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Nappi & Jay

Nappi & Jay

By Nappi & Jay

Chris Nappi and Jay are life long friends whose path never seemed so unclear. The duo bond over their experiences of being glaringly different despite their indisputable success in their respective lives. They discuss the current state of society, analyze relationships and pound the table in their pursuit of life’s deeper meanings. Candid, intense, and usually absurd their genuine and positive outlook will captivate you. Special guests will bring to life the reality in which we will all live in.
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The Drag Show (ft. Barbra Seville)

Nappi & JayAug 02, 2022

Our Final Episode

Our Final Episode

The boys say goodbye!

Jan 10, 202301:02:41
The Boys Search For Meaning

The Boys Search For Meaning

In today's podcast, the boys talk about Nappi's quarter life crisis, Jay's breakup, the reasons why girls leave guys, and nature verses nurture. 

Lightning Round Question of the Day: Would you let a girl spit in your mouth after she swallows your load?

Nov 08, 202201:54:40
Canada Girl

Canada Girl

In today's podcast, the boys sit down with @pleasurebhabiee aka Canada Girl and interrogate her about certain lies she allegedly told. 

Lightning Round Question of the Day: How many times of day would you ideally have sex?

Nov 01, 202202:17:37
Boners, Nightmares, and Hookers

Boners, Nightmares, and Hookers

In today's podcast, the boys talk about Nappi's search history, free bleeding, weird places to get boners, drug induced nightmares, and falling in love with a hooker. 

Lightning Round Question of the Day: Would you take inches of your dick and put it on your height or take inches of your dick and put it on your height?

Oct 25, 202201:50:43
Sex Sells

Sex Sells

In today’s episode, the boys talk about Jay’s rave experience, Canadian girls, Nappi fumbling the bag, and dating girls with a OF.

Lightning Round Question of the Day: beef curtains or coin slots?

Oct 18, 202201:25:25


In today’s episode, the boys talk about Nappi's bowl cut, purchasing an OF while in a relationship, vag pics, and customer service in the sex work industry.  

Lightning Round Question of the Day: Is it worse to be left on read or have the message not opened at all?

Oct 11, 202201:44:21
Broke Girl Therapy - Erotic Storytime Feat. HK Brains
Sep 29, 202201:06:41
Drugs, God, & Purpose
Sep 27, 202201:39:20
Getting Roofied (ft. Emily)

Getting Roofied (ft. Emily)

In today’s episode, the boys talk about virginity, dating without security, workplace relationships, and Emily getting roofied. Emily takes the listeners on a ride with an update on her life. We talk about her romantic relationships and her hospitalization. It’s an action packed episode full of controversy, erotism, drugs, and groping.

Sep 20, 202201:38:45
Feeling Whole Not Holes

Feeling Whole Not Holes

In today’s episode, the boys talk about getting their nails done, dating a transgender woman, having butt sex with yourself, and self-sacrifice. The words “whole” and “hole” are super underrated. For one, they are homophones, words that sound the same but are different in meaning and/or spelling. But even most interestingly, their meanings are in contrast with one another.  They are yin and yang. Cheech and Chong. Dark and Light. The Sun and The Moon. Because in order to feel whole, you must fill your inner hole.

Sep 13, 202201:21:02
Attachment Styles

Attachment Styles

In today's episode, the boys talk about Jay's virginity, simultaneous orgasms, Nappi's special wink and attachment styles. The boys would like to make a public apology for the disparaging comments they previously made about attachment styles. They have recently discovered the power behind understanding their own. They now realize their behavior towards women is not their fault. They are just avoidant creatures trying to find love in a dating pull full of anxious individuals. So please don't blame them for their inconsistency, selfishness, and indifference. Its not their fault they were born to be avoidant. Blame God!

