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The New Mainstream Podcast

The New Mainstream Podcast

By The New Mainstream Podcast

The New Mainstream podcast features real conversations about the cultural nuances impacting multicultural communities in the U.S. and its influence on brand marketing and the importance of DEI in strategic marketing conversations.
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Authenticity Matters: Why Market Research Needs Diversity to Connect with Black Consumers with Dawn V. Carr

The New Mainstream PodcastMay 15, 2024

Multicultural Marketing: Bridging the Gap with Contextual Technology with Tony Gonzalez

Multicultural Marketing: Bridging the Gap with Contextual Technology with Tony Gonzalez

The marketing landscape is evolving, driven by the rapidly changing demographics in the U.S. Today's consumers are culturally diverse, tech-savvy, and vocal about their needs and wants. Among them, to be represented authentically in advertising. For marketers, this requires a change in the paradigm, a move beyond general marketing strategies to embracing a multicultural marketing approach. Its effectiveness, however, hinges on the quality of the data driving the decisions.

Enter contextual technology. This powerful tool allows marketers to delve into the nuances of cultural identity and consumer consumption habits, including understanding specific media channels, content preferences, and purchasing behaviors of multicultural audiences. This granular data empowers marketers to craft targeted digital advertising campaigns that resonate deeply.

Artificial intelligence has impacted advertising, adding another layer of complexity as marketers navigate its use, contending with hallucinations and exploring unconventional sources of consumer insights, like synthetic data. But AI also brings about opportunities. By leveraging machine learning and rich contextual data, marketers can create hyper-targeted campaigns that speak directly to diverse demographics, such as Hispanic, Black, AAPI or LGBTQ+ communities.

Ultimately, embracing multicultural marketing with the support of contextual technology isn't just about driving sales; it's about building a future where everyone feels seen and valued in the media they consume.

On this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Tony Gonzalez, CEO & Co-Founder at Mundial Media, shares how contextual technology can build deeper connections with diverse audiences to drive brand engagement.

May 31, 202441:29
Authenticity Matters: Why Market Research Needs Diversity to Connect with Black Consumers with Dawn V. Carr

Authenticity Matters: Why Market Research Needs Diversity to Connect with Black Consumers with Dawn V. Carr

Black Americans, comprising about 14% of the U.S. population, wield significant economic influence, with buying power surpassing $1.5 trillion. Their cultural impact is equally undeniable, shaping everything from music and fashion to cuisine and beyond. Yet, generally, brands fail to invest in the market research needed to truly understand the complexity of this demographic.

Like most multicultural consumers, Black Americans are not a monolith. Within this group are subcultures that extend far beyond skin tones and hair textures to differences in culture, countries of origin, geography and language.

Beyond demographics are psychographics, right? Traumatic events like George Floyd's death deeply affected many Black consumers, prompting shifts in their brand interactions. Despite these challenges, there's a growing interest among brands in understanding and serving Black consumers, particularly Gen Z. Authenticity emerges as a crucial factor, with Black consumers seeking brands that acknowledge them, invest in their communities and empower them.

However, the lack of diversity within the market research industry remains a glaring issue, jeopardizing efforts to engage this consumer group. The failure to build diverse and inclusive teams hinders authentic insights and decision-making processes, leading to tone-deaf marketing campaigns and underwhelming customer experiences. Brands that genuinely understand what Black consumers like and build real connections with them will discover a vast, hidden market just waiting to be explored.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Dawn V. Carr, CEO and Founder of Mahogany Insights, discusses the importance of increasing diversity within the insights industry and how it can lead to more meaningful connections with Black consumers.

May 15, 202437:45
Revealed: The Critical Role of Brand Strategy in Business Success with Darren Horwitz

Revealed: The Critical Role of Brand Strategy in Business Success with Darren Horwitz

May 01, 202439:01
Is Market Research Poised for Sustainable Growth in the AI Era? with Michael Nevski

Is Market Research Poised for Sustainable Growth in the AI Era? with Michael Nevski

Effective market research goes beyond understanding trends to identifying opportunities in the market. But many companies struggle to translate data insights into tangible financial gains. This struggle stems from a tendency to diminish the significance of market research instead of acknowledging its profound potential as a revenue generator. Failing to see the strategic value of research hurts the bottom line and creates distance between the consumer and the brand. Companies need a deep understanding of consumers, and market research is the most effective way to achieve that.

How market research does that is changing, however. Artificial Intelligence is transforming the market research industry. New AI-powered methodologies, like synthetic panels, are creating opportunities for marketers to achieve similar results in less time with fewer budget constraints.

But AI isn't a silver bullet. Though rapidly evolving, the technology is new, and the accuracy of these models is still questionable. These new tools should be seen as complements, not replacements, for proven research methodologies.

One thing is certain – the future of market research lies in effectively integrating data, insights, and human curiosity. By leveraging these elements, researchers can become strategic partners, driving real-world business results and ensuring market research is a true value-add, not just a cost.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Michael Nevski, Director of Global Insights at Visa, delves into the vital link between market research and revenue growth and explores the potential of AI to reshape the industry.

Apr 18, 202443:36
Diverse Teams Can Transform Market Research: Authentic Insights Ahead with Kai Fuentes

Diverse Teams Can Transform Market Research: Authentic Insights Ahead with Kai Fuentes

Diversity isn't just about optics. Today’s consumers prioritize authenticity and base their purchase decisions on how brands show up. But authenticity does not start when the products hit the shelf. It must be woven into every stage of the go-to-market strategy, including market research – from panel recruitment and survey design to selecting moderators who foster open and honest conversations. Understanding diverse consumer perspectives requires more than just surface-level representation.

One crucial aspect of fostering authenticity in market research is the composition of research teams. Selecting moderators, for example, that reflect the demographics of the survey participants helps ensure authenticity in their responses. The psychological safety that the environment presents reduces the need for codeswitching, liberating respondents to be their authentic selves.

Beyond focus groups, greater diversity is needed across the market research industry. Often, diverse teammates doing the work—running the data tables and visualizing the data—aren’t the ones presenting the work, and that needs to change. There’s value in bringing those in the back of the house to the front to create equal opportunity for advancement. 

By prioritizing inclusivity and authenticity internally, companies can forge deeper connections with consumers externally and drive meaningful change in the marketplace.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Kai Fuentes, President and CEO of Ebony Marketing Systems, discusses how the market research industry can benefit from intentionally cultivating and championing diversity and inclusion.

Apr 03, 202447:45
Bridging Cultures, Elevating Wellness: The Future of Multicultural Marketing with Will Campbell

Bridging Cultures, Elevating Wellness: The Future of Multicultural Marketing with Will Campbell

Today's consumers are confidently embracing their authentic identities, and forward-thinking brands are following suit. Inclusive beauty giants like Ulta Beauty proudly defy gender norms, while others prominently feature same-sex couples and individuals with disabilities and promote body positivity in their advertising campaigns. On the flip side, some brands are succumbing to the fear of appearing overly “woke.” The increasing backlash against diversity, equity and inclusion has prompted a few to backtrack on commitments made during the peak of social unrest in 2020, leaving consumers feeling angered and confused.

Multicultural consumers, who represent almost 100% of the population growth in the U.S. and are on track to become the majority by 2050, seek genuine connections with brands. Central to this is a brand's ability to authentically understand its audience and allow that authenticity to drive consumer engagement.

Brands that bridge cultural divides are the ones that thrive. By genuinely connecting cross-culturally, companies seamlessly align DEI with their bottom line. Inclusivity isn't optional – it's the fuel for long-term success. From diverse workforces to inclusive marketing campaigns, a focus on inclusion strengthens every aspect of a brand.

Understanding multicultural consumers means appreciating their commitment to holistic well-being. Black women prioritize mental health, while Gen Z seeks a shift from the “grind” to self-care and mindful living. Brands that tap into these trends resonate with a broader audience.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Will Campbell, Co-founder and CEO of Quantasy, shares his perspective on the state of multicultural marketing and how young, diverse generations are driving wellness trends.

Mar 20, 202442:20
Revolutionizing Sports Fandom: Engaging Young Bilingual Latino Fans with Jesus Chavez

Revolutionizing Sports Fandom: Engaging Young Bilingual Latino Fans with Jesus Chavez

In the dynamic landscape of sports fandom, one demographic stands out for its potential to reshape the future: young bilingual Latino fans. These individuals bring a unique perspective to sports, craving innovative ways to express their passion for the game. But that passion goes beyond the field to the experience, whether tailgating or engaging with brand activations. For brands to truly connect with these fans, they must seek to understand and cater to their needs, redesigning the fan experience to create a more inclusive and engaging community.

