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The Thinking Jew Podcast

The Thinking Jew Podcast

By Moshe Segal

Do you have questions about Judaism?

The Thinking Jew Podcast discusses thought provoking insights on topics of Judaism and Torah. Join Rabbi Moshe as he explores the parsha, holidays, Jewish law and philosophy and you're sure to gain a deeper Torah perspective for the modern world.

For question, comments or future topic requests, email me at
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Ep. 43 The Power of the Shofar

The Thinking Jew PodcastSep 01, 2021

A Deeper Look at Asarah B'Teves (rebroadcast)
Jan 01, 202312:23
Ep. 87 The "Real" Miracle Of Chanuka
Dec 16, 202211:49
Ep. 86 Understanding The Structure Of Torah: The Written And Oral Law
Nov 02, 202213:07
Ep. 85 Creating Real Change - Positive Teshuva
Sep 21, 202211:05
Ep. 84 The High Holidays - A Time To Pause and Think
Sep 09, 202211:48
Ep. 83 Physician Assisted Suicide In Jewish Law
Aug 18, 202255:44
Ep. 82 Why Don't We Have An Immersive Spiritual Center Today?
Aug 05, 202209:56
Ep. 81 The Deeper Meaning Of Modeh Ani
Jul 27, 202211:11
Ep. 80 Understanding The Three Weeks
Jul 15, 202214:19
Ep. 79 Genetics In Torah Law
Jul 01, 202246:39
Ep. 78 Personal Autonomy and Medical Coercion In Jewish Law - The Case of Cassandra C. vs. State of Connecticut

Ep. 78 Personal Autonomy and Medical Coercion In Jewish Law - The Case of Cassandra C. vs. State of Connecticut

Jun 22, 202250:13
Ep. 77 Disconnect To Reconnect (Understanding the Nazir)
Jun 15, 202211:19
Ep. 76 Flags & Unity: Individuality Within The Community
Jun 02, 202210:25
Ep. 75 The Two Parts Of The Omer: Honor & Goodness

Ep. 75 The Two Parts Of The Omer: Honor & Goodness

I heard earlier today that one of my greatest Rabbis passed away.  His name was Rabbi Eliyahu Margulies zt'l, and he was the first teacher I had that really opened my eyes to the deeper side of Torah.  Many of the ideas that I share on this podcast and throughout all of my teaching are sourced in what I learned from this great man.

In his honor and in his memory, I decided to share a beautiful and deep idea that I heard from him 10 years ago (to the week), when I was studying in the great Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

He left behind a wife and seven children and a fund was set up to assist them going forward.  If you would like to participate in this great mitzvah, you can donate here:

In today's episode we discuss the two parts of the counting of the Omer: the first 32 days and the last 17.  The great Maharal explains that the first 32 days correspond to the concept of Kavod, honor, which has a numerical value (gematria) of 32, while the last 17 days reflect tov, goodness, which has a value of 17.

In this class Rabbi Margulies zt'l explained each of these concepts individually and then explained how it connected back to the counting of the Omer and the upcoming holiday of Shavuos.

May the neshama of HaRav Eliyahu Menachem ben Rav Eliezer Tzadok zt'l have an aliyah.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson go to:

For questions comments or topic requests, email:

All the sources quoted in this podcast can be viewed on this source sheet:

May 25, 202212:01
Ep. 74 Can You Really Love Your Neighbor As Yourself?
May 18, 202213:39
Ep. 73 Understanding The Counting Of The Omer

Ep. 73 Understanding The Counting Of The Omer

May 04, 202210:31
Ep. 72 A Deeper Look At The Yahrtzeit
Apr 27, 202211:17
Ep. 71 Freedom and Pesach (class recording)
Apr 21, 202240:33
Ep. 70 The Laws Of The Passover Seder
Apr 10, 202208:04
Ep. 69 Kashering Your Kitchen For Passover
Apr 10, 202209:06
Ep. 68 Removing Chametz And Setting Up Your Pesach Zone
Apr 06, 202212:38
Ep. 67 A Deeper Look At Kosher
Mar 30, 202212:50
Ep. 66 The Mourner's Kaddish
Mar 23, 202210:55
Ep. 65 The Essence Of Amalek
Mar 16, 202212:40
Ep. 64 ʅɐsɹǝʌǝꓤ ɯᴉɹnԀ ʇɐǝɹ⅁ ǝɥꓕ
Mar 09, 202210:14
Ep. 63 The Friday Night Kiddush
Mar 04, 202209:36
Ep. 62 A Deeper Look At Clothing
Feb 18, 202211:10
Ep. 61 The Secret Of The Jewish Leap Year
Feb 04, 202212:32
Ep. 60 Gefilte Fish History And Shabbos
Jan 26, 202209:49
Ep. 59 Man Is Like A Tree In The Field - Tu Bi'Shevat 2022

