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Mood Killers

Mood Killers

By Mood Killers

Marconi x Eddie = Diplomats of doom and dysfunction
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Mistaken For An Airport Worker

Mood KillersMay 14, 2024

How To Steal Hotel Robes

How To Steal Hotel Robes

It's possible to take a hotel robe without permission, but it is considered stealing. Here's why:

Hotel property: Robes are meant for guest use during their stay, not as souvenirs. They're inventoried just like furniture or towels.

Potential charges: Many hotels add a hefty replacement fee to your bill if a robe is missing. Some even have tags on the robes stating this explicitly.

Here are some alternatives:

Ask to purchase: Some hotels allow you to buy the robe if you really like it. Just inquire at the front desk.

Look for similar robes: If you're attached to the robe's style or comfort, you can likely find similar ones online or in stores.

In short, while taking the robe might seem easy, it's best to avoid the hassle and potential charges.

Jun 06, 202430:45
Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby

The cost of having a baby in the United States can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

Health insurance: Having health insurance can significantly reduce the cost of childbirth. The average cost of childbirth with insurance is around $3,000 out-of-pocket, while the cost without insurance can be much higher, averaging around $18,865 according to the Peterson-Kaiser Family Foundation.

Type of birth: Vaginal deliveries are typically less expensive than cesarean sections (C-sections). Uncomplicated vaginal deliveries average around $11,453, while C-sections average $17,103 [Investopedia].

Location: Costs can vary depending on the hospital or birthing center you choose and the cost of living in your area.

Pregnancy complications: Any complications during pregnancy or childbirth can significantly increase the cost.

Here's a breakdown of some of the potential costs:

Prenatal care: This includes doctor visits, ultrasounds, and other tests throughout your pregnancy.

Delivery: This includes the cost of the hospital stay, labor and delivery fees, and any anesthesia or medication used.

Postpartum care: This includes doctor visits after delivery to check on your health and the baby's health.

Baby supplies: You'll need to purchase a crib, car seat, diapers, clothes, and other essentials for your baby.

Here are some resources that can help you estimate the cost of having a baby:

Cost calculators: Many health insurance companies and online resources offer cost calculators that can help you estimate the cost of childbirth based on your specific circumstances.

Your doctor: Your doctor can give you an estimate of the cost of your prenatal care and delivery.

Hospital or birthing center: The hospital or birthing center you plan to use can provide you with information about their costs.

Jun 05, 202437:39
A Beautiful Day To Stay Inside

A Beautiful Day To Stay Inside

The term for that feeling is sunshine guilt. It describes the regret or guilt you experience when you choose to stay indoors on a beautiful day, even though you might be perfectly happy and content with your decision.

Jun 04, 202433:09
Are You A Shallow Sleeper?

Are You A Shallow Sleeper?

Technically, we don't experience sleep in the same way as deep or light sleep. Sleep is cyclical, with stages that progress from light to deep sleep, then back to lighter stages and REM sleep [1].

However, there is a concept called "shallow sleep syndrome" which describes getting enough sleep (in terms of duration) but not achieving the restorative, deeper stages [2]. This can leave you feeling tired and unrefreshed in the morning.

Here are some signs you might be experiencing shallow sleep:

Feeling tired during the day

Difficulty concentrating


Mood swings

Difficulty remembering things

If you suspect you have shallow sleep, there are steps you can take to improve your sleep quality. Here are some resources that might be helpful:

Jun 03, 202437:42
Tom Brady Is A Big Baby

Tom Brady Is A Big Baby

Roasts are about taking jabs: The whole point of a roast is to playfully insult the roastee. If you can't laugh at yourself a little, it can come across as thin-skinned.

He reportedly enjoyed most of it: Brady himself said he found the jokes funny, especially those directed at him.

It's good publicity: A lot of celebrities use roasts to stay relevant and show their lighter side.

However, there are also reasons why people might understand Brady's perspective:

Family's reaction: While Brady enjoyed the jokes, his comments suggest they upset his children. That's a valid concern for any parent.

Jokes can go too far: While roasts are meant to be funny, some people might feel the humor crossed a line.

Regret is normal: It's okay to change your mind. Maybe Brady underestimated how the roast would affect him or his family.

Ultimately, it's up to each person to decide if they think Brady's reaction is justified.

May 23, 202434:29
No More Free Refills

No More Free Refills

There are still many restaurants that offer free refills on soda, especially in the United States. These include:

Fast food restaurants:This is the most common place to find free soda refills. Almost all fast food chains, such as Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and KFC, offer free refills on fountain drinks.

Family-friendly restaurants:Many family-friendly restaurants, such as Applebee's, IHOP, and Denny's, also offer free refills on soda.

Applebee's restaurant

Diners: Many diners offer free refills on soda as well.

However, it is becoming less common for full-service restaurants to offer free soda refills. Some restaurants may charge for refills, or they may not have fountain drinks at all.

Here are some tips for finding restaurants that offer free soda refills:

Look for restaurants with soda fountains.

Check the restaurant's website or menu. The menu may mention if free refills are included.

Ask your server. They will be able to tell you for sure if the restaurant offers free refills on soda.