But what does that look like? Traditionally, sports fandom has been defined by loyalty to teams and players. But that’s evolving as bilingual Latinos navigate between cultures and languages. Understanding cultural nuances and generational differences within the Latino community can translate into higher ticket sales, greater demand for merchandise, and overall fan engagement for leagues.

Because of this, major sports leagues, such as the NFL and MLB, are increasingly embracing the importance of diverse narratives and communities within their fan base. Aside from drafting Latino players and sponsoring Spanish-language simulcasts, leagues and franchises successful at leveraging Latino fandom understand the elements of their sports entertainment offering that appeal to Latinos and invest in supporting those features.

Tapping into this demographic represents a substantial economic opportunity. With nearly 20% of the US population identifying as Latino and 40% considering themselves avid sports fans, there's immense potential for growth and innovation. However, capturing the attention and loyalty of young bilingual fans requires more than gestures like heritage nights, which can be perceived as performative if not integrated into a broader engagement strategy. Engagement demands a deep understanding of Latinos' cultural backgrounds and preferences and a commitment to authentic representation. Sports leagues must incorporate these insights into their growth strategies, ensuring the fan experience reflects the diverse communities supporting them.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Jesus Chavez, co-founder and CEO of CABRA Sports, delves into Latino sports fandom, exploring the strategies and cultural insights driving the industry’s evolution.

Mar 07, 202450:05
Can the Insights Industry See Itself Clearly? with Ali Henriques

Can the Insights Industry See Itself Clearly? with Ali Henriques

As Women's History Month approaches each year, the remarkable strides women have made in business become increasingly clear. However, despite these advancements, certain industries, such as the insights industry, continue to struggle with leadership inequities and a lack of workforce diversity.

While the insights industry prides itself on understanding and reflecting diversity in consumer populations, this awareness often stops short within its own workforce. This creates a troubling gap: the voices informing strategies may be representative, but the decision-makers interpreting and implementing those insights remain predominantly homogenous.

This lack of diversity leads to blind spots and missed opportunities, potentially limiting strategy effectiveness and perpetuating biases. Closing the gap between measured and internal diversity unlocks the full potential of insights, creating more opportunities across the board.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Ali Henriques, Global Director of Research Services at Qualtrics, delves deeper into leadership diversity and its impact on recruiting and retaining diverse talent.

Feb 21, 202431:36
Suma Wealth: Empowering Financial Inclusion Among Latinos with Insight and Humor with Beatriz Acevedo

Suma Wealth: Empowering Financial Inclusion Among Latinos with Insight and Humor with Beatriz Acevedo

The evolution of financial technology, commonly referred to as 'fintech,' has undergone a remarkable surge in recent years, empowering consumers to conduct their banking activities on their terms from any location. So high is the demand for online financial tools that banks like Bank of America, which started shuttering its drive-through teller lanes in 2013 due to low usage, have pivoted to establish robust digital solutions. These solutions are tailored to help consumers manage their personal finances exclusively through online channels. This shift is not limited to central banks, however. Online banks like Ally Bank and neobanks like Chime are also vying for consumers' attention, offering both traditional and non-traditional banking services and greater flexibility than their brick-and-mortar counterparts.

Among the consumers embracing fintech are Latinos, who do so at a higher rate than other demographic groups. This trend can be attributed to a few factors. The Latino population in the U.S. skews younger, and as younger consumers are generally more predisposed to adopting new technologies, fintech becomes a natural choice. Additionally, Latinos may face language barriers and systemic challenges such as discrimination, making fintech options more attractive and accessible.

Regardless of how consumers choose to bank, most agree that understanding and managing one’s finances is essential to building wealth and economic self-sufficiency. For Gen Z, especially those subscribing to the concept of 200%, where individuals embrace their dual identity as both American and Latino and whose motivations for wealth-building differ from their parents and grandparents, using an in-culture digital-first financial platform to demystify complex financial concepts is key to engaging them.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Beatriz Acevedo, CEO and Founder of Suma Wealth, underscores the importance of developing culturally relevant fintech tools to increase financial literacy in the Hispanic community. To download the SUMA App, click here.

Feb 08, 202441:50
Overcoming the Limits of Multicultural Marketing with Javier Farfan

Overcoming the Limits of Multicultural Marketing with Javier Farfan

While diversity and inclusion have recently come under fire in several industries, the expectation consumers set in 2020 for brands to be more inclusive stands. A ThinkNow study revealed that over 45% of consumers are willing to go out of their way to shop at a store they've never frequented if the brand has made a public commitment to D&I. Forty-seven percent of consumers are willing to spend more in a store.  This demonstrates a significant shift in consumer priorities, with many placing a high value on brands that align with their beliefs.

While different, D&I and multicultural marketing often converge in practice, creating a powerful synergy for reaching and engaging diverse audiences. The growing multicultural majority in the U.S. has shifted consumer behavior, with individuals increasingly seeking brands that reflect their own diverse identities and values. As a result, multicultural marketing has become an essential tool for brands. A fundamental understanding of D&I and how it integrates into multicultural marketing, from representation to authenticity and cultural competency, helps brands realize the full potential of this synergy.

However, the challenge with multicultural marketing often lies in the limitations imposed on it. Often, multicultural marketing is viewed as separate from mainstream marketing strategies, leading to limited budgets and resources that can negatively impact campaign performance and jeopardize relationship-building efforts with diverse audiences.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Javier Farfan, Culture Marketing Strategist at the National Football League (NFL), delves into various multicultural campaigns the NFL has launched to effectively reach and engage multicultural audiences and how the league overcomes multicultural marketing pitfalls.

Dec 13, 202349:53
Inclusive Farm Bill Advocacy: Advancing Food Justice for All with Christina Wong

Inclusive Farm Bill Advocacy: Advancing Food Justice for All with Christina Wong

Soaring interest rates on borrowing and sharp increases in food prices have become harsh realities for many Americans. While there is speculation about inflation easing, the stark reality is that millions of Americans grapple with food insecurity.

Many argue that the food system in the U.S. is fundamentally flawed. Despite boasting the world's largest gross domestic product (GDP), the nation remains plagued by rising rates of homelessness and hunger. Countless children go to school hungry every day, relying on free or reduced-price lunches, often their only nutritious meal of the day, before returning to homes lacking access to fresh, healthy food.

Two common approaches to combating social issues like food insecurity involve programs and policies. One such program is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, while the policy in question is the Farm Bill.

SNAP serves as the first line of defense against hunger. However, the stigma associated with the program and misconceptions surrounding its benefits and accessibility have made it a target for some lawmakers and their constituents.

Systemic barriers restrict access to the program for those who need it most. For instance, while seemingly fair on the surface, the requirement to work a minimum of 20 hours per week fails to account for the realities of life experiences stemming from poverty, such as lower education levels and criminal history, factors that can significantly impact employability.

SNAP's modest benefits, amounting to essentially $2 per person per meal, are inadequate to cover the rising cost of food today. Nevertheless, it helps keep food on the table for families and supports small businesses like local farmers who grow and sell food to local markets, creating jobs in the community.

Critics of the program point to a perceived lack of personal responsibility among those in need as reasons to dismantle it. However, hunger is not a consequence of personal failings but a symptom of systemic injustice. Programs like SNAP should be more inclusive of the people they serve and not be subject to policy changes designed to cut government spending without addressing the underlying needs that necessitate these programs. Such changes are often based on harmful stereotypes.

Everyone feels the impact of an unhealthy food system. By actively informing Congress about the real-life struggles of those affected, we can collectively advocate for meaningful solutions.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Christina Wong, former Director of Public Policy & Advocacy at Northwest Harvest, shares insight into the Farm Bill’s SNAP provisions and the push for food equity.

Please Note: Christina Wong now serves as Vice President of Programs at Washington Conservation Action.

Nov 17, 202333:51
DEI: The Secret to Building High-Performing Inclusive Workplaces with Maria Morukian

DEI: The Secret to Building High-Performing Inclusive Workplaces with Maria Morukian

Consumers are demanding more from brands when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion. They are tired of the social polarization surrounding DEI and how these concepts are exploited to foster division and isolation. They support brands committed to creating a culture of respect and understanding where everyone feels valued, seen and heard in the workplace and the marketplace.

But too often, DEI initiatives in organizations go no further than high-level training and one-off workshops. DEI is more than bias training, however. It's about embedding DEI into all aspects of the organization, from hiring and promotion to product development and marketing.