Sep 06, 202201:13:33
Beta Males

Beta Males

In today’s episode, the boys talk about Jay’s haircut, bully behavior, the hardships of breaking up, and male personality types. Beta males have a bad rep. Most people consider them to be soft and subservient. In contrast, alpha males are viewed as superior beings. But is this the case? Who wants a overly aggressive manly man when you can have a laid back, fun-going, and present guy? We’ve been all tricked to believe that alpha males are superior. When in reality, betas are the true alphas.

Aug 30, 202201:47:13
Love and Marriage

Love and Marriage

In today's episode, the boys talk about Nappi’s pet spider, interacting with exes in the wild, and the reason for marriage. All our lives we’ve been told that the core of a healthy marriage is love. But is this true? Evidence suggests that marriage is around 4,350 years old and the first recorded marriage was in 2350 B.C. Throughout most of history, the main goal of marriage was to act as alliance between families. Most couples didn't marry because they were in love, but instead for economic growth. Conversely, in modern day America love is the primary consideration for most couples when they decide to get married. To place another consideration ahead of love, would be looked at as archaic. Yet, as our large divorce rate suggests, maybe love should not be the driving factor. Marriage…. What’s love got to do, got to do with it?

Aug 23, 202201:30:42
Kill All Hot Girls

Kill All Hot Girls

In today’s episode, the boys talk about painful blowjobs, becoming disgustingly mature, dating the wrong friend in the group, and leading with appearance. In order to become really good at anything, you must spend a significant time working on it. This is even true when it comes to up-keeping an attractive ascetic. Instagram models spend endless hours making sure they look hot. With so many hours focused on their appearance, they tend to lack a dynamic personality. This doesn’t make them bad people. It just makes them boring as fuck.

Aug 19, 202201:34:37
Little Miss Imperfect

Little Miss Imperfect

In today's episode, the boys talk about biting, Australian girls, Jay's concert experience, and overcoming perfection. Have you ever heard someone say, "practice makes perfect?" People use it to emphasize the role hard work has in the pursuit of success. The problem with the quote is that it fails to acknowledge the detrimental effects of overworking. Exhaustion, fatigue, excessive tinkering, and unwarranted analyzing all lead to destructive outcomes. There is a balance between working toward perfection and understanding that perfection does not exist. In order to be the best, you must know your breaking point and be brave enough to refrain from crossing it.

Aug 09, 202201:50:36
The Drag Show (ft. Barbra Seville)

The Drag Show (ft. Barbra Seville)

In today’s episode, the boys sit down with Richard Stevens aka Barbra Seville @barbraseville to talk about Drag Queens, growing up gay in Arizona, the perfect dick, and the scoop on Kari Lake. Barbra Seville is Arizona’s #1 drag queen. She won Miss Gay Western States America in 2022, Miss Gay Arizona in 2000, and has been a top 10 finalist at Miss Gay America 3 times. Barbra is classy, spunky, and unapologetically herself. She has gained recent notoriety due to her controversial relationship with Arizona Governor nominee, Kari Lake. Barbra strips it down for the boys to show them what is really under the drag.

Aug 02, 202201:26:37
White Family

White Family

In today’s episode, the boys talk about the effects of excessive exposure to sex, sus dreams, being solution oriented, and Nappi’s family vacation. Who doesn’t like a good ole white family vacation? Matching shirts, going to a lake, making s’mores, playing board games, and going for a bike ride (with a helmet of course). From the outside, it seems like perfect family bonding time. However, just beneath the surface there is still typical family drama at play. At the end of the day, not every white family can be the Joneses.

Jul 26, 202201:51:12
Choose You

Choose You

In today’s episode, the boys talk about responding to horny people, Nappi’s new tattoos, accepting responsibility, deodorant, and being yourself. Accepting yourself is not a an excuse to rest on your laurels. Accepting yourself is a realization of who you are meant to be. Most people are either paralyzed by their own insecurity or stunted by the idealization of their own mediocrity. Instead, we must self reflect to determine our individualized talents and gifts. We must then push ourselves to actualize our potential. And finally we must love and accept ourselves for who we inherently are.

