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Words Matter

Words Matter

By Nick Hahn

From the first cry from your Mother’s womb to where you are today, words matter. Words drive your life, words define you, words tell us who you are and who the world thinks you are. This podcast will explore great words in history, stay tuned, it’s quite a ride.
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Drone by J N Hahn

Words MatterOct 26, 2019

Drone by J N Hahn

Drone by J N Hahn


Oct 26, 201916:53


Love is a common word, hackneyed, used over and over for everything but what the poets intended.

Oct 01, 201907:12
Chap IV-Tiggers Don’t Climb Trees

Chap IV-Tiggers Don’t Climb Trees

I could spend a happy morning

Seeing Roo,

I could spend a happy morning

Being Pooh.

For it doesn't seem to matter,

If I don't get any fatter

What I do.

Sep 27, 201922:36
Lou Gehrig-1939

Lou Gehrig-1939

For speechwriters, it's not about length, it's about words. Lou Gehrig moved 60,000 fans in Yankee Stadium to tears with this brief talk. The lesson is he spoke from the heart, the emotion was palpable. My guess is Lou Gehrig never took a creative writing class, but he sure could write.

"I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth..."

Sep 26, 201903:37
The House At Pooh Corner~Chap 3

The House At Pooh Corner~Chap 3

A.A. Milne’s wonderful dedication of this book to his Mother:  

“You gave me Christopher Robin, and then

 You breathed new life in Pooh.

Whatever of each has left my pen

 Goes homing back to you.

My book is ready, and comes to greet

 The mother it longs to see~

It would be my present to you my sweet,

 If it weren’t your gift to me.”

A.A. Milne

Sep 25, 201919:33
The Ghosts Of Democrats Past

The Ghosts Of Democrats Past

1928 Democratic National Convention, Houston Texas

"A Clear call comes to us today to fight anew under the Jeffersonian banner, with the Jacksonian sword, and in the Wilsonian spirit, and crashing the gates of privilege, make Jeffersonian democracy a living force again in the lives and homes of men"

Claude Bowers, keynote address.

Sep 20, 201913:52
Carl Sagan at Gettysburg

Carl Sagan at Gettysburg

"We Make Mistakes. We Kill Our Own."

Sep 18, 201915:46


Friends, Readers, Students of Rhetoric, Would-Be Orators: Lend Me Your Ears.

William Safire, 1997

Sep 17, 201905:57
George Bernard Shaw Salutes His Friend Albert Einstein

George Bernard Shaw Salutes His Friend Albert Einstein

The heavenly bodies go in curves because that is the natural way for them to go, and the whole Newtonian universe crumpled up and was succeeded by the Einstein universe.

Sep 15, 201907:14
Billy Sunday~A Revival Sermon

Billy Sunday~A Revival Sermon

I pity anyone who can't laugh. There must be something wrong with their religion or their lives.

Sep 14, 201906:01
King Edward V111 Abdicates

King Edward V111 Abdicates

..... I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility without the help and support of the woman I love..."

Sep 14, 201907:16
The Darkest Hour

The Darkest Hour

In May 1940, the fate of Western Europe hangs on British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who must decide whether to negotiate with Adolf Hitler or fight on knowing that it could mean a humiliating defeat for Britain and its empire. (Can you imagine making that decision?)

Sep 14, 201904:50
Indian Chief

Indian Chief

This brief pledge of assistance was delivered to the Massachusetts Congress in 1775

Sep 06, 201904:58
Elizabeth 1 Addresses Her Troops

Elizabeth 1 Addresses Her Troops

I know I have but the body of a weak and fickle woman; but I have the heart of a king....

Sep 05, 201903:47
Noble Laureate William Faulkner-1950

Noble Laureate William Faulkner-1950

On the occasion of his Nobel Prize for Literature , Stockholm 1950. Faulkner charges writers with their duty to help humanity prevail.

Sep 02, 201906:20
Legendary Yale Professor, William Lyon Phelps

Legendary Yale Professor, William Lyon Phelps

"Books are for use, not for show, you shouls own no book that you are afraid to mark-up..."

Aug 31, 201906:16
Branch Rickey does Ty Cobb

Branch Rickey does Ty Cobb

Branch Rickey discovers the quality that makes a ballplayer great

Aug 30, 201906:31
"Let Them Trimble", Napoleon 1

"Let Them Trimble", Napoleon 1

Napoleon Exhorts His Troops Against the Enemies of France

Aug 28, 201905:48
Kennedy Inaugural

Kennedy Inaugural

President John F. Kennedy, In His Inaugural Address, Takes Up The Torch For A New Generation.

Aug 27, 201913:55


On September 13, 1993, in the White House R,ose Garden, Israel's Prime Minister,  Yitzhak Rabin,  shook hands with his lifelong enemy.

Aug 26, 201909:12
Grenfell Tower by Ben Okri

Grenfell Tower by Ben Okri

If you want to see how the poor die, come see Grenfell Tower. The Nigerian writer, Ben Okri, impassioned poem on the horrific fire.

Aug 25, 201911:32


How does a place, not a person, become the protagonist, the main character in your story?

Listen and learn how a place can ingulf your iminagination.

Aug 23, 201903:54
Dark Night Of The Soul

Dark Night Of The Soul

John of The Cross expained it perfectly, that dark secret place where you live with your anxieties, fears, trials and errors that place where all great wrtiters go to find true creativity un-fettered by exposure.

Mark Matousick, award winning writer and memorist, says it best:

"When you tell the truth, your story changes.

When your story changes, your life is transformed."

Aug 21, 201908:09
Tigger Has Breakfast by AA Milne

Tigger Has Breakfast by AA Milne

Winnie The Pooh for all ages by A.A. Milne

Aug 21, 201917:09
The House On Pooh Corner by AA Milne

The House On Pooh Corner by AA Milne

I've been recording Pooh for my grandchildren, they love it, yours will too!

Aug 21, 201916:04


The first few paragraphs of a fictional account of my life as an economic development consultant in dangerous places.

Aug 21, 201906:01


Leo sings the blues

Aug 21, 201904:39
Sojourner Truth~Ain't I A Woman?

Sojourner Truth~Ain't I A Woman?

Sojourner Truth, an iconic abolitionist, and feminist delivered a speech in 1851 that would be as relevant today as it was then.

Her simple words powered women's rights and civil rights, words do matter, listen and learn why

Aug 18, 201905:52
Bernstein On JFK

Bernstein On JFK

Leonard Bernstein on the Only True Antidote to Violence and His Moving Tribute to JFK

William Safire has done a masrerful job assembling words that have changed the world in his seminal work: GREAT SPEECHES IN HISTORY.

Aug 18, 201907:45