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My Wife is a Therapist

My Wife is a Therapist

By mywifeisatherapist

My Wife Is A Therapist is hosted by Carlyle and Kerese Collins. Carlyle, a scientist, is logical, disciplined and exact. Kerese, a psychotherapist, is an emotional, creative story-teller. When these two Guyanese come together, the entertainment quickly reaches comical proportions. Because despite their differences, they both love to laugh.

Communication is often cited as one of the greatest challenges couples face in their relationships. In this podcast, they candidly review adaptations of conversations they’ve had and they share lessons they're learning, as well as tips for improving love.
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Ring Fiasco

My Wife is a TherapistAug 20, 2020



How important is fun in your relationship? What do enjoy spending your time doing?

Experts say that having fun together is important to marriage because it helps us to feel positive emotions. Life can be so busy, so complicated, so tedious, so challenging. But adding fun can prolong feelings of happiness, satisfaction and joy.

Let's get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Jan 06, 202225:24


Family is such an important gift. They can also be one of the trickiest groups to work with.

No family is perfect. But whatever happens, at the end of the day, what we want is to preserve the relationships with those nearest and dearest to us.

So how do we do that when the values, choices or behaviours of the individuals in our family seem to clash with ours?

And when we venture out to create our own family, how do we protect the integrity of what we’re trying to build, while honouring the place of our beginning?

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From The Trunk, Christmas is Here

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Dec 23, 202127:13
Don't Take Me For Granted

Don't Take Me For Granted

Are you taking your partner for granted?

Have you been promising to do better without any real improvement?

Couples who make it to the 10, 20, 50-year mark, and who would describe their marriage as, “happy” would probably tell you that they didn’t get there by taking each other for granted.

What small things can you do to show your spouse you love and value them?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Dec 09, 202126:20


We might be tempted to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to life skills.

My children will never have to: fill in the blanks. But some of those skills have undoubtedly made us who we are.

Is it important to think about what we pass on to our kids?

Are there some skills more important than others?

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Nov 25, 202134:15
Set the Boundaries

Set the Boundaries

“Y’all should do this, not that!”

How do you make decisions about your relationship?

There can be so many voices that have a lot to say about what marriage should and should not look like. So how do we decide on which ones to listen to and where do we draw the line?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Nov 11, 202133:23


How are you and your partner with “community”?

Are you of the ‘just the two of us’ persuasion?

Some things are just private. But even the healthiest couples need other people and a little perspective sometimes. What are the potential benefits and pitfalls of being ‘in community’ with others? What might this community look like?

Can there be more to vulnerability than the exposure of our relationship’s flaws?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Oct 28, 202134:49
Floods Happen

Floods Happen

Has there been an event in your lives, where one spouse experiences it as catastrophic while for the other it wasn’t that big of a deal?

Our past experiences can determine our responses to various situations- whether we face it with fear, excitement or caution.

In situations that we experience as difficult, we should lean on our spouse's wisdom and strength to help us.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Oct 14, 202120:15


Do you and your spouse talk about sex?

Good sex requires vulnerability - with yourself, with your spouse and if you’re a person of faith, with God. But for some reason, it seems people don’t really like to talk about it.

Is it time to put “sex” on the table?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Sep 30, 202126:19
Sour Face
Sep 16, 202122:40
Time Check?

Time Check?

“Can I get a time check?”

Do you end up in quarrels because one of you is just not time-conscious?

For one of us, 10 minutes early is cutting it close. For the other, 5 minutes late is no big deal. If one of you cherishes time and the other doesn’t, this can lead to conflict.

We testify!

Can we learn to respect the other’s relationship with time?

Or is this one of those things we’ll always be at odds about?

Let’s get into it!

Marriage Alive:

Dellon Thompson:

Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Sep 02, 202130:26
Baby Fever

Baby Fever

“Let’s have a baby!”

Did you feel that shiver run down your spine? Oh that wasn’t you; that was us!

Children are a blessing. They also eat from rope to soap (or not at all), and are a lifelong commitment!

Whatever happens, it’s so important to ensure you’re taking each other’s temperatures when it comes to baby fever!

