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The Morecambe Bay Podcast

The Morecambe Bay Podcast

By Nigel Thompson

It's home to one of the UK's most famous seaside resorts, is known worldwide for its birdlife, stunning sunsets and as the birthplace of comedian Eric Morecambe.
In this series of podcasts journalist Nigel Thompson, who has had a lifelong association with the Bay, hears from people who make Morecambe Bay special.
With over a hundred episodes it's a breath of fresh air, all about the Bay #MorecambeBay
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Conducting the Promenade Concert Orchestra

The Morecambe Bay PodcastMay 16, 2024

Conducting the Promenade Concert Orchestra

Conducting the Promenade Concert Orchestra

Morecambe’s place as a venue for live music goes back decades and is still very much alive today thanks to people like Howard Rogerson.

Howard conducts the Promenade Concert Orchestra, the only one of its kind between Manchester and Glasgow.

Formed in 2007 professional clarinettist Howard was keen to provide the opportunity for residents and visitors to Morecambe and the Bay area to enjoy light orchestral music. From Palm Court, ballroom and café music; to shows, radio, television and film music the orchestra has developed a highly successful series of concerts at the Platform in Morecambe.

The orchestra is make up of professional, semi-professional or talented amateur musicians from the Kendal, Lancaster and Morecambe areas.

Conductor Howard Rogerson tells us how the orchestra began and how some of the music performed has had a lucky escape!

May 16, 202415:51
Swimming the Bay; Jon Gibirdi

Swimming the Bay; Jon Gibirdi

One of the first episodes of the podcast featured some of those hardy souls who enjoy swimming in the Bay all year around.

The group, Morecambe and Lancaster Lancashire Open Water Swimmers, was set up around the time of the pandemic and continues to grow.

Jon Gibirdi is a founder member and has begun cataloguing information and stories about swimming. A book and a film are both underway.

We met up on the beach at Morecambe to talk more about the projects and how swimming is still a big part of his life.

M.A.L.L.O.W.S Facebook group:

May 03, 202422:54
Sandscale Haws: 40th birthday toad patrol

Sandscale Haws: 40th birthday toad patrol

Sandscale Haws at Roanhead supports a wealth of wildlife and with magnificent views across the Duddon Estuary onto the Lakeland Fells on a fine day it's idyllic.

40 years ago the National Trust became custodians of the national nature reserve.

It's home to a quarter of the UK's population of rare natterjack toads and 2024 marks a momentous anniversary.

Over the next few weeks there are opportunities to take part in walks at dusk to see and hear these amazing amphibians.

In this episode enjoy the sounds of the reserve as I take an evening trip with National Trust wardens Darren and Emily and a few hardy souls on a spring toad patrol.


Start; birdsong and wind blowing through the grass welcome us to the reserve

1'30" Darren Mason, National Trust warden explains more about the work to maintain the site, why toads have made it home and how they're thriving in this part of Cumbria.

6mins We head out with a small group keen to see natterjack toads.

7mins Darren explains how erosion affects the coastline

10mins We hear how storm can bring some benefits to the sand dune system

13'29" Emily points out strings of toad eggs as the amphibians prove to be elusive!

14'19" Our first toad!

15'24" One visitor had travelled from Suffolk to experience toads at Sandscale

16'40" Drumming snipe 17'19" Toads calling!

Thanks to Darren, Emily and the National Trust team in south Cumbria.

Apr 26, 202419:37
Bay Veterans Association

Bay Veterans Association

For an organisation that only came into being in September 2023, the Bay Veterans Association has proved there's a real need for support for ex servicemen and women around the Bay.

The Lancaster and Morecambe area is more 'vets' than many other areas.

A new hub offering support and providing activities has just opened in Euston Road, Morecambe.

The response from the community to an appeal for support has so far been phenomenal with the Duchy of Lancaster, Persimmon Homes and many others offering support.

The opening of the hub is just another step on a path that Janine, Janet and Gary who are the association's directors hope will be a vital service for all service family members.

Bay Veterans Association Facebook page:

Apr 20, 202414:47
Sunderland Point Sea Shanty Crew

Sunderland Point Sea Shanty Crew

To say it's home to only a few dozen people Sunderland Point they are a musical lot!

The village has made a name as the home of a thriving sea shanty band.

The Sunderland Point Sea Shanty Crew are in demand to perform around the Bay and further afield - they've been part of the Edinburgh Festival.

