Monsters Behind the Masks! Today we've got a very special guest for you: we are proud to introduce you one of the minds behind Carnevale (and TTCombat in general), Owen Roberts!

As you can guess this episode is all about him, so we can get to know Owen better and let him spill some beans about the future of our beloved game and even more! We gathered some questions from the community and Owen answered them all :) We won't spoil anything here so... enjoy the show!!!

Feb 20, 202455:03
Il Carnevale della Gilda
Jan 24, 202401:39:32
Season 5? ALREADY?!
Jan 19, 202401:01:51
Non di solo Carnevale vive l'uomo

Non di solo Carnevale vive l'uomo

Eccoci nell'ultima puntata dell'anno di Monsters behind the Masks, il vostro podcast preferito su Carnevale! Dario e Matteo sono reduci da Milano Wargames 2023: preparatevi a racconti mirabolanti a base di pupazzetti e audio incasinato 😅
Impossibile non citare in questo episodio alcune delle persone che hanno collaborato con noi all'ottima riuscita delle nostre demo, tra cui Vea Editori, Korhyl Miniatures, Ludoverse, Wargames per Passione, Gilda dei Giochi... una bella rete di collaborazione no?
In chiusura, non dimenticate il contest di pittura! Scadenza 22 dicembre 2023. Sotto coi pennelli, c'è ancora tempo! Nel frattempo, buon ascolto.
Dec 20, 202301:28:05
Venezia à la carte: Peccati della Carne. .. e non solo
Nov 16, 202301:01:04
Una buona Lista
Nov 01, 202301:09:19
Venezia à la carte: La seppia è il miglior amico dell'uomo!
Oct 31, 202341:30
The Painter under scrutiny
Oct 10, 202301:49:16
[BONUS] Venezia à la carte: Ladies of the Night

[BONUS] Venezia à la carte: Ladies of the Night

Amici ascoltatori! Benvenuti alla puntata inaugurale di questo nuovo format di Monsters Behind the Masks! Di cosa si tratta? Questo è un piccolo esperimento che vorremmo condurre per poter coprire in modo veloce e tempestivo le novità del gioco di Carnevale, senza "intasare" il podcast principale. In questa puntata daremo una primissima occhiata con annesse impressioni a caldo della nuovissima scatola per la Gilda: le "Ladies of the Night". Fateci sapere le vostre impressioni, se il format vi soddisfa, se non vi piace e/o come potremmo migliorare (a partire dal titolo della serie!!!). Dai misteriosi canali di Venezia, per ora, è tutto...!
Sep 26, 202322:59


Benvenuti (o Bentornati!) a Venezia! In questo episodio della serie in italiano di Monsters Behind the Masks, Dario e Matteo si lanciano in una raffinatissima (!) analisi delle nuove uscite per Carnevale, senza dimenticarsi però di raccontarvi di hobby e, soprattutto, EVENTI! Eh sì, perchè in questa puntata si parla anche (e tanto) degli ultimi eventi a cui i Vostri hanno recentemente preso parte. Sconvolgenti rivelazioni seguiranno in coda all'episodio. I vostri host preferiti vi consigliano CALDAMENTE di essere liberi per il 26 novembre....

Intanto, abbiamo il piacere di lasciarvi qualche utile link a realtà legate al nostro hobby preferito. Siamo sicuri che apprezzerete :) Buon ascolto!

Sep 22, 202301:55:14
The holy mythical Unseen Hand
Aug 31, 202301:46:55
Venti di Cambiamento

Venti di Cambiamento

Benvenute e benvenuti in questa nuova puntata di Monsters behind the Masks, edizione italiana! Ci abbiamo messo un mese a rifare la registrazione (dettagli nell'episodio, probabilmente un sabotaggio delle spie ottomane!) ma ce l'abbiamo fatta! Di cosa si parla? Beh, delle novità che le faq hanno portato nel gioco e delle nuove miniature, mi sembra il minimo! Ma non solo! Dario avanza di livello, Matteo rischia l'infarto per colpa dei nuovi strigoi e abbiamo una fantastica campagna estiva per giocare di più a Carnevale!
Buona ascolto a tutti!
Jul 16, 202301:58:28
The Venetian Placeholder

The Venetian Placeholder

Hello Friends! if you thought we were lost in the maze of streets that's Venice, fear no more! Rens and Dario emerged once again from the canals to guide you through the latest news from the world of CARNEVALE!!! Discover the most effective tricks to best your friends, listening to the charming voices of your favourite podcasting duo and unveil with us all the secrets that this gaming summer is holding from you..

