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Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church Podcast

Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church Podcast

By Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church

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Burn Barrels and Righteousness

Mt. Zion Wesleyan Church PodcastApr 21, 2024

Generational Faith

Generational Faith

Discover one of the great themes of Scripture: the call for every generation to reach the next with the good news of Jesus. This week, Pastor Stephen Tolan explores the responsibility of the older generation to intentionally pass on their faith, highlighting that parents can only pass on what they truly believe and value.

Jun 02, 202441:33
The Law of Faith

The Law of Faith

"Romans" Series / Week 5: Most believers agree that coming to Christ through faith is the only way to experience genuine salvation. However, many believers struggle with how to maintain that same faith in their relationship with Jesus after being saved. As followers of Christ, how do our actions for the Lord align with the faith we are meant to receive from Him?

May 26, 202446:31
Good News for Bad People

Good News for Bad People

"Romans" Series / Week 4: God has called us to be fully aware of our sinfulness and His grace. Acknowledging these two realities guards us against self-righteousness and enables us to step into the life God has for us.

May 19, 202450:36
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Even in isolation and abandonment, Hagar's encounter with God reveals that when we feel unseen, God sees us and transforms our trials into testimonies of His enduring goodness.

May 12, 202447:14
The Sin Circle

The Sin Circle

"Romans" Series / Week 3: God designed us to live a certain way, but gives us a choice to follow it. When we prioritize our desires over His plan, we miss out on the life he invites us to.

May 05, 202448:09
Burn Barrels and Righteousness

Burn Barrels and Righteousness

"Romans" Series / Week 2: Understanding the world from God's perspective is crucial for the growth of every believer. God experiences a range of emotions beyond love, including righteousness, grace, mercy, anger and judgment. This week, we explore the connection between God's righteousness and why understanding His anger is important.

Apr 21, 202443:07
Empowered by Faith

Empowered by Faith

"Romans" Series / Week 1: Paul opens his letter to the church in Rome by reminding them that the Gospel is God's way to save us, giving us the strength and right-standing to live out our true calling through faith.

Apr 14, 202445:13
The Purpose of Presence

The Purpose of Presence

While our personal preferences have a place within the Body, they shouldn't be the driving force behind why we gather as believers. The gathering of the Church is much more about ministering to the Presence of God than it is about whether our personal preferences are being met.

Apr 07, 202441:26
Easter at Mt. Zion

Easter at Mt. Zion

This Easter, we invite you to reflect on the call of Ephesians 5:14 - "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." We invite you to join us in embracing the hope that Jesus offers, transforming our experiences of rejection into opportunities for redemption.

Mar 31, 202441:48
A Faith That Weeps

A Faith That Weeps

"Lessons from the Cross" Series / Week 6: Are we prepared to follow Christ not only in moments of joyful worship but also through trials, controversies, and challenges to our beliefs? Are we ready to walk with Him through both celebration and sorrow, embracing His teachings fully, even when they lead us into difficult places?

Mar 24, 202442:59
The Voices in Your Head

The Voices in Your Head

"Lessons from the Cross" Series / Week 5: One of the biggest struggles believers face is dealing with the “inner voice.” Jesus’ sacrifice invites us into a journey of living a life set apart for Him, and learning how to hear Him clearly.

Mar 17, 202444:18
Eternal Love

Eternal Love

"Lessons from the Cross" Series / Week 4: When we feel forsaken by God in moments of silence, it's important to remember that His presence and love endure even in the midst of our darkest doubts. Trust in His unwavering love and hold onto the promise that He is always close, even when we feel most alone.

Mar 10, 202443:49
The Promise from the Cross

The Promise from the Cross

"Lessons from the Cross" Series / Week 3: In Luke 23, Jesus, from the cross, promises a repentant criminal entry into paradise, displaying God's grace, which is given freely to those who turn to Him.

Mar 04, 202437:22
The Cross and Forgiveness

The Cross and Forgiveness

"Lessons from the Cross" Series / Week 2: Forgiving others doesn't mean we have to minimize what's been done to us or the hurt we've experienced. Unforgiveness is keeping us imprisoned.

Feb 26, 202453:03
The Cross and Freedom

The Cross and Freedom

"Lessons from the Cross" Series / Week 1: The Cross offers us an insightful understanding of freedom. To embrace the liberating power of the Cross, we must allow ourselves to be offended by its message. In doing so, we align ourselves with the wisdom and power that comes from the Cross, which leads us to true freedom.

Feb 19, 202440:44
Transformed By Truth

Transformed By Truth

"Abundant Life" Series / Week 6: Join us for this week's message as we're challenged to being disciples who are learning and growing, striving to gain gifts and characteristics in the future we don't have today.

