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New City Church

New City Church

By New City Church

Audio resources from New City Church in Dover, DE.
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Romans 1:16-17 (2)

New City ChurchMay 12, 2024

Sermon+ - Idolatry

Sermon+ - Idolatry

In today's discussion, we talk offer some help in identifying and turning from patterns of idolatry.

Jun 03, 202432:59
Romans 1:26-28

Romans 1:26-28

Sermon from New City Church.

Jun 02, 202436:17
Sermon+ - Romans 1:26-28

Sermon+ - Romans 1:26-28

In today's episode - Pastor Mike, Lindsey, and Dan talk through some responses to the Sunday sermon.

May 30, 202425:11
Romans 1:26-28

Romans 1:26-28

Sermon from New City Church.

May 26, 202439:05
Sermon+ - Romans 1:18-25

Sermon+ - Romans 1:18-25

In today's discussion, pastor Dave, pastor Mike, Lindsey, and Dan talk through topic of the wrath of God. We then think through what it means to "suppress the truth", and how gratitude is essential to receiving goodness from God.

May 21, 202437:04
Romans 1:18-25

Romans 1:18-25

Sermon from New City Church.

May 19, 202437:21
Romans 1:16-17 (2)

Romans 1:16-17 (2)

Sermon From New City Church.

May 12, 202430:30
Romans 1:16-17

Romans 1:16-17

Sermon from New City Church.

May 05, 202432:51
Sermon+ - The Obedience Of Faith

Sermon+ - The Obedience Of Faith

In today's episode we discuss: the connection between faith and love, how to be persistent in prayer, and how to approach spiritual gifts.

May 01, 202433:32
Romans 1:1-15

Romans 1:1-15

Sermon from New City Church.

Apr 28, 202435:29
Sermon+ - Romans 1

Sermon+ - Romans 1

In today's episode we discuss the Old Testament as the context of the gospel, and the connection between faith and obedience.

Apr 23, 202427:04
Romans 1:1-7

Romans 1:1-7

Sermon from New City Church.

Apr 21, 202440:59
Sermon+ - Romans Overview

Sermon+ - Romans Overview

In today's episode, Pastor Mike, Pastor Dave, Lindsey, and Dan discuss:

  • The connection between teaching and practice
  • The significance of unity in the church

Apr 17, 202432:37
Romans Introduction (2)

Romans Introduction (2)

Sermon from New City Church.

Apr 14, 202436:29
Sermon+ - Romans Introduction

Sermon+ - Romans Introduction

In today's discussion... -Reading the Bible while being open to correction -Responding to our guilt -Falling short of the glory of God

Apr 08, 202431:42
Romans Introduction

Romans Introduction

Sermon from New City Church.

Apr 07, 202436:27
Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday

Sermon from New City Church on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Mar 31, 202436:17
Holy Week Renewal - Saturday

Holy Week Renewal - Saturday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later.

Mar 30, 202408:29
Holy Week Renewal - Friday

Holy Week Renewal - Friday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later.

Mar 29, 202422:59
Holy Week Renewal - Thursday

Holy Week Renewal - Thursday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later.

Mar 28, 202416:31
Sermon+ - Wrestling With God

Sermon+ - Wrestling With God

Join us as we offer some final reflections on our Jonah study. We consider what it means to be near to or far from God. We also think through how to caution ourselves from self-righteousness.

Mar 27, 202425:36
Holy Week Renewal - Wednesday

Holy Week Renewal - Wednesday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later. Wednesday - A quiet day of plotting. Here we see the sovereign authority of Jesus.

Mar 27, 202408:32
Holy Week Renewal - Tuesday

Holy Week Renewal - Tuesday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later. Tuesday - "Teaching Tuesday", the fig tree withers, confrontation with the religious leaders, Jesus predicts the fall of Jerusalem.

Mar 26, 202416:46
Holy Week Renewal - Monday

Holy Week Renewal - Monday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later. Monday - Jesus curses the fig tree, Jesus judges temple greed.

Mar 25, 202417:20
Jonah 4 - Wrestling With God

Jonah 4 - Wrestling With God

Sermon from New City Church.

