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Motivation in a MINI

Motivation in a MINI

By Rico Besse

Take a Mini Cooper, a daily commute, sprinkle in the experiences & wisdom of a salty retired sailor and you get some serious motivation. Truth and transparency from a 20yr Naval and life veteran continuing my charge as a servant leader. Get motivated or get out my Mini 😁
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Lead with your Mouth shut and Ears open

Motivation in a MINIMay 20, 2020

Network & Catch Up

Network & Catch Up

It's been too long but better later than never, right? So much has changed over the last 2 months so let's jump in and get going. I resigned, started a new job with a new company and the future is very bright here in Northern Virginia. But as important is how I got here. Are you being effective in branding yourself but also leveraging your network? It doesn't need to be for selfish reasons either. In fact it should be used to give back, add value, have impact and leave this place better than how you found it. So let's put an exclamation point on the month of August. Time to be awesome this fine Tuesday! Love you all. So excited to be back in the saddle.
Aug 31, 202144:26
Reasons or Results

Reasons or Results

Give me one or the other. Really it's what are you delivering to yourself. You know there is something you aren't doing it striving for because you have got a duffel bag full of reasons. Well it's pre-friday, so plenty of time to knock down each and every one of those reasons to clear the path to the results you desire. I love you all. I believe in you. I know you can fully achieve what you want as long as you can be honest with yourself on what you are offering up at the end of the day, reasons or results.
Jun 03, 202117:31
Navy Nukes Take the Wheel

Navy Nukes Take the Wheel

Despite the title this isn't just applicable to Navy Nukes. This is for anyone seeking change or a career transition. Take ownership. Don't be a passenger in your life. Take the wheel. Find out what your destination is and start working towards that goal. You can truly achieve whatever you want when you are willing to be daring and get out of your own way. Be awesome!
May 20, 202133:32
Thermometer or Thermostat

Thermometer or Thermostat

Are you at the mercy of your environment or do you take control of your actions and environment? Do you simply react to circumstances or take ownership in how you receive and react to what life throws your way? Simply put, are you a thermometer or a thermostat? That's going to be awesome when you choose to act more like a thermostat, less like a thermometer. Love you all and want you to live your best life as the best version of you. Go be awesome with intention. Carpe diem on May 4th.
May 04, 202139:09
Communication is King

Communication is King

I intentional said king over key because at the heart of everything we do is communication. It will rule over our interactions and options as we navigate life. So figure out what your goal is when you engage in communication. Are you aiming to be right or are you aiming to be effective? In very pleased with this podcast and I hope you enjoy as well. I love you all and want nothing but the best in your future human interactions. So go be awesome intentionally on this pre-friday!
Apr 29, 202136:52
2 Give 100%, U Gotta be @ 100%

2 Give 100%, U Gotta be @ 100%

I have not been taking care of myself and I'm down to share how we all can definitely commit more to truly loving and respecting ourselves. Life will be difficult so be ready for the challenges when they arise. Buckle in and strap down as it's a lengthy one but a very good one. Take breaks as needed. I love you all and want you to achieve everything you can in life. So go be awesome with intention.
Apr 22, 202143:30
Self Worth

Self Worth

You get from the universe what you are willing to settle for. Say it again cause it's with repeating. What YOU settle for, is what you will get. And it's not about just "going to get it". It's about being prepared for the opportunity and striking when even a tiny window of the opportunity exists. It's about not only putting gas in your the car, packing your backs, and starting the car. It's about putting it in drive, finding the gas pedal, and leaving your driveway. Scary stuff when you ain't quite sure where you are going or traveling somewhere new. But does that ever stop you from traveling somewhere new? So why treat your life journey any different. It's pre-friday so you got roughly 48 hrs to fix your perspective and reevaluate your self worth. Love you all. Go be awesome intentionally!
Apr 08, 202134:46
Opportunity Crossroads

Opportunity Crossroads

I really wanted to name this episode "Thuggish Ruggish Bone" but wasn't sure if everyone would understand or fully appreciate the musical reference. Maybe next time. But back in the saddle of life on none other then a pre-friday. Life is fantastic, epically when it gives us choices. Free will is what separates us from the animals so what will you do with yours. Maybe this episode can help when that fork in the road appears a little cloudy. And if all else fails flip a coin. But no matter what happens commit to the decision and own the decision fully. I love you all and hope you truly are thriving in 2021. Go be awesome today with intention.
Mar 11, 202120:45
Fix Yourself

