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Morningview Sermon Podcast

Morningview Sermon Podcast

By Morningview Baptist Church

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Abide and Practice

Morningview Sermon PodcastMay 09, 2024

An Introduction to Ruth

An Introduction to Ruth

Pastoral Intern Ian Grigsby gives an overview of the book of Ruth and shows us how chapter 1 teaches us to view God’s providence in light of His character.

Jun 04, 202432:38
The Rise of Mordecai

The Rise of Mordecai

Why is it that the wicked seem to flourish and advance while the righteous are ignored or left to suffering? This question is asked often by the biblical writers. What we see through through Mordecai in this part of of the book of Esther today is that sometimes, doing the right things may lead us into circumstances that feel wrong, but we can trust that Christ is with us, and He is working all things together for His glory and our good.

Jun 04, 202442:37
Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

What we see here in chapter two of Esther is not an exciting episode of “Persia's Got Talent.” There is no romance here. As Esther is taken to the harem of the king, there is a lot of moral ambiguity and a lot of spiritual compromise. Our heroes seem more characterized by fear and worldliness as they are forced to deal with a governmental system that practices abduction and sexual enslavement. And yet, through them, we see that God's purpose is not thwarted by our sins and failings.

May 30, 202441:32
Spiritual Courage

Spiritual Courage

In this sermon from Joshua 1:10-18, Pastor Jon English explains the source and characteristics of the spiritual virtue of courage.

May 21, 202435:42
Lifestyles of the Rich and Powerless

Lifestyles of the Rich and Powerless

As we explore the first chapter of the book of Esther this morning, what we are meant to see is that for all the opulence and extravagance displayed by King Ahasuerus and the Court of the Persian Empire, in reality, they had nothing of eternal value. Even their power was a sad illusion. They are prime examples of the foolishness of earthly kingdoms which make us long for the true wisdom, power, and rule of Christ, our heavenly king.

May 21, 202442:22
Our Father's Glorious Providence (Introduction to the Series)

Our Father's Glorious Providence (Introduction to the Series)

Esther is a book with absolutely no mention of God, no mention the promised land of Israel, no reference at all to the laws of God, and not a single word about worship or the sacrificial system. But there is a central question that the book of Esther answers: Would God still honor His covenant and be with His people who remained in a foreign land with no temple, no priesthood, and no prophet? The answer is Yes! In this introduction to the book of Esther, we explore the context and prominent themes to prepare ourselves for the exposition of this book.

May 14, 202439:04
Abide and Practice

Abide and Practice

In this sermon, Pastor Jordan shows what it means to abide and the joys of abiding.

May 09, 202433:32
The Lord is Near, What’s There to Fear?

The Lord is Near, What’s There to Fear?

In this sermon from Joshua 1:1-9, Pastor Jon English explains reasons why we’re tempted to fear, and how God’s presence and promise are the cure.

May 08, 202441:51
Experiencing God’s Rest

Experiencing God’s Rest

In this sermon from Matthew 11:28, Pastor Jon English explains 4 graces that God gives people in this age to better experience His rest: sleep, sabbath, food, and friends.

Apr 30, 202436:12
Four Truths About Friendship

Four Truths About Friendship

This is the third and final message of our 75th Anniversary weekend. In this message, returning Pastor Tom Hicks explores the biblical reality of true friendship, applying it especially to marriage and family. This intensely practical sermon speaks to how Christians are to love one another as redeemed image bearers of God, and how sincerely caring for the health of another's soul truly embodies Christ's love.

Apr 23, 202457:02
The Surety of Christ's Return

The Surety of Christ's Return

This is the second message of our 75th Anniversary weekend. In this message, returning Pastor Greg Belser explores the promise that Christ will return in power at the appointed time. All of creation “will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:62) Thus, we need to be ready for that day, and anticipating that day as His people.

Apr 23, 202434:37
Heaven as Rest

Heaven as Rest

In this Sermon from Matthew 11:28, Pastor Jon English explains a biblical theology of rest, showing how Adam brought restlessness into the world, and how Christ regained rest on our behalf.