How do you and your partner deal with all of the opinions from loved ones about when you should have kids, and how many you should have?

Is there room for faith and reason in the baby conversation?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Jun 10, 202129:09
Netflix and Babble

Netflix and Babble

What’s your idea of Netflix and Chill?

Does your partner agree?

How we consume media in our romantic relationships can have a huge impact on the quality of engagement we enjoy together.

What are your movie-watching habits that annoy your partner? Are there any rules we need to follow?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Movie: Menace News Suspense

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

May 27, 202126:32
Family Culture

Family Culture

What was it like for you growing up?

What word would you use to describe your family?

Where we come from, the way our parents responded to us, the relationships we have with our siblings, all contribute to our family culture. And our family culture impacts who we become as adults.

How do family cultures impact your relationship with your partner?

How can you work together to create a culture of your own?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

May 13, 202129:02
Help you with what?!

Help you with what?!

Do you feel your partner supports your dreams?

Couples who create shared meaning by coming alongside each other, experience deeper levels of intimacy and joy than those who don’t.

How can you support your partner when their projects fall outside of your comfort zone?

How might you respond when your partner just doesn’t get it and can’t be bothered to help you?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Apr 29, 202126:05
What are you dreaming of?

What are you dreaming of?

How do you and your partner talk about the future?

Are you open to inviting your partner into your inner world?

One of the most important features of a healthy, growing relationship, is the ability to support each other as you pursue your personal and collective goals. There’s something beautiful about being able to see dreams realised that seems to add value to relationships. 

How might conversations about the dreams you have, strengthen your bond with your partner? 

What happens when you speak different languages when talking about the future?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Advertisement: Jumping Around

Apr 15, 202130:59
Social Media is not real... Or is it?

Social Media is not real... Or is it?

Do you and your partner argue about how you use social media?

Is this an ongoing conflict for you?

Social media has become an integral part of our relationships. Research is showing that there seems to be a correlation between receiving gifts in person and receiving “likes” and “comments” on social media.

How can we safeguard our relationships from the interfering effects of the Facebook Republic, Instagram Island and Twitter County?

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Apr 01, 202129:37
"I am Miss Understand!"

"I am Miss Understand!"

What happens when you and your partner argue?

Do you listen to understand or do you listen to respond?

In relationships, the ability to express empathy, even when you don’t agree with your partner is invaluable because empathy drives connection.

Why is empathy important? and what can you gain from adapting its principles in your relationship?

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Mar 18, 202129:33


Are you and your partner the same when it comes to having 'structure' in your lives? Or is one of you more flexible than the other? 

We've heard the saying - opposites attract. But 'opposite' also means 'different.' And 'differences' can be challenging to manage. How do you put those differences to work for the benefit of your partnership? Is your partner's way wrong or is it just different

Let's get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Mar 04, 202128:44
Am I Your ONLY Friend?

Am I Your ONLY Friend?

Do you and your spouse cultivate other relationships?

Or do you live in a bubble where only you exist?

It’s perfectly fine to be so engrossed in the love you share with your spouse, that it sometimes feels like nothing else matters. At some point, however, whether circumstances leave you separated or life just happens, it becomes important to be connected and integrated in a world that isn’t just the two of you.

Is there value in nurturing other relationships?

How can other relationships help you meet your own needs that can’t be met by your spouse?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Feb 18, 202116:54
Long Distance Who?!

Long Distance Who?!

Does going ‘long distance’ mean your relationship is over?

There’s a lot of gloom and doom associated with loving from a distance. With the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions in place, some couples have found themselves having to live apart. Even before the pandemic, our story has included growing in love while living apart for years at a time.

How did we do it? Would we recommend it?

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Feb 04, 202128:46
A Birthday Tradition

A Birthday Tradition

Do you and your partner have 'birthday' or ‘end of year’ rituals?

As we bring this first season of the show to an end, and as 2020 closes out, we thought we might engage in one of Carlyle’s favourite birthday traditions - reflecting on the year. Studies have shown that practising reflection holds great benefits for mental health and wellbeing. Reflecting together is also a great way to get to know your spouse!