Jul 19, 202201:47:14
Horny But Single

Horny But Single

In today’s episode, the boys talk about appropriating cultures, small v. big butts, and being single and horny. It’s a hard life being a single non-promiscuous person with a high sex drive. You live in a state of continuous conflict. On one hand, you aren’t really down to just hook up with anyone. On the other hand, you have an undeniable urge in your pelvis region to make something happen. The solution is not one or the other, it is both... It’s your hands!

Jul 12, 202201:26:42
Feeling Moist

Feeling Moist

In today’s episode, the boys talk about Nappi’s towel obsession, the smartest animals, life goals, pride, and shit. Have you ever had an itch that you can't scratch? A sneeze that you can't achoo? A thirst that you can't quench? A scab that you can't heal? A spot that you can't hit? or an ass that you can't eat? Then, this is the podcast for you. The boys discuss their personal experiences getting wet and relate their lives to the smartest animals in the world. It is time to go back to our roots and become one with our shit.  

Jul 05, 202201:43:24
Makeups and Breakups

Makeups and Breakups

In today’s episode, the boys talk about Nappi’s haircut, feeling vibes, nice guys, and Jay's toxicity. For some relationships, breaking up and making up are common actives. The habitual nature of it creates a never ending loop that is difficult to break. The words "I am breaking up with you" become useless because they are never reinforced by action. It is an unhealthy existence. However, there are instances where a strong couple encounters adversity and is forced to separate because of it. In those instances, growth and enlightenment can lead the couple back together. All in all, it is not always terrible for a makeup to follow a breakup or for a legitimate breakup to follow a couple's 100th makeup.

Jun 28, 202201:38:29
Non-Monogamy (ft. Doubled Teamed)

Non-Monogamy (ft. Doubled Teamed)

In today’s episode, the boys sit down with Cami and Niki from the Double Teamed podcast. They take a deep dive into astrology, non-monogamy, sex parties, and kinks. This is definitely not the episode to play in front of your parents. Unless, of course, you‘re into ageplay and your “parents” are really a 60-year-old couple that you fuck and refer to as mommy and daddy. In that case, do you bro… do you. Cami and Niki teach the boys about the judgment free, non-possessory, and kink friendly side of sex. A good life doesn’t always include monogamy and children. For some, life is best having a variety of sexual and emotional relationships that fulfill and fill every part of them. For more of Cami and Niki follow @doubleteamedpodcast.

Jun 21, 202201:54:58
Certainly Uncertain

Certainly Uncertain

In today’s episode the boys talk about social media comments, the wonders of jellyfish, Jay’s new job, and the uncertainties of dating. People date for many reasons including physical connection, status, comfort, stability, and love. But for people in their lates 20s and early 30s, marriage is always on the back of their minds. This places a greater significances on one’s decision to commit to another. On one hand, you like a person and feel like they bring you joy. On the other, you don’t know if they are your forever person. This conflict creates a sense of extreme uncertainty. It is best to embrace the uncertainty because some of the most beautiful chapters of our lives won’t have titles until they have been fully written.

Jun 14, 202201:42:16
Creepy, Douchey, & Cringey

Creepy, Douchey, & Cringey

In today’s episode the boys talk about what animals they are most like, gender identity, the ability to commit, and the differences between being cringey, douchey, and creepy. There are an endless list of adjectives people use to describe behavior: Cocky, Pretentious, Creative, Intelligent, Pessimistic, Charismatic, Disciplined, Curious, etc. The interesting thing is that two people can perform the same action, but be defined by opposite adjectives. Our mannerisms and non-verbal signals determine whether we come across confident and attractive or awkward and gross. These traits are inherent to our individuality. Without them, we would all be clones spewing the same exact bullshit. That is why the boys felt the need to applaud those who were born Cringey, Douchey, and Creepy. You guys are the real MVP!

