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Miss Pink Chat

Miss Pink Chat

By Natasha Pink

Hey everyone! I’m Natasha Pink. I’m the host of the Miss Pink Chat podcast. It’s dedicated to my life experiences, thoughts,point of views and topics you all can relate to! It will include hot topics like Faith, Personal Experiences Music reviews/Book reviews, and more. A judge free positive zone!
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Be yourself

Miss Pink ChatMay 14, 2022

Aaliyah self titled album

Aaliyah self titled album

Aaliyah's third and final album is most likely her most diverse. Each song has a different story as well as a different sound. You can see that she really broadened her musical horizons on this album. Every track on the album I fell in love with, but the ones I really enjoyed were "We Need a Resolution", "Loose Rap", "Rock the Boat", "More Than a Woman", "I Care 4 U", "Extra Smooth", "U Got Nerve", "I Refuse", "Those Were the Days" and "What If".
Aug 28, 202207:60
Michael Jackson’s memoir, Moonwalk book review

Michael Jackson’s memoir, Moonwalk book review

Reading this book felt like Michael Jackson telling me the story of his life and how became who he was as an artist. This book really tells the story of his career in his own words and I was left wanting more when I was finished. I read it all in one sitting because I could not put it down. The focus of the book is on Michael's development as an artist and not his private life.
Aug 14, 202205:57
Important things to remember when you are in a serious relationship.

Important things to remember when you are in a serious relationship.

There is no such thing as a “perfect relationship”

There are ups and downs in every single one. What makes them “perfect” is the way you handle the downs and move on.
Jul 30, 202203:41
Not everyone is your friend

Not everyone is your friend

When people say not everyone is your friend, they mean that not everyone can be trusted, not everyone cares about you, and not everyone loves you.
Jul 09, 202202:15
Live in the moment

Live in the moment

Life pushes us to live in the moment and enjoy the present moment right now. Past is already spent and future is yet to come. Learn how to enjoy every minute of your life. The present is the only thing that is in control, so relax and enjoy it. Live in the moment! Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think about how precious time is. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. Live life to the fullest, because you never know if the future will be nice to you.
Jun 25, 202203:00
How to deal with rejection

How to deal with rejection

When dealing with rejection you got to look at it from a different perspective! No means NOT YET!
Jun 11, 202204:44
Reaching your highest potential

Reaching your highest potential

In order to reach your highest
potential, you have to give up caring what other people think.
May 28, 202202:20
Be yourself

Be yourself

Stop listening to the opinions of others because you think you need to change for them!
May 14, 202201:15
Inner beauty

Inner beauty

What is inner beauty? Something that's experienced through a person's character rather than by appearances.
Apr 30, 202206:46
Dealing with grief

Dealing with grief

Grief doesn't magically end at a certain point after a loved one's death. Reminders often bring back the pain of loss.
Apr 16, 202206:07
Judge not

Judge not

To judge is to come to a conclusion.
Nov 26, 202104:22


What is morality? Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
Oct 17, 202102:38
Remembering Prince

Remembering Prince

Remembering A Iconic Music Legend - Prince Rogers Nelson was an singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, dancer, actor, and filmmaker.
Apr 26, 202106:19
Peer pressure

Peer pressure

What is peer pressure?
Peer influence is when you choose to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. It isn’t just or always about doing something against your will.
Apr 26, 202102:01
Body Image

Body Image

Since negative body image is a prevalent problem for many women and can also be a component of many serious disorders, it is critical that women learn to change their body image towards a healthy and positive view.
Apr 06, 202102:12
Signs of a toxic friendship

Signs of a toxic friendship

Here’s a look at some things a toxic friend will do:
1.Put you down:When a friend regularly demeans you and makes you feel miserable, whether they use more outright insults, your friendship probably isn’t a healthy one.
2. Gossip:You told a friend something in confidence, and the next day, your entire social circle knows the details. Someone who consistently breaks your trust probably doesn’t care much about your feelings.
3. Apologize without sincerity;When you call them out on their behavior, they shrug off your distress or give a flippant, “Sorry.”These non-apologies suggest someone doesn’t really care how their actions affect you.
4. Make you feel nervous;Maybe they get extremely irritated and shout at you over tiny things, like forgetting to turn off the TV or not returning a jacket they lent you. Then, the next minute they act as if nothing happened.
5. Leave you unsettled;Spending time with a close friend should make you feel good, generally speaking. Maybe spending time with one particular friend leaves you uneasy or upset. If you notice this unsettled feeling, consider examining your friendship for other signs that things aren’t quite right.

6. Compare you to other people;Have a friend who likes to point out the ways you don’t measure up to their other friends? Maybe your apartment is smaller than X’s apartment so it’s not as fun to hang out with you. Or dressing more like Y would make you cooler.

7. Put themselves front and center — always; Ever had a fair-weather friend? They drop in when things are going well or when they need something, but when you’re struggling, you can’t reach them at all.

8. Try to change you;Someone who tries to change things about you may not be an ideal friend.

Once you end a toxic friendship, take some time to focus on yourself. You went through something painful and difficult, so it’s perfectly reasonable to need some time to heal. Ending a toxic friendship can be challenging, and it’s completely normal to need a little extra support at any part of the process.
Mar 21, 202103:32
What is low self esteem and how to overcome it?

What is low self esteem and how to overcome it?

What is low self esteem?Characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about yourself. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable and awkward.
Mar 07, 202105:22
Mental health

Mental health

What is mental health?
Mental Health:disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior.
Mar 01, 202102:57