Have you got questions? Did you spot any mistake in what we said? Great! Get in touch with us via facebook Messenger (Monsters Behind the Masks), Instagram DM (monstersbehindthemasks) or send us an email at We'll be glad to answer all of your questions!

Seat back, relax and... Benvenuti a Venezia!

Jun 28, 202301:26:12
25 aprile: San MARCOOOO

25 aprile: San MARCOOOO

C'è un giorno migliore per pubblicare un episodio di Monsters Behind the Masks? Il 25 aprile a Venezia si festeggia San Marco e noi festeggiamo con una puntata del vostro podcast preferito (perché è il vostro preferito, vero?)!!!

Si parla di "noi" perché da oggi, anche nella versione italiana del podcast, Dario non sarà più da solo a condurre lo show ma... bhè, perchè rovinarsi la sorpresa?

Come sempre, lasciamo utili link in descrizione e vi auguriamo buon ascolto!

Apr 25, 202301:20:47
Mar 25, 202301:04:57
Venetian Autumn is crazy HOT!

Venetian Autumn is crazy HOT!

Welcome to the Monsters behind the Masks! This autumn is crazy hot, isn't it? TTCombat literally thrown against us so many new models and new stuff! Prepare yourself, as Rens and Dario guide you into this review of the latest miniatures, scenery and tactics that are hitting Venice on this season. Moreover, the Monsters are replying ALL of your questions (yes, literally!). 

Prepare your most beautiful mask, wear your tabarro and load your guns: you'll need them!

Benvenuti a Venezia!!

Oct 06, 202202:17:28
Una nuova maschera per una nuova stagione
Jul 13, 202201:17:03
A New Mask, for a new Season!

A New Mask, for a new Season!

Welcome to the latest episode of The Monsters Behind the Masks! The new rule set brought new recruits to the game, eager to learn how to getting started with the amazing world of Carnevale. Well, Rens and Dario could not leave this call unanswered and here we are! In this episode we are sharing our ideas on how to approach the game using your favourite faction, discussing the different starter options and how to efficiently expand them to reach the "Golden 100 Ducats"! Since this is a beginner friendly episode, we're sharing all the necessary links to game resources PLUS two online stores that recently started to stock Carnevale. If you own a physical or online shop and you sell Carnevale, give us a shout: we'll gladly share your links in the show and we do this FOR FREE! ;) just because we want to see this wonderful game to reach as many players as possible. 

Don't forget to leave us a feedback about our contents or just technical aspects of the show (sound, quality etc, we are still tweaking the whole thing here...)! It would be gladly appreciated, like any other suggestion on topics that you'd like to see discussed during the show. You can get in contact with us via our Facebook page or at

Jul 07, 202201:42:10
The Monsters are BACK!!!

The Monsters are BACK!!!

Who loves reviews? We do! The Monsters are back among you, with an episode packed with contents :) As you already know, ttcombat released Blood on the Water expansion book and we are here to share with you our opinions. Plus, we hired some new spies and they earned their money bringing us some Illicit Information... Relax and enjoy the show! Be kind and leave us a feedback: we are trying some new solution to improve audio quality and we would really appreciate your opinions ;) 

Benvenuti a Venezia!!

Jun 15, 202201:15:55
The Monster is among us!

The Monster is among us!

Hello dear listeners! Welcome to this new episode of the show and, I can tell you without any doubt, one of the most interesting! Why? Because this is a full interview to the Carnevale game designer Lewis Clarke! He was so kind to answer to a literally ton of questions about the game, blood on the water and a lot of other topics. What are you waiting for? Press "PLAY" button right now!
Mar 22, 202202:32:47
Takoyaki on Shrove Tuesday

Takoyaki on Shrove Tuesday

The Monsters are back! In this episode we make a big roundup of the latest news about blood on the water, latest releases with a specific focus on patrician's night watch and The Flame that Burns Underwater! We also got illicit information (guild players prepare your tissues) and a big announcement too. Enjoy the show!
Mar 01, 202201:24:57
Benvenuti a Venezia!

Benvenuti a Venezia!

