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Realist Kid

Realist Kid

By Nathan Jeffcoat

Everyday common sense that needs to be spoken out of one person's point of view.
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Take it easy.

Realist KidOct 25, 2020

New World Disorder!!!!

New World Disorder!!!!

Due to the war at Ukraine, the entire world faces a new challenge that is putting the world at edge. Worldwide famine and high prices have rocked all countries from gas to homes to food prices as well. Not only the United States is dealing with this crisis at home, but other countries as well. Leadership in other countries have faced an all time low due to a vast number of resignations and angry citizens demanding change.
Jul 16, 202239:06
And the Oscar for "Biggest Problem" On Stage Goes To?

And the Oscar for "Biggest Problem" On Stage Goes To?

Last night at the Oscar's, Will Smith have made a name for himself. Not only he won his first ever Oscar for "King Richard", but tarnished his reputation at the same time. Will slapped Chris Rock in the face on stage and on national television. Chris Rock made a G.I. Jane joke about Jada Pinkett Smith which caused Will to assault Chris on stage out of anger claiming he's "defending Jada's honor". Other celebrities tried to calm Will down and sway the audience to no encourage violence and enjoy their night. (P.S. I used the Voice Changer App to change my voice for the first time. I set it as a Robot voice and changed it's tone. Also, I apologize for the beeping sound that was my smoke detector the whole time.)
Mar 28, 202226:35
A Colder War (Putin's World War 3)
Mar 07, 202233:02
Hypocrisy of our Health and Resources.

Hypocrisy of our Health and Resources.

Both media and politics failed to control the Covid-19 issue not just the United States but worldwide as well. Vaccinated people are still not safe from the Delta variant than the unvaccinated. Political turmoil have risen to a major degree where this issue is bound to continue and take so many lives in the process. The media keep distorting the facts just to promote their ratings by spreading false information whatsoever. Both politicians and media are paid to fear monger and harm the public by any way, shape, or form.
Jul 31, 202114:49
Political Betrayal

Political Betrayal

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are two of most despicable Democratic senators in the history. They kept believing that a filibuster would solve most of their congressional problems. In reality, Republicans are hell-bent on destroying democracy by their own tactics of conservative measures. From voting restrictions, transgender bans, abortion bans, even enabling free gun policies, Republicans are never pro-life for their constituents. Just capitalizing America in it's most disastrous ways possible.
Jun 06, 202114:56
Our Emotional Battles

Our Emotional Battles

In life, we deal with people who'll often stress us out whether job related or anything else. Then we often realize that these circumstances are not always expected based based on the outcome, but by one's struggle in life. We have to understand that we're only human and we often face these challenges within ourselves and the choices we make.
Jun 03, 202120:06
Cyberpunk Nightlife

Cyberpunk Nightlife

This is another piece of music I've created courtesy of the Beat Layers app. It is titled as "Cyberpunk Nightlife".
May 19, 202103:38
Lost Future (My Own Beat Music)

Lost Future (My Own Beat Music)

I've started to download this app called Beat Layers and I find it really interesting and fun. I conducted a few of the beats and sequencing along with the number of experiments and this is my first beat music I have created.
May 18, 202102:54
F for Failed Politics

F for Failed Politics

Political leaders have failed this country through and through by doing alot of outlandish and idiotic things. By creating oppressive bills or chasing down members of their Congress for no apparent reason. America is at the brink of its self destruction by engaging in a major political civil war, antitrust, dysfunctional dystopia that it truly represents even under the Biden administration.
May 17, 202126:48
The Company of Death

The Company of Death

From Thursday night, multiple news reports have surfaced about a tragic shooting in Indianapolis at a FedEx Ground facility. A 19 year old former employee named Brandon Scott Hole shot and killed 8 people at the FedEx Ground facility and immediately committed suicide in the process. His motives were unknown and under investigation. This incident have shook the core of our reality and just got us thinking about our safety and the safety of others all around the country in the wake of gun violence.
Apr 17, 202113:11
Political Turmoil/The Hate We Deliver

Political Turmoil/The Hate We Deliver

Politicians have been conducting stimulus packages for people for quite a while. Now, people are being too reliant on the government to deliver more "free money" without realizing that these benefits are not always promising. In reality people are more likely reliant on norms of society be wanting their jobs back, children going back to school, vaccines rolling out, and recovering our economy. The more we wait on political "say so" tactics, the more frustrating things can get when the country can not go back to normal any time soon. Political leaders must use common sense methods to actually help the people and the country rather than using PR (public relations) tactics to deceive people. Also, political leaders (House and Senate) must face accountability for such actions enabling Hate within our country and allowing their constituents to be targets of a vast number of Hate Crimes for personal and political purposes. Such methods must be place under investigation for treason and incitement of Hate. Everyday people must stop the Hate as well and should understand the diversity of America today.
Mar 22, 202128:43
To Be or Not To Be a Loser.