Brands demonstrating their commitment to DEI will resonate with consumers, especially multicultural segments and younger generations. These consumers are increasingly looking to support brands that align with their values, and DEI has become one of their core values. Studies show that African American and Hispanic respondents, for example, are the most likely to support a company that makes a public commitment to diversity and inclusion initiatives. They do this by sharing support on social media, spending more money at stores, and going out of their way to shop in specific stores.

Removing limiting factors like bias and stereotype threat from organizational culture liberates employees to perform at their best, resulting in increased productivity, improved work outputs, and higher revenues.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Maria Morukian, CEO of MSM Global Consulting, discusses how to build high-performing, inclusive workplaces that better serve employees and consumers.

Oct 30, 202336:46
How Fintech is Changing the Way Gen Z Manages Money with Lilah Raynor

How Fintech is Changing the Way Gen Z Manages Money with Lilah Raynor

Americans are feeling the pinch in their wallets, with fears of a government shutdown looming and prices for everyday goods and services rising. Consumers have been on an economic roller coaster for a few years due to COVID-19, which left millions jobless, and George Floyd's murder, which sparked national protests for social justice. These events have caused a ripple effect throughout the economy, leaving many people struggling to make ends meet.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers went from overspending to spending far less as household incomes fluctuated. Those who could afford to spend increased their e-commerce purchases and invested in new financial instruments like cryptocurrencies. However, with the continuing economic uncertainty, consumers are generally being more cautious with their spending.

Generationally, Gen Z consumers aged 16 to 25 have proven resourceful when it comes to personal finance, particularly “Zennials” (also known as “Zillennials”), older Gen Z and younger Millennial consumers on the fringes of their cohorts. But unlike Millennials, who as a generation are struggling to catch up to where they should be from a savings perspective due to factors like student loan debt and pandemic losses, have struggled to plan. But their younger siblings, Gen Z, have watched and learned, leaning into advice from family and friends on what to invest in and leveraging fintech tools to manage their money.

Fintech is addressing the gaps in financial planning by meeting consumers where they are – online. Thus, the rise of fintech apps enabling consumers to forgo traditional banking models and embrace digital tools to handle money matters. This has become particularly important to underserved consumers who experience banking differently.

Younger generations are open to using AI-based tools for money management, but they still value human input from parents and financial advisors.

On this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Lilah Raynor, CEO of Logica Research, explores the money management habits of Gen Z and Millennials and sheds light on AI's impact on financial services.

Oct 11, 202330:37
Embracing Natural Curls: The Rise of the Natural Hair Market with Stephanie LaFlora

Embracing Natural Curls: The Rise of the Natural Hair Market with Stephanie LaFlora

Over 60% of the population has curly hair, but not everyone loves their curly locks. Cultural norms in the U.S. tend to equate attractiveness and professionalism with straightened hair, while natural coils are often stigmatized as too ethnic and unprofessional. There is a hierarchy of hair texture, with straight hair sitting at the apex. Consequently, this creates pressure for one to conform to land their dream job and live an ideal lifestyle. But the tide is turning, particularly among Black women tired of subjecting themselves to harsh chemical relaxers that have long been associated with increased risks for diseases, prompting a rise in products catering to their natural hair needs.

In general, however, consumers are becoming more aware of the chemicals used in common beauty products and asking more questions. They are reading ingredient lists and scouring product reviews to educate themselves, and many are pivoting to clean and inclusive brands due to what they learn.

Legislatively, the CROWN Act (Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair), now legal in 24 states, prohibits employers, labor unions, and employment agencies from discriminating against any employee “on the basis of hair texture or protective hairstyle associated with race.”

People feel more empowered now than ever to embrace their authentic selves, including their natural, curly hair in all its glory. As demand soars, more CPG brands should take note, research, and engage with this emerging market.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Stephanie LaFlora, Co-Founder and CEO of Crownhunt shares insight into the natural hair market and how brands targeting black and brown consumers need to show up.

Sep 29, 202332:01
How Market Research Can Help Brands Connect with Black Consumers with Pepper Miller

How Market Research Can Help Brands Connect with Black Consumers with Pepper Miller

Mainstream media often focuses on the economic and racial disparities that plague Black communities, and brands misunderstand and misrepresent Black Americans in advertising. Despite this, Black Americans are a resilient consumer group with $1.6 trillion in purchasing power and undeniable influence on American culture.

But reducing Black Americans to their economic potential is a disservice to their value as people. Because they speak English and have acculturated in many ways to various circumstances, often to access better opportunities or for safety, there is a tendency to roll them into the mainstream instead of seeing them as a unique demographic with their own set of values, experiences and behaviors. And even within the Black population, it’s important to note that Black consumers in the U.S. are not a monolith. Like Hispanics and Asians, Black Americans are diverse — from skin tones to language, culture rules to mores. One in 10 Black consumers living in the U.S. is foreign-born, bringing with them the cultural nuances of their countries of origin.

The diversity of Black American sub-cultures makes it essential for marketers to close the gap of misunderstanding about the Black consumer collective through market research and insights.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Pepper Miller, president and senior analyst at Hunter-Miller Group, returns to the podcast to discuss the importance of market research in understanding underrepresented consumer segments and her new book, “Let Me Explain Black, Again.”

Sep 06, 202334:08
How DEI Helps Companies Build Early Career Talent Pipelines and Strengthen Employer Brands with Henal Majethia

How DEI Helps Companies Build Early Career Talent Pipelines and Strengthen Employer Brands with Henal Majethia

The workforce is evolving, and with it, expectations of companies to be more inclusive in their hiring and retention practices. Younger generations, particularly Gen Z, are entering the workforce with a strong sense of self-confidence and a clear idea of what they want in a work experience. They are willing to pass on a job, even if it pays well, if it does not align with their values or create a supportive work environment.

So how do companies compete for talent? Post-pandemic, many attempted to attract younger demographics by dismantling their cubicles and building open workspaces with pool tables. Then the pandemic shifted how we work. Offices were shuttered, and employees worked from home, creating the “work from anywhere” culture many companies now find contentious. Gen Z, on the other hand, has fully embraced it and seeks to align with companies that value work/life balance and offer opportunities for growth and development.

But job candidates don’t just want employers to dismantle their cubicles. They expect companies to aid in the dismantling of systemic racism and other pressing issues plaguing society, like climate change. Developing an employer brand that appeals to Gen Z requires a visible and vocal commitment in these areas. With seasoned workers aging out of the workforce, taking their institutional knowledge with them, the balance of power has shifted to young job candidates, making those commitments essential.

Gen Z is the first multicultural majority generation in U.S. history. They are tomorrow’s leaders, and the onus is on employers today to create an early career talent pipeline to replace outgoing talent.

That won’t be easy, especially for companies unwilling to evolve with culture. In the past, the employer sat in the seat of power, and now it’s the candidate, and they aren’t asking about pool tables. They want to hear about the companies’ DEI goals and progress, employee resource groups (ERGs) and the annual DEI report. Failing to make this information accessible could jeopardize the employer brand. 

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Henal Majethia, Diversity Recruiting Manager, University Relations at Eastman, discusses the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in building healthy early career talent pipelines and strengthening the employer brand.

Meet Menal Majethia

Henal (“hen-null”) Majethia began her career after graduating from the University of Tennessee at Amazon Fulfillment, supporting Operations, Supply Chain, and Distribution, and later launching the Operations University Recruiting initiatives for the East Coast. In this role, Henal supported US and CA hiring goals and was able to spearhead the HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) and HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institutions) recruiting presence. She was exposed to DEI during this tenure. Upon completing graduate school at Northeastern University, Henal joined Eastman, where she continues leveraging her skills in early career talent and DEI in her current role.

Aug 25, 202331:13
How to Use Adaptative Marketing Strategies to Engage Communities and Build Brands with Dr. Raymona H. Lawrence

How to Use Adaptative Marketing Strategies to Engage Communities and Build Brands with Dr. Raymona H. Lawrence

Today’s discerning consumers crave personalized marketing experiences in which they feel seen and heard. The paradigm has shifted, and brands looking to stay ahead of the curve are working to foster genuine connections with consumers by committing to inclusivity in products and services and participating in meaningful community engagement. This is particularly important for hard-to-reach demographics, like multicultural consumers, who have endured generations of misrepresentation and underrepresentation in advertising.

While traditional advertising revolves around reaching the masses, often at the expense of the consumer experience, network marketing, on the other hand, leverages person-to-person interactions by independent sales teams to directly engage communities. Popular beauty brands like Avon, Mary Kay and Beautycounter have harnessed the power of this model, often referred to as multi-level marketing, to build global billion-dollar enterprises.