Ep. 59 Man Is Like A Tree In The Field - Tu Bi'Shevat 2022

The Mishna (Rosh HaShanah 2a) teaches us that the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shevat is the "New Years for the Trees."  In the practical sense this impacts multiple laws of agriculture as explained in the Torah. But is that all it is?  Is it merely a birthday for the trees or is there a stronger more personal connection to us?

We find multiple examples in the Torah comparing trees and people and in this episode we'll explore that connection and discover one special connection that people and fruit trees have in common; bringing forth potential.

Join me as we look through the various sources in the Torah developing this comparison and then end with an unbelievable idea from the Maharal of Prague that will really deepen our connection to Tu Bi'Shevat.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson go to:

To contact me, please email

All the sources quoted in this podcast can be viewed on this source sheet:

Jan 17, 202210:26
Ep. 58 The Ten Commandments, The Ten Plagues and The Ten Utterances: Discovering The Soul Of The World
Jan 05, 202210:16
Ep. 57 Blessing Our Children On Friday Night
Dec 28, 202111:54
Ep. 56 You Are Worthy Of A Relationship With God
Dec 17, 202110:34
Ep. 55 The Heavenly Tribunal and Asarah Bi'Teves
Dec 08, 202112:23
Ep. 54 Uncovering Chanukah's Deeper Meaning
Dec 01, 202112:33
Ep. 53 Laws and Customs of Chanukah
Nov 24, 202115:07
Ep. 52 Why Are We Called Jews?
Nov 17, 202111:29
Ep. 51 Why Are The Stories Of Genesis Included In The Torah?
Nov 03, 202110:60
Ep. 50 Why Are Mitzvahs Physical - Understanding Physical and Spiritual Space
Oct 28, 202111:54
Ep. 49 Uncovering the Mystery of Mikvah

Ep. 49 Uncovering the Mystery of Mikvah

The Mikvah is one of the most powerful tools in Judaism.  The Mikvah has the ability to transform a ritually impure (tamei) person into a pure one (tahor), as well as to transform a gentile into Jew.  How does entering a pool of water accomplish such a magnificent transformation?  Where does the Mikvah draw this amazing power from?

This episode begins with the basics of what a mikvah is and how its used, and then continues to develop that to uncover the deeper Kabbalistic meaning behind the Mikvah.  We'll learn the earliest source in the Torah of the power of Mikvah and how it reconnects us to a realm untainted by sin and impervious to ritual impurity.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any feedback at or


Complete source sheet:

Exodus 29:4, 40:12, Leviticus 15:5-10, 16, 16:24, 26, 28, 17:15, 19:21-22, Numbers 19:7-8, 19, examples requiring one to wash their body in water to purify themselves

Maimonides, Laws of Mikvahs, 1:1-2, all purification requires entering a mikvah -

Babylonian Talmud, Chagiga 11a, calculation of water for Mikvah -

Sifra, Parsha Shemini, Ch. 9:1, Mikvah must be natural without human involvement -

Babylonian Talmud, Eruvin 4b, requirement to have no separation between immerser and water -

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan's anthology vol. 2 including "Waters of Eden: the Mystery of the Mikvah" -

Genesis 2:17, death enters the world as a consequence of the sin -

Likutei Halachos, Yoreh Dei'ah, laws of Mikvah 1:1, there was no impurity in the world before Adam sinned (Hebrew only) -

Derech HaShem, Part II, before Adam sinned there was no "Jew" and "non-Jew" -

Genesis 2:7-15, creation of Adam, the garden and the rivers flowing out of Eden -