Fix Yourself

You've screwed up. You may not know how but you know you want to make it right. That's fantastic and i think i have some tips to get you the desired goal, fixing the issue. It is challenging but what have you got to lose? I mean you already screwed up can it really get worse. If you are open to the feedback, the way i can guide you will prevent you from making it worse and truly i think you will make it better. And i will go even one step further, if you have a specific situation that maybe needs more finesse, call me 757-842-1333. I have seen and been in a lot of bad situations were i was totally at fault. But i survived. I know you can do the same and even better, thrive from the experience. Friday gets an exclamation, not a question mark. I love you all and demand you go be awesome with intention. Happy Friday family!
Jan 29, 202124:46
Information & Power

Information & Power

No doubt about it, information is power. So do you yhold information to maintain your control, your superiority? Or do you share it freely to empower others to do and accomplish great things? If you are hoarding it to maintain job security, you will never be a great leader. You will stunt the growth of those looking to follow and be inspired. So what kind of leader do you want to be? How do you exercise the Information/Power you are entrusted with? If you want to be better, listen to this podcast and maybe take away a little something to empower you in being an exceptional leader! My podcasts are the truest reflection of me practicing what I preach. I have information that I am more than willing to give away because I want to give you that power to be a better you. Damn! That's awesome and I feel great. So pre-friday y'all. Go get it and put the exclamation on your workweek with intention.
Jan 14, 202127:32
2020 Year In Review

2020 Year In Review

2020 was awesome, am i right. So how do we make 2021 even better? Let's keep the big MO going. And guess what big news i have about how I'm ending the 2nd season of this spectacular podcast and rolling into the 3rd. You are awesome. I love you. 2020 was truly memorable and you've gotta get pumped for how you step into 2021 tonight.
Jan 01, 202133:15
How's Your Attitude Holding UP

How's Your Attitude Holding UP

I'm back and loving how 2020 has made me stronger. How has your experiences shaped you?
Dec 08, 202032:28
Pre-Friday November Edition

Pre-Friday November Edition

Keep it short, keep it sweet, keep it simple. Leave em wanting more. I love y'all and I'm happy to be back under the mic. Don't leave anything on the table, cause you are playing with house money whether you realize it or not. Be awesome intentionally.
Nov 12, 202013:20
When is Too Much, Too Much

When is Too Much, Too Much

I'm discovering my limits and that's okay. Always better to take one step back in preparation for taking two steps forward.
Oct 06, 202041:09
Where Have You Been?!

Where Have You Been?!

Catch up episode for clarity and some story telling on where I've been and where I'm going. Why else would you listen to me if i didn't share about me and what's happening within my experiences. And to come back into the podcast on a pre Friday is most fortuitous. So let's continue to be awesome together, intentionally!
Oct 01, 202043:46
Belief in Yourself

Belief in Yourself

How does an Olympic athlete win gold? How does anyone truly achieve the remarkable? I'll point you in the right direction. Come along in the mini for some truly stirring motivation.
Sep 03, 202039:33
Open-Minded, but are You?

Open-Minded, but are You?

I challenge you to dig deep on this episode. Are you truly open minded? Are you open to all sorts of possibilities? And let's find out if you are a bad driver while we are at it. New month, new you to being even more awesome! Let's get it with intention.
Sep 01, 202036:33
A Team effort to achieve 40

A Team effort to achieve 40

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I didn't get here alone and i am happy to have all the support i did. That's why i am wanting to bring as many people along to finish out this journey. You do the same. Thanks again. And again. And again. I really do appreciate you today, especially, of all days!
Aug 28, 202040:14
Turning 40 is a privilege

Turning 40 is a privilege

Let's wax life and get a little philosophical. I couldn't be happier about my journey to 40 and "what it all means". But don't worry, i still squeezed some great motivation in at the end. Today is going to be awesome, because YOU made it so! Love y'all and have an outstanding Thursday.
Aug 27, 202043:16
Embrace the Suck

Embrace the Suck

If you aren't familiar with this military jargon, that's even better. Because i don't mean it as the average grunt understands it. It's not about embracing the circumstance that suck. It's about embracing YOUR qualities that suck. What do you need to get better at? What anchor, what baggage are you dragging along? Time to really fly by embracing our own suck! Another way to become positive is to remove more negative. So let's get it folks. Be awesome with intention.
Aug 25, 202036:34
I'm still Thriving, are You?