To Be or Not To Be a Loser.

People often have a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness from time to time. It's time to get out of that funk and move on. Too many toxic people can destroy one's life with all of this negative talk and emotions taking over. Walking your own path and being yourself is the best way to deal with life.
Mar 21, 202106:34
Realist Kid March 7, 2021

Realist Kid March 7, 2021

Segment 1 Stimulus package passed by Senate. Segment 2 Gen Z vs. Eminem.
Mar 07, 202131:59
A Worse Disease than Covid-19.

A Worse Disease than Covid-19.

For a long time, there have been diseases that harmed and destroyed humanity and it's spreading like a brushfire. This disease is more likely a social disease that spreads though politics, city officials, schools, public places, and most of all our homes. The dangers of this disease is influential and rooted by a vast number of cause to a majority of people who are only affected by their differences rather than most people all around the world.
Mar 01, 202132:35
The New Republican Party (White Privilege Party)

The New Republican Party (White Privilege Party)

A month after the January 6th insurrection, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer initiated articles of impeachment. When the impeachment trial started, Democratic Prosecutors presented video evidence of how Donald J. Trump incited violent on the Capitol and violated the 1st Amendment right of free speech. The Republican Defense Team displayed inappropriate statements just to swoon the Senate Jurors (Republicans) it ignore the evidence and acquit Trump. The required number of votes to convict Donald J. Trump is 67. The moment Day 5 (the final day of his trial) took place, the final vote of Democrats (with 7 Republicans) 57 to Republicans 43. Donald J. Trump is now acquitted for the second time in American history and showed how the 43 Republicans chose corruption rather than democracy.
Feb 15, 202114:59
Long Distance Rollercoaster

Long Distance Rollercoaster

For a number of times, long distance relationships have their ups and downs, good and bad endings, and constant pressure on spacing two people for a long period of time. They often have many problems along the way like spammer/scammers, false intimacies, and loss of any properties. For a number of times we have to be aware that long distance relationships can be one of the most trickiest relationships in the world especially the 21st century.
Jan 25, 202119:03
The Struggling New Era

The Struggling New Era

Ever since Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States and Kamala Harris the VP first lady (Black/South Asian/Indian), things have become a major struggle for the first week in office. From impeachment trials on the rise to cases growing on a disastrous scale. From the growing number of vaccine shortages to the rise in deaths. America is at its worse winter yet. Trump supporters are now facing the music and seek forgiveness from the insurrection that was caused about two weeks ago. This is a new chapter for America to endure in the "Biden Era".
Jan 24, 202130:55
Civil War 2: The Rise of Hatred & Death to our Reality/Joe Biden's Stimulus Package Plan

Civil War 2: The Rise of Hatred & Death to our Reality/Joe Biden's Stimulus Package Plan

Our country is at the brink of a secondary Civil War and White Supremacist are attacking both the next president of the United States and our Democracy. Congress just pass the articles of impeachment for the second time. In Recent news, a Freshman Rep. Congresswoman named Marjorie Taylor Green vowed to use the articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for abuse of power and international ties against America. Joe Biden just revealed his $1.9T Stimulus Package which included rental assistance, Covid-19 vaccine distribution, $2000 stimulus checks (for those in need), etc.
Jan 15, 202132:33
Democracy at War!

Democracy at War!

I am laying out my opinion about what transpired on 01/06/2021 regarding the Capitol being attacked by Pro-Trump supporters. Donald Trump stoked violence, conspiracy theories, fascism, lies, and destruction upon our country for years. Now, just two weeks away from a transition of power and office to President-elect Joe Biden, Donald Trump influenced rioters to storm the Capitol, vandalizing political properties, elevating fear and violence toward police officers, and threatened to attack political officials. Thanks to that attempt, four people were shot and killed by officers, government files stolen, bombs were planted (they were found DNC and RNC chambers), a few officers were fired, and Congress remained concerned and upset. Nancy Pelosi gave a speech 01/07/2021 informing Mike Pence to invoke the 25th amendment to impeach Donald Trump or Congress will take that action themselves.
Jan 08, 202151:01
How the GOP stole Christmas?