Jun 07, 202201:47:05
Losing Attraction

Losing Attraction

In today’s episode, the boys talk about different methods of interpretation, re-naming pronouns, and sexless relationships. In the beginning of most 21st century relationships, sex is almost a non-stop activity. Partners are excited to explore each others most initimate and vulnerable states. You become intoxicated by your partners touch and you seek the constant feeling of euphoria. But sex is a lot like smoking cigarettes. The more you do it with the same person, the more you lose the feeling of your first drag. The difficulty comes when you are 6 years in and you begin to neglect the physical aspect of your relationship. Let’s be honest, shit gets boring, your dick doesn’t get hard, and her pussy doesn’t get wet. It’s time to play dress-up and take out the handcuffs.

May 24, 202201:36:08
Abortion II

Abortion II

In today’s episode the boys talk about high body counts, dolphin assisted births, consuming shitty information, and the implications of Roe v. Wade being overturned. The boys once again take on the charged topic of abortion. With the recent leaked draft opinion, the likelihood of Roe being overturned is greater than ever. Women seeking abortions in 26 states will be forced to risk their lives in order to exercise a fundamental human right. None can be free if the government is allowed to decide what someone does to their body.

May 17, 202201:42:43
Growing Pains

Growing Pains

In today’s episode, the boys celebrate Jay’s birthday and talk about the truth behind unicorns, the lies behind working hard, and the trials and tribulations of getting older. As we age, we become more cognizant of our most precious yet overlooked asset: TIME. Many sulk about the time they’ve wasted. Many others over think about how they’ll use the time they have left. But only few put their intentions to action and live every second striving to become the person they were meant to be. So many of us live in this procrastination loop because we feel comfort in our monotonous lives. We choose never quenching stability over having a life of immense internal satisfaction. We must ignore our ape-like instincts that make us fear discomfort. Instead, we must examine our lives and truthfully ask ourselves whether we are living to live or living to die. The choice you make is not important, it is the acknowledgement of that choice that truly matters. For only then, you can die knowing you controlled the time you were gifted. 

May 10, 202201:47:43
New Beginnnings

New Beginnnings

In today’s episode, the boys talk about climate change, changes to the podcast, Nappi’s revelations, and Rob going to a bachelor party. Early and fast success can be as detrimental as it is advantageous. It provides a false sense of security and promotes stagnancy. In order to maintain success, you must continual seek to evolve and adapt to change. The hardest part about changing is trying to simultaneously stick to your core tenants. The boys feel like they’ve hit a wall on their road to success. Instead of chilling at the wall, they’ve decided to take a few steps back and reroute their journey. Come with them as they embark on the same, but different, adventure.

May 03, 202201:36:02
Miami Speaks

Miami Speaks

The boys sit down with Miami to get her perspective on everything. It is hard to date someone who exposes their whole life to the world. They always have a sense that the world doesn't understand their truth. The world only gets to hear one side of the story. The boys understand this unfairness because they hear about it from the girls their dating all the time. "That's not what really happened." "You completely left out all the details." "You didn't tell everybody what you did to make me have that reaction." These girls feel like they are being perceived as dumb, illogical, and simpish. In order to combat this perception, Miami makes a guest appearance to give her side of the story and enlighten the audience with her truth. 

Apr 26, 202201:48:53


In today’s episode, the boys talk about the most sensitive areas of a penis, cumming in eyes, witchcraft, and becoming an unrecognizable person. The biggest initiator of change is discomfort. It may take cum to get in your eye before you stop cumming in other people’s eyes. It may take a baby scare to realize you need to start wearing condoms. It may take the loss of friends to realize you need to be a better person. Whatever the cause, change usually indicates that something went wrong. Yet, for some reason we glorify and encourage change but fear and avoid failure and discomfort. Instead, we should actively strive to fail because it is the only way to become better. When adversity enters your life you should say thank you because it will force you to shed your current state for a stronger more resilient one. So if you see no changes, wake up and ask yourself is your life worth living as your stagnant self?