I'm still Thriving, are You?

It's pre-Friday y'all! So let's keep it simple and get at. Be awesome intentionally.
Aug 20, 202029:46
Moving in Life & Unboxing our Potential

Moving in Life & Unboxing our Potential

Time to catch up on life and this podcast. But thank you for being patient and dedicated and awesome.
Jul 31, 202033:01
The Infinite Game Mindset

The Infinite Game Mindset

I'm enjoying this audiobook. So let me tell you why and discuss the WHY of how I've arrived to the individual I am today. Don't usually push products but definitely need to do it for Simon Sinek and his philosophy approach to leadership. Wednesday motivation coming to you late with a great recommendation. Be awesome intentionally! Go get it and leave impact in your wake.
Jul 22, 202032:17
What Are You Building?

What Are You Building?

We spend more time at work and therefore more time with our co-workers than some of our family members. So why can't we want the best possible relationship with them as much as are family? Why can't we desire a work place where we care and support for a colleague as much as a brother or sister? I'll tell you which one is better to work in long term. I'll tell you which one is better suited to endure tough times and be more profitable personally and professionally long term. And I'll tell you which one I'm building, the one where I have brothers and sisters i truly care about. It's Monday, I'm motivated, are you? Let's go be awesome intentionally.
Jul 20, 202034:18
Leader vs Manager

Leader vs Manager

I love talking about leadership. And I can't stand those that mascaraed as leaders but are really managers. Let's get deep this Wednesday with what it means to truly lead in and outside of work. Let's be awesome intentionally
Jul 15, 202031:33
Action Orientated

Action Orientated

I missed you'll. I missed executing this podcast. But now that I can actually record again in my mini, no excuse. Time to be about action and record. Let's plan a road trip. And have an awesome Monday morning intentionally.
Jul 13, 202029:41
Sleeping Giant must Awaken

Sleeping Giant must Awaken

Jun 26, 202032:42
Double Your Rate of Failure

Double Your Rate of Failure

Mistakes are awesome. It means you aren't scared to take risk and step out of your comfort zone. But you don't need to make them all on your own. You have permission to learn from other people's mistakes as well. Let me share mine from yesterday. I'll also share my approach and my attitude to how I showed up to that mistake. Yes, the aftermath is more critical than the light being shined on the misstep. I've never felt better after making such an error. This Wednesday is going to be awesome for me. Is it going to be the same for you?
Jun 24, 202027:40
Two Trajectories, UP or DOWN

Two Trajectories, UP or DOWN

Your choice. Own it and the consequences from it. Comfort and stagnation are not choices. They are the results of inaction. So you get to choose your trajectory or settle for one. It's a great podcast so let's be deliberate in our actions. Love you'll. Have a fantastic Tuesday.
Jun 23, 202029:37
Season 2 Intro

Season 2 Intro

3 week recap on what I've been up to and maybe discuss where we are going. Are you ready for some more motivation in a mini? I'm only half way through my life's journey and still got a lot left to accomplish. So let's learn and grow together. It's Monday, it's a new week, June's almost over, so what are we waiting for? Let's get it. Time to be awesome intentionally.
Jun 22, 202034:18
Suit & Interview Time

Suit & Interview Time

How are you going to show up to today? How are you going to end your awesome week? By having an awesome day! Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching? I'm pumped for today a little harder and I will share why. And maybe I'll throw some pretty insightful observations along the way that you'll enjoy. Enough said. Time to suit up, work HARD & be NICE. Have an awesome day intentionally just like I intend to do because I practice what I preach.
May 22, 202026:02
Fulfilled but not Satisfied