How the GOP stole Christmas?

Americans have been struggling for months after the CARES Act was established by Congress. Months later, Congress kept voting for more bills that would help or hurt the people and the economy. Now on Monday Dec 21,2020 congress unveiled their "saving grace" method to avoid a government shutdown, rebuild the economy, grow more vaccine production, and satisfy the American people with stimulus checks. On Tuesday, it was voted by the House and Senate to be place into law until Donald Trump refused to sign the stimulus/government funding bill. He gave an alternative to increase the stimulus from $600-$2000. Democrats agreed to Trump's demand, but Republicans grew furious toward Trump and refused to make that deal. Now, the demand is blocked by the GOP and our country is facing a very grim Christmas without any aid and will face growing evictions, famine, unemployment rates, and Covid-19 cases and fatalities. In other words "Sad Christmas".
Dec 25, 202026:26
Conservative Consequences

Conservative Consequences

Conservatives have really pushed the envelope by pressuring the Supreme Court to overturn the election (Joe Biden's victory to Donald Trump). Attorney General Ken Paxton along with 115 GOP House Republicans tried and ultimately failed to overturn the election by four key battleground states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia. Republicans have tried and tried to destroy our democracy and plunge our country into deep chaos and corruption.
Dec 12, 202024:27
That's the Virgo Way!

That's the Virgo Way!

Virgos have been treated unfairly for a long period of time. Day in and day out, w have been ostracized by a variety of things. Our dedication, loyalty, pride, even our creativity always remain to be questioned. In today's society, they often view as a threat due to being who we are and what we stand for. For example, people often stare at us in an angry or threatening way like the expect us to fight or flee from them. As virgos, we tend to be prideful, strong, determined, and supporting no matter the cost. People have to stop viewing us as the comedy props of life and start viewing us as everyday human beings.
Dec 05, 202020:42
Happy Thanksgiving/Work-related Reality

Happy Thanksgiving/Work-related Reality

The economy always have a certain way of influencing people by any way, shape, or form. Some jobs treat people like people based on a number of circumstances and avoiding violating work right constitution. Big businesses did the exact opposite just to create their own incentive for themselves rather than caring for the people. Corporations claimed they can relate to people by using a number of mental tactics to manipulate and abuse workers and showed no sympathy whatsoever. They denied the reality that orbits around their so-called empire and ignore the rights of the people especially safety, health, and wellbeing. Their pro-slavery methods toward people proved how densely and utterly sad their leadership reflects upon the actual reality and why people stray away from them so much.
Nov 26, 202017:42
Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

While Trump us constantly throwing a temper tantrum for his election loss, chaos keeps erupting. Recently, he tried to wage war against Iran due to nuclear trade policies went south because of Trump's disbanding ties will our allied countries. Luckily, his administration put a stop to his diabolical behavior before more genocidal attacks occur. Also, political and societal issues grew more tensions and people suffered extreme losses from money, jobs, food, homes, even loved ones all around. Joe Biden's somewhat calm nature is really provoking rather than creating unity and decency. He refuses to bring his legal team to take action against Trump's tyrannical powers toward the country and the American people. Political leaders have shown more division, sadness, and disappointment toward our reality than ever before. Their main intent is to create more publicity and stage their concerns rather than connecting with the people and the world itself.
Nov 18, 202022:45
Chivalry is dread

Chivalry is dread

People often use social media as a way of getting together online in the most safe way as possible. In most cases, dealing with dating media can be problematic. People often get victimized by scammers by any way, shape, or form due to their tactics. Even can get hurt meeting the wrong person by giving out too much love to that person without thinking twice. There's a thin line between love and hate, but there's also a thin line between men and women viewing reality differently no matter who they are.
Nov 14, 202014:10
Purged Reality

