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The Netivot Israel Class on Tefilah

The Netivot Israel Class on Tefilah

By Moshe Bensoussan

An in-depth look into Tefilah: the Siddur, its history, halacha, and perspective.

Delivered in Netivot Israel Congregation, Wednesdays at 8:30PM
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Avot - The 1st Beracha

The Netivot Israel Class on TefilahMay 16, 2024

Kedushat Hashem - The 3rd Beracha

Kedushat Hashem - The 3rd Beracha

In this class we explore the earliest versions of the Beracha we know as Atah Kadosh, and we discuss the genesis and development of the Kedusha.

May 30, 202452:02
Gevurot - The 2nd Beracha

Gevurot - The 2nd Beracha

In this class we explore the origins and development of the second blessing in the Amidah, and we discuss the theologies of resurrection and life-giving.

May 23, 202442:35
Avot - The 1st Beracha

Avot - The 1st Beracha

In this shiur we begin a study of the individual Berachot of the Amidah. I emphasize how important it is to compare the 2 earliest recensions of the Amidah, and how to study the nature of those recensions. We then learn the relevant sources that constitute the background for the text of the first Beracha.

May 16, 202448:28
Interpreting the Amidah

Interpreting the Amidah

In this shiur we examine the many approaches taken by scholars throughout the generations to interpret and find meaning in the Amidah.

May 09, 202439:42
Origins of the Passover Haggadah

Origins of the Passover Haggadah

In this class we take a deep dive into the history of the Passover Haggadah by exploring the development of the Seder and the research that unraveled the complex development of the text. This class was delivered on March 27th, 2023 at the Netivot Israel Congregation, in Brooklyn, New York.

To view the slides:!AhrNJHCipcpjg6xB_e5hnC7f9Yyl8g?e=znWTzr

Apr 18, 202401:07:27
Nishmat Kol Chai: the Haggadah's confusing end

Nishmat Kol Chai: the Haggadah's confusing end

In this shiur we study the history of Nishmat Kol Chai and how it became a part of the Haggadah Shel Pesach.

Apr 11, 202437:38
Shemoneh Esrei: A Historical Introduction

Shemoneh Esrei: A Historical Introduction

In this class we begin a lengthy study of the Amidah, most commonly referred to as Shemoneh Esrei. Being that this is the core prayer of Jewish liturgy, we introduce both the history and the scholarship that investigates the history of this essential Tefillah.

Apr 04, 202401:01:16
Purim, Piyyut, and Parody

Purim, Piyyut, and Parody

In this class we study the earliest examples of poetry for Purim and their effect on later Piyyut and parody.

Mar 21, 202446:27
Ezrat Avoteinu

Ezrat Avoteinu

In this shiur we study the development of the second half of Emet V'Yatziv, popularly referred to as Ezrat Avoteinu.

Mar 14, 202438:11
Emet V'Yatziv & the Birth of the Synagogue

Emet V'Yatziv & the Birth of the Synagogue

In this shiur we explore the Tefilah of Emet V'Yatziv. We look at how this prayer illustrates the earliest form of communal worship and synagogue prayer.

Mar 07, 202439:25
Baruch Shem & the Temple Service

Baruch Shem & the Temple Service

In this class we discuss the history of Baruch Shem, a small doxology recited after the declaration of Shema. We discuss its roots in the Temple service, and it's development in Jewish and Christian liturgies.

Feb 29, 202441:02
El Melech Ne'eman

El Melech Ne'eman

In this shiur we discuss the 3 words customarily recited before Keriat Shema, by studying the history and the Halachic background. Note: I failed to explain one slide, which was a Gemara that explains that Amen stands for El Melech Ne'eman.

Feb 22, 202445:58
Ahava Rabah: An Early Birchat HaTorah

Ahava Rabah: An Early Birchat HaTorah

In this shiur we explore the form, content, and message of the second Beracha of Keriat Shema. We look at it's history and development, while noticing its characteristics of a Birchat HaTorah.

Feb 15, 202439:19
The Yotzerot: A Study in Early Jewish Hymnography

The Yotzerot: A Study in Early Jewish Hymnography

In this class we study the content of the Yotzer Beracha, and unravel its origins in the early era of Piyyut.

Feb 08, 202439:50
Kedusha: The Ancient Origins

Kedusha: The Ancient Origins

In this class we discuss the middle section of the Yotzer Beracha, known as the Kedusha of Yotzer. We speak about its ancient origins and compare it with the rest of the data we have about Kedusha in general.