May 22, 202433:11
Better Off Not Knowing

Better Off Not Knowing

There are a few reasons why people might feel better off not knowing certain things:

Protecting themselves from emotional distress: Some information can be upsetting, disturbing, or even traumatic. For example, someone might avoid knowing the details of a terminal illness to protect themselves and their loved ones from emotional pain.

Maintaining a sense of control: Sometimes, knowing the inner workings of something can make it feel less predictable or controllable. For instance, people might avoid learning about the sausage-making process to avoid ruining their enjoyment of eating hot dogs.

Avoiding decision paralysis: Having too much information can make it hard to make a decision. People might choose ignorance to simplify a complex situation and avoid the stress of overthinking.

Preserving innocence or wonder: Not knowing everything can leave room for curiosity and a sense of wonder. This can be especially true for children, who might be shielded from certain information to protect their innocence.

Trusting others to handle it: In some cases, people might feel more comfortable letting others handle certain information, especially if it's technical or specialized knowledge. For instance, you might trust your mechanic to diagnose your car trouble without needing all the details yourself.

It's important to note that there's a balance to be struck. While ignorance can be bliss in some situations, knowledge is often empowering and can help us make better choices.

May 21, 202435:09
Singing To Your Cat For Money

Singing To Your Cat For Money

Singing to your cat can potentially create a stronger bond between you for a few reasons:

Positive attention: Any attention you give your cat, even if it's singing an off-key tune, shows you care and are interested in them.

Soothing sounds: Cats tend to respond well to higher-pitched tones and calmer voices. Singing in a gentle way can be relaxing for them.

Routine and familiarity: If you sing to your cat regularly, they may come to associate your singing with positive feelings and your presence.

It's important to note that not all cats will enjoy being sung to. Some might find it annoying. Here are some tips for singing to your cat:

Pay attention to their body language. If they seem disinterested or annoyed (flattened ears, hissing, swatting), stop singing.

Use a calm and gentle voice.

You can try singing higher-pitched tones, which are more similar to how cats communicate with each other.

Overall, singing to your cat is a low-pressure way to potentially bond with them. It's worth a try to see if your feline friend enjoys your serenade!

May 20, 202436:34
Unfrosted & Furious

Unfrosted & Furious

There is a widespread dislike for Jerald Seinfeld, and there are some reasons certain people might not be fans:

Humor Style: Seinfeld's humor is observational and often finds humor in the mundane. Some viewers might find this style dry or uninteresting, preferring slapstick or more relatable characters.

Character Portrayal: Jerry, the character on the show, is often seen as self-centered and neurotic. People who dislike this type of personality might not enjoy the show.

Recent Events: A 2024 controversy at a college speaking engagement where he expressed support for Israel might have turned off some viewers.

However, Seinfeld remains popular. Here's why some might still enjoy him:

Classic Show: "Seinfeld" was a huge hit, and nostalgia keeps it relevant.

Observational Comedy: If you find humor in everyday annoyances, Seinfeld's observations might resonate.

Influential Sitcom: The show's "show about nothing" concept influenced many sitcoms today.

Ultimately, humor is subjective. What one person finds funny, another might not.

May 16, 202433:01
Grandpa's Cataracts

Grandpa's Cataracts

Cataracts are a clouding of the lens in the eye, which is normally clear. The lens helps focus light rays onto the retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye. When the lens becomes cloudy, it scatters light and prevents a clear image from reaching the retina. This can cause blurred vision, dimmed vision, and difficulty seeing colors.

There are two main reasons why people get cataracts:

Aging: This is the most common cause of cataracts. As we age, the proteins in the lens of the eye can break down and clump together, causing the lens to become cloudy.


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Aging and Cataracts

Other medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can increase the risk of developing cataracts. Other factors that can contribute to cataracts include:

Injury to the eye

Long-term use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids

Exposure to radiation

Family history of cataracts

If you think you or your grandpa might have cataracts, it's important to see an eye doctor for a diagnosis. Cataracts are usually treated with surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear artificial lens. Cataract surgery is a very common and successful procedure.

May 15, 202434:09
Mistaken For An Airport Worker

Mistaken For An Airport Worker

People get mistaken for airport workers for a few reasons:

Similar attire: Some civilian clothing can resemble certain airport worker uniforms. For example, a blue collared shirt and khaki pants might be worn by both a passenger and a ramp agent.

Carrying luggage or equipment: Luggage handlers and other airport staff often carry rolling suitcases or specialized equipment. A passenger with a lot of luggage or an unusual travel bag might be mistaken for someone working there.

Looking busy or purposeful: People who appear to know where they're going and move with a sense of urgency at the airport could be misread as staff, especially if they're consulting schedules or maps.

Unfamiliarity with airport roles: Not everyone is familiar with the different jobs at an airport. They might assume anyone who looks official is an employee.

It's especially frustrating when it happens to pilots, who have distinct uniforms!

May 14, 202430:53
Blocking Celebrities

Blocking Celebrities

Disagreement or Dislike: This is a pretty common one. People might block celebrities whose opinions they disagree with, or if they find their content uninteresting or annoying.