Purged Reality

The 2020 elections created a dramatic and yet controversial effect on our country and the world as well. On recent days, Joe Biden not only won the presidency but the popular vote as well (Biden 306 and Trump 232). Donald Trump's false victory speech and outcry of voter fraud incited courts to dismiss his claim (about 6-10 claims). This political hysteria fuelled his supporters to also deny the reality of Biden's fair victory. World leaders congratulated Joe Biden on is victory and hoping to fix their international and political relationship to strengthen our democracy. Trump and his supporters will not stop making false claims until the votes are reverse and the ballots are recounted. Even if it means firing four more top aides and gaing more yes men to gain the momentum.
Nov 14, 202027:22
Countdown to Election Endgame 2020 (domestic and international)

Countdown to Election Endgame 2020 (domestic and international)

In just 2 days, America will be witnessing a day like no other and that's Election Day. The outcomes of both Trump and Biden are perfectly clear warnings as to how we should deal with the country once the situation is over. As well for the rest of the world. Foreign reporters (who are U.S. citizens) interviewed both sides of protesters (pro and anti-trump) and conducted their brief analysis on how the events of America can also influence the countries they came from as well. For example, the fascism in the United States is quite the same as the incident in Nigeria based on police brutality and protests.
Nov 02, 202024:43
K.A.R.M.A (Karma Always Remain More Aggressive)

K.A.R.M.A (Karma Always Remain More Aggressive)

Karma always played a vital role in determining the outcome of so many consequences on so many people. People can be influenced by the most dumbest things possible without the consequences. Life cannot be taken lightly and people need to acknowledge this ordeal with themselves and the next generation who are also caught in this problem from the very beginning.
Oct 31, 202029:02
Take it easy.

Take it easy.

In life we strive to get where we're at and the sacrifices we make from time to time. It's best for us to really understand that we're also human and we need to keep ourselves at ease from too much tension and stress that 2020 have given us. We need to focus on how we should take care of ourselves and get rid of the problems that are over shadowing our minds and hearts.
Oct 25, 202018:44
Nothing but trouble.

Nothing but trouble.

In three weeks, the presidential election is coming up and voters are now being even more cautious thanks to political tampering on voter ballots. California was the first example to feel the wrath of Republicans creating voter fraud by implanting false ballots all over California. Other states have been affected by similar to disrupt voting to keep Donald "Jackass" Trump reelected. In 2020, Trump's tyrannical campaign and presidency caused massive negative outcomes that nearly destroyed the fabric of our country and our democracy. His promotional speeches only influenced his right-wing KKK groups to enact these terrorist attacks. Recently, they tried to over throw the Capitol by kidnapping Gretchen Witmer and attack law enforcement by force. Their motives failed by the help from the FBI investigation and tactics that arrested these extremist group from causing anarchy. It's time for America to end this disgraceful act toward our American citizens and take back our reality in the right direction.
Oct 14, 202029:02
Despicable We!

Despicable We!

It's no surprise that Donald Trump have not only created a mockery at the debate this past Tuesday (9/29/2020), but to test positive from the coronavirus (late Thursday to early Friday). This situation should've taught Trump a lesson about mocking the mask mandate along with safety precautions of social distancing and using video campaigns rather than physical ones. Still he, the Senate, even his supporters showed extreme disregard to the policy and to the guidelines (nationwide) by not wearing mask, social distancing, or use any precautions to keep themselves and others safe. Thanks to their deep disregard, over 200, 000 lives were lost due to Trump's leadership and racial injustice is still on the rise without any way to calm to this storm. We must embrace for any circumstances if it hit our homes, jobs, schools, even our loved ones.
Oct 05, 202028:46
American Dictatorship

American Dictatorship

For the past number of days, Jackass Trump showed how much incompetent he is by disregarding voting policies, nominating a new supreme court justice, and worse among the worse would be his recent remark about refusing to transfer his political power peacefully. Trump supporters took to the streets armed with their weapons and intimidated voters in many states like Virginia for example. His disgusting remark not only caused anger and panic, but raised a very large amount of red flags on tv, congress, even the military as well. Trump and his Senate clowns have violated constitutional rights for a long period of time and they claimed to be rulers rather than equals to the people. It's time for the lives of the people to vote for change and end this Trump-era once and for all. We need to take back America and repair our lives even our reality itself.
Sep 26, 202024:48
Wake Up America!

Wake Up America!

