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A Healing Mind

A Healing Mind

By Morgan Tetteh

Become a Paid Subscriber: This podcast is dedicated to improving and sustaining the healthy minds of regular people who seek to empower themselves to bring change in any area of their life, while being a bridge to connecting like-minded people around the world.
Currently playing episode

Alignment Part 3

A Healing MindNov 16, 2022

Remain Centered Part 2

Remain Centered Part 2

In this episode I’ll be reminding you all why it’s so important to push through. If you made it this far and have done the work, you will soon see the rewards!
Sep 02, 202311:29
Remain Centered

Remain Centered

In this episode I’ll be sharing with you some important areas where I am not willing to compromise. It’s important to keep boundaries in every relationship. Time is precious. Planning for success is essential in one’s personal journey.
Aug 25, 202315:24
Sink or Swim part 2

Sink or Swim part 2

In this episode I’ll be explaining how we react to certain triggers and going over strategies to overcome them by reinforcing our brain in a positive manner to survive.
Jul 14, 202319:15
Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim

In this episode I’ll be sharing a word that was placed on my heart for those of us who have been battling unseen situations internally. It’s time to make a move!
Jul 14, 202313:08
Losing A Solid Foundation

Losing A Solid Foundation

In this episode I’ll be discussing the importance of moving forward with our given purpose. Keeping the faith and relying on our source to keep us mentally stable so that we can share our experiences and encourage each other as we continue to bridge the gap.
Jun 14, 202311:25


In this episode I’m sharing how over the last few weeks certain events have triggered me and it’s a reminder that we must continue daily in finding our peace so we can reach true healing!
Jun 14, 202308:43
Spoken Word

Spoken Word

My creativity has been sparked. Poetry is one of my hidden talents. Trauma brings out the worst or the best in people, today let it be the latter. Enjoy!
Jun 13, 202301:60


In this episode I’ll be explaining why I felt it was necessary to go off on my social media!
May 21, 202316:01
Living Authentically

Living Authentically

In this episode I’ll be discussing the importance of learning to like yourself which involves giving to others only what you can, to maintain a routine of putting your being first.
Apr 26, 202307:59
Acceptance Part 2

Acceptance Part 2

In this episode I’ll be giving you all some reminders on why it is important to form acceptance for things that happen in life.
Apr 26, 202306:19
Abundance Can Be Dangerous

Abundance Can Be Dangerous

In this episode I’ll be explaining why the season of abundance looks different than what you expected. Preparing for the abundance is just as important as receiving the abundance
Apr 24, 202310:29
Accountability Part 2

Accountability Part 2

In this episode I continue giving steps on taking full accountability for your life and the potential reward for doing so.
Apr 12, 202305:28


In this episode I’m opening up the series on accountability. Accepting your decisions that have gotten you to where you are today is the first step to holding yourself accountable and making the necessary changes to get you to where you want to be in life.
Apr 08, 202308:60
What’s in A Dream?

What’s in A Dream?

Two things revealed as I begin sharing with you all some of my visions.
Apr 03, 202312:39
Spring Forward

Spring Forward

In this episode I’ll be discussing the importance of departing with old situations and embracing the new.
Mar 29, 202309:32


In this episode I’ll be giving tips on learning how to allow acceptance to become habitual.
Mar 18, 202307:02
Shedding Layers

Shedding Layers

In this episode I’m giving you the real and raw of every day life. You will understand how my year started off and why I needed a hiatus in this part of my journey!
Jan 31, 202309:43
Preparing for The Unknown

Preparing for The Unknown

In this episode I discuss how my preparation was broken down into steps. Journaling, meditating, and having faith my circumstances would change.
Dec 31, 202211:10
Preparation Was Necessary Part 3

Preparation Was Necessary Part 3

In this episode I discuss how reflecting on my past struggles allowed me to find a positive outlook on life.
Dec 31, 202209:13
Expect The Unexpected

Expect The Unexpected

General Message of Encouragement
Dec 27, 202202:01
The Preparation Was Necessary Part 2

The Preparation Was Necessary Part 2

In this episode I begin talking about how I had to learn to be confident with using my gifts in spite of not always having support from people around me.
Dec 19, 202209:18


In this bonus episode I’ll be giving you an update on the new platform you can find me on. I’ll also be giving you a necessary tip for your healing journey!
Dec 15, 202208:13
Hurt People Hurt People

Hurt People Hurt People

In this episode I explain how my behavior and the affects it had on those around me caused me to start this journey to healing and understanding myself.
Dec 08, 202209:08
The Preparation Was Necessary

The Preparation Was Necessary

In this episode I’ll be introducing this series on why we must go through a season of preparing for the greater good.
Dec 05, 202207:48
Generational Troubles

Generational Troubles

In this episode I talk about my transition into accepting my role as the person who would break generational troubles in my lineage.
Dec 05, 202206:59


In this episode I encourage you all to recognize that we all share a common friend who is always there we just need to utilize what’s been in front of us.
Nov 26, 202209:30
The Isolation Was Necessary Part 3

The Isolation Was Necessary Part 3

In this episode I’ll explain three reasons we tend to isolate ourselves and it is for good reason!
Nov 25, 202209:14
The Isolation Was Necessary Part 2

The Isolation Was Necessary Part 2

In this episode I continue to discuss moments where I had to trust God in my process of healing where I had no other person I could talk to.
Nov 23, 202209:34


This is a new series in which I will be coming on to share with you whatever the Lord places on my heart therefore “Unscripted” !
Nov 23, 202207:13
The Isolation Was Necessary

The Isolation Was Necessary

In this episode I’m starting a new series which I discuss the time I had to separate from what I new and how it helped me find my individuality
Nov 22, 202208:46
Growing Into Adulthood Unsupported

Growing Into Adulthood Unsupported

In this episode I speak briefly on how I lacked support in my transition to adulthood
Nov 22, 202206:27
Responding to Questions

Responding to Questions

I’ll be answering my first two questions in this episode!!! Explaining that my process to healing did not happen overnight.
Nov 20, 202207:03
Alignment Part 3

Alignment Part 3

In this episode I’ll be discussing how my child’s growth has begun to align with my own, how we as parents have been affected by passed generations & how we give our children extra responsibility.
Nov 16, 202209:53
Alignment/Time Part 2

Alignment/Time Part 2

In this episode I give you more background on the last few years of my life. Some of the obstacles I faced while healing and figuring out how I could help others through similar situations.
Nov 14, 202213:11
November 14, 2022

November 14, 2022

Nov 14, 202200:50
Timing & Alignment Part 1
Nov 14, 202207:59