Feb 12, 202448:23
Fully Devoted Followers (Part 1)

Fully Devoted Followers (Part 1)

"Abundant Life" Series / Week 5: God's desire has always been to be in an unhindered relationship with His Creation. In the book of Exodus, the plans and furnishings of the Tabernacle provide us with a foreshadowing of God's design to restore community with His People, and a template for how to walk in deeper intimacy with Him.

Feb 04, 202439:59
Abundance and Depth

Abundance and Depth

"Abundant Life" Series / Week 4: Walking in an abundant life with Jesus is so much more than church attendance or prayer before a meal. It means inviting Him into every space, circumstance and thought process. This week, we dive into what it means to live in the depths of God's presence in us.

Jan 29, 202442:09
Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

"Abundant Life" Series / Week 3: Join us as Pastor Luke challenges us to deepen our understanding of the vine and the branches.

Jan 22, 202451:02
Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds

"Abundant Life" Series / Week 2: As followers of Christ, we're called to not only plant the seeds of God's Word in others but also to nurture and protect them so it can take root.

Jan 15, 202445:59
Life to the Full

Life to the Full

"Abundant Life" Series / Week 1: The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus has come that we may have life and have it to the full.

Jan 08, 202439:07
Burn the Ships

Burn the Ships

Jesus calls us to leave everything in pursuit of Him. As we approach the new year, what things do you need to let go of in order to full pursue Christ?

Jan 01, 202423:06
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Join us for a special Christmas Eve message as we prepare to celebrate the newborn King!

Dec 25, 202329:29
When Doubt Leaves You Speechless

When Doubt Leaves You Speechless

"Hark!" Series / Week 4: Even when doubt leaves us speechless, God remains faithful. When we encounter God, we can overcome doubt and find the courage to step into the life God has for us.

Dec 18, 202336:13


"Hark!" Series / Week 3: For Mary & Elizabeth, the future was a bit shaky, uncertain and confusing. But God had quite literally placed the promise of new life within them, a promise to do great things! His love is from generation to generation. He will never let His people down. As you trust Jesus by faith, He also places within you the promise of new life and deep joy!

Dec 11, 202340:28
Peace and the Sword

Peace and the Sword

"Hark!" Series / Week 2: The ministry of John the Baptist was controversial, against the grain, filled with the Holy Spirit. When we allow the Word of God to permeate our everyday decisions, like John, the result is a life orinted around the Kingdom of God instead of our comfort.

Dec 04, 202343:37


"Hark!" Series / Week 1: The essence of Christmas is captured in the phrase "God with us." When God became incarnate - He demonstrated what it means to be fully present & experience life as we do.

Nov 27, 202340:59
Present in Grief

Present in Grief

In every life, grief is inevitable. Yet, as Christians, we find peace in knowing that an empathetic God and walks with us through these trying times. As you navigate grief, find comfort in Christ and the unwavering love within Christian community.

Nov 20, 202325:37
A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start

"The Way" Series / Week 28: When Peter went back to fishing that morning, he wasn’t really looking for fish. He was looking for true love, for identity, for real meaning and purpose. He was looking for a fresh start…and that is exactly what Jesus came to give him. The good news is that a fresh start is also available to you through Jesus today!

Nov 13, 202336:09
From Creation to Resurrection

From Creation to Resurrection

"The Way" Series / Week 27: By looking at the creation story through the lens of Jesus' resurrection, we see that God continues to bring hope and life to those who believe.

Nov 06, 202355:39
Eternal Hope

Eternal Hope

"The Way" Series / Week 26: Jesus is the eternal King and through His death, He has provided us with eternal hope.

Oct 29, 202352:11
Surrendering to Jesus

Surrendering to Jesus

"The Way" Series / Week 25: This week, we delve into John 18, where we explore the joy that comes when we learn to relinquish control and wholeheartedly trust in Jesus' guiding presence in every aspect of our lives.

Oct 22, 202342:53
A New Way of Living

A New Way of Living

"The Way" Series / Week 24: What would happen if the Church could truly represent Christ in the world, like the way God exists within the Trinity? How might this unique way of living attract others to follow Christ?

Oct 15, 202347:29
Guided By The Unseen

Guided By The Unseen

"The Way" Series / Week 23: The Holy Spirit serves as God's guiding presence within His people, often appearing unexpectedly in various situations. When individuals wholeheartedly follow His guidance, remarkable things unfold.

