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From Vision to Success

From Vision to Success

By Miguel Martinez & Maria Bunt

From Vision to Success is a podcast that started in 2021 with two great friends sharing their journey to a better mindset. Our mission is to help others in their journey as well. During our episodes we share all the things that have helped us improve our mindset so that you can apply them to your life and achieve success.
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Conflict Resolution

From Vision to SuccessMay 12, 2023

Stay Away From Negativity

Stay Away From Negativity

When it comes to inner peace and good mental health, staying away from negativity is key. Negativity can range from unhealthy thought patterns and destructive beliefs, to people or places that bring us down. It’s essential to recognize the negative influences in our lives while also taking steps towards ridding ourselves of them - but it isn't always easy! In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss why avoiding negativity is so important and give you some tips on how to do it successfully. Our goal is for you to be able to cultivate an environment full of positivity that can benefit all areas of your life. Ready? Let's get started!

May 12, 202353:16
Let's Catch UP

Let's Catch UP

It’s been awhile since we’ve connected, here’s why…!

May 12, 202352:59
The Importance of Reseting

The Importance of Reseting

Why Reset

May 12, 202301:05:46
Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Understanding conflict resolution can be a challenging but rewarding pursuit. Knowing how to effectively handle disputes when they arise is an essential skill for anyone looking to reduce stress, improve relationships, and create more harmonious environments in their lives. Conflict isn't always easy - it requires patience, communication skills and the ability to work together in order to reach an agreeable solution – yet being able to resolve conflicts quickly and amicably results in better outcomes for everyone involved. In this blog post, we will explore why conflict resolution is so important and highlight key strategies that you can use when addressing disagreements or disputes with others.

May 12, 202359:44
Empathetic Listening

Empathetic Listening

Do you ever feel that others don’t understand what you have to say? You could feel unheard or misheard; your emotional needs are going unnoticed and unmet. Fortunately, empathetic listening is a way of connecting with people and communicating effectively. Empathetic listening enables us to offer support while creating meaningful dialogue that leaves both parties feeling proportionally satisfied in the exchange. Join us today as we discuss this very important topic.

May 12, 202350:47
Retrospect versus regret

Retrospect versus regret

What part of your life experience would you alter if you could have the chance to do it?

May 12, 202346:31
Habit Building

Habit Building

How goes your New Year's Resolution? Find out the power of habit building and use it to your advantage!

May 12, 202352:45
Why Do People Fail - Goal Setting

Why Do People Fail - Goal Setting

As we enter the new year, many of us have hopeful aspirations for ourselves. We set goals to become more productive or healthier, make better financial decisions, or even achieve greater knowledge about a certain subject – but why is it that many people fail at these resolutions only months into the year? When focus on goal setting and reaching our goals is so important in how we shape our lives and progress towards success, why do many of us fail to sustain these objectives? Let's take a look at some common reasons why goal-setting can go wrong month after month and equip ourselves with the right tools to ensure success when aiming for improved self-development by taking a targeted approach.

Jan 16, 202301:01:11
Confidence Is Key

Confidence Is Key

Confidence is an essential element in achieving whatever one desires. It gives you the courage to face any challenge, allows you to take risks, and increases your chances of success. Whether it’s getting a new job or making friends in a foreign land, increasing confidence in yourself can prove invaluable during difficult times and provide a much-needed boost even when things are going well. Today we will explore how believing in yourself and taking pride in your capabilities can be the key ingredient towards many of life's successes.

Dec 19, 202201:18:10
Don't Be Afraid To Be Alone

Don't Be Afraid To Be Alone

Are you constantly surrounded by people, yet still feel lonely? Do you fear the idea of being alone and perceive it as something unpleasant or negative? It's time to stop fearing the idea of solitude because there is huge value in spending quality time with yourself. Learning to be independent and enjoying your own company will lead to healthier relationships, a deeper understanding of who you are, increased self-confidence and peace of mind. In today's podcast, we will explore some key strategies for thriving while embracing moments spent alone.

Dec 12, 202201:09:54
Let Go Of Grudges

Let Go Of Grudges

Unresolved anger and grudges can take a heavy toll on our mental and emotional well-being. They prevent us from moving forward in our lives, and keeping them bottled up inside is not good for our health. In today's podcast, we'll explore some tips for letting go of grudges and moving on with our lives. We'll also discuss the benefits of forgiveness. If you're struggling to let go of a grudge, we invite you to watch. You may find that these tips help you to move on finally.