Fulfilled but not Satisfied

Pre Friday is the best day of the week, but especially after such a monumentally productive one. I'll share, you listen, get inspired, go be awesome. Sounds like a great recipe for a fruitful podcast. So let's reflect together while cruising in the sweetest mini ever. And once we conclude our commute, Go Work HARD & Be NICE. And please have an awesome day intentionally.
May 21, 202029:27
Lead with your Mouth shut and Ears open

Lead with your Mouth shut and Ears open

I do believe it was initially giving us two ears but only one mouth. And yes biologically that makes more sense. But it also makes leadership sense. You should listen twice as much as you speak. As a father/mother, leader/follower, husband/wife. Any role really can allow the opportunity to lead. You don't need to wait for a title to lead. And you don't need to wait for tomorrow to take the opportunity. So get it today. Work HARD & be NICE. Have an awesome day with intention.
May 20, 202026:05
Embrace Failures Lessons

Embrace Failures Lessons

No need to carry the baggage of failure. Retain the lesson and knowledge gained. It's the slight edge folks. Let the knowledge gained propel you forward vice allowing the scars to hold you back.
May 19, 202028:16
Prioritize Change to Win Mentally

Prioritize Change to Win Mentally

I had a great weekend. How was yours? Back to opportunities to become successful. The more adversity we embrace, the more we anticipate life's curve balls, the greater the will grow and learn and become more experienced. So why not embrace change like it's your BFF? I can just feel that today's going to be awesome, can you? Let's get excited to WORK HARD & BE NICE. Choose an awesome day, don't settle for one by circumstance.
May 18, 202024:42
Attitude vs Circumstance

Attitude vs Circumstance

An interesting Thursday for me to say the least. I do love talking about the Mini because it's more than just a car. Digging deep it can become a metaphor for life. Maybe at the end of it all I'll get buried in her. Big grave plot! But until that day let's discuss the greatest car ever the R53 and how it helps define how I show up to problems. Life's curve balls are not your opportunity to play victim and give in. Change is constant and your attitude will determine how you come out on top of these circumstances.
May 15, 202029:35
Love Makes Me Whole/Appreciate What U Got

Love Makes Me Whole/Appreciate What U Got

Pre-Friday is really the best. But not when my I reflect on my attitude this week and realized that separation has impacted me greatly. So I'll share how that is while you ponder on your W's and L's. Still got 2 days left to make it right. And that is why we love pre-Friday. End the week strong. Make it right folks. WORK HARD! BE NICE! And have an awesome day intentionally.
May 14, 202031:09
Networking & Meaning & Purpose

Networking & Meaning & Purpose

Great Wednesday edition of furthering your progress through networking. But it really goes deeper when how we show up towards others and building our reputation, over time, builds our legacy. Super deep, I know. So no time to spare while I kinda give a sneak peek to the secrets of the universe hidden within this innocent little podcast. Work hard & be nice. After those 2 things, it's all down hill.
May 13, 202027:09


I can't say enough about how great it is to be back at it. As much as a pain it was at times, I'm actually looking forward to the next chance to dig in to fix or improve something else. That's true passion. More than just work. So let's talk more about my inspiration for the podcast itself and why I hope my MINI Cooper outlasts me. Tuesdays going to be awesome because I'm working hard and being nice on full tilt. Love Y'all!
May 12, 202026:40
Mini Maintenance Monday Motivation

Mini Maintenance Monday Motivation

Let me tell you about my weekend and how it speaks to who I am and what I am about. I hope it inspires you in multiple ways but if only one lands, that's great. Simple and sweet this Monday with some serious alliteration in the title. Work Hard. Be Nice. Let's be awesome folks.
May 11, 202025:50


It's so important to appreciate the moment and the people involved in those moments. So appreciation all around for what really matters, people and the connections we make with those individuals. Let's get that exclamation point in this week. You have the power to make that happen. WORK HARD. BE NICE. And have an awesome day intentionally.
May 08, 202030:03


Pre-Friday is my favorite because if I wait till Friday, it's probably too late. It's me holding myself accountable for what I owe myself and others. I don't mind sharing how I failed in a few fronts of being accountable and being honest with it. Once we accept the consequences of our actions fully, we can move to developing better discipline. And that my friends is accountability. Let's finish the week strong. WORK HARD. BE NICE. be awesome intentionally.
May 07, 202023:48
Selfishness is okay & Sports suck