Taking a Stand: Sometimes blocking celebrities is a bigger movement. There have been trends, particularly on platforms like TikTok, where people block celebrities in protest. This could be because the celebrity hasn't spoken up about an issue the user cares about, or if they've done something controversial. The idea is that by blocking them, they're taking away the attention and engagement the celebrity craves.

Protecting their own space: Social media can feel overwhelming, especially with celebrity content. Blocking someone is a way to curate your feed and only see what you want to see.

Ultimately, it's up to the individual user to decide who they follow and who they block.

May 13, 202434:07
Stop Moving

Stop Moving

Dislike of the moving process itself is definitely a factor, but it's not the only reason people stay put. Here are some of the bigger reasons:

High Costs: Moving can be expensive, with rising housing costs making it difficult to find affordable options in a new location

Job Security: Two-income households and a less mobile job market make people hesitate to uproot their careers for a new opportunity

Roots and Community: People build connections in their communities over time. Family, friends, and familiarity can be strong deterrents to leaving

That being said, there has also been a recent increase in people relocating, so it's not all bad news!

May 09, 202431:02
Public Park Romance Tarp

Public Park Romance Tarp

There are a couple of reasons crock pots, also known as slow cookers, are so popular:

Convenience: This is a big one. You throw the ingredients in, set the timer, and forget about it until dinner. Perfect for busy schedules or if you want a hot meal waiting when you get home.

Flavor development: Slow cooking allows flavors to meld and develop over time, which can result in more complex and delicious dishes than quicker cooking methods.

Tenderizes tough cuts: Slower cooking at a lower temperature breaks down collagen in meats, making even inexpensive, tougher cuts fork-tender and juicy.

Easy cleanup: Since most of the cooking happens in one pot, cleanup is a breeze.

Versatility: Crock pots can be used for a wide variety of dishes, from soups and stews to pulled pork and even desserts.

Healthy meals: Slow cooking is a great way to prepare healthy meals because it often involves minimal added fat or oils.

Overall, crock pots offer a convenient and flavorful way to cook a variety of meals. If you're looking for an easy way to get dinner on the table, a crock pot might be a perfect fit for you.

May 08, 202434:07
Plants On Planes

Plants On Planes

Check with your airline. Airlines may have specific restrictions on the size and type of plants that are allowed. For example, some airlines may not allow plants with spiny stems or roots.

Be aware of TSA regulations. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allows plants in both carry-on and checked baggage. However, the final decision on whether or not to allow a plant through security rests with the TSA officer.

Consider the plant's needs.Plants can be stressed by travel. Choose a plant that is relatively hardy and can withstand being in a dark, cramped environment for several hours.

May 07, 202438:33
Scanning Organic Bananas

Scanning Organic Bananas

There are a few reasons why people might feel betrayed by their toilet:

Broken Trust: Toilets are relied upon for a very basic human need. When they malfunction – overflowing, clogging, or failing to flush – it's a disruption to a routine and can feel like a violation of that trust.

Vulnerability: Toilets handle waste, and a malfunction exposes us to something unpleasant and potentially unsanitary. This can be stressful and make us feel vulnerable.

Inconvenience: A broken toilet throws a wrench into our day. It can be messy to deal with, require a plumber, and disrupt our schedule. This frustration can be directed at the toilet itself.

Humor: Often, the feeling of betrayal is tongue-in-cheek. It's a way to express the frustration of the situation in a humorous way.

It's important to note that toilets are inanimate objects. They can't betray us intentionally. But the emotions caused by a malfunction are very real!

May 06, 202436:13
Vanquishing A Mysterious Stench

Vanquishing A Mysterious Stench

Mysterious smells can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to identify and eliminate them. Here are some tips:

1. Increase Ventilation and Fresh Air

Open windows and doors to create a cross breeze. This will help to dilute and remove the odor from your home.

Run exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathroom while cooking, showering, or cleaning.

2. Identify the Source

Do a thorough inspection of your home, including the kitchen, bathroom, basement, attic, and behind furniture. Look for anything that might be causing the odor, such as spoiled food, mold, mildew, or dead rodents.

Pay attention to the type of smell. Musty odors could indicate mold or mildew, while sweet smells could be rotting fruit.

3. Eliminate the Source

Once you've identified the source of the odor, you'll need to remove it. This may involve cleaning up spills, disposing of rotten food, or calling a professional to remove mold or mildew.

4. Neutralize the Odor

Here are some natural odor neutralizers you can try:

White vinegar: In a spray bottle, mix equal parts white vinegar and water. Spray the affected area and let it air dry.

Baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, upholstery, or mattresses. Let it sit for several hours, then vacuum it up.

Activated charcoal: Place bowls of activated charcoal around your home to absorb odors.

Commercial odor eliminators are also available, but be sure to choose one that is safe for use in your home.

5. Deodorize Fabrics

Wash fabrics that may have absorbed the odor, such as curtains, rugs, or pet bedding.

Deep clean carpets and upholstery according to the manufacturer's instructions.