Made up of a wide range of people they're creating their own music alongside well known sea shanties.

Apr 16, 202409:41
The Slow Ways of Morecambe Bay
Mar 29, 202426:02
Studying the Bay's Blue Economy

Studying the Bay's Blue Economy

We know Morecambe Bay is a draw for tourists and that industry is big business around the Bay. But how far does the the area's influence extend and how much do we think about the impact the sea has on our lives? From chip shops in Morecambe to the ferries at Heysham, maritime matters affect us all. To find out more Dr Celine Germond-Duret, a lecturer in environmental politics in policy who is leading the 'People and Ocean' Knowledge and Action Hub at Lancaster University's Pentland Centre, is canvassing opinions to consider how people and businesses connect to the coast. Cut and paste this link into a browser to open the MS Form mentioned in our interview which will allow you can get in touch and ask questions:

Mar 23, 202412:35
Morecambe's Coastal Connections

Morecambe's Coastal Connections

It's often hard to believe the changes that have taken place along Morecambe's seafront.

A shipbreaking yard, several piers and a three masted sailing ship used in Disney film could once be found along this popular piece of coast.

A project to capture the knowledge and memories of coastal life through the eyes of those who witnessed change is now active. Coastal Connection has developed a network of 20 locations - 17 in Morecambe and 2 near Overton and one at Sunderland Point - where a QR code allows listeners to hear the memories of people living by and working on the Bay.

It's the work of Steve Fairclough who explains more in this podcast. To hear the stories follow this link to the sites :

Mar 13, 202414:27
Baylight 2024 - Morecambe's new light entertainment

Baylight 2024 - Morecambe's new light entertainment

Morecambe's link to illuminations goes back to 1906 and it became for its light entertainment.
The days of switch ons and massive displays may be long gone but last year Baylight drew 20,000 people to a modest 1.5km illuminated art trail along the prom.
This year's theme is reflecting Morecambe's coastline so look out for tentacles on the Winter Gardens and recycled chains fashioned into light balls on the beach.
There's even a parade.
And among those helping stage the event is a member of Radio 4's The Archers who now lives locally.
Baylight 2024
Feb 08, 202413:28
Morecambe Bay Cockling Disaster memorial service

Morecambe Bay Cockling Disaster memorial service

A candlelit memorial service has been held to mark the 20th anniversary of the deaths of 23 Chinese cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay.

Members of the emergency services joined locals in paying tribute at the lifeboat station in Morecambe which played a leading part in the rescue and recovery of migrants stranded on the treacherous sands of the Bay.

A cockle shell was offered as a permanent reminder of the fight against modern day slavery and in memory of those who died on the sands.

The Bishop of Blackburn, the Rt Rev Philip North, who led the service said he hoped the service would also serve to highlight continuing cases of those who are 'trapped, tricked and traded.'

Feb 05, 202422:29
Sigh of the Sea

Sigh of the Sea

“The moon laughs the clouds cry
And a seagull screams at the night’s sky
And the sad sea sighs – goodbye”
Lemn Sissay – The Long Walk
The twentieth anniversary of the Morecambe Bay cockling tragedy in February is a grim reminder of the incident which led to the deaths of 23 Chinese cockle pickers.
A commemoration event led by More Music will take place on 4th February
Songwriter, performer and organiser Pete Moser has had a lengthy association with the Chinese community in Morecambe and on the other side of the world having travelled to China on numerous occasions.
In this special edition of the podcast he explains how the tragedy had a profound effect in him, why he has a longstanding interest in supporting communities on the edge of society and how he believes a better understanding of the pressures faced by people can come through creativity.

Jan 28, 202428:40
More than just books; a new chapter for the Friends of Heysham Library

More than just books; a new chapter for the Friends of Heysham Library

How often do you go to your library?

Did you know these days they offer far more than just a book lending service?

The Friends of Heysham Library are certainly keen to promote the variety of activities held there. From Scrabble and Lego sessions to access to the web and even talks about bats, there's a lot going on.

And with over 900 friends on social media, the volunteers are certainly helping spread the word.

Jan 23, 202411:30
Putting nature Back on our Map
Jan 21, 202416:02
Morecambe Bay Podcast 2024 season preview
Jan 19, 202401:02
On Leighton Moss with Jon Carter

On Leighton Moss with Jon Carter

It's one of the country's best known bird reserves and 2024 will mark a significant anniversary for the RSPB's Leighton Moss.