Apr 16, 202452:04
Members One of Another

Members One of Another

As Paul told us, we are ambassadors for Christ, and this gathering of the saints is our kingdom outpost. Every one of us has been chosen by the king. We are not only His ambassadors, we are His children, His heirs, His army. He has equipped us and called us and united us with His very own Spirit. The stakes are eternal. Here's the pivotal question of this series: Are you living like someone who is part of His Body? Are you fulfilling your calling in His church?

Apr 16, 202449:13
The Significance of Church Membership

The Significance of Church Membership

Even in the healthiest churches, it is good for Christians to be reminded of how central the church is to our lives and to God's purpose of redemption. So in this sermon, we go to the end of Acts chapter 2 where we will examine the natural activity and fruitfulness of Christ's church. Here we see the power of God on display as He establishes a united, purified church that is bearing out the truth of the gospel in all facets of life.

Apr 09, 202443:56
We are Witnesses of These Things

We are Witnesses of These Things

The fact that our Savior died for our sins and is risen from the grave changes EVERYTHING! That is the glorious message of Resurrection Sunday. With this sermon, we finish our exposition of Luke's gospel that we began 3 years and 8 months ago. As we explore this text, we are not only going to see the extent of the revolution the disciples experienced, we are going to hear again the commission we have been given to proclaim the gospel.

Apr 02, 202439:50
Images of Heaven

Images of Heaven

In this sermon from Philippians 3:20-21, Pastor Jon English explains how citizens of earth look and behave, and how citizens of heaven honor the Lord as they walk in this age.

Mar 26, 202439:09
Supper with the Risen Christ

Supper with the Risen Christ

We return to Luke 24 and Jesus' walk to Emmaus with two of His disciples. After He reveals Himself to them, we have them returning to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples. As they are there, Jesus appears in the midst of them all and proves to them that He has indeed risen bodily from the grave. Through this passage, we are able to see just how transformative the news of the Risen Christ is to us who believe in Him for salvation.

Mar 26, 202440:25
Being Grounded in Knowledge

Being Grounded in Knowledge

How should we think about what we feel verse what we know? Pastor Jordan helps us understand this from Psalm 40.

Mar 26, 202435:10
Walking with the Risen Christ

Walking with the Risen Christ

As we continue in Luke 24 this week, we have the joy of seeing Jesus Himself walk the road to Emmaus with two of His followers, and eventually revealing Himself to them as their Risen Savior. Through this text, we see how Jesus delights to reveal Himself through His Word. He proceeds to teach them the greatest Bible Study they have ever or will ever hear, and He helps us all understand that the Old Testament is His Testament.

Mar 21, 202442:03
Forever in the Garden of Love

Forever in the Garden of Love

In this sermon from Song of Solomon 8:1-7, Pastor Jon English explains how Solomon exhorts everyone toward purity, and how the book concludes by summarizing what love looks like.

Mar 12, 202436:60
He is Risen!

He is Risen!

Jesus is alive! As we begin our exposition of Luke 24, we discuss God's plans for the first witnesses of the resurrection of His Son, the critical importance of remembering the truth of the Gospel, and the glorious report that the disciples struggled to believe.

Mar 12, 202442:44
Looking for Love in All the Right Places

Looking for Love in All the Right Places

In this sermon from Song of Solomon 8:1-7, Pastor Jon English explains how Solomon’s poetry points us toward faithful use of our words, as well as points us toward the heavenly fulfillment of all our desires.

Mar 07, 202444:05
The Burial of Christ

The Burial of Christ

Exceeding grief, deep emotional pain, the emptiness of loss – these were the emotions being felt by the followers and loved ones of Jesus as they watched Him die. Now it was time for them to care for the body of Jesus. From this text, we glean the significance of Jesus' death, and we are blessed to behold the courage and compassion of people like Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemas, and Mary Magdalene as they continued to meet Christ's earthly need for burial.

Mar 07, 202439:37
Shepherds and Sheep in the Household of God

Shepherds and Sheep in the Household of God

In this sermon from 1 Peter 5:1-4 (and other texts), Pastor Jon English explains the duties and dangers present for both shepherds and a sheep in the household of God.