Babylonian Talmud, Bechoros 55a, all natural waters in the world are sourced by these rivers -

Pirkei DiRebbi Eliezer, ch. 20:9, after Adam leaves the garden he sits in the Gichon river to repent -

Oct 20, 202112:06
Ep. 48 Understanding A Traditional Jewish Wedding

Ep. 48 Understanding A Traditional Jewish Wedding

Marriage is one of the most important values in Judaism, and as such the marriage process is filled with meaningful rituals and processes, reflecting the magnitude of the moment.  Often many people aren't aware of the meaning behind much of what's being done, so in this episode, we go through the entire wedding process from the time one enters the wedding hall until they leave.  In addition to explaining the legal process, we add in the psychological and spiritual meanings behind many of these actions as well.

This episode is dedicated in honor of the upcoming marriage of Scott Friedman and Michelle Golan.  May the Torah learning that results from this podcast be a merit for them to build a beautiful Jewish home!

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any feedback at or


Pirkei DiRebbi Eliezer, Ch. 16, Groom is like a king -

Genesis 24:65, Rebecca covers her face when she sees Isaac -

Midrash Tehilim, 110, Abraham's tent was open on all four sides -

Zohar, vol. 2 169a, the wedding canopy is compared to the Tabernacle -

Zohar, vol. 3 219b, the divine presence brings the souls of departed parents to the chuppah -

Sefer Haminhagim, pg. 75, the divine presence brings the souls of the past three generations (Hebrew only) -

Genesis 2:21-23, Man was made initially as one being and then separated into male and female -

Text of Marriage-themed Sheva Brachos -

Babylonian Talmud, Brachos 6b, greatness of celebtrating with the bride and groom -

Babylonian Talmud, Kesubos 16b, more about dancing with new couple - 

Oct 13, 202112:50
Ep. 47 - Why Do We Look At Our Fingernails During Havdala?

Ep. 47 - Why Do We Look At Our Fingernails During Havdala?

The Havdala ritual is comprised of making a blessing on a cup of wine, a candle and nice smelling spices.  When we make the blessing over the havdala candle, the code of Jewish Law teaches us that we should fold our fingers down over our palms and look at our fingernails and palms.  What is the meaning of this custom?  Why do we look at them?

Join me as we begin with an explanation from the Mishna and continue going deeper uncovering the source of fire in the Torah, the kabbalistic meaning of fingernails and its relevant message to us today.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any feedback at or


Basic text of Havdala Service -

Mishna, Berachos 8:6, can't make blessing on fire unless benefitting from it -

Talmud Bavli, Berachos 53b, benefit from light to distinguish between an issur and pundyon -

Picture of a pundyon and issur, pg. 2 -

Tur, Orach Chaim, 298, distinguishing between fingernails and palm is the same as the two coins -

Jerusalem Talmud, Berachos 60b, story of Adam and fire on Saturday night -

Bereishis Rabba 11:2, similar story as above -

Pirkei DiRebbi Eliezer, Ch. 14:3, Adam was initially covered with a nail-like skin and lost it after he sinned -

Kol Bo, 41:13, Adam saw after Shabbos that only his fingernails remained from his initial state so we look at them at havdala -

Oct 06, 202110:31
Ep. 46 The Holiday Season and The Search For Adam

Ep. 46 The Holiday Season and The Search For Adam

The incredible holiday season, beginning with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, continuing to Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, and then Sukkos, finally comes to a climax with the holiday of Shemini Atzeres. And while all the other holidays have unique commandments associated with them (shofar, fasting, lulav and esrog, sitting in a sukkah etc.) there are no special commandments for this final day.  Why is that?  Why doesn't Shemini Atzeres have any unique mitzvahs?