Dec 05, 202201:02:03
Falling Forwarding and Learning

Falling Forwarding and Learning

We all make mistakes--it's part of being human. What counts is how we learn from those mistakes and use them to make our lives better. Making a mistake can be a painful experience, but if we can look at it as an opportunity for growth, it can be transformational. When we're able to step back and examine our mistakes objectively, we can see what led to them and how we can avoid making the same error in the future. We can also develop compassion for ourselves and others and learn to forgive. When we use our mistakes as a catalyst for change, they become badges of honour that remind us of our strength and resilience. So next time you make a mistake, remember that it's not the end of the world--it's just a chance to start anew.

Nov 28, 202201:00:00
Your Past Doesn't...

Your Past Doesn't...

It's easy to dwell on the things that have gone wrong in our lives. We all have regrets, and it can be tempting to think that our mistakes have defined us. However, it's important to remember that our past does not have to determine our future. We can learn from our mistakes and use them as a springboard for growth. It's up to us to decide whether we want to stay stuck in the past or move forward into the future. So the next time you find yourself dwelling on your mistakes, take a deep breath and remind yourself that your past does not define you. You are more than your mistakes, and you have the power to create a better future for yourself.

Nov 23, 202249:26
Benefits of a Risk Taker

Benefits of a Risk Taker

Many people believe that taking risks is always a bad idea, but there are some benefits. First, taking risks can help you to learn more about yourself. When you push yourself outside your comfort zone, you may discover things you never knew about yourself before. In addition, taking risks can also help you to achieve your goals. Sometimes, the only way to reach your full potential is to take a leap in faith and go after what you want.

Nov 23, 202257:36
Managing Negative Thoughts

Managing Negative Thoughts

We all have negative thoughts from time to time. It's normal to feel down or worried occasionally, but when our negative thoughts start to take over and affect our daily lives, it can become a problem. If left unchecked, negative thinking can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. So how can we control our thought process and keep our negative thoughts at bay? Listen to this podcast to learn how.

Nov 23, 202259:34
Project Managing Your Life

Project Managing Your Life

Project managers are a special breed of people. They have to be able to juggle multiple tasks and deadlines at once while keeping everyone on track. But what can we learn from them, and how can we apply it in our own lives? In this post, we'll take a look at some of the things project managers do that can help us become more organized and efficient. Stay tuned for tips on how to be a better project manager yourself!

Nov 23, 202201:18:34
Creating and Maintaining Friendships

Creating and Maintaining Friendships

Friendships are a critical aspect of adult life. But making and maintaining friendships can be challenging. This post will offer some tips on how to build and maintain friendships. Read on to learn more!

Nov 23, 202201:06:04
We All Have Challenges | You're Not Alone

We All Have Challenges | You're Not Alone

When you're feeling down, it can feel like there's nobody to turn to. That's when it's important to remember that there are things you can do to make yourself feel better. You don't have to be alone! Today we will be talking about bouncing back.

Nov 23, 202258:58
The Importance of a Clear Vision

The Importance of a Clear Vision

When starting any project, you must have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Without a vision, it can be challenging to stay motivated and focused on your goals. In today's, we will discuss the importance of having a vision before starting a project and provide tips for creating one. Stay tuned!

Nov 23, 202201:03:03
Summer Recap - Handling Challenges

Summer Recap - Handling Challenges

There's no escaping them – challenges are an inherent part of life. But that doesn't mean they're always easy to face. Here are four tips for how to handle challenges head-on and come out on top.

Nov 23, 202201:02:16
Are You Enough

Are You Enough

We were having a conversation with a friend the other day, and she said something that really stuck with us. She said, "sometimes I feel like I'm not enough." It's something I think a lot of us struggle with at some point or another. We question whether we are doing enough, whether we are good enough, and whether we are worth it. And for a lot of us, the answer is no. We don't believe that we are enough. But why? Why do we struggle so much with this idea? Why can't we just accept ourselves for who we are?

Nov 22, 202257:23
Anxiety - Are We Alone

Anxiety - Are We Alone

Have you ever been so anxious that it feels like there is a weight on your chest? That's what anxiety feels like for me. And, if you're like me, you've probably wondered if you're the only one who feels this way. You're not. Anxiety is more common than we think. In fact, today we're joined by a special guest who can share their thoughts and experiences. Please join us as we explore this topic together.