Mar 24, 202437:42
Holy Week Renewal - Palm Sunday

Holy Week Renewal - Palm Sunday

Each day this week we will talk through the events of that day of Holy Week. We do this so that we may remember and reflect on these significant historical events as we follow this same Jesus so many years later. Palm Sunday - The triumphant entry, Jesus predicts his death, and Jesus enters the temple.

Mar 24, 202419:59
Sermon+ - Listening To God

Sermon+ - Listening To God

In today's podcast we discuss: -Moving closer to those we would want to distance ourselves from -Jesus as just and the justifier -The mercy of God poured out for the greatest of sinners

Mar 18, 202429:19
Jonah 3 - Obeying God

Jonah 3 - Obeying God

Sermon from New City Church - Dover, DE.

Mar 17, 202433:13
Sermon+ - Learning From Jonah

Sermon+ - Learning From Jonah

In today's discussion Mike, Dave, Lindsey, and Dan discuss some of the dynamics that we see at work in Jonah. We begin by sharing some personal responses to Jonah, then discuss what it means to experience a deeper level of repentance.

Mar 12, 202431:08
Jonah 2 - Praying To God

Jonah 2 - Praying To God

Sermon from New City Church.

Mar 10, 202437:06
Sermon+ - Introducing Jonah

Sermon+ - Introducing Jonah

Mike, Chase, Dan, and Lindsey talk through the introduction to our series on Jonah.

Topics include:

  • OT Stories - Are they about us?
  • Running from God - What are some of the results of this?
  • When those around you are running from God - How can we help?
Mar 04, 202438:13
Jonah 1 - Running From God

Jonah 1 - Running From God

Jonah is a story of God’s grace that truly points to the story of God’s grace. But God’s grace is not always straightforward: we wrestle with the fairness of it, we think we are too far gone for it, and we are often afraid of what it means for our lives. Jonah reveals to us a God whose mercy is for the sinner and the saint and points us to a Savior who was cast out that we might be brought in.

Mar 03, 202436:06
Principles For Giving

Principles For Giving

Sermon from New City Church.

Feb 25, 202433:09
Sermon+ - Lessons On Generosity

Sermon+ - Lessons On Generosity

Mike, Dave, Lindsey, and Dan discuss the sermon from Sunday. How has the Holy Spirit worked in your heart through this series? What are the enemies to generosity? What role does money and possessions play in our relationships? What does it mean to be with Jesus in His generosity?

Feb 20, 202437:58
Lessons On Generosity

Lessons On Generosity

2 Corinthians 8:1-15; 9:6-15

Scripture seems to reveal a rhythm to generosity. There is a progression that takes place to form us into people who demonstrate the generosity of God. Recognizing this pattern is essential to us becoming who God intends for us to be: generous people of love. In this sermon we will discuss the supply of our generosity, the breadth of generosity, and the obstacles to generosity.
In your experience, what have been the biggest obstacles to you practicing generosity?
Spend some time with your family or friends at dinner this week sharing how God has used the generosity of others to meet your needs at different times in your life.
Look over the four obstacles of generosity that Pastor Dave shared in the sermon and reflect. Which of them is the biggest stumbling block to you becoming more generous? 
What can you do to remove that hurdle?Take an inventory of all that God has entrusted to you (personality, time, gifts/skills/abilities, resources, etc.) and write out ways you can intentionally give to others this week.

Feb 18, 202435:32
Sermon+ - Practicing Generosity

Sermon+ - Practicing Generosity

Mike, Dan, and Lindsey discuss the sermon from Sunday. How do we begin to take inventory of our stuff and spending? How do we respond when we're not feeling so generous?

Feb 13, 202432:25
Practices For Generosity

Practices For Generosity

Sermon from New City Church as part of our Kingdom Practices series. Application Questions -Set aside time to contemplate the riches you have in Christ in the gospel to prepare your heart to see your finances/possessions afresh. What arises in your heart/mind as you contemplate a generous response? -Take inventory of what you have. What do you have? Where is it going? -Give cheerfully as to the Lord!

Feb 11, 202434:18
Sermon+ - Riches In Christ

Sermon+ - Riches In Christ

Mike, Dan, Chase, and Lindsey discuss the sermon from Sunday. How do we bring a mindset that we are rich in Christ into our suffering?