From Friday, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have passed away from pancreatic cancer. Her incredible resiliency, courage, drive, and determination have changed the American dream. She managed from being top of her class at Cornell University to becoming a professor at Rutgers and Columbia Law School. Then the years passed and President Bill Clinton appointed her as Supreme Court Judge. Her role as judge not only protected the rights of so many Americans, she protected the rights for women all around the country. May her soul rest in peace. Live free RBG! Mitch McConnell had the audacity to call for another Supreme Court Judge on the night of her death and tarnished the reputation of RBG and our right to vote for election day. Both Democrats and Republicans are at war to either prevent or interfere with the nomination. McConnell's remark was a total slap in our face and proved once and for all that he just blew off America. We need to take back our democracy and vote to end this nightmare in order to have America back.
Sep 20, 202022:16
Our everyday grief.

Our everyday grief.

A grieving cloud of sadness and turmoil hung over the heads of many of our people who lost their loved ones in the line of duty as soldiers. From Saturday, the Atlantic newspaper just published an article courtesy of Jackass Trump's remarks calling our fallen soldiers "losers" and "suckers". Not only this hurt us, but it deeply and truly angered us as a nation due to Trump's blatant disregard and absence toward the funeral held at France showed how much he disgraceful he is. Most of all that hurt our veterans even more because they fought those battles and came home wounded and honorable. His talks created controversy toward the American people about Black Lives Matter (BLM) created another backlash by assuming protesters are rioting and not keeping the peace. Only 93% of these protests are peaceful. Even telling people to vote twice is definitely illegal in America. He loves to discourage people to be civil, but to encourage people to be criminals and broken people. This destructive cycle will have to end this November.
Sep 07, 202022:58
RNC (Republican Nationwide Catastrophe)/The passing of Chadwick Boseman

RNC (Republican Nationwide Catastrophe)/The passing of Chadwick Boseman

Last week, the RNC took place at the white house (which was clearly illegal and highly unethical to do). From Mon thru Thurs, each speaker had the opportunity to try a persuade to vote on November 3rd and create the biggest amount of lies that blinded our country even more. Even worse, was the Kenosha, Wisconsin incident where Jacob Blake (Unarmed Black Man) was shot in the back 7 times by police officers. At the same time, protests of Jacob's incident were sparked and what it worse has truly ant utterly proved that police officers and the Republicans showed their "white privilege" methods to the African American community. Republicans gave their condolences and sympathy for one of the slained officers that died during the protest. While the protest took place in Wisconsin, a teenager shot and killed two BLM protesters with an assault rifle. Police officers backed off and didn't arrest the teen until after the incident. It's a very sad time when Republicans condone violence to keep their political base by spreading massive falsehoods and accusations of Joe Biden creating this event. This was Trump's plan! Never Biden's plan! Friday Aug 28, 2020 we have lost one of our great icons that lifted our spirits and gave us the strength of unity as a Black Nation. Chadwick Boseman have passed away at the age of 43 due to Colon Cancer. His life and his accomplishments will live on in our hearts along with the memories he shared with us. He was the first ever African American that gave us the true meaning of living life to the fullest no matter the struggle in life. As a King/Superhero in "Black Panther", he showed us that not only being black mattered but being diverse and cultural mattered as well. We will surely miss him and wish him happiness in eternal glory with God. Rest In Peace. Wakanda Forever!
Aug 31, 202031:49
Summer Bummer

Summer Bummer

The Summer of 2020 have created tragic, confusing, and agitating times. Jackass Trump keep doing the same old schemes of lying and slaying constitutional rights people all over again. He still takes his frustration out on mail-in voting and the USPS by delaying (more likely destroying) voting along with his administration and post master general. His role of dictatorship have swept the nation like a brushfire from hell. He's not wasting time showing any sympathy or honor among our country and the constitution. Congress (both parties) have created terrible outcomes as well by creating and negotiating with their stimulus packages. Neither side wants to make a deal to prevent American citizens from suffering greater consequences such as job loss, lack of food, evictions, etc. It's time for America to take charge and put Trump and Congress in their place because we need to take back our normal everyday lives as citizens rather than pawns. We need to speak out and let politicians and other know that enough is enough. United we stand, divided they fall.
Aug 15, 202032:47
Our Reflection

Our Reflection

America have witnessed the true destruction that lies before our very eyes. Our "what ifs" have turned into "what happened" because of the dictatorship of Jackass Trump. Ever since 2016, he led a pathway of segregation, minor destruction, and too many scandals. Now, the country is facing isolation, hatred (inward and outward U.S. soil), division, and mass destruction that led to about 160,000 dead Americans and counting. Republicans and their voter have decided to see the true error of their ways and decided to voice out their views of Trump's political tyranny. He has shown that he's no better than the criminals behind bars and much worse than any demon in any horror movie. Donald Trump have truly and utterly committed the most sinful and disgraceful attack on the United States by raping our country to the core. America need to wake up and vote against this monster before his second term will become the last time we as Americans will cease to exist.
Aug 03, 202033:28
A Crippling Era!