Yet, disparities between corporations and communities persist. There lies a need for adaptive strategies that bridge these gaps, ultimately culminating in enriched consumer experiences.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Dr. Raymona H. Lawrence, founder of Dr. Raymona H. Lawrence Coaching, LLC, explores the intersection between brands, communities and marketing strategies.

Aug 09, 202328:57
What You Need to Know About the Bilingual Bicultural Hispanic Market with Maria Twena

What You Need to Know About the Bilingual Bicultural Hispanic Market with Maria Twena

The American ethos of “individualism,” which prioritizes self-reliance, independence and frugality, has tremendously impacted general market advertising strategies. Marketing to Hispanic consumers, however, requires a different approach. The Hispanic ethos embodies collectivism, emphasizing the belief and practice of interdependence and interconnectedness among individuals. Twenty-eight percent of Hispanics live in multigenerational homes where bilingual-bicultural family members typically serve as digital sherpas for Spanish-dominant loved ones who need assistance with online purchasing decisions and online/offline searches.

Interestingly, when Hispanics search online, they prefer to search in English, particularly among the highly acculturated. Marketers may misinterpret this to mean that English-dominate or English-proficient Hispanics are receptive to general market ads when they are not. While advertisers may be reaching Hispanics with these ads, they are not truly connecting with them if they are not brand loyal. And how can they be brand loyal if they do not see themselves reflected in the campaigns? At that point, it becomes a transaction driven by price or availability, not a genuine connection with the brand.

To effectively engage with the bilingual-bicultural Hispanic market, brands must embrace and understand the importance of community, family, and shared experiences. Rather than solely focusing on individual benefits, marketers should emphasize these cultural values in their marketing campaigns. Highlighting how a product or service contributes to the collective well-being and fosters connections can resonate more deeply with Hispanic consumers.

In this episode of The New Mainstream Podcast, Maria (Lopez) Twena, Chief Marketing Officer at Adsmovil and children’s book author of the MariVi the Master Navigator series, discusses the importance of cultural values like collectivism to marketing to bilingual-bicultural Hispanics.

For more Hispanic Consumer insights, get the free report, “The Hispanic Market is not a Monolith but it is Collective,” presented by Publicis Media, Adsmovil and ThinkNow.  Download it here.

Meet Our Guest:

Maria (Lopez) Twena, Chief Marketing Officer, Adsmovil

Maria (Lopez) Twena serves as Chief Marketing Officer of Adsmovil, a leading minority-owned and certified mobile advertising and digital media pioneer.

An award-winning marketer with extensive expertise in technology, digital media, and branding, Twena has over thirty years of marketing acumen. Prior to joining Adsmovil, she served as CMO of Entravision Communications and as CMO of Pulpo Media.

Widely recognized for her expertise in branding, positioning, and multicultural consumer segments, Twena’s accolades include receiving the ADCOLOR Award (2009) for her groundbreaking achievement in identifying, segmenting, and targeting bilingual/bicultural Hispanics while at MRM (McCann Worldgroup). There, she founded a discipline that developed Best Practices for advertising to the Hispanic bilingual/bicultural cohort.

She has served as a Board Member of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies and as a faculty member of the Association of National Advertisers (ANA). She is also a ThinkNow Advisory Board Member. Twena is a graduate of Loyola University of the South (B.A. Psychology) and the University of New Orleans (M.A. Mass Communications, with a specialty in Film and Television).

She has also authored a children’s book and TV series: MariVi, the Master Navigator Series, which follows its heroine, MariVi, a bilingual/bicultural character, and her family, the Abascals, as they adapt to life in the U.S. The first of the MariVi television series premiered on Nuestra.TV in April 2023.

Jul 26, 202326:25
Will AI Modernize the Insights Industry? Here Are the Pros and Cons with Rick Kelly

Will AI Modernize the Insights Industry? Here Are the Pros and Cons with Rick Kelly

The future of AI may be uncertain, but one thing is clear, it will fundamentally transform how we do business and deliver value to clients. The technology is constantly evolving, pushing boundaries and challenging our preconceived notions. This rapid evolution sparks a sense of anticipation and enthusiasm across industries. But it also raises concerns and uncertainties about how to adapt to these changes effectively and responsibly.

In the insights industry, AI has the potential to revolutionize the process of gathering and analyzing data. AI-powered tools and algorithms can enable researchers to derive valuable insights from data faster. This newfound efficiency allows for quicker and more confident decision-making. Testing and evaluating multiple opportunities in a fraction of the time through AI is another advantage that can lead to new innovative strategies that drive market success.

Despite the advantages that AI brings, there are also legitimate concerns. Some industry professionals worry about AI replacing human panelists and the potential biases embedded within AI systems that may lead to "hallucinations" or false interpretations. The fear of losing the human touch and intuition in favor of automated processes creates uneasiness and resistance to adopting AI solutions, prompting calls for cautious integration to ensure AI technologies are designed to augment human capabilities, not replace them.

On this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Rick Kelly, Chief Strategy Officer at Fuel Cycle, discusses the impact of AI on the insights industry and Fuel Cylce’s new partnership with ThinkNow to amplify multicultural audiences.

Jul 12, 202330:20
Driving Sustainable Change Through DEI and Employee Engagement with Sue Schmidlkofer

Driving Sustainable Change Through DEI and Employee Engagement with Sue Schmidlkofer

June presents organizations with opportunities like Pride and Juneteenth to actively engage with and support diverse communities. But demonstrating a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion requires a consistent and continuous effort at all levels of an organization if it’s to foster an inclusive environment in which people feel valued, seen and heard 365 days a year.

At the heart of that commitment are the individuals within the organization who greatly benefit from a sustained effort to foster inclusivity – employees. Typically, within inclusive cultures, employees are more engaged, which impacts retention and productivity, ultimately benefiting the bottom line. When employees carry the values of diversity and inclusion outside the workplace into the community through volunteerism, for example, they amplify the organization’s commitment, generating positive brand sentiment.

Organizations can also partner with external groups such as nonprofits and civic organizations to develop relationships and implement programming that brings long-term benefits to marginalized groups, not the occasional performative headlines.

Post-2020, there was a rush to quickly onboard DEI programs in fear of public backlash. But many organizations have since learned that doing it right is far better than doing it quickly.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Sue Schmidlkofer, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at UPS shares DEI best practices for actively engaging employees in driving sustainable change.

Meet Our Guest:  Sue Schmidlkofer is the Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at UPS. In this role, she oversees the company’s global strategy centered around its mission statement, ‘You Belong At UPS.’ Monitoring workforce diversity aspirational goals, supporting more than 200 Business Resource Groups, and developing top talent are her key areas of focus in 2023.

Throughout her 28-year career at UPS, Sue has held a variety of roles primarily within Human Resources in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and currently at the global headquarters in Atlanta. Sue serves on the board of the Georgia Diversity Council, the Atlanta Diversity Management Advocacy Group, and The Drake House, a non-profit organization that supports women and their children experiencing homelessness. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Spanish and a master’s in Business Management and HR. Outside of spending time with her family, her interests include reading, writing, baking, and tennis.

Jun 21, 202334:49
Navigating the Intersectionality of Organizational Culture and Change Management with Alissa Lieppman

Navigating the Intersectionality of Organizational Culture and Change Management with Alissa Lieppman

During the Fall League Meeting in 2022, the National Football League announced enhancements to its diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives across its 32 clubs and the league office. Essential to the success of these initiatives is culture, and people are at the center of culture. Peter Drucker is often credited with saying that "culture eats strategy for lunch" due to the influential role of organizational culture in driving employee engagement, retention, and performance, which ultimately has a profound impact on the bottom line.

Organizations approach culture differently, but those that do it well are open and willing to cultivate psychologically safe spaces that foster trust and transparency and honor vulnerability. Since organizational culture and business operations are interconnected, removing barriers presents opportunities for employees to participate in driving that culture. It empowers them by making them feel part of something bigger than their current job role.

Employee resource groups, led by employee volunteers, are incredible development opportunities to cross-collaborate, create unique business synergies, and foster a sense of belonging. Those synergies, however, cannot exist in a silo and must be diffused throughout the organization. Communication is vital to culture building, particularly when an organization is undergoing change management.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Alissa Lieppman, Vice President, Head of Culture & Business Operations for NFL Media at the National Football League (NFL), shares insights on how the league effectively navigated the challenges of an office relocation while also emphasizing the importance of culture on change management.