Big things are planned to mark 60 years since it was created.

In that time it's welcomed thousands of visitors, not all feathered, and has made a big impact on many.

As a young ornithologist Jon Carter often had to rely on his older brother to drive him to the reserve; little did he know one day he'd be working for the RSPB, sharing his enthusiasm and passion for ornithology and inspiring many. He's about to move on to pastures new - a tough decision!

In this extended podcast, as you'll hear, he takes us on a tour on a day when the reserve was teeming with wildlife.


Dec 14, 202330:56
On the tiles; fixing the foyer floor at Morecambe's Winter Gardens

On the tiles; fixing the foyer floor at Morecambe's Winter Gardens

From stars of stage and screen to the throngs who came to see them over the years how many thousands must have walked through the foyer of Morecambe's Winter Gardens?

Yet very few will have looked down to admire the ornate tiled flooring beneath their feet which has suffered wear and tear after decades of use.

The good news is a team of craftsman are carefully restoring the tiles. Over a five week period they've painstakingly replaced missing tiles and carefully cleaned the extensive floorwork.

Michael Rieveley is lead conservator at Rieveley Ceremics who have been carrying out the work and says the theatre is a leading example of this kind of art.

Nov 23, 202310:52
Noreen Masud - A Flat Place

Noreen Masud - A Flat Place

For writer and academic Noreen Masud, flatlands have always been a source of fascination. From the wide, flat field glimpsed as a child from the back seat of her father's car in Lahore to more recent discoveries including the Cambridgeshire Fens and Morecambe Bay.

The silver sands revealed during a cross Bay walk made a lasting impression on her and together with experiences elsewhere she recounts her pilgrimage around Britain's flatlands, seeking solace and belonging, in her book A Flat Place.

It's a fascinating consideration of memory, mind, painful histories and the breathtaking flatlands she has come to love.

While mountains are usually celebrated in literature and popular culture, Noreen prefers the quietening effect of flat landscapes. Notes:

Noreen Masud is a Lecturer in Twentieth Century Literature at the of Bristol, and an AHRC/BBC New Generation Thinker. Her research covers all kinds of bases: flatness, spivs, puppets, leftovers, earworms, footnotes, rhymes, hymns, surprises, folk songs, colours, superstitions. She works mostly on twentieth-century literature, but also makes forays into Victorian and Romantic literature too.

Nov 18, 202315:43
The Bay's sound artist

The Bay's sound artist

Dan Fox enjoys a fascinating career.

A sound artist, musician, film-maker and installation creator based in Ulverston he's responsible for creating stunning soundscapes.

This weekend his latest project, a singing drumlin celebration organised with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, takes place at Bowber Head Nature Reserve close to Ravenstonedale.

His parents ran the acclaimed Welfare State International and a childhood spent experiencing artistic events around the world inspired him to set up his own company to work on a range of amazing projects. We met up and recorded this conversation as he was about to start another piece of work involving the Boom Bikes as part of this summer's Bay Lines - Beach of Dreams project by the Morecambe Bay Partnership.

Sep 29, 202312:54
The Running Granny

The Running Granny

Angela White, aka The Running Granny, started running when she was 53. Seven years later she set a new Guinness World Record as the Oldest female to run from John O’Groats to Land’s End. She was 60.

We met at the Bay Health Festival and discussed her ambition to help more of us to stay in shape in later life.

Going for Old is Angela's latest project and it's already prompting some of us to look again at our diets, activity and long term plans.

2 mins - Why 'the Running Granny.'

4 mins - The benefits of running

6 mins - Addicted to running?

11 mins - The record!

14 mins - How do you keep going for 18 days?

19 mins - The psychology of running

28 mins - Future aims and ambitions

Sep 26, 202331:33
The timeless skill helping restore the Winter Gardens

The timeless skill helping restore the Winter Gardens

Morecambe's Winter Gardens has just been listed in the top three of favourite seaside places and experiences as efforts continue to restore the theatre.
It's painstaking work, mainly carried out by a team of volunteers who have helped breathe new life into the seafront landmark.
Among them is one of the last apprentices taken on by Lancaster furniture manufacturers Waring and Gillows.
His attention to detail and skills learned decades ago are still being shared and put to good use.
And his love of his craft is infectious!