6. Consider an Air Purifier

An air purifier can help to remove odors from the air. Look for an air purifier with a HEPA filter, which is effective at removing allergens and odors from the air.

7. Call a Professional

If you can't identify the source of the odor or if it persists after you've tried these tips, you may need to call a professional cleaning service or odor remediation company.

May 02, 202434:27
Leaving The Metaverse

Leaving The Metaverse

People ditch Meta's social media apps (like Facebook, Instagram) for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the big ones:

Privacy Concerns: Meta has been under fire for its data collection practices and privacy breaches. Some users feel their data isn't secure and they don't like being tracked online [1].

Negative Content: Meta platforms can be breeding grounds for negativity, with lots of misinformation, hate speech, and flame wars. People who want a more positive online experience may leave [1].

Feeling Overwhelmed: Social media can be addictive and overwhelming. People might leave to simplify their lives and focus on real-world connections [1].

Competition: Newer platforms like TikTok offer different features and cater to different demographics. For instance, TikTok's focus on short-form video is a big draw for younger users [3].

Technical Issues: Outages and technical glitches can frustrate users and cause them to abandon ship, especially if they happen frequently

May 01, 202437:32
Anesthesically Unpleasing

Anesthesically Unpleasing

Unfortunately, there have been rare instances of medical professionals behaving inappropriately around patients under anesthesia. These are serious violations of trust and ethics.

Apr 30, 202431:02
Day Of Games

Day Of Games

Most played PC games (by monthly active users):




Grand Theft Auto V


These lists include games from a variety of genres, so there's something for everyone. Whether you like to build things in Minecraft, battle other players in Fortnite, or explore virtual worlds in Roblox, there's a popular game out there for you.

Apr 29, 202435:03
Pants Tent Mistrial

Pants Tent Mistrial

There are a couple reasons why men's pants tend to bunch up in the front when they sit down:

Excess fabric: The main culprit is simply that there's more fabric in the crotch of the pants than is needed when you're sitting. When you stand, that fabric fills out the pants. But when you bend at the waist, the extra material has nowhere to go but bunch up.

Body proportions: Our bodies are proportioned differently when sitting vs. standing. The distance between your waist and crotch gets smaller when you sit down. Pants aren't really designed to accommodate this change perfectly.

Here are some things that can influence how much the pants bunch up:

Pant style: Pleated pants tend to have more fabric in the front, which can lead to a bigger "tent" effect. Flat-front pants tend to be less bulky.

Fit: Pants that are too tight can be uncomfortable, but pants that are too loose will bunch up more easily.

Material: Stiffer materials tend to hold their shape more and create a more pronounced tenting effect.

There's no way to completely eliminate the bunching, but trying different pant styles and fits might help you find something that minimizes it.

Apr 25, 202436:51
Microdosing Fun

Microdosing Fun

"Microdosing fun" doesn't involve taking any substances. It's a metaphor for incorporating small bursts of enjoyable activities into your day. Here's the idea:

Break down large chunks of playtime into tiny, manageable moments.

Instead of waiting for a big block of free time for fun, sprinkle these "micro-joys" throughout your day.

This can help with:

Stress relief: Short breaks can be a powerful way to de-stress and refocus.

Happiness: These little moments of enjoyment can add up to a more positive outlook.

Creativity: Stepping away from a task can allow for a fresh perspective when you return.

Examples of microdosing fun:

Taking a walk outside for a few minutes.

Doodling or coloring in a coloring book.

Listening to a favorite song.

Doing a quick puzzle.

It's about finding activities you enjoy that can be easily fit into your schedule. So go forth and microdose some fun!

Apr 24, 202435:58
Froyo Flu

Froyo Flu

You actually don't get the stomach flu, also called viral gastroenteritis, from eating yogurt [3]. It's caused by viruses that enter your body through your mouth and irritate your digestive system.

Yogurt, especially yogurt with probiotics, can actually be helpful for your gut health. Probiotics are live bacteria that are similar to the good bacteria naturally found in your intestines. They can help restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut, which may shorten the duration of stomach flu symptoms [2].

Here are some tips to avoid getting sick from food in general:

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling food and eating.

Make sure food is cooked to a safe temperature.

Refrigerate leftovers promptly.

Be cautious about consuming food or beverages that have been sitting out for a long time.

If you're concerned about lactose intolerance, you can always opt for lactose-free yogurt.

Apr 23, 202435:18
Girl Bike Bar On A Boy Bike

Girl Bike Bar On A Boy Bike

The design difference between them is actually a leftover from older times when women wore dresses while riding bikes. The lower bar, also called a step-through frame, made it easier to get on and off the bike with a skirt on. Today, there's no reason why any bike can't have that design.

Here's the thing:

Comfort: Step-through frames are easier to mount and dismount, which can be a big advantage for anyone, regardless of gender.

Strength: There's a misconception that a traditional high bar makes a bike stronger. Modern bike design can make strong frames with or without a high bar.

In fact, some people find a step-through frame more comfortable to ride, especially if they have hip or knee limitations. So, if you see a bike with a lower bar and it looks like your size, give it a try! That's the best way to see if it feels good to ride.