Jun 12, 202330:43
Promoting Health Equity: Overcoming Implicit Bias in Public Health with Denise Evans

Promoting Health Equity: Overcoming Implicit Bias in Public Health with Denise Evans

May is Maternal Mental Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the intersectionality of motherhood and mental health. It serves as a reminder that behind the joy and anticipation of becoming a mother, there may also be hidden struggles and challenges that need to be acknowledged and addressed, like access to quality care, particularly for Black women.

Women of color frequently encounter healthcare providers who hold unconscious biases that impact the quality of care they receive. These biases can lead to misdiagnoses, inadequate pain management, dismissive attitudes, and a lack of culturally sensitive care. Such experiences jeopardize the physical health of women of color and erode their trust in the healthcare system.

In a recent report released by the CDC , 89% more women died from pregnancy-related issues in 2021 than in 2018. Black women are nearly 3 times more likely to die than White women and 2.5 times more likely than Hispanic women. The majority of these deaths were preventable.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Denise Evans, Principal, CEO & Founder of Consult Me, and Senior Learning & Development Specialist at Corewell Health, discusses the impact of implicit bias on Black maternal health and how to advance health equity in public health.

Meet Our Guest:

Denise Evans is a trained facilitator, public health educator, and Truth Racial Healing Transformation practitioner. She has specialized training in health equity and social justice, cultural intelligence, and unconscious/implicit bias, as well as technologies of participation facilitation. Denise serves as a content expert for the National Healthy Start Association and the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality and served the National Association of County & City Health Officials and state and local health departments on issues of equity, justice, bias, diversity, belonging and inclusion.

For the past 25 years, she has worked diligently to connect community organizers, faith-based organizations and public health professionals from New York City to Los Angeles in a collective effort to disrupt systems of oppression and build a more equitable future for those living in our nation’s most vulnerable communities. Ms. Evans is a two-time past chair of Spectrum Health’s (now Corewell Health) System Inclusion Council and a founding member of the Greater Grand Rapids Racial Equity Network.

May 24, 202339:35
The Mechanics of Effectively Engaging Asian American Survey Panelists with Iris Yim

The Mechanics of Effectively Engaging Asian American Survey Panelists with Iris Yim

Implementing a multicultural marketing strategy is one of the most impactful ways brands can tap into the new mainstream. The U.S. consumer market is speeding toward a multicultural majority. Marketers are tasked with gaining a deeper understanding of these diverse consumer segments and crafting messaging that appeals to them and motivates them to action. Hispanics comprise the largest ethnic group, while Asian Americans account for about 7% of the U.S. population. Among them, Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese and Korean are the largest groups.

But marketing to Asian American consumers can be challenging for some marketers, as two-thirds of this group are foreign-born. This demographic difference means their motivations, preferences, and purchasing behavior may differ significantly from their U.S.-born counterparts. Similarly, researchers must be mindful of these differences when conducting consumer surveys and providing insights to marketers, as insights that apply to U.S.-born Asian Americans may not apply to foreign-born Asians.

In general, online sample providers have not kept pace with the consumer market's changing dynamics to the same extent as they have done to reduce fraud in the industry. Many researchers recruit survey respondents in English only from the general market, resulting in a lack of representation of diverse consumers on panels and low incidence rates.

On this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Iris Yim, Principal and Chief Strategist at Sparkle Insights and Board Member and Vice President of the Asian American Advertising Federation, delves into the mechanics of effectively engaging Asian American survey respondents and the impact it has on multicultural marketing.

Meet Iris Yim:

Iris is a seasoned researcher well versed in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Her experience in research across different industries and cultural segments makes her a versatile researcher that approaches research in a holistic and innovative way to solve clients’ business problems and uncover insights. 

The types of studies Iris have conducted include market opportunity assessments, customer satisfaction, attitude and awareness, ad testing, positioning, segmentation and new product development.  She has experience in a wide range of industries including CPG, travel and leisure, financial services, automotive, and healthcare.

Iris is the Research Chair of the Asian American Advertising Federation and serves on the Supplier Diversity Committee of the Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing, affiliated with Association of National Advertisers. She is an alumna of the RIVA Training Institute and holds an MBA from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in public relations from the University of Southern California.

May 10, 202334:47
Beyond the Hype: Genuine Commitment to DEI in the Beauty Industry with Mia Talavera

Beyond the Hype: Genuine Commitment to DEI in the Beauty Industry with Mia Talavera

The racial reckoning of 2020 brought diversity, equity, and inclusion to the forefront, although the concept itself is not new. Unfortunately, many brands have taken advantage of this movement for their benefit, resulting in broken promises and hollow commitments that have undermined their reputation. However, for brands like LVMH, there is an urgent need to approach DEI with genuine commitment and intentionality, actively embracing cultural differences to enhance the employee experience and drive business results.

For Benefit Cosmetics, an LVMH brand, DEI expands beyond human resources to developing inclusive products and other elements that impact all facets of the organization. This culture shift is important as the U.S. consumer market becomes increasingly diverse, blurring the lines between DEI and multicultural marketing. 

Implementing DEI is not only the right thing to do from a moral standpoint but is also a savvy business move. Brands that fail to tap into the purchasing power of diverse communities, particularly Black and Hispanic consumers, are missing out on a significant opportunity.

Yet, the beauty industry still lacks a broad spectrum of cosmetics that cater to the diversity within these groups. It's essential to look beyond race and gender and start meaningful conversations around other dimensions of diversity, such as ability and sexual orientation. Brands have a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the barriers that underrepresented groups face and use their privilege to empower them.

Mia Talavera, Director of Global Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Benefit Cosmetics (LVMH), stops by The New Mainstream podcast to share her insights on the urgent need for genuine commitment and intentionality concerning DEI at the organizational and product levels.

Meet Our Guest:

Mia Talavera is a high-performing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Leader passionate about inspiring positive culture change by designing and driving global DE&I strategies to promote and advance inclusion in the workplace. Mia has advised and consulted organizational leaders across various industries on leveraging innovative DEI initiatives, most recently driving real change within the beauty sector with Benefit Cosmetics.

Mia is the Director of Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Benefit Cosmetics (LVMH). She is also a certified Unconscious Bias Facilitator and earned a Bachelor's Business Degree and D&I certification from Yale Business School of Management.

Apr 28, 202332:33
Gender-Neutral Roles and Representation in Advertising and the Workplace with Dana Rapoport
Apr 12, 202323:35
Why Partnering with DEI Consultants Can Drive Meaningful Change in Your Organization with Ali Sheehan Mignone
Mar 29, 202329:57
Breaking Down Barriers: Creating Inclusive Workplaces Through Behavioral Change with Tanya Diaz-Goldsmith

Breaking Down Barriers: Creating Inclusive Workplaces Through Behavioral Change with Tanya Diaz-Goldsmith

Companies prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion often experience higher rates of productivity and increased profits. That diversity goes beyond racial and ethnic differences, however. Diversity of thought is equally important, which drives innovation and creative problem-solving.

From a talent management perspective, fostering an inclusive workplace is essential to attracting and retaining talent and developing talent, particularly for marginalized and underrepresented groups. The process begins with acknowledging that these groups require programs specifically designed to build equity within an organization. While people generally have a shared humanity, understanding that systemic “isms” have moved the finish line for marginalized communities is essential to advancing equity.

DE&I initiatives existed before 2020, but post-George Floyd, many organizations have stepped up their commitments, partly because it's the right thing to do but also in fear of public backlash. An increasing percentage of consumers want to
shop with brands that prioritize DE&I. Similarly, a growing number of consumers are willing to stop frequenting a store that does not publicly and consistently support diversity and inclusion. It is not just consumers unwilling to support a brand that does not meet DE&I expectations. Prospective and current employees within an organization are hyper-aware of this, and they use it to decide whether to take a job or not or stay or leave their current jobs.

Ultimately, an organization's culture is not inclusive if people are invited into a space unwilling to change. People need a sense of belonging to feel included and authentically accepted for who they are. But creating that environment in an organization is challenging because it is not easy to change hearts and minds. People have deeply ingrained values and beliefs, which make behavioral change difficult.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Tanya Diaz-Goldsmith, Director of Talent Development & Diversity for Related Companies, shares how DE&I programs focusing on behavioral changes can foster inclusive workplace environments and increase employee retention.

Meet Tanya:

Tanya Diaz-Goldsmith is the Director of Talent Development & Diversity for Related Companies. She leads Related’s diversity efforts, working to embed best in class diversity and inclusion practices into all facets of the business in order support the company’s commitment to advancing equity. Since joining Related, Tanya has developed robust strategies to promote diversity that prioritize a holistic, people centric approach and makes use of her decades of experience in real estate and nonprofit. She continues to leverage her background to build an organizational culture that inspires and supports ideation, innovation and inclusion. An enthusiastic and passionate advocate for DE&I, Tanya is known for her commitment to increasing diversity within the real estate industry.