Benvenuti nella città dell'eterno Carnevale! Benvenuti nel primo episodio della versione italiana di Monsters behind the Masks! Questo episodio inaugurale del podcast dedicato a chi parla la meravigliosa lingua dello stivale è dedicato ai neofiti e curiosi del gioco. Cos'è Carnevale, l'ambientazione e le fazioni in gioco sono gli argomenti di oggi. Buon ascolto!
Feb 17, 202241:37
Money can't buy happiness PT 2

Money can't buy happiness PT 2

Hello everyone and welcome to the last episode of the full faction reviews series by Monsters behind the Masks! In this episode Rens and Dario are discussing about the henchmen available to the Patricians, some list building and then q&a. Bonus content: some tasty illicit information from our spies directly from Venice and some info from the Venetian add-on project that korhyl Miniatures is developing in collaboration with Dario. Relax and enjoy the show!
Jan 11, 202201:26:11
Money can't buy happiness pt1

Money can't buy happiness pt1

Hello dear listeners! Rens and Dario are here to unveil with you the most daring and reckless strategies you can make using the Patricians! Are you ready for this journey among the faction which embodies "the best of the best"? In this episode we are talking about the faction in general terms, we discuss about the leaders and the heroes. Next episode (probably out during the first days of 2022) is going to be about henchmen, Q&A and list building. If you have any questions for us get in contact with the monsters! Send us a pm via Facebook or an email at Enjoy the show! Instagram @monstersbehindthemasks
Dec 21, 202101:39:14
Christmas Gift(ed) pt3

Christmas Gift(ed) pt3

Welcome back Venetians to the third part of the Gifted full faction review. It's Q&A time! And time to announce the winner of our monsters behind the masks raffle. The prize is a valuable, hardback copy of Secret Societies, a Carnevale sourcebook by Rens. You missed the raffle? That's because you are not following our Facebook page! Go and hit that "like" button. Next time you could be the winner! ;) in this episode we are trying to answer your questions in the best possible way we can. If you wish to discuss with us about what we say, just send us a message using Facebook messenger or email at We'll be glad to hear your opinions! Now, relax and enjoy the show! Don't forget to check out
Dec 07, 202101:31:26
Christmas Gift(ed) pt2
Nov 26, 202101:36:01
Christmas Gift(ed) pt1

Christmas Gift(ed) pt1

Hello friends! Rens and Dario are here with you again to talk about the weirdest faction in Carnevale: the Gifted. How to play that bunch of freaks? How is the best way to overcome their weaknesses? We are here to discuss the leader and most of the heroes available to the faction. Don't miss some cool Venetian and Italian folklore too! As always, check for everything about Carnevale. Take a look at Dario has a collaboration with this website to bring some cool addons for your streets of Venice scenery! Stay tuned for more updates. Footnote : Dario here, I'm really sorry about some crappy sound quality by my side. I'm little struggling with my microphone and I've to find a solution yet. Bear with me. Enjoy the show!
Nov 18, 202101:55:51
Insert "Bible" here pt2

Insert "Bible" here pt2

Hello Venetians! We are here to give you the second (and last!) part of the Vatican full faction review. Here you'll find an in depth analysis of all the henchmen available to the papists PLUS 2 nasty nasty lists designed by Rens AND our new and shiny Q&A section. Unveil with us all the secrets that you must know to play the best out of your Vatican forces (or to counter them) and enjoy the show! As usual, remember that you can get in contact with us via Facebook messenger and at Here some handy links to explore the Carnevale world!
Nov 06, 202101:58:00
Insert "Bible" here! Pt 1
Oct 28, 202102:19:42
I cittadini di Venezia pt3 (the Citizens of Venice)

I cittadini di Venezia pt3 (the Citizens of Venice)

Hello and welcome back to the Monsters behind the Masks! Rens and Dario are completing their journey into the narrow calli of the Guild in this 3rd part of GUILD Full Faction review. Rens is doing a terrific job here with his list building section: be ready to lose some friends and set new grudges! We also have a new&shiny Q&A section thanks to all of you, dear listeners. Last, but not least, Dario is making a big announcement that's going to shake your Venetian boards... FOREVER! Enjoy the show!
Oct 19, 202101:23:17
I cittadini di Venezia (the Citizens of Venice) pt2

I cittadini di Venezia (the Citizens of Venice) pt2

Welcome back to the Monsters behind the Masks! In this second part of the Guild full faction review Rens and Dario are discussing about the remaining heroes available and the whole henchmen lot! There's a lot to talk about! There's going to be a third part for the Guild: we weren't able to fit in this episode our usual list building section and the new Q&A section. We are recording a dedicated episode on these great topics! Stay tuned!
Oct 09, 202102:18:42
I cittadini di Venezia (the Citizens of Venice) pt. 1

I cittadini di Venezia (the Citizens of Venice) pt. 1

Welcome to the Guild full faction review! Rens and Dario are proud to offer you this first part of the biggest review so far. Probably we'll need a couple more to cover all the stuff that we want to discuss...
Oct 02, 202102:00:20
A wind of change is blowing on Venice pt2
Aug 11, 202101:01:57
A wind of change is blowing on Venice pt1
Aug 07, 202101:00:16
Venetian Holidays

Venetian Holidays

Welcome to this very special episode about venetian holidays and celebrations! What is Festa della Sensa? And "la Notte Famosissima?" Follow us in this quick journey through some ancient (and some not so ancient) events that populate venetian calendar. 