In this episode, we take a whole new look at the entire holiday season, uncovering a deep storyline running through all the holidays and coming to a climax on Shemini Atzeres!  The story of the holiday season is in a certain sense a story of the world: beginning with the creation of Adam, his sin and judgement and continuing with the search for Adam in the world until he is found and his mission reaccepted.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any feedback at or


Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah 48a, Shemini Atzeres is an independent holiday -

Tosafist on Tractate Rosh Hashana 8a titled Litkufos, Rosh Hashana is actually the birthday of Adam -

Derech Hashem, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lozzatto, Part 2 Ch. 4, Adam was created with potential to impact; Abraham (the Jews) accepted this mission going forward -

Ethics Of Our Fathers, 5:2, generations between Adam and Noah and God's patience -

Pirkei DiRebbi Elazar Ch. 31, purpose of Abraham's tests were to see if he can uphold the Torah (Adam's mission) -

Genesis Ch. 22, story of the binding of Isaac -

Pachad Yitzchak, Rav Hutner, Ma'amarei Sukkos #21, "don't send your hand towards the lad" replaced "let us create man" - not available online

Babylonian Talmud, Yevamos 61a, Jews are called Adam -

Numbers 29:12-36, listing of the bull sacrifices -

Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah 55b, 70 bulls correspond to 70 nations and single bull to Jewish nation - 

Rashi, Genesis 10:25, during the lifetime of Peleg the world was divided into 70 nations-

Text of the prayer for Rain -

Genesis 2:5, Rashi titled Ki, rain didn't fall until the creation of Adam -

Pachad Yitzchak, Rav Hutner, Ma'amarei Sukkos #118, only once G-d found the new Adam (the Jewish nation) do we pray for rain - not available online

Sep 26, 202113:55
Ep. 45 A Deeper Look at the Laws of Yom Kippur

Ep. 45 A Deeper Look at the Laws of Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and carries along with that many unique laws and customs.  What are all the laws of Yom Kippur?  When do they apply?  What's the deeper meaning of them?  Is there a common theme that goes across all these laws?

Join me as we uncover the unique element of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, and we'll discover the elevated status we are able to attain on this holiest day.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any questions, feedback or topic requests at or on my website


Kaparos text -

Code of Jewish Law, Shulchan Aruch, Orech Chaim 606:1, you should ask friends for forgiveness before Yom Kippur -

Maharal, Drasha Lishabbos Shuva, theme on Yom Kippur we're like angels -'Shabbat_T'Shuva.41?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=he

Pirkei Direbbi Eliezer, Ch. 46, laws of Yom Kippur stem from being like angels -

Nefesh Hachaim footnote on 1:5, body in a shoe is like the soul in the body -

Devarim Rabah, more laws stemming from comparison to Angels - 

Sep 14, 202112:23
Ep 44 It's Not Too Late To Repent
Sep 06, 202110:26
Ep. 43 The Power of the Shofar

Ep. 43 The Power of the Shofar

The only mitzvah unique to Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, is the obligation to hear the Shofar blasts.  These Shofar blasts are so powerful that they actually get God to move from his throne of judgement to his throne of mercy.

What is so special about the Shofar?  How does it produce this heavenly transformation of Godly perspective? And, why is it the only mitzvah of Rosh Hashana?

Join me as we go very deep into different Kabbalistic understandings of what judgement really is, what mercy really is and what God's throne really represents.   Through all of this we'll build a clear understanding of the amazing power of the Shofar.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast and make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any questions, feedback or topic requests at


Number 29:1, Torah calls Rosh Hashana "Yom Teruah" -

Medrish Vayikra Rabah 29:10, source of God moving from throne of judgement to throne of mercy - 

Genesis 22:13, Abraham sees the ram stuck - 

Inner Space by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan pg. 26, Kabbalistic explanation of G-d's throne - not available online

Rashi Genesis 2:1, source that din (judgement) is good and mercy is a partner to support the system -

Ecclesiastes 7:20, All men sin -

Talmud Bavli, Baba Kama 50a, God doesn't ignore sins -

Shared letters and understanding between Racheim (mercy) and Machar (tomorrow) - heard from my Rebbi, Rabbi Eli Margulies shlit"a

Talmud Bavli, Rosh Hashana 34b, the Shofar carries the prayers up to heaven -

Shem Mishmuel, Rosh Hashana, 8, depth of Shofar is releasing the inner breath/life source -

Genesis 2:7, God blew life into Adam -

Nefesh Hachaim, Part I, Section 15, one who blows, blows from within himself as applied to God and Adam -

Sep 01, 202113:19
Ep. 42 Uncovering the True Essence of Rosh Hashana
Aug 25, 202110:60
Ep. 41 Elul - When God Is Near

Ep. 41 Elul - When God Is Near

Our Rabbis teach us that during the month of Elul, God makes Himself more accessible than at any other time of the year.  During this period of introspection and self improvement, God is standing there with us in the fields, helping us along.