Oct 08, 202338:31
Living with Jesus, Refined by the Spirit

Living with Jesus, Refined by the Spirit

"The Way" Series / Week 22: Jesus didn't just come to offer us salvation. That's only the beginning for a believer. His promise to us is to live a life in the Presence of God, refined through every circumstance we encounter.

Oct 01, 202351:51
The Way, The Truth, and The Life

The Way, The Truth, and The Life

"The Way" Series / Week 21: The statement made by Jesus as He was looking toward His Resurrection was one of the most pivotal in all His earthly ministry. In John 14, we look at what the Disciples would have heard and why it was so significant.

Sep 24, 202338:54
Serve One Another

Serve One Another

"The Way" Series / Week 20: The heart of a Gospel Community lies in genuinely helping others by carrying their burdens, regardless of circumstance, and using our gifts for the greater good rather than personal gain.

Sep 17, 202340:33
What Shall I Say?

What Shall I Say?

"The Way" Series / Week 19: When we encounter crises, we find ourselves at a crossroads much like Jesus experienced in John 12. In these moments, we must decide whether to prioritize our comfort and safety, or to glorify God, regardless of the sacrifices involved.

Sep 10, 202340:23
The Problem with Power

The Problem with Power

"The Way" Series / Week 18: Though we may suffer under oppressive powers, our faith calls us to withstand the impulse to retaliate and instead, go to God with our complaints, all the while maintaining our trust in Him.

Sep 03, 202340:08
The Promise in the Pain

The Promise in the Pain

"The Way" Series / Week 17: We turn to John 11 as we answer the age old question “How could a loving God allow pain and suffering among the people He loves?” Join us as we shift our focus from the “problem of pain” to the “promise in pain."

Aug 27, 202345:45
Unmasking the True Thief

Unmasking the True Thief

"The Way" Series / Week 16: In John 10, Jesus unveils his well-known analogy of the Good Shepherd and the Thief. Contrary to common belief, the Thief's genuine identity and characteristics may hold a deeper connection with humanity than the commonly perceived Satan himself.

Aug 20, 202337:31
Blind Eyes Opened

Blind Eyes Opened

"The Way" Series / Week 15: Jesus healing the blind man in John 9 is so much more than a man receiving his natural eyesight. Through this account, Jesus is challenging religious pride and how it affects the way we see the world.

Aug 13, 202345:10


"The Way" Series / Week 14: Are you tired of feeling chained by life's challenges, caught in the grip of sin's snare, or suffocated by seemingly unbreakable circumstances? Step into a world of limitless possibilities as Jesus extends his hand to guide you toward unparalleled freedom!

Aug 06, 202340:33
Mercy and Grace

Mercy and Grace

"The Way" Series / Week 13: What posture and position do you take when responding to someone else's sin? Do you hand out judgment and condemnation, or do you extend mercy and grace?

Jul 30, 202338:31
Pastor Zach Coffin

Pastor Zach Coffin

"The Way" Series / Week 12: We are honored this week to have with us special guest, Pastor Zach Coffin. Join us as Zach unpacks John 7 and imparts to us a timely challenge for what this generation needs from the Church.

Jul 23, 202344:12
Bread of Life

Bread of Life

"The Way" Series / Week 11: The feeding of the multitude is not so much about feeding, but about access. Jesus didn’t come to help people get what they want…He came to BE what they need by entering into relationship with them. When your soul is fed and filled by Jesus, you will still go through seasons of illness, unemployment, loneliness and difficulty, but one thing you will never be is empty!

Jul 16, 202338:07
The Pool of Bethesda

The Pool of Bethesda

"The Way" Series / Week 10: We all have moments in life where we need the Lord to show up. Although it may not be on our time table, Jesus promises to meet us at our place of belief for breakthrough. God’s invitation in these moments isn’t simply for an encounter…it’s an opportunity for greater intimacy.

Jul 09, 202342:37
A Father's Faith

A Father's Faith

"The Way" Series / Week 9: Faith is a journey of continuous growth, not a destination. Do not settle for a little faith that only provides temporary fixes. Believe in God's limitless power to transform your faith into something greater than you can imagine.

Jul 02, 202348:18
Living Water

Living Water

"The Way" Series / Week 8: This week, Pastor Brent Bennett continues our series on the book of John as Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well. Through this story, we are reminded that God wants to use our own testimonies, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to transform a community for Him.

Jun 25, 202344:17


"The Way" Series / Week 7: Humility is a quiet, simple way but it is certainly not an easy one. It is often a tough, difficult path. But as we understand and embrace this truth of Jesus, it will change the way we do life from day to day.

Jun 18, 202334:26