We really hope to have lighted the spark of curiosity in your minds. 

As always, check the best non official carnevale resource website and , the official ttcombat website dedicated to this incredible miniature game.

If you want to come in touch with Monsters behind the Masks, visit our Facebook page follow us on instagram at monstersbehindthemasks or contact us at

Benvenuti a Venezia!

Jul 18, 202133:21
Rashaar in saor
May 30, 202102:25:59
The doc is in pt 2
Mar 31, 202101:54:24
The doc is in! Pt 1

The doc is in! Pt 1

Hello everybody! The first part of the Doctors of the Ospedale dei Malati di mente di San Servolo full faction review is here! In this episode Rens and Dario dive deep into a complete analysis of leaders and heroes available to the doctors faction. Plus, as usual, a ton of historical anecdotes about the Serenissima Republic of Venice. Stay turned of the second part, coming soon!
Mar 27, 202101:52:25
"Werewolves in London? Vampires in Venice!" pt2

"Werewolves in London? Vampires in Venice!" pt2

In the 2nd part of the episode Rens and Dario talk about the henchmen available to the Strigoi players. Dario also talks about the Carnevale that were celebrated at the time of the Venetian Republic and Rens unveils all of his secrets to run a successfully Strigoi gang!
Feb 11, 202153:09
A new beginning!

A new beginning!

Welcome to the first episode of season 2! In this episode the monsters behind the masks will go deep into one of the most popular topic about Carnevale: how to start using alternative sets. As usual an extensive news section is presented, since the 2020 advent calendar was very rich of spoilers for us. But there's a truly Great surprise for you, estemeed listeners: listen to the show and find it by yourself... Benvenuti a Venezia!
Jan 12, 202101:31:27
Venice wasn't built in a day!

Venice wasn't built in a day!

Hello my friends! Episode 5 is available to listen.  In this episode I'll cover news, as usual (but tastier than ever!), hobby and.... terrain building as main topic. This is the last episode for 2020,  and i hope your are going to spend great holidays with the people who you love. Take care, stay safe. DURI I BANCHI! 

Here some handy links to find the resources mentioned in the show. Enjoy!

3rd floor wars Podcast interviews Lewis Clarke:

TTcombat Streets of Venice MDF range:

Paper scenery for sale:

My favourite publishers to build a cardboard venetian board: Dave Graffam's Models and Finger and Toe Models

Free papercraft stuff:

Great free papercraft intro guide:

Cardboard Warriors is the best place if you want to start your paper wargame adventure:

Rens inspiring MDF board:

Rens's guide to MDF modeling:

Venice by Rent Light is one of the best Carnevale resources around:

Carnevale Official website, last but not least:

Dec 14, 202058:08
Getting your degree at the Accademia

Getting your degree at the Accademia

In this episode we'll take a look at the massive releases of September and October. New pulcinellas, strigoi and Vaticans join the fray! After a little hobby section we'll dive deep into the action section of the rules and you'll be a Carnevale master in no time! Benvenuti a Venezia!
Nov 25, 202001:31:36
The Guild goes to War

The Guild goes to War

This is the first one of a series of special episodes to cover specific aspects of the game. On this episode I'll talk about how I built a 150 ducats The Guild gang list to join a campaign and how it's going so far. Hope to keep you enjoyed&entertained!
Nov 04, 202025:05
Training ground in Castello

Training ground in Castello

This episode is focused on the basic rules of Carnevale, with a review of this month's new releases (Vatican Insurgency force, Doctors Esoteric Investigation and morgue doctor & the Being). This episode is in memory of Walter Milani-Müller, a friend and fellow Carnevale player who set his sails to Haven in late August. Goodbye Shep.
Oct 15, 202001:07:40
Nice mask! Where can I buy one?

Nice mask! Where can I buy one?

In this episode I am talking about getting started with Carnevale. I'm trying to give you a review of all the starting gangs boxes and the two players starter set. Hope you enjoy! (this episode is onow outdated, reference season 3 for the updated one!)
Sep 03, 202001:24:55