A Crippling Era!

Thanks to the dictatorship of Jackass Trump, Congress, and a vast majority of idiotic American citizens all over the country, we're at the brink of a severely "beyond repair" status. The second territory that clearly banned American citizens from entering into the country is the Bahamas. Our once great vacation spot is now closing its doors against the the U.S. and developed their list of other countries that are exempt like Canada, the European Union, and others. America is not just a "global hazard", but a self-inflicting one as well. Our country is now dealing with both a civil and a world war at the same time. Thanks to the constant stupidity of our American people, we will never have these opportunities ever again like going to our vacation spots, visiting relatives overseas, even learning new things around the world. Our country have gotten more divide than ever before today. It's time to wake up and stop this petty squabble so that we can bring back America rather than shedding blood and have the next generation be caught destructive means of order and crossfire.
Jul 20, 202020:31
Depressed Sight

Depressed Sight

This episode is based on how we deal with a time like the coronavirus. It have created a tremendous amount of negative energy to the public and created so many events that not only shifted the sanity of the public but the outcome and reality that's altered. For many people who are suffering depression, the world have made thing very unfair for us to manage through life as normal as possible. Day in and day out, we have been feeling completely hopeless in times like this or any event that creates these sad and depressing feelings in many of us. It's really tiresome to be absorbed into their twisted reality and never understand what we been through thanks to this hellish world today. It's time to seek hope and gain back our sanity as human beings and gain our strength to move on so that we don't have to feel hopeless anymore. It's time to put our foot down and say no more to their poison and take our leave from their sick twisted world of hell and go back to our realities where our lives matter rather than their complete destruction.
Jul 13, 202020:02
A Call for Independence

A Call for Independence

America may be struggling with the Covid-19 since that's our new challenge, but we can't give up hope. This virus have got is wrapped around its finger and crushing our sanity and freedom. We have to show that in tough times like this, we have to show that we still have our fighting spirit and we refuse to give up. Jackass Trump's leadership placed our country in a perilous position to suffer in the hands of hate, destruction, despair, even poverty. This dictator needs to step down and let us (Americans) have our country, independence, liberty, and freedom back once and for all. We need to take back America and regain our reputation and justice for our country and our people.
Jul 05, 202007:09
The World's Biggest Laughingstock

The World's Biggest Laughingstock

Thanks to the efforts of Jackass Trump a d his Republican party, American citizens are in greater danger with Covid-19 than ever before. With over 2 million cases and over 130,000 deaths, our country is lagging behind on recovery and control of spreading this dangerous disease. The European government will no longer take chances into welcoming Americans into their countries even if it means worldwide if they decide to change their view on Covid-19 control and containment. Our soldiers are also in danger due to Trump's complete disregard for the lives by letting Russian forces kill our troops over a bounty on their heads. These acts of injustice, endangerment of American citizens/soldiers, inequality for all citizens, and supporting misconduct from another country (Russia) is treasonous and very impeachable. He needs to be taken out of office or else the damages will be far more greater than any presidency known demand.
Jul 03, 202020:46
The Perilous Reality

The Perilous Reality

Our reality in America have created such drastic and devastating effects on the world today. Right now, Americans are banned from entering Europe (either by retaliation or health issue). Thanks to Jackass Trump's dictatorship, not only the country is stoked by fear, but by his influence of creating "culture wars". Our country is greatly distracted by the racism and the Covid-19 and Congress is not giving any silver lining to the situation. Other countries around the world are hereby using extreme measures to control and prevent the spread of Covid-19 even if it means banning the USA or closing its borders for the time being. We need to correct our morals and work together to prove that we can take control of Covid-19 and end this "culture war" once and for all.
Jul 02, 202018:56
The American Way of Life.

The American Way of Life.