Selfishness is okay & Sports suck

I'm not going to elaborate too much on the title and intent of this episode. Maybe one of my more provocative episodes, at least in title. But once you listen with an open mind, you'll understand what I mean by both statements. Enjoy. Happy hump day. Love yourself first. Then love others. Work hard. Be Nice.
May 06, 202029:14
Compassion & Empathy

Compassion & Empathy

Pick which one you like best because either one will work. Just so long as you are exercising one of them. It's important to make empathy/compassion a habit because you will be tested on it frequently in various facets of life's interactions. So how are you going to show up when it matters? What impression is your character going to leave on that other individual? I stress working hard and being nice. Hard to be nice without some compassion. So like a muscle, we gotta exercise it to get stronger with it. I'm pumped now and yes, it may be because it's Cinco de Mayo. So let's have an awesome day intentional and hopefully end it with some Mexican food and margaritas to celebrate our awesome day.
May 05, 202024:09
Mini Cooper Maintenance Motivation

Mini Cooper Maintenance Motivation

I come clean on the podcast while inspiring you to get out your comfort zone. Additionally let's discuss why last week wasn't your best. And even more importantly, that's great because it's Monday and it's time to trump last week. The simplest way I know to out performing last week is by WORKING HARD & BEING NICE. LOVE Y'ALL! Happy Star Wars Day you nerds!
May 04, 202027:38
Being Fair & Balance w/ Ourselves

Being Fair & Balance w/ Ourselves

Great week so time to put the icing on it. It's important to shower gratitude on those that have gotten us here. It's also just as important to give ourselves credit for our successes. We can be our worst critic, well then you better be your biggest cheerleader too! It's only fair to yourself. And frankly you really need to be your biggest cheerleader because unless this is the Truman show, no one gets to see every little choice and action you take to make awesome things happen. So either share that awesomeness with others or give yourself a huge pat on the back. It's Friday and I'm pumped. I'm dying to WORK HARD & BE NICE. ARE YOU?
May 01, 202028:16
Pre Friday Integrity Check

Pre Friday Integrity Check

How's your week progressed? What's left undone? What are you about? Ask real questions and demand real answers. Let's talk about what we are really about so we can truly live up to it going forward. And let's WORK HARD & BE NICE while we do it. Love y'all! Let's finish the second part of our week strong.
Apr 30, 202033:46


Hope this isn't your first time hearing this word. But if it is that's even better because it's truly a powerful word. Grit by Angela Duckworth is a book that sums what grit truly means. Highly recommend it. At a minimum, watch her Ted talk. But beyond her insightfulness, I've lived it first hand and believe in the power of perseverance. It truly is a matter of, "where there's a will, there's a way". So how bad do you want? Whose permission are you going to ask for to achieve it? Hot and heavy motivation on a Wednesday morning. So let's WORK HARD & BE NICE. Have an awesome day intentionally.
Apr 29, 202026:42
Exclamation Point on the Week

Exclamation Point on the Week

Let's go into the weekend strong and feeling good. So we do that by reflecting on how we showed up this week and put the exclamation point on it Today. I'll share with you mind to hopefully motivate and inspire you to get clarity on your wins or develop some of your own. Great week and I'm very pleased with it's ups and downs because that's the full human experience and I wouldn't have it any other way. And all we need to do at every occasion is just work a little harder and be a little nicer. I guarantee you'll have an awesome day after listening to this podcast and if you don't, I'll give you your money back. I'm proud of you and you've earned your weekend off. Just be sure to end today with a solid ❗
Apr 24, 202027:58
Pre-Friday Chat / Be like Water

Pre-Friday Chat / Be like Water

We don't live in the past but we should reflect on what we've done to get to the present. It's important to know the impact of the choices we've made and if we are still heading in the right direction. Am I right? Pre-Friday is a great way to see if we have any unfinished business before we close out our week. Time stops for no one so let's stay on target with some quick reflection. Just like a guided missle, small incremental adjustments mid flight to ensure accuracy and timelines to getting to the target. WORK HARD & BE NICE. And please have an awesome day intentionally.
Apr 23, 202024:43