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NEM Teaching

NEM Teaching

By Niue Evangelical Ministries

Biblical teaching for this generation...!!

("NEM presents topics and messages put together and presented by our guests both within our group and with invited speakers. Viewpoints and opinions presented in these messages are attributed to the speakers themselves and not necessarily endorsed by NEM")
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NEM Teaching: Be Rapture Ready

NEM TeachingMay 03, 2020

NEM Teaching: Race, Culture and My Christian Identity

NEM Teaching: Race, Culture and My Christian Identity

Sunday 15 November 2020 - Often when there is racial or cultural differences amongst ourselves, we neglect to base our sense of authority on that of the Holy scriptures, and we impose on others what is far from God's design. When we examine our own principles, our race and traditions can  take precedent over God's elements to seek reconciliation as a God given mission. We understand that you don't have to give up your cultural and racial background in order to reach people for Christ, so why is culture and race so important when it comes to going out on this mission...Lyron Lino provided a stimulating outlook from John 4, where the woman near the well encountered the emblem of a living culture and identity for all humanity...

Nov 15, 202023:49
NEM Teaching: Praying in the Spirit

NEM Teaching: Praying in the Spirit

Sunday 8 November 2020 - A very simple and effective teaching from Misi Nicholas on how your prayer life can be one of the most rewarding spiritual acts of worship to the living God. You can do with the help of a special gift 'Speaking In Tongues' or simply allow the Holy Spirit to utter words that you cannot speak in our limitation as human beings.

Nov 15, 202020:50
NEM Teaching: A Brief History of Christianity and Last Days Apostasy

NEM Teaching: A Brief History of Christianity and Last Days Apostasy

Sunday 1 November  2020 - Sometimes the best way to learn the lessons from the past is to look at history and try to understand what took place and how we get to where we are today. Falcon Halo gave us a brief history of christianity and warn of how evil can infiltrate the church in the last days...

Nov 14, 202025:12
NEM Teaching: End Time Events Coming Soon Upon Planet Earth

NEM Teaching: End Time Events Coming Soon Upon Planet Earth

25 October 2020 - The world is not going to be the same again...? Why...? Is it because of the Coronavirus....or the US elections.... or the conflict and peace settlements currently taking place in the middle east.... it is probably fair to say 'all of the above'. But that doesn't give us a reason for why things happen the way they do now. We believe the that answer lies in the fulfillment and soon-to-be fulfilled prophecies of God's word in His Bible. Falcon Halo says (in this episode) that there are events taking place now that should clearly point us to God's plan for the return of His Son, Jesus Christ..... here’s more;
Oct 27, 202026:56
NEM Teaching: The Influence and Power of Music

NEM Teaching: The Influence and Power of Music

18 October 2020 - Music has long been regarded as sound of praise and thanksgiving one could ever offer God. If that's true with christianity, how îmuch of an influence does the devil has with music in absence of God's love. Lyron Lino took time to remind our youth service this week that we must be vigilant when we next go through a change of playlist.

Oct 20, 202024:01
NEM Teaching: Hearing The Voice of God

NEM Teaching: Hearing The Voice of God

11 October 2020 - The ability to hear God's voice is relative to our stillness before God and a good relationship. Misi Nicholas talks of the sheep recognising the voice of the good shepherd and follow Him. It is a reminder that the environment we live is saturated with with news and information that is no longer truthful but influential whilst we make our everyday decision. 

Oct 20, 202013:01
NEM Teaching: Blessings of a Longer Route

NEM Teaching: Blessings of a Longer Route

4 October2020 - If it takes 11 days to walk from the boarder of Egypt to the boarder of Israel, why have the children of Israel not arrived after 40 years...? Dr Robert Siakimotu takes us back to God's children and a moment in the wilderness....a 40-year moment. We all know that feeling when we start to ask "how long....?" Yet, the defeat of our lives is an opportunity for God to say 'My strength is sufficient for you'. Learning to trust God is a rewarding experience that goes beyond our days, even if it takes longer.  Here's why....

Oct 16, 202031:36
NEM Teaching: We are more than conquerors.

NEM Teaching: We are more than conquerors.