Apr 19, 202201:50:18
Seeking Stability

Seeking Stability

In today’s episode, the boys talk about unwanted perceptions, old people at the club, the levels of maturity, and the yearning to be tied down. I haven't found the girl of my dreams, but I am over looking for her. I just want to be mentally, emotionally, and physically close to someone. The stability that constant love and care brings is too intriguing. But would I just be settling to avoid discomfort and loneliness? The problem is that I don't know if my perfect person even exists. Love may not be about finding your soulmate, it may just be about finding someone you can put up with for an extended period of time. But I get bored so easily. Is boredom an inevitability? In order to obtain stability, do I have to accept the mundaneness of monogamy? Who the fuck knows? All I do know is that I don't want to be a player no more. 

Apr 12, 202201:57:05
Lower Your Standards

Lower Your Standards

In today’s episode, the boys talk about the winner of March’s challenge, perception of demographics, getting denied at the club, trying long distance, and the problem with high standards. Disney fucked us all. It taught girls that a prince aka a high value male will do the mostest for a girl that they barely know. It taught guys that ugly dudes aka Shrek and the Beast could win over the hottest girls by just being themselves. Everyone is looking for the next Cinderella or Prince Charming. Unfortunately, happily ever after is only in high budget animated kid films. The reality of the world is that every single person has flaws. So, if you want someone to check all of your boxes, the key is to have less boxes to check.

Apr 05, 202202:29:18
Texting Is Foreplay

Texting Is Foreplay

In today’s episode, the boys talk about the positives of over-confidence, being annoyed at first sight, neighborhood Karens, and the power of texting. It’s common knowledge that if a person sends you a "good morning” or a “good night” text, they fuck with you. Is the opposite also true? If a person doesn't text you regularly, does that really mean they don't fuck with you? For the boys the answer is no. For example, if you see someone every night why would you need to text them throughout the day? Over texting can make the relationship boring and stale. Additionally, sometimes people are just super busy and don’t have the time to text mundane bullshit. Yes, COMMUNICATION is a huge indicator of a persons interest but texting is only one form of communication. The quantity of communication is far less important than the substance. One life altering telephone call is worth way more than a million “how was your day?” texts. So before you spiral the next time your crush doesn’t text you back fast enough, ask yourself how engaging your conversations with them are? If the answer is extremely, then take a hit, pop some popcorn, watch a movie, and don’t worry your little heart. If the answer is no, you have permission to spiral. 

Mar 29, 202201:55:51
Trouble In Paradise

Trouble In Paradise

In today’s episode, the boys talk about their worst thoughts, people who don't like to self advocate, Nappi's chaotic trip to Miami, and friction in Jay's relationship. There will always be a point in every relationship where disagreement arises. Whether it's a boyfriend who wants to go out with his boys too much, a co-worker who believes everyone should do things their way, a wife who only wants to watch rom coms, or a parent who wants you to be a doctor even though you like producing music. Conflict inevitably arises. The question is how should you respond to these difference? Believing they could overcome it, many people will overlook the disagreement at first. Yet, the dispute is forever lingering in the background and will always resurface until it is fully fleshed out. A chip in your windshield will stay a chip until you hit a bump in the road that turns it into a crack.  Fix the chip before it becomes a crack. 

Mar 22, 202202:24:17
Dating Doubts

Dating Doubts

In today’s episode, the boys talk about girls circulating nudes, Nappi meeting a NHL player, moving too fast, finding the one, and having doubts. If having cold feet is normal, then how do you know if you found the right one? Doubts are paralyzing to some. It makes it almost impossible to fully commit because you hope to find someone that leaves you without any doubts. But is that realistic? Is true love just looking past the doubts? Or are doubts an indicator that you are settling? One cannot know love until they experience it, but one cannot experience love without having knowledge of it.