Apr 22, 202435:52
Play Ball!

Play Ball!

Starting a game of baseball: This is the most common meaning, especially in the United States. The umpire (the official who makes calls during the game) traditionally says "play ball" to signal that the game is beginning.

Encouraging cooperation: More generally, "play ball" can be used to urge someone to cooperate or go along with a plan. In this case, the "ball" is metaphorical, representing the activity or situation at hand.

The phrase "play ball" has actually been around for centuries, even before baseball was invented! Originally, it referred to playing any kind of game with a ball.

Apr 18, 202433:29
Mad Honey, Save The Bees

Mad Honey, Save The Bees

Bees are super important to our environment, so helping them out is a great thing to do! Here are a couple things you can do to bee a bee friend:

Plant a bee garden: This is a great way to provide bees with a safe haven and a tasty food source. You can plant a variety of flowers that bloom at different times of year so there's always something for the bees to munch on. Look for native wildflowers and bee-friendly blooms like poppies, sunflowers, and lavender Even a small balcony container garden can help!

Ditch the chemicals: Pesticides and herbicides are really harmful to bees. If you have a garden, try to go organic and avoid using these chemicals. There are plenty of natural ways to keep your garden healthy without harming the bees.

Apr 17, 202433:22
Steaming Hot Recall

Steaming Hot Recall

Safety Hazard: Recalled steamers can pose a serious burn risk. By letting them know, you're helping them avoid potential injury.

Better Safe Than Sorry: It's better to err on the side of caution. Even if they haven't had any issues, the steamer could malfunction in the future.

Transparency: Being upfront about the situation shows you care about their well-being.

Here's how you can inform them:

Phone Call or Text: A quick call or text message is a convenient way to let them know.

Card or Note: If you prefer a more personal touch, you can write a card or note explaining the situation.

Apr 16, 202435:09
Overall Totality Remains Ubiquitous As Options Proliferate

Overall Totality Remains Ubiquitous As Options Proliferate

Overall Totality: This refers to the idea of a complete picture or a whole. It suggests that there's a big picture or a general state of things that applies.

Remains Ubiquitous: Ubiquitous means "being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time." So, this part says that this overall picture is prevalent or inescapable.

As Options Proliferate: Proliferate means to grow rapidly in number or quantity. So, this part indicates that there's a constant increase in choices or possibilities.

Put together, the sentence suggests that even though there are more and more options available (options proliferate), there's still a sense of a bigger picture or a unifying factor that remains constant and inescapable (overall totality remains ubiquitous).

Here are some possible interpretations depending on the context:

Information Age: In the age of information overload, there might be a constant feeling of being overwhelmed by choices (proliferation of options), but there's still a need to understand the bigger picture (overall totality).

Consumerism: With an ever-growing number of products and choices (options proliferate), the underlying desire for a fulfilling life (overall totality) might remain constant.

Philosophy: This sentence could be referring to a philosophical concept where there's a search for ultimate meaning (overall totality) even as individual experiences and perspectives become more diverse (options proliferate).

Without more context, it's difficult to say for sure what the exact meaning is. But hopefully, this breakdown helps you understand the different parts of the sentence and how they work together.

Apr 15, 202436:60
Thank You For Thanking Me

Thank You For Thanking Me

There are a few reasons why people say "thank you" in response to someone thanking them:

Acknowledging gratitude: It's a way to show that you recognize and appreciate their thanks. It keeps the conversation flowing and shows you were listening.

De-emphasizing the act: By saying "thank you" back, you shift the focus away from yourself and the good deed you did. It suggests that the pleasure was mutual, or you were happy to help.

Cultural norms: In many cultures, it's simply considered polite to respond to a "thank you" with another "thank you." It shows good manners and completes the social exchange.

There are also some alternative responses depending on the situation:

"You're welcome" - This is a classic response that directly acknowledges their thanks.

"No problem" - This is a more casual way of saying you were happy to help.

"My pleasure" - This emphasizes that you enjoyed helping them.

Ultimately, the best response depends on the context and your relationship with the person.

Apr 11, 202431:34
Hot Nuts Explosion

Hot Nuts Explosion

The love for hot nuts boils down to a few reasons:

Flavor: Adding heat to nuts enhances their natural flavors. Roasting brings out their nutty oils, and spices like chili powder or cayenne pepper add another layer of complexity. It's a delicious combination.

The Heat Rush: Spicy food triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. That pleasant, tingling warmth we associate with spicy food can be addictive.

Texture: Hot nuts often have a satisfying crunch, which adds another dimension to the overall experience.

Oat milk explosions? That's a new one! Oat milk itself shouldn't explode during delivery, but there could be a couple of reasons why it might:

Fermentation: Oat milk can ferment slightly, creating gas. If the container isn't designed to handle that pressure buildup, it could burst.

Freezing: Oat milk can expand when frozen. If it froze during delivery and then thawed, it could put pressure on the container and cause it to break.

If you've experienced oat milk exploding, it might be good to let the retailer know so they can investigate.