27 September 2020 - When life becomes difficult and we begin to feel the weight on our shoulders, the Bible tells is that there is a lot more after we become conquerors for God. Ps Tale Hakeagaiki, reminds us in Paul's message to the Romans that God's love will see us through as we learn to press on in the midst of chaos and overwhelming events happening around us. 

Oct 16, 202027:30
NEM Teaching: Let God Make It Enough

NEM Teaching: Let God Make It Enough

20 September 2020 - When you feel that you have given it all and there's nothing more to give, let God take over. He can and He will use the least of all that you have to make it enough. If you don't feel like you don't have enough in the tank anymore, God can make it enough.....! Lyron Lino gave us a heartfelt account after reading through the gospel of John, chapter 6, that the God we serve can and does give us more than enough.

Oct 16, 202019:44
NEM Teaching: The Fatherhood of God

NEM Teaching: The Fatherhood of God

6 September 2020 - No one can deny the importance of the role of being a 'father' in God's institution of the family. Even more so in this modern day  when sexuality and gender issues dominate the media space and offer a counselling for the family with no basis of truth or moral setting. Is it a wonder why is it so hard to be a father these days...? Patrick Lino helps us to understand biblical teaching that portrays the father playing a crucial three-fold ministry as God's representative to his household, and noted a mamoth responsibility upon the fathers over his family. Where are you today with God's appointment as being a 'father'.

Oct 15, 202023:20
NEM Teaching: Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

NEM Teaching: Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

13 September 2020 - David knew that when the enemy took everything in his possession, even his own people will come against him in fear and anger. In this episode, Misi Nicholas reminds us of a sense of belonging that David had which allowed him to seek after God and totally depend on Him for his rescue and to bring back his valued possessions. We need the love of our Lord that we may receive physical and spiritual strength to carry on each day in our lives. 

Oct 15, 202014:27
NEM Teaching: Simply to save.

NEM Teaching: Simply to save.

Sunday 30 August 2020 - Dr Robert Siakimotu doesn't mince his words around when it comes to a person's salvation. He also doesn't try to confuse his audience with complicated theology - his message is simple.... JESUS, is your only hope for salvation. Our Deliverer is able to save....!!

Sep 01, 202034:16
NEM Teaching: Does a person need to call on Christ to be saved..?

NEM Teaching: Does a person need to call on Christ to be saved..?

Sunday 23 August 2020 - We can overthink our situation before the Lord and Ps Tale Hakeagaiki reminds us that a simple question can produce a simple answer....if the Lord is part of the equation. Can a person go directly to Jesus and call on him to be saved...? The bible says: Acts 2:21 '... whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.' Do people still call upon the name of Jesus to be saved...? 

Sep 01, 202020:58
 NEM Teaching: The Certainty of Climate Change with God

NEM Teaching: The Certainty of Climate Change with God

Sunday 16 August 2020 - When God saw the devastation of humanity from the flood during Noah's time, He placed a rainbow up in the sky to remind us that He will never do that again. But do we know what nature should look like in the last days...? Romans 8:21-22 "....because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption .... for we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs..." Clive Mitikulena looks at world leaders and their prediction of the climate events seems off course according to the word from the Bible.
Sep 01, 202015:39
NEM Teaching: The Plains of Jordan (Lot and his wife)

NEM Teaching: The Plains of Jordan (Lot and his wife)

Sunday 16 August 2020 - When God destroys Sodom and Gomorra, He had to save the righteous family of Lot (Abraham's nephew), his wife and two daughters. In this episode, Clive Mitikulena gave us an overview of what happened in the Plains of Jordan (Genesis 19) and made a comparison with  us today...

Aug 26, 202040:32
NEM Teaching: God is SO GOOD...!

NEM Teaching: God is SO GOOD...!

Sunday 9 August 2020 - Misiona Nicholas  The Lord Jesus said, "Why do you call me good...?" If Jesus was allowed carry on the same pathway, he would probably say  'that if I am bad, you will say I have blasphemed against God but if I say I am good, then you will accuse me of being equal to God. Either way they wanted to trap Jesus with their words...but as He remained cool and calm, Jesus rebuked them and pointed to God that is good...!