Feb 01, 202441:00
Yotzer Ohr

Yotzer Ohr

In this class we introduce the Beracha of Yotzer Ohr with a broader discussion about the Berachot of Keriat Shema, studying their purpose and evolution throughout the ages.

Jan 18, 202437:33
Barechu: An Ancient Call

Barechu: An Ancient Call

In this class we explore the Kaddish and Barechu section of the morning prayer. We search for early evidence of this doxology and we analyze various theories regarding its evolution.

Jan 11, 202445:46


In this class we discuss the closing blessing of the Pesukei d'Zimra: Yishtabach. We try to unravel it's origins by comparing it to other similar blessings.

Jan 04, 202440:29
Modern Additions to Pesukei d'Zimra

Modern Additions to Pesukei d'Zimra

In this class we study the development of the Pesukei d'Zimra in the Modern Era, and we also discern which additions or innovations are truly Modern.

Dec 28, 202344:04
Medieval Additions to Pesukei d'Zimra

Medieval Additions to Pesukei d'Zimra

In this class we try to unravel the origins of medieval additions to the core 6 Psalms of the Pesukei d'Zimra.

Dec 21, 202351:29
Baruch She'Amar: The Early History

Baruch She'Amar: The Early History

In this class we search for the early history of Baruch She'Amar to try and discover when, why, and how it was composed; and then we study a bit of its evolution.

Dec 07, 202341:05
Pesukei d’Zimra - The Early History

Pesukei d’Zimra - The Early History

In this class we explore the early history of Pesukei d’Zimra, from ancient times until the middle ages. Correction: R' Yose was a Tanna of the 2nd century, not the 3rd.

Nov 30, 202334:05
Amen: A History

Amen: A History

In this class we study the long history of the word Amen, and how this response developed into an integral part of Jewish liturgy.

Nov 23, 202341:52
Can Women Say Kaddish?

Can Women Say Kaddish?

In this class we survey the history of the custom of saying the Mourner's Kaddish and its development throughout the ages. We use this to introduce the Halachic discussion of whether women can say Kaddish. Spoiler alert: Yes, yes they can.

Nov 16, 202338:45
The Mourner's Kaddish

The Mourner's Kaddish

In this class we study the complex history of the Mourner's Kaddish (Kaddish Yatom) and we explore how the Kaddish became associated with burial, death, the deceased and mourners.

Nov 09, 202347:19
Kaddish: The Early History

Kaddish: The Early History

In this class we study the ancient history of Kaddish, and we explore the earliest sources for this doxology as well as its development up until the Middle Ages.

Nov 02, 202338:04
Additions to the Korbanot

Additions to the Korbanot

In this class we continue studying the Korbanot section of the Siddur, with a focus on the later additions to the section and their nebulous medieval origins.

Oct 26, 202343:60
The Korbanot

The Korbanot

In this class we introduce the section of the liturgy that contains recitations of passages related to Korbanot. We study why and how this practice of recitation began, the motivations behind it and the evolution of it as a ritual.

Oct 19, 202340:55
Birchat Kedushat Hashem

Birchat Kedushat Hashem

In this shiur we discuss the Beracha within the Le'Olam prayer "HaMekadesh Et Shimo Berabim". We look out how it evolved into a Beracha used to die "Al Kiddush Hashem" i.e. for the sake of martyrdom.

Oct 12, 202334:27
Le'olam: A Relic of Ancient Persecutions

Le'olam: A Relic of Ancient Persecutions

In this class we look at the incredible history of the prayer Le'Olam Yihei Adam, which is included in almost every rite. We study the suggestions as to its authorship and the development of the Nuschaot.

Sep 20, 202345:03
Parshat HaAkeida and the Zichronot

Parshat HaAkeida and the Zichronot

In this class we discuss the custom of saying the Torah portion of the Akeidat Yitzchak (the binding of Isaac) before Shacharit. We also discuss the prayer said before and after the portion, which is sourced from the Rosh Hashana prayers.

Sep 13, 202351:50
The Selichot

The Selichot

In this class we explore the origins of the Selichot prayers, and we trace the enormously complex layers of development that brought the modern collections into existence.

Sep 06, 202344:07
Morning Bakashot

Morning Bakashot

In this class we examine the many (optional) morning additions that appeared in the Siddurim of the Modern era, such as Adon Olam and Yigdal. We trace some to medieval times and others to more recent developments.

Aug 30, 202355:47
Birchas HaTorah

Birchas HaTorah

In this class we explore the long history of Birchas HaTorah, from the Biblical times until today.