Apr 10, 202436:57
No More Sweaty Handshakes

No More Sweaty Handshakes

People shake hands for a few reasons:

Greeting: It's a common way to say hello, particularly upon meeting someone new.

Building rapport: The handshake can create a sense of trust and connection between two people.

Showing respect: It's a way to acknowledge the other person and show them that you consider them an equal.

Sealing deals: In some cultures, a handshake can signify the closing of an agreement.

The exact origins of the handshake are a little fuzzy, but some theories suggest it started as a way to show you weren't holding a weapon [ ιστορία της χειραψίας (Greek) ON].

In recent years, with concerns about germs, the handshake has become a little less common. But it's still a widely used gesture in many parts of the world.

Apr 09, 202433:21
Eddie Barella Is Enough

Eddie Barella Is Enough

Being yourself is a crucial part of living authentically and feeling comfortable in your own skin. It fosters genuine connections with others who appreciate you for who you are. Here's a breakdown of why it's important, but also why it might need some nuance:

Apr 08, 202437:24
Handling Raw Chicken

Handling Raw Chicken

Handling raw chicken safely is important to prevent the spread of bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. Here are some key tips:

Wash your hands: This is the most important step! Wash your hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling raw chicken.

Don't wash the chicken: Contrary to popular belief, washing raw chicken can actually spread bacteria through splashing.

Separate your tools: Use a separate cutting board and utensils for raw chicken to avoid cross-contamination with other foods. Wash them thoroughly with hot, soapy water after use.

Contain the mess: Place raw chicken in a sealed container or leak-proof bag on the lowest shelf of your refrigerator to prevent juices from dripping onto other foods.

Thaw safely: Never thaw chicken at room temperature. Thaw it in the refrigerator, under cold running water, or in the microwave using the defrost setting.

Cook it thoroughly: Use a food thermometer to ensure chicken reaches a safe internal temperature (165°F for breasts and thighs, 180°F for whole birds and stuffed breasts).

By following these simple steps, you can help keep yourself and your family safe from foodborne illness.

Apr 04, 202433:47
Toothache For Daddy

Toothache For Daddy

While occasional mild tooth discomfort can happen, especially after eating something very cold or hot, persistent or severe toothaches point to underlying dental problems.

Apr 03, 202434:13
Microdosing Cookie Dough

Microdosing Cookie Dough

Microdosing typically refers to taking a very small amount of a substance, often a psychedelic drug, to experience subtle effects. However, microdosing cookie dough doesn't mean ingesting a tiny amount of raw dough to get high.

Here's what "microdosing cookie dough" likely refers to:

Eating a small amount of cookie dough: This is a playful way of describing someone who indulges in a taste of cookie dough despite knowing they shouldn't eat raw eggs or unbaked flour.

Savoring the small moments: Microdosing cookie dough could be a metaphor for appreciating small pleasures in life. Just like a tiny taste of cookie dough can bring a smile, taking a moment to enjoy little things can be uplifting.

It's important to remember that raw cookie dough can be dangerous due to the raw eggs and flour. If you have a craving, there are recipes for safe-to-eat cookie dough or treat yourself to a small portion of baked cookies.

Apr 02, 202435:45
Cleaning Behind The Fridge

Cleaning Behind The Fridge

Cleaning behind your appliances is important for a few reasons:

Improved appliance performance: Dust buildup on vents and coils can make your appliances work harder, leading to higher energy bills and potentially shortening their lifespan.

Better air quality: Dust and debris behind appliances can contribute to allergens and irritants in the air.

Reduced risk of pests: Food crumbs and spills can attract pests like mice and ants.

Mold prevention: Dampness behind appliances can lead to mold growth.

Reduced odors: Food particles and spills can cause unpleasant odors.

While it may not be the most enjoyable chore, cleaning behind your appliances regularly is a good way to maintain a healthy and efficient home. Here's a general guideline:

Fridges: Every 3 months

Stoves: Every 3-6 months, or more often if spills happen

Other appliances: You can usually vacuum the base of these regularly with a crevice tool.

Apr 01, 202437:52
We Don't Need Bathroom Attendants

We Don't Need Bathroom Attendants

Restaurant restroom attendants aren't as common these days, but there are still some reasons you might encounter them at high-end establishments:

Elevated Service: In fine dining, it can be part of the overall experience of providing exceptional service throughout the customer's visit. The attendant might offer amenities, keep the facilities spotless, and ensure guests have everything they need.

Maintaining Elegance: They can help maintain a luxurious atmosphere by keeping the restrooms tidy and stocked. This can be especially important in places with expensive decor.

Functional Needs: In some cases, the restrooms might have complex features or high-end toiletries that require explanation or assistance. The attendant can be there to answer questions and make sure guests feel comfortable using everything.

However, there are also some drawbacks to restroom attendants:

Privacy Concerns: Some people feel uncomfortable using the restroom with someone else present.

Perception of Class: There can be a feeling that the role is demeaning for the attendant, or that it creates an unnecessary class distinction between staff and diners.

Cost: Hiring and paying restroom attendants adds to the restaurant's overhead.

So, while restroom attendants can offer some benefits, they're becoming less common as restaurant concepts evolve.