Sep 16, 202312:01
Morecambe's Nib Crib

Morecambe's Nib Crib

They say there's a book in every one of us but a group of enthusiastic writers from Morecambe have gone a step further.

The Nib Crib based in the West End have just celebrated their second anniversary of acting as a safe space for novice writers to hone their craft.

This weekend we'll be able to see the latest work when In Westendia, a play by Crib members Jim Lupton and Martin Palmer, and described as 'a comical, costumed, family friendly extravaganza' is performed by the frame on the seafront.

With stunning costumes by Wendy O'Hara it's a performance not to miss.

And The Nib Crib itself is always looking to attract new members.

Sep 05, 202314:58
120 miles: 120 stories Bay Lines Beach of Dreams finale
Aug 28, 202308:13
Beach of Dreams Finale trail

Beach of Dreams Finale trail

120 pennants, each depicting a story for every mile of Morecambe Bay have been produced.

The epic artwork has been seen by thousands of people on Walney, Grange over Sands, Arnside and Morecambe.

In a trail for a new podcast about the project, artist Ali Pretty explains how the project called Bay Lines Beach of Dreams has made an impact on her:

Aug 28, 202300:21
The Bay's first Beach of Dreams

The Bay's first Beach of Dreams

120 miles and many, many stories have been brought together about Morecambe Bay in a brand new piece of work.

From designs that depict special views in memory of loved ones to the area's world class wildlife, Bay Lines Beach of Dreams is now live and shows off the variety of life and the communities around the Bay as never before. Commissioned by the Morecambe Bay Partnership it's the idea of artist Ali Pretty and Kendal-based Rosa Productions.

Today (Friday 25th August) the first installation of pennants was shared on Walney. Grange (Sat), Arnside (Sun) and Morecambe (Bank Holiday Monday) will each host the pennants created locally alongside another 500 which date from an earlier project in the south east.

But wherever you are the images and stories which sparked the silk pennants can be read and enjoyed here:

Aug 25, 202313:40
Hidden Depths

Hidden Depths

It's well known that the area inspires artists and an exhibition which has seen two with very different skills collaborate is now open.

Hidden Depths is the result of a three  year collaboration between Silverdale artist John Baldwin and Heysham poet and writer John Hindle now on at King Street Arts in Lancaster.

The paintings are extraordinary: vivid, colourful and memorable and offer a whole new artistic dimension when viewed through 3-D glasses.

John Baldwin's words compliment the displays and his inspiration ranges widely from nature and spirituality to people, death and even the Bay.

Aug 07, 202314:01
Beach of Dreams update

Beach of Dreams update

The sight of 620 silk pennants fluttering on beaches around the Bay promises to be spectacular! This week work to create the artwork that will form Bay Lines: Beach of Dreams moves forward apace as waxing and dyeing takes place at a pop up studio in Grange. As well as those taking part in the work, volunteers are also needed to help create the displays on Walney, Grange, Arnside and Morecambe over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Read more

Jul 31, 202308:08
Morecambe's new community store

Morecambe's new community store

A new shop has opened in Morecambe aimed at offering help to anyone living on a budget.

Based at Emmanuel Church the Living Hope community store sells deeply discounted food as well as donated food completely free of charge.

With support from suppliers it's now open once a week but volunteers are aiming to expand opening hours if there's demand.

The podcast went to the opening day.

For more details search 'Living Hope Community Store' on Facebook.

Jul 29, 202307:28
Walking around England
Jun 29, 202313:04
Fleetwood's artist in residence

Fleetwood's artist in residence

Living in Fleetwood has presented the town's artist in residence with a wealth of inspiration.

For 12 months, Tina Dempsey is based at The Mount and is looking forward to spreading the word about the town. After living here for 18 years she says the community is Fleetwood's strength and is determined to do her bit to publicise the area through her art.

As well as the town's rich history, the outstanding beach, Site of Special Scientific Interest and geology of the area are aspects which aren't as well known.

During a walk along the prom close to The Mount she told me more about why the area means so much to her.

Jun 16, 202306:17
Trekking around the Bay - Beach of Dreams part 2

Trekking around the Bay - Beach of Dreams part 2

120 miles and many, many conversations later, artist Ali Pretty has concluded her week-long walk around Morecambe Bay.