Our American society was suppose to grant equality for all of it's citizens (Blacks, Whites, Asians, Puerto Ricans, etc). It suppose to grant equality for justice, morals, and laws for all Americans. Now, nothing is properly granted for everybody because the way of life (white perspective) suppose to be about treating other races, ethnicities, gender, religions, or any other quality like dirt. Ever since Jackass Trump took over office, our country have suffered a great deal of inequality, division, and instability for all Americans due to his white presidential privilege. Now we have Karen's (angry white women) and Kevin's (angry white men), harassing, assaulting, threatening, and in many occasions murdering people of color or any other minority. Since the the black lives matter movement took effect, we're fighting back to put an end to this scarring of hatred and great division. Our way of life need to be full of peace and equality. Not war and destruction upon our world.
Jun 27, 202026:18
The Great Change

The Great Change

Ever since the the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took effect, our country even the world made a difference. Our country have united all people together in solidarity and took down any or all means that is symbolic toward racial injustice. One person don't agree with the struggle or point of view of being black (African American). That person's name is Candace Owens. Her views on George Floyd's death along with the mistreatment of the Black community created major concerns that need to be debated. Her conservative stature strongholds the Republicans more than Democrats and Blacks and assumes that police brutality is a "myth". There's no myth about Blacks being mistreated by corrupt authorities and slaughtered for the amusement of White people.
Jun 09, 202022:57
If Anything Matters

If Anything Matters

Everybody always claimed that "something matters", but can it serve a purpose in life? If things do matter in life, there's no need for the use of violence on both sides and looting. If black lives matter, black on black crimes would not exist. If any life matters, there's no need for discrimination against other people based on their differences. People need to understand that if things do matter in this world today, violence, discrimination, even the hatred against others would cease and people need to start learning to make peace not war against their fellow man no matter his/her difference.
Jun 04, 202019:56
George Floyd Massacre

George Floyd Massacre

From Monday night (05/25/20), a man named George Floyd was detained and murdered by police officers in cold blood. This event occurred in Minneapolis, Minnesota and caught on video (via smartphone) by witnesses in the black community. Derrick Chauvin was the officer identified that killed Floyd out in public by placing his knee on Floyd's neck and killing his oxygen. Chauvin's partner was also at the scene preventing witnesses from interfering and letting his partner kill Floyd as well (two other officers joined the scene a few moments later). This outcome have created a major outcry for justice against police officers. A day later, Chauvin and three other officers were terminated with pay and the city of Minneapolis began to protest to stop the violence against African Americans. Later, the protesters became rash and violent toward authorities by the use of destructive force (burning down police station, looting, assaulting police officers, etc). From state to state, the violence continued and called for immediate action (military force) to stop and control the situation. We as African Americans need to take charge on our protests by using constructive measures. Not senseless violence and mayhem. It's time to speak out and vote so that this dictatorship will be forgotten and our communities will be whole again. Please take your life and the lives of others seriously.
May 30, 202029:21
Memorial day and Black-bashing 1&2.

Memorial day and Black-bashing 1&2.

Happy memorial day to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for the sake of our country and freedom for our American citizens. Even our front-line workers big and small who are still thriving to bring our country back one step at a time. The segment is based on how Blacks are wrongfully treated like novelties and martyrs rather than being considered as human beings. Politicians, police officers, even everyday citizens are still treating Blacks terribly and our justice need to be heard and need to be set in stone that Blacks will no longer be treated badly. We are athletes, inventors, inspectors, and most of all we are human beings.
May 26, 202020:49
Mass idiocracy!

Mass idiocracy!

America will atone for the biggest sin by praising and worshipping a false prophet. That prophet's name is Donald "Jackass" Trump. He has deliberately abusing his power over and over again even denying any type of accountability he was suppose to face as a leader. His poisonous rhetorics and total manipulation created this great divide between our friends and our love ones. State after state is suffering not just from Covid-19, but his lack of knowledge and incompetence. Justice needs to be served to restore our country and her name.
May 24, 202021:47
Happy Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid Mubarak!

It's the time of year when Muslim men, women, and children celebrate the day of prayer. To celebrate our futures for peace, love, heath, success and most of all the almighty Allah. May he forgive our sins and grant us our future prayers.
May 23, 202000:53
Destructive Society

Destructive Society

Our country is in greater peril because of Trump's lack of leadership, his foot-soldiers following him, and the ongoing destruction that laid waste to America. The "new normal" have created devastating effects in our everyday life by having people enforcing facial protection, increase racism, and decrease morality of our regular normal society. Our country needs justice to avenge our way of life as Americans rather than being martyrs and laughing stock to other countries.
May 20, 202024:16