Mar 28, 202435:41
Fix Your Wonky Eye And Get A Wig

Fix Your Wonky Eye And Get A Wig

Telling the truth can be difficult for a few reasons:

Fear of hurting someone's feelings: We often avoid truths we think might upset or disappoint others, even if honesty is ultimately better.

Protecting ourselves: Difficult truths can threaten our self-esteem or damage our reputation. We might lie to avoid appearing bad or incompetent.

Social harmony: Sometimes we bend the truth to keep the peace or avoid conflict. This can be in social situations or even at work.

Uncertainty: If the truth is complex or unclear, we might hold back until we have a more complete picture.

Even though it can be hard, honesty is generally the best policy. It builds trust and strengthens relationships. There are ways to make telling the truth easier, like focusing on being respectful and choosing the right time to speak up.

Mar 27, 202431:54
Pain In The Pets

Pain In The Pets

Having a pet can definitely be difficult at times. While pets offer companionship, love, and many other benefits, there's a responsibility side that requires commitment. Here are some reasons why having a pet can be challenging:

Time Commitment: Pets need to be fed, walked, cleaned up after, and played with. This can take up a significant amount of time, especially for young puppies or kittens who require more frequent care.

Training: Depending on the pet, training can be a long process. This could involve house-training, teaching tricks, or curbing bad behaviors like chewing or barking.

Finances: Food, vet bills, toys, and other pet supplies can add up quickly. There can also be unexpected costs, like emergency vet care.

Lifestyle Changes: Spontaneous trips or nights out become more complicated with a pet that needs to be looked after. You may also have to find pet-friendly accommodations when traveling.

Messes: Accidents, shedding fur, and chewed belongings are all part of pet ownership, especially in the beginning.

Behavioral Issues: Some pets may develop behavioral problems like separation anxiety or aggression. These can be difficult to deal with and may require professional help.

That being said, the rewards of pet ownership are vast. If you're thinking about getting a pet, it's important to be aware of the challenges involved so you can make an informed decision.

Mar 26, 202432:46
Proposition No On Musk

Proposition No On Musk

The word "proposition" has a few different meanings, depending on the context. Here are the main ones:

A proposal or suggestion: This is the most common meaning of proposition. It's something you offer for someone to consider, accept, or reject. It could be a plan, an idea, or a deal. For example, you might say "I have a proposition for you" before outlining a business idea.

A topic for discussion or debate: This is a proposition that is presented for people to talk about and argue for or against. It's often used in formal settings, such as law or philosophy. For example, a proposition might be "This law is unconstitutional."

A problem or challenge: This is something that needs to be dealt with or solved. It can be a difficult situation or task. For example, you might say "Fixing the car is a tough proposition."

In logic, a statement that can be true or false: This is a more technical meaning of proposition. It's a basic unit of meaning in logic that can be evaluated as true or false. For example, "The cat is on the mat" is a proposition.

Here are some other things to keep in mind about propositions:

The word can also be used informally to refer to a sexual proposition.

In British English, "proposition" can also mean "the point to be discussed or maintained in argument."

Mar 25, 202435:34
Surge Pricing Failure

Surge Pricing Failure

Companies implement surge pricing for a couple of key reasons:

Increased Profits: This is the most obvious reason. By raising prices during periods of high demand, companies can capture a larger share of customer spending. This can be especially beneficial for businesses with limited resources, like ride-sharing services with a set number of drivers on the road at a given time.

Manage Supply and Demand: Surge pricing can also be used as a tool to influence customer behavior. When prices go up, some customers may choose to wait for a lower price point, reducing demand during peak periods. This can help companies avoid situations where they are overwhelmed with requests and can't deliver quality service.

Here's an example: Imagine it's raining heavily and everyone needs a taxi. With normal fares, you might have a huge wait time because there simply aren't enough taxis to go around. Surge pricing creates an incentive for more drivers to get on the road because they can earn more money. This can help reduce wait times for everyone.

Of course, surge pricing isn't without its critics. Some consumers find it unfair, and it can lead to frustration if not communicated clearly.

Mar 21, 202434:16
Too Many Notifications

Too Many Notifications

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to how many notifications are too many. It depends on a few factors:

Individual preference: Some people thrive on staying constantly informed, while others find it overwhelming.

Type of notification: A notification about an urgent message might be welcome, while constant alerts about promotions can feel like spam.

Frequency: A single notification might be fine, but a constant barrage can be disruptive.

Mar 20, 202434:18
Remembering Jake Paul

Remembering Jake Paul

Jake Paul garners a lot of dislike for various reasons. Here are some of the most common complaints:

Controversial behavior: He's been accused of bullying, making racist and homophobic remarks, and performing dangerous stunts that could set a bad example for his audience. There have also been allegations of him being a bad neighbor and treating members of his former "Team 10" content house poorly.

Content: Some find his YouTube content annoying or unoriginal, focusing on pranks and challenges that some consider in poor taste.

Success seen as undeserved: Some dislike that he has achieved a lot of fame and fortune despite the controversy surrounding him.

It's important to note that Jake Paul also has a large fanbase who enjoy his content. Ultimately, whether you like him or not is a matter of personal preference.