Feb 29, 202437:17
The Death of Our Savior

The Death of Our Savior

Jesus was always going to accomplish His mission by dying for our sins. He is the Lamb of God who came to take away our sin. His death and resurrection secures our forgiveness and the gift of eternal life. So we all know this story – it is familiar to us. Yet, the way Luke is led by the Holy Spirit to record this part of the narrative captures amazing eternal realities that are on display as Jesus suffers the curse of our sin.

Feb 29, 202439:58
Our Brother the Thief

Our Brother the Thief

Luke is the only gospel writer that gives us this account of the salvation of the thief on the cross. Through this part of his gospel narrative, we are brought again to consider the witness of Christ's sufferings and the powerful way He saves sinners from condemnation and wrath. The thief on the cross in our brother, and the testimony of last minute conversion reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of our Savior.

Feb 20, 202441:25
Back in the Garden of Love

Back in the Garden of Love

In this sermon from Song of Solomon 7, Pastor Jon English explains how the love of the King woos his bride back to the garden, how the King delights in re-writing sorrowful histories, and how the King’s love points us to the un-doing of the curse.

Feb 20, 202436:10
Do Not Love the World

Do Not Love the World

In this sermon, Pastor Jordan warns us about being men and women who are in love with this present age, how the world is fleeting, and that the one who boast in himself does not love God.

Feb 15, 202429:26
Categories of Spiritual Growth

Categories of Spiritual Growth

In this Sermon, Pastor Jordan helps us understand that we are all growing in holiness and spiritual maturity. 

Feb 15, 202435:36
Power in the Blood

Power in the Blood

In this sermon from Leviticus 17, Pastor Jon English explains how the Old Testament sacrifices teach us about the importance of purification and atonement, how false worship and idolatry remain a temptation, and how Christ is the atoning sacrifice we need.

Feb 15, 202436:16
I Went Down to the Garden

I Went Down to the Garden

In this sermon from Song of Solomon 6, Pastor Jon English explains how the Faithful bridegroom warmly embraces the bride who had so coldly refused him.

Feb 06, 202440:50
There They Crucified Him

There They Crucified Him

Isaiah 53:12 tells us that Jesus “was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many.” In this first of three sermons on the crucifixion of Christ from the gospel of Luke, we explore the horror of His sufferings, the wickedness of those present around the cross, and the glory of a Savior who would ask the Father to forgive His murderers.

Feb 06, 202437:55
Global Missions Conference - Session 4: The Compassionate Mercy of the Lord

Global Missions Conference - Session 4: The Compassionate Mercy of the Lord

In this sermon Pastor John Miller exhorts us to see God’s compassion, and ask ourselves if we feel the same.

Feb 06, 202452:09
Global Missions Conference - Session 3: The Steadfast Love and Mercy of the LORD

Global Missions Conference - Session 3: The Steadfast Love and Mercy of the LORD

In this Sermon Pastor John Miller exhorts us to reflect upon the mercy that God has shown each of us.

Feb 06, 202443:38
Global Missions Conference - Session 2: Experiencing the Salvation that Belongs to the LORD

Global Missions Conference - Session 2: Experiencing the Salvation that Belongs to the LORD

In this sermon Pastor John Miller explains how we can be just like Jonah: proud and fleeing God. But he also explains how God’s mercy and salvation extend even to proud, prodigal prophets.

Feb 06, 202436:07
Global Missions Conference - Session 1: The God of Mercy

Global Missions Conference - Session 1: The God of Mercy

In this sermon Pastor John Miller explains how God’s mercy pursues Jonah, and further shows how God’s mercy is seen in the work of the greater Jonah (Jesus Christ).

Feb 06, 202439:46
The Hard Path to the Cross

The Hard Path to the Cross

With the text, we begin to explore Jesus' difficult path to the cross. After Pilate gave way to the religious mob and ordered that Jesus be crucified, the Roman soldiers treated Jesus with contempt and then began his trek to the cross. Due to His weakened state, Simon the Cyrene was pressed in to service to carry the cross. As we consider his example, and hear againJesus' words to those grieving Him on the way, we learn important truths about discipleship and the coming judgment.

Jan 30, 202437:25
My Beloved and My Friend

My Beloved and My Friend

In this sermon from Song of Solomon 5:9-16, Pastor Jon English explains how the bride views her husband, the glorious king, and how Jesus is the fulfillment of that.