Aug 23, 202352:05
Morning Blessings: Hamaavir Sheina

Morning Blessings: Hamaavir Sheina

In this class we look at the final blessing of the morning blessings, Hamaavir Sheina. We examine its early history from the first source in Talmud Bavli, and we see parallel prayers that may have competed for its place. We also examine the relevant Yehi Ratzon formulas.

Aug 16, 202350:37
Morning Blessings: Blessings of Status

Morning Blessings: Blessings of Status

In this class we study the most controversial and complex of the Berachot of the "Birchot HaShachar". These 3 negative-tense blessings have a long history worthy of much exploration and thought.

For more advanced students, I would recommend beginning your research with Joseph Tabory's article "The Blessings of Self-Identity" in Kenishta v. 1 (English, Bar Ilan University Press). It's available on the Kotar website.

Aug 09, 202301:09:52
The Kinah: Tracing an ancient genre

The Kinah: Tracing an ancient genre

In this class we take a unique look at the Kinah as a genre, rather than as a survey of the texts. I offer some periodization for the development of the Kinah as it relates to Tisha B'Av.

Jul 26, 202301:02:26
Morning Blessings: Berachot HaPeulot

Morning Blessings: Berachot HaPeulot

In this shiur we learn about the morning blessings recited over the activities one performs upon awaking, as prescribed in the Talmud Berachot 60b. We study the history and background, touch upon the homiletics, and discuss some Halachic matters.

Jul 19, 202357:26
Morning Blessings: Elohai Neshama

Morning Blessings: Elohai Neshama

In this class we study the origins and development of Elohai Neshama, as well as some of the parallel prayers that were said in other communities. We also take a brief look at Modeh Ani.

Jul 12, 202352:03
Morning Blessings: Asher Yatzar

Morning Blessings: Asher Yatzar

In this shiur we study the Beracha of Asher Yatzar from the time of the Gemara (Late Antiquity) until modern times. We look at its textual development, theology, and Halachic development throughout Jewish history.

Jul 05, 202349:60
Morning Blessings: Netilat Yadayim

Morning Blessings: Netilat Yadayim

In this shiur we introduce the topic of the Birchot HaShachar, the Morning Blessings. We learn about the first source for this practice, and discuss how Netilat Yadayim shaped the way we find the blessings fixed and ordered in our Siddur.

Jun 28, 202357:44
The Beracha Formula

The Beracha Formula

In this class we study the history of the Beracha as a liturgical formula and liturgical unit. We examine how the Beracha became the de facto liturgical formula for the Rabbanim and the various stages of its development.

Jun 21, 202354:59
The Siddur: An Early History

The Siddur: An Early History

In this class we study the development of the Seder HaTefilah (Liturgy) into a fixed form, and how that liturgy was eventually canonized. We then discuss its evolution into the codex that we call the Siddur, and finally its entry into the world of print.

Jun 14, 202356:55
Jewish Liturgy: An Introduction

Jewish Liturgy: An Introduction

This class is the first in a series exploring Tefilah (Jewish Liturgy). I provide an advanced introduction for students and scholars interested in beginning their studies in this field.

Jun 07, 202301:08:58
R' Avraham Ibn Ezra (Payytanim #25)

R' Avraham Ibn Ezra (Payytanim #25)

In this shiur we learn about the life and the Piyyut of R' Avraham Ibn Ezra, one of the great Spanish Rishonim.
Dec 14, 202201:00:06
R' Yehuda HaLevi Part 2 (Payytanim #24)
Dec 07, 202257:31
R' Yehuda HaLevi Part 1 (Payytanim #23)

R' Yehuda HaLevi Part 1 (Payytanim #23)

In this shiur we learn about R' Yehuda HaLevi. We study his life and times in preparation for understanding his profound influence on the Jewish people in general and on Piyyut in specifics.
Nov 30, 202250:50
Moshe Ibn Ezra (Payytanim #22)

Moshe Ibn Ezra (Payytanim #22)

In this shiur we meet one of the greatest Spanish Payytanim, Moshe Ibn Ezra. We learn about his life, his thought, and his Piyyut.
Nov 23, 202257:32
R' Yitzchak Ibn Ghiyyat (Payytanim #21)

R' Yitzchak Ibn Ghiyyat (Payytanim #21)

In this shiur we learn about the great Rosh Yeshiva and Payytan of Lucena, R' Yitzchak Ibn Ghiyyat (often mispronounced as Gayuss). We study his Piyyut, his Torah, and his life and times.
Nov 16, 202201:01:00
Shlomo Ibn Gabirol (Payytanim #20)

Shlomo Ibn Gabirol (Payytanim #20)

In this shiur we learn about Shlomo Ibn Gabirol, one of the greatest Payytanim of all time.
Nov 09, 202253:49