Mar 19, 202433:24
Thank You Timothy Chalamet

Thank You Timothy Chalamet

There's no widespread belief that Timothée Chalamet is a good luck charm. Actors are typically not associated with good luck in the same way a rabbit's foot might be. However, Eddie might disagree after winning money at a Wonka slot machine in Vegas.

Mar 18, 202432:31
Plant Based Snoring

Plant Based Snoring

There is a recent study (February 2024) that suggests a connection between a healthy plant-based diet and reduced snoring [cutting out meat and sleep apnea]. People who ate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts were found to be less likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition that often includes loud snoring.

However, it's important to note that the study also found an increased risk of OSA in people who followed an unhealthy plant-based diet high in refined carbs, sugary drinks, and processed foods.

Overall, this indicates that the quality of your plant-based diet seems to be more important than simply following a plant-based regimen. If you're looking to reduce snoring, speak to your doctor about your sleep habits and dietary choices. They can help you create a personalized plan to improve your sleep quality.

Mar 07, 202431:56
Heating Up Frozen Food Bags

Heating Up Frozen Food Bags

Technically, heating up frozen food on the stove isn't quite the same as cooking from scratch. Here's why:

Cooking usually involves raw ingredients that are prepared and then undergo a process (boiling, frying, baking) to make them edible.

Frozen food has already been cooked to some extent before freezing.

However, heating frozen food on the stove can be a form of cooking in the sense that you are applying heat to raise the internal temperature and ensure it's safe to eat, and potentially altering the texture or flavor through browning or crisping.

Here's a good rule of thumb:

If the frozen food is labeled "heat and serve" or "fully cooked," reheating it is simply bringing it to a safe temperature for consumption.

If the instructions say "cook" or "cook thoroughly," then the food likely needs some further cooking to be safe.

In all cases, always follow the specific instructions on the package to ensure the food is safe to eat.

Mar 06, 202435:37
Male Nipple Models Wanted

Male Nipple Models Wanted

There's not a lot of mainstream commercial use of male nipples in modeling. So, it's unlikely to be a super lucrative career path.

Here's what we can consider:

Limited Demand: Generally, advertising and media tend to be more conservative when it comes to male nudity compared to female nudity. This restricts the number of modeling opportunities for men showing their nipples.

Niche Market: There might be some opportunities in life drawing classes, art reference photos (possibly including some NSFW content), or adult entertainment. However, these tend to be lower-paying compared to mainstream modeling.

That said, if you're interested in modeling, there are definitely opportunities out there for men, just focusing on different areas like clothing, fitness, or product modeling.

Mar 05, 202431:15
1.8 Foam Density

1.8 Foam Density

There are a couple of reasons why furniture companies might use 1.8 density foam, even though it's considered on the lower end:

Cost: 1.8 density foam is a more affordable option compared to higher density foams. This allows furniture companies to keep the overall price of the furniture lower, which can be a major selling point for budget-conscious consumers.

Balance: Not everyone needs super high-density cushions. 1.8 density foam can still provide some level of comfort and support, especially for lighter users or for occasional use. For these situations, it can be a good balance between affordability and functionality.

However, there are some downsides to 1.8 density foam, especially if it's low-quality:

Durability: Lower density foam tends to break down faster, meaning the cushions will lose their shape and become less comfortable over time. This can be especially true with heavy use.

Support: Low-density foam may not provide enough support for people who sit for long periods or who are heavier.

Here are some additional things to consider:

Foam Type: There are different types of foam, and even 1.8 density foam can vary in quality. Higher quality foam will last longer and provide better support than lower quality versions.

Construction: Some furniture combines high-density foam cores with lower-density outer layers. This offers a balance of support and comfort.

If you're looking for furniture, it's important to consider how you'll be using it and what your priorities are. If long-term durability and comfort are important, you may want to look for furniture with higher density foam. But if you're on a tight budget and won't be using the furniture that often, 1.8 density foam might be an acceptable option.

Mar 04, 202437:06
Lab Made Beef Rice Addiction

Lab Made Beef Rice Addiction

Lab-made beef rice, still in the early stages of development, has received mixed reviews regarding its taste, with some key points to consider:

Potential Upsides:

Novel Flavor: Researchers describe it as having a pleasant and novel flavor with nutty and umami notes that might remind some of meat.

Increased Protein: It boasts an 8% higher protein content than regular rice.

Potential Downsides:

Different Texture: The texture is described as firmer and more brittle compared to regular rice.

Not Exactly "Beef": While containing cow cells, researchers emphasize that it doesn't replicate the exact taste of beef.

Additional Considerations:

It's currently in its initial research phase, so widespread availability and commercialization are still far off.

Its pink color comes from components in the cell culture medium, not the cow cells themselves.

As with any new food, it's ultimately a matter of individual preference. Whether you'd find it good depends on your taste, texture preferences, and openness to trying novel foods.

Feb 29, 202427:50
Musked Off To Mars

Musked Off To Mars

Does Elon Musk want to be Mars overlord?


Feb 28, 202431:51