Nov 22, 202201:19:05
How Can I Feel Better?

How Can I Feel Better?

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that you don't know where to start? Like everything is just too much and you can't figure out how to make it stop? Maybe you've been feeling this way for a while, or maybe it's a sudden change. Either way, it's hard to keep going when everything seems to be crashing down around you. It can be really hard to admit that we need help, especially if we're used to being the ones who take care of everyone else. But sometimes we need someone else to step in and help us get through a tough time. So how do we go about asking for help?

Nov 22, 202201:04:42
Deepest Fear Before Dying

Deepest Fear Before Dying

Do you know what your biggest fear is? It's probably not what you think. Most people's deepest fears are not of dark rooms or spiders, but instead of being alone and forgotten after they die. In a recent study, participants were asked about their fears related to death...their answers will surprise you.  Also, today we set some HARD goals for our books. Today's show is going to be awesome!!

Nov 22, 202201:02:43
Imperfect Faith

Imperfect Faith

Progression requires taking one step at a time. It is impossible to take two steps at once, or even to know what the second step will be until the first step is taken. This is especially true when venturing into the unknown. Faith is required to take that first step, because there is no way to know what lies ahead. But without faith, we would never venture out of our comfort zones and would never grow or change. So next time you find yourself at a crossroads, remember that faith is required to take that first step into the unknown. After all, progression requires taking one step at a time.

Nov 22, 202255:24
My Life Sucks, Now What!?

My Life Sucks, Now What!?

There will be times in your life when everything seems to go wrong. You may feel like you are constantly hitting a wall, with no way to break through. It can be easy to feel helpless and discouraged in these moments. But it is important to remember that you are not alone. Every entrepreneur has faced tough times, and everyone has had to find a way to get back up.

Nov 21, 202245:12
The Battle of the Two Books

The Battle of the Two Books

When it comes to twins, the question of who is the better twin is often a matter of opinion, or is it? In the end, it is up to each individual reader to decide which author they prefer.

Nov 21, 202201:00:16
Doing Hard Things

Doing Hard Things

Doing hard things is never easy. There will always be roadblocks and challenges along the way. However, it is important to push through and never give up. There are a few things you can do to help push yourself forward. First, it is important to have a goal in mind. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you stay focused and motivated. Additionally, it is important to surround yourself with positive people who will support and encourage you. Finally, never be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are many people who are willing and happy to lend a helping hand. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success when taking on a difficult task.

Nov 21, 202253:35
How Important is Your "Why?"

How Important is Your "Why?"

As anyone who has ever embarked on a journey of self-improvement knows, it can be tough to stay motivated. Every day brings new challenges and obstacles, and it can be easy to lose sight of your goals. That's why it's so important to have a clear sense of your "why." Why are you embarking on this journey? What do you hope to achieve? Answering these questions is vital to staying the course when the going gets tough.

Nov 21, 202256:55
Break it down | Baby Steps

Break it down | Baby Steps

When you find yourself stuck on a problem, it can be helpful to break it down into its simplest forms. Doing this can make it easier to understand the different elements of the problem and how they interact with each other. Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, you can start to develop a plan for solving it. However, it is essential to remember that progression is a process, so be patient and take small steps. By taking things one step at a time, you will eventually achieve your goal. So, next time you're faced with a complex problem, remember to break it down and take things slow - you'll be surprised at what you can achieve.

Nov 21, 202248:37
1 2 3 GO | Baby Steps | 1 Step at a time

1 2 3 GO | Baby Steps | 1 Step at a time

Trying to improve your life can feel overwhelming. There are so many things that you could work on, and it can be difficult to know where to start. However, personal progress is more achievable if you focus on a few key areas. By identifying your top three concerns and focusing your efforts on those areas, you can make significant progress without becoming overwhelmed. In addition, by streamlining your goals, you can avoid getting bogged down in details and maintain motivation throughout the process. Remember, personal progress is a journey, not a destination. By taking things one step at a time, you can achieve lasting change and create the life that you want.