Mar 15, 202201:46:37
Cheugy > Gen Z

Cheugy > Gen Z

In today’s episode, the boys talk about earth’s power, Nappi’s wild LA adventure, and being Cheugy. Growing up, millennials were hyper critiqued by older generations. We were called entitled, lazy, and narcissistic. In reality, we were just empowered, efficient, and individualistic. Every older generation is going to look at younger ones as less than. They provided the foundation to the playground that the younger generations get to use. It’s a feeling of resentment and unappreciation. As teenagers you tell yourself that you would never say the words “back in my day.” But then you get old and you realize the greatness of the past. Unfortunately for Gen Z, they will never be able to say “back in my day” because it’s only up from here after their shitty asses.

Mar 08, 202202:06:33
The Big A

The Big A

In today’s episode, the boys talk about how culture influences sexual behavior, universal moral truths, the cum jar challenge, and anal. From ass eating to drug use, this shit is not for the light hearted. This may be the most open podcast the boys ever recorded. This is not the episode to listen to in front of your parents, unless your parents are on some freaky shit. We hope your assholes are clean because shit is coming out.

Mar 01, 202202:21:31
Sucking Boobs and Kissing Dudes

Sucking Boobs and Kissing Dudes

In today’s Meat, the boys talk about sexual orientation pressures, step parenting, hoe phase, and their initial masturbation stimuli. But first, Nappi reflects on old Donald Trump tweets. Then, Jay brings food to the show and setups a good ole fashion Muckbang. Shows like Euphoria are a slap in the face to the beautiful innocence of adolescences. High school wasn’t about sex, addiction, and fluidity, it was about was about video games, gushers, and boobs. The one thing Euphoria gets right is the extreme angst and self destructive tendencies of teenagers. It’s the only time in a human’s life where one is smart enough to know how to fuck shit up, but young enough to avoid the consequences. The freedom of deliberate reckless thoughtlessness. It is nirvana. In today’s episode, the boys talk about growing up as a teenage guy in the early 2000s. What would you do to see boobs? According to male puberty, the answer is: A LOT.

Feb 22, 202202:23:42
I Was In Miami Bitch

I Was In Miami Bitch

In today’s Meat, the boys talk about paying on the first date, the effects of being raised in a divorced family, and Nappi’s fly-in from Florida. But first, Nappi discusses the similarities of humans, click bate texters, tomato throwers, and a Valentine’s day test. Then, Jay details the miracle story of how the sperm travelled and found the egg. Love works in mysterious ways. When you want it too much, it never shows itself. When you don’t want it at all, it forces you into it. It is the most powerful force in this universe (So powerful it protected Harry from being killed by he who must not be named). One simply cannot choose to have an unbreakable connection with another. It is a gift that only cupid can provide. In today’s episode, the boys talk about Nappi’s deep connection with Miami and the importance of exposure. Cuddle all day, make love all night; let’s get romantic, I was in Miami Bitch!

Feb 15, 202202:48:50
The Roster

The Roster

In today’s Meat the boys talk about Jay’s recent Uber experiences, the dangers of isolation, and dating with a roster. But first, Nappi discusses Chris crossing apple sauce, feeling your feelings, and feeling like the odd one out. Then, Jay reflects on ufo sightings in history and claims aliens are already here. Being single is complicated. You are expected to go on dates with a variety of people but still hide the fact that you are dating variety of people. The best way to balance this is by creating a roster that is easily rotatable and has little overlap. In today’s episode, the boys talk about creating a roster from scratch and the difficulties that come with it. Having a full roster of stars is always great but to create a dream team you only need one superstar.