Mar 15, 202338:43
Can Impact Investing Level the Playing Field for Diverse Founders? with Jessica Salinas

Can Impact Investing Level the Playing Field for Diverse Founders? with Jessica Salinas

Impact investing has emerged as a powerful tool for directing private capital toward social and environmental causes while generating financial returns for investors. This approach is particularly relevant for black and brown entrepreneurs who often face systemic barriers that limit their access to capital and resources. Many of these entrepreneurs are creating businesses that address social and environmental challenges faced by their communities, such as access to affordable housing, healthcare, and education. However, they often struggle to secure the funding they need to grow and scale their businesses.

Despite the data documenting the opportunity gap for diverse founders compared to their White counterparts, there is a persistent narrative that suggests no correlation between race and ethnicity and business enablement. Yet, their funding journey varies significantly and getting people to buy into social impact as a business strategy isn't easy.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Jessica Salinas, Chief Investment Officer at New Media Ventures, discusses how impact investing can empower diverse entrepreneurs and contribute to a more just, equitable, and sustainable society.

Mar 03, 202356:24
Market Researchers: Empathy Activists Dismantling Untruths with Rob Volpe
Feb 15, 202341:02
Training NextGen BIPOC Youth for STEAM Careers Can Close the Wealth Gap with Dr. Hassan Brown

Training NextGen BIPOC Youth for STEAM Careers Can Close the Wealth Gap with Dr. Hassan Brown

Florida’s recent block of an Advanced Placement (AP) African American Studies course for high school students sent shockwaves across academia and enraged supporters. Providing all students with access to diverse educational opportunities broadens their perspectives and fosters empathy for each other’s plight. To limit those opportunities is to limit their growth.

Limits lead to disparities between educational environments, resulting in barriers to learning for some, and privilege for others. As a result of these inequities, Black and Brown communities have disproportionate access to advanced curricula like STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), which are essential to achieving high-income careers and establishing generational wealth, which could alter the trajectory of underserved and under resourced communities.

On this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Dr. Hassan Brown, founder of Career Catalyst, talks about his journey into ed tech and the importance of training the next generation of BIPOC youth for STEAM careers.

About Dr. Hassan Brown:

Dr. Hassan Brown is the Chief Executive Officer of Career Catalyst, an education technology and multimedia endeavor within the Kapor Center, designed to cultivate confidence in young people of color from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue academic and professional STEM opportunities, increasing their odds of being full participants in the future of work and innovation economies, leading to more gainful employment and economic security.

Brown is passionate about bridging the gap between social justice, workforce education, and emerging technologies. He has served as the director of Harvard Innovation and Ventures in Education (HIVE) and has also been a startup advisor for the Harvard Initiative for Teaching and Learning (HILT), and currently serves as a startup advisor for Headstream, an accelerator from SecondMuse that focuses on youth wellbeing and centering youth voice in the discourse around emerging technologies.

Dr. Brown holds a Bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College, Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Masters in Education from Hunter College, and Doctor of Education Leadership degree from Harvard University.

Feb 01, 202330:18
From Vision to Value, Creating Scalable Employee Resource Groups with Illianna Acosta

From Vision to Value, Creating Scalable Employee Resource Groups with Illianna Acosta

Volunteer-led Employee Resource Groups aim to foster inclusion, belonging, and community among employees. An ERG with executive sponsorship, a clear vision, and shared values can increase employee engagement and be a vital component of a successful organization.

There are many different types of ERGs, and in recent years, organizations have focused these efforts on promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Many of these groups center around employee populations disproportionately represented within an organization. Those tasked with leading these groups are the bridge between group members and organizational leadership. It’s a heavy lift, often without additional compensation, but it’s not without its benefits.

Participating in ERGs gives employees, particularly leaders of the group, access to various tiers of the org chart and opportunities to execute meaningful programming for persons who identify with those groups and the employee base as a whole. ERGs also facilitate professional development and the ability to showcase skills and capabilities, which can lead to job promotions and recognition. But key steps should be taken to launch and sustain an effective employee resource group.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Illianna Acosta, Senior Manager of Channel Sales and Global Co-Chair of LinkedIn’s Hispanic ERG, shares how ERGs can be used to create an environment of inclusion and how to measure their impact.

Jan 18, 202336:58
DEI and Executive Buy-In: Why Hiring and Multicultural Marketing Are At Risk with Dominique Dickson

DEI and Executive Buy-In: Why Hiring and Multicultural Marketing Are At Risk with Dominique Dickson

Diversity, equity, and inclusion have been at the forefront of public consciousness since 2020. While these tenants were commonly known in academia, awareness among the general public is relatively new. Many companies and brands, in particular, are now grappling with balancing consumer expectations for DEI and navigating their learning curve.

DEI doesn't exist in a silo, however. It's not a department or a destination – it's a journey that winds through every aspect of an organization. It takes the total commitment of executive leadership for DEI to permeate an organization's culture and show up in its practices, from hiring diverse talent to launching inclusive marketing campaigns. This is particularly pertinent for firms interested in multicultural marketing. Firms with little to no representation of diverse professionals will find it challenging to attract multicultural consumers, and these firms may also find it harder to attract qualified candidates. Like consumers, job seekers want to work for an organization that shares their values,
especially Millennials and Gen Zers, who comprise a large percentage of today's talent pool.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Dominique Dickson, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager at Heidrick & Struggles, explains why executive buy-in is crucial for building an inclusive workplace culture, attracting diverse candidates, and achieving better business outcomes.

About Our Guest:

Dominique Dickson is a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager at renowned executive search and leadership consulting firm, Heidrick & Struggles. She began her career there in 2016 as a member of the Global CEO & Board practice that manages recruitment of the world's top leaders across a wide range of industries. Dominique was promoted to the internal DE&I function at the firm in 2021. Prior to joining Heidrick, she held various corporate operations, communications, executive support and project management positions in the legal, asset management and business consulting industries.

Jan 04, 202330:30
Is Your Talent Pipeline Diverse? Your Marketing Tells the Real Story with Carole Smith

Is Your Talent Pipeline Diverse? Your Marketing Tells the Real Story with Carole Smith

The difference between organizations that implement diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives well and those that stumble is intentionality. Two years after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, people of color are still waiting to see systemic change economically, politically and socially.

Companies and brands that employ millions of workers can make a tremendous impact here if that influence is wielded to take a stance on social justice issues, level the playing field for black and brown workers, and increase representation in marketing and advertising.

That work begins with the talent pipeline. Organizations that intentionally fill the pipeline with diverse candidates are more likely to hire employees with diverse backgrounds. That diversity impacts culture, innovation, creativity and, ultimately, business outcomes.

For marketers, when hiring, it’s important to remember that what’s happening inside the organization often shows up on the outside. Without cultural competence and representation, inclusive marketing will be difficult to achieve. Simply put, failing to diversify your talent pipeline is why your marketing is missing the mark.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Carole Smith, Marketing Director and Executive Sponsor of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council at Aquent, discusses the role of diversity in talent acquisition and how it improves business outcomes.

Dec 14, 202233:01
Corporate Investment in Small Business, the Path to Business Equity with Roberto Martinez

Corporate Investment in Small Business, the Path to Business Equity with Roberto Martinez

Minority small businesses are driving the U.S. economy, particularly women-owned firms. Forty percent of U.S. businesses are women-owned. Black women represent the fastest-growing segment of entrepreneurs, and there are over 2 million Latina-owned businesses in the country. Large corporations have become increasingly interested in supporting small businesses over the last two years. Just recently, Macy’s announced plans to invest $30 million to help minority-owned businesses in retail scale, and there have been a number of other announcements.

What’s important to note here is that many of these companies are in it for the long haul. When minority businesses thrive, business owners and employees reinvest those funds in their communities. Thriving communities stimulate a healthy economy, resulting in more discretionary spending, benefiting all businesses. But companies looking to partner with minority-owned businesses must do so from a place of empathy and authenticity. How organizations show up in diverse communities matters. Helping small businesses scale isn’t a box to be checked, but a long-term commitment to business equity.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Roberto Martinez, Founder & CEO of the Braven Agency discusses the small business ecosystem and how corporate investment improves business equity.