From Fleetwood in the south to Walney in the north, she passed through Glasson Dock, Lancaster, Sunderland Point, Heysham, Morecambe, Silverdale, Arnside, Grange, Ulverston and Barrow.

The purpose of the walk was to encourage people living around the Bay to adopt a mile and take part in Bay Lines, Beach of Dreams which will see 120 silk pennants created. These will be exhibited on the coast at Walney, Grange, Arnside and Morecambe over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

The walk resulted in some surprise reunions for Ali with people who have played a part in her life; Morecambe-based musician Pete Moser and art innovator John Fox who established the Welfare State International and now lives on the coast near Ulverston.

However it also resulted in people suggesting sometimes very personal reasons for wanting to take part and make their mark on the coast.

Recorded as we walked along the final mile around north Walney, Ali told me about the week and her plans now for Bay Lines Beach of Dreams.

Jun 09, 202315:27
Beach of Dreams

Beach of Dreams

Morecambe Bay is home to a wide variety of communities and a new project could well uncover whole new stories and issues that are relevant around the Bay.

That's one of the aims of Bay Lines, Beach of Dreams which begins a new phase this week.

Artist Ali Pretty whose previous work includes flag making at the Morecambe WOMAD festivals is leading a series of walks around the Bay, all 120 miles. The aim is to create a series of pennants, one for each mile, which will represent that part of the Bay. The project has been commissioned by Morecambe Bay Partnership as part of the Ways Around The Bay programme.

Flora growing around the area will be used to dye silk which will make the pennants. All 120 will go on show on seafront sites in Walney, Grange, Arnside and Walney over the Bank Holiday weekend.

Speaking on the beach at Rossall Point Ali shared her vision at the start of the story gathering expedition.

Jun 03, 202311:30
Going to the Sand

Going to the Sand

A three year project to document the fishing industry around Morecambe Bay through pictures has gone on display in a setting just a stones throw from one of the area's best known but most remote locations.

The Mission Heritage Centre at Sunderland Point is home to a stunning collection of images taken by photographer Tessa Bunney.

Called Going to the Sand, it 's a record of an industry that's fast changing.

The podcast was invited to a preview event attended by some of those pictured in the exhibition.

Going to the Sand will be held during the summer but check the tide times before going !

May 19, 202319:27
Morecambe's Seagull Cafe

Morecambe's Seagull Cafe

The Seagull Cafe based at More Music, Devonshire Road in Morecambe has become a welcome addition to events aimed at the over 60's in the town.

Originally set up under the Singing for Health project it's now appealing to a wider audience whose reasons for attending the weekly sessions vary widely.

Each Tuesday musicians lead the singing and whether you can hold a note or - like me - can just about clap along, it's a guaranteed feel good vibe which leaves a lasting impression on all who attend.

May 17, 202309:29
Ospreys over the Bay
Apr 29, 202327:36
The ospreys of Foulshaw Moss trail

The ospreys of Foulshaw Moss trail

They fly staggering distances and are responsible for helping boost the country's population; a pair of breeding ospreys are home on Foulshaw Moss Nature Reserve.

With three eggs now monitored by volunteers from the Cumbria Wildlife Trust it's hoped 2023 will be the 10th year running that osprey chicks have successfully hatched at the wetland nature reserve near Witherslack.

As you'll hear in the next edition of the podcast with Alasdair McKee, a Cumbria Wildlife Trust volunteer and RSPB northern local group officer, the birds are flourishing.

Apr 28, 202300:24
Looking after the Lune

Looking after the Lune

It's one of the region's most famous rivers; the Lune rises in Ravenstonedale and flows over 50 miles to enter the Bay at Sunderland Point.

With much debate about the quality of our water the Lune Rivers Trust, an environmental charity,  works to conserve, protect, rehabilitate and improve the rivers, streams and watercourses of the catchments comprising the River Lune throughout its entire course and all its associated tributaries in Cumbria, Yorkshire and Lancashire.

In this episode hear how Harry Potter is used to inspire the naturalists of the future.

Apr 06, 202318:50
Looking after the Lune trail

Looking after the Lune trail

With much debate about the quality of our rivers and lakes, we'll be hearing from a charity who are using innovative ways of working to look after the catchment area of a river that passes through three counties before flowing into the Bay.

Subscribe for free now to hear this and over 70 editions of the Morecambe Bay Podcast.

