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Music & Mind | Miwsig & Meddwl

Music & Mind | Miwsig & Meddwl

By Leigh Alexandra

Exploring the power of the MIND, mental health, MUSIC & wellbeing. Regular guests and topics from The Arts... to cold water sea swimming; and self soothing singing to reduce suicidal thoughts. I will share the truth about my experiences & do my best to hold a space for my guests to share theirs. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 am rhaglen Cymraeg. Archwilio pwêr y meddwl, iechyd MEDDWL, MIWSIG & lles personol. Gwesteion aml a pynciau o'r celfyddydau... i nofio dwr oer y môr, a canu hunan lleddfol i lleihau meddyliau hunanladdol. Byddaf yn rhannu'r gwiriondedd am fy mhrofiadau. Diolch am fod yma a diolch am wrando!
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S2 E2 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Dwi nôl - gyda Miwsig & Meddwl

Music & Mind | Miwsig & Meddwl Oct 16, 2022

What is your 'Best'?

What is your 'Best'?

The first week of rehearsals for the Arad Goch Summer Theatre Tour of a brand new drama for children - JEMIMA are in the bag, and I've taken advantage of the opportunity over the past week to reflect on what I have been aiming for my whole life, and this opportunity has been helped and inspired by being in a room with other creatives that share the same energy and enthusiasm of creating a piece of theatre in a collective, collaborative and kind way.

"No one has to compete with anyone else to succeed in life." - Leigh Alexandra

Have you ever considered that perhaps things aren't meant to be the way you have been thinking they are?

What if the 'best' that you have been searching for your whole life (if you have)... doesn't fit the expectation or narrative that society has made you think you have to?

I'm throwing the mindset that you have to be competitive, or jealous, or fearful out through the window; in order to enjoy living in a more peaceful way with myself (and others) and to work organically and to the best of my ability in any given moment - without thinking that I have to aim to be anything other than myself.

No ego.

no negativity.

No restrictions.

Come with me to explore and think about your 'best'.

Thanks for listening, Leigh Alexandra

May 01, 202307:59
Beth yw eich 'Gore'?

Beth yw eich 'Gore'?

Mae'r wythnos gyntaf o ymarferion ar gyfer daith Theatr Haf Arad Goch o'r ddrama i blant newydd - JEMIMA bellach wedi gorffen, a dwi wedi cymryd mantais dros yr wythnos diwethaf o'r cyfle i adlewyrchu dros yr hyn dwi wedi bod yn anelu ati ar hyd fy holl fywyd, a mae'r cyfle hon wedi'i helpu a'i ysbrydoli wrth fod mewn 'stafell gyda greadigwyr eraill sy'n rhannu'r un egni a frwdfrydedd o greu darn o theatr mewn modd cydweithredol a charedig.

"Does neb yn gorfod cystadlu gyda neb arall i lwyddo yn bywyd." - Leigh Alexandra

Ydych chi erioed wedi ystyried bod pethau ddim i fod y ffordd roeddech chi'n meddwl?

Beth os mae'r 'gore' (gorau) y rydych wedi bod yn chwilio amdani eich holl fywyd... ddim yn ffitio'r disgwyliad ma' cymdeithas wedi gwneud i chi feddwl sydd rhaid?

Dwi'n taflu'r feddylfryd bod angen bod yn gystadleuol, neu'n genfigenys, neu'n ofnus allan trwy'r ffenest, er mwyn byw mewn modd fwy heddychlon ac i weithio yn organig ac i'r gorau yn y foment bresennol - heb feddwl bod rhaid i fi anelu at fod yn unrhyw beth heb law am fi fy hun.

Dim ego.

Dim negyddiaeth.

Dim rhwystrau.

Dewch gyda fi i feddwl am eich 'gore'.

Diolch am wrando, Leigh Alexandra.

N.B - Pan dwi'n dweud "agor lleuad"... dwi wrth gwrs yn meddwl "llygaid" - er mod i'n caru'r lleuad.

May 01, 202311:03
Nothing is permanent... and everything changes.

Nothing is permanent... and everything changes.