Feb 08, 202202:26:42


In today’s Meat, the boys talk about February's challenge,  girls being into asses, and receiving a bad kissing review. But first, being a needy person, unexperienced people bragging about sex, fucking virgins, and friends you hated at first. Then, Jay presents an ethical dilemma about sacrificing undeveloped babies. What makes someone a good kisser? Soft lips? Face positioning? Tounge ratio? Confidence? It could be all of these or none of them. What makes someone a good kisser is preference. Yet, on the other hand, there are definitive attributes of a bad kisser.  In today's episode, the boys talk about what it takes to be a bad kisser and discuss the subtleties of a great kiss. It's the way you love her; It's a feeling like this; It's centrifugal motion; It's perpetual bliss; It's that pivotal moment; It's, ah, susbliminal; This kiss This kiss.

Feb 01, 202202:30:46
Born Sexist

Born Sexist

In today’s Meat, the boys talk about women’s influence on society and men being inherently sexist. But first, hot showers, having Pokémon, horse guys, getting trouble as  a kid, and the history of sneaky links. Then, Jay details his epiphany concerning the negative impact of unlimited information. James Brown once said “this is a man’s world.” He followed that statement  with an extremely necessary "BUT". See James understood that although men invented cars, trains, boats, and electricity, women were the puppet masters behind it all. In today’s episode, the boys discuss whether men are inherently misogynistic and examine the power of women. If this is a man’s world, then women are the gods of it. 

Jan 25, 202201:59:09
Drag Kings

Drag Kings

In today’s Meat the boys talk about February challenge proposals, Jay stumbling into a drag bar, and Nappi working in night life. But first, Nappi discusses Plankton and Karen's relationship, adding acquaintances on social media, movie themes, and dad friend energy. Then, Jay details the different types of orgasms women experience. The most important goal of a drag queen is to make others believe that their inauthentic physical self is actually their authentic self.  We are all in drag. We morph our personalities based on the disposition of our audience. Without the ability to be a chameleon, we would flounder in a life of selfish solidarity. In today's episode, Jay talks about his experience at a drag bar and Nappi talks about artificial happiness in the nightlife scene. Are we fake? No. We are all just authentically inauthentic and that's okay

Jan 18, 202202:33:32
High Maintenance Males

High Maintenance Males

In today’s Meat, the boys talk about psychics, old horny people, horny v. logical hot, and high maintenance males. But first, Nappi discusses NFTs (Nice Fucking Titties), sex drive, pleasuring your partner, and shooting content with a pornstar. Then, Jay details the evolution, thought process, and aftermath of his instagram photo. Contrary to popular belief, being high maintenance is not sex specific. For some reason it’s an issue for a woman to demand a lot but it is normal and expected out of males. Why is asking a lot out of your partner a negative? Is it necessary for every healthy relationship to be made up of a both dominant and submissive person? In today’s episode, the boys expose themselves as being high maintenance partners and discuss the trial and tribulations of putting up with their shit. We are like big houses, there may be a lot of upkeep but at least you can brag about us to your friends. 

Jan 11, 202202:09:05
Straight Gay Guys

Straight Gay Guys

In today’s Meat, the boys talk about the first month of Team Nappi v. Team Jay, basing your worth on your relationship, and cup checks. But first, Nappi discusses squish mallows, the problem with dogs, taking a knee, and dating with  insecurities. Then, Jay warms the soul by getting nostalgic about nostalgia. Each human’s individual experience is individual. To label a person based on one characteristic is to disregard the beauty of each of our existences. In an attempt to end discriminatory categorization, our society has decided to categorizes us in a more detailed way. It doesn’t make sense. In today’s episode, the boys talk about non-sexual-orientation specific pleasures and kinks in the bedroom. If you are going to categorize me, then categorize me as human because that’s the only similarity I have with any of you. *Sorry to all the aliens for not being inclusive. You guys are individuals too. 