Apr 06, 202300:32
Saving time; repairing Morecambe Clock Tower
Mar 23, 202314:53
Up the Knott
Mar 18, 202318:23
LitFest 2023

LitFest 2023

As one of the oldest literature festivals in the country, LitFest has attracted a variety of audiences since 1978.

This year the theme of the event is 'exploring the past, creating the future with authors Cynthia Murphy and Frank Cottrell-Boyce among an impressive guest list.

All events in Litfest 2023 are free, whether in-person or online.

The Poetry Collaboration project this year is called “From Source to Sea” and celebrates the rivers of the region with the event led by Cumbrian author and poet Katie Hale.

Hear from organiser Dr Natalie Sorrell Charlesworth and Katie Hale in this edition of the podcast. 

Mar 12, 202311:16
The Bay International Film Festival
Mar 10, 202321:49
The Bay Film Festival trail

The Bay Film Festival trail

Plans for Morecambe Bay to host a film festival are being drawn up with organisers confident the event will lead to celluloid success for the area.

Already 300 short films from producers based in 43 countries have been submitted for The Bay Film Festival which will be held at the end of October.

Students from Lancaster University are involved in curating the films and it's hoped the event will be start of a long term association.

Anna Kumacheva, an award-winning filmmaker, lecturer and PhD student at Lancaster is the co-founder and coordinator and says the event won't just be limited to Morecambe.

Subscribe for free now to hear the full podcast. 

Mar 09, 202300:44
Daniel Ryan from The Bay

Daniel Ryan from The Bay

Morecambe is about to become a regular feature on TV as the hit crime drama The Bay returns to ITV.

Set in the town, its creator Daragh Carville is based in Lancaster and in an earlier edition of the Morecambe Bay Podcast explained where the idea came from together with the challenges of becoming a successful drama writer.

In this edition we hear from actor Daniel Ryan who plays DI Tony Manning in the drama and gain an insight into his career together with his genuine love for Morecambe.  

Mar 05, 202322:41
Daniel Ryan trail

Daniel Ryan trail

ITV's hit drama series The Bay, based in Morecambe, returns to our screens next week.

It's the fourth series of the production created by Lancaster-based writer Daragh Carville. You can hear him discuss the programme in an earlier edition of the Morecambe Bay Podcast.

DI Tony Manning is played by actor Daniel Ryan who explains how his association with Morecambe has made a lasting impression.   

Subscribe for free now to hear our full conversation in the podcast which comes out on Sunday 5th March.

Mar 04, 202300:48
The Bay trail

The Bay trail

Do you remember the early days of The Bay, the radio station that served Morecambe Bay from 1993?

Enjoy some memories from presenters Mike Shaft and Trevor Thomas 30 years on! 

Mar 04, 202300:26
Looking back at The Bay
Mar 03, 202317:30
Surfing the Bay

Surfing the Bay

The bore - the surge of water that dramatically sweeps up the River Kent close to Arnside as a high tide comes in - is a dramatic sight from land.

It's one of around twenty tidal bores that occur in the UK and surfer Ben Rogers plans to to ride as many as he can!

The Arnside bore was his latest challenge, no mean feat as home is several hundred miles away in Bristol. Yet the appeal of this and other inland waves is such that travelling around to ride them is no hurdle. You can see some of his other achievements here:

Feb 24, 202308:42
Researching the birds of the Bay

Researching the birds of the Bay

The Bay is changing constantly. Twice a day tides race in but a research project now underway is considering how the landscape, community and birdlife are affected by a changing environment.

And any of us who live and look at the area may hold the key to identifying changes.

Geographer Dr Catherine Oliver from Lancaster University is asking for anyone - walkers, community groups, organisations, charities not just birdwatchers - to get involved and help with research which could be crucial to the future of the Bay.

Feb 17, 202310:21
Hest Bank Wharf
Jan 23, 202310:09
Dynamic Dunes

Dynamic Dunes

The Bay is home to some amazing beaches and landscapes but did you know the area has two nationally important sand dunes that are home to 72 species?
From orchids and insects to ground nesting birds and over a quarter of the UK’s natterjack toad population, these areas have an important role to play in the Bay's ecosystem.
You can read more about the dunes here and take part in a free online webinar soon too - book here.
So why do the dunes matter and how are they dynamic?
Enjoy this podcast!
Jan 14, 202315:43