Today I want to share my lightbulb moment this week; that nothing is permanent... and everything changes - including negative thoughts and anxious moments.  Whilst out in nature yesterday, I was reminded by the power of nature & my equally powerful mind, that just like the trees and seasons of the year, we too have the capacity to change and that the power to make that change is within us all.  Thanks for listening,  Leigh Alexandra x
Nov 01, 202211:01
S2 E3 - Music & Mind with special guest Matthew Davey

S2 E3 - Music & Mind with special guest Matthew Davey

It was an honour for me to interview my dear friend and fantastic Actor Matthew Davey.  In this episode, Matthew who is 27 years old and from Aberdare, Wales, shares his brave story with me, and we talk about his experience with Wellbeing, Music - singing & the piano, Theatre & The Arts, being bullied, being saved by the samaritans and Mental Health.  I am so grateful to Matthew for joining me, sharing so honestly and I hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording.  Thanks for listening, Leigh Alexandra x Please see the links below for all of the fantastic organisations we have talked about and reach out to talk or for support if you need to discuss anything we have covered in this episode:
Oct 27, 202252:49
S2 E2 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Dwi nôl - gyda Miwsig & Meddwl
Oct 16, 202238:10
S2 E1 I'm back - with Music & Mind!

S2 E1 I'm back - with Music & Mind!

⚠️ Content warnings for this episode: Suicidal thoughts, Mental Health, Anxiety, Trauma, Triggers, Depression, Alcohol, Medication, Self Harm ⚠️  Hi... I'm back!!!! I am SO happy to be here, and genuinely can't believe that it's been two and half years since I last posted on my fabulous podcast.  I had the absolute pleasure of recording some great episodes at the start of setting up that were about 'The Truth About Life' and how music plays such an important part in our lives; with some amazing people, and was invited onto the fabulous Shân Cothi's BBC Radio Cymru Bore Cothi to talk about it.   That period of time during lockdown 2020 feels like a lifetime ago.  I spent the time after that dedicating my focus to completing my undergraduate degree in BA Vocal Studies and then went straight onto my Masters Degree in Theatre Performance, which I recently completed... and here I am a few months after; realising that now is the right time to "circle back" to my Podcast and share my experiences, knowledge and passions with you - specifically about Mental Health, Music and the Mind.  Yesterday, on World Mental Health Day 2022, I found myself being triggered badly by an event and the behaviour of someone else.  It was completely unexpected and whilst I was in the eye of the storm I shared an insight to what I was going through on my social media platforms.  As a result of sharing my truth, I was overwhelmed with messages and calls with support, but more importantly... with gratitude for raising awareness and allowing others to feel safe and encouraged to do the same, and I am here to continue that conversation and mission.  In this episode, I will give you an insight into why I have become determined to break down the barriers that impact our mental health in a negative way, to raise awareness and to be an advocate for music and the positive and mind altering benefits it has as a toolkit to build strategies to support yourself at times of need and day to day to improve your wellbeing.   Thanks for listening.  Leigh Alexandra  Music & Mind
Oct 11, 202242:29
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Pam? Pam na?

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Pam? Pam na?

Yn y rhaglen hon, dwi'n esbonio pam dwi 'di mynd ati i greu podcast Cymraeg. Wel... pam na dwi'n gofyn? Diolch am wrando, Leigh Alexandra ☆
May 27, 202008:06
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Calon yn curo... trwy canu Cymraeg ❤ Gyda Catrin Toffoc

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Calon yn curo... trwy canu Cymraeg ❤ Gyda Catrin Toffoc

Wel, dwi 'di cael wythnos gyffrous yn recordio ar gyfer y bennod hon, sef fy mhodlediad Cymraeg cyntaf!! Mae'r iaith Gymraeg a canu wedi newid fy mywyd ers 1992, a dwi byth wedi edrych nôl. Ges i'r anrhydedd o wahodd Catrin Angharad Toffoc ~ Côr-ona (FB) i gael sgwrs 'da fi yn ei podcast cyntaf erioed!!! Waw... dwi'n teimlo yn hollol ddiolchgar, am bopeth. Mwynhewch, ac i ddiolch i chi am wrando dwi 'di rhannu rhywbeth sbesial o fi yn canu reit ar ddiwedd y sgwrs. Cariad a cofion, Leigh Alexandra ☆
May 09, 202018:32
Surviving through Sun Salutations & Song ☆ Ep.2 ~ Alecs Donovan

Surviving through Sun Salutations & Song ☆ Ep.2 ~ Alecs Donovan

In this, my second episode, I was really excited to welcome Wales International Rugby Player Alecs Donovan to my podcast for a chat. Alecs is a WRU Wales 7's player, founder of Yogability and co-founder of the Yoga Hub. She is positive, approachable and an inspiration to fierce, kind, strong and ambitious women & men everywhere. We talked about life during lockdown, following dreams, singing and our favourite quotes. I'll be joining Alecs on the mat at 8am tomorrow... I hope you will too. Enjoy this episode, it was really great to chat. Namaste 🧘🏼‍♀️☯️
May 03, 202017:39