Nov 28, 202238:16
Disability Inclusion: Are Your Online Surveys Accessible? with Timothy Cornelius
Nov 09, 202240:33
FinTech's Impact on Private Practice Growth with Mario Amaro
Oct 20, 202237:19
Marketing to Bicultural Latinx Consumers with Silvia Li Sam
Oct 05, 202243:45
Advancing Latino Health Equity Through Community Health Workers with Mariza Hardin

Advancing Latino Health Equity Through Community Health Workers with Mariza Hardin

The patient journey starts with vulnerability. There is a need yet all too often within minority communities, that need isn’t met with adequate resources. Latinos, in particular, face several obstacles to accessing health care, from difficulties finding information in their native language to a shortage of Latino or bilingual doctors. Additionally, lack of transportation and reluctance to take time off work, alongside the fear of deportation for undocumented Latinos, further exacerbate the problem. As a consequence, some Latinos forgo care, and that decision could prove fatal.

To address these barriers and improve health outcomes for Latinos, it’s essential to understand their patient journey and identify the friction points, one being the lack of community navigators. Community navigators, more commonly known as community health workers, are the bridge between the healthcare system and patient care. Community health workers are essential to underserved communities as they attempt to simplify and demystify the complex systems that have historically ignored the needs of minority communities.

In Latino communities, these navigators are known as promotores de salud (promotoras). Promotoras play a critical role in educating Latinos and directing them to resources, like primary care physicians, which is in stark contrast to them relying on informal information sources like social media or family. These individuals, seen as trusted messengers, are often Latino and understand the plight of Latino families and make recommendations that align with the Latino lifestyle in efforts to close the health equity gap.

Zócalo Health has its finger on the pulse of Latino health care and champions the use of promotoras. Through its innovative virtual-first family medicine service for Latinos, it’s committed to helping remove barriers to healthcare by offering convenient, transparent, and culturally-aligned care to members.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Mariza Hardin, Co-Founder, Head of Strategy and Operations, and Erik Cardenas, Co-Founder, CEO of Zócalo Health, share the importance of promotoras (community health workers) in improving health care outcomes for Latino communities.

Oct 05, 202243:16
The Reckoning: Democratizing the Beer Industry with Jessica Infante

The Reckoning: Democratizing the Beer Industry with Jessica Infante

In 1978, former President Jimmy Carter legalized home brewing beer giving rise to what we now know as craft beer. There are currently over 9,000 craft breweries in the U.S. challenging legacy beer brands for market share and consumer mindshare. As beer has evolved, brand offerings have expanded to include non-alcoholic beers and non-beer products like hard seltzers. Beer drinkers have evolved as well. Alcohol consumption has soared, particularly among women ages 21-25 for the first time in history.

Yet, outside of oversexualized ads, the beer industry has largely ignored women in advertising and the c-suite despite the growing number of female founders of craft breweries like Golden Road Brewing and Jack A Lope Brewing Company. Bad behavior and gender disparities are not uncommon in the beer industry. Last year, a brave female founder took to social media to call out sexist and abusive behavior toward women in the industry, leading to resignations, firings, and a new perspective on women's contributions.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Jessica Infante, Managing Editor of Brewbound discusses gender diversity in the beer industry and what brands need to do to be more inclusive.

Jul 21, 202241:36
Culture and Opportunity Drives Surge in Hispanic Boxing Fandom
Jul 07, 202234:42
Diversity In Market Research, Attracting the Next Gen with Misty Wilson

Diversity In Market Research, Attracting the Next Gen with Misty Wilson

Attracting young, diverse talent to the market research industry is essential to its longevity. But this task has proven difficult to date, and it may be a matter of timing. Engaging younger generations in college could lead to greater interest in careers in insights. But that requires intentionality on the part of research companies.

Engagement is just half of the story, however. America’s youth are increasingly diverse. Gen Z is the first majority-minority generation. As they come of age and enter the workforce, they look to work for organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion. Recent findings show that 68% of Gen Z define diversity and inclusion as racial equality, followed closely by gender equality at 67%, with differently-abled equality rounding out the top three, at 48%. Among Millennials, 69% define diversity and inclusion as racial equality, but fewer define it as gender equality(58%). Differently-abled equality and LGBTQIA equality are tied for third.

Why is this important? If the market research industry hopes to attract younger generations, it must adopt a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Young multicultural adults must see themselves reflected in leadership, so they have something to aspire to. Ultimately, the industry's culture must support diversity and inclusion in principle and practice by creating equitable and inclusive workspaces were people from all backgrounds have a sense of belonging.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Misty Wilson, Director of Marketing at Greenbook, shares perspectives from her journey as a woman of color in market research and what the industry needs to do to attract diverse talent.

Jun 22, 202238:37
Multi-Hyphenated Creator Economy Disrupts Influencer Marketing 1.0 with Donnelle Branche

Multi-Hyphenated Creator Economy Disrupts Influencer Marketing 1.0 with Donnelle Branche

From Coachella to Taco Bell, creators are monetizing their crafts to bridge the gap between consumers and brands. Powered by social platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitch, the influencer market for branded and platform deals is projected to reach $28 billion by 2026. And the models keep changing. Hashtag sponsored posts – influencer marketing 1.0 - represents where we’ve been. Brands are now leveraging the creator economy in new ways, paying them for their insights into what’s trending and developing that content to post to the brands’ platforms instead of the influencers’ news feeds.

Equity partnerships have also increased. Multi-hyphenated creators, many of whom are athletes, entertainers, or personalities, are being approached by brands to become ambassadors for their products in exchange for equity in the companies, e.g., 50 Cent and Vitamin Water and P. Diddy and Ciroc Vodka.

Other creators have expanded even further, like The Kardashians, Rhianna, and LeBron James, who have gone way beyond being Insta-famous or making music or moves on the court to launching media empires that are challenging conventions. The next frontier, the metaverse.

Donnelle Branche, Talent Manager at Digital Brand Architects, joins us on The New Mainstream podcast to discuss the evolution of influencer marketing and how multi-hyphenated creators are changing the game.

May 25, 202237:22
Keeping it 200: How Latinos Navigate the American Experience with Vanessa Vigil

Keeping it 200: How Latinos Navigate the American Experience with Vanessa Vigil

Latino immigrants once feared that practicing their native cultures would make them seem "less American" and thus less accepted, so they tried to acculturate to American ways of life quickly. Fortunately, most Latinos have evolved in how they see themselves. They embrace the concept of the "the 200%" (100% Latino and 100% American) and the ability to be ones authentic self without abandoning who they are. Language has been one of the biggest indicators of that. In the past, immigrant parents may have insisted that everyone in the household speak only English and stifle their native tongue.

But today, bicultural bilingual households across the U.S. are thriving, primarily driven by younger generations who refuse to confirm or apologize for their lineage. Gen Z is the first multicultural majority generation, and Latinos have the highest rate of interracial marriage.

So how should marketers engage this demographic? Connecting with the new mainstream requires understanding the dynamics they navigate daily, taking into account their cultural lens, contextual environments, and behavior. To do that, they must be invited to the conversations and a part of the decisions being made. By relying on people with these experiences, you can assess the authenticity of your marketing efforts and decrease the chance of missing the mark.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Vanessa Vigil, General Manager, mitú, distills the notion of "the 200%" and why it's important for marketers to dive deeper into multicultural consumer insights.

May 12, 202243:27
Challenging Gender Stereotypes, Showing Greater Empathy with Lauren Triplett

Challenging Gender Stereotypes, Showing Greater Empathy with Lauren Triplett

After taking a Behavioral Economics class at Florida State University, Lauren Triplett knew she had found her passion. Marketing bridges the gap between brands and consumers by helping marketers understand why people do what they do and purchase what they purchase. Lauren found this fascinating and spent the next few years building her expertise, including starting her own digital marketing agency and working for less to gain experience.

Fast forward a few years, amid a global pandemic, Lauren landed a job at one of the most beloved brands in the world, Mattel.

As Associate Marketing Manager of the Barbie Global Brand at Mattel, Inc., Lauren’s team is responsible for the strategy behind the Barbie family segment, including Barbie, her sisters, pets, and the Netflix series. And they have harsh critics – Generation Alpha.

This young consumer group, powered by the pocketbooks of their Millennial moms and dads, represents a treasure trove of revenue for the brand. Like their predecessors, Gen Z, these "mini millennials" also challenge the brand to address societal stereotypes, particularly around gender identity. Mattel has released inclusive product lines like Barbie Fashionista featuring dolls of varying body shapes, abilities, hairstyles, and gender-neutral dolls.