Aug 13, 202016:21
NEM Teaching: Another Year, Another Chance...! (The Barren Fig Tree)

NEM Teaching: Another Year, Another Chance...! (The Barren Fig Tree)

02 August 2020. Jesus warned us to watch the 'fig' tree that we might become aware of the events around us and know that his eminent coming is at hand. Lyron Lino takes us through the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree as we begin to explore the characters of Israel the land, the people and its spiritual significance in our lives.

Aug 06, 202023:40
NEM Teaching: In His Name Gentiles will Trust (The Naaman Story)

NEM Teaching: In His Name Gentiles will Trust (The Naaman Story)

Sunday 26 July, 2020 - The Naaman story in 2 Kings 5 was famous for many reasons, you only need to go through it to pull out the little gems from scripture - the extraordinary faith of an un-named little girl which eventually caused Namaan, a Syrian military commander to be the only person cleansed as a leper in all miracles performed by the prophet Elisha. What is most astounding in this story was the way in which the Lord Jesus Christ in Luke 4 uses it as a exmaple for pointing out that the Gentiles are now part of God's plan for eternal life (Eph 2:8). Patrick Lino takes us through the biblical text...

Aug 02, 202030:02
NEM Teaching: The Harvest is Plentiful

NEM Teaching: The Harvest is Plentiful

Sunday 19 July 2020: We often see the picture Jesus saw when he looked and had compassion over the multitudes. They were weary and scattered like sheep with no shepherd. That picture is true today when churches are struggling to see who will take the lamp through to the next generation. Pastor Tale Hakeagaiki revised the scriptures in Mathew 9 and call on the 'labourers' to seek God's purpose and connect with the harvest. 

Jul 22, 202019:34
NEM Teaching: The End Times - Signs and Evidences

NEM Teaching: The End Times - Signs and Evidences

12 July 2020 - The End Times: Signs and Evidences. The Bible story contains a timeline of many things but the most important one of all is the timeline for the 'end of time'. No longer do we become ignorant and very naive towards world events since Covid-19 left many christians and non-christians  wonder - what just happened ? why is man powerless to do anything ? are is this the end of the world....? Falcon Halo gave us an introduction to the Theology of the 'End Times' earlier in the year and here he reminds us again to watch the 'evidences' and be ready.

Jul 18, 202021:57
NEM Teaching - The 4 LOVE

NEM Teaching - The 4 LOVE

Sunday 5 July 2020 - Love can be many things but the reverse is certainly not true. In fact, the language of love could be more meaningful if we all understand what we meant when we use the four letter english word "LOVE" in our communication. Lyron Lino breaks down the word 'love' into four different greek words - Agape, Storge, Phileo and Eros - all serving as purpose for why God loves us in the first instance.

Jul 07, 202024:06
NEM Teaching: The Mystery of the Gospel (Part 2)

NEM Teaching: The Mystery of the Gospel (Part 2)

Sunday 14 June 2020: Clive Mitikulena presented the second part in the Mystery of the Gospel and alerted us in this day and age to ensure that we understood and follow the right gospel. It is also a way to understand how God extended his grace to cover both Jews and Gentiles with a gospel that came by a revelation through his apostle Paul.  It is the essence of christianity as quoted in Colossians 1:27 -  'Christ in you, the hope of glory' 

Jun 29, 202027:29
NEM Teaching: Wait

NEM Teaching: Wait

Sunday 21 June 2020: Everyone knows what it is like to wait however, most of us don't pay too much attention to this gospel doctrine. Waiting means you're not in control and waiting on God yields total dependence on Him. It is as necessary a behaviour, as it is inevitable for Chrsitians to humble themselevs and wait upon the Lord. In this message, Patrick Lino compare our behaviour in 'waiting' at the Deparute Lounge vs the waiting at the Arrival Gate...

Jun 23, 202022:39
NEM Teaching: The Mystery of the Gospel (Part 1)

NEM Teaching: The Mystery of the Gospel (Part 1)

Sunday 14 June 2020: The bible is riddled with many mysteries, being revealed and understood with God's word and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Clive Mitikulena this week takes us through a process that explained why ''The Mystery of the Gospel' is so much more relevant to us today.