Feb 06, 202440:36
Riches In Christ (2)

Riches In Christ (2)

The generosity of God to His people in Christ is the foundation and fuel for our generosity. To become like Him we need to consistently deepen our appreciation for all we’ve been given in Christ. We will consider more of these riches we have in Christ: redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, inheritance, and the gift of the Spirit. -Ask the Lord to open the eyes of your heart to see the riches you have in Christ. -How can you apply the riches you have in Christ to a specific situation in your life? -Consider the words of Jesus: “Freely you have received, freely give.”

Feb 04, 202431:52
Sermon+ - Riches In Christ

Sermon+ - Riches In Christ

Dave, Mike, and Dan discuss the sermon from Sunday. How do we develop a mindset that leads toward generosity?

Jan 30, 202437:20
Riches In Christ (1)

Riches In Christ (1)

Ephesians 1:3-14
When someone investigates the life of Jesus, they find Him to be a generous person. He is free and open with His time, resources, and affection - even to the point of giving away His very life. As we seek to follow His way, we will need to learn the secret of how He lived such a life. What we find is that Jesus’s generosity is sourced in the generous love of His Father for Him. God Himself: Father, Son, and Spirit, is a generous God! As we draw close to His heart we too will become generous. Our current series focuses on the generosity of God, how we can become increasingly generous, and how to practice the way of Jesus’s generosity.


  • Practice gratitude for your standing in Christ.
  • Pray for yourself and others to grow in the power of your standing in Christ.
  • Give something away this week. 
Jan 28, 202434:48
Sermon+ - The Generosity Of God

Sermon+ - The Generosity Of God

Mike, Chase, Dave, and Dan discuss the sermon from Sunday.

Jan 23, 202430:37
The Generosity Of God

The Generosity Of God

Sermon from New City Church.

Jan 21, 202441:21
Sermon+ - What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

Sermon+ - What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

Mike, Dave, and Chase discuss the sermon from Sunday.

Jan 16, 202445:26
What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?

Sermon from New City Church - January 14th, 2024.

What does it mean to follow Jesus? Daily experiencing both death and life.

Jan 14, 202429:12
Sermon + - What Does The Kingdom Of God Have To Do With ________________?

Sermon + - What Does The Kingdom Of God Have To Do With ________________?

Dave, Mike, Chase, and Dan talk through the sermon from Sunday. The kingdom of God is at hand - how do we faithful live in light of this kingdom?

Jan 09, 202445:02
Focus - Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus

Focus - Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus

Focus - Fixing our eyes on Jesus.

Being in Christ leads us to live New Creation lives.

2 Corinthians 5:9-17

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

11 Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others. But what we are is known to God, and I hope it is known also to your conscience. 12 We are not commending ourselves to you again but giving you cause to boast about us, so that you may be able to answer those who boast about outward appearance and not about what is in the heart. 13 For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 14 For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; 15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.

16 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Jan 07, 202435:15
Sermon+ - The Shepherd King

Sermon+ - The Shepherd King

Dave, Mike, and Dan discuss - what it means to be devoted to the Lord, how other things can "shepherd" us, and comets.

Jan 02, 202434:45
The Shepherd King

The Shepherd King

The advent of Jesus was the arrival of God’s shalom on earth. Jesus’ kingdom is one of peace, where what is broken is restored and what is incomplete is made whole. This week in advent, we will see how biblical peace is not just the absence of something (war, fear, brokenness, etc.) but the arrival of something.

“Peace is found only in trust, trust of the One who is in careful control of all the things that tend to rob you of your peace.” Paul Tripp“

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27

Dec 31, 202336:48
Advent Renewal - Friday, December 22nd

Advent Renewal - Friday, December 22nd

This Advent Renewal series will help you focus on the big, true story of Jesus this Christmas. 

Our format is simple: we will read from the book The One True Story by Tim Chester. 

Each reading ties an aspect of the OT story to Jesus, and it is done in a rich, fresh way. We guarantee that you will see connections from Scripture that you have not seen before. Your heart will be led to worship, and you will be challenged to connect the story of your life to the story of Jesus. 

Episodes will be release each morning (Monday-Friday), and they will be approximately 5-7 minutes long. We hope you join us as we look at the one true story of Jesus this Advent!

Dec 22, 202307:02