Nov 21, 202227:49
Achieve Anything You Want

Achieve Anything You Want

Making progress in any area of your life can feel daunting. Where do you even start? And what if you don't achieve your goal? It's easy to get overwhelmed and give up before you even begin. But personal progress is a process, not an event. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and the journey looks different for everyone. The most important thing is to take the first step. And that's where we come in. Join us today to learn the first step in making progress in any area of your life. With our proven system, you'll be on your way to achieving your goals in no time. Don't wait any longer - today is the day to start making progress.

Nov 15, 202235:10
100% Accountability

100% Accountability

We all make choices in life, and each choice has consequences. It's important to take responsibility for our own actions, instead of blaming others. We can learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals when we do this. So next time you make a mistake, don't blame others - take responsibility and learn from your error.

Nov 15, 202247:48
Action and Consequences

Action and Consequences

Will Smith, Jade, and Chris Rock - Are there times when our actions do not have consequences.? Can get away with things because we either know someone, or we are in a position of power? For the most part, there are consequences for the choices that we make. This is especially important to remember when it comes to being a good example for others. Our actions have an impact on those around us, and it's important to be mindful of that. Sometimes all it takes is one person to set the example, and others will follow. So let's try to be conscientious of our words and actions, and be role models for those around us. It's sure to make the world a better place.

Nov 15, 202231:60
Success and Family

Success and Family

Most people would say that you can't have it all. You can be successful in your career or you can have a family, but not both. But what if I told you that wasn't true? What if I told you that it is possible to raise a family and be successful in your career? It may not be easy, but it is definitely doable.  The first step is to make sure that your priorities are in order. You need to put your family first and make sure that they always come before your job. This may mean making some sacrifices along the way, but it will be worth it in the end.   Life is always full of challenges. But when you have a family to support, the challenges can seem even greater. How can you make enough money to provide for your loved ones? Is it important to have a job, or should you stay home with your kids? These are questions that many families face every day.  But don't worry – there is no one right answer. Every family is different, and each person needs to find their own way to balance work, faith and family.

Nov 15, 202243:54
The Importance of Dating...While Married

The Importance of Dating...While Married

Dating is important because it helps you learn about yourself and the person you're dating. It's a way to grow closer to someone and figure out if you're compatible. Plus, it's just plain fun!  Never stop dating when you get married. Even though you're now in a committed relationship, it's still important to date your spouse. Date nights are a great way to reconnect and have some fun together.  It doesn't matter if you've been married for 50 years or 5 is always important! Here are a few tips to help make your dates even more fun:  Be creative! Try something new instead of the same old dinner-and-a-movie routine.

Nov 15, 202238:56
Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a process that can be used to help parties involved in a dispute come to an agreement. It is a useful tool for families, friends, and coworkers who are trying to resolve differences. While there is no guarantee that conflict resolution will always lead to a resolution, it can be a helpful way to explore options and come to a mutually agreeable solution. These five easy steps can help you get started with conflict resolution in your personal and professional life.

Nov 15, 202239:23
Self Care - Put on the Mask First

Self Care - Put on the Mask First

There is a reason the safety instructions on a commercial airline flight tells each passenger to put their own oxygen mask on first, before you help others.

Nov 15, 202238:26
The Path From Low Income to High Income [Cash Flow Quadrant]

The Path From Low Income to High Income [Cash Flow Quadrant]

When it comes to financial planning, many terminologies can confuse individuals. One important concept to understand is the cash flow quadrant. This theory divides people into four different categories based on their income. This podcast post will explain each quadrant and provide tips for staying and/or moving from one quadrant to another.

Nov 15, 202237:33
The Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt

The Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt

Debt is a tricky topic. It seems like everyone has an opinion on it, and oftentimes those opinions are based on personal experience. But what if we looked at debt through a different lens? What if we considered good debt and bad debt? By understanding the difference, we can make more informed decisions about our own financial situation. In this podcast, we'll explore the definition of good debt and bad debt, as well as some key factors to consider when making financial choices.

Nov 15, 202245:34
How to Increase Wealth

How to Increase Wealth

There is a massive difference between wealth and riches. In today's podcast, we will discuss how to increase your wealth in spite of low income.

Nov 15, 202241:23
Mo Money - Mo Problems

Mo Money - Mo Problems

Interestingly, some people credit all their problems to a lack of money, while others refuse wealth because of perceived problems - so which one is it?

Nov 15, 202235:52