Jun 16, 202031:33
NEM Teaching: The Bridegroom is Coming

NEM Teaching: The Bridegroom is Coming

Sunday 7 June 2020 - The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is one that everyone of us can identify with. Yet the essence of the story is at the heart of becoming prepared and getting ourselves ready for when the Messiah returns. Pastor Hakeagaiki's message this time comes with a warning - 'there is no second chance'...!

Jun 09, 202022:33
NEM Teaching: The Day of Pentecost

NEM Teaching: The Day of Pentecost

Sunday 31 May 2020 - The Day of Pentecoost marks the separation of one dispensation and the beginning of another. Acts chapter 2 showed believers coming together in one place and unity - a perfect environment to receive the promised of the Third Person in the Triune God - The Holy Spirit. Dean Douglas gave us a timely reminder of why the Day of Pentecost is milestone in the believers faith.

Jun 02, 202020:11
NEM Teaching: The Power and Potential of your Tongue

NEM Teaching: The Power and Potential of your Tongue

Sunday 24 May 2020 - Have you ever wondered why the bible implore that we guard against one of smallest organ of our body - "the tongue"...? Lyron  Lino tells us that a formidable power dwells within each of us - a power that has the capability to change the course of nations, start and end wars, made men and women famous,  and has the means to corrupt, bless or curse. The tongue is one no man or women can tame...!!

May 25, 202032:50
NEM Teaching: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

NEM Teaching: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Sunday 10 May 2020 - When we consider that our whole lives were created, purged and managed by the Holy Spirit from birth to death. It is time to acknowledge that God took a week to create the whole world, yet His patience amongst believers and non-believers is priceless...? Patrick Lino, in this episode, took a limited view (looking at knowledge from other bible teachers) to help us understand the work of the Holy Spirit from creation, to regeneration, to believer's growth and purpose for His glory.
May 18, 202039:24
NEM Teaching: The Kingdom of God

NEM Teaching: The Kingdom of God

Sunday 10 May 2020 - Ps Tale Hakeagaiki takes us through Mathew 13 and relate the three aspects of a christian life - planting, growth and harvesting - to a world where both the wheat and tares are growing together in the same environment, but only the wheat are of value to the farmer.

May 10, 202039:19
NEM Teaching: Be Rapture Ready

NEM Teaching: Be Rapture Ready

Sunday 3 May 2020 - Getting ready for liftoff involves hundreds of hours preparing on the ground before the mission gets under way in the sky. Clive Mitikulena warns us that it is the same with Christians - and when things starts to happen, you cannot be left behind...!!  

May 03, 202032:03
NEM Teaching: Expelling Demons

NEM Teaching: Expelling Demons

Sunday 26 April 2020 - Expelling Demons: If there is anything that tells us God is real - it would be the demons (James 2:19 NKJV - You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe-and tremble!) - Dead Douglas takes us through what it means to fight a very real battle with modern day demons and explains that nothing much has changed from the fight in the times of Job compared to us today.

Apr 27, 202039:29
NEM Teaching: The Passover ... what does it mean to us today...?

NEM Teaching: The Passover ... what does it mean to us today...?

Sunday 19 April - The Passover.  Lyron Lino - The event of the Jewish passover foreshadows the sacrifice provided by the Son of God on the cross for the remission of sin. Lyron shared an experience on the Lord’s communion table what it means to believers today.

Apr 19, 202031:40
NEM Teaching: The Resurrection of Christ... It is Sunday...!

NEM Teaching: The Resurrection of Christ... It is Sunday...!

Sunday 12 April - The Resurrection. Patrick Lino - It’s Sunday - the resurrection of Jesus Christ provided the way for man reserve a place in heaven for those who believe in the sacrifice made on the cross.

Apr 13, 202027:28
NEM Teaching: End Times - What is coming to the world next...?

NEM Teaching: End Times - What is coming to the world next...?

Sunday 5 April - End Times.  Falcon Halo - looks at the world events and how it matches to biblical prophecies and where we are on God’s timeline relative to the end-times.  The world is changing and current events indicate tha we are getting close to the End Times.

Apr 06, 202016:59