“The more multifaceted we can make characters, the more kids will be interested and build empathy naturally because they see people that look different on the shows and products they like,” says Lauren. The intention is to take inclusivity from being a checkmark in a box to a storyline featuring loveable characters kids will be interested in regardless of background.

Tune in to the latest episode of The New Mainstream podcast as Lauren Triplett, Associate Marketing Manager, Barbie Global Brand at Mattel, Inc. and founder of BiteSized Consulting discuss the evolution of gendered toys and how inclusivity leads to greater empathy.

Apr 27, 202231:23
Easy Solves, The Wrong Approach To D&I with Whitney Dunlap Fowler & Shazia Ginai

Easy Solves, The Wrong Approach To D&I with Whitney Dunlap Fowler & Shazia Ginai

People want easy solves. It’s not uncommon for companies and brands to retain the services of an expert in multicultural marketing or diversity and inclusion to be told what to do rather than coming to the table with what they want to do. You have to set the intention. While you may not know how to get there, doing the soul searching needed to uncover the vulnerabilities within your organization is a step in the right direction toward developing a more inclusive culture that impacts how you work, how you hire, and how you market.

Ironically, marketers turn to market research to give them insight into specific audiences. But the challenge within the research industry is its lack of diversity, and it can have a real impact on results. When there is a lack of representation when developing sample frames, for example, the questionnaires lack objectivity. And when you only pull in researchers of color when you want to run a multicultural campaign, your general market campaigns lack that perspective.

Researchers of color are first and foremost researchers and should be considered team members, not just leads on special projects or multicultural checkpoints. The industry needs more people of color to fill the vacancies on these teams. Essential to attracting diverse talent is an inclusive recruiting strategy.

Awareness of market research careers should be raised on the campuses of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and jobs posted on inclusive job boards like Mimconnect. When candidates are hired, they must see themselves growing at the company. If there isn’t representation at the top in key leadership positions, it sends the wrong message.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Whitney Dunlap Fowler, founder, A Touch of Whit and Insights In Color and Shazia Ginai, CEO, Neuro-Insight and board chair, Colour of Research (CORe), share their experiences in the market research industry, and how intentionality is key to driving diversity.

Apr 13, 202251:35
Serving Up Authenticity in Food and CPG
Mar 30, 202246:33
Brand Allies: Seeing Multicultural Consumers As People First, Not Dollar Signs

Brand Allies: Seeing Multicultural Consumers As People First, Not Dollar Signs

Multicultural marketing is finally being embraced as a necessity, not a nice-to-have. Marketers have traditionally been interested in marketing to diverse audiences around the release of Census data when they realized the changing demographics of American consumers.

That’s changed within the last two years. Consumers have been more vocal, taking brands to task for cultural insensitivity and stereotypical themes. In response, there has been a more consistent focus on multicultural.

That focus extends beyond just reaching consumers to engaging minority-owned companies, particularly media companies. It's unlikely that a brand can fully engage a diverse group if they are not supporting companies within that group. For example, it would be beneficial for a brand targeting Black consumers to work with a Black-owned media company with access to Black consumers. Understanding that many minority-owned firms may be smaller and unable to deliver the reach necessary makes collaborating with larger firms essential, opening the door for robust supplier diversity programs.

But it’s important to note that building relationships with diverse audiences is a long game. Loyalty comes over time, and engaging multicultural audiences thoughtfully and respectfully builds goodwill. Consumers want brand allies who care about what they value and stand in solidarity with them, not brands that just see them as dollar signs.

Tune in to this episode of The New Mainstream podcast where
Marina Filippelli, CEO of Orci, discusses the importance of brand allies to building consumer loyalty and why partnering with minority-owned media companies matters.

Marina drives both business strategy and day-to-day operations for multicultural initiatives at Orci, working closely with her team to deliver engaging, effective campaigns that help global brands like Honda, Acura, Dole, VCA, Anheuser Busch, Chevron and ExtraMile build meaningful relationships with diverse targets in the U.S. and Latin America.

With roots in Mexico and Argentina, she has been passionate about communicating with the Latinx community since she first launched her career at Orci, ultimately returning after leading the multicultural division of Heat and client teams at Zubi Advertising and Conexión.

Mar 16, 202241:23
Closing the Digital Divide for Latinx Consumers

Closing the Digital Divide for Latinx Consumers

When the pandemic shut down schools and sent students into virtual learning environments, the disparity in access to reliable technology was apparent. Families in underserved and under-resourced communities found themselves at a disadvantage, having limited access to devices and internet services within households, putting students who are already at risk in jeopardy of falling further behind. If education is supposed to be the great equalizer that levels the playing field, then the digital divide tipped the scales.

Technology has the power to build equity in underrepresented communities in areas of education, healthcare, and economic development. For Hispanics, who at 60 million represent about 18% of the U.S. population, technology is the key to fostering upward mobility. By 2050, 25% of Americans will identify as Hispanic, and 6 out of 10 will be Millennials or younger. One out of three women will identify as Hispanic by 2060. So the future is clearly multicultural, but the opportunities for advancement aren’t keeping pace. Hispanics are underrepresented in Fortune 500s and in technology sectors, and Latinas face a significant pay gap.

Education is the long-term economic strategy, and technology is part of the equation. Creating pathways for Hispanics to learn technology skills helps diversify the talent pipeline for corporations and creates favorable conditions for Hispanics to launch tech startups. Unity is power, and it will take a collaborative effort by local, state, and federal governments and the private sector to ensure digital equity for everyone.

Lili Gangas, Chief Technology Community Officer, Kapor Center and co-founder of LTX Connect discusses ways tech companies and government can close the digital divide in minority communities and create access to equitable education.

Mar 02, 202242:00
Multicultural Marketing, A Strategy Not A Tactic

Multicultural Marketing, A Strategy Not A Tactic

2020 was a year of highs and lows. For marketers who have always maintained a commitment to diversity and inclusion, the calls for social justice strengthened their resolve. For many others, however, the momentum of acknowledging the problem gave way to frantic, reactive statements that quickly fizzled out or failed. A year later, companies realized their approach to diversity and inclusion couldn’t be summed up in a social media post. Instead, it required a concerted, internal and external effort to fundamentally change who they are and how they present in the world.

There are concerns, however, that the push for representation will wane. That multicultural marketing will be used as a tactic and not a strategy requiring an investment in research, time, and attention. But the next generation of leaders, particularly Gen Z, the first majority-minority generation, is poised to
reshape multicultural marketing as we know it. Gen Z is consuming the brands that align with their values, and they are making it clear to employers as they enter the workforce what their expectations are around diversity and inclusion.

In the past, multicultural marketing has typically focused on Hispanics, not representing the full diversity of the multicultural diaspora. Companies have started paying more attention to their multicultural audiences in the last couple of years. They now include Hispanics and Black and Asian consumers, who may be smaller in size but are enjoying increased purchasing power and population growth, as well as stepping outside of race to include ability and the intersectionality of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The first step to reaching these audiences is identifying the gaps in your data. Most organizations are surprised to find they have more insights than they thought but just haven't connected the dots.

LaToya Christian, Managing Partner at GroupM, returns to The New Mainstream podcast to discuss the evolution of multicultural marketing over the past two years and why it’s not too late for brands to begin their multicultural marketing journey in 2022.

Feb 16, 202238:11
Hypercultural Latinx, The Next Generation of Growth

Hypercultural Latinx, The Next Generation of Growth

Younger and more tech-savvy than their majority counterparts, Hispanic consumers present significant growth opportunities for brands looking to expand their consumer base. Yet, even with larger budgets and bigger teams, many of these brands stumble through their multicultural outreach. Worse case, they ignore them entirely, as is the case with the “hidden generation.”

Hypercultural Latinx, a term coined by Latina venture capitalist Ilse Calderon, principal at OVO Fund, is defined as second-generation Gen Z or young Millennials between the ages of 18 to 30 who identify as 100% Hispanic and 100% American. They fully embrace the traditions and culture passed down to them by their Hispanic parents while fully immersing themselves in American culture, forming a pseudo-culture authentic to how they live their lives.

This consumer cohort uses social media and other digital platforms to discover and drive trends, embrace and share culture, and engage and influence their communities while cultivating friendships and spheres of influence with other demographics.

Despite the benefits of activating this audience, larger companies with decades of red tape find it difficult to convert this segment. Startups, who may be led by members of this community or closely aligned with them, cultivate relationships with this cohort from the onset, giving them an advantage.

In this episode of The New Mainstream podcast, Ilse Calderon, discusses why the Hypercultural Latinx consumer represents the next generation of growth for emerging brands.

Feb 02, 202229:38