Jan 04, 202202:32:56
Stripper Show (Harley's Return)

Stripper Show (Harley's Return)

In today's Meat, the boys close out the year by bringing back their very first guest from episode 2, Ms. Harely. But first, Nappi discusses about sex breaks, the differences between a whore, slut, and hoe, sex on the first date,  cumming quickly, losing your AirPods, and twosomes. Then, Jay evaluates animal bodily fluids that humans eat. Harley has a one of a kind personality with a rack that costed multiple racks. As a high-end stripper, she uses her charm and sex appeal to manipulate men on an every day basis. She knows what she wants and she know how to get it. Harley is unapologetically confident, cheeky, and most importantly herself. In today's episode, the boys reflect on how far they came since episode 2 and catch up with Ms. Harley about her new man. Moral of this episode is that none of us have peaked and we are all still getting hotter. 

Dec 21, 202102:24:08
Fans Only

Fans Only

In today’s meat, the boys talk about the importance of speaking up, paying for onlyfans, and porn in relationships. But first, Nappi talks about why guys send dick pics, changing his image, Eskimo bros, and regular girls. Then, Jay details the origins of Hanukkah and Kwanza. Watching porn in a relationship is a double edge sword. On one hand, it allows a partner to spice up their sex life without committing adultery. On the other hand, the addictive aspects of pornography can lead a partner to crave fake sex versus the real thing. In today’s episode, the boys discuss how watching porn, in some circumstances, can be disrespectful to a relationship. Never be torn between choosing to watch porn and inseminating your unborn.

Dec 14, 202102:24:21
The Ex

The Ex

In today’s Meat, the boys sit down with Nappi’s ex, Olivia aka @ohoodiee. They take a trip down memory lane and detail the highs, the lows, and the toxicity of their relationship. But first, Nappi discusses deep convos in front of mirrors, attachment styles, love languages, and an update on his cold streak. Then, Jay tests the ex-couple with Arizona State University trivia. Dating someone in college is extremely challenging. There are so many external forces attempting to destroy the sanctity of a monogamous relationship. From fraternity brothers pushing you to be single to alcohol filled nights surrounded by good looking strangers. The ability to stay in a committed relationship is a rocky road in college but some seem still to manage. In today’s episode, the boys detail the on and off cyclical relationship of Nappi and Olivia throughout college. This is a story of two college sweethearts that grew, ached, changed, and loved together.

Dec 07, 202102:33:30
Last Night

Last Night

In today’s meat, the boys talk about Emily’s reaction to some locker room comments, Nappi's night out, and a sus but heartfelt voice note. But first, Nappi talks about guys hyping each other up, quiet girls in class and their potential, and a quote sent in from Nappi’s mom. Then Jay gives us all the facts on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, a 17-year old boy who fatally shot 2 men and wounded another acquitted on all charges. When you ask someone if another is attractive, you really are asking if the person is good looking. Yet, attraction is based on so much more than just looks. The hottest girl can be super unattractive if she talks like Gollum, smells like ketchup mixed with rotten fish eyeballs, and has a 2nd grade reading level. Haven’t you ever been with someone who you thought was unattractive at first, but their personality led you to want to fuck them? In today’s episode, the boys talk about how even though physical attraction is the first step to peak a guys interest, personality is the way to lock him down. Looks are the door and personality is the key. Every 10 can make it to the door but their shit out of luck if an 8 has the key.

Nov 30, 202102:27:53
Hot or Not?

Hot or Not?

In today’s meat, the boys sit down with Rob Nappi and talk about shower head speeds, canceling plans, and inconsistent attention. But first, Nappi discusses being noisy, asking people personal questions, and dropping out of college. Then, Jay details the evolutionary reason for boredom and encourages people to follow their passion. Momentum is a major indicator for happiness, success, and growth. It’s contagious and it makes people gravitate toward you. But when you have no momentum simple goals may seem impossible to reach and finding pleasure may seem like a fruitless endeavor. In today’s episode, the boys sit down with Rob to discuss his current flow state and the ups and downs of internet success. When it rains it pours but in a drought you starve.

Nov 23, 202102:30:47