What did one of us find out about the other in this conversation?

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Dec 24, 202032:13
Christmas Cleaning

Christmas Cleaning

How do you and your partner handle the Christmas cleaning?

Do you have different ways of doing things? 

Christmas cleaning has become such a huge endeavour for many Guyanese families. 

Wipe the walls. Clean the fridge. Wash ALL of the wares in the cabinet. 

It's so easy to get caught up with all of the things that 'need' to be done around the house before the pepper-pot goes on. 

How can you and your partner make the best of the Christmas cleaning production you've convinced yourself just has to be done? 

Let’s get into it.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Dec 10, 202020:46
A Morbid Chat

A Morbid Chat

How do you deal with grief?

Have you and your spouse talked about what might happen if one of you passed away?

Yikes! What’s up with the morbid conversations?! Whether we choose to admit it or we pretend that death will never cross our mortal paths, the truth is, we’re all touched by grief, at some time or other. Perhaps it’s time we talk about it.

How do we support others in their grief? Are there any cultural practices we adhere to that make it difficult for grieving persons to heal from their brokenness?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Therapy Yaps: Shine Willows

Nov 26, 202027:49
Slow Down Budday

Slow Down Budday

Who’s the better driver? Is there such a thing?

Driving is one of those tasks couples tend to fight over quite a bit.

From who drives too slowly, to who doesn’t park properly, to who doesn’t do enough driving to begin with - the arguments are endless!

What can we learn from driving conflicts that we can apply to our every-day conflict situations?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Nov 12, 202021:42


How do you and your partner make decisions about what’s important?

Does this affect how you spend money?

The reality is that what’s ‘important’ to you might not be important to your partner.

Isn’t this what makes them a weirdo anyway?

There are so many issues that can come up when trying to decide how you both want to spend your hard-earned dollars.

And this can often open the door for hurt and ongoing struggle in your relationship.

Which one of us insisted on being a big ole cheapskate over the smallest thing?


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Oct 29, 202023:33
"Who are my friends?"

"Who are my friends?"

Do you and your partner agree on how to cultivate strong friendships? Well, Carlyle and Kerese don’t!

Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between a person’s friendship skills and their fulfilment in marriage.

What would happen if we cultivated strong friendships outside of our relationships with our partners? Do our romantic relationships stand to benefit?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Oct 15, 202025:42
When Tempers Flare

When Tempers Flare

What’s the quickest way to end a fight?

Emotionally intelligent couples don’t necessarily argue less than those who aren’t as tuned in. But one of the things that separate them from those who struggle without resolve is their ability to recognize and use “repair attempts.”

In this episode, we dissect one particularly hilarious incident that unfolded in the wee hours of the morning.

How did we deescalate what could have easily become an explosive argument?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Oct 01, 202026:55
"You're not my family..."

"You're not my family..."

You’re best friends.

There’s nothing you don’t talk about.

You think you know your partner so well.

And then it happens.

They say something that leaves you completely floored, wondering, “Who did I marry?!”

How do we navigate those moments in our relationships when there is a difference of opinion that’s too much of a big deal to ignore?

Let’s get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Sep 17, 202019:37
"Words mean things!"

"Words mean things!"

What did you just say?! What do you even mean?!


It happens. If it hasn't happened yet, it's bound to happen. Your perfect partner is going to learn how to speak the language of "HUH?!" And it will probably ANNOY you.

Effective communication is necessary for every relationship to thrive. It's also one of the areas many couples list as a challenge. So what can we learn about how to communicate better?

Let's get into it!


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Sep 03, 202025:50
Ring Fiasco

Ring Fiasco

Which one of us had a 'freak out' moment over their wedding rings, days before we got married and how did we deal with it?

There's so much to discover about one's partner in the wedding planning process that lays the foundation for marriage.

In this episode, we explore our real-life experience of Gottman's theory of how opposing dreams and priorities can result in gridlock in relationships.


Intro: Metro Vibe

Transition: Funk From the Trunk

Aug 20, 202022:02