Jan 18, 202431:45
The Son of the Father and the Father's Son

The Son of the Father and the Father's Son

In this sermon, we see that Pilate tries a third time to release Jesus. But the people reject His verdict once again, and pressure him into crucifying Jesus. With the crowd's demand that Barabbas be released instead of Jesus, there is a beautiful foreshadowing. Here we are given an amazing picture of the substitutionary atonement.

Jan 18, 202443:43
The Sluggish Bride of the Glorious King

The Sluggish Bride of the Glorious King

In this sermon from Song of Solomon 5:2-8, Pastor Jon English explains how the bride rejects the request of the King, and how our King often uses discipline and trials to draw us closer to Him.

Jan 10, 202440:02
Christ on Trial – Part 2

Christ on Trial – Part 2

This sermon explores the second half of Christ's trial before the authorities in Israel. With both Herod Antipas and Pilate, we see men who are driven by selfish pursuits and expediency rather than truth or conviction. In contrast, we have Christ who is marked by divine resolve, meekness, and love.

Jan 10, 202435:59
Our Prayer for 2024

Our Prayer for 2024

This sermon was delivered on December 31, 2023, and the focus of the sermon is to encourage believers to be faithful in prayer, in the study of God's Word, and in bearing out the fruit of faithful discipleship as the New Year begins.

Jan 04, 202450:49
See the Love of God

See the Love of God

In this short sermon from 1 John 4:9-10, Pastor Jon English explains how God’s love is seen in the sending of the Son to take away sin and bring light into the world.

Dec 28, 202311:45
The Purifying Lord

The Purifying Lord

From the first 2 ½ verses of Hebrews 1, we learn that Jesus is the Son of God, the Ultimate Revelation of God, the fulfillment of All the Old Testament Anticipated, the Heir of All Things, the Agent of Creation, the Visible Radiance of God's Glory, the Exact Expression of God's Nature, and the Sustainer of all Creation. This morning we explore how Christ is the Purifier of God's People, the Final Authority Over All Creation, and the One and Only Mediator Between God and Man.

Dec 28, 202340:06
The Exact Imprint of His Nature

The Exact Imprint of His Nature

“What qualifications are required in the One who would save people from condemnation and give them eternal life?” As we move from verse 2 to verse 3, there is a change of subject from the Father to the Son, and this verse establishes that Christ is not only uniquely qualified to be the revealer of God, He is also uniquely qualified to be the mediator of the new covenant. He is qualified for these roles because He is God.

Dec 19, 202347:28
Christmas in Hebrews: The Ultimate Word

Christmas in Hebrews: The Ultimate Word

When we think about God's purpose of redemption unfolding, He is always moving us toward greater relational intimacy That is what we will be exploring during this Christmas season as we study this prologue to the book of Hebrews. The theme of this book is “The Supremacy of Christ,” and these opening four verses are laden with truths that set our minds and hearts upon the splendor of who Christ is, why He came to save us, and How He is the fulfillment of God's promises.

Dec 14, 202338:05
God Gives Good Gifts to His Church

God Gives Good Gifts to His Church

This sermon was delivered for the ordination of Bryan Robbins to the office of Pastor of Morningview Baptist Church. From this text, we study the offices that God gave to the church for it's spiritual leadership and growth. We also explore the ultimate goal and effect of biblical church leadership.

Dec 05, 202339:08
Love: The Old and New Commandment

Love: The Old and New Commandment

Pastor Jordan helps us understand both the old and the New Testament call us to love our brother. In the new we have the embodiment of love, the light of Life, Jesus Christ.

Dec 05, 202336:15
Walking in the Way of Christ

Walking in the Way of Christ

In this sermon, Pastor Jordan helps us understand that the propitiation for sins is for all who believe upon Christ. And those who believe upon Christ will walk in the same way in which he walked.

Nov 29, 202337:58
Christ on Trial - Part 1

Christ on Trial - Part 1

Today we are looking at the first part of the trial of Christ. In these verses, we see the exceeding wickedness of man as the Jewish leaders unleash all of their vitriol upon Christ and Pilate reveals just how weak a leader he is. However, we also see the noble majesty and sovereign resolve of the Son of God as He set His face like flint to accomplish the terms of the covenant of redemption.

Nov 28, 202340:51