Join me as we discover why this is?  What is special about this time period that God makes Himself more available?  In the course of the discussion, we'll also discover a Talmudic debate as to when the world was created, why the day of judgement is on Rosh HaShana and an amazing parable from the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

Contact me with any questions, feedback or topic requests:


Isaiah 55:6, "Seek out God when He is present..." -

Rosh HaShana 18a, above verse referring to 10 days of repentance -

Meiri, Chibur HaTeshuva, pg. 250, extends above verse to Elul (Hebrew only) -

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Likutei Torah, Devarim 32:1, the king in the field parable (Hebrew only) -

Rosh HaShana 10b, debate if world was created in Tishrei or Nissan -

Rabbi Nissim of Gerondi (the Ran), 3a in the Rif, why are we judged on Rosh HaShana -

Rashi on Exodus 33:11, calculations of Moses' multiple ascents and descents from Mount Sinai -

Aug 18, 202110:10
Ep. 40 Seeing God's Hand - Stories of Providence

Ep. 40 Seeing God's Hand - Stories of Providence

When you take care of G-d's children, you're partnering with G-d and you can be confident that he'll assist you in your efforts.  If you want to see the hand of G-d in your life, get involved in communal efforts and you're sure to see how things come together in ways that are oozing with providence.  

In this episode, I veer off my classic style of working through a concept from its biblical roots and through its kabbalistic meaning and instead share a bunch of stories of providence that I recently experienced while building the eruv in Richardson.  The hand of G-d was so clear that if we needed to ask someone for access to their property to check on something, we almost knew that they'll probably be sitting on their front lawn with their dog or mowing "waiting" for us. 

I found these stories to be inspirational examples of how when you partner with G-d's mission in the world, you'll see how you have the greatest partner possible.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

If you have stories of divine providence (hashgacha pratis) that happened to you, I'd love to hear your stories as well:

To watch the eruv agreement with Mayor Voelker of the City of Richardson, check that out here:


Mishebeirach during Shabbos prayers, If you work for the community, G-d will help you -

Pictures of the front of the bottle of wine -

Picture of the back of the bottle of wine -

Aug 13, 202114:37
Ep. 39 Eruv: The Essence of Shabbos

Ep. 39 Eruv: The Essence of Shabbos

In the last episode, we discussed the practical elements of constructing a community eruv.  In this episode, we take a deeper look.  What does an eruv represent in Kabbalah?  Why does the tractate of Shabbos begin with the laws of carrying outside on Shabbos?  Why does the Torah exemplify Sabbath observance with the laws of eruv?

Join me as we uncover the hidden kabbalistic mystery of the eruv and learn why the essence of Shabbos is truly encapsulated in the mitzvah of eruv.

Happy Listening!

Rabbi Moshe

To sponsor a podcast or make a tax-deductible donation to support this podcast and DATA of Richardson:

To contact me with questions or topic requests:


Genesis 33:18, Jacob encamping outside of Shechem -

Bereishis Rabba 79:6, interprets above verse regarding establishing eruv -

Genesis 26:5 G-d explains why He blesses Abraham -

Bereishis Rabba 64:4, interprets above verse regarding eruv -

Tractate Shabbos 2a with Tosfos, opens with discussion of domains and Tosfos questions why -

Maharal, Chidushei Gur Aryeh on Shabbos 2a, Paragraph beginning with Masnisin, answers Tosfos that eruv is unique to Shabbos - currently unavailable online

Rav Hutner, Pachad Yitzchak, Chanuka, V, explains the Maharal that something's unique element defines its essence - unavailable online

Bereishis Rabba 11:5, discussion about Shabbos between Tornus Rufus and Rabbi Akiva -

Rav Tzadok of Lublin, Pri Tzadik, Vayishlach, 8, private domain connects to G-d, public domain is the opposite -

Da'as Shabbos, pg 87, source of much of the ideas behind this episode -

Aug 04, 202109:43